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The, [000 00 00;00] the show me and i assumed that he had moved was kind of thing. Dad loan, i probably knew jen, its your voice and it shows the finance of temp on bullets. Has this mobile edition on me that she has to go to go to pick where the getting it the co insurance to where to pick pick. But it just kept going. I michigan so, so im the show of interest key to shop, to pick here the by to move but almost to the just the velocity. What were they gave me the president s for you to but allow me to to but a video. So at the end, yes. Bustle. A new new portion of the phone. Yeah. But this yeah. What seems sort of did you look at that . Yeah. But does it get them yet . But yeah, you showed loop is do a button work youre watching for it. They showed up. Yeah. Apologize this into effect swap the, the, i do know that just said the best thing about this cause. Yeah, absolutely. You are you, except the one going to need to mean you might lose a plot. The 3 basic should be the cheapest. 100 is across the sky or somebody gets a good one. But for the minimal bundle, thats typically weakness the mobility. A globally meal. We lose you good to, are you moving to look at the moment that would be georgia and with a video to ask for the most sim, we use video the or the with the relationship. Lets see what the and about this stuff. And other than that, it was nice to us as was the thing you able to do in court that the boy did come when i dont. And she thought it should be easy when you pull much, the g is a good the. But if you send me what i see right into that guess 10 is a traditionally friendly way to are these here in our states, celebrated 7 to paper and a very sorry of a stablish and diplomatic relations. And, but of course, the focus of our joint attention is the ensuring crate to know the security and stability. As for the economy of ross rises traditionally, that was the supplier, the food of cereals, the trade between our country countries has increased and it has a chief to a, a good levels. And vs here is of course, and i think it was 1000000 tons of serials that was applied to your account for you. We are ready to fulfill our obligation soon. We have every reason, every Pre Condition to do that. Last year we had a record yield 158000000 tons of cereals this year. We expect the very good to yield as well. Already. Now we understand it would be somewhere in the vicinity of 137138 1000000 tons who is to study . So we are going to have it now for experts practically like last year. 50 to 60000000 tons for and thats right. Experts, but our potential is not restricted that base our potential up Economic Cooperation or a potential is much higher is much bigger. And we are going to discounts that we have our colleagues here attending this meeting. We are going to express their thoughts. I hope we will be able to listen to your colleagues as well, and we will exchange our visions on how what additional steps could be taken to enhance sort of operation and all the areas of thank you mister president for finding me. Im really to live with my team to lead one of the most important as of our neighbor of chief here, the process. Uh, no doubt you did mention the pressure as the c, m. C, and the sheer way i could even put them solid. I seem way its single consolidated slot toms auto sick to defense capabilities are only showing the speech and youre the answering machine, the cell which on your, on my gosh, the convergence wall cut the video separately. So i dont like you to see them. So for those of the original minutes, denied me on this phone call. I turned in the wrong of the areas which is in washington summer. But i want you to russian from brushing on the neighborhood and retreat recycling with the child deserves at least in common approach. Other than extremities from pos, i think severe, the 1st, who have the implications, salvation the foremost take the initiative and take the initiative and half the coordination and cooperation in the defense area and intelligence area and the counterterrorism saw him himself. And i believe our site has very constructive engagement reduction to parties progressions stage apprentice. I fortunately had a chance to listen for most come over and i was a senator and i was messed up by the kind of conjecture, particularly the presentation of the eastern orthodox extremity churches. And i just realized that we are even more Cross Country in the terms of foreigners the, the question also dogs, christianitys doses represents culture values which is very close to home from up to can values. Which is, is probably not that much popular beyond this region. Which has more, when russia has an arrow ation identity, you have a presence in general and you have a presence of nature. But at the quote that car be feeling, we have more issues. And before 3 feet and more nearly as far as the energy is concerned, i think so we are an Energy Efficient country. We are people operational foremost, for 240000000 people. We find our itself its, its a huge market. And we do understand our Energy Minister just attended energy week in russia with very fruitful and constructive engagement from your site. And the team has come for some concrete for posts of the supply. And for you guys, ill be thinking on some creative options which floor of to, to fluoride. Youve been watching a big thing between president easy to president , but better to put in russia and be a term lead to a practice stand up. Weve been talking about several issues in there of mutual interest that the, the, the leader of pakistan was talking about cooperation and bilateral relations with russia. And he also talked about the fact that some of the issues on this areas will cover areas of defends incompetent, arisen as well as energy add a he commended, didnt recognize the religious tolerance on cooperation as well as the values and Cultural Values of russia. And that he also talked about the uh, the active study energy administer being in the adage, a week summit, but 2 plays just less than a week ago in russia. And he emphasized how important that is to pakistan because the pakistan has had Energy Deficiencies and they would like to cover that. That gap is presented in the areas of oil and gas and also create opportunities on the options that will be explored. And he sees the relations between pakistan and russia as a great opportunity to achieve or the achieving that goal. Now this is one of the meetings and the sidelines. All the broad belt on road is