Today it's the season of goodwill and my mom asked me to pop to the shops to get her a few bits. Now just as I was about to tap and pay for the goods it happened yes the Christmas music started playing stop the cavalry. There was simply no escape as I had to pay for the goods. You do have to do that you do risk a prison term. Since I was on a mission of mercy says Pay can I get an extra life. Although there was nothing you could do about it no where to run. It was fates that brought you and Joe Louis together. Some afraid if you just knew to the show and what you're trying to do is avoid this song between now and Christmas. One of my favorite Christmas songs. Loads of people have gone out over the weekend. Just texted in one trouble 3 Start your message with the words. To. Stop the cavalry in the pub last night. Just a simple as that in the. People saying in at me in the straight. The man gave you. In the since the pub last week starts humming it. That can't knock you out. You can't be stitched up and it has to be the Jonah Louis version cover versions don't count and don't forget the b.b.c. Radio stuck is an absolute safe zone. Now doesn't count if it gets played on another show on b.b.c. Radio like you. Or Susan plays it before me. Doesn't count you still in. The world John and Mal cop says it's cold and dark up here in this morning but I'm still in John again. Thank you John. We should. Let me know are you still in Johnny Gaddar 101-2188 see or text me one travel story start your message with the words whatever you want to talk to me about this morning I am here for you hear those numbers again. Because I'm breakfast 0801 c 1881 channel 3 and start your message with the word Stoke getting on social media b.b.c. Radio Stoke. We brought you the news on Friday morning for the for the 1st time ever North Star gone blue after the general election and now this morning we know that Boris Johnson is welcoming 109 new M.P.'s to Westminster their 1st job will be voting on the BRICs it withdrawal agreement Bill here's what happened last week. Boris Johnson is beginning a new term as prime minister after his conservative party won a majority of 80 seats everyone to find closure and to let the healing begin the Labor Party lost 59 seats across the country it's later Jeremy Corbyn says he'll be stepping down early next year I think the responsible thing to do is not to walk away from the whole thing and I won't do that I will stay here until somebody elected to succeed me and then I will step down at that point in Stoke north it's former Labor m.p. Ruth's mate says she won't walk away I think she has huge challenges and collectively we need to decide whether we have the right to exist or not for me I will stay in fights the Tory m.p. For Stoke South Jack Britain increased his majority tenfold I think organ had a huge impact. He was absolutely toxic on the doorstep but the Labor Party's candidate for that constituency Mark MacDonald has no regrets over his leader I think history will go I will see German court reporter who was an inspirational leader the new Tory m.p. For Stoke central Joe Gideon pits labor by just 670 votes it was a long journey for people to go on from and most people would say I've lifelong Labor supporter you know my parents are Labor supporters. Jack Dowling there the conservatives have a clean sweep in the pottery state north central south and New Castle in Cheshire to people in Crewe and Nantwich dropped labor for the Tories the question I'm asking you this morning and maybe you have some thoughts on this is what's next for labor now you know we do Job Watch here on b.b.c. Radio telling you about work that could be available to you if you're out of work in the area well producer Jack has had a go at one himself. B.b.c. Radio Stoke job watch the Labor Party is making for a new leader you'll be working at their site in Westminster you must be good at working in a small a team shouting skills a strong opinion on breaks it and an intimate knowledge of the Christmas Day t.v. Show are essential you must have an empty cause it's an familiarity with bacon sandwiches the salary begins at $79.00 grand depending on experience to find out how to apply or tell John whether you're getting. Pulled over 800. 8080 making a difference in Staffordshire and Cheshire b.b.c. Radio Stoke is never right don't call in about we can't help you with the job b.b.c. Impartiality and all that however back to reality what has happened to labor or b.b.c. Radio. Has spoken to people in Stoke on Trent about what they think of the Labor Party. Strong awful labor all its life and that's totally to be wiped out but I think the biggest problem was a lot of majority the people didn't like it was a labor it was called being. And I think a bit of a shame to be very much labor heartlands he would Stoke on Trent now it's completely what you think went wrong for the Labor Party down so I guess it's one stance and Bracks. Myself being a mono. I don't I I didn't see Brett says the main issue of previous version of. The policies and it's not just this year that you've decided yes and used to be labor but I didn't. If you were the sum changed why do you think Labor suffered so badly it really is a catastrophic loss for the Labor Party are to not being. The unity. In the Labor Party they were all over decrease because of their background as well didn't help much and he was a lady sure about the bricks it was going to do. I think he was bad for the Labor Government I think he did 2 big mistakes us being the head of the Labor Government and the other one to start sporting back seats I think the people of Stoke on Trent even if