Students learn life lessons with Teddy Bear program
Students teach teddy bears life lessons
By Adam Jones | January 21, 2021 at 5:42 PM CST - Updated January 21 at 7:14 PM
JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) - First-grade students at Jonesboro Micro Society Elementary School are learning life lessons in a unique way.
The program, Teaching Teddy, is where students learn about positive self-talk through a teddy bear.
The lessons the students are learning are how to be organized, self-motivated, and plan for the future.
Elementary teacher Haley Jones believes this hands-on experience will help shape the students’ future moving forward.
“I love it. I think it’s so important. The students made so many connections through teaching teddy just by saying it and then internalize it. I know it’s helping them be successful and motivated,” says Jones.