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The UN's calling for an end to what it calls the senseless loss of life demonstrators say they're taking a stand against unemployment poor public services and corruption in the country. Mental health patients are being put at risk because of aging buildings and infrastructure that's according to the group that represents most n.h.s. Trusts and h.s. Providers says the government's capital investment program has overlooked mental health services saffron cautery is from the organization we want to see appropriate targeting of the funding for new investment and that has to be across the whole of the health sector so what we want to see is investment in facilities for mental health because they were all except for condition at the moment and they're really putting patient safety at risk the government says it spending a record amount on mental health services this year and the body of John Dillon just set to be exactly where the little relatives of the infamous us gang known as public enemy number one in the 1930 s. Have made the request because they say it's actually an impostor buried in Indianapolis Dollhouse sports club has a livable start to the season as unbelievable The Liverpool boss was speaking after their 21 victory over Leicester and after James Milner had scored a late penalty to see them stretch that gap at the top to 8 points Aston Villa are now out of the relegation zone having beaten knowledge 5 want to Carrow Road and Crystal Palace are up to 4 thanks to a 21 win at West Ham Brighton some Spurs 3 nil at the am explicitly defeated Everton one nil and what for June Milner with Sheffield United in the Scottish Premiership Motherwell consolidated served with a 2 nil win over some barren kill Monaco and won that Hearts on the other games were drawn and England's women were beaten 21 by Brazil at the Riverside on the penultimate Knights Of The World Athletics Championships there was silver for both Great Britain's men and women in the. Full by 100 meters relay Laura mill finished 5th in the 1500 meters final and to run to Wolf Pack have won promotion to Super League after overcoming Featherston Rovers 246 and rugby league's 1000000 pound game just 3 years after filming Wolfpack haven't chilled top flight rugby league will be played in North America for the 1st time from next year this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker and on the weather the south and west She tried with sunny spells on Sunday but the north east will see outbreaks of rain which could be heavy and thundery the rain will piece out for the elf The main problem with season and home b.b.c. Radio 5 Live the new and show his year players to react to the week's biggest news story. Of the other leaving a devastating horrible feature should be coming down for me I'm afraid your voice your views here we are 12 minutes to 1 in the morning and what are you talking about bricks it here because I want you for showing. Images like Oxfam prepared today's menus tomorrow's big story and you on the phone excellent show tonight from San on b.b.c. Radio 5 Live. This is all for naught I'm far from Odds on Dalton at the barn coming up in this hour of the program to find out 100 people perhaps even more daunting protests in Iraq in the last week I want to be home cold approaches since well after a week in which a protester was shot in the chest and the authorities in the church imposed a ban on for a small sum public are women and it's one of the main questions we're keeping it clean in India will get the week's news from the Gulf this world where amongst other things they talk about the 1st I mean Rossi asked to note who spent 8 days at the International Space Station and has been hailed as. National Hero voting is underway in the u.s. United Arab Emirates in their national elections only $20.00 to $40.00 council seats are up for grabs and we'll hear about the anonymous benefactor who's paid the hospital bill for a Filipino couple after their baby was born at 28 weeks weighing just 700 grams 1st though from home Combe protest on Saturday shut most of Hong Kong's Metro system after a day of increasingly destructive antigovernment protests chief executive Carrie Lamb has defended her decision to invoke emergency powers in order to restore order she said Hong Kong had been through a very dark night of extreme violence some trains have started running again this warning but many stations remain closed due to serious vandalism Earlier I spoke to Evan Fowler who's the co director of the Hong Kong free press and he can supporter of the protesters I asked him what his connection to ongoing is my connection but I suppose a long way by my. Family. You know we're sort of born and raised in on call I've always been on call and. I'm on the the 5th or 6th generation of my family so. It's the people that So in a way you have skin in this game I do I can switch to Cantonese help. No need no need at all and it doesn't help but thank you for your. Ok so what about the latest protest a continuation of these protests was the current situation this weekend. Well I you know I think sadly the process are evolving but it's not surprising. The the. It's been a pretty momentous week. There was obviously on the 1st of October it was the 70th anniversary anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party we didn't go down too well in in Hong Kong I mean I think it's worth remembering that it wasn't a celebration you know if China was very specifically a celebration of a a political party and you know of the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong of course is is a. Is a city of immigrants it's a city of refugees many of whom actually escaped that So that was very momentous and you naturally we saw saw. Protests and violence then. And I thought I guess the the the other very momentous piece of news was the the use of the clearly or emergency powers. To. Essentially and people will make it to make it illegal for people to to cover their identity it's where the mosque and. I suppose on one level it might seem sort of reasonable to me given the escalation but I think you know when