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Salute our heroes. On february 24, 2022, each of them met at a combat post, they destroyed, for whom the russians go into battle, the russians do not abandon and know who their opponent is. If we finish eating more often, we say than i think about those who are near the worst, and in battle it never let me down, everything will be done well. So everyone who is now fighting against nazism is a hero , each individually, all together. An ordinary gray winter day somewhere in the donbas now, together with a tank crew, granite, we are going directly to the line contact, where we should meet with the hero of our film, that he is performing a combat mission, he will be able to give us, well, some time, as much as he can, because the fighting does not stop day or night. It rides on the rods, along the very edge for a long time it didnt smell anymore, sometimes caterpillars, the roar of the engine burst into the forest and other sounds. The other is the exit of our shells, the guns invisible to us are hiding. But the deaf echo of the breaks goes. Thinking about the upcoming meeting helps to distract. There is a time to remember that we already know the person with whom we will talk stepan belov guards captain 26 years old married raises a son special operation takes part from the first day on the personal account of 16 destroyed enemy tanks more than all other such aces of the russian army. This is not counting the armored personnel carriers and other things. Here is his first appearance in the frame in the summer of 2022 to the population of russia, which supports us , which has allowed since then. Through prayer, stepan is calm in conversation with us. Even when he says that a reward has been announced for him specifically for your crew specifically. You know, they were appointed never to be caught. The reasons for the enemys hatred of stepan are many, some of which are clearly explained by the stars on the barrel of his tank. He came up with military tactics that allowed him to be as effective tactics that he can teach and moreover, they are already teaching others, and stepan already told us the details in the past meeting three shots so that the turret of the tank would break attire to the crew and then i already finish off either with cumulative shells. We destroyed three tanks with one tank, the first was hit, he stopped, we began to finish him off so that the tower would come off into the forest, the second. We worked on the second one, the third one began to run away with a shell, they swayed the tower right behind him. He took off in what is the uniqueness of this fight. Again, so that the audience understands, maybe this is normal practice. No, usually according to the combat regulations , a platoon should have a squad of its well in three times superiority. And we get, on the contrary, three years for the superiority of consciousness or sounds simple, but it works. And this is the crew of the vehicle, a combat mechanical driver with the call sign italian corporal tank commander, ram2 foreman, both cavaliers, the order of courage stepan, although by rank higher and by position the chief of staff of the tank battalion is a gunner operator, that is, the commander is not an officer, but a gunner operator officer, yes, why am i sitting behind the operators pillowcase . And, because from this place its more convenient for me to navigate on the spot and watch the neighboring tanks. Heres to set tasks and immediately hit. That is, if my guys saw that something needs help, we jump out and destroy. Yes, division. I already manage accordingly. That is, if for the time being i will command the enemy, well, what is it like to command an uh officer. If you dont take them away, it will be hot for them from there. Well, once there was a wheel moment, we drove, we drove and ran into the position of the enemy. The commander and i are tanking to see what we are just looking to the left and these ukrainians are looking at us on tanks. I mean, we look at them in shock. They look at us in shock. Then, when i take advantage of the inaction of the enemy, they were able to to get to his own, it turned out that the driver didnt really know where they were driving. Before that , a shell hit the tank and the triplex crumbled, through which the driver sees the road. So i moved. He practically goes blind every day. Stepan belov goes into battle, despite the fact that he still has six pieces of torn iron in his body , the result of a shrapnel wound. When the doctors weighed all the fragments that were removed from the body of the talker, it turned out that there were more than 2 kg of them, five more fragments, like those of stepan belov, were put in place. We decided not to touch it yet, especially since they are right next to hearts. Boldan went to the donbass knowing that his greatgrandfather died, liberating this land from the nazis back in fortythree in 2022 , the greatgrandson had to face this evil again. A sudden artillery bombardment disabled several of our tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in