Voice, which we still hear today in his poems in songs that have long become folk. Alleluia of love and juno avos sing alleluia of love to its author Andrei Voznesensky, the poet whom we will never forget. Tatyana bodrova and sergey klin channel one. On the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the poet , channel one will show a documentary film 3723 voznesensky is the number of a minor planet named after the master of the word. Watch on sunday at 14 14 and immediately after at 1520 the Television Version of the cult rock opera juno and avos and right now on the air the main vocal show of the country the voice star mentors of Polina Gagarin basta Vladimir Presnyakov and Anton Belyaev decide. Which of the participants will remain in the project and continue the fight . Good evening on the air of channel one, the main vocal project of the country, the voice is with you. I am Yana Churikova for us, the success of our vocalists is a joyful event, so feel free to. We can say that the spring holidays are continuing with us, last week the stage started peak. The first three have already performed. And today they will try their hand, the remaining participants from the three vocalists, the team mentor will choose only one who and will go further with him. Also, two mentors have the opportunity to save one participant from the elimination from the other team and invite them to their dear viewers. I remind you that each of you has your own personal red button. During the broadcast, press the red button on the Remote Control , log in by phone number and guess the fate of the project participants, also receive instant prizes promo codes and vote for the best mentor of the season the smartest viewer. They will receive an award at the end of the project. Play where it is convenient for you on tvs with the hbbtv function in the player on the First Channel website , the first application for both mobile devices and smart tv. Anton needs to get together and announce the order of performance of the participants in this trio. And at the stage of the fights i experienced different emotions with each time the degree of excitement increases. He has potential, it seemed to me that ostimer could still show me something and continue astirbov. It was both joyful and sad. I am pleasantly surprised that i am still in the project that a radically different estelle will show us in the next stage. I wish you good luck. I want you to feel comfortable on our stage. Thanks here. The sensual performances of our participants will not leave any viewer indifferent, they truly inspire us and give us a pleasant moment that we want to share. With loved ones, as well as the taste of chocolates of inspiration. Give inspiration to your loved ones. I didnt realize i could get this far. From this i did not even dream in a single dream. Gulnara, when space starts to sound , it changes instantly and somehow very warmly, it always happens, gulnara will continue thank you for the solid, of course, it was a surprise for me. And most importantly, now do not let your mentor down. Gulnara is not the artist who reincarnates into something new every time, it is always. She makes her happy to perform. I wish you to be organic. Why do i want this for you . I dont know because youre so organic in everything. What to do . Thank you. It felt like i was transported to some sandy beach in four years. Nastya is a swiss knife, absolutely a musician who will be unpacked in the future. I lean towards anastasia, i was shocked and surprised. This is a great happiness for me, in addition to the fact that music is still a production worker. That is, she just sat down and moved on. I myself love to work. What we did with you. This is very cool. Is it true. Good luck. Thank you, hurray ike jesus sidewalk people one skill lord performance in the troika of Anton Belyaev gulnara ra, we drink with you for love and yourself hello someday. That no more parties will wake up tomorrow, you draw old pictures, we will receive with them. Field something not just no you draw old pictures of the way back we lost on the road without you will not. Thank you next performance in the trio. Earth, how can i live for a few hours . Taxi is only empty on earth alone without you they give the stars of their tenderness were also empty. Land if you can, come soon. Anastasia gabrilin, i ask the mentors of competitors to speak out vasily mikhailovich i want to congratulate your mentor. Anton, as always, demonstrates a very interesting and extraordinary solution. For which thank you very much three interesting amazing numbers. I congratulate you. Anton was all at the highest level delight respect and gratitude. I thank the mentor for the fact that these are again musical canvases of a variety of diverse genres. From one mood to another , it looked like such a worthy concert with great taste, well, a huge thank you, guys. Anton thank you very much , you really are some kind of fairy tale just that we found ourselves all in different ways. Everything hugs. This music is in music. This is such a very interesting topic. Who