I. Listened to the the. The press conference to carry land called the you know the thing that sort of hit me was it was very interesting I mean we've just been through a summer of protests processed which are about political discontent. And tyrant only admitted to it being a social issue and of course you know there's a reason why people are covering their faces are trying to hide their identity it's it's it's not not only I guess because people are via seeing and don't want to be caught for you know supposedly rising but it's because Hong Kong at the moment is really sort of existing in environments of white terror you know people who who support the protests who even show signs of supporting the protests you know have lost their jobs. You know if people are identified people are being dogs people who have been identified to have been attacked by by essentially society Shelmon seen on coal to support the the you know the Beijing you know Chinese narrative so you know there is a reason why people are hiding their identity and their business with him by the Hong Kong government to come out and say Ok you know please remove your mosques but at the same time we will try and do other things too to ensure that you feel safe. Revealing your identity and protesting if necessary basically is a problem is this not the problem Babsy the core of the problem with regards to the protests is that there's no distinction anymore between political protest and what seems to be criminal elements within the protesters for example in the case of remove you must you could say the administration carried them quite legitimately says no these people. Are vandalizing the place they're attacking police that's obviously a criminal element in this where there's a people who are legitimately going to make a political protest are all mixed up in a bar for one just standing in front of a difference I don't know where these protests protest or any move well I doubt unfortunately I mean I think we have to sort of realize that we're not talking about a protest anymore I mean what's happened is a protest as a result of a protest movement where you know you do have elements of the of you know and certainly a minority of protesters who have chosen to escalation be violent. It's I mean it's important to also realize that the bandages and we're seeing isn't just standard as this is Talk of shoot. It isn't just a case of people running amok. You know nevertheless is not. I don't think I mean I don't think anyone sort of. Disputes bash troll you know but but I think what is very concerning is that you know if certainly if I was in in I suppose Kerry lands position and I would look at this and sort of say well you know what we need to do is be nice to sort of talk get those people who who are committing those criminal acts and if anything tell people Look you know if you want to protest if you want to share your dissatisfied. Action but then there are means to protest peacefully what the government has done is they've they've they've. Disallowed peaceful protests they say when applications are being made to to hold mass rallies and to protest peacefully they've basically not allowed those applications to go through. And you know people who you know who are going out and who you know frankly you know you know do you need to I guess in many ways we need to be sort of . Controlled. Telling them to basically remove the face mosque is it is not really going to stop them doing this I mean if they're going out and they're you know they're going to be sharing a brick or hurry holds of cocktail whether they've got a mosque on you know whether you tell them that it's illegal so to have a mosque on or whether it's legal to have a mosque on it isn't going to have an effect what it will have an effect on people peaceful protesters who have genuinely just mix and so on of losing their jobs are being targeted by pro Beijing pro China bugs going out and processing peacefully it seems to be targeting the Rupert people maybe so maybe so but think of the language that we use in this that you using the. Pro. Are described by you as thugs and I know it's within the context of the demonstrations are good but who are legitimately. Protests now afraid of their jobs described by you almost as if you know them and they then they're not doing anything wrong and I wonder whether we've gotten caught up in. Whether you're for Beijing supportive of Beijing or not in this where is we've lost sight of the original reason for these protests which were . To demonstrate against then should dish and those who would see Hong Kong painful being tried in China are effectively for crimes that has already. Been withdrawn by the administration so these cruises on about anymore they're about some no no no I think. I don't I mean I think you're misunderstanding about these protests are about I mean the process again the process began as a protest against an extradition bill but the build up towards that protest has basically been. You know sort of 15 years of. A centrally people in Hong Kong I think quite reasonably saying you know certainly certain certain promises essentially were made when Hong Kong was transferred from from from being a British colony to China that certain things were would happen including They would be political reform and you know without them without essentially making tomorrow's you know for 15 years. Beijing has basically sort of said said we don't want to talk about these things so the so there's been that the other element to understand of course is that. Beijing is is at the moment I guess redefining the the Chinese Identity is that imposing a a. View of China which doesn't cover late with the view of many people in Hong Kong and you know Indeed many people in the Chinese diaspora. And it's also a Chinese identity that is very much tied to I guess but the and not only tied to but defined by the Communist Party now Hong Kong is a city which is essentially made up of refugees again many of whom actually fled communism who who identify Yes as Chinese but do not identify as Chinese in the way that that the Communist Party is imposing at the moment to