won and it's gone secret like she's not a good interview said that one guy actually cried directories for griped Yeah because you know it is a package 6 inch scan wall and then put time sinks and thanks Chief 36 of paid for my only issue is this morning Mitch said I'm going to get some the dog food today with about 10 pounds off Dr vouchers on here with. Yash 10 pounds off you know you can't game the price where is it I And how did I It was on here where is it was and pipe is sitting on here. Oh I probably put in the recycling bin why why would you bother me so I do see now does likely look like a bomb but if it was do you put 10 pound note simply cycling I mean routinely do you empty matures wallet and put the money in recent years later look Plus he's heading to how well you did I know no he wasn't happy with me 10 pounds and put it in recycle is not the 1st time that I do remember when I threw away we were going for a weekend to London general and I accidentally threw away the train tickets. To me I think I put them in recycling I mean the positive is I can go high today in trying to get them out if Recently I could try and find hope in the not you know song this is the good thing with recycling is it means you have got tomato and egg all over it yeah yeah so this is so there's a positive to be had I wonder what is the best thing the best. Thing that you've thrown away yeah because my mom oh my goodness my mom threw away her wedding dress accident an accident you know it was in with some clothes that she was giving to the robin by nuns who come around it was in a big old suitcase. Dresses right ammonia when addresses not dislike you know pop star the and she realized after they gone are my wedding dress was in there and there are things which I will not know where again. So what is the best thing you've thrown away if you've got a store you could text as a warm travel 3 star the message with the word stone cold stone is up 101 to 18 like this new from teen is the way I feel anyone tempts like b.b.c. Radio stack. Well they said you were wrong. Thing. To do it was no sign of all of the. Story of. The mix. To cut. Your. Ultimate. You can listen back on b.b.c. Sounds if you missed anything keen that is on b.b.c. Radio style because someone broke down on the m 6 southbound if you go past stuff it hits one line close to is line one out of the story south between 14 the staff and north of 30 the staff at Souths at the minute we've got some delays that it's pretty sluggish actually southbound on the I 500 if you coming from sound if it still turn off towards Will Stanton so heading in the direction of static and coming for chi bridges Well the a $53.00 can sneak green Bottomley coming down towards the compass traffic lights pretty slow there at the mini It was nice to win that game. So early if ever given a moment's thought to think what it's like when you 1st get elected as and then pay will the 109 brand new M.P.'s following the snap election just the other day and they'll be beginning their new jobs this week in fact going into Westminster for the 1st time yesterday at the Conservatives had a landslide victory in the snap general election and all the seats in this area and now blue in North Staffordshire in South Cheshire So what happens to their old jobs and what's it like going into work for the 1st time or Johnny has a break for spoke to Aaron Bell he's a key. Said the m.p. From Newcastle on the line to find out about all this my mind just for the last 13 years has been 365 essentially software for them designed a lot of the work we did the. Price up sporting events things like that fortunately I have to take my company car back on Sunday so that's one of the downsides of winning is the quest means is that you lose your company car for the job used to have you have to have a new month and then when you're not count what you do in the scan the bus everywhere well done thousands of trained hours along the them then obviously to get around but I've asked my father in law to help my wife pick out a new car this week and hopefully I'll be there when I get back so how did that conversation go with Peter Denise and Chong coats Oh of the I mean they're not necessarily politically supportive and I wouldn't presume to know their politics but I think to be the last stand the Labor supporter they've been incredibly flexible and supportive of my missions and I know them enough for that and of course for to do for the you know the local economy and with jobs that they support there so you know I was absolutely wonderful time of it 365 you know in a sense I'm quite sorry to be leaving but obviously I'm excited to be down here serving Newcastle now Aaron said to literally on the day you get elected cause you got my want your office until the morning you might have an inkling in the house that you're going to get elected to it you have to ring up like that morning go well you've probably seen the news I want to be in the infirmary what's the deal well my boss was kind enough to defer that call until Saturday. We had a lot of cigars and congratulations by them and you know it was always the I'm not going to have to do to the others isn't it you know I think it's time to move on but. They said the other thing they knew I was quite likely to win. You can see that you can see that in the price but obviously you don't