As a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. There, they were trained as scouts for saboteurs. And, of course, ukrainians organized monsters , 6,000 people were killed, they were detained and used in antisoviet activities. I have not met. Hello kirill vyshinsky, and this program is typical of novorossiya, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots. He is novorossiya with the help a close look at history. We will try to reveal the originality of her present day, find both typical features and recognizable signs of the past. And thats what well talk about today. As in the steppes of kherson, tomatoes and bell peppers appeared , the fruits of the peoples migration, that the bulgarian colonists gave novorossiya a conversation with an expert of the program , a competitor of odessa and taganrog inhabit this area to this day bulgarians. Their largescale migration to the russian empire began during the russianturkish wars during the reign of catherine the great, under turkish oppression, bulgarian settlers fled to southern bessarabia , the current odessa region and transnistria , the then governorgeneral of the region, the duke, would have decided to call them incomparable for their ability to work in the difficult steppe climate, and sugul fate, bolgar played the generals, who at the beginning of the 19th century became the governor of bessoramibia. He achieved the same benefits for them as for the german settlers favored even by empress catherine founded for refugees, the city of bolgrad, today a Regional Center in the odessa region. Having learned about the death of the general in 1845, the elders of all bulgarian colonies filed a petition at their own expense to transfer the ashes of the deceased from odessa to bolgrad. The cemetery is a special tomb all the way from odessa to bolgrad. For about 200 km, the coffin with the body of the inva bolgars carried on their shoulders the lapel of the cemetery fence to the very tomb as a sign of special respect , the bearers moved on their knees. The second wave of bulgarian resettlement began after the crimean war of 185356, having lost it , russia lost this part of bessarabia, where the bulgarians lived, it was annexed to the moldavian principality, then the colonists decided to move to new lands. In novorossiya. At that time , there was a colonization near the azov steppes of the tauride province of the current kherson and zaporizhia regions; the gaytsy, who roamed here , along with part of the crimean tatars, left for turkey. Bulgarians were successful farmers and gardeners. We were able to take their place and turn the lifeless steppes into a granary for resettlement bulgarian refugees received from russia 214. 000 ten land money courts. For arranging the farm, bread for each member of the family. Yes, a new crop, and also benefits for 8 years on payment. The bulgarians quickly got used to the southern steppes, having become acquainted with the rational economy of the german colonists, following their example, they began to sow several varieties of wheat and rye at once, which was rare in novorossia, set up orchards and vineyards, but the main profit was brought to the garden under the hot sun of tavria bulgarians they began to grow not only watermelons and holes, but also for the first time planted, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage and, of course, sweet peppers, which they immediately called bulgarian about the mark the bulgarians left in the history of novorossia in the plot of anna efimova the village of stepanovka near melitopol is historically absolute the majority of the population here are ethnic bulgarians. Many houses are more than a hundred years old. Olga gazheva, the head of the local bulgarian community, came to visit her large family as usual. The reception is always warm, rich, set table, vegetables, cheeses, the traditional bulgarian holiday pie milina was prepared specially for the arrival. A lot of relatives. Here we have my mother. Who is from this village from stepanovka and father from bagdanov, that is, i have relatives there, here i have relatives, you can say, all bulgarians know each other olga and her large family, aunts grandmothers and cousins ​​​​immigrants from bessarabia, their ancestors settled on these lands yet in the second half of the 19th century. After the result of the russianturkish war , bessarabi was under the rule of the puppet moldavian principality, and on in the ottoman empire, then many bulgarians decided to move here to the azov steppes under the protection of the crown of the russian empire. Here the soil was very fertile, thousands of hectares of unclaimed land and there was water. In general. Well, all that is needed for us hardworking people is cultivating grapes, raising livestock and, of course, gardening in the summer, the air of this village, like hundreds of other bulgarian settlements, is saturated. As a sailor, these flowers are a symbol and, one might even say, a brand of the modern state of bulgaria here in new russia to roses, a special attitude, as well as to needlework, which from time immemorial distinguished the bulgarian craftsmens diaper. For me , this diaper is 65 years old. In this house. Valentina sivova, was born and raised a lot of utensils and home textiles, the finest handmade work made by the hands of her grandmothers and aunts , maybe thats why she is so attached to her family nest to leave, which was not forced by the confusion and vacillation of 2014, not by ongoing hostilities. Im home. These are my children, if you knew what we had the village is good, the collective farm, rich, there were young people on the