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Becomes famous throughout st. Petersburg society in general throughout russia, but these were the most important people in st. Petersburg society, they probably created this opinion, what was liskovs reputation, what was the opinion of modern Literary Society about him, i know that he survived bullying, you know, its worth talking about this bullying separately, because yes, from his own memories, from his letters to his publishers, we absolutely see that he was subjected to bullying, in particular at the beginning of his career for the fact that he spoke about. Against the nihilists, accusing them of some fires there, was too conservative, yes, he was too conservative for the liberal and radical public, and as he claims, he was subjected to serious attacks, because of which he could not even published nowhere, and so on and so forth, but in one of soltykov shchedrins essays, i was surprised to read that all the attacks were by mr. Stebnitsky, it was his pseudonym leskova, he was liskov stebnitsky. According to leskov, tolstoy very much praised soandso his text, there is a wonderful basics there, for example, yes, a hagiography about early christianity, and i, who doubted nothing, called malaya cherskaya, she is a great expert in leskovye, and that means i say may, tolstoys letters have been preserved, in which he praises leskov for this thing, because liskov says that tolstoy praised him in a letter to someone else, he says, i say. The letter has been preserved. Maya says no, there is no such letter. I say, but would nt he really have preserved tolstoys letter, in which the great genius praises him . That is, i would keep it. No, probably such a letter is just did not have. We do not know. Then i asked maya, but he could have lied. She says he was subjected to such a sin. okay, but liskov is probably best known for the story lady macbeth of the tsensk district. Oh, this is awesome. That is, it is emphasized by the author that this novel has a documentary basis, that is, this is a case that really happened about a rich housewife who had an affair with her employee, they. Together they killed the whole family on the way to prison in the cheating camp she wants this lover with whom so much has been done crimes, she throws herself into the water and drowns her rival, that is, such a cool russian female character is described with a scream , and dont get it from anyone , dont get it from anyone, this cry is actually from a lady in the magbit district, also liskov is famous for his story lefty , based on an anecdote uh, they shod this blade and sent it back to them. Well, in general, liskov is rather known for the small form, legends, tales, some kind of documentary, what he had in general with genres, what kind of relationship he had with literary genres, its not that simple, right . I think he had Serious Problems with his large form, because, well, even if we look at his rather scandalous novel, he had nowhere to go or at knifepoint. He has difficulty maintaining the composition, by the way, his contemporaries told him about this , dostoevsky reproached the novel on knives precisely for its incomprehensibility, vagueness of construction, and lets say, about the enchanted wanderer, many critics said that there is no center in it, meaning precisely the mistakes in the composition, but liskov himself said that he found the rounded the plot and the center of attention, that is , the composition of the novel itself was disgusting to him for some reason, one could say so, but. It is quite possible to assume that he simply could not cope with the novel form; often, by the way, the writer lacks novel breathing, well, that is, novel breathing is when you run a very long distance, like a stayer, stayer, yes, you run 1020 thousand meters, this is not the case of leskov, because he could well make a multipage voluminous work, but it seems to me that he still did not have the ability to build a story so that it holds the readers interest all the time, lets say just a composition, yes, this is the beginning. Middle and end, yes, beginning, middle and end, but the point is that they must be connected by causeandeffect relationships, they must be conditioned by one another, and the next part must flow organically from the previous one, this is actually working with composition , this is where nikolai semyonovich had problems, in particular in the enchanted wanderer, who, as i repeat once again, many of his contemporaries said, is just a set of short stories that are strung on one thread, they do not flow from one another, but this is very modern, this is a very modern form. As well as some of his firstperson narratives, there in the same hare remez, there is a long monologue of the hero, this is autofiction, this is this novelistic form, it seems to me that now it looks very modernly in tune, yes consonant in a modern form, i am absolutely sure that this modern form comes precisely from the inability to make a good