Well when he was not in the 10th round for most a lead to balance his work is needed to make boxing safer and paid tribute to days kindness positivity and generosity of spirit this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound. On the other main he joined for the rest of the night with sympatric out in the West chilly in the north later in the day most areas has seen some sunny spells showers they will continue to feed and these will be most frequent in the south and west season. The radio. Show is your place to react to the week's On digital and online broad sharp We're up all night there was a place we used to go on family walks with a good chance of seeing a red squirrel how exciting this was to us there Luke by followed say if we catch a flash of red squirrel show the pine trunk sometimes we could be lucky and see the squirrel just sitting on a branch tough to the ears prick still looking down on us last time I saw 2 squirrels playing around a nest and box just. To watch them for 10 minutes easily and the good news is that red squirrels are being real. You surrounded Dorna 1st by a group called Woodland Trust Scotland charité cheese from by. Dr Karl has somehow managed to get over his jetlag well enough to come back and answer science questions Hello hello Dr Arden Luckily thanks to a conversation that you know I had a few years ago followed up by some people from a Formula One racing team where they have to ship billions of dollars worth of equipment around the world every 2 weeks and they gave us the cure for jet lag I am fully here in Australia having been in London for the weekend and have no jet lag and let me point out that with regard to the cabin Miles let's just talk about that yes to Ok. Air transport uses generates about 2 or 3 percent of the world's carbon dioxide roughly equal to what is generated by shipping so I have contributed to carbon emissions by flying to London and back for the weekend however. 10 percent of carbon emissions come from wearing clothes we want to wear clothes we need to wear clothes for protection against the cold in the heat the difference is I still want to wear clothes but I want to change the system so the clothes a made without burning carbon and I want to change airlines I want to change the system so that we can travel around the world without burning carbon so I admit that I am burning carbon and I am very proud of greatest good for what she has done and as an overall fault I want to change the system a can be done basically the airplanes would have to give a half of the passengers space to fuel Hodgin field because got a very low density right and it will mean that the cost will change but the true costs of it transport have not been paid for by anybody except the environment in terms of global warming and we need to bring the cost back to the consumer and I'm happy to pay more if that's the process needed to make it right did you have to say there was a story and I didn't really look into it about airships writes I was saying that airships could once again be you know the transport of choice. There are certain places where it is ships Excello So on average with God to transport roughly $4000000000.00 passenger trips to take in each year and it transport is essential for Comus airships could fit in when you are not Tom sensitive when is the so much of a rush bearing in mind they're not that good when you've got a big fat storm coming at you and you can't get out of the way that quickly but the issues have a definite place in transport for fright but also with regard to delivering goods to a specific location that doesn't have a runway. The lending is so much easier so there will be a place. Here the example of birth bands who in the year 888 in August took the car without her husband's knowledge and load up with the 2 sons and wind on the wools 1st road trip and like all road trips there was a little bit of a mishap here in that now that we haven't got introduction to my guest so I'll just say she of quickly so she went on the world's 1st road trip and it was a bit of a problem because firstly there were no roads for cars there were no road maps so she went a long way there was no petrol stations because there were no cars and so she went from chemist to chemist buying up all the bins in the car didn't have a petrol tank the did have a large fuel bow that she kept on filling up it didn't have a sealed right at us and she had to stop to get water it didn't have an oil pipe it had virtually nothing and she had to along the way invent the world's 1st proper break by cutting up a handbag and using the leather to make a proper brake shoe the point is she meant to do the world's 1st road trip and we went from 0 cars to a bunch of them and we're going to go from 0 patrol stations to 0 again and listen a century and a half. And so we can do the change with airplanes we do with cars but this little way for me let me talk a bit about February I'm very honored to have today Professor Claire Collins from the University of Newcastle or new Eve as we say here in Australia Welcome Professor Collins Yeah thanks Dr Cullen Hi Everyone there are bring the baby say hello Cler. So clears got. Your vast knowledge of nutritional story dietetic knowledge because anybody called sells a nutritional to become a doctor Titian requires a study and especially being on the going today and talking about that in various. One of the big popular but are they called the diets the crazy dollar Taddei says he wants a fad diets that have a 2 year old. Well oh well really how do you do call ins a very nice area with us thank you so. I don't know what Carl's talking about I mean we've done we've done various stories about it about diet so over the years but is there anything that isn't a fad diet I mean do any diets actually persist over time if you if you take a diet as being something that is supposed to you know increase some days health. Well if you if you want to know about experiments where people are being put on a diet then there's one approach that's called the dash diet which comes up you know trumps I think I think it actually righted number one in the world evaluation of healthy dietary patterns that people have been put on to for experiments and the Mediterranean diet was another one but the dash most of the healthy diets try and increase the amount of vegetables