Without any internet. However, the story about siberia will not be complete without recalling the pickles that were served, preserving merchant traditions, are still served today. For example, tyumen is often added to the definition of the gastronomic capital of siberia. The basis of the local cuisine, like many centuries ago, is. Winston, the cognac cigar lover forgot about his bad habits at that moment, and could not tear himself away from the herring from the siberian river, northern sosva. He even took several glasses back then to this same silda, the english princess. Ah, her majesty was delighted. Chicken cutlets that bear the name of the head of the city and philanthropist, merchant andrei tekutyev, that is, the tikutyev cutlet is also a local gastronomic attraction. And the little crucians, about the size of your palm, oh, i hope youve already had breakfast . Then lets continue first , the bones are removed from the crucian carp with tweezers, then the fir is lightly fried, the sauce is served with cream with pike caviar, and mashed potatoes are garnished with grainy dejon mustard, porcini mushroom and soaked lingonberries, ugh. Yes, we havent had such a snowy winter for a long time, but we, besides the wipers, of course, will still remember it with a kind word. This not travel notes with dmitry krylov. Im glad that you are with us today, we are going to the city that before the revolution of the seventeenth year was called siberian athens, eastern paris and even st. Petersburg. Siberia, its prosperity largely owes to the Longest Railway track in the world, the transsiberian railway, laid here at the end of the 19th century. Yes, thats right, today we continue to get acquainted with irkutsk, thats when we meet a person with whom we will have communication or friendship, which can develop into deep affection or love. We want to know his story, right . After all, cities are like people, each with their own character. Its own unique appearance, its own quirks, and yes, its own history. Initially, our irkutsk arose on the right bank of the angara on the site of the tvinsky ulus in 1661. Originated as ostrog. Let me remind you that ostrog is a defensive fortress surrounded by a clear fence of logs pointed at the top. And one of the founders of that fort was yakov pokhaabov, a native of the yenisei cossacks. His monument now stands on the embankment. Hangars. Follow his example, you will be installed monument. No problem. People settled in these places about 60 thousand years ago. Therefore, the name irkutsk is apparently of ancient turkic origin. And it came from the word irku, which, as you know, of course, in the ancient turkic language means ancient, eternal, primordial. Now the city stands on two banks of the angara, and the river, as locals believe, is very narrow here, only about 600 m. For them it is narrow. Not far from the embankment, the spasskaya church, built in 1703, according to other data from 1706, is the oldest publication surviving in irkutsk, and indeed in. Siberia, this is the only building remaining from that original prison. The rest of it was dismantled 200 years ago, well, apparently the logs were needed. Next to the spaska church there is a church canopy, that is , a canopy, and under it a memorial stone, saying that here is the burial place of the first settlers, the first irkutsk residents. A large fresco on the outer wall of the temple attracts attention. It is authentic, written at the beginning of the 19th century. Commissars in dusty helmets covered her with four. Layers of plaster, but this is the irony of fate, saved her from sudden temperature changes in the harsh climate here. The oldest monument in the city, preserved from revolutionary times, is the monument to tsar alexander ii. He was erected in gratitude for his decision to build that very railway. Well, like the shvonzer monument they tore it up. They overthrew the king, left a pedestal with basreliefs, as well. They called him the pioneer of siberia, in basreliefs there are portraits of prominent figures Nikolai Nikolaevich muravyov, count of amur, who received this title for that he annexed almost a million square kilometers of land to our country without firing a single shot. Ermak timofeevich, who made a great contribution to the annexation of siberia to russia, Mikhail Mikhailovich spiransky, governorgeneral of eastern siberia. In shchov a pyramidal spire was installed on a pedestal; in 2003 it was demolished and the tsars father was restored in that revolutionary guise in the form of a cossack atom of the siberian troops. After that, well, five times the emperors monument was vandalized. Across the road from the monument to alexander ii. White house of irkutsk one of the brightest examples of classicism. It was built as a family mansion of the first city mayor, mikhail siberyakov. The prototype of the irkutsk white house. Became, no, not the american white house, although they were built at the very beginning of the century before last almost simultaneously, and there is no st. Petersburg bank or other similar building in irkutsk. Another intricate publication in the arabic style a moorish castle. The author of the castle is the engineerarchitect Baron Heinrich rosen, who studied in st. Petersburg. In 1879, a fire destroyed the wooden building of the Historic Museum and more than 22,000 of its exhibits. The townspeople raised money for new stone buildings. Four years later, in 1883, the first visitors entered the castle. That is, today this castle is more than 140 years old. Baron rosen gave a wonderful project to the Imperial Russian geographical