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The question is not just with business as usual. With any business with the European Union. 247 news live from moscow this is r. T. International a warm welcome to the program my name you know. We begin in france where president. Strict new rules to be applied to other major cities as well in response to cohabit 19 a nighttime curfew will be in force from this coming weekend for a minimum of 4 weeks. If. We have made a decision to impose a curfew it will be in force in the paris region and 8 other french cities well this all came of course as it was declared that france was moving into a new state of Health Emergency something that had subsided back in the summer when the numbers of cases had gone down but that is not how back president mark on talk to the stage to address the French Public on wednesday night to talk about the new stricter measures that would come into place he said he didnt want to infantile eyes people to treat people like children but he said that people must follow the rules and if they didnt follow the rules or respect those rules and they could be even new stricter restrictions coming into force in the next few weeks but what he has announced is this nightly curfew that will start on saturday and that will operate from 9 pm in the evening until 6 am in the morning and that will be across paris the greater parisian region and also 8 other cities the worst affected cities by 19 now president machen said that this will have to be strictly regulated if you are out past 9 pm and you dont have a good reason i. E. Youre not leaving your work to go home or you dont have an artist in which is like a paper to say that you can be out on the streets you will be fine the 1st time a 135 euros repeat offenders will face 1500 euros in terms of fines and we understand that this will be in place for at least 4 weeks but the government is going to look to extend that up until december 1st so that will be for 6 weeks but that could if you will be in place to give you an example the number of cases almost 23000 new cases registered in the last 24 hours with more than a 104 deaths also read just it now president michel also talked about. The things that needed to be taken into consideration he said that we needed to reduce private gatherings in france have less social contact with people and the rule of 6 thats been in place in restaurants he said now had to be in place in private settings too and while he said it was still ok to visit your family and to travel around france he said even with your family members and your friends if you cant be more than a metre away from them you must still where unmask well there has been reaction thick and fast to those announcement by president mack on. 60 percent of infections happen at work schools or universities between 8 and 7 pm but micron is banning people from going out to bars restaurants between 8 pm and 6 am welcome to absurdity there must be great disappointment among medics tonight who have heard no announcements of extra personnel Material Support well on medics president mack on did address the crisis in the hospitals he mentioned the fact that the number of covert patients in the i. C. U. Unit intensive care units is now higher than it was back in march at the start of the 1st wave of the kopechne 1000 pet demick here in france and he said that they were in a worrying state as a result of that he said these measures were being taken to reduce the number of people who are testing positive for kovac 900 from the 20 odd 1000 that weve seen in the last 24 hours down to just a few 1000 which he said would be manageable by hospital staff but the reality is that these measures in place now astrid he said we will have to live with the virus until at least the summer of 2021 and there will be many people at night having listening to that speech of president back on worrying about the future of their businesses that could be coming into place on saturday in paris and in 8 other cities across the country it will last from 9 pm every night until 6 am every morning and it will be strictly enforced short of driven scooter going through that well we spoke a little while earlier with the Health Director for Red Cross International who supports the tougher restrictions. The stuff for mention measures are welcome and now we as the red cross today called out for political leaders to intervene in our speedy courageous and inclusive way to ensure that these measures are put in place to protect the the health and the social nomic status of the people of france and in many other countries even europe or many countries are being taken little bit by surprise by the iraq surge of cases and so the are many countries are reacting within the deposits 48 hours with new measure that being put in place what ease needed to moment to ease. Measures that can reduce the deferred trust mission but measures that can also bring people along and this is critical you know order to ensure that those measures are actually effective in. A significant day here in russia a 2nd experimental vaccine against krone virus has officially been registered epi corona successfully passed phase well into Clinical Trials earlier we discuss whats ahead after one of our putin made the announcement on wednesday. The vent to Research Center in the disappears is registered karuna the 2nd russian vaccine against corona virus the epi bot corona vaccine was developed by siberia based state a Research Center among the largest in russia it was founded more than 45 years ago that in the soviet times these one in phase 2 of its Clinical Trials are now behind and we heard it was a success meaning the drug is safe now face 3 is coming in and it is a study in whether the vaccine is in fact effective we hear that around 40000. 