and fruit the amount of whole grains the amount of legumes you know so good old bag brains lentils and thing and other products like that swathing kidney beans and also to try and increase the amounts of nuts and seeds that people are eating while reducing the amount of red made in particular so that is a healthy diet without being on a specific diet o.s.a. One of the easiest ways to make your dietary pet more healthy is every time you go into the supermarket or the veggie and fruit section 1st and put in a couple of varieties that went to new trolley the week before we did this interesting analysis here in Australia we've got a big study called the. Study on women's health and the women were asked if we could link their answers to their questions to the Medicare data Semitic here in Australia it's likely n.h.s. So we know how many times people go to the doctor and how much the health care costs and what we found in our analysis is that women who had the biggest variety of vegetables over 10 years of Medicare data they actually had significantly less this it's to the doctor and less health care costs so being a big vegetable variety Ada actually makes you healthier ever so by having a dog rich in different types of visuals of fruit Yeah they had lower health costs to the community Yeah well Congress would tell you that a government connect to make things. Happen this way the net by applying leave isn't one of the leaves would be to give subsidies to the fruit and vege to make it cheaper knowing that the cost of the subsidy would be would be far outweighed by the reduced financial costs to cost them a lot if another way of doing it Dr Coll is to in areas where vegetables so available or they more expensive or the communities where they were is people's incomes Aloa if you can subsidize it in those regions as well and it could work out cheaper but not in the 1st week nobody followed it over the years and the government of the nation and the people are here for the rest of their laws for a long time so it's a good long term strategy and one of the interesting things is that there is seems to be additional benefit from having the variety of vegetables and fruits and grains as well and the reason for that is you know vegetables and fruit it's not just about Tyson even though that's why people often eat them because they said they taste yucky but it's all these fighting you turns so there is vitamins there is minerals and then all these other chemical compounds that can have positive the thicks in your body by improving things like you immune system your ability to handle glue cuz in your blood or to make it work a little bit better or that can actually improve the way the body can attack cancer cells for example and heal itself with injuries all those fightin you tree and the bigger variety of those you get from having a big a variety of vegetables the better you'll have real health Wow I had no idea just my such obvious sense for the government to subsidize vegetable and fruit vegetable cause they're low everywhere in the country because in the United Kingdom in the USA in general you're pretty close to a major center a struggle Yeah quite different we've got a tyranny of distance with a vast continent and very low population so to work at cheaper both in. The USA you can. I just subsidize visuals knowing that that would reduce the overall expenditure of the study Yeah that's right but the u.k. You know you know like us here in Australia in that there are you know villages where people's income is not high where there's more unemployment and I did it in July and out in some of the country towns and I noticed that the supermarkets I thought the variety of vegetables and fruit had actually decreased compared to you know some years ago say 5 years ago and so I think they need to be thought that on that yeah you need to make vegetables and fruit more available and cheaper process but I did love traveling through the east right now back on one occasion we rolled into a little town and they're taught in toy a fruit and vegetable supply with potato Yeah that's good I said to get if you want to fruit of vegetables your only option was potato that's all I had. Shows been that you know the kingdom in the us i talk to road. Yeah as well as interesting is that because the I've often thought you know British choice of vegetables and British availability of good vegetables is better than it is in the USA even though you go into all these stores and you look at the the wonderful array of the wonderful looking already of vegetables you get right down into it they don't taste anything like as good as British vegetable British Reds we've got we've got really it's takes a lot of beating. To stretch my in the you know I don't believe in him now in New York continues or a lot of local supply so that way you get a great variety in what people eat as opposed to getting from some mass China gets delivered by big trucks of a not across the country sides grown in Mexico and then then shipped 3000 miles or whatever it is which goes back to your other argument. About carbon emissions and so on let me just give people a number for your questions on it and we will quiz start to call a little bit sometime about what he actually did when he got to London 8505 If your text poll had a b.b.c. Dog u.k. If you listen to this on the podcast which we will promise to put up promptly in response to requests and the number as 590-9693 so they have it and. I've a question I'd like if you can you to think about questions for our daughter Claire tonight because she's here and she is a dietitian and you never usually shy about coming forward with questions about about diet and health so let's have some Dr Simon Sheffield asks us is there a limit and I think I know what he's thinking about is there a limit Dr Carl on how fast you can run a marathon. Right because we did have on the weekend the number being taken for any a marathon from over 2 hours to just under 2 hours right Ok well in a straight physics yes the limit is the speed of light I can't ride let's get that out of the way but it can you run the entire 42 kilometers of whatever it is of a marathon in one minute no way so I think what we're going to find is a slow and diminishing improvement so instead of the improvements being in minutes that end up being in tens of seconds and then