farm, the beauty was from now, in connection with this situation, everything is collapsing. And my heart hurts when, after the coup detat in kiev, they decided that the results of the maidan should be accepted by all other regions of ukraine, as well as all their numerous peoples, the situation began to be watched from the outside. Many diasporas, bulgarian is no exception. Well, calls for peace , mass actions against military escalation in the donbass, went unnoticed by neither the bulgarian authorities nor the bulgarian snakes there was no serious discussion beyond the low level of information. After russias involvement in the war, at the beginning, historical support for ukraine began, not historical and aggressive rhetoric against russia, but it was the bulgarians who once settled in the russian empire later became the Founding Fathers of modern bulgaria, paradoxically, but the roots of the modern political elite of this country can and should be sought in new russia , todays bulgaria, uh, remembers and honors. Yes, the fact is that most of the uh elite who created this state. These were mainly representatives of the russian empire. Yes, graduated from universities. There , Novorossiysk University and bolgrad gymnasium, for example, the first rector of sofia university, a native of the arab bulgarians , alexander fedorovna, or there the first minister of defense, the creator of the drill charter, which is still in force today. Yes, so to speak, despite joining nato so to speak , bulgaria, uh, dmitry guru yes, general uh, a native of chuchmeli from a small village , the shock of the Twentieth Century was heavily reflected on the bulgarians without the arab province was under the rule of the romanian occupiers. Persecution began. Relations between romania and bulgaria have always been tense, but the situation was aggravated even more by the historically prorussian sentiments of the bessarabian, bulgarians. If you remember the story after the seventeenth year. Uh, mr. Abbey, the principality has departed and there have been 22 years of occupation waiting for 39 years. Until here moldova went to the soviet union all these years for not only the bulgarians but also the rest of the nationalities were severe repressions. The torture was bullying, and therefore, when bessarabia crossed the soviet union, everything changed. In general, they were loyal, which means the soviet system made a career and quietly assimilated. But with the azov bolgs , it became quite difficult for the reason that right next to them is the uplift of the city in the donbass and kryvbas. A lot of people worked there. Theyre in the mic there. Here, in the composition of this donbass society, after centuries of oblivion of ottoman food and the struggle for others, it was russia that helped to return statehood to bulgaria in Nineteenth Century and up until 1991 and the collapse of the already new soviet empire. The bulgarians found themselves divided by the notorious administrative borders. Most of them, unexpectedly for themselves, became residents of the odessa region of ukraine, about a third of the inhabitants of moldova. Secluded, isolated, in spite of everything. They continued to maintain contact with their culture. I want to say first of all. I want peace, so that there is peace, so that everyone is alive and healthy, and so that our village and my children, my grandchildren, i want one of the grandchildren to stay and live in this house. This my future. I want to see all this, and with such an unshakable faith, peace will definitely come to this land. Anna efimova Valery Savelyev Anastasia Popova is a typical novorossia. About what mark the bulgarian settlers left in the history of novorossia, we will talk with our permanent expert , historian and political scientist alexander vasiliev. Sasha good afternoon sasha bulgarian colonists arrive in the 19th century on the territory of novorossiya. How did the pioneers feel, or for many of them it was a kind of return to the roots, after all, and it is believed that one of the possible progenitors of the bulgarian ethnic group. This is just the northern black sea coast in the second half of the 19th century in bulgaria itself. And there was a very serious discussion on the topic of the origin itself, but of the bulgarian people, because they are not an easy story. A and, a. Here is another year 912 in the south of the poltava province. This, in general, as if little russia had been made such an outstanding archaeological find, the socalled, and the prishchepin treasure there in a word. Uh, a small pinch, and thats where the richest was found with lots of gold jewelry. Already a horse bridle, there and so on and so forth. But this is what archaeologists call the treasures of khan kubrat according to certain signs, so to speak, there , yes, they identified it. Its like things that belonged to the famous scribbled sources of the khan of great bulgaria, which, respectively, uh, really was located in these steppe territories. See these e. The hermitage now houses a and is one of the brightest such pearls of the archaeological collection here b medieval items. And thats why indeed, this is the discussion she, well , she got such a material, lets say. So the incarnation is very popular this theme. E in bulgarian historiography. Yes, these eastern roots are now retrospective. We can say that then because of the bad began to come, and in the 18th century in the nineteenth, and the bulgarian settlers. This is some kind of element of returning to a certain bulgarian homeland about the homeland, it was present there, and so to speak, with what mood did the bulgarians go in the 19th