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Turkeys biggest newspaper. And some of the indigenous languages are facing extension greece declared a state of emergency on its boarder with macedonia, thousand of refugees are stranded out fro, with only few to cross. Living conditions are deteriorating, as the number of new arrivals continues to grow. Greeces Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says he will use the summits in brussels to push for a major change in the blocs boarder protection. Lets go live to Hoda Abdelhamid. Explain to us the significance of declaring a state of merge in idonomi. The state of emergency means it paves the way for emergency funds to be released to the two municipalities along the boarder where the crisis is unfolding. The first batch of 200,000 euros will be released. More to follow. That will have them in this organization in this camp. There has been local n. G. O. S and International Aid organizations. Theyll be able to provide tents, and more understood and doctors that are very much needed because of the dire conditions. Children are vulnerable to the change of weather and temperature. Its been raining heavily, and a lot of children have gastroen ter itis. And it will help the farmers. The makeshift camp is on private land. Farmers are losing. And to make sure theres no animosity from the locals to the refugees, the funds are needed. Greece has to organise the flow of migrants and organise where the paperwork is registered. Its a big problem for why the borders are tight. We can see the tent behind you, and its been raining there as well. It looks wet behind you. And we are reporting that the conditions in the camp are deteriorating. Take us through some of the things that the refugees are facing on a daytoday basis . Well, its difficult. You have to understand that this all happened over the past three weeks. The borders closed. There was a transit cam that has a cap ay of 1,500, but that was overcouteded. This had to happen. Now, apart from the uncertainty which is riddling these refugees, the fact that they are running out of the cash. They dont know how long theyll be stranded, its difficult Living Conditions and facilities for them. Many will say i havent had a shower in a week. Theres no access to hot water. Weather conditions are cold, and in the evening temperatures drop dramatically. Very difficult. And theres little access to hot meals. They are doing the best they can, but if you look at the last estimates of people here, as of last night. That means you need three times that i am not of hot food which n. G. O. S arent able to provide. They are people worried about their paperwork. They here about the regulations, they enter turkey. All of this is causing hardship on Living Conditions and an emotional level. You see it translate, tempers flaring. Its a delicate situation, and keeping the balance on a daily basis is a struggle. Certainly a desperate situation there. Thank you Hoda Abdelhamid there on the greecemacedonia boarder the chine hes government set a growth target of 6. 5 and 7. Its a sign that growth is slowing. Scott heidler reports on the communist partys congress in beijing. Reporter this man has been selling fruit in beijing since 2010. Business is slow. Who is my boss, the communist party. Where did the customers go, you have to ask the communist party. Business is bad in the past year. Hes not alone, its been a turbulent year in china. Six kilometres away, the most important event in the political calendar is playing out. China, the last nation changed considerably over the last 30 years, but the groanedure of the National Peoples congress remained. 3,000 across the nation attend. Chinas premier opened the congress with a report on the past year, and was critical of the party. Theres inconsistencies in the work. Government. Some reforms, policies and measures have not been implemented. He went on to say more work needs to be done on government corruption and conduct. Its not just the economy that is slowing. Its global. This is what is going to take place for the next 10 days, for the most part it is political theatre. Its thou they were going to be made. Its mainly a place they put out the big messages including propaganda for public consumption, and the media is discussing how to tweak these things to make it better. Highlights of plan to be released. 10 million more in annual growth, at 6. 5 or above. Some think that will not happen. Its something of a misnomer, and it started with the government that the higher level growth can be maintained, and the 6. 5 wont be achievable. Not good news for people like this. I will go back to my home town in one or two years. Beijing is so expensive. Hard to make money. Its not the direction the communist party wants people to go. They want more people in cities, spending. Heading to what is called the china dream a political and Economic Affairs commentator says Slower Growth in the economy is the result of structural reform. People are reading a little more into this than there. Its fine to say you are a Street Vendor and things arent going well. The economic numbers is a bit higher. The reality on the ground, as usual, is different to what you see when with the political commentators, the question is can the problems that are faced in the developmented countries be solved. Even the experts say those days are gone, and you have to reach structural reforms. Can it be done in u. S. And in europe . China is attempting to do that as it attempts to climb out of the middle income trop. And thats why you see this stressed at the lower end. That would bring it to a 2020 goal of being around the 12,000 income that is typical of where the middle income trap kicks in. Police in istanbul set up barricades outside the offices of one of the bestknown newspapers. It has reopened under