To an army facing setbacks on the battlefront. Meanwhile, sections of the same army appear divided, fighting each other for power, leaving the countries people caught in the middle. Nicholas hawk al jazeera de car on here, whats going on here . These are the headlines this hour, at least 174 people have been killed in a stampede at a football match in indonesia. It happened in the city of marlin after a match between home team arima sea and they rivals, sir, by the chaos began to support it from the losing side, invaded the pitch lay side t against that caused the crowd to flee for the exit president ial co would odo has ordered a review of security at football matches, but that ive already, i have specially requested the police chief investigator and get to the bottom of this case. Furthermore, i have also ordered the Indonesian Football Association to temporarily hope the legal one matches until evaluations and improvements to safety procedures have been completed. I regret this tragedy, and i hope this is the last tragedy to occur in indonesian football. We cannot have this anymore, but i, sportsmanship, humanity and brotherhood in the nation should be upheld together, like Russian Forces and pull down to the strategically important eastern ukrainian city of layman. Its part of done yet, one of 4 regions, russia annexed 3 days ago, and layman, served as the logistics in transport hub for Russian Forces. But it is in bosnia and herzegovina. Heading to the poles, expert saints, the most important ballot to be held. Since the end of the both mean war and 995, the countrys governing system is one of the most complicated in the world. And in bulgaria, voting has begun in the 4th parliamentary election in 1900 month. Opinion poll, show you the vote. Hes unlikely to break a long standing political deadlock and the state of emergency has been declared and became a phantom. It comes 2 days after the 2nd military coup in just a month that led to president paul on range and mean by being removed from power on saturday, who support his at 5 to the French Embassy in the capital bank used the French Military of sheltering amoeba that france denies. Those are the headlines im emily. Anglo and the news continues here on al jazeera. After inside story of tobar on al jazeera campaigning for nigerian elections begins as candidates void for votes, and what is set to be a decisive and close race. Emmy Award Winning fault lines, returns with an exclusive investigation into alleged cover ups by the us border patrol. China holds its National Congress of communist Party Members with president g likely to be re elected as its head. What does this mean for china and the world . Fully with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking fame and fortune in the Worlds Largest film industry. 60 years on from the cuban missile crisis, we asked what can be learned from events that lead the world to the brink of nuclear war. October on al jazeera volcano fossils military leader is ousted in its 2nd cool this year, similar takeovers in guinea. And molly have race, years of a robot of democracy in west africa, whats behind the instability and how should the International Tv respond . This is inside story. Ah hello and welcome to the program. Im fully batty bought. Burkina faso has now witnessed to military cause in 9 months. Leader port army demi bow was overthrown by some of the same soldiers who 1st backed him in the january takeover. On friday, people woke up to the sound of gunfire round the president ial palace and military barracks in the capital. Like a dog soldiers blocked major roads. Amoeba appealed for calm, but soon protesters waiting boykin abbe and russian flags began to call for his removal. So that i know to me by has been in far for 9 months. He is skill book enough also he has sold all of us his income, but the people will raise their voices to make him understand that the pocket knob is no longer agree with the partnerships upon us with from will not in favor of twos, but we are in favor of cues, a lead us to cooperate with other partners. When, when partners members of special forces led by captain abraham travel re later appeared on television to see the vast its dummy that they accused him of failing to stop the cox by armed group borders have been closed and all Political Activities on that committee did our common idea was betrayed by our leader Lieutenant Colonel paul henry, dummy bur, in whom we had placed all our trustees. Indeed, the deterioration of the security situation, which justified our action has been relegated to the background in favor of unfortunate political adventures. The cool marks, the 6 military power grab in the Western Central Africa region in just over 2 years. In january, the 1st in book in a fossil this year led to its suspension from the 15 member Economic Community of West African States or eco us. Molly saw cools in both 20202021 prompting if suspension from acres in the african union. Equity lifted sanctions in july after military leaders agreed to hold elections next year. But relations with former colonial power, france deteriorated, and French Forces withdrew. However, that wasnt the case with chad when the army took power in april 2021. After president eateries debbie was killed on the