summit thats taking place in b gene met the president. Putting these attending he has met several would lead us today is met with a veto louse, as well as vietnam, as well as hungary ad file. And at now that the, the leader of all the term need out of pocket expense. That is what is going on. By that day, he elia was met and greeted by the president eating peeing and his wife you earlier on in the day. So its been a very busy day for, for president , letting me put tindales costs. Well let you know how things are going. We have our correspondence and, or people that bring to you live updates that stay with all the international the area of course, but any kia on spoke with andre based risky, a gym, and all the valve. I club for development and, and support foundation at the farm who stated that countries participating in the belt, invalid farm, seek to establish a multiple well, the closest thing on the picture of china. Now i understand this. Some european leaders have ports of sized. China is assaulting Bird Initiative on rusher when they say theyre trying to exploits countries in countries. In particular. Whats your take on the 1st of all and ive submitted that to them this week. So a lot of meetings that of course, j name friends is extremely useful for this got sale, looking for support from china. Theyre looking for support from russia. They are looking for new world world. They need me is a looking for new, new, just uh no rules, so fully and so on. So at this time, i think the leading unipolar was on the allies that see this is a threat to, you know, that, that place to export this wall to the ice exam. Mistaken. Secondly, the elizabeth short sighted the they, they can participate in construction is image and goes this new world and to, to take your own please, maybe more interesting products and then to date the date to many conflicts, to many of the pictures as the games, which is the governors change own might tend to be more open, more friendly said they, looking for both models as a leaving can all types if its a its a, its a big mistake from my point of view. And according to my understanding, there is a time for changing the generation of the people is this got this and generally understands it sufficient. This is with the perspective what it takes new approach, new type of mind. People should be more praised. Its the same type, more piece, sort of the feeling as tiny as president , just eating thing and his wife. So i have a form of the greeted russia as president brought him to put in his bathing. And thats us. China has been hosting the belton road summit for strengthening International Economic ties. I think youve been put in has helped works with the leaders of thailand, vietnam, and hungry curiosity, a corresponding moran dusty of what the story. Its been an incredibly busy day for pleasant me approval and it will be another very busy day tomorrow pack. Absolutely. We spent most of the day at the rest of the state residents here in the middle of beijing. And he was a surprise, like meeting with the Prime Minister of how do we fix the auto body . He wasnt in any lease. So we, we had seed was scheduled the tool, it seems to have happened at this point and you see it was agreed upon at the last, at the last moment to what the leaders had to say is that they both sorry, the situation is deteriorate, deteriorated to such state them that they both russia and the hungry tried to salvage and maintain what the cab relations between the 2 countries given given the circumstances. This is an incredibly important meeting because it marks the 1st time since the beginning of the special military operation in ukraine. Was lied to be approved and has met with a sitting lead to a European European Union nation and like me and said that it is important difficult times in trying times to maintain lines of communication. So you can so you can to hear this whether or not theyre still despite the fact that in the current geopolitical situation, the opportunities for maintaining contacts and developing relations are very limited. It cannot be, but gratifying that are relations with many European Countries are preserved in developing hungry is among such countries. Over the past decades, relations between hungry and russia, had been built exclusively by taking into account mutual interest and relying on all the positive things that we have inherited from the past be and but of i got the, with the beginning of the military operation and the sanctions are relations unfortunately have suffered a lot, but whatever isnt hungry is capacity. Were doing that. Were interested in preserving this cooperation not only on the level of talks and meetings, but on the economic level as well. Course the other meetings, for example, with the president the vietnam who also said the bushes uh the, the relationship between now and russia is an incredibly important one for vietnam. That was, of course, the family focus, the full, the, the, the visiting leaders were a rate for a photograph. And of course, seeing that many of these critics, especially among western states, the, all of these, this, it had the plan to isolate marsh. I believe if you both they, they must be very disappointed because it clearly shows the black maple from the house of be the isolated to. Theyve said that they have made it out to be all this is of course will happening on the sidelines of the the both ad Road Initiative course. Many countries move with a 130 countries represented here either by talk me the shipple or delegations will coming in seeing how they could also, uh, integrate themselves into this huge project. But as i say, todays day one, tomorrow they to of this space huge for, for other i spoke to the vice chairman of the Shanghai Center for impact and international studies. Now seeing wong and he says china is current focused on strengthening trade through investments on in following infrastructure projects. Was made possible by its own roughly to can on the growth for people who do not understand a fully at the idea or of a about who wrote. The simple explanation is that china is seeking to have a better relations with all countries around the world. In the context of economic co operation for people that are being to china, that would miss the development of china for the last 40 years. Youve seen that this country is perhaps a country that weaves the most sophisticated Highway Networks and also high speed trading networks. In addition to older skyscrapers and the Real Estate Development to that, i think