In tsarist times. What now connects two such dissimilar countries, how do russians live in africa and what kind of joint business are they building . This is in the First Episode of the new world project. We can understand each other on many issues. Now he comes to us. Our neighbor converted to orthodoxy from the venda tribe, the local population treats russians very, very well, this is our support for russia, such tshirts are very popular among black youth, the soviet union fed us, supplied us with food and clothes, the city of capetown is the most beautiful city in the world, africa is always business. Through relationships, business through eyes, relations between south africa and russia are very good, i see the future very, very bright, right where you are from, from russia, someone is surprised, begins to remember where russia is. You and i see a Table Mountain or Table Mountain, probably the most popular local attraction, i dont go with such a view every day to work, and even as a child, in general, it so happened that i had both kindergarten and school with indepth study of the english language, and so, in general, i was probably lucky that since childhood i traveled a lot and liked the country as a country, i like it absolutely, absolutely probably the good nature of the people around, people walk around, they have a smile on their face, they smile. As they call themselves, the city is a rainbow nation, a rainbow nation, a country with a very diverse ethnic, linguistic, and cultural composition. Behind each painting here lies a living story, this painting is called the tingatingga dance, according to african tradition, when a woman and a man have a child, they gather at night, light a fire and dance, they move emotionally like this, and this is a special dance in honor the birth of a baby who we call tinga tinga. Is this painting not finished yet . Yes, we need to finish drawing it. They have a kind of Global Heritage on human rights issues, International Nelson mandela day, named after the generally unknown south african leader, they are proud of it, there are more than a dozen official languages, thats all. I am the regent of caisano. The oldest tribe of the first nation in the world, we are the same as the red indians aborigines, but in africa we are the first nation, my porcupine quill crown represents each generation, which. Came before us, each needle reflects 100 years, so we have been on this earth for thousands of years. There is the city of cape town, the most famous city in south africa in my opinion, the most beautiful city in the world. Kipta. The most famous city in Southern Africa, it was built by the dutch as a transit point on the way to the indonesian colonies, people flocked here and the city began to grow, russian ships called at the port back in the 19th century to replenish supplies and rest, a very large number of ships stopped at cape town for in order to replenish supplies, floating in the ocean, there is nothing around, neither left nor right, here is the thought of good hope, that point, when you see it, you understand . Thats it, youve reached a safe place, its in cape town that you can count a very large number of wine farms, this again is what cape town is all about, this is shiras, this is. A variety of black grapes in the style of the northern rhone, you can here expect aromas of lavender, a little white pepper, perhaps violets, my name is nikolai, my name comes from russia, about the history of my name me every russian person asks, or every russian friend i meet, the fact is that my father was a journalist and worked at the south african embassy, ​​in st. Petersburg and moscow, he just fell in love with russia. And really loved the country, loved its culture, went to the theater, loved music, art, all this just fascinated him about russia, and he also liked the people in russia, very loyal, very honest and i just think he really fell in love with this country, so he decided that he would name his first child nikolai, and my sisters name is nina, in south africa we grew up surrounded by vineyards , wine is a huge systematic part of our business, if we talk about russia, i think this is huge. The opportunity to supply wine to russian restaurants, i also think that with what is happening at the moment, where europe is a little closed to russia, russia may be looking at south africa in terms of imports and wine, africa is always, business through relationships, business through eyes, none of the africans are buying. Goods without seeing it, because in unlike, for example, the psychology of a european, an african needs to touch, feel, smell there, so the council of russia , born in the sixth year, set itself the main task of increasing the number of businessmen on both sides, relations between south africa and russia are very good ones, we are part of the brix community, this is brazil, russia, india, china, and ur. Within this framework, many bilateral and unilateral discussions on trade negotiations take place. We are currently implementing projects in both the Mining Sector and energy sector, as well as various agricultural projects that we are currently involved in. We have just sent a whole consignment of products from south africa to russia. I am the executive director of the Southern African Fresh Produce exporters forum, this forum covers 95 of the Fresh Produce exported from Southern Africa. We have been cooperating with russia for quite a few years, in total we export 3. 