down to seconds and gradually with time the improves will continue as the Human knowledge of athletics increases as our ability to genetically mutate people also changes so we can give birth to children that will be just down fall marathon runners and also with what we know from the sport science and nutrition so it turns out that marathon runners have different got bacteria the elite marathon runners and they respect here catches the lactate turns it into food that they can burn and then shoves it by their bloodstream I did not know that like tight can go from the blood supply into the got beaten by bacteria and incent back as a bunch of Fed Iesus back in the bloodstream even they metabolized So when you a burning sugar Well it's a bunch of say 6 carbon atoms in a ring there's energy joining each of those atoms together you break up the ring into 6 individual carbon atoms and get all that energy and then you get rid of the carbon by marrying into oxygen so you make 6 molecules of carbon dioxide and they go out through the bris and you end up with getting a lot of energy. But if you're getting exhausted if your blood vessels can't deliver your heart can't live if your lungs can no longer deliver instead of breaking this big molecule of glucose into 6 individual little Tawney carbon dioxide odds instead you break it up into 2 molecules called like Tide like the gas it and you get a bit of energy and it turns out that in the lect I goes into the God and then the marathon runners they've got extra bacteria zealot marathon runners I mean anybody who can run a marathon is an elite runner compared to me anyway I mean why they don't just sit down and have a nice cup of tea I don't know but anyway they decide to go and have marathon and then the extra numbers of bacteria break down of like tight turn it back into so some sort of fatty acids that then go back into the bloodstream and they get an extra boost so. That we can see improvements but it's going saw men. Going to tile off I think there might be another sudden jump when somebody does some fancy genetic engineering I don't know what that would be though Dr Clay could be thoughts on that yeah I'd say they like self selected Have a nice have the more that they train the more like Ted a valuable said the more that would have reached those particular bacteria to thrive Aussie reckon that probably the fish and the like cause and effect Ok so you're saying that maybe all of us have got Mark romance of these bacteria but yes not just dumping lots of like a tight like to get said yes and you got they then brew Lawson for the numbers the holes the little group turns into a vast Traub a nation Yes So you've said now they can grow where in the most of us that the pretty wealthy. Never would have come that run I got I was wearing weed sleeves that went from his wrist most of the way up. What was that about I think I was I don't know the answer to that. Was that to do with monitoring his. There's progress or also might have been a smart sleeve. Yeah I thought it might have been to stop him losing too much fluid . Then had to drink as much because it was so highly engineered that rice every little micro thing that might you know give him a few more seconds advantage I actually thought it was probably for that so he was still able to cool his body with some skin exposed but it probably would have lost lots of fluid through his forearm so that's my thinking it was to help him with hydration so I worked out his average speed and tried to do it I could just barely almost run this average speed for about 10 seconds and he kept it up for to how it's amazing isn't it because you can see some people doing that along with sod lines trying to run with him and then struggling. You know after a few 100 meters I can even do it 1st he could do for 2 hours what amazing it was a really good it wasn't it was fantastic to watch well we think we have a call. And Jonathan is calling us from find out Hello Jonathan. Of all John welcome to the show thanks very much. Like a lot to. Dr Ronald literati. No g.s. I was in a side question. And I was waiting I was thinking what is what is the survey of doctors practice of doctors. Of doctors. Well done Dr Johnson. Thank you very much that was what I was thinking Oh yeah I'd like to get my real question now. Ok yes please Ok I got a dietitian on I've been having a debate with a friend about the giant tree value of fruit and vegetables and she she told me one day that eating cucumber had no touchy value which really upset me because it's I mean I really love to come back and I'd love to come but. I've always had you know . That a. Great idea. And also to research when I asked a question he said. Apparently Lachish takes more energy to reach it came out of it . So what would you could you give it could you give us a general idea of what vegetables have no joy actually. They're not going well I'm just not that's a really good yeah that's a good question because all vegetables and fruits do have dietary value there has been research looking at where the celery it's the one vegetable that people said oh it's got negative calories because it takes more more energy to digest it than is in it and that's actually not true someone actually did an experiment on that and Liz is relatively low in Killer jewels Now the reason why they're picking on poor old cucumber is because it's like watermelon it's pretty high in water compared to some of the other vegetables but it still has dietary value they all have fiber in them they all have a range of trace amounts of vitamins minerals trace elements and then this other bunch of chemicals that we call fight or nutrients so some of those fat and you transpacific roles have have started to be discovered and some of the roles include things like they're able to regulate the anticancer pathways or some of them are able to this the immune system so you know the biggest challenge is that people do not 8 vegetables and fruit your statistics in the u.k. Nearly as bad as I think it was it was actually here it's only like 7 starlings in a 100 actually get to the right number of civs in fruit that we know. There's been lots of studies done that show that people who have the highest vegetable and fruit intakes actually Ellice likely to die from anything and then list likely to develop things like type 2 diabetes so I think