composition, but you get it here you scold lesky, well, lets praise him anyway. Chekhov, who was very worried that he could not do a great thing, and he did not hide it, he said, brevity is the sister of talent, which does not mean at all, yes, that he praised himself, he was a very modest person, no, he he said, brevity is just the sister of talent, thats what he meant, not talent itself, yeah, but he recognized chekhov, because he was a truthful man, it seems to me that he didnt know how to lie at all, well, hes a doctor. And he told himself the truth, you are dying of cough, but liskov was not such a person, he was more complex, yes, more conflicted, he was always looking for conflict, in society he was looking for conflict, in his behavior with criticism, with publishers, he moved from one to another, he swore, i even recognized him everywhere strangers, they said this is not our man, yes, as katkov said the editor of the russian bulletin, this is not our man, i even looked at. His very curious letter to the Publishing House of some warsaw newspaper, where a critical article with critical statements was published about him, so hes in the newspaper wrote, saying how wrong you are, i thought its only in our time that there are such writers, criticism upon criticism, that is, he was a restless, proud person, by the way, he did not even receive a secondary university education, and worked all his life as an official, that surprisingly, and at the same time he was seriously involved in literature, but why him . They dont accept in the camp people who, uh , are fans of naboky, adherents of the russian language, high style, for example, liskov is considered for some reason, well, not a camelfo, not a camelfo, because he uses the folk language, thats right, it was due to the poverty of the family , although he was a nobleman by birth, they lived very poor and therefore he lived among the people, that is, he literally grew up in the same yard with boys, peasants, so he knows very well. The language of the people, their thinking, and this is actually their main instrument and technique in their literature, but this is not recognized by adherents of the high russian style, but of course it is very strong. What is this . No, and the funny thing is, my student at the letin Institute Even cited this as an example of very funny word creation, he he talks about waterproof raincoats for the british cavalry, well, these are rubberized mackintoshes , he doesnt call them blotting cables, he calls them resin ones, not blotting cables, theres a very cool word here, its very funny, i met him at limonovs, but we cant say that this is the peoples language, the people dont speak like that, maybe here he is imitating the way people make mistakes, as. Many have decided that this is not his story or a story at all, in fact, thats what the critics decided, because he wrote in the preface to the First Edition he himself wrote that he once heard such a legend about lefty, who shod blakha, so everyone began to say so, then he removed this preface, after all, as if the authors cheslavie, pride told him that yes, what is necessary, the only thing, what he doesnt say in this preface, but he really did come up with a lot, and for this story, perhaps there was such a legend among the orge. Which, in principle, changes the structure of the entire narrative and speaks about his ideology, about ideologiskov, this is not enough who notices, but this is a very important detail when lefty is in england shows the flea and the english say my god, how did you do it . Yes, what small nails should be, okay, a small horseshoe, but the nails are even smaller, then one of the creator of this flea comes up to him and quietly says thats all, of course. ok, dear russian master, but she danced with us, but she cant dance with you, yes, because you upset the balance, and you didnt calculate the balance of power, you did it wrong , and you calculated it engineeringly, and that is, he says, the whole idea was in that the blah is dancing, doing different steps, but with you it just stands there, therefore. Leskov, taking this legend as a huge compliment to the russian people, he nevertheless adds in his craving for dualism, he does not add that it was necessary to do this . This dualism, this desire on the one hand to praise on the other hand to criticize, is generally his creative method and im afraid the method of his life, and he always strived to express mutually opposite points, which is precisely why liberals and radicals did not accept him at first. And after that he was rejected by the conservatives, he was rejected by the camps, you say correctly, that both of them eventually said, he is not ours, this constant desire to show two views on a subject, it seems to me, determines his whole life, that is, it is as if he is chasing some kind of beast that does not exist, and he is always his comes up with, by the way, this is also characterized by an episode from the enchanted wanderer, it illustrates both liskovs