accommodate the government of China and Hong Kong is to China we're going to speak Can we listen to what we are not disputing that but what we're saying is that in 1907 there was a genuine concern that. There might be an embarrassing handover not only an embarrassing hand for Britain but there might be an embarrassing handover for China because of course if China has taken over the Hong Kong and you had a situation as you had for example in Shanghai when many people a century rejected and failed to recognize the you know recognize. The Chinese Communist Party the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party may things would have been a bit embarrassing to say so you know what was essentially agreed and this was something which you know certainly my family bought into it you know we you know I'm not anti communist spend in in any way you know and I want you know I want to believe in China and what you know the reason why we stayed stayed in Hong Kong to 97 was we look to try No he said you know for all the things you know about that we don't like you know we see the glass is very much being. Half full and we want to believe that China is converging to 2 I guess certain international norms you know that China is is moving it's progressing in a way which is annoying. It was not perhaps in hindsight it was not but we know what I would say to people who say that is well the you know frankly China has changed very very fundamentally under this current president I mean I think you know we have seen a real such a crackdown on journalism a crackdown on civil society in China you know China in many ways has actually reversed I think under siege and ping and suddenly I think for many people in Hong Kong who want to believe in China the glove doesn't look half full it's now beginning to look half empty and that makes many many people very worried. Where does this go. On because well I mean I think you know I think everyone everyone wants these protests and you know. Well what I think I think this is this is the you know the real tragedy the tragedy of the situation in Hong Kong you know the the the process again if if I perhaps come back to to trying to answer you you know very big question before that the process has evolved to the process have gone from. Being about the extradition bill to seeing the way the government was essentially unable to respond to. Public concern about the actual Titian bill that fuel the fear. Within Hong Kong that well you know actually a lot of the concerns we have of very concerned so they say the process then has evolved you know obviously there's there's a motional elements with with with people at least in perceiving the police to be very happy heavy handed to early on you know and I'm not going to take a position on that but you know the perception is there so so there's also a stronger motion element what we have now is essentially a protest movement where you have a minority of people who are acting out violently you know certainly in the images I mean I don't I don't approve the images I mean I find them extremely shocking I think most people do you know but but at the same time with a process that lasted so long that people are getting hurt people are you know there is an emotional element people are losing control they are doing things which I think in hindsight everyone will will regret but but the very sad thing is when you have a problem which in effect is a political problem it's a problem about identity it's a problem about Hong Kong's relationship its own its own constitutional issues as well as its own political relationship with China I'm not saying that you know. The resolution is for China to give Hong Kong everything he wants but you need to acknowledge 1st of all you need to acknowledge that it is a political problem and that actually seems to be beyond something that that on concomitant it can do which is very concerning because you would expect the Hong Kong government to be able to at least. Acknowledge that and of course it's not something historic people which which Beijing recognises I mean Beijing you know all problems that happen in China are economic and social problems is you know you do not have political problems in China so that's a whole the whole comes in this very difficult situation when you know I think. You know there is certainly ways deescalate this certainly a way to to work towards a resolution but it also works any resolution you have to be able to identify honestly what the problem is and politically within China and also politically within Hong Kong. We're really unable to do that so say you know the alternative unfortunately is to is the part of the sea these these process to die out to a degree but at the same time you know the the amount of tension that exists in Hong Kong is going to be a long term problem it's going to be something where you know I wouldn't be surprised to see that you know certainly with the amount of emotion in her in the community now you are potentially looking at the long term instability in homes in Hong Kong long term Axis acts of vandalism and as you describe it isn't and. You know coming up coming coming to the surface. So it's certainly someone who loves hunk only who you know I don't want to leave home home. And. You know. I mean it's it's totally heartbreaking but. Also exhausted is ever the co direction of the home Kong free press was the eyes of the world have been on home calling antigovernment protests in the rug have led to the deaths of at least 70 people in just the last 5 days the figure has more than doubled since Friday as clashes between protesters and police intensified the ministry said and identified snipers had killed 4 people in Baghdad including 2 police officers by Prime Minister Abdullah. He said protesters legitimate demands had been heard but appealed for calm spontaneous protest erupted on cheese day amid frustration over Iraq's high youth unemployment rate is dire public services and chronic corruption is seen is the 1st major challenge to Mr Makki fragile government nearly a year since he came to pass I mean Arabia is a British Iraqi journalist editor in chief at