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Ha, on has him seeker in doha, the top stories on al jazeera, the u. K. Is new Prime Minister richie sooner has about to quote fixed the mistakes of his predecessor and said, economic stability is a priority. Is named is cabinet and warned of difficult decisions to come for. Brandon reports richie soon akees brittons 3rd Prime Minister in the space of just 2 months. And he inherits a daunting set of problems in the wake of the brief and chaotic tenure of his predecessor list truss some mistakes were made soon. Ex message. Im here to fix those problems. And that work begins immediately. I will place economic stability and confidence at the heart of this governments agenda. This will mean difficult decisions to come. Richey soon act warned of a profound economic challenges that the u. K. Now faces. Now as he sweeps into down the street for the 1st time, has Prime Minister, its time to set out his agenda. Addressing the question about his mandate to govern after so many changes of Prime Minister without an election, he put the election winning 2019 manifesto at the center of his program and in a perceived swipe at both forest johnson and liz trust. Soon i committed. I have work to do to restore trust. This government will have integrity, professionalism, and accountability at every level. Trust is earned and i will earn yours. On the same spot, just 90 minutes early a danny street had seen the departing speech of liz trust, the shortest serving Prime Minister in british history after just 50 days in charge. There was little for her to claim credit for. So a short speech ended in a simple platitude. I believe in the british people, and i know the bright, todays fly ahead. Thank you. Soon acts elevation to Prime Minister has received congratulations from around the world. The u. S. President joe biden described the 1st British Asian Prime Minister as groundbreaking. Pretty astounding, a groundbreaking milestone matters. It matters from the European Commission chief passion of on the land. We count on a strong relationship with the u. K to defend cohen values. But in russia, the kremlin said it saw no ground, so i hope that will be any positive changes. Soon i could promise to unite all the talents of the conservative party and not just give jumps to his allies. His 1st ministerial appointments also emphasized continuity. Jeremy hung to stay as the finance minister James Cleverly retained his post as foreign secretary and su l. A problem and returns his home secretary, stability and confidence. It seems to replace turbulence and division whole brennan, ill just 0 downing street. A germany is hosting a conference on rebuilding ukraine after rushes invasion. Its estimated reconstruction will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The commissions president s at a tax on infrastructure were acts of terrorism. Protests have been held in bosnia has the governor to demand authorities and recounts of the general election results. Incumbent miller, i dont think is claiming victory, but Election Officials are investigation, investigating allegations of fraud. It is one of the most highly anticipated debates in the u. S. Midterm Election Campaign, democratic john settlement and republican amendment also also known as dr hours, are in a fierce contest for the senate seat from pennsylvania. So they could decide controllers, chamber and the future of president bidens agenda. A Russian Court has rejected appeal by american a basketball star brittany griner, upholding her 9 Year Prison Sentence for drug possession. Griner was convicted in august off the police said they found vague canisters containing cannabis oil in her luggage. A well known journalist in haiti, and survived in a tent on his life, roberson, alphonse, his car, was shot at in port au prince. On tuesday. He was attacked on his way to work as a morning radio show host does all the headlines were back in half an hour right now on al jazeera, its blood and tears. Ah ah, it took over 400 years for the french to build and maintain their vast empire. But the home structure came tumbling down in the space of a quarter of a century. France swam against the tide of history and tried to keep hold of its colonies by whatever means possible. But by the mid 20th century, that position was no longer sustainable. This is the story of the collapse of one of the biggest thin pies the world has ever seen of the blood. And tears sheds then and now and of the lasting impacted sweets and its violent and still have on the world today. Ah, on the 6th of may 1931. The National Colonial exhibition opened in paris. It was a huge celebration of the french empire, which had never before seen so vast, so prosperous and so powerful blue, a city within a city had been built in the white van sand on the eastern edge of paris, including a complete replica of the un core what temple