method and his outlook on life, the main character tells how he. Handed over a wild stallion, who bit the riders knees and directly chewed their knee caps, he says i jumped on him there, started rubbing him in the eyes dough, which looks strange, and he has a pot of dough in his hand, he breaks it on the horses forehead, begins to rub the dough at this time the kick whips him in every possible way, and by the way, its a direct obvious metaphor, he was looking for quite a long time to show the image of interaction the power of the people, that is, the people. And the people passengers on this ship ask flyagin would you sell him this secret, what would it be like . He says yes, of course i would have sold it, but he wasnt there, but the englishman, he says, thought that i had such a cunning russian deceit. And says let s drink rum, they went with him to a tavern, got drunk on rum, when the englishman considered his interlocutor drunk enough, he began to ask him again, what is your secret . The hero is no longer able to speak, because they drank a lot , he decided to show, he widened his eyes at the englishman, gritted his teeth terribly, made an aggressive face, and, lacking a pot of dough , grabbed a glass of rum, this heavy tumbler and waved it. For me this evening is very, very significant, because it was on december 31, 50 years ago, that i the light has appeared, i, of course, have to ask who you are, but i know your birthday, they are in the past, regrets are a bouquet of russia, you could have left here many times, i know how many theaters invited you, but you remained sozkorizo. You said you were getting married when you turned 50, after 50 i said today on the first, steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. This podcast is a must read, yaglaina batnikov, today we are talking about nikolai liskov, his stories and stories with andrey gelas, why directors love it so much to film lesky, here you are, andrey, also a director by training, a theater director, tell us why you think this particular material is asking for the hands of directors, and what is so attractive about lesky. At the beginning of the conversation they said that he is not a writer of the first rank, since there were great contemporaries there, he was lucky, like few authors, he created several household heroes who are cult and remain later, that is , tolstoy has a whole series of them, and there is anna karenina, i dont know, natasha rostova, at fedors mikhailovich there are such characters as radion romanovich, raskolnikov, svetrigailov and so on, that is , despite his eccentric work with. Language, he managed to find and pull out of oblivion a couple of characters who remained cult, this is primarily Katerina Izmailova from lady magbeton of the tsensk district , a lefthander, whom any child, whom any child knows at school and so on, here he managed to do this, and the directors feel this fat, this fat is absolutely right, they fall for this temptation, he thinks, now yes, well, katya izmailova fell in love, fell in love, so its like. She goes to the volga with her homewrecker, hugging her , everyone of course says, yes, we have the material, everything, but it almost never works out, at least not in cinema is obtained due to incorrect calibration of the degree of conditionality. From turgenev, hamlet of the schigrovsky district, that is, here the story was written a little earlier and was famous, and here again he plays in reflected light, which was the nature of leskov, but his story becomes more famous than, of course, that one has already been forgotten, here they forgot, no one remembers hamletar s district, but he was just a literary game with a name, but for him it was more accurate, so, if we go to some, i dont know, film adaptations or visual staging of his works, then this could be only with a high degree of convention, lets say. A plasticine cartoon, where where, lady, plasticine, please, please, this is where these characters appear right on the go, or it should generally be a puppet theater, that is, a nativity scene, this is very interesting , by the way, look at leskov, it would seem he there is no such documentary, here are the characters in the nativity scene, which this actor is holding above his head, he will be holding Katerina Izmailova, and here is her husband, he will commit their murder, it will be well. Done with the required degree of organicity, corresponding to the text, when in the cinema an actress psychologically prepares for this murder, she loses, so natalya andreichenko played for roman balayan, and why does liskov have such an image, at the same time as a soil populist, yes, if he is so, in fact the author of the postmodern method, the populists term stuck to him precisely because of his experiments in the field of language, that is, the fact that he relied, as if on the people. Language, i still emphasize, this is not exactly a folk language , people dont speak like that, but it was extremely important to him, in some essay from paris, he