Trumps congregation pastor dental scored who claims all job is the most pro black president ever to occupy the white house until then join the early going on you tube instagram sound cloud twitter and facebook. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on spilling dramatic and developing the only relief and going to exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. A. Little. Kid. We have the resources. The ingenuity. The courage and we have the compassion and waymark. The strength affected. The conscience of our. Sure ever. One neighbor of order. Or a west open right now behind us is one of the citys biggest homeless camps good stretches per blogs on this Warehouse District as you can see the government figures more than a 1000000 School Aged Children are homeless number of homeless families world in suburban us has risen by 60 percent. One Homeless Veterans are now women about 10 percent according to the v. A. But most long term housing is designed for that and thats why some volunteers are making a difference helping Women Veterans and their families. In the current role but you know if you want a real purity of the field all in light of all i mean you have experienced some pretty cold nights out here but the navy used to play one of the tough talking low. Almost average you do the kind of locations that we find people use your resume you know this is a right what is it called new to. Me what you know about to see is turn rejected this mentally disturbed homeless man illegally camping in the hills of albuquerque new mexico will soon fall victim to Police Bullets i dont know you would be my honor to mourn to know almost every day that goes by in the media you hear about education. Jobs and health care you never hear about Affordable Housing. Are you doing ok medically. When i started i was actually really shocked how ill be. Or on the street it was like going to a 3rd world country. And this is a map that shows you the foreclosures initiated over the last 2 years every single one as for. About you know us pretty well but i do know the name of the person archer heard us say was assaulted last tuesday he may have some booze or broken ribs. It is estimated the poverty rate for kids in this country will soon hit 25 percent those children would be the largest american generation to be raised in hard times since the great depression. The 1st day. Psychologically how hits is you like anyone you know you have no friends in the world people like. Even though they probably dont know you know now they may in aljunied but you yourself know it look like you dont have a friend in the world like everybodys walking bears you youre in the boat with him out of the rest of the world its a strange feeling that its a real easy. As that ill go there like people who are not a 5 as you made in leading lady and try and think about when my going to see them i will mostly. Notice before some of the families homes those with. This is my last stop here i dont know what i would do if i dont give my. d people people still in the belief that this is the. And of opportunity that you can go out and get a minimum wage job and then you get another job pays more than minimum wage and screwed yourself up when i when i was growing up there was absolutely you know. You want to be a construction guy. Took your dads hammer. Threw through your belt loop walked in the construction site and you told the foreman that you could you could swing a hammer. He looked at you he knew he knew you didnt couldnt do it. But he gave you shot lets do it lets come on their. Spot at the y. M. C. A. Is pretty cool 10 bucks a night you can go get a little girl gets your room stash your stuff. Get a good nights sleep good on the hall in the morning. Use the shared bathroom and go off and. Try to get you know at the same job and you cant do that 1st all those s. R. O. Single room occupancy units theyre gone if you came condos for sale they became parking lots they y. M. C. A. Got out of the business you know when i was growing up theres no such thing as homes businesses it. Needs of people who had problems you know skid row and these types of things out the whole if alms and we didnt have a population that was so big that we coined a phrase and named it homelessness you know and now its become ingrained in our society but we know that if we can get the attention the American People and if they can really understand. This one thing that you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing. If we can get them to understand that and we can bring the solution because everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is. Were not. Its grew out of your. Scope so hes going to stir up and down tenets. Oh. Yeah we did not work at all that youve already. Made a. Pretty good movie. But my 6 going. To go loans and all. This and go im going to. Im not even if you do it there do you know. Theres a process that you think is the. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. That. You. Guys can yell at me all morning that you have a lawful order and all these. Forces us to start. The trouble were going to take this or were going to launch a political operative but its just a little or. A lot a lot of putting all of your usually the ballots will be delayed admirably theyre not. Here when i left it was one. Or 00. 000000000000000000001. 