Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Business Live 20170615

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seeing me! hello, you heard ben but you are security at your fingertips — we'll meet the man who says the key to online safety could be in your own hands. and as digital video sales could overtake dvd and blu—ray this year. we want to know, do you still buy your movies on disc? just use #bbcbizlive. sally hodkin the limelight, i don't know! welcome to the programme. it's less than a week since the uk woke up to an election result that plunged it into even deeper political and economic uncertainty. prime minister theresa may still hasn't finalised an agreement with the northern irish democratic unionist party which would allow her to govern with a narrow majority. but away from those talks, the pressure is mounting on the government to lay out a strategy for brexit negotiations. tonight the chancellor, orfinance minister, philip hammond, could give us some idea of what is planned. he's expected to say that $61bn of funds from the european union's investment bank will not be put at risk. it currently provides funding for major infrastructure projects across the eu, including here in the uk for the crossrail train line in london, and tram networks in nottingham and manchester. he's also expected to signal there may be some room to negotiate when it comes to keeping the country in the eu's customs union. staying in that union would allow businesses to continue their existing two—way relationship worth about $656 billion. and that's vital because the eu is the uk's biggest export market. kamal ahmed is our economics editor. morning. good morning, sally. you have blogged about this, quite a change in tone coming from the uk, how is this likely to go down in the eu? well, the eu will probably welcome this. the chancellor in the uk,pmup welcome this. the chancellor in the uk, philip hammond, is close to wolfgang schaeuble, the fine and minister in germany, and both sides of the fence on brexit want a good dealfor the economy, of the fence on brexit want a good deal for the economy, and of the fence on brexit want a good dealfor the economy, and i think the worry in the uk has been, up until the general election, as ben said, when theresa may was somewhat weakened in a position in britain, taking back control, sovereignty, immigration will be the leading issues around brexit. philip hammond, i think, issues around brexit. philip hammond, ithink, supported by germany and france, once the economy, jobs, business at the centre of the negotiations, which some describe us as going towards a softer brexit. mist hammond, in britain, does want a more porous relationship with the single market, the possibility at least of some form of membership of the customs union, although that is very complicated, and today he has sent a big signal to businesses in the uk that the government will stand behind the european investment bank's investments in britain. some people thought it was at risk because of our departure from the eu. the eib does fund projects outside of the eu, but 90% of the funding is for member states, and there is a fear that the funding could dry up in britain. so presumably business leaders welcome this news, some breathing a sigh of relief, in fact! it is a small step, but a change of tone. business as largely felt to have been locked out of any approach to brexit in the uk. i think now they hope there will be a change of tone, i think the speech tonight will reveal something of that change, if the eib announcement reveals the first steps on that. what does this say about the chancellor and the prime minister, and where they are both that? because she has been quite different in her stance, until the general election — i will be a bloody difficult woman to deal with, looking at no dealers better than a bad deal, all that rhetoric. it is a very different message from these two keely does. she is treading a very difficult line. —— two key leaders. others would argue for a clea n leaders. others would argue for a clean brexit, what some would describe as a hard brexit, liam fox for example, the cabinet minister responsible for international trade. he wants britain to be able to sign strong deals with countries like china, india and america. if we are in the customs union, that could curtail britain's ability to do that type of deal. she has got liam fox, michael gove, borisjohnson, type of deal. she has got liam fox, michael gove, boris johnson, who type of deal. she has got liam fox, michael gove, borisjohnson, who are all pushing towards a clean brexit. she has to balance those two things, and that is the difficulty she finds herself in. also, she does not have the majority in the house of parliament. the eu know that, and that has put more power, many people think, in the eu's hands, rather than britain's hands. we will see if we get that clarity later tonight, we get that clarity later tonight, we will be watching and listening, thank you. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. the chinese regulators have fined emirates for two safety incidents that took place over the western region of xinjing. the gulf carrier was fined just over $4,000 and banned from adding new routes or aircraft in china for six months. china's civil aviation administration says emirates pilots were found to have flown an aircraft at the wrong altitude and temporarily lost contact with air—traffic control. the international civil aviation agency says it's reviewing a request from qatar to intervene in the dispute with its gulf neighbours after they closed their airspace to qatari flights. saudi arabia, the uae, bahrain and egypt have cut diplomatic and transport ties with qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism. volkswagen says it will offer a two—year guarantee on cars that were modified to remove a device designed to cheat emissions tests. some consumers in the uk say the modifications affect performance and reliability. the european commission has been putting pressure on vw to compensate customers over the scandal, as they have done in the us, but the company has so far refused. to asia now, on what was supposed to be a big day for struggling japanese tech giant toshiba. it was due to announce who will buy its memory—chip unit. toshiba's been forced to sell off the business to raise money after a major accounting scandal and the near—colla pse of its us nuclear division. but today another setback. rupert wingfield—hayes is in tokyo with the details. rupert, talk us through this massive obstacle rupert, talk us through this massive o bsta cle for rupert, talk us through this massive obstacle for toshiba to go ahead with the sale of the chip unit. yes, sally, getting increasingly complicated. what was already a congregated story now has another spanner congregated story now has another spanner in the works because western digital, a large us corporation that makes computer memory and has a large joint makes computer memory and has a largejoint venture with makes computer memory and has a large joint venture with toshiba in japan, that compa ny‘s large joint venture with toshiba in japan, that company's management has filed a court action in california to block the sale of toshiba's flash memory division. toshiba say it is still hoping to go air and and announce a preferred for that division by its meeting at the end of this month. —— to go ahead. but it now faces a legal obstacle because of this injunction filed by western digital. western digital had already filed for arbitration, a process that could take, i understand, up to two years, but toshiba wants to make this sale quickly, get it over and done with as soon quickly, get it over and done with as soon as quickly, get it over and done with as soon as possible, because it wa nts to as soon as possible, because it wants to pay off it's debt to the united states, so it does not want to go through this process, but this looks like another big barrier to them going out and selling that memory division. a story that will run and run, rupert, for now, thank you very much, rupert wingfield—hayes in tokyo for you. staying injapan, the stock market fell in pretty volatile trade after that weak us inflation data overshadowed the rise in interest rates by the federal reserve. also worries over those reports that us president donald trump is being investigated for possible obstruction of justice. in hong kong, authorities raised its base rate by 25 basis points — following that lead set by the us. in the uk, confirmation yesterday that wages are lagging way behind inflation, so a further squeeze on incomes. wages up by just i.7%, well below the inflation rate of 2.7% for that month. in 45 minutes, we get the latest uk retail—sales figures for last month, and at midday a decision on interest rates. no change expected, with rates already at record lows of 0.25%, but little appetite to raise them, given the looming uncertainty politically and economically. more on that shortly, but first in the us, has samira has a look at the day ahead for us markets. on thursday, the chief executive of united airlines will be speaking in new york. oliver munoz has had to grapple with some high—profile public—relations fiascoes in the last few months, including the forceful removal of a paying customer from one of united's flights. well, that incident prompted an industrywide conversation on customer service and passenger rights. in earnings news, kroger will be reporting first—quarter results. now, the supermarket operator warned back in march that full—year sales could fall by i%, and that is because competition is really intensifying in the us. walmart continues to beef up its grocery offerings, and new entrants, like german grocery chain aldi, are racing to offer the lowest possible prices. that was samira in new york for us. we have got mike amey, a managing director and portfolio manager at pimco, nice to see you. let's start by talking about the uk, because the bank of england has got its meeting, mark carney has not spoken for a month publicly, and a lot has happened since he last met with his team. that is right, there has obviously been the election result, quite a lot of political uncertainty out there, and some of the data has been