the national and Yale world fellow she told me about what's behind the protests the protests picked up about 5 days ago in Baghdad they had started initially as a response to the decision to remove a bill had the sad news a very important general in Iraq he was the number 2 in the counterterrorism force and his. Patriotic soldier who fought against ISIS but nonsectarian Tripoli Rocky's equally is a very popular figure if not almost like a mythical i probably be patient in the fight against ISIS and I'm after the fight against ISIS the prime minister decided to remove him from his post and put him literally at a desk job in the Ministry of Defense many people read that decision as a way for the prime minister to weaken the Iraqi national security forces and that . For the militias many of whom are supported by Teheran to really take ownership of the streets and the security part of the country the effect of that but it quickly became much more than not and it was against the governing class against oppose a system that is broken against corruption but also against some of the president really against the interference of Iran and the proxies that they control inside of Iraq why the death toll from protests so high the death toll has been shocking to many Iraqis and it's because there has been well there has been the use of live ammunition of gunfire directed at protesters so the riot police and some of the security forces are not using water hoses water cannons they're not using usual you know crowd control mechanism they're treating them like they're absolute criminals they're using absolute proof for and throughout Baghdad over the last 3 nights people can hear live gunfire from different parts there from different parts of the capital city in Sochi some responsible for this will authority surprisingly are saying that it's not that they haven't given that command they're saying that there are unknown snipers and to be frank many Iraqis are not buying that some people say that these are part of the irregular forces that exist in Iraq or are the militias that don't necessarily actually take their command from the prime minister on paper they do but in reality have different leadership a different leadership from the regular security forces the reports that we comb through just recently. 19 people that showed up on the by the rocky miniature do you know anything about. Yes that's also been quite a warring development especially as the prime minister has come out of this speech tonight to go saying that we will take care for the lives the civilians there will be the use of great force but clearly that that hasn't happened and there is a change of added chewed in the last 2 days to try to break the protesters by using excessive force hoping that they can break these protests and to know if you've heard about these are reports of many bonnets lavas attacking major organizations yes several media organizations have been attacked and Baghdad this is part of a worrying trend for the 1st thing the government that 3 days ago was to cut off Internet access because they were concerned about the amount of footage and photos that were coming out especially with social media to record the trustees the happening against the protesters on armed protesters largely And then tonight or we just heard that there have been several attacks on well known media outlets including And our team which is independent media but that is based the headquarters are in the Kurdistan north and part of the country they have a very important often puro in London and Baghdad and they have been covering many of these protests in addition to allow to be a television station which is a pan arab t.v. Station based out of the bay and able to be attacked and a number of other outlets and this is part of the government's effort to try to control the information flow especially when it comes to the number of killed and injured from protesters does sound from what you're saying that this is about much more than just the sacking from politician Holeman is. Absolutely the sacking of the high profile general was almost the straw that broke the camel's back and most protesters by now are not even mentioning him as much as some. From courtesy for a chance about to have a side it really is about coming to a point where where there is a feeling this government does not represent the people they have to remember that in the last election in Iraq last year less than 30 percent voter turnout that you had over 70 percent of voters choosing not to go to the bow because they don't believe in the political system it hasn't delivered for them. When it's one of. The hope had been that the government would find ways to understand the protesters them and to try to give actions rather than words and so far there have been empty promises the prime minister came out and said you know we will have new. Social support networks for the most vulnerable of society really loosely were the promises that clearly failed and nobody is expecting from the government to deliver with required. Fear with a pick and violence is that they will try to break a protest by violence and try to control striation on the ground if even if the security forces are able to do that it will be a short term fix because people will go out in the streets we've had different demonstrations across Iraq in the last 3 years but they've never been this coordinates in terms of many different cities going out protesting and also you haven't had this an ounce of violence where people will not forget you know blood begets blood the not the fear. It's hard to tell what will happen next because there are no clear leader of the protest movement it genuinely is about civil rights activists young people going out and just saying nuff is enough in part because they're demurs are not clear beyond saying that we need an end to corruption and to this broken political system how we emerge from that is unclear but this Friday so far from the government they're not reading the messages right from the protestors and rather going through a very violent very mean. British Iraqi journalist. Will give the week's news from