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Become more and more intense after each new attack on the territory of the country, and the nato warships themselves, which are now operating in the gulf of adon, regularly become targets for attacks by the ansar allah group, given the considerable military potential the houthis, their effectiveness is only a matter of time. Another attack happened today, the Ansar Allah Movement said it hit two american destroyers with thirty drones. In the command of the armed forces us forces reported that everything. The us is likely to win. The decline in hydrocarbon supplies from the gulf countries to europe forces the latter to purchase them from the united states. And washington has the opportunity to maintain a strike naval group in the middle east, and even under such a plausible pretext as the protection of world shipping. Meanwhile , the truce in gaza with the advent of ramadan does not seem to come. For muslims, the month begins the day after tomorrow, but there is still no agreement between the parties to the conflict today. Alexander bilivo, dmitry sherbakov and maria egorova. News middle east. The danger of navigation in the gulf of adon is forcing western companies to change traditional routes. This year, traffic volumes on the red sea have fallen by more than five times. On the contrary, delivery costs have increased sharply, but traditional trade routes to our country, such as from india to the port of novorossiysk, are busy. As usual, russia annually imports almost 50,000 tons of indian tea, this year the supply volume should increase. How the famous indian tea is grown and shipped in india, reporting by evgeny davidov. A green sea of ​​tea plantations stretches along the mountain slopes. This is tamil nadu, the southernmost state of india. The height is about 2. 0 m, there are waterfalls and air. Cosmic, so indian tea grows in the most beautiful and environmentally friendly places in the country. Full processing cycle from plantation to packaging. Dr. Fukanja knows everything about tea. For many years he has been supplying the best indian varieties to russia. This is green tea, right . Then its gold. Tea is determined by its quality, its aroma, its aftertaste, its they speak russian, right . Sorting by leaf size, which one is suitable . For tea bags, which for brewing, and then the tea is evaporated. There are a lot of green leaves in tea, eyes, they are first left here on this mesh, on a ribbon, and hot air, moisture is pulled out from here, yes, up to 60 of the moisture comes out. Various flavors and colors green, black, gold, and even white tea are considered the most expensive elite. All varieties are produced from the same bushes. The question is in processing, thats how it all happens, the pickers are exhibited i will add in order not to interfere with each other , hard, painstaking, monotonous work begins, only the top three leaves are tied, then all this is sent to the basket, in general it is believed that the best tea is tea picked by hand, from these plantations they are sent to dozens of countries to 25 tons of tea every day, of course, the business is affected by the global situation, for example, supplying products to the british, who began producing tea in india back in the nineteenth century, became problematic due to the fact that the houthis in the red sea are shelling here. Ships heading to russia pass through the red sea without problems; simply no one risks attacking them. This is another reason to develop business with russia. U konja speaks excellent russian he was educated in the soviet union, talks about the connection between his country and russia, or rather about a common business where there are no intermediaries in the form of dollars. All mutual settlements are carried out directly through rupees and rubles. The dollar is zero , on the contrary, trading is carried out more stably, because when the dollar is up and down, you wont understand tomorrow what will happen, then its always this instability expresses itself on. And trade, when we have no such uncertainty and complete stability in our national currencies, now the wukanja are expanding production, they plan to increase supplies of coffee and spices to russia, for me, being afraid of a sanction is all the same, but being afraid themselves, afraid of their honor, afraid of their courage for a russian person, concept, honor, conscience, decency, says russia is a key partner for india and , according to experts, a tea shortage does not threaten our country. Evgeny davidov and vladislav dadunov, news istamil nadu, india. And now to the news of the president ial election campaign. In donetsk, with a member of the election commission, who will work in frontline areas in the upcoming president ial elections, they handed over first aid kits, held a master class on first aid, and snowmobiles reach voters in hardtoreach settlements of kusbas, where early voting is now taking place, reports by Valeria Rodina and diana volchkova. Galina kuznetsova employee of the precinct election commission, works in in the kirov region, which is under daily attack from ukrainian militants, he says that a first aid kit is a necessary