society. Therefore, on one of the facades of the building you can read the names of famous explorers of siberia, baikal, the north and asia, vitus bering, Georg Steller and agan. Chersky, in total, there are only 19 people, 17 of whom were in irkutsk. All those who came to the Regional Museum the departure is met by the allen stone, the design on its stone body is about 300 years old. We admired the unusually beautiful building of the irkutsk synagogue, which is located on karl lipnicht street. Funny. Combination of synagogue and karl liebhnet. So, this is the only jewish temple in the entire angaria region. The synagogue existed until 1933, and then was closed for many decades, and only in the nineties of the 20th century was it returned to the irkutsk community. It is noteworthy that a five minute walk from the synagogue on the same the irkutsk cathedral mosque is also located on the street. It was founded by irkutsk merchants, brothers zagidulla and sheikhulla shefigulin. They donated their city garden for the construction of the mosque. The irkutsk mosque in those days was recognized as one of the best in russia. Well, it is clear that in soviet times it lost first its true purpose, and then minoreto, which was restored only in the 21st century. However, shifigulins, sheikhuls younger brother , was at that time the only tatar millionaire in irkutsk. He was good a person, but with his own money. He built a mosque there, paid salaries to the mule, opened a madrasah and a school for boys at the mosque. And then one day sheikhula, together with his wife fana , went to mecca for the hajj. On the way back , my wife became seriously ill. Sheikhullah gave allah a decree that if he healed his wife, then upon returning to the city he would give each of his coreligionists a new dress. Allah was surprised and decided to check whether the true believer keeps his word . In general, sheikhulas wife recovered, and he returned to irkutsk. And made an agreement with the second merchant, the owner luxury clothing stores, that all the clothes for irkutsk muslims would be at his expense, all muslim families flocked to luxury stores, and. The average such family is at least ten people, and at that time there were about three such families in irkutsk hundreds. But shefigulin kept his word to allah, dressed them all, however, later he himself was shot by the mules, but this, as leonid konevsky says, is a completely different story. And in the city the memory of the brothers still lives, the active mosque on lamatovskaya street, the beautiful stone mansion on karl marx 37, where up to. In order not to get up twice, the name of alexander vtorovo was one of the most famous in irkutsk, his luxurious mansion has been preserved in the city center, he was a very rich man who created in the second half of the 19th century throughout russian empire, well , as we would call them now, a network of hypermarkets engaged in wholesale trade, wealth did not prevent him from being a citizen and philanthropist, he donated 100,000 rubles to. The stone theater in irkutsk. His first son, nikolai vtorov, is a successful entrepreneur, banker and a businessman who followed in his fathers footsteps, and even surpassed him, became the owner of the largest fortune in russia at the beginning of the 20th century, more than 60 million gold rubles. He was nicknamed the russian morgan for his business acumen. Alas, on may 20, 1918, he was shot, so to speak, for family reasons by his side son, who was offended by his father and did not provide for his mother and. His personal studies. From the end of the 18th century, irkutsk flourished and grew rich before our eyes, american trade was in full swing, they climbed to dongi on seal skins, and brought them from the north gold, diamonds and mammoth horn, all this flocked to irkutsk. At the beginning of the 19th century , the population of the city was the same as the state kremlin palace can accommodate, that is, about 6. And among them there were one hundred and fifty millionaires. This is what they would borrow. The first four rows of the hall. Irkutsk in the 19th century was called the tea capital of russia. Chinese trade, tea, porcelain, and silk developed at a frantic pace. 1 million poods of tea were sent annually from irkutsk throughout russia. During the great patriotic war, the irkutsk teapacking factory was the only enterprise in the country that produced tea. This is where the famous elephant tea originated. For all of russia, tea was an expensive drink; only in irkutsk was it practically available. Anyone, but where there is tea, there is obviously a samovar. Teahouses appeared in irkutsk earlier than in the capital, when in moscow and st. Petersburg there were only three of them, then in irkutsk there are already 12. This city is a real record holder. Here is the smartest street, the longest metro bridge in the world, the largest theater in russia. We are in novosibirsk, friends. Why you need to build such a huge, huge device . Imagine that at a distance of 100 m two people are standing and shooting gum needles, we need a very highprecision installation so that they collide at the point we set, here i am, i m very cold, heres a real siberian, try to write a grain on the surface, at least something well, its good for the first time, youre lying clumsily, ready, always ready, flew, the lives of our own, the premiere today is on the first day on the day of defender of the fatherland on the first. Shura, belobrov arrived, 3 months, and sasha, wounded, concussed, from a propeller, train departs, the third call, bambambam, the germans are on alert along the entire