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It was interesting yesterday that the governor of all the film a magician wanted and kept it in his post nationalist as talk about the political discourse of the mob the rise of the far right and the rhetoric being used by some so politicians in terms of immigration and that Clinton polled and these people hundreds of thousands of people have marched through the streets of Hong Kong to demand greater political rights over the past 6 months there have been many violent demonstrations but today's protest was peaceful 2 polar explorers who were running out of food on frozen sea ice in the Arctic have been rescued by a polar research ship they attract more than a 1000 miles from Alaska to the North Pole before they were thrown off course by tough conditions and drifting ice b.b.c. News that 3 minutes past 6. On the b.b.c. . Good afternoon to you welcome to the saw my lecture part of our show we're live on b.b.c. Essex p.c. Radio Suffolk I'm b.b.c. Radio Norfolk and on the b.b.c. Sounds at wherever you are around the world where listening back this week to some of the special guests of the been chatting on the Sound of Sunday afternoon through 29 saying I did my final set of interviews we hear from Sherry Marie who burst on to the sane with a couple a really great singles produced by piggyback productions earlier in the year Mr Mark Stagg is the man who sounds awfully like Luther Vandross and we start this say with the man with the hat Gregory points out. And proud. And proud. Can Cry. And no Firstly great report so welcome to you can I thank you so much thank you so much for welcoming me your land. What do you think of the u.k. And how different is it to the to America for year. Round is just this history wherever you walk you know when I go around you so many different but that I just kind of want to. Let me stay a little while you know whether it will be you know how much was you know or you know Birmingham are down you know you know the coast. Like the history and really it's micro cultures you know yes different ways it's you know it's a British accent but there's a different twist to it you know and it will have a different like different personalities but the interesting thing is that I find that. Throughout the. Culture and in the u.k. They like it. With a sprinkle of so yes they do yes they do yes. There will be no. Dying to hear. The bird flew in through my window simply lost his way. He broke his wing helped him heal and then he flew away. With the death of a. Very. Long. There will be no. Here for me. Just before talking to you I watched a video of you on the Jay Leno Show on The Tonight Show and I was just wondering when you when you were a kid growing up did you ever dream about going on to national t.v. One day. No you can imagine it's really funny because I just watched the show so long I could be in the best in the room you know and talking to Jay Leno Conan and hanging out backstage with Andrew Bullock. Well real quick. But I had a taste of it here you know with. Commitment of you know how unsure you know yeah so I was put there by the time I got the Leno suppose it was really cool let's talk about your voice because for me your just effortless which is always a sign of great talent and you fused together. Gospel jazz in this lovely traditional wife very old school values and a little bit of Bill Withers in there for me as well so when you were growing up as a kid and when you were learning your trite who were you listening so there's a. Real the nation and gospel and then. Early listening. Necking call and you said it Bill Withers Marvin Gaye Stevie Wonder you know Joe Williams. Eddie Jefferson King pleasure I mean these all these kind of interesting voices that were injected with you know this unique voice. Very distinct voice this is what I was attracted to and so it really is from Donny Hathaway to Nat King Cole and in a way and they have some connection they have like. Childhood gospel experience comes out in their music. A problem that's just as we. Get these. Messages from kids from. My website and they're like you know can you send me the sheet music whatever I want. I want to play it. On my trombone among just the cutest thing. Yeah yeah I mean that's ultimately what you want to do with the music is a strike to the hearts of young and old I mean that's a blessing that I feel very lucky that I have an instrument that does it yeah and also I guess because you've talked a lot of polls recently you've obviously had the Grammy award as well. I suppose in the same way that's just a tremendous compliment as well isn't it to what you're saying the gravity is great it really is but there's a internal emotional appreciation that comes from the fans in a way. Because they hear you they know you 1st they judge you 1st and net. I've gotten that before and it's affect it affects my writing you know I don't rewrite the Riverland and want to be some people down the way this Thursday with the liquid spirit free that bit of poetry comes from. People saying to me after the show. American South and you know in Germany it's like. Where have you been I've been wanting to hear a voice like this and where have you been so. Some Water want to be released. Thank goodness I'm here not just me I just mean. Grounded organic sound that people want to hear. As well as all the other things all the music at this place. And I'm glad to be my little corner in the world so now you're here doing shows and from what you've been saying it seems that you really do enjoy that connection between you and your friend so when you're out there on stage performing live is that something you really enjoy I do I think I probably enjoy it. When. All things are. Good sticks in the room is good sound I can hear myself and musicians are happy and well fed and Wells