the Gulf let's get the latest headlines from Joan the. Home digital b.b.c. Sent. This b.b.c. Radio 5. B.b.c. Radio one Xtra says its upsets and satins off the cooling off ally the venting bad began last night it was stopped when a man was slashed backstage Police say he was treated at the arena the British government has told the us Ambassador it's disappointed the wife of an American diplomat has left the country after becoming a suspect in a fatal road crash Northhampton ship police want to question her about the death of 19 year old Harry done he was killed in a collision in organist the 2 men have been charged with murdering a 20 year old athlete in a London Underground station last week Tash and Daniel was stabbed at Hillingdon when he was on his way to an OS no match and most students are trying to get independent counseling away from university over fears that academic record will be affected secluding to the support charity off the record which says it seeing hundreds of students every Yeah Dom has the sports lest a manager Brendan Rodgers failed Saturday Manet made the most of the challenge which led to Liverpool scoring an added time penalty winner on his 1st return to Anfield the 2. And Wayne has Liverpool 8 points clear of Manchester City at the top having played a game more and the goalkeeper and says that 8 wins out of 8 in the Premier League this season is due to sheer hard work directories to say about noise into those so there are many Graham paramilitaries so difficult we are doing and working so hard we work preparing all the games and I assume we phenolic our old know we are doing all tour that are gradual from a long time and that were for a lot we put under pressure on the other team when they play against us they want less to say they are appalled by racist abuse sent to midfield to hounds a challenge on social media after the match at Anfield they For posted comments to the place Tottenham's patchy form continued with Brighton something and 3 nil at the Amex Spurs were humbled by buying in their midweek Champions League game and their latest defeat was compounded by dislocated shoulder for goalkeeper Hugo Lloris his manager might see a punch of Tino only we were weak and. Single to the fans for their forwards who can hear you know how they feel but here's a point in the play like the stuff everyone but. A few months ago we were in the dog no need to stay over to try to find the solution we love the club and we need to get going Great Britain have claimed 2 silver medals on the penultimate day of action at the World Athletics Championships the women's quartet 32nd in the fall by 100 meters relay swiftly followed by the men face the USA clear from their fear Michel take a 2nd place Dorothy and Sarge a paddle run exterminate the USA from Britain to turn it sailed it is time for 39 ers The Us Sir Noel's take a stunning victory in a time of 37.11 seconds England's George forward says they won't take their foot off the gas in their final pool match against France despite having already qualified for the quarter finals of the Rugby World Cup Ford says they must maintain the men. Of winning the key for us is to keep our feet on the ground. To show the enjoy where Morales enjoy when to not come tomorrow Monday with the American gymnast Simone Biles will have another new move in the sport named after as she completed the triple twisting double some assault in the qualifications for the Will championships the triple double will now be called the Biles 2 as she already has a tumble named after her and. The former world champion Neil Robertson had to fulfill his world open qualify yesterday because he drove to the wrong the Australian who lives in Cambridge accidentally said he sat nav for the village of bonds. He was supposed to be at the bar in South Yorkshire 170 miles away by the time he realised his era it was too late and he had to call to withdraw from his match that's the latest from b.b.c. Sports this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker. Good morning what's been Authority white nights plus many parts of you can't given the fact the ground is still fairly saturated from the Ranger in the week that could be some issues on the roads and to travel this morning there could be lots of surface water spray rants big puddles and the could be some minor flooding as well Rivers becoming quite swollen through the morning because the rain is still falling let's look at the details starting in the eastern half of Scotland heavy persistent rain this morning just the southeast wind to that To today generally around $1112.00 Celsius across so many cities of Scotland will be staying with 14 to 17 for most of the rain eases off tonight but I'm very windy weather to come tomorrow. Only dead people are allowed to have statues but I have been given one modest to live the long awaited sequel to the hunt maids tale is now available as an abridged audiobook on b.b.c. Sounds I don't want a husband I think they're disgusting returning to get 15 years after Margaret Howard's original novel The testaments follows the stories of 3 different women who take down with me I have made my own leads the testaments and abridged audiobook by Margaret loads of free b.b.c. Up to listen to 5 East Asia on digital b.b.c. Sound system a small streak of a modern day this is b.b.c. Radio 5 a few news culture will be news in the Gulf now with Dubai based journalist Louise Redvers good morning is it morning I said I see you've got you so it's a real live rock it man. That surely this is been a big story had the last couple of weeks. Passed and I offered to go into space she said Wednesday the quicker September t.v. Is National Space Station he is the only the ira to ever be a national He spent 8 days that I asked as he came back last Wednesday to hero's welcome that's been a huge event take. It state evaded even as it got the biggest buildings the biggest shopping malls and now it's the end to the space race it's really trying to go beyond there's been a lot of celebration has Santa Monica straightening his takeoff and his landing in school spending lots of venture such a bit of a night because it's not just