Transcripts for BBC Radio Northampton BBC Radio Northampton 20190806 060000

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For people in similar situations and they're just trying to amend the law always they will never change them completely I don't think that they're just trying to amend them to make it slightly easier because if you do have to go down the court road it's very lengthy and very costly and sometimes you don't come out of it with anything you can spend up to 12000 pound a British Airways flight from Heathrow to Valencia had to be evacuated after smoke poured into the cabin minutes before it was due to land a statement from the airline said the aircraft experienced a technical issue the editor of B.B.C. Panorama Rachel joke was among 175 passengers on board she said the experience was frightening the top inside celebrity quite quickly with my almost like it was coming through the activation exist. And we would send in quite quickly. And then we came in for an emergency landing but it was pretty me the. Really good job I think because we are like that because it was full of and he had got. A carry on and Eastenders actress Barbara Windsor has urged Boris Johnson to improve social care for people with dementia then Barbara and her husband made the appeal if they were named ambassadors for the charity out famous society Jason K. Reports Harper Windsor was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2014 in a statement released on her 82nd birthday today she says that she's absolutely delighted to become an ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society she goes on the say that many people are really struggling to get the care they so desperately need Dame Barbara and her husband have signed an open letter from the charity to Boris Johnson which urges the government to set up a specific N.H.S. Dementia fund to help the growing number of people receiving a dementia diagnosis they want more people to sign the letter before copy is delivered to number 10 next month. You can't account for the cracking down on vehicles illegally using bus lanes to try and improve journey times for bus users the action is being taken after report found 8800 vehicles a day incorrectly use the best gate in Wellingborough and over $400.00 a day in the drapery in Northampton the proposal which could be agreed next week with the C.C.T.V. And numberplate recognition technology and aims to encourage people to start using more public transport with the support headlines this morning his grandma the England cricket captain Joe Rix insists his side does have the confidence to turn around the Ashes series but Anthony Head Coach David Ripley says lessons have been learns from their defeats at Durham last month ahead of their match against the same opposition tomorrow evening and Northampton time it filled the Chris lines as the team with 2 tends to forget as Walsall last Saturday but that's will change soon and whether many drivers felt the sunshine early this morning that's going to chance developing later on some heavy and thundery at times the height 22 Celsius 72 degrees Fahrenheit B.B.C. Radio Hampton is it's 5 possible. To travel B.B.C. Radio Northampton King from the road works on the Bedford Row to Yardley Hastings that looks like they're the ones doing fine around by North Hampton and Milton Keynes toaster the A 43 just like slow there on the monitors at the moment too doing fine along the A 14 around Calmar past Roswell and Kettering if you spot a problem call 80003 out of affordable 5 I'm Gary Scott Not that you gain 15 minutes. Annabel at a mosque and break Ferris B.B.C. Radio in your hands and just been reading. About the invention of a fake tongue. To deal with people. Who can't make counterfeit whisky. Very bizarre. The idea of a fake tongue. But students is. Not a big fan of the time. Anyway that we get good morning. It's kind of OK with you for a Cheese Day morning make the most of the weather this morning can all go pear shaped this afternoon. And they're talking about the sound seasonable low pressure coming in at the weekend but Sam right now is that every guy will get from. What are we going to coming up between now and 9 we're going to talk about grandparents stories mention this in the New Year when people can't see their grandchildren for whatever reason that might be as cool for a change in the old give grandparents. A little bit more right to little bit more say. So we hear from people affected by that you might be listening and thinking well that's may actually do get into. Wall to wall SP's. And bad and all things that staying in a way you know you can put it into the love with the things around at the moment and then told to the climate would tell you about that if you can get back home over the winter when all of them didn't die all. Day If you've been stung and that's the reason why what made you feel any better but that's the reason why I going to be astonished like. Most summer holiday activities. I will tell you call your tech whatever it is you want to talk about this morning. 08000030 double foldable 581 triple straight north of the front of your message and it. Breaks a B.B.C. Radio York Times and I. And before we come on to Tom being Stanek Tom I wanted to mention you one of the stories that I've spotted in one of the tabloids this morning I think big shocking news. Shrinking the size of the curly wurly I thought we already had they were the half that shrinking it why do you know why. Why do you really want to know why yes it's all snow right the obsession with health they need to make it under 100 calories are you serious so the current standard clearly were early 101000 calories 26 grams they are going to cut it to 22 grams and it will come under $100.00 calories I mean what the hell you were used to be enormous didn't they they did and I mean obviously because you know because they're kind like this obviously if the those 4 grams fewer of curly wurly the price will drop obviously won't. Be well obviously I was wrong or can I just say right one of the happiest days of the year for me was when I went to one of the discount shops in Northampton and found that you could buy 2 New York he raised in a biscuit and you are part of the actual ones 2 of them for a quid All right that was one of the happiest days of my life and now you bring this story to my door that you try to put me in a bad leave. Because well the net don't make me do you know or like you know it's a wonder that I manage to get out of bed in the morning everything's getting smaller tellme But you know good morning I'll see someone said good morning to you that's not going on in a better mood now thank a the finance has been restored so you don't sound it lakes and I'm hoping that you are going to spot an otter this morning well I'm going to try There are 2 kinds of otters to spot at starting Annabel there's the oily furry kind swimming lakes and then there are the kids that are in the kids' club because they're called otters as well I don't get the 2 mixed up you don't want to go and chuck a kid into a lake park 70 at least that hopefully will do both this morning. And more readily confident about