he spoke it out you know enough so you know for got to get back seat don't think that's what's on the boat listening to all the talk to Gemma looms politics expert kill University morning Gemma morning what do you think is next for the Labor Party now that the dust has settled just how bad was it for labor and what do they do next. It is a pretty catastrophic loss for the light of policy in the problem for the Labor Party is as we had quite a lot of the M.P.'s say the weekend done and the defeated and pays site it's not just a problem replacing the leader but problems within the Labor Party run much deeper inside the Labor Party really needs to undertake a review of what it actually stands for now so it needs to work out whether it wants to actually carry on top of the thing areas like ours where we're actually still sees itself as a party the working class because at the moment it's very much they need a policy based in the big cities in the metropolitan areas in London in particular and whether it actually wants to govern because the manifesto this time around was same very much as having very strong Leslie socialist policies but were necessarily a very cohesive. Program to government so the Labor Party really needs to reflect on what it stands for what it sees cost of protests and oversee the leadership will be important as well who is most likely to be that next leader what kind of pull do you see them choosing someone from. Interesting way most of the men come to the same aisle so it's their least the next major like policy will be favorable to the Brits probably some a lot Rebecca long Bailey because for many years now we've heard she's someone that Jeremy Corbin trusted she was member the From bench she was the shuttle business secretary so she's got quite good credentials and she comes most importantly from the right from that correct wing of the party not the right wing of the party from the left wing of the policy that she comes from the part that say me we'll start with I'm wing of the party's chairman Bogan but it's likely that she will probably be popular with parliamentary Labor Party and more importantly with the party members because they're the ones that are going to make the final decision on who the next leader is when you speak to a lot of the public didn't like some of the very left wing policies of labor and they weren't keen on Jeremy Colvin So isn't it a bit of a gamble to choose someone with a similar view to Jeremy Koeppen shouldn't they be trying to pick someone from more from the center. For electoral reasons yes they absolutely should but the problem for the Labor Party at the moment is the way that they're organized that the membership have such power and it's the members that will ultimately decide who the leader is as the members you started that Jeremy call been was to be the leader he wasn't particularly agricultural or with the parliamentary Labor Party with those M.P.'s in Parliament but he was incredibly popular with the membership so because the membership really has all the power in terms of deciding who the next Labor leader is it's fairly certain that with a similar membership pattern that we've had over the last t.v. Is it's going to be someone with the same ideological ideological perspective as Jeremy Colvin is going to be chosen as the next leader and how likely do you think is the labor will be able to get themselves into power in 5 years I know a lot of water is going to pass under the bridge between now and then but at the moment it seems a long way off. The problem is that 5 years is very very ambitious the size of the state was so great that it will take a swing of around the same size as Labor had in 9097 to return to 5 years' time so really it's got to be a long term plan of maybe looking at 10 years time before the party can return to government and the process of choosing this leader will be important but really we're looking at the leader also with to potentially take the party towards the more center left so it's going to be a very very long process there are no short term solutions to this always interesting to talk to you thanks so much Dr Gemma looms politics expert that kill university maybe you were someone who switched from the conservatives to labor maybe your one of those Labor members who voted for Jeremy Corbin and will vote for someone with similar policies as Jeremy Corbyn to be the next leader you can get in touch with the show whenever you like our 801-2180 or text me one trouble 3 Start your message with the word stuck. With only one of the 15 biggest cities in the country that doesn't have a Christmas lights with counting How do you feel about that it's disappointing and . You've already got the lights in my can you just use the ones you've already gone . Is the council really short of money we have to make some difficult decisions. B.b.c. Radio Stoke 18 minutes past 7 on the breakfast we'll have a look through the papers for you now let me take a selfie. After this and I just. Inside of the pages of the newspapers this morning there's a story about selfies and how they can do you real damage Jenny I can is producing the show this morning hi Jan Hello is this I mean this affected you apparently carpal tunnel syndrome one doctor is claiming here that there's been a 3rd. 30 to 40 percent increase in cases that he is seeing because of the angle of the wrist when you're taking a selfie with a big smartphone Love Yeah specially the really big ones that are almost like tablets that you've got there is Nick thank you so so yeah I think if you've got a lot to lose now you've got selfie sticks and selfie Yeah plonk things in