lubricated with drink. And this. Point is is you know when there's no obstacles to the communication when I say the obstacles I mean you know there's a buzz in my in my monitor or something like that you know as long as as I can communicate with people properly and they feel comfortable and they can you know this and that love back to me live performances. You know watching. A documentary last night on b.b.c. Of you know great. Great singers and they were talking about the drug. The live performance and it feels good it feels good not in a way to be stroked but in a way that gives people you know you know giving is part of the equation giving and that's what feels like you know she said. And you know say that part and then to have somebody in the front row go yes. Communication Yes So when the when the audience is good when the equipment is working properly when your mikes are sounding great it's one of the best experiences of your how career I guess yeah yeah you know when you have been through those sort of highs or being on stage loving all this free back from the audience which is not a big adrenalin addiction for some performers because it's an almighty high they experience life. Do you have a problem when you are not on stage and you might want to sort of recreate that great exciting feeling it is a problem for you and I can be an issue for some people you know I don't want to seem like that nature and so as to where do you go when I look at a field. Of the middle. Sometimes And I'm going to go sell. Right but I was at this the villain asked if. I'm thinking of mine I'm like Gregory should you say this. The takes place on a rise in town festival and this farm raised a. Really interesting type of. Saline animal is very smart. For just the listeners tasting animal anyway. So I'm just walking along around pharma Skordas organic and I come upon these pigs and they gather around the fence shoulder to shoulder looking at me about. 1314. And then I think I think. And their ears perk up and they listen and they do not leave until I'm finished with my song and. I was hyped. That with a high you know no artificial. Involved you know. Did you get a standing ovation. Yeah you know I was like I was like in my mind of taking on a lead you know but once I get to the bridge. Finished my last note. It waited a minute and then walked away you know. As. At that. It was. A long. Long way as ship a guided up and a tearing. At me. As is. The way a random story I think that is as long as the pigs were flowing with me Ok I want to talk about record companies as well because obviously Aussies sometimes start out in a certain area of music and then they manipulate you know maneuver by the record company to do something else that might be even more popular than what they were doing when they 1st started for example Michael bublé started out as a pretty much a jazz singer and it ended up in my wall and pulp is that something you're aware of is that something that worries you and so as you go through your career Yeah well you know I'm conscious that I haven't been in terms of when I go into the studio. This has been any pressure to for me to do anything with me nobody's come to be and you know you need to do this this this. But there is a thing that happens after the music is done you know it's funny you know gives me pleasure. Radio sometimes you you know sometimes I think. This would be great if I only had this back lead on it and then we could play right sometimes I get that from radio sometimes you know. You know. Remakes is out there that happen that are. A little bit more towards pop sound but . My. Heart that is incorporating soul. And gospel music. Really combining all these very close musical cause and yeah and coming out with. Them so. Often too much talking goes on to me my opinion good music is good music and you can hear it you can hear it you don't need to tag someone into a pigeonhole really good music is good music Damn that was. Like a liquid spirit free then we are you see the new album Talk of the new album is being well received isn't it very well received Yeah. Really quite amazing. You know cause you know us so good energy and the Grammy Awards and Europe and the u.k. . You know really strong response I'm very thankful it's really kind of gone off the charts in Germany and here you know still. Like. They like put me and put me next to like. Water and Drake. Right there we're Mandrake. And why not 11 song that I mean I don't like picking one some of an album but we will different for this interview because I want to play a bit from it anyway Laura trike is just a gorgeous gorgeous song is that a true story. Where the thing is. You know I'm always playing with. Words and metaphors. Ringing the doorbell so late it's really. Coming to somebody you know too late in a relationship and they've. Got somebody else. There they've moved on you you know you broke up with somebody you come back to that maybe 5 years later and trying to see with they're up to you know and but she rang the doorbell too late you know maybe they're married maybe you're married maybe you know what you want to see how this goes love there you know that's really what it's about it's not really a late night doorbell ring. But. When you're writing a song you suddenly have this melody that comes into your head and I when you were writing. The good you mentioned I read somewhere that you were. Writing back when your boy. Girlfriend and you wrote Be good and the melody and the lyrics that by just come to you yeah the melody melody and lyrics generally come to the same time I have a strong emotion behind it comes with more lacquered. You know being dumped the pain at the pain of life or rejection or or or even the highest highs you know the exuberance the love as well you know all of those those wrong feel. Come out lyrically for me they