Westerly wind maximum temperature of 21 degrees Celsius that is 70 in Fahrenheit. Waking you up on B.B.C. Radio 500 morning a higher pool is good with you thank you FIA varied of the messages coming in this morning all say says Oh no love to will all say this is text a wild one night thanks to I didn't know she was on I'm going to choose a name thaw that's nice must have a calm voice back you can well call me. Well. This enormous not by on my wrist and it really is blown up I think it's a whole flyby because it's an enormous lump I look hideous never mind. Times to come. And you're going to like I do you are. A. Few. To. Jennifer page crush blast in the past that one John has just given as a call is like a walking pharmacy that man says you need to take anti histamine since February all a bit late for that but yes I should be shouldn't I now it's this time of the morning where we like to take a listen and have a look at our tide see what hard tied to doing today and I need to know what the tides are doing because we might be looking at the rock pools at West Brom tonight on today so I'm really looking forward to that we've got all family staying over at the moment so I went with where we're busy and having a very nice time going around Norfolk here there and everywhere always a pleasure doing days out we like days out that's a significant thing isn't it in days out and then call wakey wakey track which is news themed today and I hope you like it a bit of country rap can't go wrong way. So what my doing now you talk to concentrate on the people to. Get there so you choose to. Look at the book but don't be silly will be a 5 year low tide escape mess is a level 52 anyhow is it 545 to see King's Lynn 140 at lunch time absolutely late lunch that 140 but your high tide is this evening at 3 minutes to 6 Sunday honey what's it like in Hunstanton quarter past 12. And your high is at 548 the C. Wells bar nice part of the world 1147 you got your low tide 1147 and your high tide is at 553 in chroma we've got 1229 ish and your heart is 4 minutes passed by let's jump across to Great Yarmouth fabulous Great Yarmouth with an absolutely glorious. At this time of year you got a ha yes at 31 minutes past 8 this morning. This morning you've got your high tide and your low tide is at 232 this afternoon and Lowestoft will creep across the board shall wait about the Lowestoft your high this morning is at 848 and your low is at $256.00. This sunrise was a temp asked 5 this morning and it was beautiful if you didn't have to look out the window Never mind that while describe it for as best as I can it was blue dark blue clouds but there's little bling pink movie lines at the bottom of the clouds where the sun is obviously hitting it looking from the core just so that I have basically seen it it will get described to anybody unless we get some poetry and I can't do that so nevermind the sunset is it 851 and this evening so 9 minutes to 9 Well it's time for a wakey wakey song I thought I'd go for themed one today because we've been hearing in the news all morning how old town rode by a little nod and Billy Ray Cyrus country fans ears pricked up that some salute the fine it's had a really long stretch at the top of the US Billboard reco chart it's broken the record for the longest stretch of 17 weeks so I think that's one to celebrate and one that can wake us up very nicely this morning it's not too loud I'm proud it is country rap Keith Greentree does play on his on Rodeo Norfolk and on Sundays as well when he's in the regional program so let's take a listen to it I enjoy it my mom doesn't know the lyrics quite yet she thinks the lyrics go I'd like to take my horse for a little walk that is not the Larry. But never mind is enough the chief. Holds to the long road I'm going to run until I can no moan go home take my King Kong. LOL LOL dumb dog. Well tower a top of the U.S. Billboard for 17 weeks has to and he has a competition and broken the record that was all wakey wakey track of the morning if you would like awake he wakey song The list is growing and I know it had 2 choices now which isn't is not I know but I am in charge I'm in rules thank you notes or kick you can have your choice of music what would you like to hear about this time every morning just after the tide times it's your wakey wakey song of the day what would you like to be absolutely anything fancy any genre that you'd like have something really cheesy can be something maybe rock can be something really calm and gentle what you want to wake up to get in touch with May my e-mail on that dot pair O. At B.B.C. To the U.K. That's P. E. Double are a couple T M So you can ping me an e-mail any time you like or you can send me a text this morning one triple 3 star you text message with the words Wally with what Norfolk actually and I consider talked with the word Norfolk and you started message trace to apply. To that we can pick up the phone I can take your calls in the next 10 minutes I weigh 10397321 it's a free phone number to call from your landline or from your MOBA well in a few moments we'll hear from the beach and then we'll find out how well goodness we've got serving up the Year him P.B.C. Made you know fat. It was rather fabulous I'm still recovering I think I got a Norfolk day hangover my last made the week such a good time it was a really buzzy day wasn't it with knowledge pride going on as well loads of festival we had stuff going on of course stuff going to King's