their head at the tail of the column, locking the rest on the highway under fire, the deadly trap shore did not want to worry such a character no longer thinking about himself, but others in the bmp baldan, the closing column, a shell flew in for a watch of the type, the baldan immediately died and his fellow countryman from buryatia, artyom dombaev, was cut by shrapnel, and then the baldan gave the order to turn the crippled car so as to fire at the enemy by Radio Communication transmitted to retreat. Because if they had stayed, they would have killed him, just like in syria, both understood that if they stayed to block their own, they would most likely die, but it seemed more important to save comrades from the burning bmp, they began to drink on the enemy, causing fire on themselves. On hands at any moment the infantry fighting vehicle of the canopy could explode, the hatch jammed, he knocked it out with the butt of the machine gun and got out. In the hands was oka on unloading paragraph yes , i know for sure that i never gave up. Then a mortar flew nearby after a while. And well, the same fragments flew into me. And tore off the forefoot together there toe two or three toes. I bandaged myself with what was injected there. So it started raining from the crook to the car. But i thought, it was a pity, of course, my mother, because i wouldnt survive this, i wouldnt survive it, or rather this i really wanted to drink warm. Therefore, i warmed up , i dont know how i survived it all. And at that time , my sister and father knew and did not speak, and then they decided to tell me anyway, they said that motherly prayer is stronger. Probably every day, probably, his assistant professor went. Uh, praying for him to return home safe and sound. Boltan crawled from one wrecked car to another, fired back from a machine gun, when he noticed movement to the side , he threw grenades there, and then he still lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital. There i learned that their own people returned behind him and hit the enemy in the rear in order to save the fighter. And also that they recognized him in the first place, because he was all black. All black as coal was that the boldan was ambushed, his father was the first to know. Bair called and could not start talking. He was crying at first. I was told from his military unit in general that he was on the 200th list, which means he was on the 200th list, but not him. For some reason, i did not believe. And then, not a few days later, they said, yes, he is alive, but the doctors called him seriously wounded. This miraculously chatterbox, got out, when the minister of defense came to the ward to present the award. He met him with military cheerfulness. At first i was very worried. What to do is really easy to remember such sensations. The front line is moving. Many checkpoints are no longer needed today, the military is leaving, they are moving forward, leaving them as original monuments that bear the traces of battles and keep the memory of losses, near some checkpoints you can see the traditional tribute to the memory of fallen comrades. Vladislav klepikovs friend died in battle, with whom he studied at a military school, danya is very close. It was a shock and now i have already seen deaths and early ones there, and i myself suffered a little, but everything just broke off. Vladislav himself is now recovering at home after a serious concussion, which was superimposed on the three previous ones around. In the holes, uh, there is the belt of the bulletproof vest of the berets, there, uh, the berets, a fragment sticks out almost in the sole of the bulletproof vest. Uh, the shoulder strap shrapnel from the hail was the shoulder strap interrupted. Equipment and simple soldier luck from shrapnel wounds then ksenia was saved as soon as she found out that her husband had flown to the hospital in moscow, his look changed a lot, as if he had become 5 years older than his thoughts , his judgments of value changed, yes, and mine did not change. It was as if we met two relatives on other people, most likely, every person who is there is changing for the better. You understand that you need to enjoy every moment in peacetime, that your relatives are nearby and you dont need anything global there, in general for happiness, make a husbands decision that as soon as it was difficult for xenia to recover immediately, to go back to her people on the front line, but from the very beginning she understood what it meant to be the wife of a military man. Lieutenant colonel of the Airborne Forces denis chernyakov is also going to return to his own people, and because he had seen enough of the actions of the nazis on the lands of donbass to boil in his soul, and because no one except us, the colonel went through the finnish war, went through everything in the great patriotic war. My major is a fighter pilot. My dad is also major paratrooper but here i am in the fourth generation , three orders are obtained on deniss chest the courage of such heroes is not much about 200 of their awards. Denis tells stingily. The first was