been a u.a.t. Thing for a national as I think everybody in the next actually got involved because you know all children at some point want to national they want to go to the Navy so I think it's been a real thing to inspire young people and then they'd actually counting on high school. I would say he's counting on the mission to Mars and 2021 that's going to block the 50th anniversary of them being a founding and they do say that time to plan a little bit further on that to stablish culminate on modified 2117 that's got very big space on bench and. This launch by has to I assess what's really been the 1st big step for them. Agency. They do have a space agency and they don't have to look at ships in the launch pad teehee not suffer because expand a bunch on a Russian spacecraft about attaching had to learn. That 2 year learning Russian tales take off in the mission so. They buy a ticket to go to space a little bit but they do have longer term plans like I say to make this not credible and to establish a colony on Mars by 2170 they tend to fly some of. The roads see. That she plans that she. Held out to him and there's lots of headlines and excitement about it will see how she has thought I guess it's Ok I will come back to that and over time I'm sure. There were elections taking place in the us is wrong. She writes I think close last night at 9 pm This is the election for the Federal National Council the s.n.c. English is sort of like a parliament it's only got 40 seats and 20 handpicked by the voting family Sasha only 20 see a lot for an accent and it's one of h one kind of assistance so if they succeed she could one day to Nietzsche's one can lead about $500.00 candidates in the running competing for these 20 seats but I really need a Nationals convey to say there's a population had just under 10000000 and there Aussies make up about 1010 percent but actually of those only about one starred eligible to play and of the energy vote only about 115000 did that any match this is seen as a big deal because it was an increase in numbers of how miserable dated in the last election. The s.n.c. Is a parliament in that it discusses draft roles and they have to date but essentially it doesn't have a lot of decision making power it can hold the Government to account but it's been held him as another step and in Democratic achievements of the country the one thing it comes to May have a very high sensation of women and 50 percent of the of the s.n.c. Of the model which I think is one of the highest rates globally and set up a small positive but there are probably questions about how represents this is the wider population and that's something that many relationships are of illusion is going on in hotels in Saudi Arabia. Yes something like that she this is a story that appeared in a Saudi needs a home tried and I had language newspaper saying that she and Saudi nationals. To check into hotels no longer women no longer need to show. I.d. Just to prove that the now with them is a male relative so previously a Saudi women have ceased because it's the end hotels on their own. And they have to stay with a male family member but now they can stay by themselves and learn as they see Saudi Arabia don't need to pray the past in the way it is either a family member or the husband and this is a huge thing because he dislikes Saudi it's illegal to have sex outside of marriage and anyway we have to show my chest because when you check into a hotel most hotels not all have child but most hotels are off the I've been after Nash said that when I checked in with my husband so it's quite a big that it was part of Saudi Arabia is to open up to choice they've been out seasonally tourist visas they went x. The dress code for women staging outfits that to put them up for Old Men just for the visiting tourist and the black abayas that been a bit more relaxed as I can stand and they've lifted the driving ban it had all this after China tracked people to come to the kingdom of course one of these called the deadlines happening at the same time that was saying you know a clampdown against dissidents within the kingdom and of course the case of Jock sucky who he was murdered in the in the Saudi embassy he said as chief allies of Saudi Arabia that went into it's quite interesting to see how much they all read thing out to attract tourists at the same time as a let's say the background story do you think that new liberalism is connected to. The need for positive probably see on the world stage as a result of the negative headlines around your wild card charges Rhoda. I think it cost me because I think they had plans to open up they need people to come they need nice change of income all the things we've been excited id as a lucky boy will but it's not going to suffer as a bench trial to the long term to supply their economy and find new ways to make money through normal trade just like the way it's done the way the very big toys to trade halt but often Saudi Arabia has lagged behind in that respect and they haven't been able to attract people because until a few weeks ago I didn't even have tourist visas it was very very hard to visit so now they've got tourist visas and now they have been a bit more relaxed about codes and do this now in the hotel rooms and I think the reform is on its way I think has been accelerated China counter some of the negative publicity that we saw what we've seen from the general. Case that it's it helped the next decade and he's saying look what reason those who saw. The baby that was born prematurely. Well this is there any specific story that sickened a teen a couple Lily had handled 28 red 28 weeks a very very 700 crowns she was she's now my character in the pie she has cheated us the Philippines to us but because she went to trench on a bus she had a baby here that insurance covered the not from the private hospital which cost $20000.00 pounds that's an exchange that is the n.h.s. An insurance the insurance pays confess months but then they suddenly come to any more we have to pay to sell and she any $5000.00. Sites out there in the month which is basically $1000.00 pounds a month so it's not very much