government control after being raided by police overnight. Caroline malone reports. Reporter taking a stand against what people here see as a crack down on media freedom, hundreds of protesters tried to block the entrances on friday night. Ber here to defend democracy and freedom. We are here to defend our basic rights. Riot police pushed through the crowd with water canons and tear gas. By early saturday morning, they got into the building. They pushed journalists out, and examined the editors. It has been a habit for the last 34 years. Anyone speaking against the Government Policies is facing court cases, prison or such control by the government. Police were acting under a court order. The daily paper has a circulation of the 600,000 copies. Its run by a u. S. Based cleric. Its close to president recep tayyip erdogan. In the last few years hes been accused of trying to overthrow the government and what the government authorities described as a terrorist organization. Business have been arrested, and media groups have been taken over by progovernment managers. Such incidents are formal. Things that never thought could happen, happen. Its impossible to make sense it of, we condemn it. The last headline before the news line was raided means the constitution was suspended pope francis condemned an attacks on a role in yemen. 16 people, including four, were killed. When gunmen targeted a home established by ter aceas charity. Reporter from a place of safety and care, it became the latest casualties in the war. Government raided a retirement home and killed 16, including four nuns. Attackers surrounded the home in aiden. They handcuffed victims before shooting them at close react. They forced the men and women outside. When we came out we saw them dead in the carbon. Around 80 people lived at the home. Set up by a charity. Mission kax under attack. Members find it hard to believe defenseless old people are the target of armed groups. This news is chocking. The details that i guess get is it happened at 8 15 informant morning, while the sisters were serving breakfast. Support is sketchy, and surrounding areas are held by alqaeda fighters. In the war, where more than 6,000 yemenis have been killed. Neither the children nor the enemy is an exception. A Corruption Scandal dents the reputation of a popular former president and a ghostlike creature that could be a new species from deep in the ocean. Ocean. Youre watching al jazeera, a reminder of the top stories. The Chinese Government set a lower Economic Growth target of between 6. 5 and 7 this year. The announcement made in a report of the communist party conference. Turkish place used tear gas outside a newspaper. Its operating under government control following a court order that the newspaper should be put under the management of trustees. And greece declared a state of emergency on the boarder with macedonia. Thousands of refugees have been stranded on the frontier, with a few dozens allowed to cross into macedon macedonia. As refugees become more strait. A growing number turn to gangs. Reporter victoria square, athens, a place popular with refugees and migrants. Every day they come to get information about the boarder, and alternative routes to get out of grease. For some. These straight people are a business opportunity. The cafes around the square are teaming with smugglers, middlemen and negotiators. Really, you can see just five minutes. After five minutes i am sure about this. Somebody said if you want. Go to any country, i cant help you. And i am sure this is legal. With the boarder closed to refugees, they say they have two options, to pay smugglers or be stuck in greece. This is a time for criminal gangs. Theyll take the money as long as war guarantee a supply of the desperate and uprooted. Through refugees contacts we were let to a smuggler from south sudan. In my meeting he took to passports from me. Later he push turned up with a british passport. Costing 350 euros. Before my photo was laminated into it, the smuggler wanted his money. At this point we stalled the process. The smuggler called us the next day, we did not respond. It is a vast industry with layers. Greek Police Acknowledge they face an uphill struggle against the smugglers. Those that cant afford to buy the european documents are forced to work crossings into macedonia and belong. Here refugees film their journey north. Thousands are on the route every day. Its the hope of being close to a new life that many say keeps them moving. Their past has been destroyed. For their future they continue and the refugee crisis is a poll issue in slovakia where a toughtalking Prime Minister vowed to protect the mainly Christian Country from muslim refugees. We have the storey. Reporter this man made the daunting decision to travel from syria to slovakia. I tried to find a job in turkey, hoping to work in a hospital. I didnt expect that one day i would be a refugee in europe. The company where i apply the for the job gave me a negative answer. I decided to meet a group of smugglers. After that it was over. There was no way back. Reporter with other refugees, she arrived illegally on the greek island lesbos. That was not the end of the journey. It was on to macedonia, serbia and hungary. As she grossed into slovakia, she was arrested. She spent four months in detention and does not plan to stay in slovakia long. Translation their decision is racist and the Police Officers told me to go back to where i came from. One leading right advocate says treatments has a lot to do with elections. Everyone wants to gain the vaults and win the election. Ill be happy if the hysteria counts down, and people and politicians will turn the page. They have made the crisis racial and religious. In a speech he said he wanted to monitor every location. He said that he wanted to protect slovakia with a