received for syria, the other two were already in the course of their battle path. He started 20 years ago over the years there have been many. Chechnya was next in 2008 and moreover, the cities of the amur region, no, i just cant sit on. We are fine. They gave the car for swimming. Its not too early, you know how its grown. Well, come on, youll see. Or, for example, do not be nervous. Thanks for the advice. Need to sleep its easy to say, but in fact , anxiety can be treated with afobazol by the end of the first weeks helps to cope with anxiety , anxiety and related insomnia. Afobazole anxiety can and should be treated. Learn all about anxiety on the allrussian portal of the territory of pussy and dot rf. Fused hochland 1999 up to 25 on the first order when buying Household Appliances and electronics sber megamarket i am often asked how to prepare for the holidays just pay for Online Purchases you only need a smartphone. 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Division online yandex. Plit split split split split without interest in any incomprehensible situation with others, they learn and teach at the same time. And the teacher tells us and we something we tell teachers that our people are hardened, invincible and it is impossible to simply break them and win. And now we really see all this. I really liked the phrase. When i asked, like, well, hunting to return. Here you are again. Here is back. Here is a taste of peaceful life. And here again again in the trenches there are no guys talking. But how can it be, otherwise we are just like a family there and then a family from one family of another fighting family. You remember your first fight, constantly sometimes you even dream, or its just in your eyes, and we had our first fight 2 martha. Uh, after the sadly tragic death of my best friend in a fight. Went. I, because he was the commander of the first platoon. I was second year. Well, unfortunately, hmm , geeling worked for him. The son of alexander antonov, mishka, does not yet understand that he no longer has a father. This is my sunshine. This is my little one. Well, very much, who looks like his dad sasha and his family this is our life with dad. Confused sasha did it with his own hands, they say, lets say that men should as like a stone wall for me, he was and the wall and the hernia here by the pounds, on which everything rested. I think that stepan is now fighting for two sobbed shoes. He said, you know, he says, tanya, i say, when , when its really hard, when its a fight for him, i turn to him to help, and now i want to believe that he really helps the guys there, whats really with them. Doesnt want to believe it. So what is written on the tank of stepan belov for sashka antonov and the motto and a kind of amulet of talismans from stepan are a few finks for good luck even two handkerchiefs, given to him by his grandmother. Lida in one of the villages in the donbass from the wife of a tatar woman, a muslim prayer and a headband with an orthodox dog, because he himself is a christian. Well, we pray very strongly for those who are in their word, including those from stepan belov, they prayed very strongly from the first days from the first days of sending, his mother constantly came asking for a prayer for her son. Both stepan belov and baldan tsidypov were prayed by the mother of one in the datsan of the other in an orthodox church. What religion is not so it is important when all for one thing that struck us today, a priest, an ordinary frontline priest, an orthodox one, came to the guys, without a contractor. As they say, a bulletproof vest in a helmet is everything as it should be. Unloading on it, but in unloading it does not have magazines for automatic machines. Here are the crosses. Here are amulets, here, uh, prayers for help and you have a slime word from your son and the holy spirit, but you didnt recognize it. He gives communion to the guys. They take off their helmets. They take off their hats. Russian guys, every street there thinks about its own. Tank crew guys stepan belova in the zone of his own from the first day to the mechanic to the driver with the call sign italian only 21, but his real profile largely depends on him. Will it be possible to win in a tank duel and his contribution to the gold star of stepan belovs achievement is the achievement of all of us put together. This is something great. What you could touch become something more than you could achieve on your own. Tank commander tarano 02 will soon turn 27 former gunner operator his identity sniper score two tanks and one bmvb said we the commander came from the heroes. It was indescribable emotion the pictures showed. This is what we are proud of. For each other, and not only in combat. Our dwelling yes, not old men, tankers. The child didnt send it to romka a. Well, ill put it in my place and ill fall asleep. In any case, it will be with us. We are smarter and with us. Well , we are brotherly people, we must help each other. Therefore, together we are strong. The liberation of donbass in 1943, but now in general a lot, ill tell you this, that the