in cambodia, the largest religious monument in the world . Ah, visitors could tour the whole world in a single day. And the show was a huge success with 33000000 tickets sold in 6 months. The overriding narrative was obey civilizing european nation, bringing invention and progress wherever it 2030 why france considered itself the center of the world is greatness and strength. At the heart of the 40 or more territories under its control, the message was clear. On our popped off the topic, wanted the domain often i did it myself with on for you. It did when yall are all over the home for the french of the time, this was all completely normal milligrams as you stick on this a bernoulli mornings are ago. I dont see an idea you say, certainly that were not on the part of us. They will difficult and got when she was getting these. Remember, we will be all gone. But by the 19th thirtys, the tide of history was beginning to turn from the car to ponti sherry and from tom came to algiers. Rebellion was in the air. A new generation of leaders was finding its voice. Alas, al fussy, in morocco, happy boggy bar into neesha and miss sally hygiene algeria with questioning the colonial order and in africa and the caribbean. Leo posted off and gone in, senegal and emissary. Martinique denounced the colonial regime and in indo china, a young communist called ho, she mean was emerging as the leader of National Liberation movement. People in the colonies simply wanted their dignity. Across the empire, the colonizers were firmly in charge of injustice and inequality had few means of redress. Regimes were authoritarian, and among the millions, living under colonial rule, only a few elected officials had the right to vote. And the wide spread use are forced labor under pins the whole system. 2 the powerful symbol of this exploitation of labor was the construction of the Congo Ocean Railway opened in 1934 2nd order. Colonial also had a booty, enough sought arent many wanted it a multi body derb young millimeter unit less. And you go, do you like to motivate lemay . They know, sell more on off all going on. Hes not gonna have to go to the mezzo see, you know, i mean, youre a huge, you saw the population was adhesion. Luckily good. What are young . But progress was built on the blood and sweat of local people and the new railway cost, 20000 african lies from exhaustion or disease to skip you so fair grammar, gladish, all your says m all ho, go month on the machine. I said, i sound good or no. Got he got 3 years for domain. That is to be yea, were good about yeah, good day to go tomorrow were going to rudy. This will be you see, some idea is absolutely robert said did not be a color yellow of the past. In that way he sells the subjects of the empire calculated their own value in kind little bell can physically than a shell is to be on bonded. Tell her e going to forget we sample the day it a fatal to his will be early, then gen davis, about as you live on the tallapoosa lippy boy lay bell, palm detail as it were, a vandal, political all is from the tele. Be me, he liberators. Handled on what you politically looking worship wickersham that you wont mind. Im yukiko. Ah, barbara called kit horses slowly. Theyre gone pleasure of at that late demarcus guess mourner early could all shall housey little. I swallow community. Do dont on as with, have i keep, is arent using technique kilometer depending under has like the marquee of it early. Elizabeth, idaho, as here in mac os la hon. Produce m look to shaker. Yeah, he seen much like al dude said he this kind of injustice was behind the new demands of colonial workers. But their voices were soon drowned out by the sound of more. Ah. On the 1st of september, 1939. The world exploded. From my york city book to algiers, to saigon, the soldiers of the empire were called on to mobilize for friday. Only duty on this id then did one time colony. Again, not real viola by pre manase. So me your drop off a anemia. Then why my feeble thought this you gave us the let a ball hes got the all the left even is up north a 10 months later, on the 14th of june 1940, the german army marched into paris. The ranks of colonial troops was shocked. France had been defeated, the white colonizer was not invincible. Ah, marsha peytons government in v. She collaborated with nazi germany, while Charles De Gaulle made his famous call of the 18th of june to fight on. But he stood alone to resist and to liberate france. He had only one option to rally the empire to his cause. Starting with africa. In august 1940 felix, a boy, the 1st black governor of chad joined to go. Soon, cameroon, the congo, the bone and others joined him. With this level of support, the goal could not prepare for the liberation of occupied france, support for the general and marshal guitar, respectively, split the empire into oh, so they might i shun luella today. Listen, so the bid the but said um