all sorts of contraptions to take a selfie it's going to take me one of my not yet Ok so I have got the camera Yeah I think this is already good in there. So that my wrist that is quite an angle is there so if I just kind of tweak it a little bit. It's a duty as he really did that we did just take a selfie down as well as high as. Put them on social media and tell them I don't know I have a bad rest actually my right wrist year so maybe that is it that's what I'll blame it on. Jay we're not going to get a white Christmas I know that's why you've made me say I know I know I know but there's an article in the paper this morning all the meteorology people have been looking at all the data for 9 days time that's all it is 9 days. Ago I was there after everything we did do a lot of shopping yesterday to do Christmas shopping over the weekend we got paid on Friday and we saw some of that on line or in actually not sure shops yet hit the high street because you can go into shops because you're out John against the final Yeah did you know I haven't had it since I've been out but you know you think. You are quite absent minded though it might have been on. It because you didn't even realize it was play in the 1st journalistic until someone. Started covering this Plame your out. So it's going to be wet they reckon on Christmas Day there's a good chance of it being wet or. Dry and cold but the chances snow are minimal even money a snowflake will fall in the u.k. On Christmas Day at $1.00 of the $270.00 weather stations snow fall in Manchester and the northwest and around here is $5.00 to $1.00 all the experts saying it will not be a white Christmas. Christmas. Christmas instead. It's like Nativity week isn't it lots of people this weekend last week going to the Nativity. Of their kids and grandkids so cute. There's a picture in the paper this morning of a little girl. Just called a lag. And she's only 5. And she landed the role of an angel that's a good roles a great role in the Nativity. During the Nativity at some point. She developed a sole middle finger on her right hand. Now a mum was in the audience of course watching so what do you do when you go to a saw a middle finger and your mum is in the audience. You show your mum. Your saw little thing. There's a picture of little I am holding up a middle finger to the audience. I love not just briefly. She held her middle finger to just as an angel in the density for 20 minutes. 20 minutes the audience was just giggling the whole way through it she stole the show in the wrong way. And. Jen's going to be an elf in just a 2nd you can hear what happened when she tried out as an elf with Santa and everything that's coming up in just a 2nd after Stephen tells us how the roads are looking out the m 6 doing now heading north Stephen still queues of 5 miles John Burns always have now reopened 12 through 13 free lanes of the 4 remains shut since all right about 1050 minutes or so ago due to over running road work so travel times now at 20 minutes traffic tries to improve on that section but the story further north between 13 and 14 the 2 Stafford loans are the inside lane was shut there for a breakdown that's now being fully recovered recovery of a minor accident continues only a $51.00 included word as you approach common lane police are on scene directly traffic for you as our recovery work takes place in busy westbound on the 850 coming away from May now towards either way around about to join the day road anything else will number 801 c 180. Mr. Morning Hope you're Ok 23 minutes past 7 on Johnny because that breakfast from b.b.c. Radio stout Jordan from bottle says morning John I'm out John again because I went into as the yesterday to get some bread and it came on it up in 30 seconds I would have avoided it this is just how fate can throw you together with Jonah Lomu We've got actually a little song for the fall and coming up in just a 2nd producer. As been well hard at work spending your license fee on putting together I am and am style rap to the song Stan of all the people who have gone out so far is a work of pure genius you might well get a mention if you've gone out of John again and you've messaged me in the last week or so so a few years ago Jen is still with me I went out about for the breakfast show to elf Skoal Alton Towers it's one of the most humiliating things I've ever done the video is still circulating on the Internet when you search my name it comes up it's humiliates on top the other day didn't it yes a date I think someone resharing me shared it is so good I was so embarrassed by doing this video that I thought you know are I'm going to send you out today. Classic classic So this is what happened when I did it yes I did qualify and yes it was ridiculous. You. Can work from everybody. To be pretty. Good to my next 5. Know that you. Know how they say they. Don't know what it is not quite a word. So I've forgotten just how ridiculous it was probably in the hours though Alton Towers I also has done a brilliant so I had to go on so it seems quite surreal isn't it the whole the whole kind of experience Alf experience but also I think I did pretty well I think I'll make quite good out will be the judge of that. Mistletoe delay at Alton Towers but I have 2 lovely elves with a. Jingle a in suitcase going to put me through my paces. Oh yes absolutely yet to learn how Spain elf so well she's the 1st thing I need to lead Oh I think we need to start off right at the basics you distributed out I think we need to do a little bit off else in fitness Oh yes absolutely bring up ready for Christmas is a bit of a shake that lack of those candy canes thoughts