know the law is coming because we've had a lot of shocks in previous elections and he was taking it for granted or the shaving I was getting to him it's a weird one isn't it in a way if you just look at the job of an m.p. Because you know those people that were in jobs before Paul Farley and Reece me think heiress now and now effectively unemployed you know they've been made redundant and do they go back to what they were doing before can you pick up your career afterwards it's a strange job if you like in inverted commas in that way. I mean obviously people retire. Slightly different position to go out and. You know I wish them both or the best of whatever they decide to do you know that there isn't much job security and you know it's a good thing for all of us remember the bosses are the voters you know I know if I don't live in New Castle and if we don't deliver for the country then the same they pollute voted for me they will vote for somebody else in 4 or 5 years time whatever it is. You know that's part and parcel of it I'm afraid you know there isn't that much job security event people who thought they had job security labor and didn't got them turns out that $20000.00 realities can disappear just as easily as the small ones now so. I'll never forget my job to the people who voted for me. And you know that that was something like I keep in mind every day and I'm here and also when I'm in the constituency can you listen to how it felt going down to London yesterday in the 1st day walking into the houses of parliament that was like . Well I think it's completely hit home yet we haven't done the swearing in yet which I think we probably the vibe it really hit me that the Count it was a moment in between when they told us the result back stage which they kind of do 'd and then announce after the. You know emotional sense that and I think when it's 1st time in the chamber today are we just been to shown around the the Palace of Westminster and got ourselves our parliamentary you know laptops and things like that today we're going to go in the chamber and elect the speaker that will be the 1st you know the 1st sort of normal role I take as an m.p. And then by that today or probably tomorrow elsewhere in which you know again I think will feel like about a happy moment and the other the responsibility of what I've taken on will really be a time then I think yeah must be absolutely surreal having seen it on t.v. And to know the history of who sacked. In the various seat some of those benches it's going to be a really weird feeling I guess an exciting failing Yes it is I mean I I am excited I mean I do so like I said because that you're opposed to maybe just off of the council something that you know I do think doing this and this one though you know always always remember who put me there. It's just. You know it's a very exciting feeling in that you know the under 1st conservatives represent Newcastle 834 years so you know this is I know I don't get too political now because we're talking about you know the excitement but yet there's so many there's so many of my new colleagues who represent places the choice 'd of never represent you know places like Sedgefield only and obviously my colleagues in stake John and John Johnson and Joe who got elected as well you know we've got a real 'd responsibility to deliver for people 'd that have never voted for us before 'd they've put their trust in us for the 1st time and finally to do me parse Johnson I did a lot of just put a selfie on Twitter for them yesterday came and spoke to all the new employees and he made the point I just made that you know the party has changed we've got so many M.P.'s from the middle in the north and areas that we didn't have in place some before 'd and we have to deliver sort of a blue vote it was for the 1st time politics to one side it must be very exciting thrilling and scary to walk into the Great Hall of Westminster there for the 1st time I think well this is this is on my shoulders now and then you've also got to spare a thought for for the life of roofs meet those people who lost their seats I read somewhere that unless you want to high flying politicians he's on a cabinet seasonals always on Question Time and on the Today programme an issue very high profile he's actually negatively affects your employer ability afterwards because many people regard you as a bit of a troublemaker and then start if you want in a politician. So and I don't know how true that is been documentary I had the piece I have while that's something you never anticipate. Because if you if you're if you've been prime minister of state for some great big department you can write your memoirs got mild a little bit on the lecture circuit that was Erin bell if you just waste on the could serve it if m.p. For a New Castle under law in. D.c. Radio stunt travelling. 