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Remote areas. Several hundred years in the same hall in the state Historical Museum, an exhibition of novorossiya has been opened , reconstructing the events from the russianturkish wars to the special operation war. In the coming days will get colder. How long will the weather remain summer in moscow, and when the arctic invasion begins in the liman direction, russian pilots strike at militants to support our units on the ground, they attack equipment and manpower, including ka52 helicopters and su25 attack aircraft airfield, with this is reliably covered by antiaircraft systems and the shell, the crews are on duty around the clock from the krasnoliman direction report by Alexei Baranov cheetah cream is great on such, without exaggeration, outrageous modes combat helicopters of the Central Military district perform a mission directly above the line of contact 900 800 700 700 maneuvers. Rising from one of the air bases, attack ka52 alligators fly over antiaircraft Missile Systems of letters. It is the calculations of the air defense of the Central Military district that cover military airfields from attacks from the air, from which both groups of attack helicopters and pairs of su25 frontline attack aircraft take off. We shoot down the usual rso himmers work more than enough hitting highspeed maneuvering aerodynamic targets, that is, aircraft, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles. The armored antiaircraft missile and gun complex operates in the immediate vicinity of air bases at a military airfield, which is located at a considerable distance from the contact line. We arrive at sunrise with an antiaircraft missile and gun complex. The shell covers the airfield from the air and is on combat duty just a few meters from the runway. Shock commander an alligator with the call sign mayak tells us about the details of the just completed combat work of the helicopter 52, he is ultrareliable, there has never been a refusal to perform a task due to a malfunction of equipment. Uh, the navigatoroperator on his shoulders is fully navigating the search for knowledge of targets, i must confirm the identification of the target, that yes indeed we are in the area. Yes, indeed, we, uh, are working towards a given goal. We give him a command to work one after another, all new groups of helicopters, having received a combat mission, are sent to the waiting area. Target coordinates are often obtained on the way. People are waving, joyful somewhere even raising flags. Air force people, in principle, are treated well here in donetsk Alexey Baranov andrey yurchuk alexander parkunov to lead the line of contact in the luhansk peoples republic in the kupinsky direction , russian scouts opened new caches of militants with ammunition, the calculation of a drone, spotted how the nationalists would deliver the shells. On a civil vehicle, they are transferred to one of the village buildings for our military, such tactics of the enemy did not come as a surprise units in the ssoregularly try to hide behind the civilians. Also , the scouts were able to detect a difficult target by a mortar crew wandering on a pickup truck, and transmit its coordinates in time for a strike. The main task before us is to identify , detect , report and destroy; passed the target and came to destroy it. The target was destroyed. To the west , the ukrainian conflict is fomenting, ignoring the lost, said the former special assistant to the pentagon before the guzmans. He noted that the strategy of fighting to the last ukrainians should be immediately reviewed. Are western leaders ready to listen to the story of komarov s nuts . There , dozens of soldiers are blown up every day in the years to generals who want to report at least some promoting failure on the battlefield. Western partners of ukraine are trying to compensate in the international arena. The wall street journal reports officials from the us and uk have begun their dubai marathon. The goal is to lobby for a ban on the import of hightech goods in russia in kiev, meanwhile, they decided to abandon the technological future on the streets, handing out leaflets instead of entering a university, joining the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. Ukrainian failures. The former minister of education of france is already talking openly on the air. Even deduced the chronology of these errors. He also spoke about the american course of zelensky, the big mistake of the ukrainians is their unwillingness to comply with the minsk agreements. They solved the problems of the separatists in the donbass in a military way. This is absurd and stupid, the second huge mistake is to think that russia will leave crimea which is 85 russian crimeans voted for the independence of ukraine , but they voted for this independence, when the president was prorussian since the maidan and the leader is in favor of nata usa it was because of this that the whole conflict arose. Europe at this moment is trying to solve at least its own problems of the chancellor. Austria said to buy gas. Russia is sad from a moral point of view, but tasty, so the country will not give up basic benefits for the population for the time being, the number one security of energy supply. We will provide it. Because if it is broken , production will be disrupted, the work of enterprises throughout the country in this way. First of all , we are talking about ensuring the security of energy supply. This is unpleasantly unpleasant from a moral point of view, but such is the reality. Thats mine. Responsibilities as federal chancellor german politicians meanwhile go into selfsufficiency in berlin reported about 3,000 pipes that were supposed to be used for nord stream 2 sold with the money for them they plan to ensure the flowering of solar energy in the country, and amazing success. Politician michael kalner reports in this area, but not centralized storage. There are no guaranteed capacities for such energy yet, so in the near future the germans will continue to burn coal, the rest of the routes have already been cut off and alik komarov has been sold. In spain, three people died as a result of flooding in the country, it is already being