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It looks like theres been a Frightening Development in southeast asias migrant crisis. Mass graves have been discovered in malaysia in an area known to be used by human smugglers. The government is estimating the number of people believed to be buried there and where they come from. Well come back to the story as soon as we get more details u. N. Brokered talks to end the war in yemen. President hadi says he Wont Take Part unless Houthi Rebels pull back from territory they have seized across the country. Lets go live now from rhiyad. Quite a dramatic decision not to attend these talks. Reporter absolutely. Hadi is exiled in saudi arabia. The argument is following they are legitimate government. The houthis launched the coup so theyre not a legitimate government and the International Community should recognize only hadi as the only legitimate power. Number three, the houthis should stop interfering with politics and stop blocking decisions made by the government. If these demands are met, the government can still go to geneva. If not, hadi is not going to go to geneva. We do understands at the same time that the u. N. Envoy to yemen will be talking to hadi the whole day. He will try to convince him and the political party. The talks could be the last chance for Diplomatic Solutions to the yemen problem. Do you wonder the chances of the houthis giving up the land theyve already gained and to stop the fighting . If anything weve seen a slight increase in fighting havent we . Reporter yemen is pretty much a divided country on a sectarian basis and politically. The houthis insist theyre the one to have the backing of the people and that they are not willing to surrender. They say that hadi is not legitimate because he fled the country. These are really huge challenges facing the International Community but theres still hope that if they can bring all the political factions together to start political talks about the future of yemen, that too could be a significant step forward. But still were talking about country beset by decades of war, poverty, sectarian divide and its a mammoth task. A burning object widely reported to have been a plane which crashed in northern yemen. Al jazeera has obtained these pictures that show the remains of two f16 fuel tanks and parts of unused missiles. Theres been no comment yet from the saudi military. Isil has released images showing the black flag flying over an ancient syrian city. The Syrian Government says most of the antiquities have already been transferred to damascus. Lets go back to our top story now, the discovery of mass graves in malaysia. What are you hearing about this discovery . Reporter we do know that the malaysian minister has local newspapers are reporting there are as many as 100 bodies found in one grave but the ministr has yet to comment on that and that is just a preliminary finding. The number may eventually turn out to be more. Now, he also said that these graves were found near what they believe to be Human Trafficking camps. These camps have been abandoned. He also said he suspects theyve been there for some time. Human rights activits have been saying that malaysia and northern thailand has been an area of Human Trafficking. This discovery comes just weeks after thai authorities found mass graves in southern thailand. Thank you for that. Ethiopiaens are heading to the polls in the first general elections since the Prime Minister more than 36 Million People have registered to vote in the regional and parliamentary polls. The peoples revolutionary Democratic Front is expected to hold power. Opposition parties have accused the government of silencing them. Reporter . Reporter short and orderly queues characterize the polling stations. This is the government ensuring not many opposition supporters gather in one place. Voters have to have their ids checked and authenticated before they have their hand stamped with ink and then they pick the ballot paper and walk into the booth where they mark their paper and drop it in the ballot box. This is what the ballot paper looks like. The opposition has within claiming intimidation particularly in the rural areas. Claims the government obviously denies. Now what many in ethiopia are asking themselves what if the opposition gives themselves more seats in parliament. Right now theres only a Single Member of parliament in the 500member house. A group of 30 women has crossed the border from north to south korea on a peace march. They had to be transported by bus across the demilitaryize zone. Reporter a historic moment for a group of peace activists who were able to cross the border from north to south korea. Theyd hoped to walk but were told they had to take a bus at the last minute. Even so crossing the dmz is rarely allowed and involves an unusual level of cooperation between the two countries which are technically at war. One way ticket from beijing. We didnt think it was going to be possible to cross the dmz. Reporter the group of 30 women come from 15 Different Countries and include two Nobel Peace Prize winners and gloria steinham. North korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world. The north and south split 70 years ago. There was a war in the 50s and a dmz was set up between the two. There are so