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Dancing is your bag of popcorn, this is the norm for the discount store, from october 19th, order goods on a scooter with discounts, i have to fly around the entire globe at once, dont rise any higher, youll just fall like a stone, the lord of the wind is already in the cinema, theres a cheeseburger at bigfest for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, one day we decided to open an ecofarm, stop, stop. First, lets open the documents, rummage through the invoices, why, is there a document designer for this . Focus on taxes interest, deductions, and vtb has digital accounting, and will handle legal issues, yes, you open a vtb current account, you get more than thirty business services, you do what you love, not routine. Vtb we help with action, for any business. Sometimes it doesnt matter at all whether something is new or not. The main thing is that it is your favorite color, so impressive, helps you be close, things that suit you are more important than just new ones, womens coats from half a thousand rubles on avito, how are you doing, take glycine rennival, asparkam rinival, we trust rinival, we choose rinival for apartments. More sometimes you just need a sign find an apartment on tsang save up to 30 on your mortgage pay less orion cake chocaka 1290 helps out sbermarket takes care of your profitable purchases pay for up to 99 of your order with bonuses thank you in any stores and restaurants order profitably. We continue the release, Vladimir Putins speech at the Valdai International club lasted almost 4 hours. During this time, the president spoke on all relevant topics, in particular on the situation in the russian economy, the situation in ukraine and international environment. Vladimir putin pointed out the colonial thinking of the west, which sets its own rules, regardless of the interests of others throughout the world order. Our western colleagues, especially from the usa, do not just set an arbitrary one. Such rules, but at the same time they teach who should fulfill them and how , who should behave in general and how, all this is done and said, as a rule in an openly boorish form, this is all the same manifestation of this colony of colonial thinking, everything time we hear, it sounds all the time, you must, you must, we we seriously warn you, who are you anyway . What right do you have to warn someone . Vladimir putin noted that russia always offers solutions acceptable to everyone, but the west does not agree. As consent to ones own civilization, of course, cannot be given to anyone, this is also the path to general chaos, it is unnatural and disgusting, i would say, we, for our part, have always tried and are trying to offer solutions that would take into account the interests of everyone, but our interlocutors in the west, it seems, they have completely forgotten that there are such. The concept of reasonable selfrestraints, compromises, willingness to give in on something in order to achieve a result acceptable to everyone , no, they are literally obsessed with only one thing, to push, to push, and at any cost here now their interests, well, if this is their choice, lets see what this will happen, the paradox is that tomorrow the situation may change. Thats the problem. Russia will accept compatriots from latvia if the latvian authorities evict them, deputy Russian Foreign minister Alexander Grushko said in an interview our channel. He recalled that in russia there is a whole program to promote voluntary resettlement, and also spoke about what restrictions and pressure our fellow citizens in latvia are subjected to today. We are talking about squeezing out the russian language. From all spheres of public life of this country, from the sphere of education, and i will emphasize this once again, from the point of view of the obligations that these states bear, from the point of view of the general principles of morality and international law, the situation is intolerable, we are closely monitoring it, i would like to emphasize once again that this is a matter of our serious concern, of course, we will do Everything Possible to ensure that if it really comes down to the return of our compatriots to their homeland, they will be settled, we have, as you know, a program to promote voluntary resettlement , russians, compatriots living abroad, it will be implemented in full. Russian Intelligence Services stopped 11 attempts to import synthetic drugs produced in ukraine into the country. In all in some cases, the smugglers route ran in transit through European Union countries. The criminal intentions were stopped by the fsb together with the customs service, from september to the present day. In total, the Security Forces seized 370 kg of prohibited substances. 12 members of criminal groups were detained, several criminal cases were initiated. It was established that cars with equipped hiding places came to kiev to buy drugs. There. I took it in kiev, he gave it to me via contact, they asked me to distill the viterov from kiev, the government approved new measures for stabilization domestic fuel market, the operation of the fuel damper is restored from october 1, the coefficient changes from 0. 5 to one, which will more effectively saturate the countrys market with gasoline. And diesel fuel. In addition, there are increased requirements for Oil Companies to sell fuel on the Stock Exchange for gasoline the share is increased from 13 to 15 of production volume, for diesel from 9. 5 to 12. 