meeting children because authors are quite shy creatures only. I'm not going to do a scene after I've never seen an author I don't think I have he's serious when we don't. I I just don't think it's not an animal that has been on my radar Are you serious. I'm shocked I'm shot down I mean a lot well but i mean i've ever you know didn't alter like I mean not 10 a penny but you don't have to travel to I don't know the Federated islands of Micronesia to see them I mean the local I was at Sonic Lakes last week and I didn't they got into what little world maybe just didn't look hard enough maybe I didn't say could you work you know dog you walking your dog Yeah I was OK So he was probably like I don't know his nose in bins and stuff and while you have to keep your dogs on a lead it sounded like exactly say he wasn't especially Yes mesure after their No one few Otter. Now I don't cast aspersions OK everyone if you could get a photo of one that would be the closest may want it this morning what a moment right unfortunately I didn't bring my telephoto lens with me but we know that you know not want to see when you with your smart phone yet they don't like that I walk up and just say hello how do you like they stay away that's why they're still alive general. Well if you could try try a little harder for me what they were both right I'm just trying to be you know so expectation Yeah OK They're always quite low I'm with program of me Northamptonshire news sports weather and travel I never break this B.B.C. Radio north I'm certain. To me I'm alone on never having spotted an otter I mean maybe I have just forgotten about it anyway let's move on just come to pos Evan and for most of us Family is everything isn't it and when your kids have their own kids I think the joy begins again that's what everyone says Isn't it so imagine no longer getting to see your grandchildren it might be as a result of a relationship breakdown a family rift whatever I've been speaking to some people for whom this is a reality and we'll hear from some of those on the program today one of them Marian Turner from Northampton doesn't she has a breakdown in the relationship between my son and his then wife and he she was very controlling but once she was off the singing because they're not together anymore they did make life a little bit easier and this all started when obviously when my grandson was very 1st born went on for about a year but I couldn't stand the hostility in the control so it was my decision to walk away which wasn't an easy one but I found it easier to cope with than the hostility that went along with everything that she used to do so then I was trying to find someone to talk to about my situation because you can only talk to friends and family so March so I thought I would see if there was a support group and there wasn't one so I started my own while because my I think most people at that point think well you know that's life or move on but you actually did something about it it's desperate measures I think yeah you either just have. To go on with pain because it's a bit like a living Barry meant you don't get to see your grandchild but it also goes along that you don't go to see the your son either so the whole family thing just breaks up really so where are you at now then I'm not a stage now which has taken me over 5 years to get there I mean I'm still not 100 percent but I had to build my bond back up with my son fast because I didn't really like him very much even though it bless him it wasn't his fault. I think he just sort of kind of went along with what was going on so once I'd built my bond which took me about 2 and a half years believe it or not I then was in a good place to try and build a bond with my grandson because just being a year old when I walked away I didn't know anything about him he didn't know me so that was hard I had to really do baby steps just meet him maybe for like an hour with my son and he's got 2 half sisters so it does make very complicated but we are getting there and I think he knows who I am now but I think he still struggles to call me Grandma and I think a lot of people listening to this will. Well empathize with you because you know marriages do break down and often children are affected by it and I think grandparents often of kind of not given the thought that they you know they perhaps should be because they do play a part in people's lives then they absolutely I think when marriages break down and the obviously the mother always has the children they tend to always stay in contact obviously with their side of the family but in so many cases unfortunately the farther side gets alienated so you want grandparents to have. A little bit more so you're going down to Westminster to tell us what you see there is a you know a lot of people feel this Yasmine we've got several solicitors that come along and support us and what they do is they'll come along and give free advice especially to those that have to go to court Chris a lot of people do have to go to court to get access and we've got 2 M.P.'s that come and support us is where they're just trying to amend the law always they would never change them completely I don't think but they're just trying to amend them to make it slightly easier because if you do have to go down the court road it's very lengthy very costly and sometimes you don't come out of it with anything you can spend up to 12000 pound I'm very stressful it's a stressful situation for any grandparent and you shouldn't really have to be in not saying you earned a right being a grandparent but when you have children that's kind of the thing you're always looking forward to you know you want to be a grandparent then all of a sudden that joy is just taken away from you very sad Marian Turner from Northampton then she runs the support group called Graeme parts in Northampton which is pushing for a change in the law because as it stands grandparents' rights don't include an automatic right to see their grandchildren in an hour we'll hear from a couple who also attend group they have a story of their own they have very limited access to their grandchildren but if this is something that has affected you then by all means do get in touch. Just one quarter past 7 and how we're looking weather wise I think this morning is going to be the better of is it today isn't it Lucy Good morning yes it's looking like a decent start to the day today now some areas of cloud around but also some sunshine to be had small chance of seeing a shower but that chance of seeing a shower goes up as we move into the afternoon and if you catch it the showers could be sharp with the odd rumble of thunder not the question. Carried through in a brisk south westerly breeze temperatures in the late twenty's a maximum of 20 degrees Celsius through this evening and overnight showers will tend to ease the recent clear spells I have a night with an I would not live around $1215.00 Celsius right then still risk of want to shout but it will be a good deal of dry weather some father spoils the sunshine to come as well temperatures reaching a maximum of 20 degrees Celsius with westerly winds does it brings further spells