battlefield. France and regional bodies showed little reaction when his son replaced them. 5 months later, president alpha con day was ousted in guinea. It was also suspended by eckworth and sanctions were imposed. Guineas rolling military joint are now has a month to set a transition period back to civilian ball or face tougher sanctions. Al jazeera nicholas hark has more were in the car, senegal, the country where theres never been a coup or even an attempted to people here, vote for their president and the outcomes of elections are largely accepted. Its an exception and are region marked by cruise after cruise just in the last 2 years. Theres been cool within truth for recently in burkina faso. So why is this happening . Well, theres a lack of trust in democracy in democratic institutions. West African Leaders are perceived by many as corrupt and as democracy is seen as corrupt itself. Now all these countries have something in common, their former french colonies. And in each of these countries, including here in senegal, there are military bases. And despite the presence of French Forces on the ground, its in countries where were seeing arm groves gaining grounds that were seeing cruise. Theres this feeling that elected officials are unable to do with the military can, which is to bring back peace and security and origin marred by violence sparren groups linked to al qaeda, an eyesore. And so thats whats at stake in brookings. So for the young captain trying to bring back peace and security to country where the government has lost 40 percent of the lands. Nicholas hawk for inside story. Ah, well thats bringing our guest now in mollys capital bama call for here. Im on. Were drake. Coney, Senior Researcher at the institute for Security Studies in casa blanca, morocco, im a gay, political commentator, informa director of information that echo last and in absolute sweden emanuel cry. See, i need visiting chair at abilene diversities, nordic africa institute. Gentlemen, welcome to you all. Thank you so much for being on a 5 story fire man in bama co. Let me start with you. Just over a week ago, booking of fossils ousted liter dummy by gave an impassioned speech at the Un General Assembly defending the code that he led in january, saying that it was an of survival for his country. Booking of fossil, he promised to make it more secure, and here we are 9 months after that call, he is also ousted. What went wrong for him . Why did hes own soldiers . Turn against him. Thank you for you. Bite me, father discussion. I think 99 months after and there were, there were no, its really tangible result for the screen, the security from a while. The in fact to dummy by give this region of the incapacity of the previous regime, civilian elected regime, to fight against the janet insurrection. They have not done not been able to do better, and the country now remain the center of the attacks. In this, i have almost the certain region of the country under a day, the attacks and almo, almost to book, and i be out of 10 of the space people. So there was not, can you ball results . And inside the military elite, there were a heavy criticism to seize no tangible results. You say adam again in casablanca, you, you dont see this as a surprise, this new cool in booking of fossil, what do you think lead to the divisions within the army . Oh, it was, you know, that was running the show and the sort of the person, many in drunken fire, one of happy we exacting positions and is a close relationship with the organ. The other son was visited recently and is busy through the form of a so leave you a another reason why they were up about it. But we all really do. Is that a n 8 months, 9 months down, the line is not able to fix the insecurity challenge the country is losing it. So currently youre just under control of a lease and or so hes contracted with economic problems in the country. So or youre going to be able to deliver capacity of his resume is the main reason, explain it to you my. The reason why people intervene and nobody has been released out, or for the departure to declare that there was a delay in coming up. I emanuel and absent, i your thoughts i, its not just for keen, a fossil, of course we seen cause also in the last 2 years in guinea in miley as well. What is behind these repeated takeovers . Whats, what fueling then . And do you think theres also a copy caught phenomenon going on here . And then when it will in the school. The task relates 1st and foremost, to the fear of democrats governance fairs to provide generalized security to communities. But also increasingly wanted to know me security, creating a down swelled sense of exclusion of victim hold and session. Contributing to undermining the attachment to the states. The lay out to the state in which we are seeing a small group, horrendously corrupt and the so she had said, you know, from the populace, these are not corporate kept cody task. Lets get it very straight. And ive said this several times. So your program is west africa, be there on the ball or back from the break. And there is one more successful all fairly robust. But if we did before, june 25th, it printed 3 phases of west africa will begin to crumble. So the, you talk about a failure of democratic governance. Do you see these cool