This Tiny Animal Looks Like A Hedgehog And A Bee Had A Baby
OMG ��
In the rainforests of Madagascar, an unusual little animal can be spotted snuffling among the leaves.
With her round body and long snout, she looks like a cross between a shrew and a hedgehog. But her bumblebee-like stripes make her hard to miss.
Ryan M. Bolton/
Lowland streaked tenrecs may look adorable, but they’re covered with spiky hairs all over their bodies. Since this brave little animal can’t curl up in a prickly ball to protect herself, she uses her spines as self-defense. When faced with a predator, the little animal arranges her crown of yellow barbed spines into a mohawk hairstyle on her neck and head and launches herself headfirst. Her quills can detach like a porcupine's and grow back quickly for the next time she needs them.