goal. Which confused some in the capital. The city is home to thousands of muslims. So many are married to slovak women. We speak the language. It was a bit of a shock. Reporter the ruling party is likely to get votes for a majority in parliament. It means ta may have to form a coalition, a sign that the rhetoric has not gone down well with voters. Reporter the philippines impounded a ship docked near manila. There were sanctions after the Ballistic Missile test. Al jazeeras Harry Fawcett is following event in japan. Reporter nothing controversial on board the sign in terms of its cargo. That cargo has been delivered. Instead. Investigators found fire safety breaches. The ship has not been allowed to leave. But crew members are being deported to the home country. Its a response to what seems like a minor infraction to the operators of the ship. What we know is that its registered in sierra leone, but is operated by a north korean entity head quartered in pyongyang. It operates 31 ships under scrutiny as a result of sanctions great at the united nations. It was that which operated the ship which in 2013 was downed in panama, with various elements, including two fighter jets under a cargo of sugar. Nothing like that found on board. It seems to be an example of how toughly the sanctions can be interpreted if the countries want to do so. The philippines is a staunch ally, likely to implement the sanctions to the letter. The question is whether other countries around the world will do the same. Most importantly china, which north korea does by far most of its traited. The u. S. Trade. The u. S. City of flint is having new pipes to replace the old pipes. Leads can cause developmental delays and learning disabilities in children. Brazils president Dilma Rousseff criticized a police raid on the home of her political mentor and former president da silva, he was detained and questioned about a scandal in relation to petrogas. Emotions are running high as corruption into petrogas takes a sensational turn. Earlier, in a broad cast sweep hundreds of police raided Properties Across the state. Brought in for questioning, former president da silva, a widely popular president , the examplion of the poor. It was called a sad day. All they had to do was tell me that they were coming. Sadly they decided to act with presumptuous arrogance, in a show of the pyrotechnics. The president called the action extreme. Translation i want to express my utter dissatisfaction with the fact that former president lieu la who appeared to provide information before competent authorities is subjected to an unnecessary coercive condition. Over 50 highlevel politicians are suspected of receiving kickbacks and favour in exchanges for contracts with petrogas. The investigation has been under way for two years. The speaker of the lower house was the first to surveys formal charges, and is to face formal charges and is leading the call for impeachment. Many brazilians are disappointed at the Ruling Workers Party by under lou la brought millions out of poverty. The anticorruption drive speaks to bigger divisions. They are the basing things, a class division, so you have, you know, a traditional middle class and upper class. That has political interests contrary to the more popular oriented governments of the left. Reporter battle lines are drawn on the streets and demonstrators taking sides. The only certainty now is that difficult days lie ahead guatemala is the birthplace of the maya people and has one of the largest populations of Indigenous People in the americas. Besides spanish, there are 23 recognised languages spoken in the Central American nation. Some of the large wages are at risk of disappearing. This man is determined to save his peoples language from oblivion. The people number more than 200,000, but a handful of elders speak the language fluently. They hope to change that, and is starting by teaching the teachers. If i die what, is going to happen with the knowledge. It will be lost, if i shared in the schools with the teachers and friends, it will flourish. Since the arrival of the spanish, racism and discrimination have chipped away at the indigenous cultures, and with that their languages, and they account for 40 of the population, large enough to force the government into access. In 2002 guatemala passed a law recognising 23 indigenous languages and required the funds to be made available for languages in danger of disappearing. In spied of it, indigenous diction ris has fallen to private groups. They say the government should meet obligations. The governments role is minimal. It has not made the Indigenous Community a priority. They think the communities dont need hep because they always live the same way. Isabella sanchez believes pride is essential. The 26yearold has never touched, and she shared what she learnt with children in his private rule. I want my students to learn the foundation of the language, i know participating in the culture will open them up to many things in the future. And they can share the knowledge with their family. The language, kept alive by what it means tore them, and the generations that follow Scientists Say they found what could be a new species of act pus. Discovered during a search operation of the ocean floor near the islands in of hawaii. This new creature has no fins and appears to lack pigment cells, giving it a light colour, and a nickname, caspe the friendly coast. More on the website aljazeera. Com. It is far from defeated as a global force of violence. After blitzing across both countries in 2014 i. S. I. L. Fighters have spent the last six months getting killed or driven out of some key places. Like ramadi in iraq and aleppo in syria. Whats more, i. S. I. L. Last lost some key road connections, linkining the iraqi city of mosl

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