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Concerned, theyre using a new one. Youre going very deep, just by looking at the internet and how this d. S. M. Has been used, its going way down there. So there are quite a number of large risk factors that this job brings to the table, and im here simply to ring the alarm and ask you to pay close attention. I do thank you for listening to this presentation and you seem to be very concerned about this project and im very pleased with that. Thank you for your service. Thank you. Any other Public Comments . President keane okay. Thank you very much for the presentation. Next item, please. Clerk item 11, approve the terms and conditions of an authorize and authorize the general manager to execute a Purchase Plan of 945,000 for the purchase of 787 acres of an area common known as the wolf ranch from the trusties of the jeffrey b. Wool living trust. Good afternoon. Michael carling, deputy general manager. This is a piece of property this is near our watershed. We established a program back in 2009 called the water watershed environmental environment program, and we established that fund with about 50 million. The purpose of that fund was to benefit us, benefit the p. U. C. And its customers. The purchase that has just become available was part of that effort, so were basically asking you to authorize us to purchase this ranch. If you saw this map, the watershed, it showed the location of the property, and i would recommend that we actually move forward with purchasing the property, and id be glad to answer any questions. Any questions by the commissioners . Its just why are we purchasing it . Were purchasing it because it protects the Water Quality of the reservoir. And whats on it now . Any buildings or anything on it now . There might be some buildings on it. It was a ranch at one point in time, but its mainly just pasture land at this point. And were preserving it so it cant be developed in the future. Is there any passive anything passive that we can do with it . Well, the passive things we do with regard to our lens is grazing with certain types of cattle. We might be working with the East Bay Park district so there could be trails and other passive recreation. And how many acres did you say . 787. So does anybody take care of it . Does anybody look at it periodically to make sure that somebody didnt decide to grow Something Else on it . So we have within the water enterprise, we have a water and Natural Resource management division. They make sure that theres no activities taking place, and we do have biologists that do monitor the lands that make sure that theyre functioning properly as for as their ecological values, so we do have these people to take care of the jurisdiction. London didnt tell me that when she asked me to serve on this commission. And what about i mean, right now, fire safety . You know, were taking on another big so what are we doing about that and who helps to manage that . So we work with cal fire on all our properties, and we do, you know, prior prevention measures. We do fire breaks and controlled burns and things of that nature. In the summer, we bring in temporary help, and we do a lot of that. I dont know if youre familiar with the garden project. We use those kids during the summer to do a lot of the work. They do the trail maintenance, they do fire breaks for us and things of that nature. All right. Do they come and stay there for a while. No. We dont have that type of lodging. So how far is it . Its about 45 minutes, an hour out of San Francisco. [inaudible] okay. Its about an hour and a half. I get there in about an hour. And how many acres is it again . 787. As i understand it, a lot of it is a defensive move to make sure somebody doesnt do anything on that land that would be a bad actor on it. How long do we get trails for active use . You know, it would be a while. So we would know that before we do that to that part of the system . We would come back and ask for you. Okay. Do we have a motion . Public comment on this item . Seeing none, do i have a second for the motion . Second. Second for a motion. All those in favor, say aye . Opposed . The motion passes, and welcome back, madam chair. President keane thank you. Next ite thank you. Next item, please. [agenda item read]. Good afternoon, president caen, commissioners. Im kathy howe. Normally, i would come to you later, but i have to come to you earlier in this project because of easements that will be used to get to this property. I have a question for you. Were going to be terminating existing leases and licenses . Yes. So the team was negotiating with a property owner, and they were going to do a cut on a pipe that ran across private property. Actually, it obstructed their driveway, so after about nine months of negotiations, they decided to terminate those negotiations and take a different route, and it requires a tunnel under public works yard. Okay. I was just wondering how many money we would be losing by terminating these leases and licenses . I would have to get back to you on that, but i think were saving money going the other route. Okay. Thats fine. Any questions . Any Public Comment . May i have a motion . Ill move it. Second. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item. Clerk item 13, approve project cwwsifcfxr1, cargo waste box odor reduction. Again, this item is to ask for project approval. We would be starting our Public Outreach sooner as opposed to waiting until we award the construction contract or just prior to award, so this gives us more time to engage with the community on this project. Is this is this in southeast . This is in the southeast. It is in the bayview neighborhood. Any questions, commissioners . Public comment . May i have a motion . Second. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Thank you. Next item, please. Clerk item 14, authorize the general manager to request approval from the board of supervisors to accept and expend Hazard Mitigation grant funds in the amount of 488,259 from the federal Emergency Management agency for phase two of early intakes with charge slope project. Good afternoon. Were asking you to authorize acceptance of a hazard emergency grant from the federal Emergency Management system. Also to send distribution lines out to cherry lake and camp mather and oshaugnessy. Weve had problems with slope stability for a while. Phase one was obtained from fema for planning and design, so this is the grant for phase two of the project. The two grants combined would cover about a third of the project cost for the slope stablization project, so we would request your approval of that. Any questions, commissioners . Any Public Comment on this item . May i have a motion . Ill move it or he did, and ill second it. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item, please. Item 15 award contract number job 78r for an amount not to exceed 2 million. So i can answer any questions you may have. This item is before you because there is only one bidder. We had to we originally put it out with l. B. E. Goals, but on a microl. B. E. , we dont need to have additional subcontractor l. B. E. Goals, and so we readvertised and received one bid. Any comments . Any Public Comment on this . May i have a motion . Ill second it. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item, please. Clerk item 16, authorize the general manager to authorize and execute a cost sharing agreement with the Alameda County water sharing district for alternataticonsul services to conduct a joint faezibility water study. Again feasibility water study. Again, this is one of our water study projects that could become available to San Francisco. This is with Alameda County and the Union Sanitary district. So this project, we would be advancing to the Feasibility Study phase, where we were looking at taking wastewater from the district, treating it at a high level, and utilizing it in the Union Sanitary district for a variety of purpos purposes, so this is the next phase here. Theres been a study done. I would note this is characteristic of all the projects that weve been doing now. There are very few projects that are simply within the control of San Francisco. Virtually all are going to have other public agencies that we are going to partner with so these will all have that added degree of complexity that ive seen in other projects. Im happy to see this come up. Ive been waiting for the next part of this. Its a very fine agreement, and i certainly would be very much in favor of it. Any other comments . Yes, commissioner you said consumption. Did you mean drinking . Yes. Oh, so so it sounds almost like toilet to tap. Yeah. This is what we call an indirect potable release project, so in this case, were transporting it to percolation ponds that exist in the alameda Water Conservation area. So it sinks in the ground, similar to what happens in the Orange County area and mixes with the groundwater. And then, they have a treatment further down that treats the salt in reverse osmosis. This is the wave of the future. This is, you know, what were looking at. For a lot of the people, im becoming very fond of the saying drink it again. Can we quote you on that . Absolutely. Any other comments . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, may i have a motion . Move. Second. All those in favor . Opposed . The motion carries. Next item, please. So through the chair, i just want to let the commission know that i am recusing myself from a vote on the next item because i am signatory to the project Labor Agreement thats involved in this. We understand. Item 17, approve the second addone dumb to the Water System Improvement Program project Labor Agreement, one, extending the p. L. I. To seven additional sfpuc projects, and authorizing the general manager with the approval of the p. L. A. Joint Administrative Committee to ad additional significant sfpuc Capital Improvement projects to the project in the future and retroactively approve the actions of the sf joint manager. Good afternoon, commissioners. So this item formalizes the process by which Going Forward we will add projects under the Labor Agreement. As you know, in 2007, we entered into a project Labor Agreement with the building and construction trades for the Water System Improvement Program and then we came back to you in 2017 to extend that to the p. L. A. System project and the pumping station system project. The p. L. A. Has a joint Administrative Committee that works with us to administer and implement the project Labor Agreement thats made up of representatives of the unions, building and construction trades, and then, the sfpuc. So what this item does, it formalizes a process by which the commission expressly delegate projects to the general manager to the joint Administrative Committee, and one of the processes is for all of the projects that weve added is we conduct a