attribute. We work in the kikhrontovo district, where various shellings occur almost on a daily basis, and sometimes there are casualties. Of course, it is very important that we have such a first aid kit and that we are given instructions on how to provide proper first aid, not only to ourselves, but also to those around us. The first aid kit is equipped. Provide first aid to the person who needs it. They have everything you need for to stop bleeding and carry out the procedure, a citizen must have knowledge of artificial respiration. I would like to express my deep gratitude to our colleagues who work in the security bloc, as well as social activists, first of all, the peoples front, first of all, doctors, volunteers who responded to our request. The guys learn the material well, the doctors, the doctors who expressed it. Expressed their desire to work in this direction; they have extensive experience, in fact, both in the field of medicine and extremely specific experience, socalled tactical medicine, that is, they honed their knowledge on the battlefields and already clearly know how to use this or that item, this or that drug that is in this first aid kit. Members of precinct election commissions understand that in the current realities this is a necessary measure, but each of them hopes that they will never be useful. To get to the village of korbalyk you have to overcome almost 40 km along snowwhite offroad, hello, yes, i voted, everything is fine, but people have arrived, commission, lenin teptigishev was born and raised in korbalyk, went to mezhduurechensk, where he worked in a mine, and a quarter of a century ago returned back to care for his elderly mother, and stayed that way. There is enough work, even from morning to evening, where to go, you have to feed everyone, transport hay, you are your own boss, dont depend on anyone, fresh air, there are only two residential huts in the entire settlement , leonids neighbors, the uspeks, seven children for a long time in the city, i cant persuade my parents to move, there used to be a big village here, it doesnt fit, but i was born, here, in short, rooted, everything is here, almost 2 million kuzbass voters, more than 2. 0 of them live in villages cut off from the mainland, almost always in these corners of the region the turnout is 100 . Diana volchkova, alexandra bernikova, vesti kuzbashtagol. District, the rostov clinical hospital came to thank the doctors for a patient who had undergone complex organ transplant operations. Every year, doctors save dozens of people; they use their own patented technology to reduce the risk of surgical complications to minimum. Report by veronica bogma. Dressed up, cheerful with a solid support group, five young women with a very unusual destiny came to visit those who radically changed their destiny. Hello, here is part of the team that once entered the battle for their health and future happiness. Surgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, nephrologists of the rostov regional clinical hospital. You can already see that victoria broslavskaya underwent the first pancreas transplant in rostov. Kidney glands are the only way to get rid of sugar diabetes, which she contracted as a child. Then, using the authors innovative technique, the pancreas complex of the kidney was transplanted into three more patients. My deepest bow to the entire team, god bless you all , peace, health to you and your loved ones. Thank you for my daughter. These babies were born after their mothers received kidney transplants. For chronic renal failure and hemodialysis. Variability was out of the question, but transplantations took place, each of which in this case saved not one, but two lives. We should have a lot of children, we have two now, but everyone here should have two. And in the hands of doctors too, yes. Its a holiday, but not a day off for doctors who, just a few hours later, go back to the operating room. Transplantation, if you count, then 90 . In several operating rooms at once, somewhere with music, somewhere in complete silence, it depends on the composition and interests of the teams whose work is fascinating. The operation takes almost 2 hours, the healthy organ has already taken its place, the woman who has been on the waiting list since she was eighteen years old is now minutes gets a chance to live. Another 2. 5 hours later, after the doctors check everything with the ultrasound. The anastomotic connections will become clear, the prognosis is favorable. Veronica bogma, eduard ilyin, evgenia miroshnichenko, vladimir shemakov and denis denisov, it is necessary to lead rostov. Three new electric trains are being launched in primorye at once. The transport is entirely domestically produced in wagons with everything for a comfortable and safe trip, including air conditioning, chargers and equipment for people with limited mobility. Our correspondent took the first flight elena shtylina. To the music. Brass band , primorye residents meet new modern electric trains. Three russian made trains are ready to travel along the far eastern railway. This is environmentally friendly transport, this is transport aimed at decongesting the city, the collapse on the roads that is