5, and to prevent gray exports after the current restrictions are lifted, a barrier will be introduced push for petroleum products. It will be 50,000 rubles per a ton for those suppliers who do not produce fuel themselves. Now lets return to the situation on sakhalin, let me remind you that an emergency situation has been introduced in yuzhnosakhalinsk due to the consequences of the passage of a powerful cyclone. Forecasters warn of worsening weather and colder temperatures in the european part of the country. Well talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobs center, evgei teshkovets. Evgeniy, greetings, where will the weather get better first, in the center of the country or on sakhalin . Good afternoon, sakhalin and nistya are leaving, here in the european part of russia weather disasters are just beginning. In sakhalin alone, 71 mm of precipitation fell overnight, in some places in neighboring areas up to 113, and this is the monthly norm. As a result, streams turned into rivers, and rapid flows of water carried away bathhouses and outbuildings from flooded areas. Jessie, come here, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, look, shes going to do something for the people, but dont do anything, what are you going to do, come here, dig up the carrots. Sakhalin found itself in the path of a cyclone, which the day before passed through the territory of china in the latitudinal direction, a small atmospheric vortex, approaching waters of the sea of ​​japan, involved its circulation, warm, humid sea air and spun with renewed vigor. Now, having brought down moisture reserves on sakhalin, it continues to move east and its influence on the islands weather will gradually weaken. In yuzhnosakhalinsk , the intensity of precipitation is decreasing. Tomorrow it will be cloudy with clearings, light rain, wind up to 12 m per second, 810 during the day. On sunday the weather will improve completely, the wind will subside and in partly cloudy weather the air will warm up to 13. On monday up to 16 degrees. In the european part of russia, bad weather is only gaining strength. Apatity, kirovsk, and other settlements of the murmansk region were covered with snow by morning; in the city of zapolyarny there was even a blizzard. On the streets the snow has melted a little, but outside the city it is still winter. The arctic nickel track was sprinkled with sand, but despite this, it is dangerous to climb there on summer tires. To other regions that have adopted russian language. The cyclone brings rain and increased wind. During the day , over 20 mm of precipitation will fall at the epicenter of nena, the vologda region. Strong rain will occur in the novgorod, tver, and yaroslavl regions. Moscow, vladimir, ivanovo and kostroma will fall into the zone of intense precipitation; up to 10 mm will fall, that is, almost a bucket of water per square meter. But on sunday the peak of cooling will come over a large area from the pskov region in the west to the Moscow Region in the center and the kirov region and yamal in the east, the temperature even in the daytime will not exceed 5, and in the center of the arkhanel region at the height of the day, the thermometers will not be able to overcome the zero mark. St. Petersburg experienced the most cold night since may. The thermometer dropped to 3 this morning. In the northern capital, no precipitation today, partly cloudy during the day 9. Tomorrow the next whirlwind will come, very heavy rain will fall. Over 25 mm of precipitation, wind will increase to 14 m per second, maximum temperature 57. Heavy precipitation will continue on sunday, but by the evening it will become colder and the rain will turn to sleet. In moscow today it is cloudy and rainy, the air will only warm up to 1012. Up to 11 mm of precipitation may fall per day, while quite windy, gusts can reach gale force 17 m per second. In the evening and at night under the influence. The anticyclones will gradually clear up, but in partly cloudy weather it will get colder to 0 2, tomorrow will be nastya, the rains will intensify, in a total of two days, about half of the monthly precipitation may fall on the capital, the maximum temperature is about plus eight, well, on sunday night against the backdrop of a drop temperatures, precipitation may turn into sleet, these are the forecasts for this minute. Thank you, evgenia tishkavets spoke about weather disasters in russian regions. To other topics, the round final of the fifth competition of managers of russian leaders has started in novosibirsk; let me remind you that this is the flagship project of the president ial platform russia the country of opportunities. The district final involves 250 people who showed the best results based on the results of the distance selection, and those who win will advance to the super final, which will take place next year. Let me add that the super finalists will receive an educational grant in the amount of 1 million rubles. And the opportunity to meet with a mentor from among leading managers. Very i liked this lesson, there were good questions, most of all i liked the question about what are the most important values ​​for me, and it made me think, and what did you answer to this question, i answered that for me the most important values ​​are life, Strong Family serving the fatherland, the road to the east is expanding, running around the clock. On a section of the m122 highway. Recently they launched a section from moscow to arzamas, and now this route by car can be covered in 3. 