Traffic for tranquility. The battle against fighters from the Islamic State of iraq and levant conditions tonne several fronts in iraq and syria. I. S. I. L. Made several advances in the last 24 hours. In iraq it took control of the city of haditha, in anbar province. A town south of tikrit saw fighting between the iraqi army and i. S. I. L. Fighters since friday. On the turkish border, a fight between Kurdish Forces in the town of kobani is continuing. Well this has been going on for a week now, and began when Coalition Forces hit i. S. I. L. Bases using the air strikes, and that really dispersed it. This was not the effect that the Coalition Air strikes would have wanted or intended. What they have done is pushed out the fighters away from the bases and what they have done is gone into a number of towns. Haditha, and others, and are entrenched inside the towns. They have tactic from i. S. I. L. , appearing to be to get to a place where there are civilians. Over the last few days, 24 hours is iraqi army and prosyrian troops surrounding the towns. Because of the fear of casualties, they have not gone in. I. S. I. L. Is hiding in civilian population. Its based on the syrian iraqi border. The problem is what to do when the towns are surrendered. They are using shelling, air support and gun fire to keep the i. S. I. L. Fighters within the town. Going in to clear them appears to be difficult. Reporter the muslim world is celebrating eid. Theres little celebration for refugees fleeing from i. S. I. L. Forces. We report from a refugee camp in erbil. Eid is a celebration for young and old. Its enjoyed by children. Its a day for presents and new clothes. Children are happy. They think they are on a trip. He hasnt been able to tell them the truth. They lost everything when they ran away from advancing fighters. Now they are one of 250 families living in the refugee camp in erbil. Translation back home we are worldly people. Look how we are looking here. Its undignified. We have no choice. He has set up a store. Much to his regret, the champ is likely to become a permanent home. The city is one of the oldest in the world. It has seen waves of migration, and now thousands of people are coming here, looking for protection. A truckload of meat arrives in the camp. A gift from a wealthy emair arty, providing a chance for families to enjoy a traditional family male, a highlight of eid. The camp is quiet. Most women are in the tents. Well go inside and see what they are preparing. Thank you so much. Translation we need protection. We need to get rid of the terrorists. Our conditions would drastically improve when we get home. Children blow up balloons. Parents say they are not in a party move. The situation is weighing on their soldiers, as well as the burning question when will they be able to return home. Mass graves have been disorder in southern mexico close to where are 43 students went missing last week. They were last seen forced into police vans during a protest to support teachers rights. 22 Police Officers have been arrested in connection with the disappearances. Adam raney is following the story in guerrero state. We are in the state capital of guerrero, a poor state in southwest mexico. The governor and the leading prosecutor had a press conference in which they say they are sending remains from the bodies found at the mass graves to see if they can do d. N. A. Testing and other forensic studies. They are the 43 students missing more than a week. We dont have official confirmation that these are the remains of the students, but the graves are just a short distance from where the students were taken about eight days ago. Parents of the students have been pushing for more than a week for state officials and federal officials to get more involved and show more interest. It took several days to get the governor to speak to them. When he did, he blamed a man that fled the town, he is under indictment and suspicion for taking part in the induction and disappearance of the 43 students. This time social media in mexico, some other outlets here, are reporting that these are, indeed, the students. We do not have confirmation. All we know is the 43 students havent been seen in more than a week, and theres a mass grave. Forensic studies are taking place now. Since the discovery of the bodies, students attacked a state building with molotov cocktails. A professor of human rights says such disappearances and killings are commonplace, despite a promise about penno nieto to take action. Its time for much of the International Media and analysts around the world to rethink that picture they had been painting of the penno nita administration that took over in december 2012 as supposedly turning to a different page, towards a different stage in mexican history. The two incidents involving the military. Local and other Security Forces in the region of guerrero point to the fact that little, in fact, has changed in new mexico, that essentially its more of the same, and unfortunately that the scenario in terms of human rights in mexico has begun to unravel. Many of the protesters in hong kong left the street following the issue of a deadline to leave by monday morning. Some are maintaining their presence in the commercial district of mongkok, where small scuffles have broken out between rival demonstrators. Police stepped up their presence following two nights of violence. Government warned their disruption to daily life will not be tolerated. Put up your umbrella and stand together, a song written for the protesters, and sung to the thousands gathered in hong kongs admiralty district. I came to let the protesters know there are many citizens supporting them. They are not alone. See that, we are very stable. To help our emotion, make focus our objective of this movement. The scenes are reminiscent of when the maz protest started this week. Things are calm. You get the sense that people are settling in. Earlier the leaders of the three main protest groups told the crowds to keep the movement peaceful, and any incident that may lead to violence. Focus on the Hong Kong Protest Movement shifted from the umbrella to the heated argument. This is mongkok where the transition began. For the first time there was violence between citizens of hong kong on friday. The police is in the middle. One historian sees a similarity between riots in 1967 during which people were