Lynn. Worcester festival we had suffered it's just completely too much to mention it was fabulous so what's happening here on B.B.C. Radio Norfolk for the rest of the day you are in luck Nick Conrad is in the building I can announce and I'm going to be heading over to sharing him to have a chats the are a lot to say whether we should be having better signposts because we had that gentleman who had to have a dramatic rescue after becoming trapped between rocks at sharing and at the seaside there on Sunday so harboring a report later through next programme and after the mysterious appearance of a banner in in Nora judging is all to go vegan to save the planet it's have we had enough of a meat free diet being forced down our throats all do we all bear a social responsibility to do our little bit so yeah if you go up grapes Hill they've got a big sign that. About saving the planet become again Nick will be meeting the people behind the knowledge burger restaurant that was voted top 20 in the country and talking to them about meat diets as well plus we've got year 15 minute updates with your travel Kate Brewster looking after you on the road this morning the fabulous Kate Brewster so she will make sure you get into work or Here There and Everywhere nice and safely you got Christy Jackson she's here have they solved have they got a digital radio yes they're still still guessing the mystery sound it sounds a little bit like this. That's my best clue for you really it's somewhere in here but yeah it's a tricky one people are struggling with there were 13 weeks into the Norfolk noise so she's going to be joined by Norfolk legal eagle Richard Bart he is utterly fabulous taking your questions with advice on the law and personal finance So yes you got any questions for him to get in touch with the show with them and he's always very good and very honest with his answers as well we've got Stephen Frey he will be fabulous as always one for in the grave turn it up right what you were doing Stephen's program you've got the volume dial so turn up to 11 and then take the dial off the machine and throw it behind you and get it lost because it needs to be loud and proud because drumroll place it is a tight trials or choose day 2 hours of classic rock from across the decades they are Stephen you have a nice talk up there you put your trousers on now now we've got Matthew got. Be with us between 4 and 7 Matthew has the latest news and travel from 4 o'clock and from 6 to get the Tuesday guest So you've got 6 tracks that they that they choose and they talk about their life in Norfolk and we hear their favorite music you've got the game with filled. From 7 till 10 taking you into the dressing room and you'll be pitch side for a post much drink and chat with fail so that's so I will see you tomorrow morning from 4 am thank you for a lovely choose day we can and with a little bit of fat George as threats power tyrants happy song we're not this see tomorrow for comedy is next have a lovely day. I love the novel have a bathroom every morning. I my mom would advertise wherever. I go. I don't. Function. Long. Prior to our. Polls our poll as. a bowl of. Salad. Bowl . XXXIX. Just slip. The slit her wrists. I had breakfast blowing every Welcome to the program chews day July the 30th good to have you company this morning top story right now do we need more warning signs on Norfolk's beaches we're asking as a dad from South Bend is recovering following a dramatic beach rescue in sharing him on a Sunday evening the man in his forty's who is heading home with one of his children slipped on a rock when he went back to help them he then fell and became trapped himself it led to a complicated operation involving the Coast Guard be a rambling and they are now live and the fish is the cabinet member for coastal management on North Norfolk district council she said that people would ignore the signs even if they were pushed out this way. People waiting. I don't know you get it. Because you end up with. A problem you can hear more of my interview with Angie Fitch tonight later in the program we'll also hear from mandolin service and the fire service about how the recent rescue went and will be live on sharing a beach with the our knowledge to talk us through the hazards that you can find on our beach not just in the water 080-389-7321 of you joining us this morning let's talk about these rocks in sharing an elsewhere around our car used to have you have OUR she got into trouble on the all around them how dangerous are they. Coming right after breakfast for the rest of the B.B.C. Radio Norfolk news headlines Lucy life it good morning Boris Johnson is to head to Wales as he drives to rally support for his vision of farming in a post breaks it Burson but the pound has fallen sharply to its lowest level against the dollar since March 27th because of fears Britain will leave the year without a deal he investigations by the counterterrorism police are continuing today after an arrest in Los to. A 59 year old man is in police custody on suspicion of terrorism offenses after the discovery of grenades a fake gun and chemicals at a property on Norman has took place in the town on Sunday a computer games being used by stroke patients in Norfolk to help with the recovery researchers from the University of East Anglia working with the company to develop video games which patients can use at home making it easier for them and saving the N.H.S. Money and a B.B.C. Investigation has