Independent sources, yet it has not been provided the afghan Elections Official results to show that no candidate won out right. A runoff next month the New York Museum about the 9 11 attacks that is proving controversial for almost everyone. Scenes of despair and heartbreak in turkey boil over into scenes of anger and violence as the country struggles with its biggest disaster. 282 miners are confirmed to have died. Many more are believed to be buried inside the coal pit they were working in. Reporter what was a rescue operation has become a longrunning procession carrying bodies to the surface. A fleet of ambulances no longer waiting for the injured, but driving away the dead. This, the some ber aftermath of an underground fire, an explosion, poisoned pupils every miners worst fear, now for their families a stunned incomprehension of the lose. Rescuers did their level level. Many miners had no means of escape. Hour after hour families waited in vain. Its become a grim routine. Every so often a body arrives. A body people hoping to recognise their loved one, hoping theyll be alive. That is a forelorn hope. Names of the dead were posted at a coordination center. The numbers kept growing. It was as if people couldnt bring themselves to believe the scale of what had happened, and the timing couldnt have been worse. A shift change maximised numbers, a power failure following the explosion, and that meant the lift to the surface didnt work. Fire and rescue teams pumped oxygen into the pits. Its thought most victims diet from Carbon Monoxide poisoning. There are claims that Safety Standards were not adequate. They were rejected by the mines owners, and the government gave the pit a safety allclear in march. Demonstrations took place in ankara. Water canon and tear gas used to clear the crowds. Protests staged outside the mines and spread to thakseme. The Prime Minister visited the mine and the nearby down of somar, where he was jeered. He promised an inquiry. Translation its one of the biggest work accidents in our history. 77 Million People feel the pain. Its hard to go through the process. We are sorry to lose the miners working to earn their living. I give my condolences to their families and the nation. Whatever lies behind the disaster deep beneath the turkish earth, this country will take a long time to ab sorb the shock. Some will never recover. Caroline malone joins us from soma. Taking a look at the pictures yesterday and comparing them with what we see now, its fair to say its gone from rescue to resignation. Thats right. If you see over my right shoulder, your left side here, theres a quieter scene at the entrance to the mine where a lot of rescue attempts were made yesterday. We know that overnight no more survivors have been found over 12 hours since the survivor has been found. Obviously greater concerns than ever for those trapped in the mine. About 200 bodies have been released back to their families, many living in a village nearby, and they are expected to be holding mass funerals today. What about the fury in istanbul. Is this clearly anger at the loss of life, but also at the way Safety Standards have been up until now, and the way this has all been conducted . Thats right. Families in soma are not happy. Angry scenes at Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who spoke in the town. They believe the Mining Industry and the government is to blame for this, and more could have been done to ensure better Safety Standards. The largest trade unions for workers called for a large strike across the country, we may see scenes similar to those in ankara and istanbul yesterday. Do you know anything about the inquiry, what form it will take and where it will begin . We believe even yesterday there were inspectors on the scene representing the government, who will launch an investigation. A transformer was found overnight. We believe the cause of the accident was an electrical fight. Not certain until the investigation starts. We think it could there sparked an explosion and the fires burning inside. Well leave it there for now. Caroline malone live in soma. A video has been leaked from rah cairo prison a cairo prison showing al jazeera arabic Abdullah Alshami, recorded five days before he was taken from his cell to an undisclosed location. He is said to have been on Hunger Strike for 115 days, this week his lawyer asked egyptian authorities to take him to hospital. Hes been in custody without charge since last august. Despite authorities knowing, i have been detained for 266 days without any charge and without committing any crime. I record this video after i reached 306 days of my Hunger Strike. To hold the Egyptian Parliament and judiciary of my responsibility so if anything happens to me i requested several medical checkups from independent sources and yet this has not been provided. I also havent gotten any medical care here inside the prison, and this is a record for the history, and for the stick of not to mention my state and thus if anything happens to me, whatever it is either my health fails or anything happens to my safety, i hold the egyptian regime responsibly. A congressman signed a petition calling for the release of the al jazeera journalists, saying Abdullah Alshami should have a fair style. If Abdullah Alshami is to die, hell be a marter. That is not in the egyptian militarys interest. Abdullah alshami should be given medical care, allowed to recover, get his weight and health back and he should be given a fair trial for the world to see. Three other al jazeera journalists are due in court in cairo on thursday, accused of conspiring with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. They have been in prison for 138 days. Reporter peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed are scheduled to be back in this cage in a cairo court on thursday. Its expected that the Al Jazeera English journalists will be able to start the defense of the charge laid against them. They are accused of being involved in terrorism and faking reports. They are charges rejected as nonsense. The evidence presented against them included reports from other correspondents and other news channels, but egypts foreign minister defended his countrys judicial extradition. Our relations with qatar are not where they should be, as part of the arab world. You can assume that the case is theres a baggage in the case relating to the situation in particular. Thats not going to cloud the eyes of the judges in making their verdict. The court sat seven times since the trial started in february. After each adjournment the three men returned to a single 8. 