i will go santa luggage and do your blended look live as is it allow me, barlow, warner, diddle for samar, a new titles was filled up where if you are shar day, you know the good of exhaust, they saw mr. Dog, me, nov salgado, shot this valley go over the course of several months in battles. Whole areas of the empire joined the coolest county. Brittany han had to make promises, like offering independence to syria and lebanon in return for their support. The gummies of morocco, the spa, hes of algeria, senegalese wife, or men and soldiers from syria and lebanon, joined the forces of the free french awe from the heels of monte casino to the force of the vote. The soldiers are being pi, a flew to the rescue of occupied so called savages to be civilized, had become liberated. They didnt have the right to vote, but they had the right to die for fun. But in 1944, as the defeat of germanys 3rd reich began to look likely, nationalist demands once again shook the French Colonial order. As the gold criss crossed the empire, he heard their call reforms were needed to galvanize the troops and con there spirits. So on the 30th of january, 1944, he opened the brass a vo conference in congo, promising to rebuild the empire on new different foundations. While you all got on there, no, theres no delays. Dog e v, go down, i got an all ordered up by the i have no go there. I am. All my get it all. Wow, the wow. That are all to a room full of colonial officials. The goal expressed a willingness to change what independence was not. On his agenda, francis greatness depended on it. In pire disappointment spread across the colonies. 7 months later, into 1944 allied forces landed in normandy and then in august, in the south of france. The war was not over yet, but the reality for the colonies was harsh and would lead to yet more bloodshed. Victory in europe was on the horizon. So the french army had to be whitewashed, so that in the eyes of the world, it would look as though it was the people of france who were liberating themselves. So the government decided to demobilize several regiments of senegalese wifi men and other african troops to speed up their return to africa. They were promised that theyd be paid as soon as he arrived in the car. The rifleman duly said, said Melissa Glen Antoine joy be a great deal. Holding on e j your cynically it. The bucket hacker he saw oils and conklin up rapidly pool he yard clem. Youd persona dont about mac a content rapport seduce book fair, be you love, the more you mo, get the and do a are forced. This is, did nancy zulu come on under contract already . Up, la Donna Underwood shall above this. Ara, i tell you that the colonial authorities claim that their demand for pay amounted to a mutiny and ordered french troops to fire on the west african soldiers. Your tissue, diesel. Talk to you . Demanded low, do send them up on that one because under my passion to select them, i want i particularly know susan laquoanda scotia. See she she notions good bye. She think will bessie could she could shoot here . See patty d desantis, your visa, achy store. Back on this in yacoma dod demeanor visits, where does all be all me . Elk, on the no contract, the son did his aunt and does on his arm or barry take on any of these on the prism. What started as an act of repression became a massacre. The french claim that 35. 00 died, but war veterans and former prisoners of war say 300. 00 african soldiers were killed. On the 30th of november, 1944 white troops had fired on their Black Brothers in arms. There are no contemporary records, only word of mouth accounts. French propaganda chose instead to film the joyful return to his village of a wife or man, probably unaware of the tragedy in charlie. And i do so youd like a regular to go with minimal good e. And i do also know that done was only fe on a man. No more than a motive. You dont want you didnt mind. So now like i say, that in many business your how does your name . Ah, ah, the tahoe a massacre was kept a secret in france for nearly 50 years. Yeah. Ok, no memoir aside a dilemma. See, tell empty bathroom in wild is even more by sir. Oh she better said tossed. Mister, no ease in fatten manner . You must. I kinda choices from pow quinn usual g o c. Com says everybodys sick is sick. I must say. Gov could, could amier could army fall says a sit it commiserate all the hospice crew. So, pu off at good, sit down, do all he barrel is all philly shows. Best crew over honeymoon, missouri, past crew on i need to lose you positive in nobler donaldson plesk of it. Bessy malika piece. True. Wonder who am one local to stay short and too little . Ah, the 8th of may 1945, a victory in europe. Nazi germany surrendered and the rest of europe rejoice. France and its empire celebrated the end of 5 years of fierce fighting and the step by step we conquest of home territory. It was at b then tunis brazza via the car and algiers. People