killed and what is going on now. Both caused by police violence. Then the people of hong kong were on the same side. Its not quite so clear. It seems to me you have interesting class divisions, divisions between students, nonstudents, but among the nonstudents you have differences too. In the wake of the 1967 riots, the government worked to close the gap between the state and society. It let to reforms. Many feel that these protests cant go on for much longer, and will come to an end. Unlike those of four decades ago few expect many concessions, just an expanding Division Within the population. Israel says it will summon the ambassador of sweden after it said it would formally recognise a palestinian state. It was said that sweden is rushing to a decision without understanding the canonflict. This is probably going to be a terse meeting with the swedish ambassador. What is the israeli response likely to be . It is interesting to hear the comments from the Israeli Foreign minister. The statement was relatively measured, and he used words like it was regretful that sweden would rush into that decision. The fact that they were summoning freedoms concerns to israel underscores the concerns. It will be a tense conversation, israel doesnt want swooend to formally sweden to formally recognise the palestinian state. Sweden has yet to do that and the new Prime Minister has not given a timeline as to when it will recognise the palestinian state. Whatever the case, the reason israel doesnt want this to happen is sweden would become the First Western european country to recognise a state of palestine if it does, indeed, go ahead with a plan. The concern that israelis have is that it will spark a momentum, and that other European Countries will follow suite. Theres a press dent. Other countries recognise the state of palestine, several european states have. People will pay is lot of attention to see whether or not it will recognise the state of palestine. Still to come. Election fever in peru. Are voters choosing candidates that are too close to the cocaine trade. They are under orders for the big race in paris. Stay with us. Welcome back, you are watching al jazeera. A quick reminder of the headlines. I. S. I. L. Forces have been making advances in iraq and syria over the next 24 hours. Fighters have retaken a city near ramadi and anbar. In syria, a fight for the key town of kobani continues. Several bodies have been exhumed from mass graves discovered in mexico, found outside of iggalia were 43 students went missing last week. Brazilians will begin to vote in a president ial election in a few hours. Its expected to be a tight race and the main candidates have been making a tight push ahead of the poll. This report from sao paulo. In her last big Campaign Rally before the vote, president Dilma Rousseff was confident and happy, blowing kisses to supporters in a rally in sooo paulo. Given the upbeat mood you would never know that the country has gone into negative growth. She leads the polls with 40 of the vote, and supporters are confident that the economic woes are not all her fault. Translation its a big Global Crisis affecting our country, Dilma Rousseffs reelection will strengthen internal markets and shell get the economy growing awane. Reporter maria silva begs to disagree and closed her campaign in sao paulo, trying to present herself as a new face of brazilian politics, and the best alternative to the status quo. She is being hammered on allegations in Dilma Rousseffs Workers Party, a party in power for 16 years. Translation the brazilian people are tired of so many people and the Workers Party being in power. We, the people, are suffering much more than others. Reporter deep dissatisfaction and Public Services remains, after the historic antigovernment street protest with all the candidates trying to translate that into votes. The entire Political Class in brazil is facing a huge challenge engaging a significant part of the population that doesnt feel representative of anyone. That is the scenario the government is facing. It is not clear whether the position could do a better job. Back at the Dilma Rousseff rally her supporters turn out. Even if not at the same numbers as years ago. The vast majority of people out to get a glimpse of Dilma Rousseff are working class, leaders or members. She hopes these are the people that will turn out on election day to propel her to a second term. That will be up to 130 million voters casting a ballot in an election where most are calling for change, but disagreeing on who can best deliver it. And the polls are about to open for regional and state elections in peru, the largest exporter of cocaine. Hundreds of candidatesar believed to be linked to drug trafficking. We have this report. One out of every three voters lives in a region with candidates under investigation, or convicted of drug related crimes. This man, running for provincial mayor, a city north of lima. Last month more than 40 kilos of cocaine were found in a campaign truck, driven by his brotherinlaw. He denies any wrongdoing. The Prosecutors Office interrogated me. I told him i was not involved, implicated as a witness. The relative was imprisoned. Security Officials Say there were candidates suspected of having links to during trafficking. The Prosecutor Says they call for confirmation from the electoral bodies and found around 350 candidates with criminal records. We were surprised to find out half have been processed, sentenced or are being investigated for drug trafficking. Among other crimes. The electoral bodies dont have the authority to ban candidates, but it can prevent illicit money from financing campaigns for anyone linked to the drug trade. Critics say legislators will meet next week, after the elections. This is an academic, who investigated drugtrafficking links to politics since 120. We are facing a national scandal. He was running for mayor. The party strived to purge it from anyone linked to drug trafficking. They need help. We need the police and electoral agencies to identify people who can infiltrate and harm a painful order. Reporter the public Prosecutor Says the congress is dragging its feet, and because of that some of the people it would like to ban from running would like to become mayors around the country. Polls opened in ball garrias snap election in july. The poorest country in the European Union was looking