3 metre cell that they shared for much of their time in custody. South korea has charged four crew members of the capsized ferry, including the captain, with manslaughter. The accident killed more than 300 people, most of them high school students. 11 other crew members have been charged with negligence. The final results from the first round of afghanistans elections are being announced. A partial count gave former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah 45 of the votes ahead of ghani. A runoff between both candidates will be held within weeks. We are joined live from kabul. Yes, therell be a runoff most likely. What form will it take, what will happen next . We are waiting to hear from the Commission Set up to investigate allegations of fraud. We are waiting to hear how widespread it is and results of the runoff. Its anticipated that therell be an inconclusive vote and therell be a run off between Abdullah Abdullah and ashraf ghani. If that is the case, pencil booked for 14 june is when the poll will take place. Both canned says said they are determined to go to the polls, both convinced of winning a majority. Any idea how ashraf ghani is going to make up the ground. 45 for Abdullah Abdullah is a substantial lead and how Abdullah Abdullah hopes to cement his position. Theres a lot of talk in kabul, behind the scenes that both sides are negotiating and Abdullah Abdullahs camp is trying to convince mr ashraf ghani concede, making Abdullah Abdullah president. The reason that they are pushing for this is many dont want to see a runoff vote. If it goes ahead on 14 june, its at the peak of the taliban spring offensive this week the armed Group Announced its spring offensive and carried out dozens of violently attacks. If a vote is called in the middle of june, it will be increasingly violent vote and the voters that go to the polls will be at risk of attack. A lot of back channelling trying to convince ashraf ghani to succeed. Doesnt sound like he will, hes determined to go ahead. Its looking to be like a long shot. This week Abdullah Abdullah secured key backing from the 3rdplaced candidate. Its looking difficult for ashraf ghani to be named president of the country. Thank you still to come reports of deadly antichina riots in vietnam, protefrts spreading to the center of the city. Qatar moving to change controversial labour laws. Good to have you with us. These are the top stories these hours. An operation for missing miners continues in turkey. 282 people confirmed to have died in the worstever mining disaster. Many are still missing as anger mounts over Safety Standards in turkish mines. A video has been leaked from a cairo prison showing detained al jazeera arabic correspondent Abdullah Alshami. It was reported five days before he was taken from his cell to an undisclosed location. South korea charged four crew members of a cap sized ferry with manslaughter. The accident led to the death of 300 passengers, most high school students. Riots and protests at factories in vietnam led to the death of least five vietnamese and 16 described as chinese. Many chinese are trying to cape, 600 crossing the border into cambodia at one crossing alone on wednesday. The unrest after beijing deployed an oil rig into a disputed territory into the south china sea. Reporter days of protest outside factories in ho chi mining city saw buildings torched and chinese nationals targeted. Violence peaked in the last 24 hours, leaving more than 20 dead. Some vietnamese, the majority chinese. Its a care outbreak of public disorder in the tightly controlled country. For many companies, they were not chinese, they were taiwanese or sian. This taiwanees man fled in fear of his life. Translation all i can say, i never felt to squared. I didnt sleep all night. I had a lot of friends that cant escape. They didnt dare to come out. They were afraid if they came out theyd be beaten. The anger has been fuelled by beijings disoigs deploy an decision to delay an oil reg in a disputed area of the south china sea. There has been reports of chinese ships and taiwanese vessels running into each other. Its an attempt by china to push its claim on the south china see and the sprattly islands, looking for richer fishing grounds and a their in the oil and gas reserves. Aside from vietnam, others claim parts of the area. Police said on wednesday that more than 400 people have been arrested since the protest began. Chinas Foreign Ministry issued warnings to citizens, urging vietnams government to help protect them. Antigovernment protesters in the thai capital bangkok forced the acting Prime Minister to abandon a meeting with the Election Commission. They were trying to finalise a day for fresh elections. A court ruling removed Yingluck Shinawatra from office last week. The protesters want her parties entering government as a whole to quit. Earlier unidentified gunmen killed three antigovernment protesters in bangkok. More than 20 were wounded. Here is veronica pedrosa. In a sign of how chaotic things are getting in the thailand crisis. There was a situation on thursday where a meeting due to take place between the caretaker Prime Minister and the Election Commission was interrupted even though it took place on what was supposed to be a secure Thai Air Force base. It was interrupted because antigovernment protesters brock through, presenting the meeting taking place. It was very important. It would have assessed whether elections could take place as planned on july the 20th. This would be a government to replace that of Yingluck Shinawatra, ousted last wednesday by the constitutional court. On top of this theres a worrying development in that the violence deadly violence returned to the streets of bangkok. Just on wednesday night, thursday morning, early morning, what you had were group of armed men who descended on the antigovernment protests, and fired m 79 grenades by rifle, and shot into the guard position with m16 assault rifles. Three dead, more than 20 injured. That makes a number of dead during the demonstrations to more than 25. And the number of injured arrive 800. A latenight vigil has been held in nigerias capital of boouja, hoping for the abuja hoping for the safe return of the missing school girls, its been 20 days since boko haram kidnapped them from chibok. There has been a fire fells elsewhere in borno, and dozens were killed in kalabalgay. Villages fought back. It was thought the rebels were planning another mass kidnapping. Qatar is proposing changes to labour laws affecting 1. 