Due Diligence analysis. We similarly would do that for any projects and present that inform the j. U. C. And if the j. U. C. Votes unanimously, those projects would be added to the p. L. A. In addition, this specific item adds seven projects under the p. L. A. And ratifies the decision of the general manager and the joint Administrative Committee who underwent the process i just described to approve those four other specific projects. Theres one other thing that i want to bring to your attention and ask you. We, under the third paragraph in the second addendum document that we have, under the recycle section, the Extension Section references incorrectly to pumping station one, but it actually applies to only pumping station two. So if you do choose to approve this item, id just ask that you amend the resolution to only pumping station two. Its an incorrectly referenced title of the extension agreement. It should reference the auxiliary station pumping station two project, and it incorrectly says pumping station one. So all we need to do is change it clerk president caen, its not in the resolution. Its the thing called the second addendum, which is the document that youre approving. Its the third clause in the recitals. So we would have to clerk just in your motion approve a correction to replace the word pumping station one with pumping station two. Okay. Any discussion on this item . Any Public Comment . Seeing none, may i have a motion . So moved. And second. All right. So we have to move it with clerk with the amendment. With the amendment, which is changing pumping station one to two. All in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. Okay. Lets see. Madam secretary, could you please read the items for closed session. [agenda item read] [agenda item read] [agenda item read]. Is there any Public Comment on the items to be heard in closed session . Seeing none, may i have a motion on whether to assert . Move to assert. Second. We have reconvened to open session. There was no action taken during closed session. May i have a motion regarding whether to disclose the sessions . Move not to disclose. Second. All in favor . Opposed . Motion carries. Is there any other comments . Seeing none, this meeting is adjourned at 4 44. This facility is the largest project in our sewer system improvement program. It has a price tag of 1. 3 borghese. It is rebuilding one 1. 3 billion. The policy and Government Affairs team helps the finance team talk to legislative officials and policymakers creating financial programs for us to get low interest loans. Getting the funding for the project was important to save money for the ratepayers of San Francisco and enable us to build the project on budget. We were able to secure for the sf p. U. C. The loans from the epa and state mostly for the facilities project. We are providing low cost funding for projects that really provide tremendous social and environmental impact. For example the 699 million loan is going to pay for half of the biosolid project. What is challenging of the new sources of financing. They require the group to look at creative option ways to take the funds and build them to the existing process. The southeast plant is in hunters bay. It is across the street from residential homes. One of the objectives was to make it an asset. It will be at another plant further away from houses. It is going to help in terms of odor, air emissions, noise. This project that receives the federal loan funding is going to create 3,000 jobs in the community. In addition the streetscape improvements and architecture there is a lot of thought so that it is an asset to the community. It feels great to win the financial assisting ability award. I believe the group works hard to an chief Financial Stability in everything they do. We are getting world wide recognition for the work we are doing because of the green infracture projects in the communities with a lot of social impact. To me i am very proud of that effort to be a part of that. I nominated the team for the financial sustain ability award. They got some of the largest state and federal loans in the country. It saved the agency 10s of millions of dollars. I am proud of Temperature Team for put proud of the team for putting this together. We got the largest when i open up the paper every day, im just amazed at how many different Environmental Issues keep popping up. When i think about what planet i want to leave for my children and other generations, i think about what kind of contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. It was really easy to sign up for the program. I just went online to cleanpowersf. Org, i signed up and then started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going switch over and poof it happened. Now when i want to pay my bill, i go to pg e and i dont see any difference in paying now. If youre a family on the budget, if you sign up for the regular green program, its not going to change your bill at all. You can sign up online or call. Youll have the peace of mind knowing youre doing your part in your household to help the environment. The hon. London breed almost. Good morning, everyone. Im london breed, mayor of San Francisco, and im so excited to be here today with so many amazing people to talk about something thats so important. Just this past week, we had a big event celebrating a 600 million Affordable Housing bond that will go on the ballot this november. [applause] the