00 volunteers are expected to take part and for that purpose 60000. 00 doses of the drug will be produced and we hear from russias vice premier that it will happen very very soon interesting to mention is that normally all 3 stages so phases of the human a Clinical Trials should be completed before registration but the world has been living in quite an emergency mode in the last 8 or so months so procedures have been slightly changed slightly adjusted so this is worlds 2nd registered vaccine against 19 the 1st one was also registered in russia back in august it is known as sputnik all satellite feed it is and then the virus vector viral vaccine and we now hear from its developers that by november russia will be able to produce up to 6000000 doses of vaccine maining aid to may take up to 12 months to vaccinate around 80 percent of the countrys population and as we hear from russias president Vladimir Putin the russian citizens house is among the countrys key priorities but. First we need to make these Vaccines Available on the russian markets they must be supplied to russian pharmacies on as large a scale as possible we continue to cooperate with our foreign partners and we will promote a vaccine abroad as well theyre going to. International cooperation and foreign partners we know that 50 countries are already interested in russias sputnik of the vaccine against kawiti we heard that from the head of russias Investment Fund who just earlier this week came back from the United Arab Emirates where phase 3 of the Clinical Trials of sputnik was approved billeted to the sputnik. You know gold piece 3 was made in the issue of participate to is definitely very important we believe you we use a strategic cob for concurring the bios not only of the middle east in the world now marie i know that youve been vaccinated yourself. Be the 1st russian vaccine can you tell us more about your experience with it is a double blind trial meaning placebo is used and neither doctors know the participants know who is getting the wharton only 75 percent of the volunteer is actually jabbed with a real short and till the last moment i was hoping that im among them i got 2 injections already on the 1st and 21st day of the trial so i got reactions like fever muscle pain and had a off to both injections actually now i just now received results showing that my body right now has i. G. G. Antibodies meaning my body reacted to. 1000 to corona virus as if i was in fact a vaccine apparently i got the vaccine. Job so im very happy with that. Its no longer business as usual when it comes to the new threats and these ations continue to rule out from brussels russias top diplomat sergio of rolf was speaking to Russian Media executives including ortiz editor in chief Margarita Simonyan also on the agenda was bella reuss turkeys involvement in the current conflict are. Those big talking points there. We had a very lengthy and really comprehensive conversation between foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and editors in chief of a number of media organizations that was so much to unpack that such an array of topics but one that was given considerable attention was russias increasingly difficult relationship with the European Union now love prof notes that of course the 2 have mutual interests especially economic ones lets think of course just off the north stream to a gas pipeline but that all of this was made very difficult by what the fire foreign minister described as a condescending attitude from the blog and this constant to mons being put on moscow this is what he said about the impact of that after 2 years almost of there was no go through approvals. The question is not just where the business as usual is possible but with any business with the European Union is possible a tool the e. U. Behaves arrogantly towards us and looks condescendingly down at russia demanding answers from us for all the crimes it imagines we have committed i think we are under no obligation to respond to that. Also add to that a versa phobic minority within the European Union was only father undermining the relationship now of course this all comes against the backdrop of wosm diplomatic ties between moscow and brussels as a result of the alleged poisoning of russian opposition figure ill explain a follow me now one of the significant part of what lavrov said talked about double standards and he said that often the puts much more pressure on moscow than it would on itself and he said especially when it comes to the idea of interference in Foreign Affairs as this is something that people few very subjectively but i wouldnt go to. In 2017 during the election in france marine le pens a legitimate politician came to moscow to meet with president putin then French Foreign minister publicly claimed that this was an attempt at foreign interference in the electoral process. Fronts now look at who Holding Meetings with smith learned to ignore skier who no one pays any attention to the fact that this could also be considered as foreign interference russian affairs. Suck a lot from laid out his few on what the end goal was from these verbal assaults from fact competition for calls for sanctions and for causing tellme oil russias borders. The west will always try to hold us back to undermine our political and economic capacities this is all part of the same old game they