more mixed in the uk as well, some of the activity data has been lower than expected, and u nfortu nately lower than expected, and unfortunately inflation has been higher, so what they will tell us that they don't really know, there isa that they don't really know, there is a lot of uncertainty out there, i think their preference is to do nothing, to wait and see how things develop. a lot of people saying that the uk economy needs attention now, you know? well, it has slowed, and as benjamin micra mentioned, there is this challenge, we are all feeling the squeeze on wages. so thatis feeling the squeeze on wages. so that is quite a challenge. the view is that the economy needs support. interesting in light of the squeeze on incomes, inflation rising more than wages, we will get retail sales figures, and they are backward looking, retrospective, but it will give us an idea of what is happening in that predicted slowdown. that is right, retail sales have been slowing for a while now, the volume of retail sales spending growing at about 2% a year, having been running at 3-4%. about 2% a year, having been running at 3—4%. so you are seeing in the data the fact that people are feeling the squeeze. a quick word on the us federal reserve, delivering what most people predicted, but interesting that it will start what most people predicted, but interes the that it will start what most people predicted, but interes the ust it will start what most people predicted, but interes the us economyart what most people predicted, but interes the us economy of the drip getting the us economy of the drip of quantitative easing. indeed, that is better news, the us is ahead of us is better news, the us is ahead of us in the cycle, and they are saying is on reducing the amount of money they pumped into the system, so they cut interest rates previously, printing money, and now the message isa printing money, and now the message is a bit more positive. thank you, mike, we shall see later, have a think about the last dvd you bought! lots of comments from you about the seal of dvd sales expecting to fall significantly in the next few yes. contrasting that with streaming services, more of us streaming movies, downloading, not buying physical dvds, keep your comments coming. still to come, keeping you safe online, without passwords or fingerprints. we'll meet the man who says his firm can detect whether you are who you say you are, just by how you use your smartphone or keyboard. it is pretty clever stuff, we will talk about that a little later! you're with business live from bbc news. it might be too early for a glass of frying, pens, maybe you think it is the right time! majestic is porting about how well it has done. £i.5 million of losses. —— it might be too early for a glass of wine, dependence. —— depends. what we can speak with you about this interesting set of figures, direct marketing in the us, last year, tell us marketing in the us, last year, tell us about this year, are things looking up? things are looking up, the second half tells the story, profits up 51%, you mentioned the profits up 51%, you mentioned the profits for the year, reported accounting profits are showing a loss. the key reason for that, there isa loss. the key reason for that, there is a big purchase of naked wines, which is an asset that is appreciating in value. —— naked wines. look at the operating profit level, they are up for the second half significantly, that is a good predictor of what is the potential to the business. to what extent were you affected by the weakness of sterling in these numbers? the impact of brexit, the immediate impact of brexit, the immediate impact of brexit has been fiercely wea ker impact of brexit has been fiercely weaker currency, leading through into higher wine prices, those prices have filtered through to the markets. i think we see the trading picture today reflects the current exchange rate environment. the bit of brexit that nobody really understands, the impact on consumer behaviour. as your previous speaker was saying, if inflation runs ahead of wages, it is impossible to expect it will be positive. very briefly, how is the english wine industry doing from your point of view? are you selling a lot of it? probably doing its best since roman times! whichjust doing its best since roman times! which just completed our first crowdfunding of an english winemaker, charles simpson, i think english wine is certainly a respectable thing to drink, that is a good thing. good to talk with you, the boss of majestic wines. breaking story while we have time. news of another failure at heathrow airport. terminal three and five, people heading out of heathrow facing flight heading out of heathrow facing flight without their luggage. full details on the bbc business life page. top story today, uk chancellor, finance minister, philip hammond, is to set out his vision for a business—friendly brexit, in a speech in london this evening. he's likely to guarantee more than $60bn of investment in infrastructure projects. —— £6 billion. worth keeping an eye on. a busy day for corporate data, particularly in the uk. interest rate decision