century to well, the desert lands of novorossiya, what they gave in general, uh, in this sense, like uh, the colonists, like the people who developed these steppes, and what russia gave to the bulgarians, the colonists, received excellent conditions for government subsidies and various assistance. Uh, they could possibly have an incredible career. We know russian right up to the generals. Hmm, of bulgarian origin, not a few such examples of novorossiya played a huge role in the future National Revival of bulgaria, because, for example, yes, the russian Imperial University was founded in odessa, it already laid the idea that it will somehow become, as they say, a school not only for the whole of novorossia, but also for orthodox bulgarians and various Educational Institutions existed, and in nikolaev there was a special Educational Institution in which most of the students were e, bulgarians and e. V. Odessa had different social guardianship committees. The testo establishment of the aid society, the south, that is, e, it was the concentration of, as it were, the Human Resources of the human financial resource, which, but helped the bulgarians to braid independence and develop the national culture, which, of course here, well, it is impossible to overestimate, in general, the diaspora assimilated this. She somehow dispersed throughout belarus, or, like the greeks to the bulgarians, they lived compactly. Yes, but many observers are generally the first such hmm attempt to somehow comprehend these bulgarian colonies. This undertook the history of the odessa history of kopoloskakov, who is called herodotus, of the novorossiysk territory. Here he wrote, he is such a closed isolation, and bulgarian settlers and , indeed, even until recently , even bulgarian researchers came. Uh, learned philologists. Here in these philolo bulgarian. Yes, here in bessarabia, first of all, not only the zaporozhye region, and because some were preserved there. I have very conservative traits and linguistic cultural, which are already lost in the territory of the cinnamon big land. Yes, thats why, of course, such a closed , peculiar, she was present, but it did not interfere. I repeat to those who wanted to make a career. I wanted to integrate into russian society. Eh, in this way, but to develop, that is, here, er, the process in this sense, but went on as dual as the fate of the bulgarian diaspora, ukrainian times. And now what . Uh, uh, the bulgarian diaspora in novorossia, of course, has big problems, but ukrainization caused it. Yes, that is , the bulgarian population treated her extremely negatively, you can say so. Guaranteed to say yes, but what about the transition to lets say even the russian population had an easier transition there , some kind of document flow for some such official moments that the state demanded for a long time up to 14 to the fourth year. But uh in bulgarian the environment was directly met by a very serious one, of course, but the confrontation and, one more thing must be said , one such feature is that the Bulgarian Government worked very actively. With this diaspora and, for example, bessarabia , i will say a lot. Uh, representatives of these bulgarian enclaves. Yes, they had passports. Uh, they got bulgarian passports by date, respectively. This is completely the schengen area. These are everes union passports. This allowed them to work there and leave. And very many left before all the events. Yes and even a president of elgaria. And when from zelensky he came to ask for weapons. Yes , remember messi between them, this turned out to be very tough, so sharp. To say the borders of this enclave is the capital, which is the city of bolgrad. Yes, cut it literally there into 23 parts, stretch it, so that in no case will there be any e consolidation. That is, it is clear. The emphasis on simulation is clear. Eh, feeling. Thats the nationalist regime in kiev is not the loyalty of this population. Yes, and well , of course, uh, despite some protests there even the official, which means the Bulgarian Government, nevertheless negative processes, they continue today. Thanks sasha it was very interesting. Having received full control over the sea of ​​azov at the end of the 18th century, russia actively developed here not only fishing and local waters were rich , but also Merchant Shipping ; the main commodity in the 19th century was grain; grain was transported by wagons drawn by shafts. Mariupol port was located on the kalmius river, which flowed into the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bazov, the river was shallow and it was entered here, only with a small draft and a carrying capacity of up to 30 tons, such a ship could hold from 20 to 30 vases, not so much in terms of the number of ships that came in and the cargo turnover. Mariupol was seriously inferior to taganrog, berdyansk and kerch in 1882 , the construction of the railway to mariupol was completed , except for grain. Maybe they got up to carry donbass coal, the rapid industrialization in russia needed a new deepwater harbor . Its construction began in 1886 and was completed in 3 years on the day of the grand opening of the new berth, the first 18 wagons with coal were shipped, and after 10 years on azov , few could compare with the mariupol port in terms of technical equipment and the volume of cargo transshipment lost in 2020 the second in mariupol replenished the register of russian seaports , work has already been carried out to survey the territory. The mine danger has been removed. Restoration work is underway at harbor berth 22, 14 of them are in working condition, the water area has a great depth