of sunshine still the chance of the odd isolated showers but a good deal of dry weather always see something more unsettled towards the end of the week and deep area of low pressure brings one seasonably windy and also some very wet weather to. The forecast sounds lovely Thank you Lucy. Now you know how a lot of people talk about you know when they hear a song and the lyrics they sometimes get wrong and there are all these misheard lyrics Kate is a great sketch does any of these misheard lyrics Well I have got a new one to add to the list from one of the songs that is out at the moment I mean there are some classics so this is the I thought a play a couple a year has passed since I broke my nose this is this one. C. Is going to think about how much I blame Benny Kay Kay for thinking that this is I think I better deep fry now. On any. I can listen to anything now without thinking that then there is this one from Anne Marie more of a recent one to be chatty also but I think shower the horse. Shit with the I'm done but my new one is this one OK and I'm sorry if I'm going to ruin this for you but this is kind of the new summer anthem from Ed Sharon but I am convinced that he too. Walks about. The. Everybody is good. It is isn't it it's so much apparently it's supposed to be Hummers but I'm sure some. Of. Them big. Lamborghinis and they're rated hermits that is how it feels to me. Is that just me other may said lyrics that you can suggest with them great but I'm pretty sure that Sharon is doing a song about their. B.B.C. Radio Northampton and it's Gary. Annabel very slowly through Yardley Hastings on the Bedford road it's killing going towards the temperate traffic lights in the road works area start to build up around Wellingborough on the $845.00 of the world bypass looks not slow on the monitors and just off the A 14 and I shimmy a 509 a Kettering road looks a little heavy going south bouncer from the 814 towards i shimmy few spots a problem Chloe 100 Osorio double foldable 5 I'm very Scott I love that you get in 15 minutes. Thank you Gary if you look at the newspapers today there is a lot about bricks it and no deal it is the front page of The Times The Guardian The Telegraph a lot of them just saying that there is a growing belief in Brussels and actually it Westminster that Boris Johnson really isn't bluffing when he says Britain will leave the on the 31st of October Halloween it is with or without a deal negotiators have told European diplomats that change is suggested by the new U.K. Government such as scrapping the Irish border backstop were unacceptable Downing Street has dismissed all this is a negotiate. Tactic says that Boris Johnson is ready to do a deal in the spirit of friendship but it all seems to be kicking off a little from Brussels says the B.B.C.'s Adam Fleming what happened yesterday was this meeting as it was about an update about the round of diplomacy on Braggs in the U.K. Done last week that involved a phone call from the prime minister to John call junk or a phone call from the Briggs secretary to Michel Barnier and then a visit to Brussels by the P.M.'s new Europe Advisor David Frost and the message really has got through to the E.U. That the only way that the deal will get through Parliament and be approved by the new government is if the backstop goes and that's not acceptable to the E.U. So I think they're inching closer to the position that the only possible outcome to this whole process is that the U.K. Leaves on the 31st of October with no deal at all all the things the U.K. Is suggesting are things that are completely unpalatable to the E.U. And that has led the negotiators to the conclusion that at the moment there is no basis for what they describe as meaningful discussions with the U.K. They haven't given up all hope yet though everyone here in Brussels is eyeing the summit of G 7 leaders and beer it's in France towards the end of August they think that may be the moment of truth or a potential moment of truth where it becomes clear to everyone that it is inevitable going to be a no deal Bragg's it but having said that lots of the youth officials think the real moment of truth will be the 1st week of September when the British Parliament returns and reacts to whatever's been happening over the summer when they're all back from holiday the Financial Times that he today is got an interesting article saying that he says they say that the prime minister is their tactics the scare tactics and they may be his show but no one should doubt that the risk of a Nobel outcome is very high so there's a lot of talk of those 2 words today no and Dale. Days in B.B.C. Radio your fantasy and you just looked at me as you said. They use a plane blazing to look after myself that well but little bit of moisturizer on which me to even to shave I think I do have good genes yes yes yes well actually I actually mean that's like you saying that but. I'm actually in my forties she went no no you certainly do you live in such a. I don't expect a compliment to bad yes I do have a number that is the flat I guess I'm a big push through the letterbox. They even seem to eat 3 B.B.C. Radio York Times and if you're into music history then make sure you tune into then today there will be some good inside a music chance that because Ben's going to be chatting to Darley sleigh who is the author of a brand new book all about the Decca record label label so make sure you tune in to Ben this morning from 9 o'clock let's head back to Tom who's standing likes before we come on to that Tom I do you agree the edge Sharon is singing about her message did you hear this yeah yeah yeah I do I do I try not to spend too much more time thinking about him because he annoys me oh you get annoyed Yes you're music snob aren't you I forgot this. While the Lord giveth and so. On you are a music and all I am a music snob but that doesn't stop me even if I wasn't music so much still think it sure was really annoying Can I talk about where I am PLACE Yeah go on then go on oh I thanks very very much welcome to study it likes every time I come here I seem to find a different spot that I had no idea existed which isn't a great surprise I suppose because there's 750 acres to explore here in the still fountain shop but why we had this morning well because with the school some of bright going on there's plenty to get your teeth into here if you've got kids doing ahead and around the house Adam horn is an education Ranger and other we're only about 5 minutes walk from the car park but we're in a small clear. That I had no idea it was even here on the fringes of a lake just over my left shoulder talked to me about what you do here surrounded by off cuts of tree stump OK This area is mainly based area and we actually teach schoolchildren here. Throughout the spring and summer terms and so what are you what are you teaching them many be said so what creepy crawlies basically basically creepy crawlies sharing and teaching them habitats can you show me something if you must have a look under some stuff so I know there's a there's an enormous bug house these wooden pallets piled up with off cuts of roof Toland tree and brick pine cones in