hon. London breed and i want to thank the board of supervisors for passing that unanimously, and i want to say that theres something in there for everyone, for our lowincome families and seniors, to our middleincome residents, to our teachers. We know that Housing Affordability is critical to the success of our city, and im grateful to the board of supervisors for passing that ballot measure, and i am hopeful with fingers crossed that the voters will support that, and we are putting forward that housing bond without raising property taxes again, so i just want to say that over and over and over again. [applause] the hon. London breed so today, we have another opportunity. Today, we are signing the legislation to put a 628 million bond on the ballot to help with our emergency facilities all over San Francisco, and we are also doing that without raising property taxes. [applause] the hon. London breed the goal is to put this on the march ballot, and so were going to have to work hard to get voters to approve this one, as well. I just want to start by that i thinking naomi kelly, and the work of the Capital Planning committee. Because of the work of the Capital Planning committee over the years, weve been able to have a very wellthoughtout plan for investing dollars in facilities that the city owns, especially our Public Safety facilities. And in 2010 and in 2014, voters passed these bonds without raising property taxes but with almost 80 of the vote to support rehabilitating facilities all over San Francisco. And just this year, i was really excited about cutting the ribbon on station 5, which is my home station, where i used to get my toys as a firefighter. Our firefighters and our police officers, fixing our buildings and making sure that they can sustain an earthquake is so critical to protecting the lives of our citizens. In fact we are all reminded from last week, the major earthquake that happened in Southern California and the devastating impact it had on that community, we are reminded that we have to be prepared. Its not about if, its about when a disaster strikes. So what are we going to do to make sure that our Public Safety personnel can focus on the work that they need to do to save lives and not necessarily the challenge that exist with the buildings that house them and what could happen to people that we need to shelter in a disaster. Kezar pavilion is not seismically safe. It is one of the facilities that could qualify for additional revenues so that if necessary, we can use that as a shelter facility in case a disaster hits. We have to be thinking ahead in not only repairing the buildings that we know need to be repaired, like park station, which is currently undergoing some renovations like police and fire stations and Public Safety buildings, and 911 buildings where we send our dispatchers, all of these places matter, so when a disaster hits, their only focus is on saving lives of the citizens of San Francisco and not worrying about the condition of their buildings and whether or not theyre in a bad place themselves. So today, we are announcing a 628 million Public Safety beyond for earthquake safety and Emergency Response for the march ballot, as i said. And i am just so excited and so proud of the work that we did collaborating with the board, collaborating with the Capital Planning committee to do this in such an incredibly responsible way. And i just want to thank all of you for being here, joining us, because this is exciting for the future of San Francisco. We know that there are challenges in our city, and we have to make the right kind of investments, not only the issues that we face today but for the issues well face tomorrow. This is just taking one step further to doing just that, and so im really excited to be here with so many incredible people, including the supervisor who represents district 5 [applause] the hon. London breed many of you all know vallie brown. Shes been a Community Advocate in this district for so many years. Not only does she spend time cleaning it up, i mean, personally, literally in the morning, picking up track with her own picker, but she also spends a lot of time fighting for resources in this community. Whether its our Public Safety locations or our community locations, shes been a real advocate, and some of you know the work that was done here, also, the track that was repurposed. And commissioner buell, what was the location over here by the triangle . What is that called . Yeah, with public and private dollars, were transforming this area. And when i served as supervisor, the person who was really actively engaged in working with the community and helping to bring together public and private resources to get these projects done for this community was no other than your current supervisor for district 5, vallie brown. [applause] supervisor brown thank you, mayor breed. Im really happy to be standing here today and to be talking about this. Just a few months ago, we were at fire station 5, brandnew opened. Not only is it absolutely stateoftheart and beautiful, but it is going to be a hub if anything happens in this city. And when i think about we have so many other stations and buildings that we need to have this kind of bond money to be able to fix them up so if we do have earthquakes, if we have things that happen in this city, that were prepared. When we look at i know that mayor breed was talking about kezar and other places, but when we have