you don't have to ignore a friend in the. Story about this which you can find on the a.b.c. Home page so go looking up a.b.c. Dr Karl and celery and I have the numbers in front of me from the story over. About 10 years ago celery is not a 5 percent water 2.2 percent digestible carbohydrates and 1.8 percent indigestible carbohydrates fat and protein forget it nothing so the digestible carbohydrates 100 grams of celery give you $32.00 killer Jools the indigestible carbohydrates well by the time they get to your Ballo the bacteria will ferment them so you get 16 that means you get a total of $48.00 killer jewels which is not a big number but he had 48 killer jewels from 100 grams of silvery now the energy needed to process them will be 4 killer jewels you still got 40 for a small number but it's not a negative number so you do get a few calories will kill Jules from eating celery and one thing's for sure if your mouth is full of celery there's no room to stuff in that he kill Jew food like chips and hamburgers I don't know how the guys with celery or can I ask your daughter Claire about lettuce. As are different your traditional value to different kinds of lettuce you know there are other small you know tasty leaf lettuce or something like that compared to the big and rather kind of woolly ice year that Ryssdal Yeah there is small differences in the nutrient content so we probably mostly think of fall 8 and vitamin c. And father when we talk about lettuce but these are the fighting you trance that have unusual names they're more the ones that will vary and some of those compounds are the ones that give it flavor but for weight is the nutrient that's most important and mostly found in fresh foods and full light in a strategy away was so getting so low and full light that it got added to bread making flour so and the reason why fall that's important is every time a cell divides and you make new d.n.a. You need some felt like they needed to protect. You genetic code and here there was an increase in this condition called neural tube defects said things like Sera ball pulls a and since we've had fall like in our bread making flour way back in about 201112 we've had a drop in year old to day fix so most developed countries now do put far late into bread making flour because people are not eating as much fresh food as they used to when these medical conditions are increasing Well I want to thank you start to get a real flood of questions now on on dietary questions keep it up it 5 or 5 it if you would be very grateful for that it's coming up to have parse tree we're going to give Clara Dr Carol couple of minutes off in the we're right back with them. On digital b.b.c. Sound last week number. Is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live that's 330 it's time for the b.b.c. News with Nick creation Thank you Rod Boris Johnson will travel to a crucial summit of e.u. Leaders in Brussels later as efforts continue to secure a break since deal acceptable to M.P.'s it's understood almost all the outstanding issues have been agreed but the g.o.p. Is still seeking assurances about proposed new customs arrangements the m.p. Louise Ellman has quit labor after 55 years arguing Jeremy Corbyn isn't fit to become prime minister she says she's been deeply troubled by the growth of anti semitism in recent years which party spokesman says the data is determined to root out. The u.s. House of Representatives have voted overwhelmingly to condemn President Trump's decision to withdraw American troops from northeast Syria the actions open the way for Turkey to launch a military offensive against Kurdish fighters and the family of the man who created the plastic bag say he'd be shocked and upset to see how his inventions been treated stand good stuff to the Ins design was supposed to help save the planet because too many trees were being cut down to create paper bags is a sport now Katie Smith says he women's manager Nick Cushing says he's not feeling the heat after office chemistry has secured a late away goal in the Champions League last 16 tie says he lets in control bad settle for one all draw to Janine Becky's early goal was cancelled out by the Spanish champions I actually think the away goals only really matter if you go ahead by 2 or 3 or if you score in the 2nd lag like out let's go this was a scorcher when it was a mountain to climb in a game we were planning on to good teams and I don't feel the pressure one nil to 11 want to meet a result was our. Prague $50.00 in their 1st leg and Scottish champions Glasgow City with 2 no winners in their 1st like tie against Danish side Brumby is out of Manchester United's Premier League meeting with leaders Liverpool on Sunday he's still recovering from his foot injury keeping the Heia is also a doubt for the game while League One side Sunderland to set to appoint x. Bolton boss Phil Parkinson as their new manager later today American boxer Patrick Day has died at the age of just 27 is 4 days after being knocked out in a fight against Chiles Conwell in the 10th final round his Our correspondent Michael Patrick day on the went emergency brain surgery at a Chicago hospital last weekend but never regained consciousness a statement released by his promoter looted Bella said the boxer passed away surrounded by his family close friends and members of his boxing team at 27 day went into the fight for contest rated number 16 in the world by that. B.c. In their latest super welterweight rankings the bill in Chicago was promoted by Matchroom USA and Eddie Hearn who says he's devastated Charles Cohn Well in a letter he wrote earlier this week said he would take it all back if he could. Elsewhere Ronnie O'Sullivan is Teresa the 3rd round of the English open after beating China's one season by 4 frames to 3 Sullivan has been critical of the Katie leisure center again this year saying the conditions all good enough for the tournament he admits he shouldn't compare British venues though to China because the budgets of very different there aren't enough money to make everything good so the vet to come. In China they don't have to cut corners you know they can create wherever they want to so I understand the reasons why. It comes to money in the. Budget just trying to please everyone you British number one Don Evans is out of the stock Open tennis he lost his 2nd round match in 3 sets