revealed that government money given to landowners in England to plant trees is predominantly going to farmers in rural areas while towns and cities are missing out so the government wants one as a half 1000000000 new trees by 2050 to help tackle climate change B.B.C. Radio Norfolk nice there's more at 7. B.B.C. Radio news folks forwards. It comes journeys up thank you very much Nic good morning Norris as you take on Atalanta to mount a care road in the penultimate pre-season friendly the Italian side comes an offer of some pedigree having qualify for the season's Champions League 2 men who didn't feature in Saturday's 51 win at Luton were any point DIA and Teemu Pukki but with less than 2 weeks to go until the start of the season head coach Tanya Fokker says the pair should be fit enough to play some parts a night she was already back into training yesterday during all the training session but we didn't want to take any risk with the services so in that there's another hit or miss for feeds always season to training and be sure you will be available for the last 2 tests pretty early in the training yesterday also. It's against against us for it and I was in today much better but didn't want to take any risk and for that I'm been pretty sure they were both future and be back for the next 2 games same with the boys understood Gareth Bale is not in the right mental state supply in Real Madrid pre-season told him an immunity he's pulled out of the trip after his proposed move to China fell for former Real Madrid while as manager John Toshack says he's sad and disappointed about the situation in Spain but he added that criticism of battle is justified. Should have engaged himself with the Real Madrid supporters during his 6 years at the club Meanwhile in the Football League Barry's opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go ahead on Saturday because the club haven't provided enough evidence of how they'll be funded moving forwards if that evidence isn't provided by midday on Friday the A.F.L. Will make a decision whether to suspend the club's 2nd match of the season away accurate and Stanley Meanwhile Bolton's opening match a week home which was also under threat will go ahead after the necessary evidence was provided and finally there's another 7 race card a Great Yarmouth races the day with the 1st off at 140 local interest today comes from Norfolk owner Norris City deputy chairman Michael forward his horses are Zac is in the finale which starts at 5 past 5 thing I'm trying to Christine done it has 2 horses in actions of a pen off pier in the open or an agent of fortune in the 430 today feature is the 4 o'clock it's the Shelley Gill memorial handicap and that's all for your support for now Nick fab thank you 630 for. The B.B.C. Radio Newell for good weather Richard Davis has your weather. Hello good morning at looks like there could be a bit of a change on the way as we go through today starting off low-Z. Dr Broughton and quite settled through this morning that there is this area of low pressure making its way towards us through the course today bringing potentially some thunderstorms a little bit later on through the soft news certainly some heavy showers I think as we go through today temperatures up to about 20 or $21.00 degrees Celsius so feeling cooler than it fell through Monday but it is going to turn fairly windy could see gusts of up to 40 or 45 miles per hour to keep by the coast as we go through the softening So a bit of an unsettled field to choose day as we make our way through tonight that could be a few more showers just lingering around but they should begin to clear by the early hours with temperatures down to 15 degrees Celsius overnight it will be staying breezy as we go through tomorrow but mostly dry fairly bright with the old sunny spell but that could just be the odd shower around as we go through Wednesday and temperatures slightly higher up to 22 or 23. Oh my request. Morning everyone welcome to the program good to have you company this morning thank you for choosing a comrade to breakfast on B.B.C. Radio Norfolk Tuesday July 30th what's happened to this year is flying past isn't it absolutely flying past somebody said to me yesterday rather depressed me that we're now nearly at the end of summer in terms of what we kind of are all me I'm at the Tim's face outside this is debating this but if you think about it if you think about organist I'm a long long time campaigner for the school holidays move forward a bit because August tends to get to about the 2nd week and then you know to me that downhill from there kinda Septembers all gone starry eyed Nasha I don't know I think we've had some pretty good Septembers of life yeah but not like 30 OK member one or 2 degree you know when you got like 20 in the 2nd set and a guy is not it's not barmy but it's still young age do wear a T. Shirt way shorts Yeah but then a lot of the time you know in T. Shirt and shorts in September you're wearing a woolly jumper I'm not having brains to think I love September but if you think about how quickly the years going I think it does with the bar then we should be saying stuff like some of me I because then you're effectively killing it anyway not killing it I'm very optimistic there's another 45 weeks to go all right OK Well yeah I'm technically yes I agree but do not feel that he is going far she don't feel they don't you know he's going to be by far too fast I think you have children they whizzed by