also took to the streets in celebration. Ah, but perhaps deep down. They said that this was the time to ask for their do. They had shed their blood. Now, it was payback time. Ah, in algeria, the French Colonial authorities allowed public demonstrations on condition that no one fly the algerian flag but in the city of 16th the parade would turn into a battle field one that lives on in memory to day. Sure now schmidt read no and if she gave me 3 good. Yes maam. Under new additionally, no darn good truth on that one. And you know, now i say thank you on it did not love new point. She started to sit deep. That new socialist got on was a disgusting, wont because she blew up there should quit the gate, the losses will suppress you saving nepalese 3. She say, cant go and do these. I breeze, id fall, duffy v r o mass. Sure, sure. Additionally, a beauty key day, you had to guess sir, do a phone in which rape in the may lay, a french policeman had shot and killed a young man waving an algerian flag full of anger. The demonstrators attack settlers and kill them in the streets. Soon they were over a 100 dead. This photograph of a victim with his hands cut off was widely distributed and spread panic among the colonial french. Hatred had now been sown in algerian hans victory in europe was immediately forgotten. The colonial settlers organized themselves into local malicious, and the french army went into action. In the areas around cities, gilmer and keratin villages were raised to the ground. The army didnt stop to question suspects. They let the cameras get the footage and the executions began. Dollar you must like under the city limits account. Thank you. Have you can find me or the shingle handle is latonya mose. Her donna . Beth asked. You tell it kate daysia to do both. I think she said theres awful caballero funding goes to dakota. Sure. On down to her paw, jenkins, bad boy. So whichever public good more yonder proceed is on boarding fellows, the doctor when i see him. So the boss, i do tutoring, batted leveled, celestial qu policy that amelia du du maria sissy ticklish was compel. Mar marketers said to specials you culinary no normal fed abbas enjoyed the tree in a man. Yeah. Doin the tricks are the one on pelham and l believe jose close to the listener. Fears spread through the our population to show that order had been restored. The army reenacted scenes of surrender unloaded rifles were given to villages, gathered, especially for the occasion. The official french figures were around 1500. 00 dead. But according to some algerian sources, it was between 20 and 45000. The colonial authorities covered it up. A few days later, algerian soldiers, who had fought for france, began returning to their homeland. Im glad youre on your fe, did you . What do they do . None of the all yes, yes, there was a knock on the back. If i go look at it while we dont read the missile low junky. So with that i go all to reveal knowledge on the cannot i to get much a tooth, la, miscellaneous, old year old off. I mean, does she may daughter sir michael, offer he his lawyer her up as of our the but she feel like gosh on the left off. The settings of, shes a thing really, dep, on figured about. She beller, bella, im because you know, by example, or do grandma, you know n and clear blue. Find it, i sent you monday, ties on it, and descriptively. Is it new love or law or not . Do you want a new bali on the top of all bell magic . Her kapoor is it in order to have in the clash offered, lay your, the jury on the french side, you understood the gravity of what had just happens. The french general him on duval told the Colonial Government that he could establish peace for 10 years, but the colonizers must reconcile the 2 communities. But if france did nothing, he said, the consequences could be disastrous. Not even deval realised how true his words would turn out to be on november, the 8th americans war vote. All the seats in the house of representatives at 35 percent of the senate will be contested. Americans are expected to split on strict ideological lines with abortion and the economy named as the key issues. The results will define the rest of your bidens presidency and put americas democratic principles to the test. Special coverage of the mid term elections on al jazeera. The dancing in bond is an important part of indian culture. Its no surprise in many people want to work in the industry. One doctor and one previously tried to both family expectations and cultural tradition. The guy here goes away. Now with the reality of working in the giving industry hollywood on lou hello, im hasnt see her in doha. The headlines on al jazeera, the u. K is new Prime Minister richey soon act has taken office and vowed to quote, fixed the mistakes of his predecessor. Jeremy hunt will continue as finance minister while so a brave man will return as home secretary i will place economic stability and