want to throw russia of violence not just with direct assaults like dirty competition and illegitimate sanctions creating instability on our borders. Now one out of russias key relationships on the International Stage that was touched upon was of course with washington and quite frankly he said with less than a month to go to the election whoever wins in november whether its trump or biden probably very little would change he reiterated that all moscow has ever wanted was good cooperation but im an equal footing and that sometimes washingtons Foreign Policy made that very difficult other topics such as the protests in batteries or indeed a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the border i care about were also discussed quite extensively but certainly the lions share from todays conversation was dedicated to the current status of russias relationship with Key International players and the future of it the message today seemed very uncompromising things cannot continue as they are business cannot go on as usual whether that serves as a trigger for more compromise or want to stand who have to be seen. But we heard from politicians and journalists as well who agree the e. U. Still needs to maintain relations with moscow despite any harsh language coming from h. Q. In brussels. I think it will last for some time and then of course the local continue to measure the most important issue that germany and europe could take would be to stop the. Pipeline between russia and germany north stream 2 would have caused the german star want to do that because that would get them and do it up very badly we need russian gas and so they dont put them on the sanction list so the sanctions are not really sanctions its you know wagging the fame girl its really not up to standard where your to should be as an International Power and talking with russia which is another you know hour and the world we have a new wave of anti russian propaganda as well of anti chinese propaganda coming from the u. S. There is a net through n. G. O. S of the political train politicians and of the population that is uninformed of russia that its very easy to make such a i dont tell Russian Company russia is very smart in using soft power so we dont have enough pro russian engines they dont have that. European russian cultural exchange. It would be very helpful if russia could try to be a little bit have a little bit more p. R. That makes it also. And easier for us. To push the other sites like. Theyre watching our National Still ahead trump claims his recovery from coburn 1000 means a minute say but a new Study Suggests otherwise the details on that story and more after the break. Lead. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. A look at the leaders of russia and turkey have agreed on the vital importance of a polling this ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan in a phone conversation with president Vladimir Putin also raise moscows concerns over the role of militants from the middle east being brought into the current conflict still. A fragile ceasefire was brokered on saturday but has been repeatedly violated without. Blaming each other the fighting in carbonic flirt up more than 2 weeks ago but roots going back 3 decades the area is mostly inhabited by Ethnic Armenians but is legally part of azerbaijan our correspondent igor should reports from its camp. Before the war this street used to be bustling with life neighbors would come visit each other mothers would read bedtime stories to their children well now its almost completely abandoned after and as a by johnny airstrike basically theres a huge Apartment Building here which is no more there are no windows it has partially collapsed its simply unsafe to live here here people as they ran to safety they abandoned their belongings like childrens bicycles they simply had no time to pack everything and i have to admit that since the truce the city of stepanek the capital of nagornokarabakh has it more or less easy been bodman do still happen but they are move rather than they used to be and they are almost entirely almost completely limited to nighttime its more or less the same of it towns of nagornokarabakh like the towns of martone and shushi in fact thing is similar pictures similar very very similar devastation can also be seen from azerbaijan its 2nd largest city of ganja came under shelling just a couple of days ago. And it would be wrong to say that the fighting has ceased elsewhere too as were filming this theres a faint but a very distinctive sound of shelling coming from over the mountains to the south from here that is where the town of adroit is which is viewed as a gateway into nagornokarabakh so it is a very heavily contested area the fighting is also fierce in the north. Seems both menial and by john are trying to get a firm grip on some key strategic places and heights before real peace negotiations begin as both militaries are fighting for diplomatic leverage reporting from the going to carry back. Some. Belgian cellist performed. In. The cathedral was shelled a week ago a musician. Played a piece by honor composer until this want inspired performance. I played a concert exactly one year ago in. Church and it was very hard breaking to such a peaceful church can be. Historical. Building architect or can just be bombed for nothing and force my way off my prayer. As a musician the only thing i can do and if every one in the ward does what they do the best will be a peaceful place. Claiming that its territories were being shelled by are many and forces both nations the noise