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A knee jerk to me for what i mean that. I love and i am here and look happy to have your company because we know whats going on on a. Wall that start with how the horrific model of a french history teacher last week has left many in the profession traumatized with teachers no fearful that the freedom to speak out indeed instruct is a risk industry took up around the tons o. Told us the impact the gruesome attack has had. Tragedy that happened last week that theres such a colleague of mine is many many things its a tale of terror teachers in france are expected to do a lot and it sounds like we will be expected to even more presents many ills in society and i know my colleagues and i are ready to take on many challenges but its teachers are really under the threats of islamic terrorism. And we should not ask ourselves heres how you will teach kids should ask ourselves serious how we will protect the school itself and the surroundings of the school samuel patty was beheaded in a terror attack last week outside his school in a suburb of paris the suspect an 18 year old refugee of chechen origin was later shot dead by police its possible he was and that the path he had shown his students the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a cloth on the freedom of speech his fellow educators are still reacting to the horror of his martyr. When opposite is no i told myself that it could have been me and beyond that he was just going to work doing his job and he was killed for unacceptable reasons to vote on that if the values of the republican on the topic and its also a tribute not only to this person who died but to other teachers who taught us those values of and it is sometimes haunt but it was important for us to be here before the while the french Teachers Union has highlighted the teachers should be able to organize the walk how are they not and of course free from fair in the aftermath of the killing president vowed to crack down on islamist extremism gabriela tan so again says that his profession with protection. Yes of sentiment but it also tells the story of how as associates each you teachers we are i believe my profession needs to be respected my profession needs to be protected if the question is how do we protect the professional not just the profession well then lets start by policing shuras when they say that something is wrong im not sure that we still understand how important this is im not sure that the french state will put enough money and people into such a huge challenge meanwhile since the death of samuel patty france has cracked down on hate speech the government ordered the close of the mosque accused of having links to the gruesome ata its also proposed changes on the lettuces have novel. As cedar gone Citizens Council has already decided to add 2 new provisions to the draft law against extremism firstly to reinforce protection for Public Servants by penalizing those who exert pressure on them or those who put pressure on Public Institutions their words or actions as happened in the case of samuel petty and the School Principal secondly the possibility of sanctioning those who post personal Information Online that endangers someones life as they did in the teachers case with the issue of integration now family in the spotlight then terry a menace to wait and on ethnic food in front shops and was met with mocking backlash. Delves into the issue. Radicalization and how it happens is now once again Headline News in front now while most questions are focusing on the impact of social media poverty and foreign influence the countrys interior minister has come up with this suggestion as one root of the problem i was about to show his always shocked me to go into a supermarket and see that there would be one type of ethnic food selection here and another one next to it domino went on to say this is how Community Terrorism begins its a term loosely translates as identity and its also used to describe those who dont comply or suspect the idea of secularism here in france thats a separation of religion and state and even though the interior minister says he doesnt want to forbid ethnic food dollars in supermarkets its comments have caused a stir with many mocking him. Down on also thinks is to big Business Owners to do their bit in fighting separatism so what restaurants streets like this one here in paris offer a plethora of selection from turkish to chinese italian to Indian Cuisine all the way to along with supermarket aisles setting people on the path the become bad french citizens. I think its important to respect their very city and that should be also be reflected in supermarkets this should be everything for everyone including in front of the mom for something it should be then. Thats one of the things are so great about france is that we do have people from lots of Different Countries and im. American and i live in france for about 5 years and i really think. Youre normal if i go in the supermarket i dont really think about that so i dont really see the harm behind this despite the pushback the interior minister says he doesnt want ethnic food or supermarkets but who does think its up to big Business Owners to do it in fighting separatism so move though do you think dominos comments have merit and should be treated. The minister is right. Is the beginning of communitarianism. Should be available in the general aisles along with other food but having a dedicated doll is the beginning of communitarianism because we know that everyone who is muslim or jewish interior minister says he doesnt have one word to take back but given that perhaps his badly phrased thoughts have been made in the aftermath of the brutal terror attack. And while a terror trial is underway over the 2015 attack on a kosher supermarket many incensed it seems is not so much cooking up a storm with his words but wading into some very hot water. Auti paris. A sad day for womens rights thats what activists are calling a ban by polands top court on abortions on the grounds of fetal defects the ruling has a number of people. On thursday thousands across the country took to the streets in the capital riot police were