come out in melody and so. I suspect there's probably some subconscious processing going on in my brain comes out with any artist you know but . Yeah yeah melody and lyrics generally come in at the same time and then on. Oh the rest later time. Deicing. And press. And. Now it's time to go but before we disappear I must ask you the most important question about your height this is like a. Your famous hat ready now so I must ask do you have a tie your hats off Gregory. When I'm sleeping. Because my stage but I do want to man so many of my buddies you know I used to wear my had slipped up. You know this must. Be what you've been wearing the hat for many years I presume Yeah yeah yeah Ok great so can see you I wish you a star in the good luck with all the concert shows I'm sure you're going to love them and I hope you'll come back and see us again saying Gregory a pleasure but thank you. It's been said before. There was nothing before the Beatles there was something right now this break. So those who follow. Can. See. That we are starting over again this is you number one. How do. You I'm so thrilled to be here with you yeah in that amazing. Because I was saying earlier we're getting some many new releases coming out the moment I probably get between sort of 5 and tane every day of new releases so you listen to all these new songs and they're really going something really comes out I want them to mean this is good idea what I call the 15 2nd John Leech test. Me in 15 seconds then I think this sounds really good and that's what I thought when I 1st heard starting over she's good this is great so. Congratulations on topping our solid shots here. And I'm hardly believe it I'm thinking myself as we speak. Is that right I am. Originally from Carolina you moved to Atlanta yes I grew up in Columbia South Carolina that is my hometown that's not where I was born I was born in Muncie Indiana. But my parents moved when we were younger to Columbia South Carolina where they actually grew up so that's where I cut my teeth on all my music and everything so yeah and of course Atlanta is pretty big place for music hip hop and r. And b. And gospel is all there in Atlanta or is that it is it is as well as the film industry because you know we have Tyler Perry here as well and yeah so yeah it's it's it's become the place to be in the past few years it really has and you like it there obviously. I do I do you know there's a little something for everyone is very spread out it takes about 3045 minutes to get anywhere but other than that. There's a lot of our here and a lot of really wonderful people here too so it's cool and nice weather is it is now going to get kind of cold next week so it's kind of up and down but you know that that's part of the South if you live in the south you're going to get some crazy weather but thankfully mostly warm weather. When you say cold because I know you got you goes along when you say I cold how cold are we talking about. Well next week it's going to drop into the twenty's. All right yeah so I asked. Does that count when you were going to tell me the codes the only the code for that might be a hat Yeah. Now 360 degrees woman Reba there's going to be a message in that song so if your album Tell us about the album that's right so how you got that actually it came to me in a dream John I was really. You know tolling with toying with whether or not to get back into the music industry in the business and to start singing again and I just really are prayerful about it and that honestly is the title that came up so it's a it's part of a trilogy so the next part will be 360 degree woman I am which is what I'm working on right now. Here in Atlanta at the cave studios with Marcus Williams who is amazing. So part 2 will be out soon but yeah it was really about me coming out again and being my rebirth and finding myself as a woman and finding my voice and you know really stepping into being the love goddess and all of the things that I've been created to be so so that's the energy and the intention behind the 1st the 1st part of the trilogy how long were you out of the business for because I presume you were rising children yes I had amazing children so I put my career on hold to be a domestic goddess Ok you know that thing that we were. So amazingly well and it was a it was a brilliant choice for me yes it was so life affirming I do not recommend it for everyone because it is challenging you have to really want to do it but I really wanted to be the best I could be for my for my family you know and so it was I was out for about 20 years wow I was a minute you know I dipped my toe. Oh and every once in a while in that time but I didn't really come full circle back in until about 20 years hence the 360 degrees you know it's a full circle of math and again you know you know big respect who what you did was to some what made you decide to come back and for me was a daunting source it was very daunting it was scary it was real i was our scared as hell man I'm telling you the truth yeah I really didn't think that I could do it and. Honestly it was just one of those spiritual seminal moments where I got the call again it was like Ok You know I really need you to go out in the world now and do what it is you do spread the message of love really ignite and excite and in live in people again with the gifts that you have and so it was that kind of energy that brought me back in and I just I just answered the call you know and even still it feels a little crazy to me you know but yeah I love love love what I do I love serving at this level and I love singing you know and so I love writing and so all the things that I love to do are really beginning to you know help others as well as as well as myself so yeah I'm back in it now because I've been 20 years I mean things trying dramatically is always really