lots of things for creatures to live in and then all around the floor of this clearing which has gentle vegetation growing up sort of ankle high and a few thistles dotted here and there in amongst those are stumps and then under the stumps we find all kinds of stuff out of well it's not bartender this one the one we just on are opened and lifted to move it was. A Beetle we found smooth body newts here we farm for. We farm quad awful lot of very small B. Tools and creatures and kids love this kind of stuff don't they at what point do you think the kids maybe when they get a bit older become frightened or nervous around creepy crawlers normally when they stop biting you. Yes Yeah that would do it for me oh well so that's would laughs Oh lovely I love a good would last know there's a whole bunch of you once your eyes become accustomed to it and you can kind of pick out the shade against the undergrowth you notice just how much is going on that's when you 1st move a piece of wood immediately everything runs to hard and then afterwards they start to come back out and get set all ready for the light that they see can I ask a question which might be really dense I'm not really sure how is it they're not like squash How is it that they get under there to begin with they just bury Berry or borrow down into the soil which is also where they find some of their food. What do you find fascinating about all of this the really fascinating part about this is how they can all coincide with each other and how interested the children get when they come and point something moving and say you've had quite a varied life so what was it that got you into conservation and in this kind of work I suppose teaching children about all of this the natural world around. The birth my son really really yeah I got fed up with being indoors all the time and when my son was born it was time to make a change and how long how old is enough 19 OK so he's kind of past the creepy crawly stage of Oh yeah yeah he really enjoys creepy crawlies. Study Lakes is one of these places where I think whatever time of year you come down here you're going to find different stuff what's your favorite time of year it's a bit stunning. I've got to get to 2 point one during the winter where I get to go out and do the conservation and 2nd born is doing some a hole of ice where I actually get see the children and work and play with them and so guess what it is all right 8 30 in the morning the cries begin to ring out and this place is buzzing old A. Normally starts picking up about 10 Yeah it's really good fun there on which you just picked up another stump showed me the underneath where it's all black and yeah that's the beginning go for Woodrow one we've looked at earlier had some bracket fungus on. Coralie's just coming out of some of the holes that's potentially the holes were caused by. Woodrow. Marse lives and everything else takes over their homes and just briefly if you know if you wanted to do this in your garden make a creepy crawly friendly environment how long would it take for it to establish itself if you were to put bits of wood out there and stuff. It could take anything from a couple of weeks to a couple of months OK but you could do it Chiva Billy in a yes I always will yes oh great well maybe people should give it a try hard I think I might give it a go my God and my wife will be delighted to have a similar I think your daughter would as well. I think my daughter more than my wife already got that. Going to hear more and I get what we want when we have a 7 year old child on the suddenly screen. Me Yes What do you have mainly for this is nothing new for you let's be honest what did you just say that night got that reaction No just just that's the reaction my daughter would have. You were being a 21 month old yes. I was channeling my inner child which if I'm honest is never far below the surface that it really is like oil in the Midwest so we're going to be here till 9 o'clock and about going to talk about some of the events I've got going on here in the summer and we're going to meet kids from the authors club before 9 I want to get ice have an author I know what I'm going to try this in and of on a serious note I actually really autres they are occasionally cited but we don't but we don't say where and obviously varies so I think the challenge of finding one might be a bit beyond me but I'm going to do what I can for you OK It's like an excuse to me . I'm only 9 on D. A B. Digital radio and freeview channels $73.00 school this is B.B.C. Radio Northampton. Half past 7 the headlines now from New York Downing Street has rejected claims that it wanted to talk to the E.U. To fail in order to win a deal breaks it to be pushed through Brussels has repeatedly ruled out changes to the be truly green. Meant that the government is urging the block to think again a teenager has been charged with attempted murder after a 6 year old boy was allegedly thrown from a tensile balcony at the Tate Modern Gallery in London the police say there is no link between the suspect in the victim a French tourist who's in a critical but stable condition in hospital the 17 year old boys due to appear at Bromley Co Hughes court later today members of a support group in Northampton which held people who don't see their grandchildren according to a change in the law as it stands grandparents don't have an automatic right to see their ground shot grandchildren they want an amendment to the Children Act which would include a child's right to have a close relationship with members of their extended family Marian Turner didn't see her grandson for 3 years following a relationship breakdown she now runs Graeme part a support group for people in similar situations and they're just trying to amend. The law always they will never change them completely I don't think that they're just trying to amend them to make it slightly easier because if you do have to go down the court road it's very lengthy very costly and sometimes you don't come out of it with anything you can spend up to 12000 pound. Retail sales suffered their slowest year on year July growth for 24 years last month the British Retail Consortium which has been analyzing transactions since 1995 said sales were no point 3 percent higher last month when they than they were a year earlier compared with 1.6 percent increase between July 2017 and the same month last year passengers have spoken of a terrifying experience after smoke filled a British Airways flight from London to Valencia in Spain the plane was on its descent at the time and forced to make an emergency landing with the pilots wearing oxygen masks 175 passengers left the cabinet through the emergency exits using the escape chutes B.A. Said the aircraft had a technical issue and the ability of Northampton is set to make 14 redundancies as part of a move to streamline its academic structure it comes at a time when the university is taking on a new deputy vice principal and the weather mainly dry with bands of sunshine early this morning but scattered showers developing later on some heavy and sundry at times the high 20 Celsius 72 degrees Fahrenheit B.B.C. Radio home