very proudly wrote that i didnt learn russian from conversations with st. Petersburg merchants , by the way, yes, i paid attention to this, because there is a whole genre of conversation with a taxi driver, yes, it still exists and existed then, i know people from conversations with cab drivers, yes. But look, here he fell into a trap that he did not expect, yes, this is so, and for the 19th century, it probably looked like this, but the fact is that later the social structure of the state and society changed , if he could then reproach his contemporaries for the fact that they are far from the people, and he is closer to them, right . Then later, in fact, literature became the people, writers became of the people, they no longer had to study this language, the entire 20th century these writers are the people, starting with maxim gorkov, then this game became extremely archaic, this podcast is a must read, im aglana patnikova, my guest today is andrey gelasimov, writer, screenwriter, were talking about nikolai leskov, how his life went in general, that is, this work. Thats why he didnt finish his studies, because the family was quite successful, he could have left the gymnasium, because he understood that he would not be lost, he did not need to make his way on his own , his father was a fairly large official, and therefore, in general, he could find a place in life, so and settled down, that is, he went to kiev as a young man, lived with his uncle, his uncle was a professor kiev medical institute, these are generally serious people, very significant in society, and he became the head there, that is, it is clear that not without the patronage of his uncle, yeah. Who his colleagues didnt like, well, as they write , they kind of set him up to initiate a bribery case. I dont know whether it was a bribe or not, but he lost his place, went to his other relatives, began to live with his aunts husband , an englishman, shcott by name, and began to work in his trading house, he was engaged in business, and liskov, at that moment about 30 years old, begins ride. Throughout the country as an obvious sales agent, and here he also collects a lot of material, including of a criminal nature, that is, the family played a very big role and i think not always positive, because if he, like maxim gorky, had made his way on his own, then he was in people and came out of people, if he had achieved his own success, then this success would have been more justified and would have given him more reasons to believe in himself, not to be nervous and to do everything normally, but he was very hardworking. I read from him about here are the works about how he treated her, payment for this work, including when he wrote the story sealed or sealed angel, i dont know how i think sealed, thats when he wrote it, they bought it from him for 500 rubles. Sounds like a lot of money, but he writes i grinded this for six months, and 500 rubles for six months is not very much, you get tired of grinding, this word grind also tells us how long it took, attention, he. Well, there are small ones there was money when, in my opinion, he was already in the ministry of education at the end of his life he got to work, why was he there determining what books could be printed for public libraries, he had a salary, he was given 1. 00 rubles a year, well, do the math, well, its not much, 500 rubles. He earned money for an angel in six months, and here its 1. 0 rubles. This one, this one really was the money making greatest hit of the past decade. Next to me, ill repeat to you 100 times in a row, youre not like that, youre not like that, malinto berry, opbop, turns your head, stops, youre so sad, cold ice, flutters your eyes, left to right into the ceiling, millions of people, and i cant help but think on it, on the paw, on the dena, on. Oh, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. And why can we say that gorky gave a second life to liskov, that is, liskov could have gotten lost and become some kind of intermediate literature, yes, but gorky pulled him out already in the 20th century, paying attention to us. Proletarian writer, he needed to find a certain tradition in the 19th century, which he would seem to continue, yeah, by the way, this is an interesting fact, you see, then he says look, this is the man who spoke to the people language, wrote about peoples heroes, about people s problems, about peoples problems, moreover, he came up with a certain cruel merchants wife, attention, exploiter of the working people, who is also a murderer, and also terrible, and so on, and thats all, i think. Coincided with ideology, with state policy, so the 20th century directly helped him. Well, note, andrei, that gorky himself is not as popular as liskov, that is, probably, if you compare now how much gorkys legacy has fallen into oblivion, although it seemed if only he had existed in soviet times, well , he had the greatest power there, in the cultural layer, yes, but for some reason liskov remained and is