happening, excuse the expression. Driver denis vanyakin will lead a train of six cars on the first trip along the vladivostoknakhodka route. He admits, working on Something Like this. Pure pleasure. Compared to previous generation machines, the new train has all the conditions for comfortable work and the convenience of passengers. Smooth acceleration, yes, smooth braking, microclimate, yes, ventilation, air conditioning. Meanwhile , the first passengers occupy soft seats and rush to use the technical equipment, connect their phones to chargers that are located directly under the seat, they say that this is the way to home. There would be more such trains, most likely more often on all routes, the comfortable conditions of the electric train can be seen from the doorstep, or rather from tambura, there is enough space for everyone, due to with an increased area, people will not jostle and interfere with each other. Upon landing. There is also equipment for people with limited mobility, air conditioning, dry closets and even trash cans. The demikhovsky machinebuilding plant, which continues to update passenger Rolling Stock in primorye, has done its best. Elena shtylina, nikolai farafonov, vesti primorye. Fish fever in the baltic, spawning of baltic herring has begun in the kaliningrad bay. Hundreds of fishermen have gone out to sea, fish are being hooked. Without bait , the catch is measured not even in kilograms, but bags, as long as you have enough strength to bring it in, Marina Naumova was convinced. In northern malu , all the fishing spots are occupied; in the morning there are a forest of fishing rods. The bite on these stones is such that it only manages to get the catch out of the water. Catching baltic herring is a gambling business; in one cast you can pull out a whole garland of herring, five to eight fish each, the main thing is that it does not fall off the hook. During the spring fishing season , baltiysk is experiencing a fishing fever. Here the baltic canal connects with the kaliningrad bay, into which schools of herring go to spawn. No fishing enthusiast will miss the moment when you can easily bring home a couple. Near the buckets there is a fish with silver scales, it likes it to shine, play, and grab it, and this is that it, like its scoop, is not fishing, a scoop, threw it , pulled it out, they catch herring on bare hooks, there can be up to ten of them on one line , the main thing is to throw the equipment further away, the fish moving in a school immediately bites, then in bags , when it comes, if you have enough strength, then take it away and wave it as much as possible, because of the warm weather, the water has warmed up enough and the fishing began this year half a month ahead of schedule, catch. Not only fishermen have their moment , baltic seals have also joined the fishery, now they come close to the shore and, not paying attention to people, eat herring and pike perch with appetite, there is enough fish for everyone, i look at the sex seal, i think there will be no fishing, but he doesnt care there was fish, the best prepared and fishing from the water, there are fewer competitors on rubber boats, the main thing here is to stop in time, the permitted limit is 10 kg, and it cannot be exceeded, there are a lot of people fishing today, the fishing tale is a separate thing. Folklore is born right on go, and the better biting, the more it looks like the truth, this little weight, when a school of herring approaches, it doesnt even penetrate to the bottom, it slows down on this fish, local fishing state farms are now targeting the most important commercial fish of the baltic sea, trawling in the bay and coastal waters of the baltic, Fish Processing plants are working at full capacity, herring is valued for its tender meat, its pleasant taste is called the regions, in order to increase the resistance of vegetables to diseases, have mastered a new growing technology, the first harvest will be harvested already in march, yulia vasilyeva, more details. In this greenhouse, wearing gloves and disinfected protective clothing is mandatory; smokers are prohibited from entering. The complex, with an area of ​​6 hectares, is a kind of intensive care ward for operated plants, it has special phytosanitary control. Residues from Tobacco Products contain viruses that can be harmful. First of all, for postspleenaceae, that is, for eggplant, for tomato, for pepper and other crops related to each other in this family. Eggplants ripen here, very capricious vegetables, in order to make them stronger and more resistant to diseases, agronomists transplant plants onto foreign roots. The closest relative of the eggplant, tomato, acts as a donor. We dont just take a tomato, we take a wild tomato variety. We understand that wild tomato has a powerful root system. For this we use it, this procedure is called grafting, it is done on eggplants at ten days of age, the operation is carried out under sterile conditions, taking into account how many plants there are, it is repeated several thousand once. We grow tomato seedlings separately, eggplants separately, when the stem reaches a certain thickness, it is necessary that they be exactly equal in thickness, we