to Sabean Phillip Crane of it and there were 2 medals for Great Britain on day one of cycling's European track championship it was Silva men in the team sprint and a gold for Emily Nelson in the scratch race the latest now from b.b.c. Sport b.b.c. Sound download the free b.b.c. Sounds and discover the best. Welcome to our new podcast it's called hooked on it's all about addiction and recovery for a long time I was in denial. And I did yeah I am I mean that's come possibly be it is no more powerful to know and not that isn't in your. Sounds but. This is b.b.c. 5. Ok. Welcome back. For just a moment we're going to have our start Carl about his. Appearance at the Royal Institution I've got a note here in front of me from or in a Welshman along the shore and he says I was lucky enough the other day to your talk Royal Institution where they asked a physicist cosmologist particle physicist and don't. Great Louis a fun double act he said with plenty of science to boot so a very big thank you for me I had a question he said to ask you and Garrett and garage and what's right is with a pint thank you very much Owen a but alas and alack the microphone never reached my hand so I hope you can answer it here on the answer my question is I made up of atoms and free electrons all atoms tend to the lowest energy state of possible Does this explain why I'm lazy. So I'm sure that being lazy is not a bad thing in that book trying to find the most efficient way of doing something often leads to great advantages and so the early. Visitors to a strike the Europeans are the 1st Europeans they thought of the indigenous people as being very lazy because I was so efficient of what they were doing so they would have for example the oldest known structures built by humans on Earth. Fish traps some 50000 years old the indigenous people could feed themselves with fish was remarkably little Leyva simply has they had set up a system that was very efficient and it is laziness or efficiency because if you have the extra time you then do things like poetry and spending time with your family and when Charles Darwin came to a stride have he visited Western Australia and he saw the indigenous people doing their farm stick burning off and he said they seem to do with such remarkably little in g. Just so lazy there were few and also and they had also teaching the children I just walk around casually to during the day just. Putting before stick here and there and then just letting it rumble along and doing it all the time every year so they will you just explain it out a little bit more because having trouble visualizing what they were actually doing with the fire. Well that was sitting far as. And modifying the landscape by setting the Fawaz but not all of the landscape so when the 1st year when the Europeans came here though astonished by the vast. Grassy lawns so grassy loans were a recently recent invention in Europe because if you want to have. Rossy loan you had to be able to afford somebody who could mow the lawn who could saw that you know it's that sort of horizontal blade and there's a lot of maintenance involved so it starts off with a royalty then work down to you know from the king and queen to the less the nobility and fall into the wealthy business people and when I came to Australia they saw a square kilometers of countryside as across the loans and the indigenous people had done firestick farming where. The 3 woods far stick farming where they would sit Fawaz and burn off the trees and then let the Fawas just burn away so there'd be this square kilometer or 2 or 3 square kilometers of grassy lawn and then over the year during the course of the different animals would migrate through and some of them would be exposed out in the open and they'd catch them and eat them with remarkably little energy for our wells friend being lazy and this was absolutely astonishing there's a book called The Greatest state so that's about the grassy Lawrence that just astonished the Europeans when I came here and so Charles Darwin saw the indigenous people making modifying the landscape with he said in a very little labor almost lazy he used the word lazy and just showing that they were being very efficient and working on not just days or weeks but years and generations and thousands of years of knowledge to be able to do such a complex task so when the 1st Europeans came to Australia they would complain that they were taking their horses delivered some of the words of jaws that the horses could was only the very slow walking pace because the ground was so modest she that the horses would sink to their fetlocks and the Europeans came sort of grassy country saw it and then let the sheep was on it and turned back to does it within a decade and so I've driven through the countryside and I've seen just bare rock and sand to the horizon and yet when the indigenous people fall. It was Whitmarsh friends who were incredibly productive says this 56 Army is an example of life and so laziness can be a good thing for that you spend more time with the family and have a good social relationship and maybe even help you come up with the recipient that . Daughter Claire we have a question for you here is rads who's calling us from Newcastle Hello Raj Hello. Where. Persia I say thanks for having me on. Some troubles sleeping. On the radio and so entertaining a job open a sleep timer and keep it going but. Allow the show to go on and the question about. Generally speaking I've always heard it destroys the nutrients if you cook them. On your best of cooking and the one I've heard about carrots broccoli maybe tomato I'll joining it are true friends. Yeah you know you've heard the truth so when you cook vegetables the main ones that get destroyed are the ones that as a the soluble in water said they dissolve up in the water like vitamin c. Or they get destroyed by hating light and again vitamin c. But you can still conserve them you don't destroy all of it so if you cook them for a minimum amount of time so Mark or wave or steam and keep a little bit of the crunch then you retain more of the nutrients but interestingly for some nutrients I'd like a ping which contributes a bit to tomatoes having the red color when you cook it you can just past the civil wars a little bit so that the like a pain becomes more available so it becomes more available with hate and