still relevant. This is a question of linking to modernity, bitterly all his capital, all his investments that he had, artistic, investments of talent, he invested everything in the theme of revolution, then he won a lot in terms of success, yes, stalin treated him kindly, the proletarian press and so on further, because he is a singer of the revolution, a singer of the common people, but it just so happened, excuse me, that the revolution has lost its relevance, but with the collapse of the soviet union, with the movement of history, leskov did not become attached to a specific historical, and moreover. Political event, which ultimately played a role in his posthumous success, he simply described these people, well, you see, it turns out that at the moment , well. When he lived and worked , it turns out that this was his disadvantage, he was not recognized anywhere, because he did not adhere to any political camp, it was impossible to format him, yes, in the end , a century later it turned out that exactly this is his plus ill explain now, not only was it impossible to even format it, but speaking of it, it was impossible to use it for specific political purposes, well, yes, and this often lifts writers to the top, then it raised it now with gorky, it was the same with others and so on, so here it is it was in no way suitable for any Political Party to raise it on a shield to say, lenin said, literature should be party, either party, or not at all, that is, it should express the interests of some political group, but liskov does not, but if we are talking about the long game, then he won, because no one remembers what political battles were at the end of the 19th century, no one even remembers the beginning of the 20th century, and soon everyone will forget the battles. In the long run he won , he tried to make political statements, apparently realizing that he could not keep up with the steamship of modernity, yes, the ship is sailing somewhere, and i am here, and he sometimes, it means, spoke out before his death, there he is literally releasing a collection of very critical texts in relation to russian reality, that is, he has a story there. A pen where he laughs at those people who propose to isolate themselves from russia, because it has its own special path, ours, here we are on our own, we dont need any western european states , we are all ourselves, and he ridicules this and gives the example of this very husband of his aunt shkott, for whom he worked as a sales agent, he tells a story about him, either in the sixties or in the seventies, this shkott i tried to implement something effective. I like these foreign plows, he says yes, i like them, but why dont you . He says well, whatever you say, you say, they like it, they will like it, he says no, no , tell me your opinion, the count tells him, so he says but my opinion is, where did they come from . Here he says, well, from england , he says, from the germans , therefore, im quoting verbatim, from the germans, therefore, he says, well, that means from the germans, then this old man says hes a christian, that means from where they buy bread from us, so , that is, they are on their plows. They cant make so much bread, but they buy from us, and we make it on plows, so its interesting, how do you like the logic, so if he says, well change to them, this old man says, where can we buy bread then . Lets, pay attention, letskov further writes in his story about the corral, perovsky did not find a witty answer, because well, this is brilliant, he was driven, he was driven into a corner by the peasant, and perovsky when he arrived, and his officials of his administration are standing next to him, yes they listen, watch they listen, watch, shkot built stone houses for these peasants, they lived in huts where there was no chimney, they walked and walked, they say, our grandfathers did not live in stone, and we will not, stone does not breathe, yeah, only wood breathes, of course. In his tree, and as liskov writes, he writes very, rather rudely, harshly, that they used the stone houses to go there before the wind, as outhouses, he says the village smelled terrible, he was always looking for an object for a critical attack in all the camps, he says its yours, yes, its yours this is wrong with you, this is wrong with you, here they are, the main thing for him is that there is an angle of attack, thats what you need, that you dont need to clean the gun with a brick, find some kind and its inserted at the end. Yes , what lefty says, the british dont clean their guns with bricks, he thus accuses the russian ministry, then called the war ministry of the ministry of defense, for the fact that they were not prepared for. He told him its not a matter of not cleaning with bricks , the fact is that the british came to the crimean peninsula, all literally with rifled weapons, they had fittings in which there was a rifled weapon, which made it possible to shoot three to four times further than we shot from an unrifled one, we