it oh yes fill the boxes and shovel the reindeer pen you shuttle to tell us focus sucks pick up the Senate you know Hilda sex hotel in the chimney how you get will be jetting ready I don't run tight so we start with some briefings that. Ok so we need to practice our waving now the fast way we need to practice is the most a bullshit when it comes to Christmas think some. Truth. In the Gulf but only when the o.e.s. Where we felt well you know one where you need where with your albums where you heard. We were young it's on notice the word hope it's not the full mouth wave that you're about to fall off way find out the biggest complaint yes I was the next thing Ok we need to practice all rapping skills quick to the last shot. But I managed to go so young I'm dropping Wolski Sarmento now for not much help yet can be and here I am was no biggie that's what we do with 2 journey to get to the gals so far Love it love it right to the action. Come. On you're having a fight of quite a lot of challenging gifts to wrap so as we can see here well we got to go late we've got the 1st born to play a little sick a. Corkscrew Oh. Don't have don't don't don't don't don't. This is enormous This is basically a piece of a roller coaster track a Wouldn't yet we want you to think Jenny. We've got some generic wrapping paper. Already sold around the way so how do Elvis rock because this is a this is a hard rock you just have to get sucked in and hope for the vast numbers of patients that are on the. Set He prayed over God got some trick. This Sellotape everyone at this paper of every fire is Ok I was pretty rough and tough. But this is a strange it's a leave a little bit out maybe they consider time. I think. Yeah we've got the roller coaster track what is next. But the one thing is. Going to do. Well I want to me. To decide on the good latest and if. It's going to. Be fairly good natural about wrapping a roller coaster track. I mean yeah it was honestly it was ridiculous there was literally solitary at Rock and paper it was just chaos is great it's great how you have to be very extra Don't you think I was a very extra extra is the word extra Yeah fantastic later on we've got Santa on the shop. And I he's playing celebrity birthdays against me this morning he's taken time out of his busy sched you'll come in and play some. Pretty birthdays and you actually met Santa didn't you as well yes ours Yes And one of his many layers so for me yeah we are going to have all of the latter failing to Christmas a 6 think the December b.b.c. Radio 730 news and sport next gens here with today's final top 10 a bit of a supply teacher feel today I mean we are. Feeling quite all Thora through tive good wrongly. Top 10 today I'm looking for the top 10 t.v. Christmas specials as voted by the Radio Times dot com readers the top 10 t.v. Christmas Peter specials Jan I've got news for you and your supply teacher but we did that last week No you did do it did we lay We did it last week Christmas specials. Going on sorry say again after Homer hands up here John because I was asked Has it been and I checked with a number of people here and we all came to the conclusion it was similar but hadn't been top 10 to Christmas t.v. Specials we did it last week and I probably took parts Well right we're going to come up with a new top 10 in the next 3 minutes or right Ok. We can do that together supply so far so got 6. $731.00 using spore comes from Lee Thomas an 18 year old man from Cheshire is cheaper for magistrate Syncrude today charged with the murder of a 15 year old schoolboy the body of Alex Rider he went to Holmes Chapel comprehensive was found in a lane in Ashley near nuts for it on Friday morning more than 100 newly elected conservative M.P.'s including 2 for Stoke on Trent Swann for Newcastle one for Crewe and Nantwich will be welcome to Westminster today they could be asked to vote on the Prime Minister's Bret's a deal before the end of the week after parliament officially opens on Thursday Labor could have a new leader by the end of March the party's general secretary says the contest to replace Jeremy Corbyn should starts on the 7th of January and health bosses across North Staffordshire say they're working hard to get as many people home for Christmas as possible role Stoke hospital usually discharges 100 patients a week but there are plans to substantially increase that over the next 9 days. Today's big stories from still exactly incredible d.d.c. Radio stuck sports. Fans Stokes who helped England win the Cricket World Cup has been named b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year the award decided by a public vote represents redemption for Stokes he was cleared of a freight following an incident outside a nightclub in 2017. He paid tribute to his teammates and individual favorite teams and the best thing about that is you get to share special moments with teammates backroom staff and management who make days like we had in the summer possible. Receiving this award not just by myself without the office that you put in the summer I wouldn't be doing that Stoke City midfielder Jordan cousins of minutes he's relieved to be playing again after one of the hardest times of his career Cousins has played in Stokes last 2 matches after not featuring in the league since August and he was named man of the match in Saturday's draw with reading this is the Finn and I want you know I want to be a plan for what I said in previous interviews but one of the toughest times of my life you know what you've been around the team and I'm running squad but you know I just got myself right to myself were mentally worked hard showed the graph