called the strongest in the last half century, record downpours in places, hail, including madrid, and water flows in the streets demolished cars flooded underground passages and the subway was disrupted Railway Communication critical situation in the city of toledo, where residents were forced to take shelter from the elements on the roofs of houses, people were evacuated by helicopter. There are at least two missing persons. The organizers of the burning main festival officially lifted the ban on the departure of guests before thousands of people, in fact , were held hostage by the nevadan desert, which brought down heavy rains. They worsened Road Conditions due to impassable mud. The organizers have suspended transport links with the outside world of the participant recommended to save water, food and fuel during the transport blockade. One person died, i note that every year about 70,000 guests come to the festival. For the first time he appeared in public after the chancellors eye injury, he published his photo on the social network with a black bandage with abrasions on his face and wrote that he was waiting for jokes on this topic later, scholz appeared with a bandage at a Party Meeting with the dpg. The media did not keep themselves waiting, however , the bbc did not flash originality, they called him just a pirate , the chancellor was injured, stumbling during jogging. Reindeer herders of the lenin autonomous okrug make their choice on the single voting day in the region will elect deputies of the Regional Assembly and the arkhangelsk Regional Parliament, but for reindeer breeding brigades, the procedure. Started early. They will not be able to get to the polling stations, so the employees of the Election Commissions themselves come to them to get to hardtoreach areas. Helicopters will tell you more. Many reindeer herding brigades, such as these, are located several hundred kilometers from populated areas. Tundra springers have their own order , way of life and household chores to go to the polls. There is simply no way, therefore, nomads can cast their vote right here in the tundra. You can vote early only in exceptional cases, the decision procedure takes the numbers of the Russian Federation or the Election Commission by the subject in 2023. Make your choice before a single voting day is allowed in new regions of russia and also on difficult accessible and remote areas such as the nenets tundra here we stand. Probably three or four days. And tomorrow we will go further again, there is no way to go to the village now for the elections. And now it is convenient that the lena of the Election Commissions travel to remote and hardtoreach territories on various vehicles in the eastern part of the leninsky district. They flew around in a helicopter, as the workers of the fiveaggregates, while putting the money for voting, for a good reason, will not be able to be present at the polling station. It is not always possible to get out to the polls. Eh, such an opportunity is provided that you can vote and it is very important for us. Uh, i go with my family and my wife and i have the opportunity to vote as a member of the pec specialists. Experienced people work organized early voting is carried out in person format no need to apply for this the whole process in one brigade takes no more than 20 minutes. We are registered here, which means that people have passport data. We have a list with all the people already. Those who live in khorever we give them ballots so that they can vote nomads receive several ballots at once, in particular the residents of khorever choose the head of the municipality and the council of deputies by one tick. Here you put one tick for the head of the hariver, and you put your ballots for up to 7 ticks for deputies, the nomads release them into a special sealed box and open it only on the evening of september 10, from august 20 , more than two hundred nets cast their vote in remote territories. And what makes the workers of our region is that there is a huge territory, which is beyond transport accessibility, therefore, for a month and a half of summer, starting from midjuly. We collecting applications. Here are reindeer farms. Then we build routes together with the aircraft. And uh, weve been doing these routes all this week. According to our plans and taking into account requests to us. E, more than 300 reindeer herders will have to vote, and more than women workers this year, the inhabitants of the region will have to vote for the deputies of the District Assembly and the arkhangelsk Regional Parliament in the village of iskateley and individual Village Councils will elect the main municipality september, for those who do not have such an opportunity to vote, it is proposed remotely through a verified account on the portal of Public Services alexandrov alexander durkin to conduct, polar region now artyom yamshchikov has joined us in the economic news. Why i will tell you later at the beginning about the situation in the domestic tekke the main task of the domestic fuel and Energy Complex is to maintain a balance of interests of consumers and business, having ensured stable price conditions, this was stated by Vladimir Putin before the start of the meeting on the implementation of the murmansk lng project ; despite the open hostile actions of a number of countries, the illegal and endless restrictions of the sanctions on the russian fuel and Energy Complex, our oil and Gas Companies as a whole feel confident that they are developing successfully solve the tasks they face, including in the field of foreign trade, find new reliable partners, rebuild logistics routes. The young gas company was obliged to transfer the Gas Transmission network to the control of the romanian operator. Such a decision was made by the commission for emergency situations of the government of moldova , a Lease Agreement for a period of 5 years has already been signed. Well, and thus chisinau a decree from brussels introduces the republic of the provisions of the notorious third energy package. It requires separate companies to supply, transport and distribute gas. Bulgaria took the lukoil oil terminal located on its territory under the operational controller and, in