a major earthquake, and if we think about the earthquake that just happened in Southern California, and how strong it was, but it was in the desert. But think about what if it was here, and what it could have done to our city. I think about that every day, and what i would do if my place was flattened in the city. I probably would be camping in the park unless i had someplace to go that was safe, right . I would. I know the notent rule, but i think they have a cot there for me. I asked them, can you put a cot . So i just feel that its so important that not only is this city ready for anything that could happen, unfortunately and we know it will someday, but we have to be ready individually. We have a responsibility. I actually just went to a fire in my district a few weeks ago. Everybody ran out of the building. There were, like, 12 people. The things they forgot when they ran out they forgot their i. D. , they forgot their medicine, all of those things, and it keeps going into my mind, am i ready . Am i ready for an earthquake . Am i ready for a fire or anything any other kind of emergency . So i went home, and i remembered an emergency kit that i had put together probably 12, 15 years ago, when i did nert, and nert was first starting. My water was expired, the batteries expired, the food expired. Im like, im not ready, and i didnt have the emergency little pack that youre supposed to have by your door to grab and run if something happens. I wasnt ready, and i think about that because i think about what about my neighbor thats elderly, and she has a hard time getting down the stairs . We should be going out, talking to our neighbors. We should be going out, training with nert. Please sign up. If youre not a member, its kind of fun. We need to start thinking about our neighbors and what we can do individually. Are you signed up for the alert, emergency alert, everyone on your phone . Your neighbor . This is the kind of thing that we need to do because it really takes us as an individual and our neighbors to really protect each other if this happens. And believe me if we have an earthquake, im heading down to cafe revelry, and if his coffee machine is working because these are the places were going to have to go to see, are they left behind . Do they need help . I say that because i appreciate all the work in this city that everyone does. Our police chief, fire chief, naomi kelly, and especially our mayor to say we need to look at this, we need to do this now, and being so creative for doing this. I want to thank everyone for coming to district 5. Its nice and foggy here, but cool you down a little bit before you go back to your job. So thank you, everyone. And the next speaker are you going to bring him up . All right. Thank you. [applause] the hon. London breed thank you, supervisor brown. And just a reminder, anyone can go to sf72. Org if you want to get prepared for any emergency situation in San Francisco. A lot of great information from Emergency Management. Sf72. Org. Now i want to introduce someone whos ae be whos been a 25year veteran of the San Francisco Fire Department and has a very thorough knowledge of how to deal with emergency situations and is why she is currently serving as the chief of the department. Please welcome jeanine nicholson. Good morning, everyone. I love our San Francisco summer weather. Speaking of nert, as supervisor brown just mentioned, i want to recognize, we do have some nert volunteers right here, and nert is going to be critical in the event [applaus [applause] in the event in the event of a disaster. We know its not if, its when. I want to recognize mohamed nuru. Hes been a great ally for us and working with us. In the event of a disaster, our Fire Department needs to respond immediately. Our firefighters and e. M. S. Workers work 247, 365, and we need to be able to respond immediately. And this bill will provide the funding that we need to invest in our Public Safety infrastructure so we can continue to bring the city and the citizens the best service that we possibly can, but especially during a disaster. So thank you all for being here today. Good day. [applause] the hon. London breed all right. Our last speaker for this program before we finally sign this legislation is the chief of the police department, bill scott. [applaus [applause] thank you, mayor. Ill be brief. I just want to reiterate what the mayor said. We have 13 San Francisco Police Departments and 14 other buildings. Many of our stations are over 25 years old. These stations, from the day that the doors open, they are open 247. They have always been in use, and many of them are in need of seismic improvements, significant seismic improvements. And we dont want in the time of an emergency, we dont want to have to worry about whether or not the station is going to be standing, even though we plan for that if it happens. Thats the last thing we want to worry about, so i, too, want to thank you all for being here. The vision of the mayor, city administrator kelly, and the vision of our city for looking forward so our city has the proper infrastructure to respond properly, so thank you for the leadership, and thank you, mayor. The hon. London breed thank you. And again, i want to thank all of you for being here. Again, this is only the beginning. The real work beginning when we have to begins when we have to campaign to get this ballot measure passed. We have been successful in 2010 and 2014 in getting