spelling, the end of democracy in west africa . You know, but we come back from their break countries that asked to be in. And then well manage to distribute democratic dividends in such a manner that the populace can see you. Democracy is so where speed alternative to autocratic rule. So whats kind of the, that ive feeling in sending signals to the people that the are much more competent than the re chips. Okay. When do you still get a 1000000 tyrees . Yours the securities as a basis to that cause we know my kids are 5. So he said chad and did that. Yeah. Better. Yeah. The get your thoughts about this. It would seem that the military men, despite their promises, havent been able to bring about security, as youve said yourself. Weve seen an increase in their toxin booking of fossil in molly as well. What have been their limits in terms of security . You think . Is it just all down to a lack of strategy . To live on . I talking about a lot of bro, the strategy are listed structures its, we include the military action but also political processes. But we have to be aware of that. And we do governance. There is a deep destructor of about governance in our country. The excitement about democrats in the eightys tried to call lee turned into enact my public tradition under the manipulation of democrats, c as not build strong institution, encouraging Army Institution to im institution failed to deliver Good Governance and a military themselves. There were problems so they are not all on the time to do good test on all do the integrated passage to to, to, to resolve those a pillar of governance. So it is, yes, its a question of a good just try to g, a strike, which is and rooted in out to say political was a governess, but also a good article to try to the military strategy. And the insecurity. We have to know that is not a focus in one counters is a ragin is the original trait. And so for a country itself to fight against the judge, this Group Without a joint cognition of the action. Would it be . I think for me a lack of time, so there should be a broad strategy and the in this, the way that it was, for example, the institutional region institute original institution are very important to have the rules in this situation and then to solve it out of my game, i want to talk to you about why says reaction to these cause and the general reaction by france and, and also the united face has been to denounced them. But at the same time, quiet quietly accept them as don deals, except in the case of marty, of course, where weve seen a deteriorating relationship with france and france pulling its troops out of molly. But it seems that in most cases, its business as usual, when it comes to paris and washington. What should the International Response have been . And do you think eco law says sanctions are effective . Has a co wife responded effectively a somehow and then you show and even try to be nice to them because they were on the assumptions concerning a b, a where they were caused. The problem is that there are progressively a sense of it who 5 d, like we have see in the region, is not done in the seventys. Africa used to be the capital of military coups in the world is now. I mean, many cool happening and more to come down the line because unfortunately as a previous, because those who are in charge where the steel or military greedy and i will be working on a position where do you live yet or if you should be able to give a good security another, i mean, unfortunately it is not good. So we can say really either at this moment, the region, the west african agent is left. What do we sell by the International Company . Nobody wants to mingle who is really and the issue is giving you all the labor to do. But the manual, do you do a manual . Do you agree with that about the role of the International Community here at m, i says, a class is an empty shell. The International Community doesnt want to get involved these recent calls have certainly raised questions about, you know, the lead role of regional and continental multilateral organizations. When whether they have, you know, can play a role in averting this democratic backsliding. What are your thoughts about this . Well, motor trend isnt this important and it creates a basis for comprehensive engagement. Even the Member States who have fallen carefully signed on to the protocols and conventions and treatments. And i pay by said noms and principals at here too. But it does become clear that co us is incapable of applying these norms and principles and according to my fed them all. I mean, of course it has of the respect to who is chair at the point i believe more in flowery and to rhetoric, threatening sciences, which i ineffective. And about time, no one actually refers to a good job prior to taking action right now when were ready to ship and its members themselves do respect the rules that they have signed on to. Then it becomes a dog and we are seen and that is incapable of implementing principles and its a lot i think that is very tragic. And the classic case is how been need that is facing centered extremists, threads, bacteria, one distrust to come and help them. There is no clear i, there was christian of the lack, of course. Okay. When the member in back with adam i, i there with, with