confidence at the heart of this governments agenda. This will mean difficult decisions to come. But you saw me during cove, it doing everything i could to protect people and businesses with schemes like furlough. There are always limit more so now than ever but i promise you this. I will bring that same compassion to the challenges we face to day germany. This hosting a conference on rebuilding ukraine after russias invasion, its estimated reconstruction will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The commissions president said attacks on infrastructure were acts of terrorism. One of the most highly anticipated debates in the u. S. Midterm Election Campaign is taking place in pennsylvania. Democrat john fat men, an republican mehmet ours, are facing off in a fierce contest for the state senate seat. Pennsylvania could decide control of the chamber and the future of president bidens agenda. Protests had been held in Bosnia Herzegovina to demand authorities, end a re counter, the general election resolved, the incumbent miller. I da dick is claiming victory. Election officials are investigating allegations of fraud. A Russian Court is rejected an appeal by american basketball star, brittany griner, upholding her 9 Year Prison Sentence for drug possession. Griner was convicted in august after police said they found a vague canisters containing cannabis oil in her luggage. Court says the verdict will not change. At least 11 children have been killed in a fire at a school for the blind in uganda. 6 others are in Critical Condition in happened in moving near the capital. Come paula, police say its unclear how the blaze started. Those all the headlines were back in half an hour now back to blood and tears ah, in may 1945. The victory by the allies over nasty germany in the 2nd world war was a cause of wild celebration across the rest of europe. The liberation of france from German Occupation tasted especially sweet for the french, who shed it across the vast empire. But it also left a bitter taste in countries expecting the dawn of a new era of independence. Men from the colonies had fought hard for the golds free french on the promise of a better future. But west africans had been gunned down by french machine, gun fire in synagogue. Nationalist unrest in algeria had been brutally put down in a new reign of terror. And syria and lebanon had been set ablaze. The goals promise of independence to them had only been half kept. Even though france recognizes sovereignty is still hoped to maintain control. The French Air Force his answer to revolt was to bomb, damascus. And the airstrikes would devastating. Thousands were killed and many more wounded in attacks that were especially pointless. France was about to withdraw completely from the middle east. Under pressure from the british, who aimed to domini. The reaching by 1946, lebanon, and syria had both gained full independence. The Foundation Stones of the empire were beginning to crumble, but france had no choice because 10000 kilometers away. Another front was opening up. In indo china after world war 2, the nationalist movements re merge in what was considered the jewel of the empire. Vietnam led by the 55 year old. Oh, she mean the communist leader proclaimed his countrys independence on the 2nd of september. 1945 with his declaration resides peoples homes. So this is the last they say his own gazelle, the young lady who g binki, beagle, minot, if will be bit ala, be equal, sassy, bless glovers. To suck on it. And boom, give, yoko, cambodia and laos immediately joined the power struggle with the french. In response, the government dispatched, he experienced shenadra claire to the region along with 35000 men to deal with the nationalists from the north of yet now known as yet. Ah regulated you think they got was that it it that your my gala live only this with me as own the bears it levels the know is it in all defeat the lose the vanity by degrees of field is on gives us all that you feel why dont you know yale in if we are our oral mean, of course all underneath under military pressure, possi mean agreed to negotiate. The goal had left power a few months before so you Prime Minister should be door. Welcome to the vietnamese leader to paris. But during hoshi mean stay in indo china, the french governor general proclaim South Vietnam, an independent state affiliated to france. How she mean signed a franco vietnamese agreement, but considered hed been betrayed. Hall returned to vietnam, but the official South Vietnam ceremonies could not disguise a double dealing by the french. Beneath his smiling demeanour, he knew that war was inevitable. On the 23rd of november 1946, the french navy, shout a ne, in vietnamese fort of hi home, causing several 1000 casualties. For survivors, the memory is still vivid. Natoya ah, from what he told the tale daddy general with Ella Holloway wont boy good yet. I got it