nazis, when they were driven out of here, they stopped or tried to gain a foothold precisely at those frontiers that ukrainian neonazis are doing now. Only i will tell you. He did not become even more cruel stepanov believes that now it is not the technique that is more important, but combat experience. Well, how much have you won . We have always won in a different way. And now, if conditions for surrender are suddenly created, i will explode. And i said this to my wife, where my parents said i would not surrender the light. They said what to you . But they understand everything. And so constantly. So, going into battle, i turn to god , i turn when he is the guardians of grandparents, who are watching me, standing like a mountain, and as in my dead better than the other sashka antonov, and i ask them for help to protect help the boys so that all of ours return whole, they say in the trenches, atheists. No. Perhaps this is true. We laugh and chat with the guys from the crew, the captain, belov, sometimes as if forgetting where we are and what is happening around, but military reality constantly reminds us of itself with the sounds of cannonade, and then messages come in, intelligence recorded the appearance of an enemy infantry fighting vehicle in front of our positions, probably, infantry brought up Group Intervention quick response. This is how the tank unit of stepan belov is called here, the plan for the future battle. He draws right on the snow, where the infantry boys are standing. There are observers here freely, so my position is between these landings. Yeah, the first car will come out here and work. Well, it will show. Where you need to shoot the second car, it will move out, the second car will work. The first car is reloading, this one is firing, the second car is getting amazed , this technique is called the tank carousel famous. But stepanov brings his experience into it, which is now shared on the task , the pairs will go first, the tank will move first, on which the squirrel itself is fighting, the second car the crew, which consists entirely of those mobilized today. For the first time they will find themselves in a situation of direct combat , collisions will hit the enemy from the bottom of the shelter, and direct fire themselves. Well, under the strict control of an experienced commander, captain belov, we will accompany them, but from where to a safe position . Maybe well watch the fight in a relatively safe place, well, relatively, because you know, it cant be safe here by default. Stepan leaves us right on the road in the line of sight from the excitement , because in the frame there will be a real time battle of a couple of tanks rapidly, rushing along the landing forest above the cars , the flags of the unit are developing. These courageous guys go into battle just like that, and then, and further, with a prayer forward, a new winner. Now we can watch. It just doesnt work that way. There we see how the gun is moving , looking for looking for not a single shell. Just like this shot. Here it is the same tank carousel after a shot, one tank retreats to reload, the second one takes its place by fire and immediately back suddenly black smoke rises above the forest, fortunately. This is not an explosion, but just a smokescreen set up by our tankers. Under her cover, the car leaves until they are spotted by enemy artillery. We went to visit our hero tanker of such people. We do not meet often, to be honest, he even charged us with some of his energy with his faith in our common case. For real, that is, in general, you know, i got the impression that this is not even from here. That is, this is some kind of hero of the great patriotic war, what kind . They were then as they are captured on the frames. This man here is clearly from some such time and there are a lot of such guys. Colonel Rustam Saifullin hero of russia participated in several special operations. Today he is not on the battlefield, but in the auditorium of the military school in tyumen, we share our experience with military educational institutions, because they they need to be taught they need to prepare their officers, the doctors said it was too early to get up on a prosthesis, but rustam did not stand. Breakfast then to the gym, which rustam visits. Almost every day, recovering from a serious injury . Because there was profuse blood loss. Well, i pulled the left leg from the belt. From the machine gun. It happened when the Engineering Regiment of Rustam Saifullin, under enemy fire , built a pontoon bridge so that our units could force the river, Seversky Donets rustam himself coordinated how the troops were transported. There the worst thing in battle is to fail, being wounded, rustam continued to control the crossing of the river in moscow in the hospital, the doctors managed to save his left leg, the support of his wife helped to maintain his fortitude. I can not roar, not that, when three months she is the whole life of our life. Rustam was offered to take the post of deputy head of the tyumen higher military engineering command school, which he once graduated