almost 80 of the support of the voters for a previous eser bond, and i want to make sure that we top that, so im going to need your help. Its incredibly important that we shrine a light on the measure that will be going on the march 2020 ballot for voters to support. I appreciate you all being here, and also dont forget to vote for the housing bond on the ballot this november. All right. Lets get this signed. [applause] the hon. London breed 7, 11, 19, done. [applause] hi, in San Francisco were doing a special series called stay safe, about staying in your home after an earthquake. And today were going to be talking about the Neighborhood Support Center to help people find new resources when they stay in their home. Were here at the urban center in San Francisco with sarah karlewski, Deputy Director of spur. Were talking about the shelter, a safe place to stay, exhibition at their center. And part of being able to shelter in place in your home is to be able to find a place nearby where you can get the services that you might not have in your home. And thats what this little Neighborhood Support Center is for. Thats right. What are some of the services that might be provided in a Neighborhood Center like this . Yeah. So, we think of the Neighborhood Support Centers as really being homes away from home. So, after a major earthquake there is going to be a lot of confusion. People are going to need to try to meet up with other people. Theyre going to need a lot of information. So, a lot of what the Neighborhood Support Center is going to provide is that information. Basically were going to be like a hub where people can come to get services, help, information, et cetera. What you see here on this table are a whole variety of did you ever rent things from tools, some walkitalkies. This helps people know what is going on in their neighborhood. Over here you have a whole variety of water and canned goods. Were really hoping that people will stock up for themselves at least for the first 72 hours if not more. I know that i have a ton of canned food and other sorts of things such as water within my own home. And everybody should, but theres going to come a time where people are going to end up running out and needing more. So, thats what weve got right here. So, this Neighborhood Support Center, this doesnt look to be a major city sponsored fully stocked space. It can be a small commercial space, even somebodys garage as long as they have the information, a guide of information, who to call for what, communications equipment, some power, have a generator. Thats right. Thinking of lights and charge your cell phones and so on. And probably be operated by volunteers. Volunteers, maybe members of nert could help out, people who live in the neighborhood that have some building skill could be helpful. So, if there is a Structural Engineer living nearby or even an architect, they could really help people kind of understand what has happened to their homes and what sort of repairs might be needed. Here we are with some of the things that you might find in a Neighborhood Support Center. One thing we learned from hurricane katrina, people really rely on their portable electronics and their phone. We say heres a charging station tied up to the generation. The essential coffeepot. Yes. Maybe a computer, you can check your email with. Yes. We have our charging station here. And then over here you can see weve got a whole variety of things, including the allimportant different tags. So, lawrence, do you want to talk a little about the tags . Sure. People want to know what do these tags mean. Is my building safe or unsafe. These are the city owe initial tags. Staying in your home doesnt require that you get a tag. It just means that you use common sense and maybe get help from people who might be around who can help you evaluate whether its a safe place to stay. You might want to know because regular City Services are disrupted, you might want to know when trash pick up is, if you need to get clean water, et cetera. Also in the Neighborhood Support Center, that kind of information would be available and weve got a little of that up here. Trash pick up resumes regular schedule on wednesday. Thats right. Please mark your human waste. Thats right. So, this is kind of an information center, communication center, also a center that hopefully will show people how to relate to their neighboring communities, what else is happening citywide. And, of course, this is sort of the ubiquitous form of communication. My cat is missing, call me. Exactly, because a lot of times, even if you do have a cell phone, and people do if youre really trying to save some of your Precious Energy minutes, et cetera, or its not working as well as it normally does, it is helpful to have a message board that you can get information to other people. And, so, thats what were showing here. You can see people are going to be looking for their pets. Theyre going to be looking for rides. People are going to need to be sharing resources a much as they possibly can. Another thing that you can see here is theyre going to need to be fair tools and some of the things that people are going to need in order to be able to stay safer within their homes. So, were just showing sort of a gesture to that with all these different tools here. But then also tarps, people are going to need to cover their windows if their windows are cracked, if their roofs are broken. So, ideally, the