many south korean families that cant be united with their families. Reporter the u. S. And eu imposed sanctions on north korea after it began Testing Nuclear weapons. The aim of this trip is to encourage reconciliation and help improve relations with the res of the world. But some dont believe this event will help. They generate attention but dont actually change north koreas record. They have a severe record of human rights abuses. I dont see a relationship between north korean change and this. Are they going to will change because of this protest . I dont believe anybody seriously believes that which is why a lot of people are skeptical about the march. Reporter even so the group has appealed to normalize relations and agree on a lasting peace deal. Caroline malone al jazeera the leader of an Opposition Party has been shot dead in the capital. They were killed in a drive by shooting on saturday. The deaths follow weeks of proests against the president s bid for a third term in office. Lets go there now. Youve spoke on the the family. What are they saying about this . Reporter theyre angry and say they want answers. They want to know why he was killed. They say as far as they know he was walking up a particular road when a car came up and fired shots and he and his body guard were killed. The gate behind me there is where family and friends are allowed to go in and pay their respects. The plan is when people gather on the street theyll come and meet them and go forwards the cemetery for the funeral. It could take a few hours and a lot of people are lined up along the road keeping guard in case anything goes wrong. Its a tense mood on the streets right now but for a moment these people say they just want to bury their friend who they say they still dont understand why he was killed. Politically, the opposition has suspended talks between them and the government. What does that mean . Whats going to happen next do you think . Reporter well anyone who thought it could be the solution to this political crisis is do pointed. Opposition members say theyll take to the streets in large numbers on monday. They accuse the government of shooting this particular opposition leader. The government has denied this and say theyre investigating and have nothing to do with this particular murder. Whats interesting is that on National Radio a big announcement was made. They said if you have weapons on you, you have three days exactly to hand them back and you will not be prosecuted because after that there will be a major security clampdown in the city and anyone caught with weapons will be arrested and dealt with. But things are very tense at the moment. Coming up on al jazeera, why peru still goes for this old car. Guardianship imposed by the state they lose more rights than someone who goes to prison. Whats being done to protect liberties in texas . Im just a citizen trying to get some justice for an old man. An america tonight investigation only on Al Jazeera America hello again. Malaysias government says a mass grave has been found near the countrys board with thailand. Police are investigating if the graves are of victims of Human Trafficking. U. N. Brokered talks to end the war in yemen appear to be in doubt. With no progress on the ground the countrys exiled president wont attend talks in geneva. Ethiopia is headed to the polls of the death of their ruling party. Ten Police Officers in the south. Two posts have been captured. Police are trying to get them back. The checkpoints are regular targets as theyre often poorly manned and vulnerable. After decades of war, afghanistan is facing a Serious Energy crisis and now the end of nato and u. S. Fuel subsidies, the situation is even more. Reporter his job at the plant feeds his family of 12 but he thinks he wont have a job much longer. With eight hours of electricity a day now, we used to have 24. There were 100 people working here. Now there are only 12. Reporter it could force him to become a fighter for the taliban or turn to crime to make money. Businesses get eight hours of power a day. Residents get four. Two hours at a time. Khandahar struggles more than other cities in afghanistan. Although there are outages in other places residents and businesses basically have full time power. Thats because the capital and other cities have access to imported electricity. The power problem here wasnt always this bad. Its gotten worse. When american forces, Canadian Forces were here we had 50 megawatts of power. When they left they decreased here. No power. Izens have serious questions for the president. Why does his business still work in russia . It should not be about it should be about the whole system. Reporter its a system where all of ukraine oligarchs have their own tv station. Their ideal world is to protect the system because they can capitalize on it and use stae companies to enrich theselves by getting all the income from these companies. So we just need to break this. Reporter back near the socalled cease fire line they continue troop rotations with the possibility of war resuming its a big distraction. Vladimir putin has signed a bill to ban nongovernmental organizations. Under the new law, authorities have the power to shut down any foreign ngos they think are undesirable and can even jail employees. An American Police