with a gold medal, and yet rustam plans, after his final recovery, to return to the active army in his regiment, which became a second family for him. You cant lie there, you cant cheat there. There, other laws apply when muslims read namaz, brother, the orthodox protects him and vice versa. But i always say that a friend is known in trouble , he is again known in battle. We go to the wave, look and do not recognize what we saw here a couple of months ago, where there were several spans. They just fell and in general, all the cars went around. There, at some point. And now im eating food food. I think where is this bridge already i ask, here is our driver. And he says they did it. Here is volnovakha on the phone, the shooting was made just at this place in may 2022. And now the temple is almost restored. Although then he suffered quite a lot when finishing making the belfry, the dome was restored. And in general , life in the city is obviously getting better, because in place of the old broken houses , new inserted windows are being built throughout the city. And in general, the mood of people somehow improved. It is directly felt. And in a short time they restored the cities of donbass after liberation from fascist occupation, somewhere something wakes up inside when it is impossible. This can be explained in words why a person does this in this or that situation, what we watched in films about the great patriotic war, read some memoirs, then that we have read in life absolutely regardless even of age. Fear this is such a thing, which is probably in the performance of ones duty. It just fades into the background , there is such a profession to defend our homeland, we are russias strength. When the hero of russia is 24 years old baldan sedypov returned home in his native buryatia after the hospital, the fellow countrymen gave him the most solemn meeting in his homeland, they met him very late, as in a national hero. I was even embarrassed. I came home to the grocery store, and i was sitting in the front seat and a car pulled up. She is also a visitor, it turns out that the boy recognized me there, dad. See this hero be photographed. Sisters from me. We just didnt expect. We were all worried, we could not even say a word. And then there was a home that met familiar sounds and smells that they remembered from childhood, when leaving, the baldans did not think that all this would later turn out to be so important. That from a simple thing mom has prepared booze for him will hurt his heart. He was good, sculpts booze this is such a National Dish in the form of a yurt with meat deliciously cooked on the doorstep. Here it cooked them. Yes, thats how i came home and went to baikal and i was sitting, it turns out, on a bench on the shore of lake baikal there, it was a very beautiful sunset. Children bathed after bathing. Here he was bathing. You look at it and you realize. As far as life beautiful and you need to appreciate those moments that you did not appreciate before and live life to the fullest. The veterans who are now holding the flank in the artyomovsk direction, this is not a battle, the fight is not against someone, this is a battle and the fight for the love of citizens for others is impossible. The volunteers are waiting for the task. There is a task for today for the next 2 days , it was completed there, lets see, all the guys are not waiting for each of them at home and my task is to try to get them back home. People here are already getting used to it, when the main shelling begins , very often you want to sleep. Yes, yes, you lie down you think so, well, 2030 minutes. They will shoot more and so you lie explosions. Who except us special report on the day of russia on the First Special component for better penetration into the muscles and joints up to 60 discount on the summer collection of shoes and accessories . The vtb team when there is a lot of good they need to share, so i share vtb will quickly register a business and open an account. 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Bring your friends to tinkoff until june 30 and get guaranteed prizes. Tinkoff he is one of a kind. Cinema 1tv presents lovely ladies attention, in front of you is still a living legend. Senor casanova enough, looks like we ll have a new favorite how many years. My relatives died. Premiere of a multipart film of the right to present, are you drunk, what whether . Cinema odin tv presents new series come on, brothers of jazz with head notes, because my love day come back home with victory sea gala concert of the allrussian patriotic Music Festival of our own, not abandoned on russia day in the first liberated territories, the restoration of houses, roads, bridges, heating water pipelines is in full swing everything you need for a normal life. Mariupol comes back to life recently at this place. They stood, blackening with burnedout eye sockets. Windows, broken ninestory panel buildings. Now them no, its been demolished. The rest of the houses are being repaired , building cranes are stretching to the sky, along the streets there are endless streams, dump