0000000002 you guys got 5 minutes to go. Let us that. That is your. Belief but lets start with the 1st order and stephanie as he. Prepares for yes yes yes absolutely much less mixed up. In hot car and driver you guys luck and cooperate i think ive been really smooth i know yeah youre going to move. Into it. Thank you. People just dont raise. Revenue not exactly what you lost its a number of years and not all of the takes were going to idea everybody thats here. Because you guys are all in violation of the law for well regular violations until every battle already days advance leaves to. Morrow you know because you know. Right you know i have a right to go where i want to go just watch. Just what i dont see nobody is as a veteran you have more opportunities to get housing for theres no that i know you dont try to come down. To down so youve been born so i am just the. First in the out of the crowd i dont need to be. Allowed to go i dont need to be like oh i will write. I choose and i have the rights. That right was not given to me by me. And there is seem to. Have everything. Done right now and. You know colorado how to stop if you want the right so how is it not. Even making that 1. 00 you cannot even get a decent clothes. On so i guess im not feeling better. So im better ya go im in. I dont want to die yet this morning. I dont want to die yet this morning. I dont want to die yet this morning. Well right now ok here we go. What would you want to know. Oh im just. Some pretty nice person give me a break no one who will have a go im probably not going to eat. No more so. On found my pen i found these on the sidewalk. Because mine are full of bugs woods in my magic court they snot a magic court that is my cadillac baby thats my cadillac. Do you know if youre old homeless person you gotta have some certain things right. You gotta have some booze. You gotta have some booze. You know to have a blanket. Ordered my paper to go you gotta have paper paper he got to have paper. Class to go have plastic. Bungee cords and. He guarded. All of the years. Shes gone. All of us we got to have her son. Paul make you feel alone make your. God daughter have. A new look commuter from all over. Think how the kind of a light. Sometimes. Its going to get out of the light. Close to. The cloud by the man as kind of like a school you go blank thats its all blank as does my colt. I mean hes been winner dude its been worth a. Freeze to death and. I came close once the 1st storm that came through. I woke up under 2 inches of ice and 4 inches of snow and. Ice geysers financial survival. Customers go buy your stuff. Then else well reduces. Thats undercutting but whats good for the market is not good for the global economy. The 1st night i was almost. That was a scary. Person. Because. I didnt have to show up with carter he didnt kill thats right i was like ok. Theres all kinds of scary people out you know or. Care you know i mean theres all kinds of scary people right and im from the mountains im from up in the mountains and then i get dropped down out here is. In the middle of the book down there you got bugs. Rog just you you. Would do. Any worse thing you can. Do you. Seen it watched it. Nay heard. I was a girl stabbed. It was on the news. Right there i would like. To know id seen it nor. Right next to it everything else. Could get guys of the draw of. Truth we have heard right through you know. Theyre all gone. Past where most. My mom my father killed himself and i was 5. Then my step dad it was my dad because i didnt even know my dad really was. Here he was a lumberjack up there and chemists can see out of tree fall. Is cut down a tree last thing he remembered was the tree hitting the ground. So you got parallel. He died i was in prison he died. To. My mom she died a double pneumonia in 2005. But. Thank you lord for been my friend says he holds near every day and i love you brother. Thank you for helping me. And i will get by another day i will get by another day because i will. If you had a magic wand we begin with every woman that we see here. In the family back. My family. My grandmother. He was here you know i just looked. For my grandma back in maybe or i just dont. You. Dont. Because i tell you everything im like. I didnt mean it but. I know you know if. You wanted to know. So i said. Oh magic. My family has. And i dont want to. Talk like your know what to write. Quote the jewish and all of this now you must lose nothing because the face of a sad life is a graphic. In the psychological sense as i say to people that are before deprived early voting create conditions for themselves. Keep the declaration going. Because the way to cope with emotion that there isnt for example might be might be to begin very hostile. You can be rejected. And thats going to reinforce your sense of being rejected in the 1st place. Or you might to deal with the pain that some terrible turn to addictions. And all the addictions are always about pain and my mantra is not why the addiction but why the pain and im sure that put us through physiology psychologically spiritually. So then people started engaging additions as a way of dealing with their pain but that edition of the 1st true that i state that. Because failure is going to be with an addict the reasonably so its very difficult and painful to do so but for the addict it reinforces that im all alone in the reader for me and which makes them further. Inclined to engage in addictive behavior to suit that theme of sex trade worker a 27 year old said to me when i asked her what heroin did for her she said the 1st and i did heroin it felt like a washed out. And shes saying she experience the sense of love and connection which is what the endorphins