21 minutes past 11 Perry still in Liz Alice with you on b.b.c. Radio studied Stephen how we can. Now there's a bright down leads closing one lane now south on the m 6 so that's looking slow between the $14.13 the game it's a stop it sounds I $34.00 down to the ball for 9 Inside lines up for recovery and on the southbound side of the road silk used towards the right works the basket around the basket Likewise for the right about now which only a $51.00 at the receipt roundabouts amber lights are in operation and if an. 801 c 188. B.b.c. Radio Stoke. Go away from the creator of p.t. Blind as I chose not to go I am I at the coldest of Christmas I. Am getting that you. Just stick to crap you buy because it's true to tell out. A question Miss Carol. And not like you and the school starts next Sunday night at 9 on b.b.c. One and on b.b.c. I Player. You could treat this. Because the style. They. Play it is. With. The. That. 6 1 week away from Christmas see Brenda lay rocking around the Christmas tree b.b.c. Radio. And so we talk about things you throw in a way that may be of value the best thing you've ever thrown away obviously by accident this is all this is a wound from Tim in Clayton I want trouble 3 stuck stop thanks he text best thing my ex-wife throughout my stamp out them it would be worth a fortune today a Q e 2 with Concord. Going over it to 966 England win a stamps also she threw out my vinyl eighty's mint condition. My vinyl so thin your pain is a valuable collections worth a fortune these days best thing she threw out me. When you say she threw the stuff out was it all pass throwing you out is that they all get not but again you pressure all them to accidental. Maybe it wasn't accidental this one is all because I think I've gotten chucked out 10 pounds off out Shifa dog is a bit miffed this morning where he only Yeah I think it's likely I'll try and find it but previously accidently thrown away our train tickets to London for a weekend away brilliant Yeah and my mom an engine accidentally threw away her wedding dress how do you do this I mean you just asked me off air Surely there must be something Perry you've thrown us in no I throw things away any your way the whole Well I'm borderline Hold on hold line you could say but the thing is I'm careful with what I throw away I do check out on what I agonize over what do I need to know or I mean Amy will tell you I this is why I've got stuff in my house that I can't get rid of that I really should you know I think that's probably listen I'm going to get that 6 now I think that's a bit of a male thing isn't it Yang on stuff this could come in handy so it's close without any. Songs because no number unrecognised I think this is what this is this is and like so not all men obviously but I think men have a tendency to go on you never know this might come in handy this is why you have the man draw put those put those bits in there you never the rainy day the rainy day you never know when I might need that bizarre sort of Keel something that Azhar screw that's never going to be used ever again. Best thing you've thrown out tax troubles for a start you message restyled maybe someone else. Or phone is up I waited wanting one I think. On the. B.b.c. Radio Philly than you've got to swish dog on a dog to city keys a wiring 2 rides in book no less if you lived in down there is that I knew a Christmas party for patients this loves talk to us to hold a Christmas party for you patience hopefully all of you move quite. The word spread disease while the well warms who will mostly turn up but yeah this lunchtime between 12 and 2 if you're going to see the show today you know you can be just 3 social media at b.b.c. Radio a study coach with his attacks across trouble 3 and start your message with the word stuck some simple minds on the way this is to really. Think. It's all. Good. Told. B.b.c. Radio Stoke is to start now right Perry's going to talk about. I was going to pick always odd wrecks from school she lay is not fading so I've been a little bit Polian of the weather recently so hyper he feels better saved so you just don't with me now is just me and if you did just catch the end Oh just just part of Og James Fallon interview earlier on it was just after 10 o'clock is the neuroscientist who accidentally discovered that he's a psychopath one of the worst cases he said of of a psychopathic brain that he'd seen when he saw resigned brains being a psychopathic laughed it off and fascinating really fascinating and tomorrow he tells us how to spot a psychopath that's just up to 10 o'clock tomorrow but if you didn't miss your on today's weather listen back probably I'd say without blowing our own trumpets it really is all the most fascinating to me as we've done and you can listen back to anything you miss on b.b.c. Sounds if you just look up his dot to type in Perry. Come up so just go on to b.b.c. Sound online or maybe get the app on you fat whatever. It You radio stunt travel. 980 I think my over the cold coming on Stephen. Audi pulls ahead side of the m 6 looking as it may well lengthwise 14 to 13 to stop at times out of 34 times was a 4 for 9 right down on the inside line for now me safe if you want Q.'s that's due to the right place the receiver on a bad time provides for an operation every she's the I 15 doing fine on the trains and if Phantom had a b.b.c. Radio stack I always wondered why. Thanks b.b.c. Radio style Thanks seem to be staving that's what I'm going to call him from. Coke when I did is probably. The best of the guests on her and I mean she's a big celebrity she talks a lot of normal fog. I think that when she gets the best. Dykeman B.b.c. Radio. Doesn't often snog at Christmas Stories trending at the moment. On the b.b.c. News site brags that bill to put time limits on e.u. Trade talks to move comes as M.P.'s gather for the 1st sitting in the