had a smoothbore gun, the bullet flew much closer, because of this the fitting teams were getting closer to the distance , which the russian guns did not hit and beat from this. They interrupted the servants of our artillery batteries, that is, the artillery could not even respond in response with shell fire, because they fired much further, in the memoirs of, say, one participant in the sevastopol defense, i i read that once some midshipman, crying from powerlessness that they were being shot, said in stone, guys, they grabbed cobblestones and ran towards the riflemen, the problem with the riflemen was that they had to reload it from the barrel, the weapon was passed back. They were loading it from behind , the charge was transferred from there, and that means they were in it, while it was being transferred, the russian sailors managed to run with stones and cobblestones, the soldiers killed them with these stones, i read this in the memoirs of a veteran, so he took her to the mythological yes, the plane, having said that the weapon does not clean with a brick, but in fact the problem was technical, engineering, we did not have rifled weapons, and after the defeat in the sevastopol campaign , reform in the army really began and quite quickly we had. Modern rifles, but liskov turns out to be strong in legends and tales, well, yes, you can call it that way, he at least always strives for a myth, for some kind of parable, of course he always enters the parable space, there and there he is the king, absolute, that is, if among our viewers there are people who like unrealistic space, symbolic , full of parable punishments, then liskov, of course, is their writer, especially if they like with. Cool, thank you very much for the conversation, andrey, it was very interesting, it seems to me that we are different took a little look at the classic leskov and his symbolic space, this was a mustread podcast, im glaina nabatnikova, my guest was andrei gelasimov, a writer, we talked about nikolai liskov, an underrated russian classic literature. Ive been looking for him all my life. Mister paul, where are you . Hello girl, do you know where mr. Paul is . Why was i sad . I understood because there were no letters from you. And when , finally, the elevator appeared on the path of my garden, when, finally, the elevator began to rustle in my entrance. Dear irina, i will be honest with you. Your letters have become necessary to me. This is strange, you live in a small town covered with snow, somewhere in vast russia, but no one has ever understood me like you, in no one except you have i met a sincere human participation, everyone always wanted something from me, but what can a simple gas station worker, which i am, give . You letters, we need to check with a personal acquaintance, you are right, the spiritual closeness that has arisen in someone needs to leave their affairs and come, i dream of our meeting, i have arrived, what is this, how many of them have come, where can i get away from them . Dear baby, i have a sense of responsibility before you, oh, dear madame dalembert, what a joy it is to see you here, i ask you to come to the table, please, gay will deal with you now, well, finally. I grabbed you, im very glad, the table is set, come in, oh , you speak german, ive been looking for you everywhere, where have you been, you like my dress, my dear madam, how happy i am to see you, youre a charm, come to the table , please sit down , guilhem will take you, my dear, you have finally found me, very good, we were only waiting for you, sit down at the table, please, i ask you, the table is set, i will be back soon. Which you will give to his government, what kind of loan . I dont want to give any credit unless you give him credit, government will resign, but mr. Prime minister is confident that you will not refuse quality. 50 euros, this is my last price, although you can make a small deal, ill take your coat, ill add three more lights for you, dont worry, if i dont have enough money , my friend will pay for me, and guillaume, you see, i dont changed my mind, in this i will go to the airport, 50 euros, okay, what a nightmare, my god, no, no, for a simple humble gas station employee its not that bad. Russian, who only understands what mysterious russian melancholy in banduel, bunuel, and which will not even suspect that this tiffany is real, there is one more difference, the most important for me, she only needs me, a simple and modest gas station worker. Maybe you can come here, huh . So you who are a sergeant are clogged, comrade colonel, thats right, and im a colonel, colonel karpenko, you catch the difference, even when i was a sergeant, i didnt walk, dont accelerate, dear citizen, push, help, happy new year, may the bear be with you pushes to the logging site, with this population, damn it. You have to work, but i dont have any other population for you , wait, there is a comrade colonel, ah, ah, ah, shes like a sapper, she makes a mistake once, but i have no right to