2 hours. How will the new highway affect nika yankovaya will tell you about the development of regional connections and what impetus it will give to business and tourism. The distance from moscow to yekaterinburg in a Straight Line is 10418 km. By train, this journey can be covered in at least a day; by car, the journey takes more than 30 hours, but for now, after new sections of the m12 highway are opened, the travel time will be reduced to 17 hours. The highway is already open to arzamas, through the central ring road it is connected with m11, which leads to st. Petersburg, by the end of the year the proof section will open and then in the twentyfourth the route will also reach yekaterinburg and thereby connect the three largest regions the republic of bashkartastan, the perm territory and the sverdlovsk region. Then we go to tyumen, part of the road will be completed in the twentyfourth year, part will be completed in the twentyfifth year, and then we go in parallel, which means to omsk, we have decided to build a bypass of omsk in the next 5 years, then novosibirs with a bypass of novosibirsk and to vladivostok. Construction work is going on around the clock on the new section of m12, dyurtyuli achit. Route length 275 km, will unite the largest Regional Centers of the volga and ural federal districts, which means it will stimulate the development of Regional Business and strengthen interregional ties. Both the volga region, which is connected, and the central region, are the two largest, if you like, Economic Centers of the country. Additional connectivity. Between them, since road transport provides a lot of local transportation, it allows local businesses to deliver goods to the market of moscow or large cities of the volga region much faster, this means an increase in production not only in logistics in service, but also in actual production. An important feature of the m12 is the emphasis on roadside infrastructure, Service Facilities are being built in parallel with the construction of the highway itself, along the entire route the principle for multifunctional Service Zones on the m12 is that they are identical in planning traffic flows, at the entrance, taking into account the needs of passenger vehicles, they leave for one way, the freight transport goes to its parking lot, to the right, and there is also a separate passage for longdistance buses. Condition, well, essentially, so that they can fully disembark passengers, there are many functional areas these are not just gas stations, you can relax here, there are safe play areas for children, both inside and in the fresh air, while the car is refueling, in in the store you can buy the necessary goods and drink coffee. More than three dozen multifunctional zones are planned from the capital of evidence. Multifunctional zones we considered this an Investment Investors of about 60 billion rubles and 3,000 jobs, this provides an opportunity to develop the region. On the future dyurtyuli ochit road, 10 mfzs are planned, six in bashkartastan and two each in the perm territory and the sverdlovsk region. However, the Economic Impact of the route is much broader. For the convenience of drivers, six more automobile ones are being built. There are two interchanges in each region. They will allow you to bypass large Populated Areas and reduce the load on the regional road network. To implement this Global Project faster, work is carried out around the clock, even in places where it is difficult to supply building materials. We are in the process of constructing a bridge across the fast tanyp river, by the end of the twentythird year we plan to turn over 10 artificial structures for refilling, with the continuation of work on connecting the artificial structures with the road, which means that all artificial structures will be turned over to asphalt in the summer of twentyfour. We are located at the construction site of the kazan expressway, from kazan to yekaterinburg on the durtyuli achit section, second stage, kilometer 140, kilometer 232, and according to the contract, this section will be launched in the First Quarter of the twentyfifth year, but we plan to complete it earlier, uh, at the end of the twentyfourth year, priority on the m12, safety, according to forecasts, thanks to the highway, the number of accidents will be reduced overall by 2 seconds half times, the permitted speed on the highway is 110 km h, the strictest requirements are placed on the road surface, asphalt. Designed for the loads of climatic conditions, they are laid in three layers, these are new mixtures that were specially used on the m12, with regards to the upper layers coatings, they are more resistant to wear, because they use modern modified bitumens, with regards to the lower layers, then in this case, due to the large amount of crushed stone, due to modern technologies and due to the use of modified new bitumens, these structures are also characterized by very good strength. To transport Raw Materials faster , concrete plants are built along the m12, and for bridges they use special asphalt concrete, cast, such as, for example, laid on the cablestayed bridge over the oka river under the murum. Total only in 2 years the builders managed to build this, if we compare it with the existing one, and they are similar in their parameters, in the volume of work, then we built it six months faster, while the number of lanes is twice as large, the estimated speed of movement more, which accordingly indicates that the economic efficiency of this object. This is the belaya river in the sverdlovsk region, a bridge is being built across it as part of the first stage of road construction, in order to optimize the construction process , unique selflifting platforms, Technology Makes it possible to safely and continuously install supports, despite strong winds, and a lightweight hydraulic system allows you to move two platforms simultaneously, along with the formwork, without the participation of a crane. Work is carried out according to the order. Preparation for the construction of the span. There are more than 300 people and 50 pieces of equipment at the facility. At the peak of work it is planned to increase the number to 1,000 people. The m12 highway is toll. A