at midday. in a0 minutes, the latest retail sales figures. expected to show another slowdown in consumer spending as we have discussed a little earlier. last month, a ransomware cyberattack hit business all around the world. the wannacry infection caused disruption in 99 countries with health services, energy companies and mobile phone operators all affected by the software. and cybercrime is estimated to have cost the global economy around a50 billion dollars last year alone. so tackling these online threats is big business. and there's a new technology that could stop the hackers in their tracks. "behavioural biometric technology" as it's known, tries to identify unusual behaviour on smartphones using information such as typing speed the force applied to the touch—screen and the angle at which the smartphone is held. neil costigan, chief executive of behaviosecjoins me now. your company comes as a great relief to the banking sector because actually, when we find we have financialfraud, actually, when we find we have financial fraud, the banks actually, when we find we have financialfraud, the banks have to reimburse us, they carry the weight of the cost and the fraud but your technology is helping. no silver bullet, the industry uses every tool in its arsenal, and more and more, trying to get into the frictionless way of doing it. so you are not asking the user to a member complex passwords or carry tokens. from the point of view of the bank, if i use an app on my smartphone to do my banking, that comes with your security embedded, that provision embedded, you would not... as a user i would not necessarily even know it is there, but it might save the bank money. that is the case, the application of it, they don't want to burden you with security, they wa nt to burden you with security, they want many people to be using it, if security is seen as a friction, that isa security is seen as a friction, that is a problem for them. transparency is a problem for them. transparency is the keyword, user experience is the keyword. that shift in mindset, from complexity and cost into more user—friendly things. from complexity and cost into more user-friendly things. talk us through how it works, this is not just a case of putting in a password or scanning just a case of putting in a password or scanning your just a case of putting in a password or scanning your fingerprint, this is constantly working out that i am who i say i am while using it. a lot of competition in the back end, it sounds like buzzword bingo but breakthrough in al and big data has got us to the point where this is viable. you would hear rhythm, that idea has been around since the days of telegraph, it is about how hard you hit the screen, how you swipe, how you move. the angle you hold it out, how you type, all that it is already available in devices we have. yes, sensors, they are all there, all part of the operating system, and it is the power of the computer and the consistency that has helped. you provide this service, your clients are banks across scandinavia, other parts of europe. up to 35 million users across north—western europe, digital banks, digital platforms. this start, it was not your idea. banks, digital platforms. this start, it was not your ideal banks, digital platforms. this start, it was not your idea. i am a vetera n start, it was not your idea. i am a veteran of the industry, i have done it 25 years, i have taken innovation from sweden to california before, i was back in sweden working at a university and undergraduate, working inside the university, had the idea, and they said, we think we can verify people who they are by their typing. what are they doing now? they are the founders. they we re now? they are the founders. they were on their way to new york yesterday, new office there, and the quy yesterday, new office there, and the guy is running the deal at the university. the reason this is so useful, if you are hacked or suffer a breach, somebody knows your password, this is able to stop them further down the process, it is not once they are in they are in. this extra layer, it is more about catching the individuals, or the knowledge thing. it is about the person themselves. that is the level we have taken this to. as far as the conversations you have with big financial institutions, i suppose it isa financial institutions, i suppose it is a cost, they will have to pay for it, but it may be... they do not pay and a! laughter you want them to pay more, but it is a trade—off, either they will pay it in compensation or upfront like this. security has been around forever, you'd like insurance policies, you have to have it, otherwise other repercussions. what was the last dvd that you bought? or blu—ray? was the last dvd that you bought? or blu-ray? i'm putting you on the spot. something for my daughter, when you are travelling. this is what we are saying, apart from ben, who did not have kiddies. it was a dvd for my needs. yes, something high quality, pixar where you think this is going to be a high—quality experience for you all, where you think that it would not be as good if you downloaded. staying with