cut off the head of the tomato. Head from the eggplant, then we connect them, we get a plant like this, the joining place is covered with a special cap, the hybrid plant is placed in a greenhouse, where, with one hundred percent humidity, the tops and roots Grow Together in about a week, as a result of the operation it only resembles a scar on the trunk. Special greenhouse worker bumblebees live here, they pollinate eggplants, right now they are in the midst of flowering and at the same time the fruits are ripening. The first harvest on the farm is expected at the beginning of march, it looks like it will be no worse than last year; that season the agronomist managed to get more than 26 kg of blue berries per 1 square meter. Yulia vasilyeva, timofeychik morev, olga potapenko, lead st. Petersburg from the leningrad region. Cross country skiing, rifle shooting, setting a trap and lighting a fire. Shirigeshe hunters from kuzbass, altai territory and khakassia competed for the title of the best. What are the stages . Turned out to be the most difficult, anton nibachev learned. To make fire, you need to prepare tweezers; the lords of the flame know how to light a fire even in an open field. This is already the fourth rural, but the first regional. An ordinary soviet village, but established not only by love, the action takes place in the quiet life of local residents , an unexpected plot twist changes, gubaltaeva was among the first spectators, her heroine knows how to drive a tractor, fold a stove, womanman. I havent had to play yet, the repertoire is very feminine, all the women are beautiful, such sexy heroines in my opinion, here i had to clean it all up, of course, so we kept taking away our hair, washing off the makeup, something will happen, we are hiding from the fear of falling in love unrequitedly, of loving more than they love us, and some things that the peasant people about whom the story is told, of course, do not know. I absorbed folk art in its natural , clumsy form, without makeup, this is one of the iconic operas of the 20th century; undoubtedly, in its musical and dramaturgical and dramatic quality, it ranks among such operas as. Of the akhtangov theater. I initially wanted it to be the texture of some kind of plowed, well, not even plowed, not plowed, but dirty field, yes, well, youre advancing, it seems like youre about to get into trouble, now you blurt out, yes. Another hero of the opera rain, symbolizing the hopelessness of purification. A village field , power lines going out. An ancient tragedy, where serious passions boil behind jokes and jokes, the ghoul boltaeva, maria kalenova, elizaveta pertsova, kirill stogov, lead. On this our release is completed, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website lookm. Ru. See you moscow is founded at the confluence of rivers, moscow and not clay. But if the moscow river remained a transport artery, the citys decoration. Yes, the neglinnaya, or as it was simply called, neglinka, gravity flow, became shallow by the 16th century and interfered with the development of the city; it was removed in 1818. Into the pipe, hello, mikhail dzhebrak is still with you, today we are traveling along samotyok, the valley of the neglinka river, although since the beginning of the 19th century the river has underground reservoir, but the water names have been preserved kuznetsky bridge, pipe square, gravity street and interesting buildings on the steep banks. On foot. Kuznetsky most has long been the name of a shopping street. The bridge itself went under the urban strata. But we have one object that reminds us. House of the same owners, two floors of shops, above the apartment, here you can find water features, architect freudenberg added sea horses and fountains to the facade. The baths themselves were located higher up the coastal slope; there were seven buildings, common and expensive fiftykopeck branches, family rooms, laundry warehouses, houses, employees. The new owner of sanduny was kubchikha fersanova, her husband, gonetsky, proposed turning the outdated and dilapidated bathhouse complex into the best bathhouses in moscow. Vagonetsky traveled to european resorts, studied methods of massage, steam supply, looked at how the bathhouse was arranged technically, and here in sanduny he built a modern power plant, the Third Largest in moscow. When the coronation took place in 1996, the baths did not work, all the electricity was given to city illumination. By the end of the 19th century, the neglinka had practically become shallow, and the water in the bathhouse was supplied from the moscow river through a pipeline, here it was purified with american filters to a drinking state, but there was also an artesian well. Chests became a model. A masterpiece of architecture and engineering, everyone steamed here, about pushkin, i already said, there was a governor general, chaliapin believed that steam relaxes the ligaments, he came to sonduny every week, and then got drunk in the locker room, so some visitors came precisely on tuesdays to chalyapino. The poet mayakovsky, as you know, was painfully clean; in a noisy company, he would put his glass somewhere on the cabinet so that another would not use