understands, he understands, and thank you nastya for the fact that i still have this anxiety in my heart, such anxiety created by the song, really. A word to the mentor well , lets start tackle a complex work, that is, she did it perfectly. Most of such work. Thank you did you do everything today . Thank you so much. Gulnara almost crumbled, but did not crumble. Thank you. It was very important to hear these words from the mentor. And now who will continue their journey with Anton Belyaev on the voice project. It is extremely difficult to say this, especially after hearing it, because each of you defended your honor. That is, you watched everything perfectly today. And the decision is probably paradoxical. Everything warms up inside me when gulnara sings and stays tirelessly. Reminds you that you have the opportunity we are not hinting at anything to save one of the participants, but we would really like to. So come on. I want to express my deep gratitude. Ah, a wonderful tv project for an orchestra. Thank you very much for your work. I want to say a huge thank you to anton it was a pleasure to work with you. I am very happy to perform here on this stage. And i understand some great work to be a mentor. Thank you all very much and i hope to see you again. This is already a victory because the competition is very serious and you did it. All that my gratitude has depended on you. Thank you thank you i choose the color stel. Beauty has a name exhalation chocolates. 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If you have an application, pay for purchases in any way you are accustomed to using a world map or using an application noncash when there is not enough taste around, its time. Channel one announces the recruitment of participants for the new season of the voice project go to the channel one website, fill out the form and upload music files with your voice. I choose the color estelle beauty has the name tinkoff cash loan apply now and get a delay of the first payment up to 90 days. He is so alone. On the air of channel one even despite the competition, the fight stage was a step forward for me. I felt confident in myself. Yana, the youngest member of my team, opens up, feels at ease with me, yana goes further. When polina said my name , my legs buckled with joy, i was happy that everything worked out. I feel like i dont need more space just gradually grow. Show all the power and strength of your incredible voice. Thank you talents beauty is always together on this wall for the spectacular images of our participants, the official stylist of the project is responsible for the bright color, radiance and luxury of hair that attract the eye. Beauty has a name. I was terribly afraid for the result, somehow miraculously pulled myself together. I was sure that there is much more than we managed to show, so nastya we need to go further and work even more nastya is now everything reveals its potential incredibly very characteristic very catchy voice. Nastya sing so that everyone lies down well . The fights were amazing, it turned out very interesting and bright. A great singer with an incredible voice nadezhda goes on but there was no such outburst of emotions , they were. Then she has the opportunity to show not only her phenomenal vocal abilities, but also her fragility of femininity. I know it and just do what you did. Or maybe its better thanks to a great performance in the trio of Polina Gagarina opens i on art. Eat outside the window and the silence drives me crazy and again i cant fall asleep in an empty house. But not with me. The doctor walks in silence, and mine, like me, the sunnah will never find misunderstandings with me. Shroud 5 l blizzard think blood, where are you for yourself continues to perform in the troika of Polina Gagarina we grew together. Anastasia baranikova and closes the performance in threes in the team of Polina Gagarina jesus modern home the performance of this beautiful trio vladimir only a woman can know how to do what made you hurt it. Well, you did some of it all girls no. No. Well, believe me that you have connected everyone here and make this performance. So that you all hurt, you know that the word fiber has been known for five years, give the fibers of the soul, you want to burst and enjoy dancing. Thank you very much male assessment male and professional assessment, how do you like it, but . First, i will answer. Last number. It is, of course, made superbly from the point of view in general. All polinas workshops arranged the orchestra, its just that everything is all thought out, very very cool. I liked it very much. Well done, not well, in fact, really, guys, who, if someone expected something else, he, well, as it were, can come to megasport on may 27 once again, i simply admire the skill and never cease to be surprised at what we have girls . Yes, all the same, these talented people live on this earth, uh, who have no limits. Its just that everything is great for you. Magnificent, i dont want to sum up any results, because this is only the beginning and there will be a continuation