to news it's 733 and inches forward C.B.C. Radio northbound say. Good morning RAM Hello you just trying to point out to me a hit totalling its teeth on the telly it's not something you see every day. I was just having a quick look at my fingers looking at the message you sent me last night a picture of you in just of your feet in flip flops Oh yes you bought flip flops for the 1st time I have after 43 years and the thought this time inspired by you. That because I am always wearing flip flops yet they look like something that I have a joke right each time you're so unkind not true is it but then nobody's actually true but then I just had a quick look at previous photos that you have sent me. And it's such an eclectic mix Yeah there's a man from the I think 920 S. In cricket whites there your kippers and poached eggs Yes Yeah. An empty plate of keep is a. Very shortly after the 1st fighting Yeah so yeah that's my life isn't there yet is rarely 120 cricket and keepers and clip. There. Still struggling My wife's been laughing at me going up and down the stairs my flip flop you don't wear them well as a parent quite loud like a I suppose like a seal and says Yeah I'm getting that you wear them so much you must of calluses wear your well they don't they just don't mean they're the comfy things in the world pretty uncomfortable but I look cool that's all you really do yeah you know I'm going to wear them to work I'm not going to do that and the standards stunned this of our cricket with the noise and well yes yes it is it is because the ashes. This is very interesting debate Michael Vaughan has been talking about this he thinks that feeling the after effects of the World Cup campaign and it's quite clear I think England have absolutely prioritized winning the World Cup the last few years and so this is almost inevitable I suppose the question is Australia when the World Cup 5 times and they've and they usually win the Ashes as well so they've they've managed to do both but clearly we've targeted the World Cup we won it so there's part of me dismally too harsh on them for losing this Ashes Test is the face only the fairest. Yeah I know but history does tell you you need to win the 1st only the 1st yes the 2 times we've lost the 1st person in the series 912005 the 2 greatest Ashes series arguably of all time so this could be. I think we're clutching at straws right thing we are they were beaten by 251 runs yesterday it was pretty pitiful really the ball that read cheaply the England captain Gerry's insists they can turn things around for the 2nd Test at Lord's I think we've got the confidence that we need to do is obviously would much prefer to be sat here want to look but for games we've got plenty of time to think things through before the next one and it's very important that we are very clear realistic about how things turned out this this time around and put them right in and start really strongly in the next game when is the next one star to come. Then 9 days time and that's a lot isn't it is where Australia always been. Like leaders come in with you know. Look I was an optimist usually I was you may recall I was pretty optimistic optimistic throughout the World Cup Even when we were losing I thought were going to win it but I think you are a realist now the real is one thing is certain that Australia always do well at Lord's remember the World Cup We thrashed them last Lord's there is just one of those things in cricket one of certainties where they need to change that they do they do locally head coach David Ripley says lessons have been learns from Northamptonshire defeat at Durham last month the 2 teams play for the 2nd time in this season's T 20 blast tomorrow evening it wanted wrote Northamptonshire are in need of a when they've lost 3 of their opening 5 matches including the opening match away at Ripley says he expects a different kind of much tomorrow the game we played that there him was what was a game that we often play up there quite big bear and we love running a lot of short balls and people pull in the ball into the field as on the big boundaries and we copped a little better with that but we still didn't cope as well as we should also there are often 2 very different games of cricket looking at the game in Durham and the game here game he'll be a bit more about boundaries and you know we are fancy our chances have been more more boundary it is. Brackets lamington football this evening in the National League North manager Kevin Wilkinson his players have to go into these sort of matches full of confidence we go into that was probably his favorite to win the game and that little be a burden is something that you know we have to deal with now and some some clubs have the luxury of not having that little bit of white on their shoulders but it's something we've got to be able to deal with to basics. Getting Tanner also on the road the season there it's King's Lynn in the National League North Mathilda Chris line says the team which he tends to against Walsall last Saturday but that will change soon it was of course a new look cobblers side that started the league 2 season with 8 players making their debuts on Saturday and lines was one of them I'd like to say has not been before but there's not that many games 1st game a season where teams again the ball down and playing around you know effectively and confidently because everyone just a little bit nervous it doesn't matter how many games you played you could see they looked a little bit tense to get nervous The same goes for them so shot away now we forget about that game so that you try to pick up a point and get home and get on the road and forget about it but you know we haven't done that so some for me we try and take some points next week and this Saturday they are away at Port Vale fund's new car and Wilson beats Robbie Williams 6 frames to the International Championship in dodging he'll play Tom Ford later today before we go Graham and do you think Ed Sheeran singing about home this year wait for this. The party that was the 1st bit Lamborghini and some of us yes. I thought the 1st thing to do bikini's No No Well no it's Lamborghini he sure is not bikini's and hummus and. We know it's going to get messy about your holiday dream of. Your fantasy travel B.B.C. Radio Northampton. That will slow the moment 3 Yardley Hastings the Bedford. Road cues in both directions into the roadworks building up now on the M one southbound Northampton junction 16 past services around junction 15 looks heavy on that stretch the A 43 is slow approaching so I will going southbound and. So it's come off the A 14 that looks slowed there if you spot a problem call 80003 I double fordable 5 I'm very Scott gaining 15 minutes. From midday on B.B.C. Radio north and being greedy of a cocktail you need to tell me what the cocktail is NOT start with an easy one. With a mate of your favorite places in the ME that it's just a sure thing strong as well you kind of deliver it always deliver what I promise roses are probably the most ancient edible flower that we used to eat I think. Angels fall in our bed. Well no but I think. Oh my goodness. What is the tomato all red