4 million Migrant Workers. People will apply to the government rather than the business to lee leave the country. Theyve been under scrutiny since winning the 2020 world cup. Kafala is a system where Foreign Workers need permission from employees for everything, from leaving the country, buying a car, opening a bank account and renting a house. Ifs about to change say qatar officials. Translation the moment we cancel the sponsorship system we cancel the requirement for exit permits for employees. It will be eing for an employer to hold a workers passport. Qatar said the kafala system may be replaced with a system based on employment contract. Foreign workers may not have to get employers consent before leaving qatar. Bigger fines could be handed to employers if they confiscate the passports of Foreign Workers, and to make it easier to change jobs, Foreign Workers may not need permission from previous employers. The announcement was short on specifics and did not free workers from the control of their employers. It still appears from this that a Migrant Worker needs the permission of their employer to move jobs, for the duration of their contract which may be up to five years. The employer maintains a right to object to the worker leaving the country. Which we think is illegitimate. The government should abolish the exit permit. Qatars Economic Development depends on over 1 million Migrant Workers. Some we spoke to expressed excitement on hearing the news. Yes, i think its good for us, for the expatriots. Nice. 100 will be happy to see this happen. Qatar says the reforms need approvals by the chamber of commerce and council before they become law. If passed they set up in the gulf region, where Migrant Workers live in poor conditions. A student protest against the venezuela government turns violent. Police arrested several people in the capital caracas, and used tear gas to break up the crowds. The rally called for detained demonstrators to be free. Protests continue in argentina. Thousands of workers and oppositionled unions called on the president to fix the countrys economy and high crime rates. Daniel schweimler has more from buenos aires. Reporter this is a protest about many things in relation to the government of buenos aires inflation, poverty but specifically about rising crime, which is a major matter here in argentina, ahead of elections next year. We look at what happened in recent days people angry, frustrated because of the system it has let them down. The judiciary is overloaded, the police force corrupt or unable to deal with the situation, and the politicians are using the issue as a political tool. They are suffering a rising crime rate, hence an increasing number of marches. This by the opposition trade union, those that oppose the government, asking that the government, police and judiciary do anything to solve this major problem. The football world cup kicks off in under 30 address in brazil. Theres concern that the games could be disrupted by strikes. The police force threatening to walk out over pay. We have the latest from the city of sao paulo. Last night, in a state of 9 million in the northeast of the country, police unexpectedly held a walk out, a strike. It came in late last night. We are trying to get information, what the police are doing there is showing up to work, but got going out on patrols, sitting in the Police Station there. This is important because the capital of that state, a state of 2 Million People. That is a world cup host city. The police there are saying they want a 50 pay raise, but the government is offering a 15 pay raise. This is causing problems up there. The governor of the state is holding an emergency meeting with the police union now, trying to ahead a security break down, especially ahead of the world cup, which is just less than 30 days away. We are watching this closely. It was commissioned as a permanent memorial to those that died in the september 11th attacks. The new museum in new york is, instead, attracting criticism, especially from the families of 3,000 victims. President obama is due to officially open the 700 million memorial on thursday. John terrett has more now from new york. Seven storeys below ground zero its as if 9 11 just happened rescuers, shock, pain, disbelief. There was never much doubt that a museum would be built. Any notion that it would be easy would be misguided. Arguments slowed down the progress of the september 11th memorial museum. Many families are angry that thousands of body parts are stored this far under ground, in an area that flooded superstorm sandy. Would we pick a base that could be flooded . Former deputy fire cap tape jim richards who lost his tonne jimmy spent months clearing the site of rubble and funny parts. It will be a powerful museum, they dont need a production of putting human remains in the noose eem. The director says housing the remains fulfils a promsize made to a coalition of family members. A concern is the 6 minute video called the rise of al qaeda, an interfaith clergy Advisory Group said most of the exhibit were inspirational but there was a problem with the film. It didnt deal with the difference between al qaeda and islam as a religious tradition. Alex says the muslim experience is well documented throughout the museum, beyond the al qaeda exhibit. We, over and over again make it clear that this is not mainstream islam we are talking about. This is a radicalized group of people with a murderous agenda treated as criminals in this museum. 24 per ticket. Six figure salaries for executives, and trinkets on sale at inflated pricesar you will criticisms the museums management faces. Its unlikely the critics will be silenced soon, but for now at least the u. S. Has a new focus for mourning those lost on 9 11. And you can keep up to date with all of the worlds top stories by visiting aljazeera. Com. Thats history is just one sad story after another. Is there a statute of limitation of crimes of evil on one another. Reparations is the inside story. Hello, im ray suarez. Spin a globe and drop your

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