in order well get a place in the team I want to just replace Faye for me and give me a chance John ascii believes there's plenty his poor viol players can improve on after Saturday's goalless draw at Crawley Vale at 10 thinly 2 and haven't won a league game in the last 3 I just may need to control the game for longer periods that's the main think little bit more movement from players movement there were many early on in the season we're not as fluid as we were before us patches during the season we've got to keep working hard and if they keep doing the right things eventually come right crew Charlie Kirk impressed manager David Art's hell with his performance in Saturday's one all draw against Mansfield the 21 year old been a key figure this season and are tell the holders he's going from strength to strength or Charles the best player on the pitch I thought it was the more creative you get in the tie at the poles with a rocket. You sell the goal is one of the sister I thought was really good you know if you're going to score a goal in the last half an hour is going to come from your side the pictures show up and drink and in the Premier League. Manchester City 13 nil away to ask Tottenham how to late to one win awards and Everton drew one all Manchester United and you up to date 735. John Aiken is at breakfast b.b.c. Radio Stoke. Morning 735 your weather today we are going to get some sunshine today apparently often dry and fine with spells of sunshine around may turn to hazy in the afternoon breezy at times this morning but light winds 7 Celsius 45 in Fahrenheit saved. That's only the 2nd time I did the 2nd time of ever sneezed on the radio that. You know when you think of a sneeze Yeah it goes away yeah that's a thing isn't it yeah I didn't Oh no he just. I did cover my hand by that I think of my mouth. And generally it's unclear in the May The pollen count very high Yes very very high spikes what it is with the temperatures 0 so we are going to get some Mr Fog patches developing tonight and we might well get a frost tomorrow just for it's going to absolutely Baltic tomorrow and we might get some late light rain and drizzle for a time as well mainly dry but chances and drizzle for Celsius is the high tomorrow and just f y I the sunrise at the moment is 820 around here and sunset 7 minutes to 40. It's not much light at all is it Jan Hey now I might have made a mistake on this by the top 10 thing and Jan. Did we do the top 10 most viewed Christmas Day specials or did we do this is different isn't this is this is the favorite Christmas t.v. Christmas specials. We did it by the Radio Times we all use waited we did audience didn't we yeah they got all around in NY it was it's a marginal of course a marginal don't upset you John it's Monday you know you couldn't upset me it's impossible. Should we go we're not going to go with then top 10 Christmas specials so they're not based on audience figures they're just based on what we think was good what's been voted for as they wanted as a favorite as Cathy v. Christmas special all right I stand corrected Are we ready. To go 1st Okey dokey. Ok Only Fools and Horses has got to be in the. Number 2 good for me and I will say. The more common wise Christmas special not on the top. All right surprise is there anything involving no lemons and Mr Blobby in their circle the early ninety's I mean the show pay but not top 10. The office yes. The Office Christmas specials number one yes but I want to. Can we look ahead to one that will be but isn't yet I know what you're referring to you don't want to. Have don't want Ron on that I'm going to go with Governor Stacy Yes Christmas special 2008 I think Can't wait for that you can't wait until you hear this one. So easily to one up yes I need this than. Best Christmas specials of all time. Mrs Brown's Boys. It's a good man somebody to talk to. So you've got we got 3 you got 3. 777 sat and mole on a slate this list is so easy to fill just think of all the Christmas specials that are on all of those channels play all the older stuff Yeah Ok t.v. Yeah you'll get a $101.00 to $1.00. Is after a phone number of you think you can fill this top 10 before the 2 before 8 o'clock this morning or you can text one trouble 3 Start your message with the word start league it says victory music I want to. B.b.c. Radio we've got some problems on the m 6 the small inning How's it looking now Stephen still looking slow John but so much improved north on the m $612.00 through Thursday and got to be a 5 absolute stop at south of the a 449 This follows 3 lanes of the 4 remaining shut until just after 7 o'clock this morning for overrunning road works from overnight looking busy on the a 51 flew through Clifford's word possible g.t. One x. And there's a common light couple of vehicles involved in that collision a busy south now on the day right now as you approach the by. Would write about G.'s the road works and if it also 801 c 18080. B.c. Radio Mr. Coming up later here on b.b.c. Radio Stoke Perry speller and Liz Allison here from 9 o'clock with what's the year the Spice Girls The Verve an old saints in the 1st half hour Edwin star Nina Simone and the Isley Brothers in the 2nd half hour that's 9 till midday today with what's the hour between what's the what's the year between $9.10 in that hour John is a breakfast from b.b.c. Radio state we pay our respects to the fallen in John again and trying to avoid hearing stop the cavalry between now and Christmas day very soon but 1st we're hearing this morning about Boris Johnson welcoming 109 new Conservative M.P.'s to Westminster amongst them several from North Staffordshire of course where