5 million. We send 7 of all collected fruits to russia. The path of fruits from africa. Tapholes up to russian plate is a fascinating journey. The fruit is first picked at a farm near cape town, then transported to a factory for sorting packaging in a box, then transported to a port where the fruit awaits loading onto a ship. Then they have a long journey ahead to the northern russian capital. At the port of st. Petersburg, fruits are loaded into containers and taken to warehouses, and then distributed to stores throughout the country. Thus , a pear, grape or mango from uur will appear on a russians plate in about an hour and a half. Month of travel, up to russia there and back, delivery only by sea, due to political events, throughout the twentysecond year there were big problems with maritime logistics, because some containers and operators refused to work with russia, well, there is a silver lining, on january 12 an event happened, when the first direct ship arrived to st. Petersburg directly from south africa without transit, usually they always go through european hubs, rotterdam first of all, on the one hand it somehow extinguished the relationship, on the other hand it made it possible to find new opportunities. As statistics say, on the shelves of russian stores, about 20 of the entire assortment of Fruit Products is animal products. Geographically, we are in different hemispheres, so when we have winter, it is summer there, and at the moment when we have little fruit, there is a lot of it. Such a detail, it would seem, the port of keytown, for example, hightech ports, there are serious technologies, there are modern warehouses, and a certain procedure, which means how it is all delivered, for example, to european countries, there and america, that is, there is an electronic fixation, and again, for some reason our eurasian, our commission does not want to switch to electronic standards , insist, but that they be some kind of paper ones. Labels, in general, all this also causes difficulties , including a certain increase in the price of products, these are the issues that at the moment i would like to somehow solve, a completely different lifestyle, i now. Wake up at dawn, fall asleep with sunset, as south africans do; when i lived in st. Petersburg, i fell asleep at 2 00 a. M. Because we everyone worked, worked, south africa relaxed me very much in this regard, by the way, it seems to you that the more you work, the more you will get, in fact its not like that, its not like that at all, i had a dream, this is seriously true i say, i had a dream, i wanted, i told everyone that when i am, when i am 80 years old, i will have a small, small oyster bar, where there will be only sparkling wine and oysters, that in the end, i am 34 years old, im opening an oyster bar on bree street, we opened in the twentyfirst year, immediately after the lockdown there were a lot of free, good premises, and then gradually i started working with oyster suppliers, i love oysters, i adore oysters, it seems to me that if i could choose just one food, heres some one food that i will eat for the rest of my life is definitely an oyster, 100 . How does it work in russia . Now, for obvious reasons, we have an embargo; we cannot import french oysters, european oysters, yes, which used to be on the market, but not yet south africa, that is, not a single south african farm has yet accepted the import of oysters to russia, and in order, for example, to grow an oyster not in soldanoboy, yes, but somewhere there, say in europe, but you need to spend 12 , there are 14 months, the saldana oyster grows 8. Months to the same size, now there are seven farms from solda bay, they have already requested a license to import oysters to russia, my plan is, yes, apply for the same so that my oysters are also accepted and allowed to be imported, 400 km away further south you. Is the Southern City of antarctica the sixth continent of the earth. In 1820, it was discovered by russian sailors lazarev and bellinxhausen. This event became the most important geographical discovery. And now thats it. Africa has eternal snow, russian scientists and travelers from Different Countries regularly fly, you see, behind me there is an il76 on it , i am now leaving from cape town to antarctica, if i said that cape town is, in general, the end of the world, then probably antarctica this is Something Like beyond the edge of the world. I work in an International Logistics company, namely our company, it helps the russian antarctic expedition and not only the russian antarctic expedition , but also. Many other countries, to redirect from the mainland, namely from cape town to antarctica and back, aviation we mainly use the russian il76 aircraft , the latest and most current modification, im going to antarctica for the first time, weve arrived and landed. Then damn, in fact, according to the forecast it should have been like 5, which in my opinion was not very cold, in fact, out of habit, its like that from keytown for the first time in 4 years, its really very cold, and its absolutely amazing. It so happened that im afraid to fly, when its not necessary to fly, i d probably prefer not to fly, but this season it so happened that its impossible not to fly, and this was mine, my first trip to antarctica, even though i and flew on work matters, of course, it was generally unforgettable. Impression, this is a bathhouse, if you can see it there, with the light steam of antarctica, here there is a monument to the discovery of 200 years of antarctica, which built literally recently, and this is johannesburg, the Financial Capital of south africa, the largest city, and unsafe , its not camillefo here even during the day, its better not to appear on the streets at all in the evening, it works according to the principle, the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up, the first time i came here was 16 years old ago, i was invited to visit for the holidays, and i remember my feelings , this probably really happened the only time in my life, when i left the johannesburg airport, looked. Left, right, beautiful weather, me they took me through good, expensive areas, im like that, i love, i cant, its just love at first sight, and the man who invited me, he later became my husband, onbur, yes onbur, the National Composition of south africa is unique, 8 of it the inhabitants are white europeans, and the whites, along with the black population, are the indigenous inhabitants of south africa, they are descendants of the dutch migrant farmers, the boers. Who founded the first south african state in the 19th century, both white and black people, when they hear an accent, its hard to get rid of it, of course, right away, where are you from, from russia, everyone is like, oh, russia, someone is surprised, begins to remember where russia is, some