do in the brain. And they die and detox a few years ago 6 was something muscles tattoo scars earing everything but if i was walking towards me in an alley id run the other way when i asked him whether theyre into for you and he said i dont want to his dog was like when youre 3 years old and youre shaving because youre sick as a kid and your mother wraps you know one blanket put you on your lap and you just dont want chicken soup thats what their own feeling. Is starting with love. You know then you ask why cant people give it up they can give it up because the only way they found that they can have pain relief and know i have pleasure and delight and reward and a sense of connection. So homelessness in the chronically homeless may be seen as a coping mechanism. Thank you sir now you say all of the charity there is day i. Am really. Surprised not coming here we have a lot of that. The arts facility is what we call a low demand shelter their. Demand is that we dont ask you to do anything its just that they can and it will walk through the door other than their security behavior guidelines for us the definition of loaded been sheltering pleads that were not requiring any partizan patient in a program or service in order to be in the building and theres not going to be a requirement for you to be sober to be in the building you can come in under the influence of drugs or alcohol we just cant have you bringing it in with you so its an opportunity to work with our clientele on sobriety issues and wed much rather have them inside the building and under the influence than in the safety concern on the offical. What weve got right now is welcome to our 3rd floor this is our dormitory for here at the arch we were originally constructed on this property as a 100 bed facility they knew when they built that it was under built probably didnt know that there was another under built as it actually is today we sleep 230 min in this facility every night 1st is the 100 beds that we were created with take a look at the dormitories. Themselves during the night sleep were going to sleep 100 minutes here there are paste management clients theyre in a plan theyre in a program theyre working on some goals that theyve set through their program it may be incomes to build the may be sobriety theres a lot of different kinds of things that Case Management will address but overnight they get to sleep in our dormitories. Which are bunk bed style we have some storage and underneath each bed they love being able to store their own stuff and because theyre in our Shelter Program in our Case Management program each bit is assigned overnight to a specific individual so well have on this floor there are 100 bunk beds and then overnight the way we get to the 230 is we also have some mats that go down the floors and were sleeping in places in this building that we were never really intended to sleep including our lobby our 2 Conference Rooms as well as our dining room. In our overall population profile is a 35 to 45 year old caucasian male struggling with Mental Health drug and alcohol addiction we see a lot of veterans in that mix too and then weve got a lot of women and children although this is a mens overnight shelter the demographic for homelessness across the nation is changed in austin so different and i think thats one of the things that we as a community have got to address is the systemic generalization of homelessness and the regenerations of Homeless People walking through our doors sometimes during the day and its just kind of something weve got to get on. So prince this is a shelter provider but were also a Housing Provider we recognize the necessity of shelter but we do. To the issue of really the solution is. If youve got limited housing opportunities youve got limited opportunities to house the homeless so its really been a push in our community to get more Housing Stock on the ground so that we can solve homelessness and not just bandaid it was shelter. Without housing report was we put it out in 2006 we formed rap. In 2005 and immediately started. Funding trends and Affordable Housing in both through the u. S. D. A. U. S. Department of agriculture and urban through housing and urban development because we wanted to look at we know the shelter system started in the late eightys early 83 and by mid 1983 was across the country in 1907 the federal government had passed almost as a Major Program of their. What the hell happened right before that. Well look forward to talking to you all. Should work for people. Must obey the orders given by human beings except where such conflict with the 1st law. Or should be. At the point is too great. Say with Artificial Intelligence you. Must protect its own existence. Join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. A fragile ceasefire takes effect between azerbaijan and armenia in the disputed not go to region but both sides are already accuse each other of violating the troops and. The 2nd u. S. President ial debate is canceled after donald trump refuses to take part remotely and while the president holds his 1st public event since contracting 19 democrats say his condition makes him unfit for office. Plus a new coronavirus restriction sparked protests in many countries prompting a warning from Global Health officials. Those are your headlines in about an hours time my colleague having a little be here with a full and fresh look at your news this is r. T. International and we are certainly glad

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