trucks, concrete mixers and other special equipment are shoved, and opposite are bright blocks of new buildings. Back in september there were several of them, now there are dozens. They began to clear and restore almost immediately the head of the ministry of emergency situations of the dpr, alexei kostrubitsky, recalls that the rescuers entered mariupol after the military. A day or two later, behind the servicemen who liberated the quarters, we deployed our group. And in the city there from the place apparently they were working. There for two for three blocks, or his actions. We understood that we needed to do it. We did it. It did not immediately become clear that aimed fire was being fired at the rescue teams. Directly purposefully shelling is carried out, the most massive death in general has occurred in our country. It was a red firth. We helped people set up a camp. Rescuers, uh, it was at night. Rescuer rested and flew four hummer boots. People died. The doctor at our place showed help, uh, to local residents. Think, it is part of the general terror. Just to scare people, i dont know. The rescuers have their own front line, they dismantle and clear the rubble to keep people alive. They got back. Thats exactly what they said. That is, there are no consequences at all, as far as it is possible, here for sure, that is, you walk and run. Yes, we are doing the work. Dmitry was wounded on march 22, they were released, the village was made of granite and people needed to carry out urgent lighting, there was an explosion. So i got a traumatic amputation of the foot. Well, i immediately set myself up, that, well, where to put your hands, i have a family. The first question i asked my commander was whether i would stay among her in the service. He answered. Sorry, yes, then the second child was expected in the petkovsky family, dmitry decided to return to service at all costs , it happened that he even fell into a trap and was left without a leg, but i am very glad that he survived. Zhenechka and darling have died, and natalies wife has always died. They have warm words near my heart. Every day he tells me. I love you. This is important for every soldier and officer to know that your home is a strong rear, where it will always support and support in everything, do not give up, because with our support , care and love. Theyll be on the mend as soon as possible. Tankers stepan belov was awarded the star of the hero of russia by the Supreme Commanderinchief stepan was worried because he had never believed and did not believe that all this was happening to him, he only saw it on tv, when we were already sitting in the kremlin and now they said, now the president will come in jitters started getting even stronger. Here he comes in three meters passes the real one. During the performance, he somehow supported you, he was worried and jittery. Uh. It was seen to receive the title hero of russia merit. This merit is not only mine, but also my personnel of friends and comrades, with whom we carry out the assigned combat missions shoulder to shoulder. We are russians. We are the descendants of the great ancestors of the winners, which means victory will be ours. When i was already saying the last words of my speech, my knees were shaking very badly. That is, im standing straight, i have, well, the beats are more difficult than you will be. Yes, its easier for me in the war go than perform. So i was honestly looking at him, he was looking at me so well, then what is calmly calm. I said a speech, then sat down on a chair, and after all the comrades of the unit, we calmly burned out. It even turned out that he personally knew the question, to which he answered me and helped. That is, it turns out the further goals that everyone set, well , thanks to his soviets, the bottom line is that officers with great combat experience. Its time to start sharing it with the guard captain belov, it was suggested for a long time, but he doubted the conversation with the Supreme Commander convinced stepan needs to set a line for himself, knock out 21 tanks and agree to what the command expects from him. When stepan first met alexander antonov, he was more experienced in taking care of newcomers. Now stepan is teaching young fighters from his own experience. For some reason, we thought and mistakenly believed that the Younger Generation is no longer like that. It used to be. I mean, you hear it very often. I will tell you that now we have seen a lot of young guys who are saving their comrades, risking their lives, dying at the same time, that is, understanding where they are going, but they still do not stop before it. There is still a lot to be done, we have united and become stronger. They have a lot of lies, and we have one truth to fight, we will eat together shoulder to shoulder. The elite is in the trenches. Now at this moment. We will definitely return to them plans to leave the army. No, i will continue to add up to the end, they are the real heroes of the people who bring our victory to the machine 5 minutes closer

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