it, he would carry a small soap dish with him, wash his hands after shaking hands, well, in the bathhouse he would ask the bathhouse attendant to sit next to. Him benches so that no one else could sit down, when mayakovsky died, the bathhouse attendant hung a sign on his bench, a man who kept up with the times washed himself here, after the revolution filmmakers fell in love with bathhouses, where else can you find them such luxurious interiors. This hall was featured in many massfilm films; the satans ball scene for the film was filmed here. According to this gallery, although in the film they did not undress, as was the case in the novel. Pasternak named petra in doctor zhivag. Lines in a corner of st. Petersburg in moscow , identical buildings on both sides of the passage, a single line of roofs, linden front doors in good taste, a bookstore, a reading room, a very decent tobacco shop, a very decent restaurant and lanterns in front of the restaurant in round matte caps, serious free people lived here professions, earning good money, houses on the sides of the petrovsky lines in the st. Petersburg style. Built in 1876 by the architect freudenberg. On foot. The name is pipe area. Does not go from the collector, which was built in 1818, goes back to the wall of the white city, which passed here, there were no gates, and an arch was cut through for the river, covered with a grating, this opening was called the pipe, the wall of the white city was dismantled in 1770, the name remains, a czech who lived nearby left a story about the bird market that traded here, he writes, that the pipe is a small piece of moscow, where they love animals so tenderly and torture them so much, lives its own little life, makes noise, worries, only businessminded people passing along the boulevards do not understand why this crowd, this motley mixture of hats has gathered. What are they talking about here, what are they trading . At pipe square in 1864, a merchant. Yakov pegov and restaurateur Lucien Olivier bought afonkin kabak and opened the hermitage restaurant in it with a hotel and baths. The building we see was built already in 1902 by the architect bani. It was called the building entrance, after all, behind the restaurant there was also a large garden with pavilions in it. It was here that game mayonnaise was first served. Muscovites loved the dish so much that they began to call it. Named after the chef olivier, but the whole world knows it as russian salad. In this building, in the building of a former restaurant , the school of contemporary play theater opened in 1990, although recently a new name appeared, a pipe theater, everything flows as if it were not clay beneath us. You and i are walking along the channel of neglinka, gravity. At this point the river flowed straight, like a canal, along promenades were arranged along the banks. When the river was drained into a pipe, a boulevard was laid out at the top and named after the flower boulevard. Market, they also sold aquarium fish, dogs and birds. In soviet times, the bird market was moved to the abelmanovskaya outpost, and a building was built on the site of the flower market. For the central market. In the center of the boulevard, the sculptor cerritelli placed these figures of clowns. There are no sports or Entertainment Venues here, and these colorful sculptures provide entertainment to the public. I saw myself dead, if you see yourself in a dream dead, that means you will live a long time, premiere on rtr, dont be afraid, i see you, i would like to talk to you, who shot at you while she was hunting for ghosts, just dont worry, they announced a hunt for her, kolisov is very dangerous, yes, im already free, there should be security. We have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, dont miss it, tomorrow on rtr. And this is a female corpse at work, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere on rtr, you coveted my place, so i fulfilled your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i i realized that i love only you, she is veronika palovna, you have already made inquiries, she is major vasnetsova, a new suspect, came to my office, is she . Stunning, our new detective, until we prove otherwise, we will assume that this is a murder, vesnetsova, soon on rtr, the floor is looting, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a Slight Movement of the hand, we are from this room. We are creating three different functional zones with absolutely no faces, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art piece, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, im generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become. Reality as you look, let us into your home, big changes , today on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look , look, want to look, look , lets see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign for two at the same time, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, the first circus on tsvetnoy boulevard was built in 1880, the building was rebuilt several times. This is the building from 1989. A bright, large faye appeared, a comfortable room for animals and people, but the heart of ariens circus remained unchanged. No