all. Okay, thank paul. I like i go home. No, were toya. Ah. Our numbers up so often go out laughing boyfriend, the louis i love family. More logical are for we numer payroll. I will will go through a lot like i but goc rape. All i got cut off of the 2 hall a few weeks later, the north vietnamese nationalists. Army retaliated the 1st indo china war had begun. It would last 7 and a half long years. Frances Political Class stubbornly refused to recognize the spread of mass liberation movements. This willful blindness continued another 20 years back home. People had other things on their mind than indo china. In 1946, france still bore the wounds of the 2nd world war. Cities remained badly cod and there was still rationing. The french were much more preoccupied with supplies and reconstruction than the future of the colonies. But they would be apprised to be paid for preserving the empire in the shape of reform and bloodshed. The government of the force republic had already started to change, even by 1946. There were already around 30 members of parliament representing the colonies on the benches of the pony before they had never been so many. In march 1946, amy suzanne, and b for martinique, initiated a change to french law to make what loop martinique diana and re union island. French overseas did back to month meaning areas of governments in san in africa. Several and bees also pushed for reforms. The ivory coast and p for leaks so full when ye voted to abolished forced labor. While thanks to the senegalese, m b, lemon gay. The status of citizen was granted to everyone in the colonized territories. Ah, a new era was dawning. The force with public finally promised equality for all its subjects. For many, not before time. In october, 1946, the term on peace was replaced by a union forces. The idea was that they would no longer be french colonies, but that france he overseas the back to more and territories would combine to create one france, regardless of race or religion. Officially, at least that got shot by the college l. B as yet, like i go to memory blown. John w a members was Everything Else just ive shown the opposite, relatively asagwa, invaluable. Honestly, ivy. We thought male fever woollen at your steel. So i may please you it was a nice image, but beneath the surface, the same inequalities remained in france in the colonial authorities. Still called all the shots that you know for failure left you to imagine why man fit to rule dev forum i mailed you, will they be gabriella met . Neither. She was there b, africa will say do you know . I fear in, you know, all the, i guess euro and photo was. You. Ok. I thought i fell eluted. Should ontario, if you buckler party dance at, you know, your buddy guy day up. But on up, but remember what it does, you, it dont 30 noble up while we finish move centered up with was able to monitor france had not abandoned its imperial strategy. Quite the opposite to appease the people and win over hearts and minds. It invested in large infrastructure projects. I think he denied that went me leg due to been media innovative, san antonio unit. Dr. Images of audrey oneill, i want you to one this construction was not our tourism, but self interest. The investment was mainly in infrastructure that enables Raw Materials to be transported to mainland france. Colonial wealth was pouring back into france. In return news schools were opening, but only around 8 percent of the children in the colonies attended them. And the curriculum was not tailored to their needs was rarely called with pre math purity, seizures. Apologize. M f, a hassle . Been me. I am maria optima up up on it. Bootleg flu de la foot lyric dbi longo navigate really did or millennium took our prom commendable kind of reply to pet madrid. But after all, i knew as shy con, suv uncle, continental coastal. He would call on apple to show level to condemn down. So mod pd. Sions. People can go and ive had ellen. Gov and youll news have i will go to shulty more on plenty of, of children football. Youll know by providing little shows on direct that he was classic, i would call a general normal and up political condo, vale, new York City Court desk, the senate bible canal, she ogletree and while the School Children of the empire were learning about volcanoes, he knew value one of the worst instances of colonial repression of the postwar iraq was seeking place off the east coast of africa. One that didnt appear in the history books. For decades, madagascar had been colonized by the french half a century before. But by 947 people had had enough of the colonial regime. The Democratic Movement for malagasy rejuvenation was founded by 2 m p. s, joseph russet on the left, and joseph rebel hunch. And it now demanded more freedom. But without success, reflected blunt from oscar m. Latin aligning authority shore, armico, russia, cornel, different one niche mish government, virginia. They