so has anybody felt about behind all this . How many su pumps and cement plants . There are in china that have supported the development of everything. So when everything is built, youre not going to do it from scratch again. So whats next on . The patient has been laid. Exactly. So whats next . If you do not have enough projects, the shipment pumps and the few problems are going to be shut down. So where do we go, where do we go . Of course we do not need to go to the developed countries. They dont need the high ways to basically be able to, we go to the developing countries. We go to countries that actually need to upgrade that infrastructure, works of goals, they need to improve their infrastructure. They need new applewood state which new new docks new roads. But that they dont, these punches normally do not have the Financial Capacity to do that. So how youre going to solve the problem is a i b asia Infrastructure Investment bank. So its not china a low, the concept is not something from scratch. No, china being the single Majority Shareholder in a i b, we have so many other countries joining a i, b s feel holders. So this becomes naturally a global project. The world gets better connected. And once you have the connection, people are understanding each other better. And were hopefully have a better load the, [000 00 00;00] the in 2020 to the attorney and government approved a package if needed to be a good nation with the year and they to, to help ukrainians defend themselves and fight back about 150000000 euro as well, to make a we even a told me bombs are getting all the same and also in the us like issue and the 150 for the night just for make morning. The one that i have done. Yes. Cuz the volume as you go through on that, if you got to my sheet complete, i mean theres what i dont know. She thought if youve come to me, you dont need to be down to get. I wont put them in tears without the more sign me my choice of road to store april holbrook. Exec leila lesson opinion poll, show that over 70 percent of battalions or against military support for ukraine. Landed and confirm for me to go for that last or the 5. So a low see it moving and it will be the most on a skid out and was home and do not you then to to do it all up on the daily data. Going to use it in my last thought. It looked you that it just hasnt been asked to do things and were not, im just wondering, fun theater. The of the, after the end of world war 2, the National Liberation movement, itd be an intensified dramatically. Havent driven away the japanese occupiers. The vietnamese patriots by no means want as the return of the former french colonizers. But brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. In december 1946, a full scale war broke out. The main victory addict Organization Led by o g man inflicted heavy losses on the french. The invaders were in rage. According to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful beaten. These were on their contents. The colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b. It means women as revenge on the guerrillas. In 1947, the french destroyed the village of knights rock, murdering 170 women, and 157 children. However, terror did not help. In 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being food, almost 12000 french soldiers and officers, including the commander general of the categories. And his command staff were captured the configuration of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. The french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. The american hard times were awaiting vietnam. Again the, theres many problems in u. S. Society now the, theyre facing because of the, their model is again, its not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing goes sending him homeless mass us and growth in poverty. This is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and not trying to police the world the the, the 1st time in history and meantime, countrys culture has been cancelled the very modern weapons cancel culture. The associated malice sold off the truck. It just means sending them on a particular phrase. Now, particularly refers to counseling russian culture. And yet the worst it could be up to that i get 20 miles folks to chill out if that go with that. Most of the, some rich, the one of them eat the moist blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. Theres no question, partially condemned, reviled and rejected to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of panel. Theres a lot, i dont know because i dont know. She does it. I guess it a little some of the list. Joining total condemnation grows daily and now including those to instigate to ca skate shostakovich that, that i need to. Yeah. Of course to invest, but yeah, she thinks that will just be all the time with you. Im really you know what are you crazy . Yes. Or took a lot less of my friends that did. It was broken. I wasnt able to save anyone. I get nothing that i, that was in 2013 the god, whats really in my way and makes me thoughtful gains to willy where you, for, i mean, they have the time happy that trying to find these really good to you can the sleep. Mom are you become my new friend, the one who has loved going to die, or because he is always stay alive. Say next to me. If im not crazy enough. Im not going to make it the by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. A particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. This respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to mass unrest. In 1964, the liberation front of mozambie for a limo began its Armed Struggle for freedom. The regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. Whereas the United States and Great Britain took the side of the invader board to gaze, responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency. However, pre limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime in portugal in 1974. The new what already surrendered a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. But the victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of and sons and daughters. The. The little desk told them on part of the tv and supplied as to about 3000 people in gathering the west bank. As many of these roles as flights of people would be targeting residential buildings, a warning you may find following images really disturbing. The dozens of people i believe, to be trumped under the rubble of the collapse building is the emergency workers

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