much faster Tell me about it why lost a child this morning and well which way do you use it which one a friend over at the moment is staying with us for a week and she's come up from the south coast and so I had to move out of the spare bedroom so you got the kids in the kids are got their own bedroom Yes And then there's the family bedroom which you know has your own suite all the facilities there and then we have a guest bedroom and I actually usually sleep in the guest bedroom because you know I get up 1st thing in the morning Emma is a bit of a night out she let's get to bed late at night and I know that you you know you decry this and say it's the end of our relationship nothing will Saval. If you don't say insane I say if you're going to and so on. Is the next to bed and I've been there for the last 3 years I'm going to meet backlist place his friends cause when the friends come over change everything and and I move back into the marital bed what I have to step up to stop the flow of the house because Rupert starts the night often in his own bed and migrates in the night through to. My wife's bed Emma's bed. And this morning I got up and gave Margo a kiss who somehow got into our bed I went into the air and I gave her a kiss went into repeats bedroom he was in there so I went back into my bedroom center was Rupert and she said he's in his bed so he's know when to go and check again check the bathroom check Erin's room check the other room. It's not there because with your friend and so I thought he could come for the stair gate but he might have gone downstairs and he wouldn't has turned the television on so I don't know what he's doing down there so I thought Hang on I know where he is he's got into bed with our guest it OK so I just open the door and there's Reaper in bed with our guest so I walked over but you know it's a guest so you don't really want to know to go into their room because they're sleeping so there might be a bedroom try and retrieve my son and then I put my hands on him and he has to pull him out of the bed and all of a sudden my guest. Rolls over and she goes so that's just leaving where I'm doing a night I was just leaving Where is. So I put him back down again I tipped a pack out of the repeated 13 to back out to Emma he's got into. She said Africa's in a safe get him out because his nappy might leak. Go through again and I'm just about to open the door to say let's get him out and she turns round let my friends fantastic she's a straight talker Yeah she read just lay him and go to work. OK shut the door down the stairs so she's going to wake up with a wet bed. I think I welcome my. Hardly start on task store stuff right OK 640 Let's get straight to our top story this morning should there be more warning signs on North speeches we're asking this morning after a man in his forty's became trapped between rocks in the seat sharing and it sparked a dramatic rescue on Sunday involving the fast service Coast Guard and they are an ally that ad from Southend slipped and fell after going to help his childhood falling on the rocks he ended up stuck in the water battered by the waves as lifeguards desperately tried to keep his head above the sea our reporter Lucy Lightfoot has been speaking to Andrew Larby from the ambulance service about what they found when they arrived we were called up for 50 reports man the water sharing and. Response a lot of $58.00 and they basically faced Americans trapped in the rocks and the Coast Guard and Arnel are already all seem. Right. To help coordinate our response with the other organizations and what sort of state was the man enough when you arrived had he gone into shock by that point. He was stable he was trapped and of course suffering from hypothermia. From the water in the next atomic been there already. And was who says challenges do you face with a situation like this in times of Chile extra casing the man getting him out of that situation. So the situation for as presented several challenges really of any and emergency in the water would always roughly evolving a confident on a risk assessment the biggest risk to the situation of the tide. Which test he was going to tell and we work very closely with the office our rescue service the Coast Guard the Our an ally in such a rescue. Place in terms of extricating him we're quite additional support from that is taking a stand again air ambulance. Hazardous area response team trying to work in confined spaces and with water rescue I think the case for us was just all the agencies to communicate and show we're working together coordinating and fanning the risk from all the agencies which we did very well. And with regard to the man in this particular case it was a as a concern that you would have to. Just to get him free as I threw out the rescue with the device several contingency plans in the event of a situation changing it was a consideration but that was only if the situation had changed which fortunately it did not how did you get in free in the end. We used colleagues in such a rescue and he was freed from the rocks and she instantly protection little face and working confined space underneath the rocks assists him get out the water and what he's injuries particularly severe on imagine his leg was pretty beaten up. Say he was taken to the nearest can leverage hospital said he was stable and we hope for a full recovery. Is this something that you've had to deal with before in the past a similar sort of