of 8 m, according to the minister of transport of the Russian Federation vitaly savelyev, the port is quite serious with potential and will be completely. It was also established today of the mariupol port in the story of olga mokhova, god willing, time and strength, i will take up the construction of a seaport in mariupol and , along with a cool railway, along with the renewed azov fleet. He can become the envy of the rest of the world. Russian industrialist savva on his own recommendation in a vzintsevy beam 5 1 2 versts from the old port, a new one appeared, and the former center of plague, mariupol became the largest port city of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bazov, so that rigging and large motor ships and sea vessels could come here, it was necessary to dig a fairway. And this grandiose construction, this giant formatter at the bottom of the sea of ​​azov, was a breakthrough in a new , deeper one. The port could already enter here with a draft of more than 4 m. Modern mooring walls were built here and even coal capsized or which allowed reload in three, the ship arrived by rail in wagons with donbass coal. The port should not be the port city of mariupol , but a port for the entire south of russia for the coal industrial and grain regions. Donetsk coal and iron ore from kerch greatly simplified logistics. Both domestic industrialists and foreign belgians are building a metallurgical plant here. Russian province, the americans are another metallurgical pipe welding shop and nikopol mariupol, the cities of the northern black sea region and, above all, odessa receive possibility of cheaper heating. First task. It was necessary to win the competition with english coal on the domestic market and thanks to the port of mariupol. This struggle was successful for the donetsk miners in terms of the investment itself. Mariupol port became the third in the russian empire, and in terms of cargo turnover by the end of the 19th century. Almost caught up with the odessa october coup and the civil war plunged it into ruin for 6 years, but by the beginning of the great patriotic war surpassed the scale before the revolutionary period, one of the socialist industrializations is the construction of the azovstal plant , which was also built on the shores of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bazov, and in parallel, i note that it was the only metallurgical plant in the ussr that had its own seaport in its structure, the port of the azovstal plant, the mariupol port could receive and load here all year round, thanks to its own icebreaker kapitan belousov, the only one on the sea of ​​azov in the soviet years. Here employed up to 4,000 people. The life of the city and the harbor were closely intertwined at the local heavy engineering plant. The current azov masha has established the production of portal cranes. It has a ship repairing oil and garbage sorters and various floating structures on its territory is the only one in the sea of ​​azov. Was very long carrying capacity of 15,000 dollars. He is able to repair here a large displacement. Almost one and a half hundred ships that sailed to 52 countries of the world were assigned to the mariupol port the soviet union led to catastrophic losses by 2008, only 33 ships remained in independent ukraine , and after some time the Azov Shipping Company actually began to exist only on paper , ships from other countries were now transshipping cargo, leaving the city without additional income, taking into account the specifics of the azov ee mariupol port and well in the whole basin of the sea of ​​azov. E hmm the port of rome won, because the capacity of the domestic market of ukraine for metal is very narrow at the peak. Uh, port turnover was approaching 15 Million Dollars metal, steel cast iron from medical plants in donbass and in. The first stage of mariupol, the second is coal, and the third, a in terms of volume, is cargo. It is white nonrefractory clay. Fourth from the viburnum belt this is food after the events of 2014 , the ports cargo turnover drops to 5 million tons, and in 2017, after ukraine imposed a blockade of certain areas of the donbass, metal and coal from the dpr and lpr. Mariupol is no longer supplied today the delivery of goods by rail from the donetsk and luhansk republics will resume, while this is still impossible due to the shelling of certain sections , according to experts, it will take up to half a billion rubles to restore the shipyard, but taking into account the European Shipyards closed to russia, it will definitely be restored olga mokhova Anastasia Popova Valery Savelyev typical novorossiya. Thats all we wanted to talk about. Kirill vyshinsky was with you today. See you soon. There may still be people under the rubble Sergiev Posad understand the mechanical plant. What is known acting on the instructions of kiev, the fsb detained a russian, who is accused of blowing up a gas pipeline in the crimea , explosives and electric detonators were confiscated from him. What testimony does the detainee himself give . The main task is to be in time before the cold snap, severodonetsk luhansk peoples republic is actively preparing for the heating season. How are the works going . The german metal concern, decommissioned by technology, will help, bought out old leopard tanks for belgium in order to transfer them to ukraine, how many cars will poison kiev and whether they will be at all they were capable of fighting yakuts, as if with smog from forest fires, how badly the air is polluted and the danger to residents, how is the extinguishing going

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