a tool she couldn't afford it so she transferred the baby to a government hospital which still cost $900.00 pounds a day that she put in the time but one that stole a lot of money day before she could transfer her they paid hosts of said well we like to pay state to check at the end of September and then we know that we'll get the money she Tom said today but on the face she shouldn't happen money and she was starting to panic that she would get arrested and go to jail because he had really some legal cheating on her check so she was panicking she went to the next question the Gulf nice and she needed a pail and that the 11th hour someone stepped forward and became an unpaid 60000 there in hospital about 15000 pounds she had the private hospital that is pitifully because the baby Alia is still in hospital and she still had laid 1 point one. She's only got a huge bill to the government hospital and the question is he's going to pay about the Alamo should he have to take had a $370.00 collating they should question the n.h.s. That night when you realize how much credit health care costs. Please thank you very much Louise read was that and it's he was making this morning's front pages we've David Wooding political editor of The Sun on Sunday we've gone for a headline on a. Piece with Boris Johnson himself the prime minister in which he say's we'll be packing our bags and walking out on the 31st of October whatever happens and we've got a picture of a suitcase across the page with a little you sticker with the gold stars on one side and a g.p. Sticker on the other and our headline is pack your bags with your spelt e.u. . So that's our headline on the Boris Johnson exclusive which we haven't seen on Sunday this morning and he's Russian economy for you the very yes A's written across 2 pages and what reason he's writing for us is he wants to get Britain's top selling Sunday newspaper and to get the argument across there that he is determined to lead the European Union and that he. Is going to get this deal through it's quite fascinating really because the the if you remember under to reason major in those 2 and a half 3 years and she was prime minister the problem she had was. And she had probably lots of problems for in terms of getting a deal through parliament she managed to create to clinch a deal you can say whether you thought it was good or bad with the European Union and they agreed it but she could not get it through parliament the M.P.'s would not agree to it now what Boris Johnson seems to be doing is the reverse of that he has got a deal which he thinks he can get through Parliament and he's trying to foist it on to the you now in his piece he gives a strong hint that he thinks he has got the backing in the Commons enough M.P.'s of all sides of the House to vote this one through but nobody needs now is for the e.u. . To say that they go. To sign up to it so I think what he's trying to do is to demonstrate to the e.u. That if they agree to this deal he can get it through parliament let me just read you a few the words he said Doesn't he says don't the speaking to his fellow parliamentarians this week he was really encouraged to discover that not all a so recalcitrant and peace from every wing of his own party the Conservative Party from northern islands do you pay even from Jeremy Coburn's own ranks have said that that our proposed deal he writes looks like one they can get behind and he says I salute the spirit of compromise of peace mall Sodje to relieve remain left right conservative Labor who look at what's on the table reflected on what's best for their constituents it's undecided they're willing to put aside their personal beliefs and back the deal that they know will get Breck's it done only problem is that when he announced this proposal a couple of days ago they the Irish deputy prime minister Simon cover me and the European Commission both said that it was not a day it didn't look like a star so really it wasn't a deal that they could do so it will be interesting to see how he can he make that one work what we're reporting on the news pages is that Boris Johnson spent yesterday most of Saturday hitting the telephone speaking to some of the 27 leaders trying to twist their arms and cajole them and persuade them to get behind this deal and that it was best for Britain and he made the point as our headlines say is that they should be under no illusions almost apprehensions there will be no more death he say's no more delay that on October the 31st he is going to get Breck's it done so that means Deal or No Deal David ing of this son and son of the times is coming up to 8 minutes to 5. Sound in his prime minister proudly declared that only his country's 1300000000 people can now. He says he 1st took office in 2014. Pledged to wipe out the practice of $500000000.00 people relieving themselves in fields rivers and roadsides by building a toilet in each of these countries $650000.00 villages but campaigners say more than half of that number is sure screwed up with Jack sim head of the w. No no that won the World Toilet Organization which campaigns for better Senate station across the globe assaulted by asking him whether Mr Modi achieved magma Ganges 150 year old dream of a clean India I think we will withdraw our child. Merely by let's tell people very big numbers and he is really a very rushed I mean. I'm sure a bad b. . That is plucked out for example are the be a royal change passage going to meet a lot of orographic lift our. Pilots mylar we collect the water and some pilot might not be 'd I think eyelash a huge number as a. Pilot has been a chief and. Gave me a lot of these projects I think. 