situation people falling down and in between rocks and becoming trapped obviously it's summer season now is is this common. Story. Palmer agencies are to be on a long time start training for this very scenario. And oversee came from the training for the situation OK after 7 o'clock you hear my interview with the cabinet member for coastal management on North Norfolk district council she doesn't think more signs are the answer she's not opposed and prejudices that people don't read them and that she's got a point you can stick up sides there front center but dippy people really read them 080-389-7321 do you think we need more signs along our coast you're already talking about this on Facebook this morning Tim what are people saying she says you can put up as many signs as will fit but there's no cure for being stupid and David says Trouble is who pays attention to the signs once read they're soon forgotten they'll say it's common sense you can put signs up but people won't pay attention to them Jackie though says yes they used to be a massive sign on the wall on the fisherman's beach where the rocks are and it got the face by mindless idiots also we need something covering the ratings on the promenade to so dangerous everywhere at the moment and Robert says yes and all the signs to say don't be a moron so mixed views there keep him coming in to join the debate in favor of a more on the search mate comrade on Facebook or text 8 launchable to restart your message with the word Norfolk or call 803897321 I know that my reactions don't be a moron is not initially of approval that said maybe those kinds of information campaigns were a bit more blunt with people are the ones who get 3 exits W.-M. On the rocks no one listens to no no don't be a moron here all seem remember that one yeah don't be more wrong Nick and the people understand that when they know they understand it more patronize him people to read more on him you're talking to children here is young. There's like 5 or so yes we'll get to some comments later about how many people will be able to read the sign Yes And nowadays the people that are getting into trouble radicalness interesting right 080-389-7321 if you joining us this morning. I had breakfast on B.B.C. . Morning everyone that comes out to breakfast on B.B.C. Radio Norfolk with your travel this morning Kate Brewster Thank you Nic if you're heading from Wyndham to bottom this morning Bonnie is partially. That's near the Tuttles lane and this is adding about 5 minutes on to your journey time but other than that no major problems I'm aware of so far this morning but if you do know differently give me a call 809-7321. Home. Good morning Kate good morning T. Good to have you with us this morning OK so you VERY I like what is that on your shirt is it flowers. Leopard print which doesn't really make sense because it's red isn't it animalistic on the program's taken steps came in and she came in with you but your lovely friend. Has got a leopard print cardigan on what you know and I love that Carty I do as well I like it as well but not quite sure which animal it's a little red spots so. It's a modified It's a modified leopard Deb's in sports this morning I think I'd have a look good with you know a lot of that with a print you know like a leopard print or a tiger print I saw you the other day who was wearing a zebra coat. It was I don't think I could pull that off now well it was quite something it was quite something people just got that flare there and they have I quite like that Flair as well I also I'm always instantly attracted to people who've got you know cats and dogs on their tops as well i've there's what we would . Like we like a good wilfully so you can see. Best when purchased from a market adult Yes dolphin like a tough an idea like a dog. But the face has got to be really kind of like cozy as well proper thing really problematic and probably a couple sizes too big Yeah definitely because there's a lot every choice really she's such love I love talking to us she's an absolute sweetheart I often say hello to her and she's on the problem of crime and she wears this huge we talk about a fleece she raises huge fleece and it's got a massive husky on the back of it. And she loves it she's the most comforting she's ever bought in her life and I say well I can always see from a mile off because if I see the massive husky I know it's Jane. So I can call and I we have a lovely conversation so there you go with some of them commenting on your comments this morning but this is more depth is more depth is what it looks like as it looks like a leopard with skin trouble that's what. You know with red posture all the thought of when I walk into the toilet together remember the guy looked you know I thought how curious he's designed that top unthought rather modify a leopard. Across from with the standard design has been biologically bestowed upon it but I like it I like it here at 649 it comes out of breath as we dive into the papers in a moment before you the University of East Anglia have developed a video game which could help change the lives of stroke patients research is there are working with a company to develop video games which patients can use at home making it easier for them and saving the N.H.S. Money one of those to trial it is Jim McClenney from lost after he says the game is simple but effective our health correspondent if you Fox has been talking to Jim as well as the game's developer David Frei and