the conservatives made a clean sweep last week north central south in Newcastle in Cheshire to Crewe and Nantwich they dropped labor in favor of the conservatives the question I'm asking you this morning and maybe you've got some thoughts on this is what next for labor . What's happened to the more b.b.c. Radio. Has been out about speaking to people across the contract to ask them what I think happens a labor. Strong awful labor all its life and that sort of only to be wiped out but I think the biggest problem was a large majority the people didn't like it was a labor it was called in and I think a bit of a shame to be very much labor heartlands he would Stoke on Trent now it's completely what you think went wrong for the Labor Party down so I guess it's a one stance and Bracks. Myself being a homeowner. I don't I don't see breaks as the main issue we've both labor so I go because the policies and it's not just this year that you decided yes and used to be labor but I didn't. If you were some change why do you think Labor suffered so badly it really is a catastrophic loss for the Labor Party are to not being. The unity. In the Labor Party they will all be different because a bit of the background as well didn't help much and he was a lady sure about the bricks it was going to do. I think use but for the Labor Government I think he did 2 big mistakes us being the head of the Labor Government and the other one is that sporting backseats I think the people of Stoke on Trent even have spoken out you know you know for got to get back seat don't think that's what's been the vote. More from clients and he is a labor activist and he is on the line with us this morning morning Dave good morning now the dust has settled over the weekend how you feeling about what happened last Thursday and Friday so early down really a series where you put it have a listen to what he was out in the streets and. Say barely touched on most of the things I just you just may miss those activists. So we. So the governor has to gather and says Well why do we go from here. A lot of 8. As the people expected touched on what the problem was it was breakfast obviously. Eventually leave concision city. And of course those people decided. Once Tory what do you think they beneath to do next what kind of leader the thing you need well. We both agree in some degree that we need. That water is not left wing We don't want to Jericho being too. We need somebody who's centrist labor at least central maybe Center has somebody like Johnny Law. Who feel like was. It was more sense oh yeah last left wing and so on the trouble with that is you know that a lot of your fellow members of the Labor Party you want to vote someone in who does lean more heavily to the left yes not so all of those I mean I'm been a member for the spot 50 years and there are a lot of people well when I go to meetings if you like the people in New Castle and it's probably $6040.00 for the eligible guys if you like so there's a lot of those Laborites were around during generally a successful government. Of the ninety's. The support that. Yes you're quite right there are a lot of the younger members on so much know some of the younger members of course on more left wing. Dave thanks for coming on this morning pretty appreciate that Dave Baird more from Clayton you can chip in 201 to want to see did you switch from Labor to the Conservatives do you agree with what Dave had to say there you need someone more in a tony blair kind of mold of labor to ever get back in the Potteries here in Stoke on Trent 801-2188 is our free phone number on John Akers at breakfast or do you think from now on your Actually you'll stay blue you'll States or you might have switched but that's the way you'll vote from now on let me know this morning we're going to have a look through some of the showbiz stories that are making the newspaper headlines this morning including a new number one which could be number one for Christmas coming next after this. How you getting on only 9 days left to survive on John I get and. This is from Rob from new says hope you well John I am mourning your right I'm still in John again I took a big risk going to the Tesco where Lee Blakeman caught you. Keep looking at shops and thinking Is it safe. And what happens if I go to see Dan in the Panta will they be playing it there I'll have to call ahead. We're going to see him tonight Dan. Thank you Rob from blood and well done still in. The from staff it went for a day out in Stalybridge little. On Saturday and stopped over a friend's we did 5 pubs and I managed to Miss Joan the song all afternoon went back to a friend's house who decided to ask Alexa to put on Christmas songs I thought without it now thankfully Alexa play did they know it's Christmas about 10 times and not Joe Louis. On the way back to Stafford yesterday we had Radio 2 on because we couldn't get radio start reception despite numerous Christmas songs we still never heard the song good news I'm still in. The bad news is that you may get sued by Jonah is no. Station seems to be playing this song maybe everyone is getting merry Christmas. If you didn't really need. Well done for still being. In check in people. Desperate to survive. To survive. The. Very. Of the. Classic. Christmas scared of I'm ducking and diving to avoid stuff. Don't want to get caught . She was safe but you can no longer smile. From kids she's no longer in. You know the blue. Was out of the care home. Switching to Radio 2 at night and if you change stations you know you can no longer because we know the radio safe zone this whole game is sending me a little bit screwy to go to bed