also it becomes more available more soluble if there's a little bit of oil so tomatoes in a salad with a to sell a dressing or roasted up or grilled tomatoes the like pains more available and when you cook them you know I have see how they get that dark red that sort of indicating that the lack of pains become more available so overall having a mix of cooked roar but never overcooked them because when they're mushy that's when the nutrient content will be a lot. More money so you're saying that tomatoes have some good is in them but if you cook them gently and then add a bit of oil you make more of the potential nutrients in the tomato bioavailable to your body Yeah that's right yeah because they're hearing that Raj Yeah because the cooking is helping bust up some of the cell walls so that the like a painting can be released and made available I suppose if you think of it like let's say like a panes wearing a red shirt and standing up with a really crowded people and you push all the crowd apart to get to that person in the center that's like like a pain thing made available even though it's in a busy busy environment like inside a civil war something Rosen kind of thinking. Going to say that you don't have to give knowledge and each individual food there is no you got to do some homework here so everybody does it does vary but I think the main message is having a variety so definitely eating tomatoes and Brock ally and and pumpkin and turnip and Brussels sprouts So having a variety so that and having some cooked some roll some lightly stained so that you get the advantage of all of them the biggest. Here in a stray room which should be the same there is that is uncommon for people to eat vegetables Yeah yeah it's fair it's in Australia it's 7 people in $100.00 the u.k. Is probably a little bit lower than that 787 percent of population Yeah who actually ate and off vegetables and fruit to get the health benefit from them so that's why you always hear that 8 more veggies eat more fruit So one rule of thumb that we used to hope you get the magic number of the day is just draw a line down half the dinner plate and half the plate should be very vegetables and salad and a mix so not all potato but having a mix of colors on half of your dinner plate and what about the old one vigil each color like red and white and green is it a good working 1st approximation a tell you what our mums and dads knew something because that was a rule back then and that is how you get this mix of vitamins minerals and the fight and you tweens like the like payments a fight and you train and like a Pains been shown to be associated with like a lower risk of prostate cancer for example so. Gives a mix of fire and you trans and get those vegetables working to you and for your health Raj another question Raj I was just told broccoli encourages same thing all the. 3 of them roll. Yeah well carrots are high in vitamin c. So. Broccoli is actually even higher environment saving currents actually but you know they don't have to be rule but having them lightly cooked so if you cook something in a microwave it's yeah it's actually speeding up the molecules of water that are in the vegetable themselves and that's how it's cooking the carrots in the broccoli so you don't need to add any water at all when you cook it in a marker way and you can keep the cooking times short and the thing about a microwave is you can control the cooking time to the 2nd whereas when you boil vegetables will stain the me usually put them on and then wander off and get distracted and it's really easy to over cook them but steaming involves less water like less contact between water molecules and vegetables so Mark waving standing if you want to have some of the Roar you can stir fry because then you know cooking them for is long and you get some that are big roar and a bit cooked steaming preserves more of the water soluble vitamins Yes Does boiling Yes same amount of time yes and when you cook them as you're losing the cholera That's a rough rule of thumb for how much nutrients you're losing your green vegetables become gray probably in fact a lot of a lot of the goodness in them. Thank you very much for all 3 could also ask one more rad Shanks Thanks for the I think that's great let's look at some other people ask questions no saw. The question really about for starting and this is from Mark who says he just finished 512 hour shifts he says only had one meal a day and I'm just not hungry my question is this Ok Or is it bad for me I've lost 2 kilograms since Saturday he says. Well depending on your starting weight it's not necessarily a bad thing you wouldn't want to do that long term because eating one meal a day you won't get all of those vitamins and minerals and the nutrients but it sounds like it's giving him a little bit of a kick start and from the time of your voice it sounds like he's wanting to drop weight given that about 3 quarters of the adult population carry excess body fat such that it's affecting their health then he's one meal a day is giving him a bit of a kick start but the goal would be to get back to a healthier eating pattern that that's giving him all the foods a new tunes he needs to health so in your health system if you ask your doctor in the primary health care he could get referred to see an accredited practicing dietician you call them registered dietitian over there and ask for a bit of a diet check up you know when he's not doing those 12 hour shifts and go a little bit more time Gosh aren't hard graft. Mark Well done this is a couple of questions here which I'm going to put together which are about potatoes and bread This is from. Raymond. He says Is bread bad for you in your diet can you put weight on with eating bread and your diet assuming you're trying to do about it and more says if you cut don't severely on carbs and eat more fruit and protein what are the long term consequences can you be healthy if you cut out wheat and potatoes so sort of the same question but from another. And I would. Wrap all those questions up into really they're about carbohydrate so the world we have this trend towards low carbohydrate and low carbohydrate diets there in the u.k. You've had a number of trials trying to help people reduce their insurance requirements or achieve diabetes remission by cutting down on carbs. It's just being careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water because everybody can reduce their carbs and the ones you want to get rid of are the unhealthy ones so that's things like processed food so it's you know it's cakes biscuits pastries pies it's all the things that come a little packages packaged up snacks it's the sweetened drinks in the sweetened coffees and things like that they're definitely all the carbs you want to get rid of and if you get rid of those you get rid of the junk carbs but you do long term want to keep the healthy carbohydrates so that's your vegetables your fruit your whole grains potato or sweet potato have them with have a potato with the skin on don't have it is fries you know and so that's where I think people get confused but in your health system over there you can get access to some of the trials of these types of diets but it's through your primary care system so especially if you've got to type 2 diabetes again and ask to be referred to the to the dietician through the doctors and they're being medically supervised on some lower types of carbohydrate diets where even the healthy carbs they're just cutting those down a little bit as well the challenge is in getting enough fiber and the reason why you want to get enough either is because the fibers make it to your colon where they get fermented like we're talking about before they produce these fatty acids and that actually drops the ph in the colon and that stops some of the nasty bacteria that contribute to the cancer happening stops them from growing and some of those get reabsorbed in the system and they have health promoting a think like helping with your immunity when they get reabsorbed in your body so don't go no carb I think my biggest concern is that when people go I am doing no carbs except when I'm eating cake in chocolates you know so you really if you want to do low carb it's all of that stuff you were. To get rid of and still have you fruit you Staci vege and and some of the whole grain bread too you know rice with some of the other greens It is strange what you saying because I've come across people who said oh I'm giving up all carbs I'm only going to have vegetables but visuals are carbs they're not they don't know what they saying they don't know the basic physiology in the other one that you just point out America have a few carbs of chocolate Well chocolate is mostly fat and has hardly any carbohydrates indeed So let me just put it the what is a really good place to learn about this is a place called the conversation is the straight inversion which is the conversation to have come to you and Clay has written 80 Professor Clay has written for face our money a medical doctor she's a professor she's written a theatricals full of knowledge with all sorts of links with a total viewership readership of 8800000 so we're all undereducated of live so much from clear please read her stuff and you will learn so much as I have learned from her and the come sessions a fabulous resource this is actually when we start in Australia but there's the conversation u.k. And what's great is if you Google a topic you get the ones from all the World Vision's to say come up if you just Google nutrition you'll find my articles and the articles from people in the u.k. Is as well but it's really a way that we're trying to translate all these complex oncet can be thinking piecing into because it makes sense that that's easy to rate and let me just remind people of your last name so it's easier to find you Claire Collins you want to research on Claire Collins we've got a couple of questions here on what you might call wonder foods or what people are told are wonderful. Trevor from Bristol I was advised to drink 250 c.c. Of probably juice a day to help prevent prostate cancer was this good advice. See the those sorts of advice come from studies where it says you know people who ate more of this who drank more of this or study in rats you know it did something to the cells that help reduce cancer but in terms of lowering your risk for a whole range of cancers there are 7 types of cancers that relate to carrying excess body fat. Yes So postmenopausal breast cancer battle cancer kidney cancer there's a whole lot of them and if in the u.k. If you go to the w.c. Our if the World Cancer Research Fund there's the international of that and the u.k. Arm and they're both based in London they put out fabulous cancer prevention guard lines and some of the key things that is about having a variety of healthy foods so yes have pomegranate juice if you enjoy it but don't go out of your way to buy these expensive super foods because is there such thing as a super food that will do everything in Cure sunstroke syphilis very has bones improve your handwriting is world Yeah that's no such the user except there is one group of super foods and they get you every time you walk into the supermarket and it really is the vegetables and fruit. But unfortunately the poor growers of vegetables and fruit don't have a very big marketing budget so they don't have big signs saying you know these are the true super foods everything in the vegetable and fruit all essentially bad news if you start you supermarket shopping there adding some varieties that you didn't have the last week that's a sure way to jump on nature's super foods and you know improve your health and well being interestingly there's been a couple of studies done that have looked at vegetable intake and happiness and shown that people who have higher they just pull in takes also report being happier and more satisfied with life so maybe their time to spend in the kitchen but actually I'm as well plugged this website called No money no time and just Google that no money no time. Come to you and wave put together a whole bunch of easy cheap vegetable recipes that shut that you can take what kitchen equipment you have said you've only got a microwave and a stick Glenda then it will actually give you a bunch of recipes that you can use in with minimal minimal cooking and minimal time and minimal money. A marvelous Here's a here's a question and I found a bit about this recently listen Hall says turmeric has amazing for 3 nights us and other conditions as my local fondest funds assist pharmacists claims. There are experiments being done on tumeric and the active component that is cool cool Kerman