3 it is very possible it is massive. We really rather like. Benchley have to be complete but how much of a problem l. Has been the lack of sanitation in India access to sanitation. With access to proper sanitation in India has been adrift in the world because the population is full latch and it has 600000000 people that don't have a proper pilot and as a lot of open desiccation as well as that the sewage goes into the river to fall asleep diseases through to fly to contamination of what So there's a lot of Levy girl expenses of health care costs not to mention that day it's also really cases going on when women have to go out in the open to traffic and rapid 50. Dollars and for the very least it would be. A lot of modesty and keeping falling look at that and the other issue of menstrual hygiene because it says the pilot in the school that adolescent girls cannot change sanitary napkins and so they were dropped out of school and the poverty Fika competing in both prevention is always cheaper than chemo and all nation are now very easy for us on preventing disease or rather that and curing it because it's hard to throw the doctors and medics another expensive You mentioned that the government will have to also change the cultural practices it's become cultural now. Has it not. Also being in the high timing die from centuries I now that the trend is pilot I think that people will be frightened by those who have piloted and slowly discount it will change you must rule in my life to prove culturally language and try all kinds of different backgrounds so this is a big and that ever I would think that. Other planning. To do such a thing and therefore some infer imperfection to be expected that it should be eventually address and from our imagine that it would take the next 10 years to totally get it right but it is already a big success substantial. Change in it I'm presuming that this is the biggest. House we describe it you know insulation of choices on the inside planet moved in there and that history of mankind this is the biggest. Construction project so I thinking even needs it because. Sick people cannot build a strong nation Elrod have sanitation and hygiene clean water then people would not be having to go to the hospital and do not live long one to date that children become fake they have to stop working and enough income that they and you know perfectly to move the money the poverty pyro go down and they have to borrow money from loan sharks and all crowd other trouble. For having a pilot it's very important but people don't like to talk about it. Since the name of the we're a private organization because whatever you can come about you cannot improve and if you keep silent because it's causing everything then the subject never come to the surface if you talk about it it would drive demand demand would drive supply if you lend people the money for pilot the British or finish it not just as a preventative health food money but also as popularity and we know and I think it is India are the only fish and I'll challenging each other to do better on pilots and their women both a little election from 2 pilots that is why I think our work over the last night T.V.'s and book a thing for the mind for good sanitation conditions is coming to fruition and eventually rightly confused talking about going to the pilot have to become a lawless object. J c w. No that. And the other one. A world toilet. Organization is an issue is a big issue and that's it for our for not for tonight thank you for all of you to part in the virtual. And some people sending me suggestions for things the world famous virtual zeros in Bristol suggested the past we should have a gospel one at some point or other. Yeah would you record drop me an email. You have a gospel virtue to close with your voter thanks very much to all the squad of course can do without them we're back with you tomorrow from one. B.b.c. Nice at 5 o'clock I'm Jane home the b.b.c. Says it's a tad to cut short a Radio one extra lines event in Birmingham last night after a man was assaulted backstage Police say he suffered a slash waited out the arena but didn't need to go to hospital Well Hampton Shipley says it's exploring all opportunities to make sure its investigation into a fatal car crash continues after suspects kind diplomatic immunity in the us the woman who is the wife of an American diplomat is being edged to return to the u.k. To face questions over a collision in August which killed 19 year old Harry Don Here's our correspondent Duncan Kennedy playing the wife of a diplomat when she has diplomatic immunity which in shortcut terms means shares and then from prosecution in this country so unless she decides to come back voluntarily to face this further place inquiry as a suspect in. It will mean that Britain. Through extradition Boris Johnson's urging the e.u. To show that it's willing to compromise on a Brics it deal writing in to Sunday needs papers the prime minister says his proposals are picking up support from M.P.'s on all sides European leaders say the plans don't go far enough new figures show some patience in Scotland having to wait years for dental surgery the statistics were published the Freedom of Information requests were made by the liberal Democrats they and other opposition parties are calling for immediate action our porter is conic Gillis the worst case was in Grampian where someone had to wait for patient surgery for 243 weeks another patient who was also under the care of any chance Grampian was forced to 826 weeks for their dental surgery now the Health Board has acknowledged it's dealing with significant volumes of people out of contract at a local clinic to assessed the Scottish government says it's working to improve waiting times and the Strictly don't say Jane says she's fine after falling during last night's show she's taken to Twitter to deny suggestions she was drunk Dom has the sport. Livable start of the season as unbelievable The Liverpool boss was speaking after their 21 victory of a Leicester and after James Milner had scored a late penalty to see them stretch that gap at the top to 8 points Aston Villa are now out of the relegation zone having knowledge 5 want to Carrow Road and Crystal Palace are up to 4 thanks to a 21 win at West Ham Brighton some Spurs 3 nil at the am explicitly defeated Everton one nil and want for 2 nil nail with Sheffield United in the Scottish Premiership Motherwell consolidated served with a 2 nil win over some barren kill Monaco and won that Hearts on the other games were drawn and England's women were beaten 21 by Brazil at.

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