flew theory through t for all 3. Who put soccer figure from newton for a long token on thunder of her teacher. Soon not from going out. On the 29th into the 30th of march, 1947 nationalists. Unrest broke out, armed with spears, nice and opposite. Insurgence attacked the houses of french settlers and colonial officials. The number of attacks increased in the town of more among the rebels, attacked the french army camp they murdered more than a 1000 settlers and local malagasy, accused of collaborating with the french, moroccan and comorin reservist and senegalese wife. All men worshipped tin with a mission to impose peace at all costs. A clear signal must be sent out. As in cities, terror must reign what started as a local rebellion turned into a full scale war. Soldiers appeared in more a manga and set it on fire. Dozens of prisoners were dragged into the forest and fearing for their lives, local people left their homes. And hint, you must believe most a government and its made and no one. But get him up at ballard and thrust him in didnt im not yet hum vocals. Martin won re don. Do for love one young non supervisor to true for for half ohms. Mobile group, one mortgage law, new one. Your not, your military. Aggression turned into judicial repression. 3 madagascar, members of parliament were arrested and were denied the immunity of elected representatives. There was sentence either to death or life imprisonment with hard labor. Although their sentences were later commuted to life imprisonment. After months of violence, cameras were allowed into the villages. The message was clear. Dont mess with the french. Will the fury thorn la la, la la is young. Okay. Then i finally find a future. Then london will. Its like a fill. Is it called the cobra option . Is a little song on thing with dont give if you dont do that with you in the clipping id be for it is like if youre the only thing that definition with michelle goodness, all the, let me bring it did well. Well, just not feeling with little folders like to get well, did they give you up on all blood had come in or did the renewal process interview . It was really good on it. It was a victory for strength and terror. The uprising was responsible for the loss of around 40000. 00 local lives. The massacre is inscribed in the collective malagasy memory. The 29th of march is an annual public commemoration day in madagascar, but not in france. Ah, 3 weeks later, france welcome the whole world to paris for a session of the united nations. Ironically, at the penny to show you the 50 you and Member States voted to adopt the universal declaration of human rights. That method is all represented law. 30 of shelf yes the the browser adoptee up having laid big love lovick last your did was look cross your own, your asset, your last greenish best drama or the fall take you there. Delicious leaf. Also bold. Irish. Yep. The good faith renewed defense ah, in the 5 years since the 2nd world war, by 950 france had succeeded in keeping a tight grip over its empire. North africa and madagascar had fallen into line that kept the lid on the caribbean. Only in the china had caught fire, so the friends still thought they had everything under control. But the tide of global history had turned in the cold war. Washington and moscow now wanted independence for countries of the old empires to weaken them and build their own home. It was already happening, as the british gave up india, se, lawn and burma, and the dutch withdrew from indonesia. But while other empires were collapsing, france went against the grain and would not let go. Me wild in sub saharan africa, several Political Parties in Different Countries combined in the early 19 fifties to form the r d a about African Movement with communist affiliations. In fact, one of its leaders was the ivory coast and b phillips, so fed by me who openly wanted to end the colonial period. France could not possibly accept this, particularly at this time of the cold war. Paris decided to try and break these rebels were a little too close to moscow, floyd slightly in ivory coast. The french army action was brutal. On the 27th of january, 1915, the lease school fed by me narrowly escaped imprisonment. The next day senator victor bianca border was found decapitated in the woods. Thousands of their supporters were arrested and hundreds of villages destroyed. A cloak of secrecy was spread over this abuse. Silence on the side of the executioners, and among the victims. No renter warfare toxic history. While i got it on my from you stories to our defeated on the panels that i could draw home. So the soonest possible much is all to come to bless your english all bow it adore lucy sublist, her lush crossman to more additional smoke or ball, with the modem which usual shes was for to some zone pennies. Some of the her ballad officials lepus gus since this was the only record of these events, is the theme as make sanctioned africa. 