and Kerman is responsible for that yellow color and I'm sure you're the same as us when you go into the supermarket now you can buy thought of 100 gram bags of tumeric there was some concerns recently either contaminants in it I think I think it was. Not a thing that some contaminant that's been added to give it the really bright yellow color there are studies underway some suggesting it can help improve blood glucose regulation I hadn't heard that one about arthritis but really I think it's great another great reason to have a variety of foods including spicy foods but where do you want to start drinking to make coffees or taking to make capsules you know is really another question I think that that fad will probably pass with time but there is some evidence for some health conditions but you need to be taking a teaspoon full of it and just make sure you buy a really good quality product and not not one that doesn't have a label and as you know just off the street corner. I do know somebody who's who's been researching turmeric of inflammation but has been doing it are for 10 years and has has quite strong views on. It it comes I think it comes from from chinese medicine to. Particular direction but. I don't know more than that. Yes So it's one of the things we don't have a recommendation on like how much to make thought it would would be a lot but I think it comes back to one of the ways to stay healthy like the sacred rep and really is what you ate it makes sense doesn't you know if you think about the fuel you put in a car if he put dodgy fuel in you carry it's not going to last very long grab bodies are exactly the same when we put the healthy basecamp prices for these in we would generally run a body run better than if if you live off ultra prices your junk food well look for the last couple minutes I thought we might do is put to Carl's like diet to you or you know rigorous attentions because Patrick says please please watch the no jetlag secret Dr Karl mentioned earlier so could you run through for us. Ok it basically involves using a drug to keep your body rhythms across. Which will work in many but not all cases so you have a bar rhythm that you want to go to sleep but not another one where your tummy wants to be fit a few times a day and sure at 4 o'clock in the morning roughly your adrenal gland in your heart a thoughtless will start releasing various chemicals to get you ready for the terrible stress of being a lawyer for another day to some degree Milla Tonin can keep these across. However if you go food in your tummy is not going to make the food vanish so part of the travel is to a very very little and high fiber and a little bit of protein and no fat and then go on the plane you've got to try and get a life let's see if you book at one year minus one week before and you can buy a business class seat for a little bit more than economy class seat he's in on the plane have very little food absolutely no alcohol and try to get as much sleep as you can not always Thomas say your leg. And at sunrise Edgewood is the nation and you try to have $25.00 milligrams of metal tun and 9 hours before sunrise and you fall into a sleep and then you wake up and you have been kicked across into your new time zone you're located in by going for a walk so I lift the a.b.c. On Thursday I did lectures on Friday said they Sunday Monday left on Monday not flew back on Wednesday morning with started the radio station here I am no jetlag in those 6 days I also had to get myself 6 by 48 hours of sleep I managed to get 52 hours of sleep as well melatonin if you bought from a chemist you are guaranteed that the dose that you get will be within half a percent of what's written on the packet but it is from a health food shop so if you buy the medical grade militant you buy the regular Milltown and the cheapo the does varies between 80 and 500 percent so you think you're getting 10 it could be 8 it could be 50 so that's the basis of the Clark Carl thank you daughter Claire we've got about 10 seconds left for you does that sound reasonable All right the results of the randomized control trial. Thank you thank you very much our guests this hour where a college professor calls the dietician. The new. Knowledge claims for anyone else this c.b.c. Radio I think it's 4 o'clock here with b.b.c. News is Nick crazy top story then it breaks it still looks close but it's down to the wire in Spore American box a tragic day has died for days off to sustaining brain injuries in a fight in the us. This is b.b.c. 5 Live officials are continuing to work on the technical details of a break sit deal in Brussels the u.k. And the e.u. Had been hoping to sign off a revised agreement before. Crucial summit in the Belgian capital later Dr Allen wager from the u.k. In changing Europe isn't not optimistic I think it's going to be really difficult to get the deal legally in place in time for the European leaders signed this off and then the main plan was on Saturday M.P.'s would go to Westminster and vote on it and it would all fall in place by the 31st of October that's looking pretty much impossible so it's going to have to be some sort of extension probably the veteran m.p. Dame Louise Ellman is quitting labor with a personal attack on Jeremy Corbyn she's been in the party for more than half a century and as our political correspondent Nick Utley an extraordinary resignation letter scathing about the party leader saying that she could nor longer argue for the party when Mr carbon was there she doesn't think he's fit to be prime minister and attacking as she sees in the rise and anti semitism in the party the Labor spokesperson says the party is committed to rooting out anti semitism a huge website selling images of child abuse has been closed down and more than 300 people arrested around the world in a British led investigation investigators say the sites was one of the world's largest child porn marketplaces is our reporter Richard Preston $337.00 people arrested across $38.00 countries including here in the u.k. The United States Canada Germany and now when investigators accessed the Web site they found more than 200000 videos showing abuse of children and toddlers a British family detained for illegally crossing the Canadian border into the u.s. Have been sent back to the u.k. .

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