fact , expropriated the concession , the government of the republic said it was interrupted due to sanctions, and they classified it as a force majeure, and therefore they are not going to pay compensation. The Russian Company decided to leave only control, it is directly necessary fuel depots. Lukoil itself pointed out that the contract was concluded in 2011 for a period of 35 years and there is simply no reason for its termination. The interim manager of the russian subsidiary of google revealed signs of deliberate bankruptcy , according to a notice on the website of the federal resource, the manager discovered the companys actions that led to the loss of solvency. Thus, dividends were accrued in the amount of more than 32 of the Balance Sheet currency. This significantly worsened the solvency ratio. In addition, the company violated the russian legislation, which in turn led to the reduction of assets and the blocking of bank accounts. It is known that at the end of august its debt amounted to about 20 billion rubles. And the Exchange Rates are short dollar 96 rubles. And 61 kopecks. Euro 104 rub. And 41 kopecks. Artyom thank you artyom yamshchikov was with the news of the economy to us and we continue and briefly about the main thing for this minute. Warships of the Northern Fleet conducted an exercise to search for submarines in the barents sea of ​​the crew of the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov and the large antisubmarine ship vice admiral kulakov worked out interaction with k27 helicopters. They took off from the deck, then tracked enemy submarines from the air. The sailors also perfected the tactics of searching for submarines using onboard sonar systems. The arctic ship Group Trained to interact and worked out tasks with the marines to protect the coast on the pelagia archie land of france at the airport of rostovondon , a transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace forces landed on board cargo for units fighting in the zaporozhye kherson region thermal imagers devices night vision and much more that can make it easier for the fighters to perform tasks on the front line, all this was delivered by the military police. They regularly help supply our units, we have received humanitarian aid. Several diesel generators, which are in demand on the side, received a thermal imaging sight in combination can be used as a wicket, a very necessary thing for snipers who work, but at a distant distance with such a sight you can easily see alive and all opponents and a half. Ukrainian dnepropetrovsk is waiting for many hours of blackouts in winter, such a statement was made in a local energy company. They say that it was not possible to completely restore the previously destroyed infrastructure, therefore, a schedule of rolling blackouts has already been drawn up, each house will not have 8 hours a day, but only if the residents save electricity, otherwise the situation may even come out the previously difficult situation with the supply of energy was out of control, and in lviv there, according to forecasts, the duration of the outage could reach several weeks. Further sports news will tell about them. Am i kazakov or am i hockey lada, who returned to the khl with a new president of the family , will surprise many vera, yes, we are talking about the famous tennis player anastasia myskina, the champion caral angaroz, the clubs Supervisory Board is included and here is a new challenge. The main news by this hour, Daniil Medvedev reached the quarterfinals of the us open, where he will play with another russian Andrey Rublyov , the bears beat him in the 1 8 finals of the us open in the capital, dominating at the expense of 4 62, the meeting lasted 2 hours and 42 minutes on the account of the 27yearold russian 10 aces six errors on the second serve and five realized breaks out of 10 vere called the doctor, please, for breathing problems, during the first set and asked for an inhaler. After which he played confidence tournaments. We are waiting for the russian confrontation of the door. Rublev, more excellent meetings 5 2 in favor of daniil Andrey Rublev became the quarterfinalist of the us open for the fourth time in his career , having played in four games of briton jack draper, andrey had never overcome the quarterfinal barrier on big helmets before. He was for him, as if bewitched, although in any case, his consistently high result. At these tournaments, rolanga, height 2022, is impressive. He has already reached the fifth quarterfinal of the slam in six attempts. But the female part of the grid, the representatives of russia, following the results of the fourth round, did not have the first racket of the country, daria kosatkin, lost in two grids to the second seed number, the belarusian arena bolelenko. The score is 1 6, the tank, called impossible the demand of ukraine to isolate the world dispute from the russians. The official noted that the suspension of russian and belarusian athletes violates human rights and the olympic hardia. I do not think that the final decision on the participation of russia in the belarusian Paris Olympics will be made. In a few days, we provided the opportunity for athletes to compete, both individual and neutral, but not as a representative of their country, bach emphasized. Meanwhile, the International Swimming federation allowed the russians to compete in neutral individual neutral athletes will be eligible to participation only in those events where the time or result is determined by the performance of one athlete, thus russian and belarusian athletes will not be allowed to compete in pairs and teams in disciplines such as synchronized swimming, water cavity, synchronized diving and relay races guests of my next graduation swim ilya gerkus, the expresident of the capitals lokomotiv and torpedo, who assessed the start of the rpl clubs in the new season, became the head of the russian football program. Spartacus has his own inner world and his own inner drama, inner empathy for spartak, she is not in the first three places, but he suffers and this is simply their main quality that characterizes spartak fans and some incredible pressure begins on everyone. Uh, all the participants in the process on