make a mistake, i know how much i paid for his agency address, ive been cutting your hair for free for another six months for translations , sveta, i think its time to sit, sit still, its not your fault that you dont know french, no, its my fault that he doesnt know the great mighty, listen, dont be stupid, come out marry tolet, you re pregnant by him, you love him, just dont it is necessary, but not even if you. Torment me, he will find a job, who . My tolik . My tolik will never, never work for money, because he must love his work, but there is no such work for him here, but who here needs a designer of garden plots, and a translator for solbansky, and a taster of french wines and cognacs . No, anechka, love and money are incompatible things. Listen, god gives a child, god gives a child. So he gives, do you want karpenko, do you want a frenchman, you just know, that gas station of yours is strange, i asked him three times, why do they have french perfume there, hinted that he sent it, didnt send it, you responded, some kind of stranger, this is dazhavu and ambivalence , the only god given life, the only god given life, disgrace, listen, an, and you translated everything correctly, i. Taught him how to drive in a car and after that he said admiringly that he had never seen greater horror in his life, you translated about this, this is definitely necessary, let him know that i have a holiday with a bag, its standing on the road, and makes all the bad guys happy, kind and simple, who he is, inspector gai, santa claus . Vasya, we were just talking about you, what kind of vasya, how did you recognize me, and by the stars, vasya, you have stars, no one else here has them, i love it when women are penetrating, that means so, i report, tomorrow is december 31st well go to the dacha, the authorities will be there, at exactly midnight there will be a bathhouse with champagne, and then everything will be as it should be, vashika, dont scare me, i dont know how its supposed to be with the police, with us its strictly supposed, but. Where its supposed to be , there is a sentry there, ira, dont confuse me, i said tomorrow 12 am, december 31st, im picking up with you a uniform that can be easily removed, you know that vasechka, i have completely different plans for tomorrow, i have completely different plans now, for tomorrow, for the new year, for the uniform and in general, ir , what are you saying, i already reported on the part, i started even when i pretended that i was not married, they say its painfully easy for me to live. Ira, but they promised a promotion, maybe hell transfer to moscow, ira, if youre talking about me, im serious, i ll get married completely, and you know whats nice, there wont be any more letters, the last time youll be free im packing , what can i do from a backup option, i dont have any, oh, this is your bad thing, there should always be a backup option, really, anyut, okay, you, go ahead, i ll think about it, conductor, dont rush, conductor, i understand, a batch of wines was delivered there, and they asked me to taste it, they paid an advance, listen, anya, she will agree to celebrate the new year with me, i dont know, tolya. A frenchman came to her, she even gave colonel karpenka her resignation, a frenchman, a frenchman, well, a frenchman thats good, hell bring her in, and we ll never see her again, its, of course, high a bird is flying, but in a distant bird its so easy to make a mistake, take care of him. Ok , i cant believe it, a living frenchman from paris, you know, i love paris very much, i love paris, a wonderful city, you know, mapasan lived there, well, mapasan, a dark alley of the soul, a wonderful mapasan, here he is a good person , he would not live in a bad city, the dark leia is not a mapasan, it is sergei yesenin. Well, thats not the point, thats not the point, ill tell you honestly, i have your paris down to earth, i wouldnt go there, why, who are we there, no one, emigrants, and here we have a house, you see, here we are like fish in water, well, yes, paris, yes, yes, i understand, you dream of paris, in fact paris is a myth, an invention for tourists, i dont like paris, there too there is poverty, people suffer there too, paris is not only beauty, its a pity that you dont understand in our way, you dont understand, right . Doesnt understand anything, here you are, here you are all praising your paris, but by the way youre going somewhere, into the deep darkness, and doing the right thing, thats what could be better than a small russian town, and even in winter, snow, like outside the window, snow, it is, of course , not as luxurious, not as cheerful as paris, but it cleanses, it ennobles, it is not as safe as that, why are you scaring it, well, it has its own beauty , not to everyone, say, yes, leave me alone with your prime minister, imagine that i ll tell you, weve been driving for the whole evening, outside the window theres only snow and forest, everyones drunk

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