coast, the second one was made by our commander. The torpedo splashed down, the torpedo went, and what is their car , how do i know nastya, you cant trust a woman, but now you see how it happened, the semophore is open, he is my friend, he is my friend, and he loves you, according to intelligence information, he was found in the fifth square enemy submarine , belobrovas unit will go first, commander, the left gun is broken, a little more, check again, forgive me what actually happened, shurochka, everyone to the bottom, everyone to the bottom, attack, attack, torpedo bombers, on february 23, at the first one, we met the collector and restorer of antiques, andrei peretolchin. Listen, this is some kind of museum of antiquity. An antique shop, one of the main places is occupied by a samovar. Andrey talks about each item with love, like a child, and knows its name and story. All samovars are woodburning. After recovery. Can be used for its intended purpose, it is used because tea from a samovar with smoke is not only the most delicious, it has a soul and an echo of those ancient times, which we can touch after more than 100 years. If we drink tea from such a samovar, the soul of the old time is also in many other ancient objects that we saw in andreis house. Collecting such antiques in this house is a Family Affair there were collections of bottles, glass holders, porcelain, stirrups, spinning wheels, and buttons. There is a lot more, and the collection of bells, about 500 of them, even ended up in the book of records of the irkutsk region. Why were they . Yes, because many collectors are more interested in the process of collecting than in subsequent possessions collection. Thats why sometimes they sell them or exchange them, or start collecting something new altogether. The elder peretolchin, alexey nikolaevich, came up with the idea of ​​making such unusual art compositions from ancient finds. All objects in each of them are united by a common meaning. For example, fishing or a railway, and some also have a subtle meaning, serving as a lamp, hanger or key holder, an excellent gift for a person who has everything, but doesnt have this. Of course, you know that irkutsk is a wooden capital in russia, no other city in our country has such a number of monuments of wooden nobility, there are 761 of them here, if in doubt, go and count them yourself. We walked through the streets with trees. Houses, many of which are decorated with carved platbands, this is an unofficial symbol of the city, and you wont find two absolutely identical, to build such a house then cost from 500 to 1. 00 rubles, they spent up to 1,500 rubles on decoration and did not skimp, because all these carved birds, sun, moons, symbols of good luck and prosperity, if you doubt it, then put similar platbands on your window, the bird of happiness of tomorrow will fly to you with jingling wings. The age of many houses has exceeded 150 years, people still live in many of them, although they do not live very comfortably; of all the benefits of civilization, they only have electricity, which has replaced stove heating. Water supply and sewerage are often located in the yard. But of course, there are happy exceptions. The manor house of the merchant vintovkin, built in 1880, was incredibly lucky. Before in 2012, he stood tormented. Collapsed until people were found who decided to buy it and restore it, and according to security obligations , only the outside of the house is supposed to be restored, but in this house both the stucco molding on the stove and the tiles were restored, and thanks to this we have the opportunity to see the coupes house as it was was with the first owner. Judging by the size and number of rooms in the house, one can understand that the merchant vintovkin was a wealthy man, and his business was going quite well; the house is lined with chiseled boards and looks as if it was made of stone pay attention, from the outside the house looks onestory, while from the yard you can see that it has two floors, and i dont even consider it a basement, a basement. This suggests that the owner was not only rich, but also thrifty and efficient, since in irkutsk there was a Real Estate Tax and they paid for the facade, that is, having a onestory house was cheaper than a twostory one. Hm. The chastin estate in irkutsk, also known as the house of europe, is often called the lace house. Built in the middle. Century with its wooden lace the house took on its name in 1907 under the last owner with the rare name apollos, apollos ivanovich shastin. But on the initiative of the French Association for the conservation of world monuments, the house was included in the list of world protected heritage and was thereby saved from demolition and later restored. So now this is one of the obligatory points for a photo shoot, i was in irkutsk. There are many similar attractions in the city, but i guess youve already had enough. Irkutsk, as the capital of the wooden nobility of russia, in these houses that we saw, you will agree, has its own charm, but this is, alas, a passing nature, and by god , once you have time to enjoy it, you would have the desire, money, and health for the trip, and this, unfortunately, does not always coincide, but for someone with all this three in one bottle in. So dont wait for a roast rooster and hit the road, okay, happily, bye, your advisor dk. Hello, on the first channel, the release of news in the maxim sherafuddinov studio is the main thing today. An important step towards victory, a brilliant military success, just delivered,

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