big one, far away, incomprehensible. Exactly, exactly, nothing, when i went to russia, i didnt know anything about it at all, but i only knew what i saw in the movies, and that was the only thing i knew. Africa, im 28 years old and i live in russia. I came to russia to study. I usually say that it was russia that chose me, not me. I submitted. Application for a scholarship to my country, but at first i did not receive a scholarship, no one was given it because initially, we applied for it to go study in other countries, but later, when they chose us, it was a scholarship to study in russia. I actually didnt really plan to come here, but the second our plane started landing, i realized that this place was made for me, just imagine what its like to live in one of. One of the best cities in the world, moscow , i love her, she is very beautiful, i didnt know much then, but the things that i know now are what i already learned while in russia. You you will watch films and you will think that this is what russia is, but in reality it will be completely opposite to what it really is. We are in midrand, the outskirts of johannesburg, a quiet residential area, this is what typical townhouses look like, everything is guarded, everything is under video surveillance, on the contrary, the only vr orthodox church. The airfield here they will constantly fly training nearby, they have a temple as a landmark, they turn around here and fly back, but mostly people here, of course, came russianspeaking in the nineties, after how the soviet union collapsed. And it so happened that by the end of the nineties, the community here, the russianspeaking diaspora, had formed a need for there to be a temple here, in march 2003 the temple was illuminated, a particular difficulty for local builders, and they called the domes, the domes did it, with a very rough coating, thick weld seams, people there, including violinists there, took the sandpaper in their hands, took the sandpaper with their gentle hands, tried to fix it all, of course it was useless to grind weld seams with sandpaper, then they found it here a person who was able to make the metal internal equipment of the dome itself, then it was already gilded by specialists who came from russia. And when the parishioners built a temple, or in this one at the final stage of its construction, and decided to plant birch trees as a reminder of their native places, from where they came here to the south of the african continent, and here, in the birches , the chapel turned out to fit in so well, that is, this can be said to be the final final chord in the construction of the project in 2013 the same architect yuri kirs erected a chapel in memory of the russians who died here during the boer war at the beginning of the 20th century. Attention to Southern Africa began in the late 19th century during the anglophone war, which involved over 200 volunteers from russia. The boer war began in 1899. Great britain wanted to subjugate Southern Africa, where they found huge deposits of gold and diamonds. The boers heroically resisted the british, but they won. And until 1961. The union was subordinate to the british empire. My grandmother and my grandfather lost two children, one was 2 years old, the second was only 6 months old. This happened in one of the british concentration camps. I still believe that this was a war crime. There were many war crimes committed by the British Military at the time, but they were never convicted of them. The russians arrived to help us, they were not official troops, but they came from. We really appreciated this help. This is a poem by alexander pushkin. It was translated into the african language by george pitskovot and the poem is called. Ek was lief vir jou, ek was lief vir jou, dalk bly my liefde diep nog flukker, ek wil jou nie opnuut bedroef nie, stom en ingetoe, tog het ek jou liefgehad en jaloesie en skigterheid se pyn geken. My liefde was so teer vir jou, so eg. God gee dat n ander aan jou dieselfde liefde heg. Truly a geografia lens. Only our geographical distance from each other, but in fact mentally we are quite close , we can understand each other on many issues, well, in particular, this is really a very serious topic for not only south africans, but also for other africans, this is, of course, colonialism, slavery, in general , the predatory attitude of western powers, in relation to the african continent, including the neocolonial habits of the west. The vtb team is with you uvtb is the best application and payment for housing and Communal Services without commission. I wonder who made it . Someone who wants to surround those closest to them with warmth and comfort every day. Well done, daughter. We came up with the vtb debit card and improved vtb online for ourselves, so that your life becomes more comfortable. Go to vktb. Right now. Dancing is your bag of popcorn, for discount swelling is the norm. 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Buy any goods in installments for 24 months with holwa. When youre happy cooking, its a song, but dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. Pills. The samat for dishwashers will easily handle dirty dishes, let you have a delicious meal together, and the samat will take care of the dishes, register for osaka with savings compare, the Number One Service in russia, thousands of south African Students study in russia, they study engineering, science, nuclear. Technology, because this is knowledge that cannot be obtained in my country, i was in russia, it is very beautiful, i was even able to try your national drink, kvass, and what i especially liked is that in south africa we have a lot of problems with racism , but when i met the russians, only then was i able to feel and experience what can be called true friendship between whites and blacks. This is our support for russia, it says moscow, these tshirts are very popular among black youth, and such there are a lot of tshirts printed. I think if we travel to other african countries and we see russian flags there. Africans even ask us where to order or buy russian flags

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