for stability, following the collapse of five governments. An unresolved banking crisis led to poor growth. Al jazeera continues to demand the release of their three journalists in egypt. Peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed have now been detained for 281 days. They are falsely accused of aiding the outlawed muslim brotherhood, and are appealing for convictions. The first person to de diagnosed with ebola in the u. S. And in a critical condition. Travelling from liberia toexas in late september. The center for Disease Control and prevention is monitoring nine people that came in contact with him. Will 4,000 children have been left almost 4,000 children have been left orphaned by ebola. Many relatives are refusing to take the children back for fear of election. The former dictator of hatery, jeanclaude duvalier died. He was known as baby dock, and was 63. He took over the country at the age of 19 on the death of his father. His death deprives victims of a chance for justice. We look at his rule. Reporter jeanclaude duvalier was the son of francois duvalier, the man known as papa dock, who ruled ryne haitsuka through terror and gym haiti through terror and intimidation. I have been elected as president for life. This is a what the haitian people this is an iron will. This is the iron will of the haitian people. Upon his death in 1971, jeanclaude duvalier or baby doc took over and proved to be his fathers son. Inheriting the title president for life and using the same brutality to retain a hold on power. Human rights watch say they ordered the death of 20,000 to 30,000 hatians, political opponents, Union Leaders were targeted. Much of the killing was carried out by tonton macoutes, part paramilitary, part secret police, reporting to the president directly. Because the crimes were widespread and systematic, they constitution crimes against humanity. They are not just simple murders or an isolated event. They were systematic and widespread year after year. Many of baby docks victims disappeared into the torture chambers of the prison. In 2011, he showed al jazeera the remains of the cell where he was held with 40 other men. The way they do it is they hood you, and hit you over the back. Following elections in 1985, when jeanclaude duvalier claimed 99 of the vote, demonstrations took place across the country. He wept into exile in france of next year, taking much of the wealth with him. The Organization Transparency international estimates he stole 800 million while in power. In 2011, with haiti recovering from an earthquake, he made a surprise return, calling it a gesture of solidarity, taking it into custody. It took two years for it to be charged with corruption and human rights. He refused to appear in court. Living in a villa, overlooking portauprince. In february 2013, his victims had the chance to face him in court and tell their story. Jeanclaude duvalier died before he could be judged. Its sad because history will repeat itself unless theres accounts ability against crimes of the people, torture and human rights violations. Reporter many hatians are demanding a posthumous trial. Now, they are under starters orders in paris for the second richest horse race in the world. Its another example of qatari horsepower. Reporter when it comes to equestrianism this has been qatars first love. Endurance riding is one of the most popular sports in the country. And qatar regularly win top events around the world. In recent years the countrys involvement with the equestrian world under went a serious expansion. The qatar racing and Equestrian Club sponsored the french race. The 93yearold event held in paris is the richest turf race. As well as being sponsored by qatar, qatari stables like those based in newmarket in england, are dominating it as well. Winning is something. Having a good horse is another thing. Thats what they are focussing on. Reporter for the country of qatar. Such confidence, you are showing everyone in the world how its done. The main reason you are in here is for the country, not myself. The whole people in qatar hopefully we get what we are strategising on. There is already one winner on the roster. Ruler of the world is fancied by some, to add the arc to his epsom derby triumph. There could be another factor, a major doping scandal. A scandal was damning to the famous scandal. It seemed alshabab and qatar racing has taken full advantage. Before it was in ireland and godolphin, now the sheikhs have come along and been bitten by the racing bug, making huge investments. They have enormous numbers of horses and it really is racings economy. Qatar is described as horse racings superpower, and whether it can overtake the likes of codd ol fin remains to be seen. For now, a win in sundays race will do just fine. South Koreas Capital unveiled plans to turn an historic highway into a green park. Its an idea inspired by the high line, a park billed. It is hoped the green space will encourage more to live in the city. In 700 meters enter the overpass. You dont have to drive far to come across a common feature. Enter the overpass. This is the city of the overpass. 84 to be exact. A legacy of urban growth starting in the 1960s. Now they are viewed less as timesaving goons, and light rubbing areas and they are coming down, like this one. The City Government says they have served their purpose. The priority should be on making the city a more Pleasant Place to live. It was a bit of a symbol of the area. I miss it a bit. We got more like now. Its more spacious and convenient to walk around now. Its far from the first project. Aimed at making it a vibrant and enga engaging area more approach on the eye. 10 years ago the road was ripped up. Cleaned up and a welcome taste of nature destroyed. Despite the oasis it suffers a lack of space. Most put it at 45 square meters per person. It recommends a minimum of nine square meters and london with a figure of 27. Rather than tear down the overpass near the railway station, the plan is to turn it into a park at the cost of 36 million. By not tearing down the structures, we hope to make seoul an International City where a lot of people will come to enjoy the views. Reporter a bigger event is due to get under way. It pulls out of a home in central seoul. Its set to become a park. Work is not due to be completed until 2027. 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