Screenshot: The Flash
From Speed Force shenanigans to sinister metahumans who just need a proper heart-to-heart, Barry Allen has certainly been no stranger to obstacles during his seven-year sprint through
The Flash. For season seven, however, the biggest obstacles came from our very real Earth-Prime. For one, the COVID-19 pandemic derailed the seemingly unstoppable CW-verse, causing the Scarlet Speedster’s sixth season to come to an abrupt halt. Then the series had to say goodbye—and in one case, was forced to give an unceremonious boot—to three of its main cast members: Hartley Sawyer, the Elongated Man; Carlos Valdes, once Vibe, then Mecha-Vibe; and Tom Cavanagh, Harrison Wells of Earth-1 to infinity and, most crucially, the series’ main nemesis, the Reverse-Flash. Going in, what should have felt like a dauntless marathon into