and I'm dreaming about. Home and it's doing my head in only 10 days to go. Another week and I still ain't heard it you know like I didn't want to get caught out at Tesco Roy thought he missed it packed his own band with tools but when the hearing it in the warehouse lose. Wish he hadn't set foot in the Marion factory shop at the Christmas markets feeling proper. Until a festive. Trackball there was anger there was ts. Got caught by a drive by walking on West want to break down and cry and went mentions he heard it in the pool tried to put his head under the water to avoid it before. The radio Sam was in pink. But you won't get me that there is no doubt in the background. If proof. That producer is a genius is. Will play again lights are on did you get a mention let me know this morning this is from Phil Wainwright Nash bank he says and producer Matt I just wanted to say a big thank you obviously since the 1980 s. And never have as much as the guy and in dimensions he put tried to put his head under the water for 3 minutes to try and avoid hearing Jonah Louie stop the cavalry I'm still in it by the way Merry Christmas to all of b.b.c. Radio thanks again for making me smile says Phil this morning is the intention fail and thank you for listening to John Ickes at breakfast on b.b.c. Radio stag right then well out of the weather forecast in just a 2nd quick look through some of the showbiz stories making the headlines in the papers this morning 1st. The u.k. Number one. Is by the debate. Is about sausage rolls again. Well. I think it's brilliant I think of themselves from last year I think is so good Jenny is producing today she's with me so baby with Christmas number one last year of course is real name is Mark oil and along with his wife they stole into number one ways I love sausage rolls on Friday night to raise money for the food bank charity the Trussell Trust but streaming means rivals It's close the gap this week just 2000 copies separate number 2 storms e with his ed sheeran and been a boy collaboration. And Wham's Last Christmas which is at number 3 and Ellie Golding's River which is at number 4 baby has another reason to be placed because Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is at number 6 I think it's amazing they see what they do is number one is number 3 Yeah that's amazing they keep him off the top spot Good luck to them this Friday. Love sausage. News if you are lucky enough to have got tickets to Glastonbury or you just enjoy watching the bring coverage on the b.b.c. . Will be playing the main stage this year on the Sunday night it was revealed over the weekend should be shaken. Off Point Oh my God. This has been voted as the best finale of a t.v. Series of all time is the last one in France. I. Tried under. I won anyway. No no the word God that you think that you get off the plane and. I got off the plane was. The way Jazzy was the flight I have cried so many times. How many times you see and then she got off the plane she got off the plane just brilliant saw a blizzard at the Weather Center she got off the plane. Start watching friends it's like it was brilliant wasn't it didn't take this in a. Song or if she's here with the weather she's seen with the weather just. Got off the plane don't worry and we've got to tell you a bit of a better day today there's a few showers that have been sort of present overnight they're clearing out of the way now so the skies will gradually start to clear further across stuff a chair and Cheshire and a daytime temperature today of 7 or 8 Celsius and the breeze sort of easing into the afternoon too and then quite a cold night tonight but there's a very sort of weather things going on overnight and we will see the start of a frost temperatures going below freezing so around minus one also some mist and fog developing as well so some very dense fog conscious possible 1st thing tomorrow morning and a weather front moving up from the southeast which will also start to increase the cloud and give us a bit more of a gray sort of drizzly day tomorrow so it's going to quite misty I'm a 3 Tuesday feeling colder as well with highs around 5 Celsius thank you sorry she should go she did this the weather Foreman is on b.b.c. Radio star This is John like as a breakfast morning did you watch sports personality of the Year last night I absolutely made up because you know I love my cricket. And it was a cricketer who won Sports Personality of the year. Who gave me one of my favorite t.v. Moments of the year. All over the front pages of the papers this morning the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year went to England cricketer Ben Stokes. He was the all rounder who was man of the match when England won the World Cup for the 1st time with a dramatic victory against New Zealand laws it was just thrilling. He also hit number 135 in the one wicket 3rd Test against Australia at Headingley which I think been even better. Many took place in Aberdeen last night thousands and thousands. Pay tribute to his World Cup winning team mates and individual. Teams The best thing about that is you get to share special moments with teammates. Who Make days like we had in the summer possible you know I'm up here receiving this award not just by myself. I wouldn't be doing. The trophy was delivered by the former Welsh rugby player Gareth Thomas who cycled there for 500 miles from Cardiff to Aberdeen to raise money for Sports Relief I met some people who are so inspirational but only inspirational because they benefit from Sport Relief and the money that people donate so for me it's all about people realize in these people out there fight to keep