Testing the waters: Hyderabad lab pushes for smart solutions to curb water wastage
The IIITH students use AI algorithms to get real-time data. This gives them insights into the water distribution network, especially about leakages as well as water consumption behaviour
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Smart City Living Lab in collaboration with Smart City mission and Government of Telangana, announced the Water Challenge this March to find viable solutions to solve water quality and supply issues.
Vikram Gulecha, Karan Behar and Riddhish Soni of Oceo, aka, Project Jalashaya, come from diverse backgrounds. Count Google and ISRO among them. This talented group has created a technology to benefit water utilities, irrigation departments and hydropower corporations. International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) students Rishikesh Bose, Nilesh Bawankar, Ayush Kumar Lall and Ansh Khandelwal put their heads together to come up with a ‘Smart Water Meter’ idea. The concept would benefit the government, municipal corporation and large communities.