barrierfree Payment System has been installed in open areas, i. E. The car passes under control without stopping, and the smart system determines its license plate number, classification, and the presence of a transponder. A transponder is a small Electronic Device that receives and transmits a signal for automatic payment. About 90,000 such devices have already been produced in russia. The transponder is attached to the windshield behind the rear view mirror. When driving under the toll limits, there is a free flow, it is possible to drive at the maximum permitted speed, simply according to the rules of the road movement, it is 110 km h. In the case of a comparison with barrier Toll Technology, it is Still Necessary to stop the movement of the vehicle up to 20 km h. Free flow Toll Technology allows for 25 times faster provision of capacity on highways. You can buy a transponder at the Information Centers at the mfz or at mobile sales points. When we open a new location or a Stationary Office for some reason has not yet been installed, we install a similar point sales on wheels, so to speak, for consultations, sales and a full cycle of user service, the construction of new sections of the m12 is proceeding at an accelerated pace, recently president Vladimir Putin opened a section from moscow to arzamas, which can now be covered by car in just 3. 5 lets go, today we are taking another significant step in modernizing and expanding the network of federal roads, in increasing the connectivity of our territories, and from such highquality, modern highways, from efficient route hubs, transport hubs, the strengthening of the National Economy and industry, and ultimately the quality of life. Of our citizens, the growth of business and tourism activity depends a lot. Open sections of the m12 highway are already attracting large investments in the regions. For example, in the vladimir region , several Large Companies have requested sites for the construction of logistics centers, which is approximately 10,000 new jobs. The cumulative effect from the implementation of the project in conjunction with the construction of the kazan ekaterinburg road is the combination of three largest agglomerations, kazan, ufa and yekaterinburg. Russia, this multiplies the number of people traveling, those who travel, eat, buy souvenirs, stop somewhere , that is, this generally develops the local tourist history, that is, i would boldly assume that this kind of trip, such an opportunity, is of course it will not be the first year that it will be fully implemented, the first year people will try, but gradually, it will lead to an increase in the tourist flow, well, not even twice, as one might expect a reduction. After the completion of construction work on the section from kazan to yekaterinburg at the end of twentyfour, travel time by car from the capital will be halved from 14 to 7 hours. With us, cities are getting closer, distances are getting shorter. If you take murom, today its almost three kilometers there, thats a little over two hours. It used to be necessary here. It takes 5 hours to get there, no one knows how, so the distance that we have here today is halving the time that the driver will spend on the road, according to forecasts already for. 2030, the operation of the highway, the annual cargo flow will be up to 5 million tons, in total from moscow to yekaterinburg 23 million tons per year. Remember my words, 10 years will pass, you will drive around this road, everything will be built up around here, because where the road is, thats where investments begin, there life begins, additional life. The macroeconomic effect from the m12 highway can amount to 2. 5 rubles, only thanks to. Jobs, the regions will receive investments thanks to the development of business ties, the tourist flow will increase by 2530 , and travel around the country will become faster , more comfortable and safer on the open sections of the m12, traffic has already exceeded a million in the ranks of my unit there were a lot. A lot of drug addicts, we said that confidence in our actions is emerging , the fighters who were running near me were just as chaotically shooting at houses, shooting at windows, you understood that you were shooting at the residents of mariupol, you understood, but i would be on drugs, those pills that we saw are serious tranquilizers, a person forgets , whats happened pain, fatigue, everything that is used in ukraine is manufactured in a factory manner by Nato Research institutes, here is the same apey spray based on nalfubine. The cia definitely continues to conduct similar activities all over the world; dozens of those same biological laboratories in ukraine immediately come to mind. Beautiful decorated platforms, women in hollow feathers. They are walking along the sambodrome, a russian will not behave like that , the wanderer does not know how to show the world our culture, my acquaintance with brazil is natural, the series is slaves of the nezauras. Slave zaura was my First Television role and i became very famous not only in brazil but in the world, this is a favela, i grew up in a favela, it is an integral. Part of my life, i agree with those who say that brazil is green russia, and russia is northern brazil. Now personnel from the government coordination center. Deeply respected. Shavkat miramonovich, dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the Correctional Center of the russian government, this is your, dear shavkat miramonovich, first visit to russia after being elected president , and absolutely i am convinced that he will open a new page in the development of our friendly, partnership and allied relations that connect the peoples of uzbekistan and russia

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