Time to moderate expectations from equities: Radhika Gupta
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2021, 09:17 AM IST
On the equity side, the story lies in broader markets for us, says the MD & CEO of Edelweiss AMC.
Edelweiss AMC.
In terms of the risk-return ratio, where do you think we are when it comes to the return potential?
We will have to moderate expectations from equities. The problem is ending a financial year like 2021 where equities have done what they have done. We will have to moderate expectations from equities going forward. We have been saying this since November that not having equities is a risk and being underweight on equities is a risk. We put out a note that within equities, the wealth creation upside is probably more favourable towards broader markets because they have trailed significantly and we are seeing some signs of that reversion happening.