all. My girls are mine in general, well, simply and galloping yes, and you are failing. And here and now to sing like this, just go out and put everyone on the shoulder blades, each in its own way, but each is so skillfully so hmm in a feminine way and so easy to roll forward. In fact, i got huge goosebumps again. Yes, even yes, and i held back tears. Because i am very proud that i have you, that you were with me. I really want you to go by leaps and bounds easily to the top of the musical peak. I feel you pull back. Yes, just think we all act differently dear mentors polina, who is going with you to the next stage in the voice project. Oh, a disaster, of course, they delayed it as best they could. Am with me further e goes. Come on lets and right now the final word of the girls on the project. Here, during which you can save. I want to thank everyone. These are just incredible emotions. Thank you polina you , both here and in life, are real energetic, simply superduper magic Sergey Sergeevich thank you very much you are simply amazing yana thank you very cool and my family. I love her very much, well done nastya so i want to say. Thanks to everyone who creates. This is an amazing show and our favorite mentor. Polina to you, of course, especially girls, thank you very much for being in the voice inspiration chocolates cupcakes give exhalation to your beloved tinkoff cash loan apply now and get a delay of the first payment up to 90 days. Lnoe is my family and the rest is all dust , only cossack burgs to fight, only murka to the cossack with them i almost look to the left. 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In the kfc application, apply for osago with savings on compare Service Number one in russia challenge may 17 to a tasty point presents a spy premiere of a multipart film tomorrow all the mystery will become clear cinema one tv represents only women, i will go to the end i will do. I feel your Cosmic Energy klim and yulia scandalous, but still a star 50. How is your intuition, by the way, in the morning, yes or another song fine who wants to become a millionaire tomorrow after the evening news, in the end lose a cow. I choose the color estelle beauty has a name. On the air in odnoklassniki akhmedov well, vladimir, we ask you to announce the order of performances of the participants of this trio. Hello guys. The first will be sung by masha may later and also duel, i first sang in a duet at first. I was a little scared, but then i really liked it. With me. I want her to show herself exactly the same as it can be real absolutely free without weights. Come on, be yourself. You know that your strength is in your youth and in the way you perceive the world. So come on. Everything was bright at the fights and there were a lot of emotions and i didnt want to leave. We dont have many voices like that. People can create incredible things for my taste. And the taste. I have a good one, so for some reason he will go jumping with me. Although i never go with my voice and not only with my voice. Thank you very much. It has to hook on to the living there to hook on the heart, and my soul drew attention to it , and peace will go with me. Incredible joy happiness is what i got. I want to show myself different even more interesting, but believe me, i can do it a lot. From the moon show what you can be capable of. I know that let everyone see Russia Tinkoff Bank admires its customers and all project participants. Participants who did not pass the next stage tinkoff bank gives a tinkoff black card with a nice cash bonus. Install the tinkoff application and issue a tinkoff black card right now opens performances in the troika of Vladimir Presnyakov masha may hey wait you know her, you recognize her. You will recognize him. You will recognize her. Words heart try spring long. You know, ill meet in peace. Heart lord christ thank you masha may excellent cool fresh, well , then in the team of Vladimir Presnyakov Akhmed Akhmedov performs in knockouts with me it seems you succeeded in the word. What are you standing because you still fly. T the sun itself. Need closes the top three of Vladimir Presnyakovs team elmira divaeva. The rest oh, and today yes, its dark about one thing, everything about love youre ugly to me at night come on lord everything that you told me at night. And glued on at night all the pieces from the moon are to blame on earth and the sky has no fault. Im going to say this to make it harder to curse. I give and live to tell you words about love against you. You have everything i need. Uural me is such a reincarnation of factory hits. Thank you vladimir well, colleagues are gathering our thoughts anton but since you seem to have been the most shocked. Lets start with you, well, i must say that elvira of course, its just that, uh, well, i dont know scared, well eat a little. Yes, that is, elvira released his inner beast, what such a thing had to be said there at night, it was just scary to think somewhere, for a peasant whom, like volodya, how did they talk . Listen, we have a song for you. Ha ha, she looks like that. Well, in