officer has been acquitted of charges in the deaths of two unarmed black people. It is the latest case to go to court after a series of policerelated shootings in the u. S. Where the victims were black. Reporter as the judge read his verdict, he cried tears of relief. I therefore find the defendant not guilty of counts one and two as indicted. Reporter he thanked his legal team and left the courtroom a free man. More than 100 shots were fired as the chase came to a bloody conclusion and the officer climbed onto the front of the car and fired 15 bullets through the wind screen. The judge said he could not rule beyond a reasonable oubt the officer was responsible for the deaths. Outside the court, crowds gathered waiting for the verdict including members of the dead couples family. Theyre killing kids women now. They doing whatever they want to do. Aint nobody to stop them or do nothing about it. Nobody. Nobody. No justice, no peace. No justice, no peace. Reporter the department of justice got involved in the case and ruled Cleveland Police had engaged in a pattern of Excessive Force and violated human rights. Lawyers called the prosecution ruthless. We stood toe to toe with an oppressive government trying to put away a person trying to do his job. Reporter the mayor has called for calm in the coming hours. This is a defining moment for cleveland as we look at this verdict, and we respond to that verdict and we as a city move ahead in a way that will ensure that whatever the injustices may be will no longer happen again. Reporter there have been a number of policerelated shooting deaths that have sparked protests. Among them the death of Michael Brown in missouri and freddie gray in baltimore. The Justice Department says it will review all Legal Options in this situation. Alan fisher al jazeera. In mexico tensions are high after a gun battle between members of a powerful drug cartel and Security Forces. 43 people were killed on friday. Reporter the bodies were taken away in the middle of the night. All 43 of them these bullet holes and burnt out cars more evidence of the brutal threehour shootout on friday between police and alleged members of the new Generation Cartel in a ranch in southwest mexico. They pursued them. Reporter only one policeman died and already there are questions over why the death toll was so lop sided. Mexico Security Forces have a history of covering up extrajudicial killings. This eyewitness too scared to show his face says the high death toll could be partly due to devastating fire from a police helicopter. We arrived and saw the helicopter going up and done. Every time it went down it dropped a type of bomb and we saw the impact. Reporter its between the jalisco new Generation Cartel an Security Forces. You can see blood that has not completely dried yet and weve seen dozens of federal forces head in to join the investigation to find what exactly happened here. After the jalisco new Generation Cartel conducted a series of attacks authorities hit back this month sending 10,000 officers into the region to combat the cartel. Theyve arrived at a delicate time. Elections come in two weeks and multiple candidates have already been murdered across the southwest. The government says incidents like this one show theyre determined to go after criminals and keep the peace. Pictures speak louder than words. These ones show a region still suffering from a wave of brutal violence. One of the 20th centurys most outspoken human rights activist and latin american champion of the poor has been beautified. He spoke out against oppression and poverty in if 1970s. This car is one of the most recognizable cars on the planet and this is its 60th anniversary celebrating in paris. Reporter hes in love. Its a passion thats consumed him for much of his adult life and the object of his obsession is a car. This is the name that means goddess in french. And for pierre the car demands almost religious devotion. It was really a car unlike any other with a high level of comfort that you could not find anywhere else. Reporter the dais was a symbol of French National pride. The president adopted it as his official vehicle and the palace had a fleet of them for ceremonial occasions. The car retains its cult status today. The distinctive design and sleek lines make it popular with collectors and theyve come out in hundreds to celebrate its 60th anniversary. When these cars first appeared on the streets of paris 60 years ago, they caused a sensation. It was as if a ufo had arrived. People had not seen anything like it before. It was a space age design really very much part of the atmosphere of optimism and confidence that characterized the post war period. The car included many invasions. Headlights that swivelled as the car turned the corner and a Suspension System that cushions the bumpiest of roads. If you drive it its like floating in a boat on the road. Reporter enthusists clearly love the design and the driving experience but the car also embodies a more confident and optimistic era and in these uncertain times, thats very seductive. You can go through our website to get the latest updates. Im Russell Russell in the pacific northwest. Its exactly the habitat that has been missing for 100 years and that they desperately need

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