inspirational people go and soar That's why I wanted to bring the trophy I wanted the people the real inspirational people. England one team of the year. 11 time Paralympic champion Tony grey Thompson won the Lifetime Achievement Award. Has the power to change the world to my family. And helps change my life. Thank you for putting up with me and I love you thank you very much. Real inspiration Tony great Thompson and in the public vote Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton came 2nd is not used to that for the 2nd consecutive year amazing achievement really from him while sprint to Diena ashes Smith was last night on Sports Personality of the year and could be watching it stay this afternoon on catch up after I finished off a bit of Christmas shopping the softer name our top 10 today was a good one it was the top 10 Christmas specials of all time let's have a round up shall we well you got the top 3 between you and Lee did so the office Christmas special came in at number one number 2 Only Fools and Horses number 3 government Stacy Christmas special from 10 years ago Ok the new one Derek in Preston is giving us a call 801 c 188 he says is the Vicar of Dibley and yes Derek for. A also says only falls and he says The 2 Ronnies Christmas special not on the Livingstone morning Lynn Hope you're Ok have a Christmas Eve Ted that's pretty. Late as number 7 is it Maison the Vicar of Dibley Christmas show says day from Stafford Frank says what about the royal family Christmas special number 5. Ok To be fair then they've got all they're almost there so many of them have to give us a top down so the office Only Fools and Horses governor Stacey Christmas special they could do play the Christmas lunch incident as a great Christmas special Well family Christmas special number 6 the good life silly but it's phone number 7 Father Ted Christmas the tat Yes classic number 8 the League of Gentlemen you'll never leave Number 9 black out is Christmas Carol no one but yeah I just saw. Number 10 dinner ladies Christmas and Minnelli and we will play again same time tomorrow here on b.b.c. Radio stoked. Jan thank you very much coming up that was the Strictly final last night talking of good t.v. We'll be talking about that after the news on John I was at breakfast from b.b.c. Radio stove. Difference across. Mission. To Radio Stoke. It's 8 o'clock on the b.b.c. Radio state news comes from Lee Thomas a teenager from Cheshire is due in court in Crewe later charged with the murder of a 15 year old boy follows the discovery of the body of Alex Rider in a country lane in Ashley named nuts for it on Friday morning the 18 year old accused he's from the nets for the area he's also charged with possession of a bladed article in a public place Alex Rider was a Year 11 pupil at Holmes Chapel comprehensive The school says it is open today and will be offering support to people's. Boris Johnson will welcome more than 100 new Conservative M.P.'s to Westminster later as Parliament returns following his general election victory he'll address the u.n. Taken many of whom come from former Labor areas sink leading to from Stoke and one from Newcastle M.P.'s will be sworn in from tomorrow the queen will set out the government's programme on Thursday Bracks it legislation could return as soon as Friday the B.B.C.'s Norman Smith says it's a busy shuttle deliberately so I think to convey this idea of momentum hitting the ground running not waiting until after Christmas before getting on with anything the other I think pitch that Boris Johnson will make to his M.P.'s today is a message of delivery the need to make good on electoral commitments and to show they're making good very very quickly Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce has told b.b.c. Radio Stoke It looks forward to working with new local M.P.'s following the election it's after reports that businesses in the region have been hindered by uncertainty caused by the Bracks it process chief executive Sarah Williams says she's feeling positive a. Moving forward we've now got a cohort of people who we have to develop new relationships with and work out how we're going to work with them but I'm sure we will work effectively as we always do with our employees but I think all the wide thing in having such a majority in the House of Commons now means that we are on a definite timetable leaving the 31st of January the water regulator off what has told companies in England and Wales it wants household bills cut by an average of 50 pounds a year by 2025 Some are expected to appeal to people have been questioned after more than 6000 pounds worth of stolen clothing was found during a vehicle stop on the deal road in Stoke on Trent Police say the arrests were made yesterday with the driver detained on suspicion of a number of serious offenses as many patients as possible will be discharged from Wirral Stoke over the next week and a bit to get them home for Christmas the boss at the Royal Stoke hospitals told b.b.c. Radio Stoke it will substantially increased his charges now from 100 a week it usually manages to pull by the way is the chief operating officer u h m m it's the 1st time in probably a couple of years that we've done a real told 1000 system act it where everybody is involved it's not just you wait the whole system has come together we had about 40 people in our boardroom all working together to discharge patients Prince William has revealed he talks about social issues including homelessness with his children as a young boy his mother Princess Diana took him to the passage homeless center in center.

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