different say now see what it was like when you were in it last time but you know what I think because you've come back and you've had that success it kind of endorsees you doing the right thing I think there's a place for all of us I think it's going to plan for all of us and maybe yours was alluding to seeing to have your children and then get back to what the gift is as you say Absolutely absolutely and then linking up with boogie back records where nothing shy of miraculous you know with with our name a Conan and Toby Baker and you know Marcus Williams And the whole crew just being able to jump back in with folks who are so brilliant that what they do and so incredibly giving and caring is is really like you said it's that's one of those find that says Ok yeah now you had to be now you know I had to have something to say John you know I mean I was like yes yes I had to be really clear about why I'm here and so I'm really grateful for the opportune. Unity to find that to find my voice and now be able to help others do the same so yeah it's been it's been crazy it's been crazy I mean I was on the phone with Ernie earlier today and we got from vinyl that's coming out. Real soon so you guys look out for that I cannot what you believe the vinyl has things to come back if I may got some I hope you got that suit you got 7 inches coming out 7 each one of you. In the back revealing 'd it is mad I never thought we'd never see it again but it could be I was throwing all my bong in the wind suddenly Ok I'm back again. Told our final hold on to your vinyl. The by. The by. The beyond. The beyond. The beyond. I think there was not a verse or a that came up on Facebook few weeks ago and I'm not sure if it was 4 years old 6 years I've been playing your music absolutely you've been. You've been a tremendous support and I couldn't be more grateful of filing me a face to face my friend tell us how you started because there is this great some resemblance to Lisa Ventura which you would talk about a bit lighter but how did you start off the music. Was encouraged more by my father my late dad. Heard something in my voice that I didn't hear because I didn't grow up singing like most artists who you hear started in church that's not how I got started I kind of stumbled into singing I still loved the same that people would tell me to stop because I sounded horrible and then decided maybe it's time to go get some training and trained under a person for about 4 years and then kind of grew in confidence and just kind of find I found my style so that was your father a singer. He thought he was. He said horrible. I think that's what we had in common starting out. My dad was involved in ministry and so I kind of started out singing gospel music. When I did start finally you know gaining the confidence to sing and then kind of moved into the arm b. Sing I felt that was more of my niche but that gospel background this is such a great strong foundation for any singers and it is as. You know you have to be passionate we should be passionate. You know when you're singing. And that's kind of the thing that I still live by that I hope comes through in my music is kind of the passion for singing and did your dad get to. See you be successful before he passed not to this level when he passed I was just singing in church Ok. And then some time after he passed and I moved on to start doing our being is but at least you have made sort of. Idea come to fruition haven't you which is which is this I think so yeah I think you'd be extremely proud of yeah. There is this resemblance to your voice the tone of your voice to Luther Vandross I'm sure you've been told that by Lots of a fight over the years did you buy your remember someone saying you used to do well maybe used to do the Luther tribute show I was doing yeah still do. Luther came along at a time when. His sound was so unique that I just wanted to sing like him and so not intentionally trying to sound like him I think I probably downloaded or bought or something almost every song he's ever done and I used to just sing in the shower in my car wherever and maybe just over time I just kind of taken some of that on did you get to see Luther life I did he actually I went. He was in Memphis Tennessee right and I went down and saw him and. People were screaming and I was one of the people screaming. And he was just it. I felt like I was just lost the time when he started singing his voice just captivated the audience and I was just blown away by these. Things to. See. You. This is. Some of them. That's this critical for tribute shows. Of Oh I guess big artists have now left us what might be the why the audience can still connects to their favorite Is there a big call for in the in the states absolutely absolutely every weekend you can find a tribute show to some some person some group. So is what is Lou thought being a great inspiration what other singers did you listen so and enjoy listening to when you were learning to sing and growing up say Marvin Gaye Will Downing. Some people Bryce and Luther I'm sorry James Ingram you know there were a ton of groups that I would listen to you know Earth Wind and Fire you know all the all the great artists. And my dad Stevie Wonder because we grew up in a Motown house and so we temptations Diana Ross supreme so on and on and on so when you hear mode sound you know it's like I'm back to when you were a kid probably Absolutely yeah. Actually I do a Motown tribute show in the States with with a group I don't do any leads but I have fun doing the steps because I didn't think I had the coordination. But I felt I could actually sing in that step at the same time. And I. Think. We. Can. You know I'm so grateful to Gary then and Bush and Kerry Spence and Nigel and just the whole group because they're probably the ones that saved my career because I was