short, such a factory about love i like a good song, i added a little bit of the same here and thats it, youll understand. And then immediately with a sharp gluing. Oh, dont scare me like that about you, girl. Now everything is fine. And its even worse that this is sveta, everything is grandiose, sveta is just yes, and how would you be, how would elmir it was a compliment, in fact, but not right away, of course. I would like to finish. Its just that the guys actually gave out. I dont know if i can start again im ahmed of the sun good songs its great to say, well done, vladimir of choice. L deliverance yes, all these were good songs you are the last dirt, take it, take it there at the end we will take it. I liked it very much. Vladimir well, thank you for these emotions. Its impossible, of course, to communicate seriously. Oh, thats it, gagarins words, just no. This we can set off as a resume. Yes , just yes vladimir tell me please, did everything turn out to be some kind of crazy and didnt expect, well, really didnt expect. I knew, i did not expect that it was him, yes. Wait to let you know, other scores have been sent before the substitution of the world will come out. We talked about loving ourselves, you know . What did you do . Say that well, i liked Sergei Sergeevich who played. Like nothing happens. Experienced applause inside, too, and with the game ill go, and stringers and drums are all rock and roll. So vladimir it was a resume. I understand correctly. I want to thank you for giving such emotions, these emotions thats all , because after such volodya, if you got emotions, this man who is not breaking through, do not break through. Here is such a calm situation before such a situation. You can then i would like to thank you for the consequence of which you endured musical sensuality, as you filled our souls, i beg a little wait and burn. Yes, all hope is on you. Come on, i didnt expect i didnt expect what happened i didnt expect such an energy pump, of course i didnt. I love you very much. You yourself know how everything was so colorful and powerful. During these days, you need to hear the name of the person who will go further in the voice project in the team of Vladimir Presnyakov. With me further in the project. In the draft show the voice will pass the world with me while the participants say their final word. You are a respected mentors. You can try to intercept try to save one of them that would be very cool. Doesnt really hint at anything. Vladimir presnyakov but that would be very good. True Akhmed Akhmedov to say thank you very much is to say nothing. And i want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported me, especially to you vladimir , i really enjoyed working with you. I loved you very much during this period. Thats why i want to say a big thank you to my parents. And the orchestra to you yana thank you all love love and for me the biggest part was to perform on this stage. Thanks and although no one pressed the save button, but thanks for the very bright road here on golos in this season bravo i choose the color estelle beauty has a personal name to issue now and get a delay of the first payment up to 90 days. He is so alone. One after another, two couturiers, two great masters left their lives in time to realize their potential, leave valor in the memory of people, but also leave the school a true workaholic. During the training, there was a show as part of the fashion week, where he himself volunteered to be my model. Here he is in my jacket. Okay of course we can fly to sochi well rafting. No, she pulled it off. Like this, from the window, a fishing line from the edge swimming trunks for 6 people. Mikhailovich was of course, for us, an icon, thats an icon of his boss everyone who was in theaters called boss things out of nothing, painted, broke, created. That dress was out, he wrote gurchenko. She, without a bra, was a certain composition of girls who always worked constantly with valentin and there was a feeling as if you were in the family, this is something cosmetic, this is just a mirror. This is really offending, and valentina dasha is on her grandchildren. Im resting. I love making gifts to pamper. These are not at all feelings tomorrow after the time program i believe god did not accidentally take them together. But because they laid it out in such a way that everyone said their word. To improve food digestion, micrazyme triple enzyme microbeads can help digest proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and deal with the symptoms of overeating. Meet seasoning, kotani, for only 139 rubles. Sber megamarket welcome to the world. Where everything is just for you. So it was possible to pay for purchases in any way familiar to you from a world card or applications. Welcome to the new filling station of the international teboil brand. Friendly service is always waiting for you here. A cozy cafe and highquality fuel. You were good, like at home at the bigfest you choose a chickenhead or a double cheeseburger for only 89 rubles. The welder of the sixth category, georgy petrovich, at the age of 62, was distinguished by iron discipline. Thats what they told us. 