because it's all the salad dressing I used to Brown I don't think I want a winning thing here to be honest I don't think I'm going to be stunned that. Day is from a day B.B.C. Radio north and just gone $22.00 eights and it is that time of year when everyone is complaining about being bitten or being stung by wasps wasps ruining picnics if indeed the weather was nice enough to have a picnic we can't trust it at all at the moment can we but it does feel like there are a lot more bugs this year than usual so we thought we should get a couple of experts in to decide whether this was the case marking George Vincent run past force Northamptonshire and they're both with me in the studio father and son team morning. Come on then all of them all there is never going to be to what it was just the population and the winters are. And just nothing's dying you know they're still hibernating but it's just not what it was it's not killing innocent off so what's there and I mean what is the time of year that they usually come out it is usually Now it's now you be looking now to September October and September times when I start getting nasty What do you mean by nasty well attended by all approach trays and that ferments of them which they get drunk and then attempt to get more aggressive so I mean what nests are extraordinary things that they all went for a walk the other day and I looked at the top of the church there was a wasna thought they look kind of like a mummy's head I mean there were no way they can grow some other 2 or 3 foot long easily or 2 or 3 foot long well so how on earth do you go about doing that then Mark. So it was less It really does depend on access you know you don't really want to be on the top of allowed to remove a nest obviously the chances against But Tenet see the reason insects are sort of just if it's easy you know to sort bin bag and removal so you would what a lot spraying the insects like 1st and then you go up and take the nest down there how do they take to build one of these mess not that long not so you can have some We've had some where you've seen it and it goes from a little go for when a foreign or it can be the saw as a rock people we've been to a customs house we thought we had bumble bees and it turned out you had 11 wasp nest instead so it can really really be so varied it's unbelievable So give me an idea of the variety of your job then guys I mean what are you doing today for example today we've got 4 was we've got I believe to bed bugs jobs 3. Is just so varied 8 is really nice because each jobs different so you got me I think differently through 3 more fleas another thing there's emergency Yes humidity and fleas is that usually where someone's got a pet cats carry something. No. You mention bed bugs that's the kind of thing that just makes me. Wonder and it's they're not very nice but there's so many people with especially with ants bed bugs and fleas the tree to themselves it just makes it so much harder for us. And you scatter more disperse them with what you use and it makes us our job a hell of a lot harder so what how do you get rid of bed bugs bed bugs it's normally multiple treatments 3 to 4 treatments and it's just an alternative treatment chemicals So for example you can use something like for can you can you separate Now when you just want to overturn it but talk to me about my D.D. My says well read it OK so what so this reading it says that I have I sometimes have mice in my house but he talks about his mice but he's a he's a nice person so he tries and gets rid of them humanely I'm not a nice person and I just try and get rid of them in the worst possible way what is the best way is far as you guys are concerned really poison the best way to be really really hot it isn't with poison don't they then kind of eat it and then they kind of stay alive for know that. Some of the poisons for years now especially from our 2nd generation ones pretty effective I might actually put poison down we've gone to one of the House come back there's been an. Effect so come on the give me some of your horror stories some worst worst mice encounter. We've had. In quite a few places to a very shocking. A lot of takeaways. The sort of stuffing can sometimes be printed off as quite a lot of horror stories are there I want tell me some of the ones that you might get down the pub and tell your friends about people catching rats in the house by themselves and you go into the house and pour the truck in the markets all over the . Not very pleasant might not be on a Monday but there are some jokes that he turned up here and you think I just can't do this yes so. When you go walking with the full chemical say on respirator for healing can be quite shocking Oh I think if I had your day off I just dream of rats and mice and and things like that it could be so we can. Last in a sense just a really. Centipede like a centipede I mean just what a load of them yeah coming up through trying to hold my yard without spoilers is jobs flaw is smaller just how the way it was quite funny or put on the invoice or sent to the customer it looked like a Halloween display because you'd sort of put into the carriage and you just copy of school or the biggest Spidey I mean I hate spiders biggest spider you've discovered probably a false. Because that. Doesn't sound false to me. Scary if you enjoy it even though you don't want to yeah and your father and son so you want to get on yeah pretty good and you've always wanted to follow it out into your or down game keeping before and done a bit rare in and just sort of volved into this it's just been sort of a natural progression do you keep pets as well when you do you want to be of course unfair it's got 3 ferrets and 2 dogs and. No cats. Because of the aforementioned thing about fleas how Marcy thanks so much for coming in and there's also your very popular take me 7 years well you certainly have well hopefully not being the last. Mark and you know it's lovely to see you Mark enjoy and then pass false Northamptonshire and I've done about you but I'm feeling a little. Northampton Senussi. In travel and break B.B.C. Radio Northampton. Imagine that as a job that would not be good would it I mean someone's got to do it and they are lovely so we love that now let's talk business news now it's all about Tesco this morning job losses you'll have heard about this the Tesco Metro stores are the ones that are affected Louise Cooper is here tell me Louise what's this all about. So you just see this in part of a bigger picture which is when Dave Lewis arrived at Tesco about 5 years ago he sort of inherited a very bloated organization that had grown for decades just opening more and more stores taking market share from little local independent food retailers grocers but his exact and it also came to a shuddering end really and he looked to the business and said you know we've got to take costs out to compete without being little and it's just a very complicated business so one of the 1st things that we're makes no sense to have 80 ranges of tomatoes we've got our 40 so he's been on this sort of restructuring taking cost out journey for some time in January for example they