actually going to walk away from music. Probably about 4 years ago where you know was my just kind of. Hit a wall where I kind of thought you know I don't know if I want to do this anymore and. Gary Spence introduced me to Gary van and Bush and you know the rest is history do you have to because obviously it's quite difficult and I was often said that when I 1st started out the music was the fashionable music so I had big sigh always and I had I saw thousands a sea days I make money the black artists around then but it has gone you know over the years it has gone so underground there is some very talented India wants is out there but it must be difficult because I don't see how you can make much money from downloads streaming is a dead loss as far as making any money is concerned so it's really down to the shows it is to make a living it is hand to hand sales and Alan and you're right you know streaming and all these other types of services you know have really. Taken the profit out of it for a lot of oh yeah I was reading something I think it was Peter from some well known rock artist 20 the few weeks ago saying that there was 35000000 plays in one of his songs and he made a 1000 pounds but. It's just it's not sin and it is and and and and this is going to at some point it's going to have an impact on the industry because artists are going to be able to continue to sustain you know as long as the you know there's no money in it how do you make a living do you have to combine your singing with other work as I do. And would it be your I'm to some stage make the switch to food so I'm singing. You know John I'm kind of at a place in my career where if it happens fine if it's not I've been blessed enough to do with other indie artist have not been able to do and I've met great people like yourself and others who've just been. So kind and so I don't know if I had I'm not I don't worry about that anymore sure and be used to getting great enjoyment from from your singing here that's come back as if it has Yeah because if not I would've I would've just I mean there's lots of interest and you hear lots of love hate for your music particular So stations in the south shows is it the same in America I think it's hard to get some music playing in the States is now I keep hearing it is that it's all. Preprogrammed. And syndicated show. If you're not a major artist you're not going to get played everything I think as we've kind of talking earlier has become kind of cookie cutter and so anything outside the boundaries of what they believe will sell. Is not going to get done and it's really unfortunate because they're trying to predetermine what the audience will like and doesn't like and so we no longer get to make our own decisions is being made for us and that's where the scary point because the one thing about the air that we talked about is you got to hear all kinds of music and you've got to make your own decisions and you know I would have never been exposed to some of the artists over the years that may have had a one hit but it was one great hit that you know carried over for years and years and you can still play that music today you know I talk to my kids who are young and you know and they tell me they don't really care for today's music they listen to things that were done years ago and so while they're trying to cater to an audience they believe that they're catering to long term I think long term they're going to find out that's a mistake I think the other thing is in or out of the studio those people could sing and they could perform you know some of these kids once you get him outside of the studio it's all it's either pre recorded or it's you know but if you think about you know I had the opportunity to sing. See Patti Labelle live right you know in some of these artists prints you know I got to see Prince and. They were just great performers Yeah you know it and everything seems like it's more staged big you know lights and fireworks and you know so it's more. Form than substance in my opinion I mean think about it you know you grew up with Whitney Houston from the time she kind of showed up on the scene until her passing. I don't I can't say that about any artists today that I've grown up with because the minute that they had a certain age they're done and they try to find the next great hit the only one I can think of that from the modern day which is who has had longevity could be maybe Alicia Keys who is yes been around for quite some story yeah and you mentioned Live it was the best live on since you think you say you went really into turned you on stage and you really love the show I would say Prince he is so versatile and it was at a time when Purple Rain had come out and you know how big that soundtrack was for him. Just put on. A great show but Patti Labelle. And I would say Luther also I don't because but he just to me kind of event for category one the sad thing is Mark we look at prints we look at least I mean maybe slightly different circumstances we're Luther but Prince of Michael Jackson a guy in George Michael who passed away so young but tragically and whether or not that has any bearing to the music business with the pressures upon them I don't know yeah I think. I think the pressure for them to continue to be so great. And as you age. I think you know then you know you become less viable in the opinion of a lot of record companies and so when you start to think that you're losing your I think that just kind of does something to that. I think that's why you know we have to kind of get back to keeping things in perspective you know because you care. And become so absorbed with trying to be successful and stay on top you know I've just come to realize everything that goes up must come down and the final thing is why because I believe that Michael Jackson's fame is what