violating the cease fire these images are from the city of turkey turkey which according to buck has been shelled several times in recent days as a result people have taken shelter in their basements heres what some of them to say. There are many answers constantly theyre shelling us now with different weapons with missiles bombs tanks rocket launchers they use it all it have to put in one week ago a shell struck and abstemious neighbors home was completely destroyed it was impossible to take anything from the building our home was also severely damaged dools windows even the walls everything is ruined. Militant we cannot sleep at night when they stop shelling for an hour or so we can close their eyes now then we get woken up again its the same thing over and over this is. The 1st known case of covert 19 reinfection in america has been confirmed according to a study published by an internationally recognized medical journal the patients symptoms were far more severe the 2nd time around the 25 year old man from nevada who has no recorded immune disorder 1st tested positive in april he later recovered with 2 negative tests but in june develop severe symptoms and again tested positive its the 5th proven case of reinfection registered worldwide while the 1st worldwide death from reinfection was reported this week in the netherlands mark pun dorie whos the lead or through the u. S. Study says people should not assume theyre safe after recovering from cope with. Scientific data that we have from this case and other cases would indicate that if somebody has had voted no chain we just dont know whether that person can be reinspected again its possible that they could be reinfected again but its also possible that some people are immune in fact it could be that the vast majority of people are immune and it could be Something Else that could be in our immune system gives us a resistance that makes the 2nd case a lesser but asymptomatic action list by the confirmed cases of reinfection some people do assume their immune having caught on recovered from the disease alone trumps in the among them the u. S. President bottle covered earlier this month he said hes even ready to get up and close and personal with his supporters. Now they say i can see i feel so powerful about what it was i walked into iraq to see everyone i just think guys if youd have all the women and everybody ill just give you a big bag is. Finally this r t news hour and he russian for tog refer has won a coded International Award with a once in a lifetime image of an endangered Siberian Tiger surrogate or scuffs work is titled the embrace it shows the tigris scents marking an ancient for a tree in rushes far east it took 11 months of trial and error to finally capture the close up all of the big cat he was in the arms out but he used motion sensors the British Natural History Museum chose the piece arts 49. 00 fellows and the entries which korsakoff claiming the wildlife photographer of the year award just on the tiger was pushed to the brink of extinction a few decades ago due to poaching and deforestation with the population falling to just a few dozen its recovered some watson recent years with the help of strict conservation laws but the species is still endangered there are now run 500. 00 Siberian Tigers living in the wild in parts of eastern russia. Beautiful but deadly if you would like to have your say on the deed see what other people are thinking any of this hours stories youll find the lions share of them on our Facebook Page why not leave a comment or 2 there could buy from. Me. Give me a couple good he said. Is enough. But im also the most companies you know so i can make it was easy to please not emotional when i meet. His compass he must be told the school came in nobody goes from didnt you know its risky to say hes just put are you sure. Someone. You see him you kind of this. Little kid is. Always stay in them not to come to your list. Because he. Is sort of amazing country with so many friends in russia and im very excited to be here. I love that idea i think i can do. Every night i make a lot of money with. Millions and hundreds of me. He has not. A great wall and nobody builds laws better than me believe and ill build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. Just in case youre worried about whos going to pay for it mexico will pay for. It well see what happens who knows who knows what well see on the field it will be a success. And if we for underage prostitutes are controlled by a pimp these traffickers exploit on average 4. 00 to 6. 00 girls at any one time in the investigators are going to try to find out youve done you know belongs to a pimp her cell phone could contain Vital Information you know were going to end up keeping your phone. Because no no no no no no no no no no its not over theres nothing to hide you are trying to some of our parents and this is a photo which you know you dont check off ready. The young female is refusing to unlock her cell phone without a doubt so that she can protect her pimp but the tattoo on her hand has caught the detectives attention well explain some of these to me to 1st time some of you dont know. If you got to. Tell you people dont know thats who youre with. What about the crown. You know who we know thats with us now for. For the crowd hes there so if there was this is this is common practice among pimps if they brand their girls like cattle. Pimp is called shy city meaning ruthless. And hold is a. Tiny so one time he just turned 21. 00 and says it will them

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