technology, today is a good day for european union mobile phone customers. after years of negotiations, no longer, those annoying extra fees to usual device in eu companies. but for phone companies, it means the loss of a lucrative revenue flow. dave dyson is ceo of the mobile network three uk. he has been telling us how they will make up the difference. some operators make a lot of money out of international roaming, that profit will be lost because of the new regulation coming in. critics of the scheme suggest that it is possible that those companies will look to read group profits elsewhere within the business. for my business, three, we have been offering free—roaming for five years, we have not built up huge profits that we now need to protect in some other way. overseas companies, their customers will come to the uk. one negotiating tactic is to say, if you give us a great rate, we will offer you a reciprocal right when customers come to the uk. we try lots of different techniques to reduce the costs, whatever we do, we pass them the customer ‘s. reduce the costs, whatever we do, we pass them the customer 's. david dyson, the boss of three. netflix and amazon are overtaking the uk box office according to some research, your thoughts? price war —— this is a pricewaterhousecoopers report. blu—ray and dvd is going to be the big loser. with streaming up 30%, £i.a billion every year, and dvd sales will go down from 1.2. our viewers are not convinced dvds are cheaper. toby says, i like disks, i'm not painful pixels. i buy them because the broadband companies stress me for using unlimited... internet access not good enough... this is reliant upon having a good provider and network. if you have a good network, streaming is fine, if it is intermittent, the buffering, then dvds, certainly. often the cost of downloading a movie is more than in the supermarket and you have it for only one week. it is not much of a gift, either, here is a download... last dvd you bought? the star wars boxed set. mine was a frozen dvd, that is a much better choice. you said that was for your needs, but it was for you, wasn't it! let it go! let it go laughter we will see you soon. goodbye. pretty warm start of the day across many parts of the uk especially in the south—east of england, further north and west, tad fresher, and that fresh weather is going to bring many of us some cooler conditions today compared to yesterday, and some sunshine and showers. fresher weather is courtesy of the weather front, opens the door to the fresher aircoming infrom front, opens the door to the fresher air coming in from the atlantic. that weather front will weaken as it moves east, bringing cloudy skies, for a moves east, bringing cloudy skies, fora time, moves east, bringing cloudy skies, for a time, across england and wales, and a few showers. many will be across scotland and northern ireland, whether turning quite heavy late on this afternoon. looking at things at apm, in the south—west of england, plenty of sunshine here, temperatures 18 to 21 degrees. the warmest of the weather will be in the south—east, 23, 20 a degrees, but for the midlands, up into north wales, the odd shower. equally across the pennines. most of the showers across northern ireland and across scotland, those will be heavy, merging into longer spells of rain, the best of the sunshine will be in the far north and east. through the evening, many of the showers fizzing away. it is going to bea showers fizzing away. it is going to be a fairly mild night, temperatures up be a fairly mild night, temperatures up in double figures across most parts of the uk, the warmest of which is in the south—east, 13, 1a degrees. friday is looking like a drier day for most parts of the uk, but once again, north—western corner, a bit of cloud, spreading m, corner, a bit of cloud, spreading in, butfor corner, a bit of cloud, spreading in, but for most of england and wales, dry day, sunshine at times, temperatures 20, 20 three degrees, just creeping up a touch across the far north—west. going into the weekend, still see a bit of rain at times, cloud in the far north, but for many, this area of low pressure will keep things settled into the weekend. saturday, brain confined to the far north—west, most of us, dry, sunny, look at the temperatures, really ramping up, into the high 20s. —— rain confined to the far north—west. into the low 30s in the far south—east, further north, 2a, 25, north—west corner that will be a bit cloudy with outbreaks of rain. more details available on the website, that is it from me. hello, it's thursday, it's nine o'clock. i'm victoria derbyshire, welcome to the programme. the blackened shell that is grenfell tower is all that remains of yesterday's horror. many, many people are still missing. the death toll at the moment stands at 12, though it's expected to rise significantly. my mum, my sister, her daughters and her husband. yeah, they're all still in the building. i don't know if they're out because we don't have any information. so many questions continue to be asked about what caused the blaze, how this could happen, what can be done to ensure it never happens again.