killed him really there's this sort of almost idol worship of a I mean it's nothing wrong with appreciating a respecting a musician or singer but almost like idol worship is a bit safe on there for the results of that yeah I don't know. And then some people can never shake their own demons you know Whitney Houston Yeah you know always battling good and bad good and evil through her life I want to mention your brother because he hopes she quite a bit doesn't absolutely name is Reginald and. You know without him. There would be no mark staggers. Gary kind of really reinvigorated me in terms of getting me back to wanting to do music but my brother has been kind of the staple force in my music career and does he sing as well no only in his mind but he white so he writes Yeah and he does all the instrumentation around he puts all the tracks together and we collaborate and. And that really kind of you know you mention my dad really was my dad's dream because he always wanted us to work together and now we do which is good because there's not many people he can totally trust. You can certainly trust. Your brother Absolutely yeah and I wanted to mention just to sort of really finish. Let's talk about your favorite What's your favorite monk status some of you have well and I think all of my latest cd on the squad tonight I would say crazy about you go it's kind of yeah. It's a track I really like. I'm crazy about her. About her. Going to. Take you a long. Way. Just . Because I'm crazy about you. And let's finish on you choosing some songs I'm going to put you on the spot we're going to do your 1st song so this is the 1st song that you might be but was a kid your. Your 1st you're last some you boat and you everything song which is your real time favorite song so I can we put those to you 1st so 1st song probably by Parliament Funkadelic. Probably flashlight. Yeah that's a good luck. Last song that I bought. Probably a Luther truck. Off of his last cd I would say dance with my father yeah that was a classic was not and then you know everything my everything I'm going to I'm going to go to my fallback song that's my superstar I just love that track. Mark thank you very much thank you Joe It's been great. To sit down through. The When I. Saw. Such a fine wines and our Sunday so show for this weekend from Luther Vandross and there we are 3 more guests from the shows the Shia Gregory foresaw it was Sherry Marie and Stan goes we all know move well as noble as possible next Sunday afternoon at 4 I wish you ready Saif wakin don't get trampled upon if you're doing your Christmas shopping it's the big night scene on the way just stuff to the news we'll leave you this week with another j.m. From 29 St from t.s.p. To sell. Principle and I know what I want and so next week I. weekend off the campaign the conservatives are focusing on immigration and labor social care both parties also face renewed scrutiny all for new shoes with our jobs and insisting there would be no checks on goods moving between Northern Ireland asteroid. As an auditor his brags the deal the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has expressed concern that the issue of anti-Semitism in labor could affect the election result he apologized to the Jewish community and said there were always lessons to learn the Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has ruled out supporting either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister in the event of a hung parliament saying neither man was fit for office she told supporters in Sheffield what she was fighting for we're doing this for the future for our country's future because we are better other comes right down the time I heard old broken vision that comes from Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbin they would have us pull up the drawbridge be insular be close to the society but we know that Britain is better than that we know that we can be an open they're liberal an inclusive society a man has been arrested after monkey chants were allegedly made towards Manchester United players during yesterday's Darby against Manchester City the man who's $41.00 is being questioned on suspicion of a racially aggravated offense the construction firm Kier has said as an employee has been suspended. 3 people including a 13 year old boy have been arrested in Northamptonshire by police investigating the murder of a woman the 25 year old victim was stabbed in Rushton last night and died at the scene our reporters Simon Jones has more details 13 year old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder a 27 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and a 2nd 27 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder the police haven't sat if the victim and the people who've been arrested were known to each other but officers of this scribed this as a tragic event and they say the community is very much in a state of shock 2 people have been arrested in Dover on suspicion of terror fences relating to Syria the man and a woman are being questioned by officers from West Midlands counterterrorism units hundreds of thousands of people have marched through the streets of Hong Kong to demand grace or political rights over the past 6 months there have been many violent demonstrations but today's protest was peaceful b.b.c. News the time is just coming up to 3 minutes past 7. One a very good evening to you how are you well tonight hear about a special gig for h. With Dave and then Glenn Glenn and that's a chat with the wonderful times of full current he can his suffix carnations Kings live in the studio at the beautiful home Liz of 2 k. And Ryan Plus what is it on the cosmic code is with me so much and on the big night on b.b.c. Local radio across the eastern counties. Every Sunday night. Thank. You. Chad.

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