simple gaming technology that could improve the quality of life of thousands and save the N.H.S. Money. And trial don't strike survivors who want to be train their brains and get back concentration and confidence the traditional therapy is based on usually pen and paper which is not very exciting so what we've been trying to do is doing something that's a lot more engaging the fact is that people can do this at home which is really important for them so they're not actually having to go to a trust or a center to do this straight survive is affected by a condition called spatial neglect receive objects like flowers differently unaware of anything on one side of their body half their world can disappear in this game there are complete apples and half eaten ones the aim to find as many whole apples as you possibly can now I'm seeing apples all over the screen that's somebody with spatial neglect there my tiny find a few apples on one side of the screen there. Jim McAnany seem positive results from the trial he was devastated when he had it straight in 20 tag team Funnily enough I was mentally aware but could do nothing about it couldn't speak couldn't move but only aware of being taken in an ambulance to a county hospital and then after a few days there I was taken to my own local hospital. I was there under weak and week or so unable to move or anything one of the humorous things afterwards was I was busy talking to people and in my head everything I said was clear perfect they couldn't understand a word or sent later on I got the point where in my head I was talking jibberish and they couldn't understand me so what was going on in my head I don't know must in fact fighting for you all it was Yeah well the whole thing was the fact I couldn't move a muscle or do anything for men who have been active some need to be like that but mentally aware is what makes it more frightening how is trying how. Somebody is trying to help me and my SO I think good so that's something I therefore want to do and having got this. Treatment I found that having to pick things up I had to focus and to concentrate and that is a discipline the past you don't have if you just lying there feeling sorry for yourself so it was very good from the point of view and I thought you know this is very simple. But. The University of East Anglia is about to begin a wider trial it types but the tests will see if the virtual reality games could be used across the N.H.S. . Nicky Fox reporting right 653 NICK CARR Not a breakfast on B.B.C. Radio Norfolk will dive into the papers in a moment 1st Timothy outside really will no water the market sipping water I'm trying to get water again and how many life felt like last week when it was that hot I didn't really drink you know this is because your go out I haven't gone Can I was winding you up well I had I had cemented ninety's in my stories told me he was diagnosed with in the end aren't we went to the house all for who got we've got mutual friends we gallon. And this one it's absolute crippling people say gout is one of the worst things pains you can suffer after a so if anyone has got it but also the one thing that counts I think is a huge list of things that you can eat from crap through tomatoes that you're meant to cut back on into having a restricted diet. I hate to have gout but my friend. I saw him. He's doing some housework for me and he was he has his mobility was severely reduced. By. Absolute agony some I'm glad you have not got it that we're talking this morning about children and the last time they were the last time they made you laugh OK yeah that's a good one. It makes you really love to laugh and we were laughing at repeat story this morning ito this little rupie bless him only 3 we've got a guest who's staying so I have come out of the spare bedroom I sleep in the spare bedroom just because I work such odd shifts and strange hours because if I stay in the marital bed then I'll wait Paul never up so I so I stay in the spare room but I've come out of that because about a friend is staying with us for a week and at 1st in this one I get up. And I go to give the kid the kids a kiss and say goodbye to. A company where in the house there's not in his bed it's not his sister's bed he is not in in my wife's room and it dawns upon me oh gosh I know what he's done is gone and got into bed with our guest so through I go in there bless him there's a very is on the bed probably 3 put there is he does he does the windows in the night he spins around so there he is and he puts right up against her and so I start to try to get him out of the bed to which point the friend says I'll just leave him there don't really want to walk into you know the friend's bedroom when they're sleeping let's not only don't notice things on things so a good laugh about this morning we're talking about the last time your kids really made the grandchildren really made you laugh go for it Jim tell us about Nancy. She makes me laugh on a daily basis but the time I can think of recently is. Can we get your birth done quickly please I give you a treat if we get it done quickly we have a little bit of ice cream or something. I want chocolate sauce with it and. We don't have chocolate sauce we've never mentioned chocolate sauce yet somehow she knows she wants chocolate sauce wraps a story I'm going to grandparents now I know it came from no must come from some program I guess funny what they come out with this and actually I think I did ask