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Bank Of England , Others , Numbers , Lots , Investors , Hello , Isa Security , Dvd , Man , Hands , Video Sales , Safety , Key , Fingertips , Blu Ray , Movies , Disc , Sally Hodkin The Limelight , Theresa May , Election , Programme , Britain , Uncertainty , Result , Philip Hammond , Brexit , Chancellor , Negotiations , Government , Pressure , Agreement , Majority , Orfinance Minister , Talks , Democratic Unionist Party , Hasn T , Strategy , Northern Irish , Idea , Funding , Eu , Infrastructure Projects , Risk , Investment Bank , Funds , Bn , 61bn , 1bn , Tram Networks , Staying , Union , Customs Union , Country , Room , Crossrail Train Line , Manchester , Nottingham , In London , Businesses , Export Market , Economics Editor , Kamal Ahmed , Two , 656 Billion , 56 Billion , Change , Tone , Pmup , Economy , Deal , Dealfor , Fence , Fine , Worry , Minister , Sides , Germany , Wolfgang Schaeuble , Issues , Back Control , Immigration , Sovereignty , Position , Ithink , France , Business , 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Qatar , Airspace , Uae , Egypt , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia , It , Device , Volkswagen , Cars , Transport , Terrorism , Ties , Emissions Tests , Guarantee , Consumers , Company , Customers , European Commission , Reliability , Scandal , Modifications , Performance , Vw , Tech Giant Toshiba , Unit , Big Day , To Asia , Japanese , Details , Rupert Wingfield Hayes , Money , Nuclear Division , Accounting Scandal , Setback , Pse , Sale , Yes , Chip Unit , Obstacle , O , Bsta Cle For Rupert , Story , Western Digital , Computer Memory , Spanner , Works , Joint Venture , Compa , Joint , Management , Court Action , Largejoint Venture , Flash Memory Division , California , Many , Hair , Meeting , Division , Injunction , Process , Arbitration , Wa Nts , Looks , Memory Division , Barrier , Debt , Run And , Interest Rates , Big Data , Reports , Stock Market , Trade , Federal Reserve , Rise , Staying Injapan , In Tokyo , Hong Kong , Donald Trump , Base Rate , Basis Points , Lead Set , Authorities , Confirmation , Obstruction Of Justice , 25 , Wages , Squeeze , Way , Incomes , Inflation Rate , 2 7 , 45 , 7 , Retail Sales Figures , Rates , Appetite , Midday A Decision , 0 25 , More , Markets , Chief Executive , On Thursday , Samira , United Airlines , Customer , One , Removal , Incident , Public Relations Fiascoes , Oliver Munoz , Earnings News , Passenger , Supermarket Operator , Customer Service , Results , Conversation , Rights , Kroger , Competition , Prices , Walmart , Sales , Entrants , Grocery Offerings , Racing , German , Chain Aldi , Mike Amey , Portfolio Manager , Lot , Mark Carney , Pimco , Nice , Election Result , Activity Data , Team , Well , Lisa , Nothing , Preference , U , Nfortu Nately , Challenge , View , Attention , Micra , Sales Figures , Economy Needs Support , Light , Retrospective , Slowdown , Retail Sales , Volume , 4 , 2 , 3 , Interes , Drip , Data , Economyart , Word , Dust , Quantitative Easing , Saying , Printing Money , System , Amount , Cycle , Bit , Dvd Sales , Comments , Think , Isa Printing Money , Seal , Dvds , Services , Downloading , Smartphone , Little , Passwords , Stuff , Fingerprints , Firm , Keyboard , Three , Bbc News , Majestic , Glass , Porting , Pens , Frying , Wine , Losses , Dependence , 5 Million , Figures , Marketing , Direct Marketing , Set , Reason , Profits , Loss , Isa Loss , The Second Half , 51 , Purchase , Half , Asset , Potential , Predictor , Operating Profit Level , Naked Wines , Value , Ker Impact , Wine Prices , Sterling , Weakness , Currency , Extent , Impact , Consumer Behaviour , Speaker , Exchange Rate Environment , Picture , Nobody , English , Point Of View , Thing , Charles Simpson , Crowdfunding , Roman Times , Whichjust , Boss , Failure , Majestic Wines , Heathrow Airport , Five , Flight , Story Today , Luggage , Business Life Page , Finance Minister , Friendly , Vision , Investment , Infrastructure Projects , Worth , Eye On , Â 6 Billion , 6 Billion , 60bn , 0bn , All Around The World , Interest Rate Decision , Consumer Spending , Disruption , Infection , 99 , Cost , Technology , Behavioural Biometric Technology , Information , Hackers , Energy Companies , Big Business , Mobile Phone Operators , Health Services , Smartphones , Behaviour , Cybercrime , Software , Threats , Tracks , 50 Billion Dollars , Angle , Typing Speed , Behaviosecjoins , Touch Screen , Force , Neil Costigan , Banking , Sector , Financialfraud , Banks , Fraud , Weight , Tool , Silver Bullet , User , Member Complex Passwords , Arsenal , Tokens , Bank , Provision , App , Case , Bank Money , Application , Complexity , Problem , Keyword , Transparency , Friction , User Experience , Mindset , Shift , Password , Putting , Fingerprint , Back End , Buzzword Bingo , Breakthrough , Point , Screen , Telegraph , Rhythm , Meal , Consistency , Devices , Computer , Part , Operating System , Sensors , Users , Digital Banks , Service , Western Europe , Clients , Scandinavia , Digital Platforms , 35 Million , University , Platforms , Ideal Banks , Veteran , Undergraduate , Innovation , Sweden , Vetera , Office , Founders , Quy Yesterday , Typing , Guy , Breach , Somebody , Big Financial Institutions , Level , Player , Knowledge , Individuals , Conversations , Person , Laughter , Isa Financial Institutions , Compensation , Trade Off , Insurance Policies , Repercussions , Pixar , Ben Thompson , Needs , Daughter , Spot , Kiddies , Experience , Mobile Phone , Companies , Dave Dyson , Phone Companies , Fees , Longer , Revenue Flow , Network , Critics , Roaming , Profit , Operators , Ceo , Regulation , Scheme , Difference , Group Profits , Costs , Techniques , Rate , Negotiating Tactic , S David Dyson , Netflix , Amazon , Price War , Report , Research , Box Office , Thoughts , Pricewaterhousecoopers , Big Loser , Viewers , 1 2 , 30 , Broadband Companies , Disks , Pixels , Enough , Internet Access , Toby , Provider , Buffering , Movie , Download , Supermarket , Gift , The Star Wars Boxed Set , Choice , Better , Wasn T , Goodbye , Weather , Parts , South East Of England , Tad Fresher , Door , Showers , Sunshine , Weather Front , Cloudy Skies , Aircoming Infrom Front , Atlantic , In The South West Of England , England , Apm , Wales , Scotland , Warmest , Plenty , Odd Shower , North Wales , Midlands , 20 , 23 , 21 , 18 , Rain , Most , Best , Evening , Spells , Pennines , 13 , 1 , Butfor Corner , Cloud , Spreading In , Sunshine At Times , Spreading M , Weekend , Times , North West , Touch , Far North , Area , Saturday , Temperatures , Dry , Corner , Website , North , Outbreaks , It S , Shell , Horror , Grenfell Tower , Victoria Derbyshire , Nine , Sister , Death Toll , Daughters , Husband , Mum , Building , 12 , Questions , Blaze , Sally Bundock , Doing Business , Spending , Dollars , Billions , Thursday 15thjune , City Of London , 2008 , 15 ,

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