50 shops secretly by young, 21 year old filmmaker and communist party member. I naval tea a a, a, a, a freak sank on was the 1st french anti colonial fill. It was banned for nearly 40 years. 40 was arrested and jailed. But he managed to distribute aversion of the films secretly, which shocked left wing at in paris. The communist party demanded the release of the ivory coast prisoners to avoid a new front opening up in africa, the french government shifted its strategy and offered who fed when ye adopt the charges against him and his body would be dropped if he cut his links with the french communist party, if not the ivory coast, would go the same way as madagascar who fed when ye accepted and fell into line even became a government minister and ivory coast enjoyed a privilege relationship with the mother. Mat france that achieved its short term goals in africa. But after madagascar and ivory coast the caribbean felt the most attention. The 3 years since becoming French Department had seen a very little change. The large family is descended from the 1st european settlers. The bouquets remained firmly in charge. The black population was underpaid and was kept on the edge of society in extreme poverty. Even new baskerville, secure. So at the bottom of that is assume that the length of it pee, me in that to look. Bah, the capacity this a federal this go. So the do you have to only to look back up . Barbara duff were 11. You meant to fossil e g machine supplement, lou, her doll at the least play the ball gave were of so for the buck rama tip for you could it of worsley has won the initial, the can social conflict was deepening. People were beginning to realize that being at the back to more of one france was only a smoke screen to keep their islands within the republic. In 1950 the m. P for martinique, a. Mrs. Air wrote a long se called discourse on colonialism. The colonialists may kill in india, china. He wrote torture in madagascar in prison, in black africa, and cried down in the west indies. But the colonized now know that they have an advantage over the colonizers. They know that their temporary masters are lying, therefore, that their masters all week in the next episode. Frances grapes on his, him high a week. Much, much more in algeria. But 1st in asia, its hold on indo china was on the brand after world war 2, frances great empire began to unravel and vietnam do more. So everybody was staying themselves into the streams bursting with joy, kissing each other. And algeria, she listened, or she knew if the indo chinese that managed to beat the french army. Why not that . The decline continues and episode 2 of blood and tears, french di colonization on al jazeera ah quickly inspiring films from around the world. They love the violin until the power is bad. Witness Award Winning voice is telling groundbreaking story witness on al jazeera with can you believe the Mighty Mississippi is in drought in places so this, this change of weather type across the whole, the u. S. In canada is probably welcome is brought a lot of right and a big drop in temperature from many places across the plain state. Now head of it is still quite warm, but often wet. Take, for example, new york, behind the temperature dropped a good 10 degrees back to where it should be. We saw snow brown, i think in place like minnesota. Certainly across the board in to can you see attempt is back down to where they should be 3 when he picked what bit below where it should be. Thats true all the way back to the Pacific Coast in both canada and the u. S. Was snow. Now falling on the rockies is cotton down now in the southern plains, states and temperatures again to come down to where they should be. She bit is come down to, there is heavy rain still to be found a bit to the south of that thinking of hispanic, to puerto rico and the small out of the military getting dangerously close to persistent rain rather than big sharon. Thats true in northern columbia. Back to costa rica in panama. Its also true in spring light, weather developing in brazil, big shadow. Were down to what, salvador bit of a gap through rio, and then you pick it up for the south, which includes uruguayan parts of argentina that does look particularly stormy in the next day or 2. Ah, its a simple act, applying a flag, but in the pipe westbank, we think the palestinian flag could get you shot or arrested after the also ports of the 990. 00 s between the Palestine Liberation Organization and israel. The bottom of the palestinian flag was put on the ground. Its becoming much harder to express any type of support for the palestinian called one day. There are no palestinian flag. The neck thats to reach are filled with its a b, y t your net by young men who are not even more windy is really government for the delay or the palestinian flag in the mood

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