announced $9000.00 job losses for getting rid of deli counter staff and the plan is to save about one and a half 1000000000 by the end of next year and it's always been taking costs out so they can and I use their jargon reinvest in price what that means is to take prices down to offer consumers a better a better deal now the Metro format is kind of not really one thing not really the other it's a bigger than a sort of convenience Express store but smaller than a full size shop so so it's sort of a bit left in no man's land so you see this restructuring the cost being taken out the simplification and in a way they sort of done the easy stuff 1st and now they're getting on to looking at the formats and thinking well do these formats make sense now it's because the way that we shop has changed hasn't I mean a few years back Louise people you know not many people shop today announcing or little and I think at some point I think it's fair to say that some people are a little embarrassed now everyone shops there don't know do I love the face cream so you say it's not just that VO OK so we shop online so I think this is I was quite surprised by this Tesco Metro the 1st one the 1st form. That of Tesco much Metro opened in 1994 now was the Internet even invented in 1994 you know I'm not sure you know so so you know we shop online we shop differently we're much more aware of food waste you know the consumer is now a very different sort of food retailing consumers in 1904 so look at what Tesco have said very clearly they say we want to align the way we asked stores to the way customers are shopping in them so. The Metro format was supposed to be for the weekly shop not about you I shop for 4 of us I spend on the 100150 quid a week depending on the week more likely on the 100 $5120.00 a week now that's what the store was designed to do with a cost structure designed on the back of that what Tesco have discovered is that 70 percent of customers don't use it for the weekly shop they just use it for convenience so maybe your lunch that day you know sandwich drink you know cake and crisps if you're feeling naughty and maybe to buy a chicken for dinner so that's like 7 or 8 quid that's not $150.00 quid weekly shop and yet it's got a cost structure set up for $150.00 quid or $100.00 quid weekly shop and that's the problem that is why it's being forced to take costs out of the business out of Metro stores because consumers have changed the way they shop and if they you're looking at it as a convenience store then it's too expensive to only take 7 quid off somebody a day well 150 quid a week yeah I think the big shop has kind of it's not as popular anymore is it also I think you know there was always that status around wasn't it a few years back that what was it every of every 7 pounds spent in Britain I'm Hammett's many Internet in a Tesco I'd imagine that is a very nice change doesn't enter what is probably still a large amount because unlike shoes food is essential although I would argue sometimes you know an extra pair of glittery glittery shoes is only think essential . But probably not so what this is really interesting Tesco set up to do. Counter-coup Jack tiny It didn't really want to become a discount I think it wanted to learn from it and it has because these metro stores are about the same size as I'll be in little I can and if you get if you look at what Tesco says it's doing it's copying Albion little so 1st of all they say fewer products stored in backwards stock going straight to the shop floor that sound a little if they've you know if it's in the store it's generally in the store it's not on a map when there's another next thing colleagues working more flexibly. At Tesco You know we have I work on the tail I am a baker in the bakery I am a shelf stacker I am a store manager that's not how I'll deal little work everybody does everything if it's busy the store manager goes on the tills if it's not busy they'll go and do a bit a shelf stacking 1st thing in the morning you'll go into the bakery and say to either if this is basically Tesco St out in it'll you do it much better than us we're going to copy you try stores how interesting is that it is things are changing aren't they Louise thank you. B.B.C. Radio Northampton is Gary illustrates lot of the moment along the end want to approach Northhampton surround junction 1615 a very heavy I can see on the cameras can see no reason for the queue just of slow then through the area to the Glazer to YAGNI Hastings be a $42.00 way so on the Bedford road it's queuing to see only a $43.00 so I well to Multan to going towards North Hampton parts of the A 45 a building up between Wellingborough and high in France have a very both directions where the better news I should be a 5 o 9 looks like the place there has been a few spots a problem call 800030 double fordable 5 I'm Gary Scott a lot that you gain in 15 minutes. And I get a mention the A 4 to a very early Hastings it's all because a temporary traffic lights there to someone says texted to say very very busy so just to make sure that you were make some plans to try and avoid that if you can if you coming into Northampton from the Bedford way right 5 to 8 let's head back to Tom He's spending money it's not like this is all part of a thing to try and find things for people to do in the summer and there is plenty and the big thing to say Thomas is not raining is it oh it is I tell you what I chose just thinking to myself it's actually quite warm out here I'm not even take my jackets off very slow thought it's the summer holidays and I might not. Wear long sleeves was coming on Welcome back to starting like some just standing outside of the Visitor's Center the sun is beating down the cloud is left in the past 15 minutes I was going to put it more bluntly than not glad I didn't. And there's a range of stuff going on a stunt like this summer earlier on we were with. Educational Ranger Adam Horne looking for creepy crawlies and you and I have both met our fair share of those over the years haven't we out of oh but there's a range of other stuff going on and I know him for some started like his with the morning Well good morning you get the wonderful task of kind of overseeing all of the from events that happened here and there's loads going on on the board behind me there stuff about plays things for kids what are your highlights so this summer we've got a really great play coming up is called Made some is not dream and it's produced by quantum theater at the an outdoor theater we're really lucky to have such a beautiful resource on site the school just say yes they're coming tomorrow actually and they still got tickets available so you can go straight to our website and what's on page and see if you're interested it's a brilliant family event out your outdoor theater is is kind of the far side of the business sense from where we're standing isn't it kind of across the like yes literally a 3 minute walk from the car park over to the Out to the theater and we did loads of events in the next one after the Midsummer Night's Dream. Maybe by the lake. That's just like amazing the screen set up is absolutely it's like something