wonder muscovites say the old circus on tsvetnoy boulevard. This building was broken through by yuri nikulin, the artist then headed the circus, he called upstairs, walked around the offices, knocked out building materials, but i didnt ask for them for myself. Raska. The best clown, the sad clown, yuri nikulin played several tragic roles in films, he is an alcoholic adventurer starting a new life, in the film when the trees were big, a monk in andrey. According to legend, the Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station was built at the request of yuri nikulin to make it easier for spectators to come to the circus. Maybe its true. Nikulin was popularly loved as a clown and film actor. The film diamond arm has been a Box Office Leader for over 10 years. The station was opened in 1988, but architect shverdyaev stylized the ground pavilion in the spirit of the golden age of the moscow metro. This is how in the fifties the aboveground pavilions of the circle line were erected, as if they were palaces. In the era of concrete construction , brick is an elite material. All arches are made of natural stone. Even the inscription in front of the entrance to the metro is made of stone, as young people would say. Tsvetnoy boulevard station begins with a huge stained glass window by artist kolensky. If you look closely, you can see the faces of famous clowns popov, rumyantsev, nikulin. Their surrounded by tightrope walkers, jugglers, horses, and even a bear on a bicycle, but for passengers who walk quickly and dont look closely, its just a blooming garden. The architects pogrebnaya and filippov complained that not all of their ideas came true, they wanted to make the pylons narrower and the stained glass windows wider, but the economy turned out the other way around, but the station still turned out bright, festive, with white marble it resembles the strict metro stations of the seventies, and the colored glass suggests that the nineties are coming with new finishing materials, and the stained glass windows are small, because at tsvetnoy boulevard vesna station. Summer will come and the stained glass windows will bloom. Trubnaya metro station opened 20 years after tsvetnoy boulevard in 2007. It was also designed by the architect filippov. He decided to continue the theme of a blooming garden. Line the columns with green marble, the walls creamy pink, like an apple tree in spring, and also use illuminated stained glass windows. On them. Moscow, but to glorify 12 russian cities, tsiritelli suggested not limiting himself to views of novgorod, vskov vladimir does not depict crosses on the kupala mountains, there are too many large pieces of glass. Noticing this, subway passengers began to secretly attach them to the right ones. The tsvetnoy boulevard taret is similar to olivier salad, architectural. Here, an empire mansion sits side by side with a fifties creation, with a powerful cornice and sticky details for days. Was located right here, above tsvetnoy boulevard, and underneath the round chocks, merkurov dostoevskys workshop was transported in less than a day. Unfortunately, this expressive work was moved in 1936 to the mariinsky hospital, where dostoevsky was born. On foot. Trinity church was built in 1696 on metochion of the trinity sergius monastery. This high hill on the banks of the neglinnaya belonged to the monastery. But 30 years later, in 1726, the dome fell. It was rebuilt and it turned out that the temple has platbands in the style of the naryshkinsky borok, and on the eightriver it has european influence. From 1917 to the twentysecond year at the farmstead. Patriarch tikhan lived, then the church was closed , everything it had was not even a rehearsal base for a symphony orchestra, now the functioning Trinity Church again belongs to the courtyard of the trinity monastery of sergius. You and i are entering the courtyard of ekaterinsky schools. The moscow Catherine School was opened in 1802 for girls from poor noble families. The education and upbringing received here were to become their dowry in the future. The building we see was built in 1827 on the site of the saltykov estate. The architect is domenic gilardi, since after the revolution the Central House of the red army settled here, then the soviet army, now it is the Central House of the russian army, then in the courtyard there is a bust of the military leader frunze, the work of the famous sculptor buchetich. On the main second floor of the palace, on one side there is a Huge Assembly hall and the former house churchschool, on the other side there is an endless enfilade, where a museum is now located. In 1927, when the Catherine School was transferred to the Central Institution of military culture, then in the building. Carried out a major renovation and the architect toropov built this grand staircase. In moscow you will not find toropovs independent buildings, but he was a famous architect. He was engaged in the restoration of mansions of estates, so he was on the same page with classicism. Respect. His staircase turned out to be stylish; he added symbols of the red army, stars and budenovkas to the classic stucco molding

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