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I would like to learn from him the freedom of expression in the word and to notice the premiere of a documentary film and the legendary juno and avos, which were not noticed at the ninetieth birthday of Andrei Voznesensky , on sunday at the First Inspiration the voice project is on the air and at this stage among vocalists who do not go any further with by his mentor. There is an airbag. This is an opportunity to move to another team. Unless, of course, they call, so working for all mentors is not only important. Its just vital we keep going. These are knockouts in the bast team and we invite a trio to the stage. Marina polina kuzmina alina bakshalieva time to determine the order in which the participants will perform. It was very inspiring for me, so flying. I understand her background of her ability. Winged i want to wish you to continue with the same mood to go out and speak on maximum, because the stakes are very high. For your styling and beautiful hair color. I created them using estelle products and therefore i am confident in the result. Let your image inspire you on stage. Good luck. Thank you, each stage becomes more and more difficult, because the competition is growing. That she was a little, well, quite a bit professionally very difficult decisions further with butterflies in my stomach, because she is a great vocalist should be a performance wow at the duels, i just forced myself to calm down and swim flow. She just opened up. So took away, my thoughts of my morning feeling. Just a grandiose lapshina is coming. I rejoiced. I dont know how else to write this. I expect her to rise to the next level in terms of the coolness of her performance, according to emotions and sensations. High level i want to wish you the same concentration forward at this stage. Lord well done, sinula. Polina kuzmina is the next member of bastas team alina boksalieva this is a girl. From you love love will help. Everything in this life. Save me if you want this girl drinks rings, you are your girl and loves photographs. This is my son. Maybe people in this life we ​​can go out, write to me everything is possible. And what is this word . Close the performance of the line of the basta team maria lapshina, andand he is in harmony with the universe for this , andand hallelujah well done. Helped in this issue, dad, as the girls say the legends of russian folklore Sergei Nikolayevich starostin thank you, i would like to draw your attention to the platform ensemble called under the clouds and the girl is now real folk costumes of the belgorod province on the moskovsky district, the village of trostenets please show me the dress that we have been wearing for 150 years. This dress is 150 years old and has been restored very much with love. All this embroidery, all these patterns. Thank you very much, but for now lets share some impressions, Vladimir Presnyakov i was very touched that your father spoke. This colossal i also always acted with my father. Vasya, as always, surprises. Thank you. You girls are just all freaky. That s it, that everyone is all freaky and whom to choose with whom to go further is a big human question Polina Gagarina and i ill take a walk to show everyone mary has killed enough. Alina fantastic and polina ah, they say, god, i congratulate you on the girls, just the coolest cheers Anton Belyaev amazing performance by polina mersi just everything is very accurate this is simply amazing work. Thank you very much. Uh, vasily is a very difficult situation. I am very happy. I wanted to thank you for the independent choice of a great performance guy. It was just a performance and everything was at the highest level. Charmed alin for that valiant straight. Well, i thought, when will she say she will sing and say enough 3 seconds. No, do you understand now . What was i waiting for. I also continued you young man. March. I want to tell you. Thank you for the mood for the professionalism for the level. Just thank you for todays performance time to make the final choice. Who will go with basta to the next level . Continue uh journey. Can you tell your colleagues to do Something Like that . Saved i want to say a big thank you to everyone who makes this project. This is a great thing. Today i sang my dream. I was able to do it and i am extremely grateful to Sergey Sergeevich orchestra. You are great people for what you do, this is real music and thank you very much in autumn mikhailovich is extremely nice. And a very long yet long journey in the eleventh season of the voice. Thank you thank you coming soon thank you knockouts completed the 12 best contestants of this season will continue on the path to their cherished dream, as you know dreams dont work. If you dont work yourself, so its time to set new goals for yourself, right now you see how the votes of viewers for the best mentor were distributed according to the results knockouts final results. We will announce in the final, and all the performances and the