where the source I think it was Mr Tumble. Mr Tumble supply I think it was Mr Tumble master Mr Tumble or the times that has really made you laugh over 803897321 text one triple 3 Start your message with the word Norfolk from the IP Scotland fights back against Johnson Nicholas Turgeon was the prime minister is on a dangerous path as she pledges to step up planning for a no deal break said Johnson praises fantastic Davidson and says Tory leaders are united despite her opposition to leaving without a deal Downing Street and Asian standoff with Brussels on a break sit deal and Johnson believes Europe will blink 1st as the front page of the. The so. Outrage as Amazon device listens to couples having sex Alexa stop being a perv is their headline Amazon Alexa devices are listening to Britain's having sex according to the sun it smart speakers in about 6500000 new homes can accidentally record Couples Making Love the intimate recordings of them potentially studied by staff monitoring intellectual property and the and the sounds made or captured by the intelligent assistant Alexa pretty campaigners called for the they call for change and they said this is outrageous the Tory M.P. Andrew Rossendale said I'm staggered front of the Times this morning poor people fall behind better off classmates at G.C.S.E. Level poor peoples are trailing 18 months behind their classmates at G.C.S.E. Level after the attainment gap widened for the 1st time this decade researchers have found the mirror this morning from Page Boris hires Mira chicken as advisor P.M.'s aide on Masters feathered hero who took on Tories the Tory baiting near a chicken has been hired as Boris Johnson's chief spin doctor former reporter Lee Cade dressed as a bird to Tom the Tories in 2010 but is now a force in Number 11 ex colleague said it's hard to believe from the Daily Mail this morning Nick place searches broke law police broke the law into the bungled probe into the V.I.P. Child abuse fantasies Nic a former High Court judge has heard the judge says that false evidence was used to obtain search warrants to raid homes in across the U.K. Including that of the arm the former armed forces chief lawyer Bramall the with the ex home secretary Lord Britain and the ex Tory Harvey Proctor that's the front page of the mail this morning pound on the slide as alarm over no deal breaks it grows is the headline on the front of the Guardian. When you travel this morning his papers to thank you no major problems I'm aware of so far this morning to. On the senses everything seems to be behaving quite nicely but if you do know any differently obviously give me a call 110-389-7321 with your B.B.C. Radio trouble OK thank you coming up to 7 o'clock on B.B.C. Radio Norfolk This is Nick Conrad with your biggest lesson breakfast Tuesday July the 30th 803897321 if you're picking up the phone this morning to talk to us. good morning there are calls for more warning signs on Norfolk beaches itself 3 men from Southend slipped on rocks and became trapped in the sea at sharing and he ended up stuck with his head just above the water and he fits Tenet says the cabinet member for coastal management on North Norfolk district council she says signs can't make up for common sense people do tend to totally ignore any sort size itself is it not I don't think for one minute this particular family did but I have seen you know guess in April when they've been like not to do something silly I really do not think any moral signage would help a former High Court judge says police may have broken the law in the way they investigated. The confidence that the B.B.C. Radio Norfolk knees now the sports news his daily Thanks city take on Atalanta tonight at Carrow Road as pre-season starts to wind down tonight's visitors should be tough opposition haven't secured Champions League football for this season and he pointed to and Teemu Pukki should feature having missed Saturday's win at Luton Meanwhile the year fell have cooled off Barry's open in League One fixture against M.K. Dons after they failed to provide evidence of how they'll be funded moving forwards their 2nd match of the season that's accurate in Stanley's also under for it to cricket an Australian Open at David Warner is a doubt for the Ashes test this 1st day after suffering a far injury it was set to be one his 1st appearance since returning from a 12 month ban for his part in the ball tampering scandal and finally racing returns to Great Yarmouth stay for a 47 race card action gets underway at 140 the race feature is the 4 o'clock where Newmarket trained mage our list looks the favorite and that's all for now Nick. B.B.C. Radio Norfolk whether the country status. Hello good morning making expect to see if you heavy showers a bit later on through the course of the soft noon after a relatively dry and bright start of the day it also looks like we could see a bit of fun to mix in with that as well and also some fairly windy conditions as we see gusts get up to $35.00 or 40 miles per hour particularly by the coast it is going to be feeling quite windy I think a little bit later on today it's also going to be feeling much cooler than yes they temperatures down to $22.00 or $23.00 degrees Celsius Plus with those conditions not pretty he presents at times as we go into this evening it's also going to be staying fairly breezy overnight for those showers gradually clearing away and temperatures dropping to.

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