you'd see it Wimbledon it's amazing and they've they've got loads of shows on over the summer earlier on I was looking at the films that you've had on I noticed that talk got to been here you said you were a massive Top Gun fan you didn't realise there's a sequel coming out to talk on no one let myself. You have no watch I showed you the trailer to the Top Gun sequel it looks amazing your reaction to the trailer please mail him for his it looks pretty good I just heard the plot is there to support the amazing the jewels oh all right Barry Norman thank you very much I got my packs and your. You know you have a kids' club here called daughters we're going to meet some of the kids that come here later on and we were talking off air about the kind of sum is that we had if I think back to when I was 6 or 7 years old I was quite fortunate my mom only worked during term time so she was at home during the summer holidays to check up on me and that meant that I could kind of go off and explore in my neighborhood for a couple of hours and I guess a lot of kids don't have that now because my man died after work full time yeah we're increasingly finding their parents want to offer their children the kind of. Pastimes that we had growing up but they're not necessarily able to because of the work commitments that they're kind of. Having to do so what we offer with the authors club is the opportunity to let your child explore have those adventure moments playing but you've got a fully D.B.S. Qualified checked person who will ensure that they're safe they've got all their 1st aid everything else so you know that the children have got at least some adventure throughout the summer holidays in such an amazing environment but you're also the worst thing as a parent suppose if you pick up your kids off they're going to hold a club all day and they're clearly bored and they've also still got loads of energy because you just know that you've got a fun evening in store but I'm guessing after a day out here they're probably completely exhausted Yeah basically most of our parents come back the next day just when I own my goodness they were so tired even the older ones they come back asleep in a lie about it and they've got home they're asleep they've been really chatty in the car about the things that they've been up to see because they're doing things that they wouldn't necessarily be able to do at school or in normal clothes were not sticking them in front of the T.V. They're out climbing playing meeting new people doing activities that they wouldn't necessarily do and just using the resources that someone like has to offer you know you're the manager of the service and you have kids yourself so your kids like you're getting picked you like it take them into other kids clubs to see what they're doing I mean you might do a little bit market research just a little bit my so you call it market research. My daughter is very good and giving her opinion back she's got very good feedback now using other clubs and train her well yeah I mean other clubs are fantastic some really great options out there were by no means the only option here but the thing is the day range that we offer does cater for a wide range of parents who are having to work full time part time whatever it is so you can do a short day you can do a quarter you can do a full day and it just ranges from 830 until 545 so yeah it really gives you a good option I guess having lots of events here because I know people sometimes have had no you've had things like weddings here in the past haven't you so you must get to be here at times of the day when it's not open to the general public so your favorite times of day and times a year to be here. Please a sunset sunset is by far my favorite time the sunset is just beautiful it's purples you can get far along go back when it's just a test just to verify I was going to want to run you know and say yes. It's beautiful it's absolute stunning the pup was in the right as the legs of the lake it's just something and you get that with the outdoor cinema you really just being able to kind of see what you mean it is the sun's going down is just amazing and we're going to meet some children later on our way which always was a bit of a meeting of minds for me always feel like children by level yet not yet we're going to meet some children we're going to play Ranger we're going to have a really good you know grown up discussion are you sure. But yes you can you can get some opinions from some kids and tell them they can tell you what they love about Sonnet likes and everything happy don't expect ever so much more easier to later if you missed his mom 1st from start like I'm just Pirelli the fire alarm stopped now about it was definitely a drill. Good said I'm glad you don't need to run away and tell me I feel that actually play Ranger. Is kind of what we could call you. And said to our play Ranger now Tom person defectively What do you say online D.A.B. Digital radio on Freeview channels 73 for being this is B.B.C. Radio York Times. 8 o'clock we'll get the latest B.B.C. News now from New York a E.U. Officials have said there is no basis for any further meaningful breaks it talks while the U.K. Continues to insist on reopening the withdrawal agreement the E.U. Has rejected demands for the removal of the Irish backstop designed to prevent the return of border checks off the breaks it down in St dismissed the result remarks on the negotiating tactic said the prime minister was ready to do a deal from Brussels or your reporter Adam Fleming the E.U. Is inching closer to. Sceptic the most likely outcome of the Braggs process is the U.K. Departing without a deal after discussions last week with the prime minister his Europe adviser David Frost and the Braggs Secretary Stephen Barclay Brussels negotiators have concluded that the only way to avoid a no deal Bragg's it is with major changes to the withdrawal agreement changes that the E.U. Finds unacceptable such as the removal of the Irish backstop an official told a meeting of European diplomats yesterday with only a few weeks ago we're back where we were 3 years ago one of Britain's leading legal figures has said Boris Johnson could remain as prime minister and fight a general election even if he loses a vote of no confidence in the Commons over breaks it will in some shit in a Supreme Court judge until last year said Mr Johnson could fix the date of an election after the 31st of October the Bracks that deadline with Parliament not able to sit for up to 5 weeks beforehand he said not wouldn't be open to challenge under current legislation the Act gives a discretion to the prime minister it's not an unlimited discretion but I can't see how the courts could say that the prime minister wasn't entitle to take political considerations into account it's an intensely political process what a good political reasons and what a bad political reasons these are questions of law for the courts a teenager has been charged with attempted murder after a 6 year old boy fell 5 floors from the top of the Tate Modern in London police say there's no link between.

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