out in force using crowd control measures protesters denounce the governing new one just party a long time proponent of these tough laws its also been accused of attacking the Constitutional Court with loyalist. The ruling bans almost all abortions in poland had last year 98 percent of tom nations in the country were done because of severe normalities but that will now be outlawed however due to rape incest will threat to the mothers life all still equal the ruling will take effect once parliament changes the law considering considered a done deal while the given the ruling partys majority we put the issue up for debate. Well i think the thing with human rights in general especially the right to life is that they shouldnt be dependent on what other people think slavery back in the day used to be a democratic option that didnt make it morally justified in the same goes for abortion every child deserves to be and every mother deserves to be well and mother and as we see in countries like poland and as was recently for the same reasons in Northern Ireland that we on the one hand hear these conservatives saying that they want to protect life on the other hand and exacting governments on the exact same administrations that cut supports for disabled people cut supports for single mothers and cut support for special Education Services for people with seem disabilities well i would like to clarify that no one in the prolife camp is wanting anyone to be an unwilling mother right saying that you should have the right to abort your fetus is not the same thing as saying you must be a parent for the rest of your life adoption is always an option and one i strongly encourage if someone is finding themself that on time pregnancy and does not want to be a mother was unprepared to be a mother but to say that because the person who conceived you doesnt want to be a parent therefore your right to life is 4th that that is completely ridiculous there are many many children out there who grew up with parents that were at the best and perhaps maybe didnt want them im sure many of them would take issue with the idea that just because their parents werent necessarily the most willing supporters of them that they should have been aborted or that would have been all right to do its its just something thats fair to say what this highlights is run by the people who make the laws because theyre not preventing these abortions from happening what theyre saying is were ok with these abortions as long as they happen in a different legislated legislation you know theyre nuts and we disapprove abortion to be just disapprove of them and will hold their noses against you happening in this country who reject use a citizen and make you travel to a different country and then your life back once it happens its completely. Chris i am sure that if the polish had government had implemented any measures to prevent women from traveling to Different Countries in order to get abortions then these prochoice advocates would be up in arms even further of these suppose it restriction of these freedoms you know the International Conversation about abortion is very interesting as well abortion is often touted as a womans right but we dont really hear prochoice advocates talk about the issue of sex selective abortion right there are countless numbers of female fetuses around the world who are at risk of being aborted on the basis of their biological sex where are the feminist protectors standing up for these fetuses our lives and their lives as women matter as well and what we had a noise in ireland when we made it illegal was people who were arrested or have an abortion so if you want to go and arrest every single woman in poland or every single woman in america you should have an abortion go ahead but that will be one 3rd of the adult woman population and nobody can support that. For weeks off to being reignited the tensions in the disputed region of not want to go on on saturday all sorties reported aerial bombardment of the city of ma to cut by azerbaijani planes get this week women and children were evacuated from the city off to the setting off so proud to areas many civilians caught in the crossfire now have to take the future into the hands and i was on that story shows even the youngest have found courage. True political nuts you dont look. Up to a little solution. Or decided the bush lady is. Bonding in tangata maine caracal cheese i need you to buy it so what i mean to me uncle luke looking for. His good song called son forced the. New tone that he needed and get lost if you were to hold. A news ahead tony. Kanu or not she. Could all just. Go mad on one. Little to. You guys fish are not for you just shows im your your if i get bit by the last good man weve got to let me know youre good. With the mekong. Delta chick chick over me at home watching on meth and they dont show knocking me down. Well meanwhile azerbaijan 2nd largest city have gone to has come under repeated missile attacks last week thought to and civilians were killed and over 50 injured local will correspond to reports from the ground. A few days after is a terrible tragedy people still come to the place heated by one of the least cells croucher used to be an Apartment Building just a couple of the single local Solutions Come here every day to commemorate those who died result of the tragedy and we can see flowers photographs of the victims here. A couple young man described as a small children. Star couple or so story of our country is currently at war and if there is no unity of one common thing to free our territories we will never win and this daily heroism is very important for each of us this is our homeland this is our future and we cant stand this anymore look with you also this for the steward Looking Glass to believe buzinski to see this is one tool that does distance injustice for soberly finds you total over 10 saw wasnt broken and to lose shells were fired only president ial every once during the conflict he didnt go home to do it i woke up as a herd terribly loud rumble there was dancing black smoke with stories suffocating everything around was destroyed we dont understand why the target a civilian town we are far from the