new parliament after the general election you can employment falls to the lowest level since 1975 and Love Island hosts Caroline Flack stands down. Yalla t.v. Presenter Caroline Flack is said she is going to stand down as host of the upcoming series of Love Island after she was charged with assault in a statement she says she did not want to detract attention from the new program which will start in January i t v says it will remain in contact with her over the coming months about future series is the B.B.C.'s entertainment reporter is a member last week though reports of an incident where she lives in London and since then she was charged by the police with assault by beating mail and she will appear in Magistrates Court on Monday in connection with that particular offense obviously this is a program that is all about relationships and is a very very popular program with a great influence on younger viewers it's been getting something like 6000000 viewers a huge proportion of which are from the younger demographic and put that in context that's more than often watching a program like a soap like Eastenders So obviously she's been charged with a very serious offense I think she and i.t.v. Will presumably have taken the point of view that until that is all resolved one way or another it would be wrong to have her presenting the program of this magnitude on one of their channels it's worth carrying on for people who aren't that familiar with this was going to this is the 1st time Love Island is actually happening in the winter obviously people remember it as being a big summer program of those months and so preparations will already have been well underway for the 1st winter series of blood volume which Caroline was due to present which starts in January of 2020 and will be filmed in South Africa. Who is going to replace the new series of love on the dirt. You. Dressed up with right. To give. Me a. Week You. Me I. Take you to school on the b.b.c. Radio star you go to sleep instead of Paris he was here. A little bit it was morning is normal for what's the year 2 years in the morning with songs like they go out. Way I. Go out. The brioche. Wow big. And. Sad. Music. At the beginning so maybe. She's. Bringing it with in the morning from 9 o'clock I'm going to see my yes. But still I see still from day it was See this link to it this morning on the pavements not me I'm. Just morning to you guys. Standing still in the to the radio enjoy single but. The Beat. Music what you. Click. On b.b.c. Radio stag anybody still doing the Christmas shopping maybe a Christmas shopping right now literally into us throughout the day as well today. 8 seas music if that should thank Chris de Burgh of Rolling Stones with his eighty's mixtape thrice a keep us on. Some as back to now raw festival park with the car park now you cannot go in and out of a calling the engines the 1st engines it moves a lot but it could your memory speak chaotic to a Christmas time Joe they need to improve next to my humble opinion the want Trent value the Springfield that needs another entrance flush I guess it doesn't. Really Help long to you know where you go or where you got the toy shop and he came in a lot. But these and other entrance exit as well not be nice early Christmas present if you don't know any problems out on the road so if you stuck in any shopping traffic give us a ring 801 too you want 88 b.b.c. Radio Stoke watch Alton Towers is looking to recruit staff for the 2020 season they need staff ranging from animal information hosts and wardrobe assistants to right trainers and lifeguards Alton Towers recruitment staff will be at a number of events in the new year the 1st of which is on Saturday the 11th of January 10 am to 5 pm at the quality hotel in making a difference in staff. Well I squeeze in another song before Louise styles that will make it this one small thanks is a cheeky. Move Richard said. a woman was. This more I says it can't be busy writing I say Penny Stella and Liz Alice although not Perry spell asset because his lad's not well so that's actually guy Paul I finish I pick him up from school I guess they will have him back in the mornin and ugly right now it is only mail that we've sent from his account because he left himself logged on so we sent a few to the bosses to say how much he loves them and stuff is pretty standard isn't it Now we started on the way shaking Stevens the want to know Lady and music from Shat and song Walk a commit. Suicide. Mission. B.b.c. Radio sky. It's 12 o'clock with the latest b.b.c. Radio Stoke news his Lee Thomas Boris Johnson has addressed his cabinet for the 1st time since the election telling them that voters have changed the government and his party for the better he says it's now time to repay people's trust we should have absolutely no embarrassment about saying that we are a people's government and this is a people's kaput. And we are going to be working to deliver on the priorities of the British people the 1st 100 days were very busy 140 days or whatever it was you may remember was a very frenetic type but you ain't seen nothing yet. It comes as the government is to pass a law to prevent tempi extending the Bracks it transition period beyond the end of next year Labor says that raises the chances of Britain leaving the u.s. .

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