best moments of our project. Watch on 1tv. Ru. In a week we will meet you live, you will have the opportunity to vote and support your favorite participant to help him get to the final. It was the main vocal project of the country voice see you soon. Bye. The design is normal the film challenge in the International Orbit United Arab Emirates saudi arabia bahri egypt and cancer jordan lebanon qatar aman kuwait for the first time russian cinema is released in such a wide release in the middle east, viewers leave the hall and talk about the picture only in superlatives. I advise everyone. Go and see what you like. This is a movie from closeups of such shootings. I have never seen a wonderful movie in space. I myself am an aviator this topic is close to me, breathtaking. The performer of one of the main roles miloskovic came to the premiere in his native belgrade. Together with him , the director of the video presented the picture. If people say, i went into space, these two hours and 40 minutes sent me into space. And now im out with feeling like i was there. This will be the most important and pleasant review, which may be, this is cinema averie. This is a movie of trust to vera with a man who next to the film the challenge has already been watched by more than four Million Viewers on earth and seven more have joined them. Dmitry petelin and Andrey Fedyaev as well as astronauts from the usa and the United Arab Emirates really liked the realistic shooting. Our colleagues. Very played great. I believe in this film and i certainly hope that this film can. Ignite thousands of hearts, e in the desire to fly into space e to do astronautics we were very glad to see in the film e, familiar faces of workers. Uh, the rocket and space industry, specifically the cosmonaut training center, uh, it was very unusual, but it was nice and lets hope that in the future, uh, there will be more and more such positive and interesting educational films about space, the challenge is the first and only film in world filmed on the iss but the way to the stars. Yulia overpowered. You klimashepenko was very difficult. The main stages of training in space, you yourself will already be there assistants yourself to find a flight in total astronaut, three times went into outer space depends. Our life, including it is very important that we are somehow here together, both humanly and professionally, now it makes sense for anton shkaplerov. After all, the call of the astronauts for the first time had to be done without the help of onboard engineers. Well, anton is very difficult. Hes just a man who accepts everything , understands, gets angry, doesnt get angry, well, a couple of times, maybe it was never seen according to anton nikolaevich. He is very patient and of course we are very lucky with the commander. Very lucky. Most often, applicants for candidates are cosmonauts, lets say, do not pass the psychological ones. This stage is very important for e professional cosmonauts who fly into space for a long period, because the team is very limited, the volume of the station is also limited in terms of psychology. It should be. Uh, very well prepared. The crew was preparing for the flight in express mode. Astronauts have much more. Harder on one stages of preparation of candidates are sent to the isolation chamber. They must spend here in complete isolation and silence for 3 days and two nights without sleep and not go crazy. This is a special such chamber made in the door. Here, through which food was brought there in general, as in prison. I feel a little bit myself, there the notes conveyed what was needed there, what tasks and everything else. With weak artificial lighting and sound impenetrable walls. It isolates a person from the outside world and helps to check his psychological state due to the fact that we tire our brain gets tired. He says to get out some kind of mental disorders. And by the way, such stories. Unfortunately, there are also people told. Well, sorry for a normal life. You are proud. Yes, but god forbid, uh, Something Like that will come out in flight. Lets say we cant do this, so please, leave the crew on a space expedition. Compiled as a puzzle. Experts try to minimize possible psychological conflicts of the expedition members, because in space, suddenly there is nowhere to run from each other, standard activities expedition 6 months 6 months work in zero gravity isolation. Away from home , interesting, but difficult work, difficult work lies ahead, and yulia will overcome it. Not only does she have to go to orbit, the actress needs to carefully study the medical aspect of the role , she spent several months training to do stitches on silicone. Pto simulator, and also studied the ultrasound apparatus. There is a task that our experiment reveals changes in organs that occur in versatility in weightlessness, an increase occurs. Liver, pancreas treatment, zaselizionki the fluid of the liberal test cavity appears. This is how we stand. Yes, i just dont understand, so dont press anything at all

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