battlefield we are all one piece we dont want war. My parents are in hospital now they were injured because of the artillery strike everything they gained throughout the years everything was destroyed in a few minutes their houses are nothing but dust now and the key thing is that civilians were injured we dont want to live like this we want to live peacefully. This week a member of the French National assembly valerie called for recognition on a car box independence speaking with r. T. She said that france could not stay neutral and should also condemn the actions of azerbaijan. Can france and the rest of europe put up with what is going on in the golan occurred about the situation where armenians who live there could again suffer genocide i remind you that azerbaijan attacked nagornokarabakh and armenia a sovereign state so there was a unilateral declaration of war the only aim of which was to exterminate the armenian population to remain neutral is irresponsible and dignified and most importantly in effective this is not a situation where we can remain neutral we are seen the mass murder of civilians the military intentions of turkey and as a bridge on a clear one country x. On behalf of other one in relation to armenia and the leave i want to take nagornokarabakh is a trophy and then taker meaning there are several ways to solve this conflict the 1st is diplomatic a good look at about should urgently be recognized as an independent state the 2nd is to send International Troops on the un mandate. While to discuss the situation in the way to get across live now to lay it out to live as a spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry there thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us i know you must be very busy so we just heard the french lawmaker accusing azerbaijan of deliberately killing armenian civilians in order karabakh what would you respond to those allegations. Well let me 1st of all stress that he was speaker bought a strong advocate for amenia in French National absently and the person who is the famous for her strong ties with armenia lobby in france so obviously as a lawmaker madam valerie bohea continues to turn a blind eye to that aggressive policy of our media against other by john im curious whether shes so well informed about the deliberate shutting gofers of which honestly the aliens in that tolerance situated far away from the conflicts on might that can just see killing more than 20 millions you know one might and im curious whether shes well informed to follow through civilian death toll in azerbaijan which is raced through the secret spying so few minutes ago a teenager of 16 years old was killed by snatch me siva time in his garden while collecting persimmon entire region so im curious how she what response to these attacks way or me im always there as a lawmaker madam valerie will you choose the where it bought the fundamental principles of International Law which is a bought respect to its more than 10. 00 states and individuality of its National Borders the states so. Here we speak about the biased position of the pro armenian person well we note that the lawmaker has trough to do now a proposal to the front senate on recognizing car harbach as an independent territory if such a bill was to pos how would it as a by john respond. Well it has already been set at the highest level from us as well john that is if such an act is not talked it states and this means that if this is the Summer Reading in terms of what john in this case all the relations with the state including the diplomatic relations well the ceased what we also had to follow the boy talking about sending International Troops under the u. N. Mandate to care about in your opinion is that a good idea. Well im with you on is not against the International Peacekeepers and i have to say that its not tall it has been recently raised again and it is part of the basic principles which step. And on the basis of this settlement of the conflict but at this point were speaking about the actual phrasal. Operations the hot phase of the operation of course that baseball and were not speaking about of deploying International Peacekeepers to the region this is something that should be considered at a later stage and i say it has been already adopted. And greenland and it would apply some of the always see in 99 to who are and this decision includes also the deployment of International Peacekeepers to the legion but here we have to take into account 1st of all that we speak about it so were intended to be it was a by john of course and deployment of International Peacekeepers should be agreed upon with as it were john 1st of all and 2nd as i said i we can speak of pot the deployment of the International Peacekeepers at the later stage i did make a stage of the settlement of the conflict you know that the new yorks as it were john have been negotiating with their meaning at the settlement of the conflict based on a step by step approach by the way which has been rejected by renia which includes a step by step with cool off the i mean Occupying Forces from the as it was john it hits risk return of the art of peace opening up the communications at the later stage when the 2 communities as a General Community is live in that were in a kind of a region of as of when we can speak about the deployment deployment of International Peacekeepers of who the modalities of Contact Force is the quality you want to do use our you know the peacekeepers will be agreed at a later stage we know that all the sea father people as shes a voice in saudi whats your opinion on European Countries getting involved in this conflict even diplomatically. Well we can speak all the involved in who wanted to diplomatically of course we dont consider any other in the european and other countries you know that azerbaijan is absolutely against International Eyes and should not these can connect in fact its all to have to go off armenia currently targeting the civilians and tom situated problem the conflict zone is to enroll 3rd parties and good conflicts states to the conflict we are absolutely against that if you mean the diplomatic in rule months all the European Countries who we should take