city would be able to know where all these Neighborhood Centers are and help deliver some of these supplies. They could come from a neighbor, maybe not. Thank you so much for allowing us to come in and share this wonderful exhibit. And thank you for San Francisco, 911, whats the emergency . San francisco 911, police, fire and medical. The tenderloin. Suspect with a six inch knife. He was trying to get into his car and was hit by a car. San francisco 911 whats the exact location of your emergency . Welcome to the San Francisco department of Emergency Management. My name is shannon bond and im the lead instructor for our dispatch add academy. I want to tell you about what we do here. This is San Francisco 911. Do you need police, fire or medical . San francisco police, dispatcher 82, how can i help you . Youre helping people in their what may be their most vulnerable moment ever in life. So be able to provide them immediate help right then and there, its really rewarding. Our agency is a very combined agency. We answer emergency and nonemergency calls and we also do dispatching for fire, for medical and we also do dispatching for police. We staff multiple call taking positions. As well as positions for police and fire dispatch. We have a priority 221. I wanted to become a dispatcher so i could help people. I really like people. I enjoy talking to people. This is a way that i thought that i could be involved with people every day. As a 911 dispatcher i am the first fst responder. Even though i never go on seen scene im the first one answering the phone call to calm the victim down and give them instruction. The information allows us to coordinate a response. Police officers, firefighters, ambulances or any other agency. It is a great feeling when everyone gets to go home safely at the end of the day knowing that youve also saved a citizens life. Our department operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is shift work. That means we work nights, weekends and holidays and can involve over time and sometimes thats mandatory. This is a high stress career so its important to have a good balance between work and life. We have Resources Available like wellness and peer support groups. Our dispatchers of the month are recognized for their outstanding performance and unique and ever changing circumstances. I received an accommodation and then i received dispatcher of the month, which was really nice because i was just released from the phones. So for them to, you know, recognize me for that i appreciated it. I was surprised to even get it. At the end of the day i was just doing my job. A typical dispatch shift includes call taking and dispatching. It takes a large dedicated group of fifrst responders to make ths department run and in turn keep the city safe. When you work here you dont work alone, you work as part of a team. You may start off as initial phone call or contact but everyone around you participating in the whole process. I was born and raised in San Francisco so its really rewarding to me to be able to help the community and know that i have a part in you know, even if its behind the scenes kind of helping the city flow and helping people out that live here. The Training Program begins with our sevenweek academy followed by on the job training. This means youre actually taking calls or dispatching responders. You can walk in with a high school diploma, you dont need to have a college degree. We will train you and we will teach you how to do this job. We just need you to come with an open mind that we can train you and make you a good dispatcher. If its too dangerous to see and you think that you can get away and call us from somewhere safe. Good. Thats right. From the start of the academy to being released as a solo dispatcher can take nine months to a year. Training is a little over a year and may change in time. The training is intense. Very intense. Whats the number one thing that kills people in this country . So were going to assume that its a heart attack, right . Dont forget that. As a new hire we require you to be flexible. You will be required to work all shifts that include midnights, some call graveyard, days and swings. You have to be willing to work at different times, work during the holidays, you have to work during the weekends, midnight, 6 00 in the morning, 3 00 in the afternoon. Thats like the toughest part of this job. We need every person thats in here and when it comes down to it, we can come together and we make a really great team and do our best to keep the city flowing and safe. This is a big job and an honorable career. We appreciate your interest in joining our team. We hope you decide to join us here as the first First Responders to the city and county of San Francisco. For more information on the job and how to apply follow the links below. Good afternoon and welcome to the frisk Planning Commission regular hearing for thursday, july 25, 2019. I would like to reminder members of the public that the commission does not tolerate any outbursts or descriptions. Please silence your mobile devices and when speaking before the commission, do state your record. I would like to take roll at this time. [ roll call ]. Commissioners, first on your agenda is consideration of items proposed for continuous. Number 1, 2019011975pca for the job housing linkage fee proposed. I have no other items proposed for continuance and n

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