the players on the coach on the hands of the leader lokomotiv thank god it was not, that is, the locomotive could safely, damn it, in tenth place. Yes , of course they were or the fans were unhappy, but no one saw anything supernatural in this, a bottle in the argentine striker Club Inter Miami or she or messi this happened after the away match with los angeles at mms, the argentinean handed over the pole to the revival of the bodyguards at that moment the stands threw a bottle of water at him. At the same time, the bottle itself did not hit in a month, and the Football Player crouched down and saw. This moment we note that in this meeting the blizzard messi noted the thoughtfulness resulting from the transfers. He has moved online to the transfer window and has already made ten appearances in all competitions with 11 goals and three assists. Now hockey kazan ak bars outplayed the chelyabinsk tractor in the first home match of the regular season of the khl and ended with a score of 5 3 for the head coach kazantsev zenital belletdinov the match became the anniversary of 1200 championships of russia the first period the meeting was left for the guests distinguished tkachev burdasov. At the beginning of the second 20 minutes, kagarlitsky reduced the gap in the score, but soshnikov again increased the advantage of his team 4 minutes before the end of the Second Period of the lukoyans. Again played one puck, the final segment, kazan, broke meeting entry. Yashkino equalized the score soon scored doubles converted the majority of the point in the match a few seconds before the end of the game set radulov for the second consecutive victory for the kazan team in the first match of the season ak bars beat cska, becoming the owner of the opening cup this was sports news vera darya thank you ilya kazakov spoke about the sport. We continue in moscow today opens a unique exhibition novorossiya. It will be held in the Historical Museum for the first time at the federal site, a project will be presented that will introduce the history of a vast region. In northern black sea. Among the exhibits of the painting are weapons, models of ships and not only that , the exposition is also included. What historical period will margarita semenik find out about . Any movement is chosen by specialists with an accuracy of up to a millimeter, filigree work can be traced everywhere, jewelry clarity, even the level of all the plates on the wall should be perfectly even so that visitors like it 95 of all work has already been completed main we have along strong, too, showcase elements. All are also located. They are all roughly painted , roughly speaking, the expositions are prepared, in some moments the expositions, in principle, have already been exhibited. In a small space, the main historical milestones of novorossia from joining the russian empire in 1764 to liberation. From the nazis in 2022, paintings of weapons and tools, models of ships and objects of archaeological excavations , the center of the exhibition of the costume of the peoples who mastered vast spaces at the request of the prince. Potemkins mother. Give people or otherwise turku to give these lands. Ill have to go back, and it was accepted, but it seems to me, the most grandiose in history, but the world , but hmm here is and this project of the population of the settlement of novorossiya, and this handwritten map of the eighteenth century, which has never been exhibited historical kherson dnieper and those very cities, where the front line now stretches, halfmodel ships of the crimean war ship, which were assembled at the nikolaev construction plant, the battleship potemkin. The power of the black sea fleet can be said that we chose the finest surgical instrument from the masses to our 22 member museums and archives. Uh archives, a unique exhibit and a rare portrait of kutuzov in that, uh, hmm, only on the graph, when he, in fact, mastered novorossia and a portrait of admiral lazarev , a participant in roundtheworld travel. Uh, the expedition as a result of which antarctica was discovered is the main project of our time in the state Historical Museum of the addon to the carpathians from the black sea coast to the middle vestibule, the historical territory of vast fertile lands stretches. And its bowels, which used to be called the wild field. Now they know how our ancestors built on voross from the beginning of the sixteenth century. There are powerful fortified lines here on the southern borders of russia. They mastered the regions, relying on them, they went south and south. And so to speak, here at the end of the eighteenth century by their blood by their. E labors. Uh, russia has become the owner, indeed , of exceptional wealth, the basis of the exhibition is the collection of the state Historical Museum. At the same time, the leading museum of the country supported the initiative and handed over unique exhibits and for the first time objects will be presented here. And things from the special operation zone, collected by the museum staff, a broken icon of st. Nicholas the wonderworker from st. Nicholas church, which was damaged during the fighting in the dangerous. This zone is dedicated to a special military operation. Here exhibits are collected from places where fierce battles for cities and towns took place. For example, fragments from ukrainian shells. Also presented here is this panel, which was taken out of the bomb shelter, mariupol, in which there were children even under regular shelling by the nazis, but they did not believe. To a Bright Future several hundred years accumulated in one small one. In the exact hall the historical thread of the event from the russianturkish wars to the special military operation exhibition novorossiya, opens today will be open for several months margarita semenyuk dmitry korsakov Dmitry Nabokov spend time with children russian cartoons and childrens programs or on the website ninetyfourth year, which is just around the corner in a past life , Ninja Turtles work, also saves the world , too, andrey evgeny gypsy lives in the sewer overhaul. Oil fell film alexander the great one evil does not depend on anything at all. Earrings should

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