into consideration that you are is the neighborhood of our region and European Countries are interested in stability and peace in the region and you know that you have a few countries on the floor of the European Union has already gave you react. Specially i have to mention off again just right person state your sat in the business if you will targeting civilians our exemptions from European Countries is of course demanding armenia to all groups of the principles of the International Law and to implement the demands of the reason actions of the United Nations Security Council well speaking of foreign parties all media claims that azerbaijan is receiving to wrack to minute she support from talking in this conflict including brigades of minutes its coming in from the middle east how much of that is true. Well we have we have 2 the new worst cases abbass aleck i shant and i whats underlined once again this is absolute this is information about the foreign minister to be deployed in the region on the edge of the genocide and then were obviously our media is standing behind this Fear Campaign against us of what john which which deploys. 4. 00 and 5. 00 an extra minute from the Foreign Countries on an agreement that obama insists and with john there are numerous facts collected and these facts have been presented to the International Organizations of our deployment by Armenia Foreign fighter against as a by john when it comes to the allegations on took east which is a fashion while any us threats once again that i was with john have good relations with turkey because we have very good brotherhood relations and turkey supports the just case just position of azerbaijan which is based on the rules and since the sense is not small thats all we have a good relation. d military spirit with turkey as well as we have good relations with other states including russia better rules israel and many many other states so here we speak to make it bought land that will the nation including this at the center feel as well so i dont think its the ultimate johnny army which is liberating its own has risen from occupation. Has been lost the fool. Well talking exactly about the time i always thought ts assad had a long standing issue how do you think that the conflict in the region should be resolved. Well in fact their legal status of the settlement of the conflict is there and as i said the negotiations have been continuing starting from 1900 more when the cease fire was the plan at that time and the decisions and resolutions of International Organizations are standing and the foundation of these settlements and if you dont talk of course we have to mention the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council adopted in 1993 which demand immediate through an unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian Forces from all the occupied territories of azerbaijan return of the eyepiece to the to their homes and we have numerous other decisions documents and resolution adopted by other International Organizations of course here we speak about the fundamental principles of International Law we speak about helsinki final act in schools and risk because respecting internationally recognized borders of the state thats why the us with johnny armed forces currently are taking contra fences measure to the new provocation ministry provocation started by i mean on the 27th of september and our goal is to implement the resumption adopted by United Nations Security Council and the final thing i just want to up bring up the red cross has called on both sides to stop shelling civilians if you want you willing to do that. Well let me say that its not only the red cross you know that besides as what youre not i mean yet negotiated in most college. And declared cease fire and later on that 75. 00 october another humanitarian cease fire was declared but what we see on the ground is that our media violates its own commitment minutes after the correction of the ceasefire so of course we need to make sure that i mean yeah respect its own commitments including the humanitarian ceasefire as a point john has overset that we are who are peaceful settlement negotiated settlement of the conflict but what we see that our media violating its own commitments keeps on having ceasefire and vaporization they are girl is to gain back again the lost positions in the occupied because of what you have we have to stress that beyond a way to achieve sustainable Peace Security and prosperity in the region is the elimination of the fact of occupation and withdrawal of your forces from the occupied to azerbaijan what was sought me of course all hoping for a peaceful resolution many thanks that was laid out to live from the by joining foreign minister thanks for taking the time spent twice today. Boy lets finish up with some other world news in brief and lets head straight to the unrest in chile police fired water cannon to Disperse Protesters in the capital santiago hundreds were protesting ahead of a National Referendum on changes to the constitution thats going to take place later this month demonstrators are also angry about rising subway unfeeling wages. For pertussis have also gathered in london how against nigerias special antiwar protests ward called saws huge demonstrations against the fools who already held nigeria earlier this month though saw as has been disbanded the rallies no one generally against brought up Police Violence in west africa. And round things off a bit of good cheer its the time of year excited children like Christmas Present wishlist of to lapland and well 2020 years of course topsyturvy father christmas the holiday is still on some to express a special wish that everyone stays safe and healthy this year. Well thats all for this off from myself the whole team here at all times h. Q. Thanks for watching have a great day. The world is driven by a dream shaped by our own person of those. Things. We dared to ask the. Vatican with a message to mecca. This is christian i want you to. Love one alex. I totally. Come out of that the only. Natural left it turns out that ok lets settle down the. As a. Yes this is that were going to say

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