that issue of echo, i saw hearing me on, we saw russian flags being waived. And why do go on friday . As you know, france and europe reduces its presence in that region. Of course, the french have relocated mostly now to nisha. Do you get a sense that russia and these reports of russian mercenaries in miley and burkina faso . Do you get a sense that russia is perhaps getting the upper hand now . And what would russia gaining a strategic foothold in the region mean for the people and the governments in these regions . Well, were seeing the fatigue dr. People of serving guns in seeing that the current government cannot fight against the insecurity. There is no so this needs to redefine out to all the strategy. And in this way we are seeing that people are reclaiming to turn, to turn to back to the traditional i. Len sees the, the French Military we where the 1st the have the leadership out, the fight in the i had country of this insecurity. We do recall progression of our strategy alliances. And i think should be really should be really take very carefully to see how, where is the rest of the african state themself and it, russia is not as is 1st present in the west africa. We should remind remembered, but there were also rushed our cooperation with his money and government, but also the guinea in long time. But how, what, what is i can see do . How can we evaluate these engagements in the previous time . What were the benefits of us . So there is the needs of diversifying the island, sees the military cooperation, not talking only on the west and the cooperation opening to over also contribution. But at the same time, we need to be our leadership of our strategy. We need to be the one who are engaging and thats why for me the pre, all the pre approval keys are to routes on the original institution. Ok. And the more do it was and also africa. You know, we engage in the situation. The bid will be the capacity of the National State and armies to fight against this in secret. So you say regional organizations should be given the priority in resolving the crisis out of my gay. I want to ask you also about the russian prize infant this renewed russian engagement. It would seem in the region. Is it good news or bad news . Ok, i will take a different viewpoint from what you hear in the street. So where the youngster, they shall be and crying, dancing, go for the russian v. As far as i see distribution, it is the somehow very bad the, the sense that it is feeling a, the approach from russia, china, the turkish coming into africa and supporting the policies that are not promoting democracy and really being the contact for only at the end of the is there what it was, is that the other part in the game traditionally used to be the west western nations. But unfortunately, i mean, does it seem to be not grow their eyes a, europe, the, with africa, europe in february, nobody europe spoke about the growth violation of democratic regression in africa, a, b, b. And if you take america, there was a mean ideally and the reason is they were also condone these kind of behavior. So i dont see russia as the response is fixed or russian or can it be the we dont want to wait for mission and it can be here because we got there giving the test coffee to prevail. Unfortunately, be the end of the ordinary populations. Believe that russia or china, or with a good day or not. Ok emanuel, ill give you the last word. What does the future hold . You see this military regime is retaining significant influence over politics in these countries in west africa, in the long term. No, i dont think so. When i think military regina found the way to go whatever is contingent on civilian democratic regimes for me to deliver security. Can we go look, man stability in their mind about centers of, of west africa, the health feel, the democratic dividends for which we have for, for, for so low. Let me say this and said, very clearly, china, russia, im not africas called friends. Yet theres been a romantic relationship or but a long period during the holiday, the holidays about the absence of the globe in central republic in modeling other places. Read this one thing about respect my right, the law and the types of re jeans that he want to support. Ok. Those for james got reflect. Thank you so much. Thank you gentlemen, for a very interesting discussion. Fire man, roderick, connie adam, i gay emanuel k c. Name, thank you very much and thank you to for watching. You can always wash this program again. Any time by visiting our web site out. Is there a dot com for further discussion . Go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a j inside story. You can of course also during the conversation on twitter handle is a inside source for me for you back to the whole team hearing doha, thanks for watching bye. For now, the news oh, a multi 1000000000 to other industries i. But beyond that lets and gamma i dont need to survive. Desperate to pay for their emissions because im using for the journey to the high on those so many dreams and aspirations. Thats just not let you, you know, body with dreams coming soon on our sierra of football from spain traded, battling opponents on the pick for fighting fascism at home and abroad. 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