Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20161225

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ties with the united nations. this comes ties with the united nations. this co m es after ties with the united nations. this comes after the security council adopted a resolution demanding an end to israeli settlement building on occupied palestinian land. the resolution was passed after the united states refuse to veto it standing breaking with long—standing us practice. donald trump has suggested he will reverse the us position on this at the un after his inauguration. translation: the decision was taken at the un yesterday pa rt decision was taken at the un yesterday part of the swansong of the old world biased against israel. we are entering a new era and as president—elect trump said yesterday this is going to happen much quicker than people think. all the american president afterjimmy carter kept the us commitment not to try to impose conditions provide all agreement on israel in the security council. and yesterday, in complete contrast to this commitment including a commitment by president obama himself in 2011, the obama administration conducted a shameful anti— israel ambush at the united nations. the passing of the resolution has been celebrated by palestinians as our middle east correspondent explains. here in bethlehem there is a festive mood outside the nativity church but many palestinians feel they have an extra reason to celebrate after this un security council resolution which said that israeli settlements are flag ra nt said that israeli settlements are flagrant violation of international law. it has been welcomed by all the different palestinian political factions and they are hoping it will strengthen their legal case when they pursue action against israel in they pursue action against israel in the international courts. for its part, israeli officials have come out and said that this is disgraceful, shameful resolution and the israeli prime minister has said that he will not abide by its terms. there are over 600,000 israelis who live in settlements in the occupied west ba n k live in settlements in the occupied west bank and eastjerusalem. that is on land that israel captured in the 1967 middle east war and the us really feels that it was betrayed by its closest ally, the us which usually uses a bitter power to block any resolution that is critical of it. now it is looking to president—elect donald trump for a lot more support. he has already come out on twitter saying that things will be different after january 20 which is, of course, when he takes office. to the united states were donald trump says he intends to dissolve charitable foundation. he says the move is aimed at avoiding conflict of interest with his presidency. the trump foundation has been under investigation by the attorney general of new york's in september over suspected impropriety. media says the foundation is under scrutiny over a donation it made to agree backing a republican politician. the president elect has released a statement. security forces in tunisia say they have arrested three members of a terrorist cell linked to anis amri, the tunisian who killed 12 people after driving a truck into a christmas market in berlin. one of the people detained was the nephew of anis amri. 24—year—old a 1—man we re of anis amri. 24—year—old a 1—man were shot dead by police in the early hours of yesterday morning. this is anis amri, the man who is suspected of being behind the attack on a berlin christmas market, in the name of so—called islamic state. and now authorities across europe and the middle east are trying to piece together his extremist connections. the 24—year—old tunisian made this video shortly before driving a lorry along the crowded street, killing 12 people. now, a clearer picture of his network is emerging. officials in tunis say he was connected to a militant cell which included his sister's son. amri is thought to have sent him money to help him come to germany. the nephew now in custody in tunisia. two others have also been arrested. spanish authorities are investigating whether anis amri may have had links to an extremist in spain. hundreds of people in tunis today took to the streets to demonstrate against extremism. they gathered outside the museum that was attacked last year. in recent years around 5,500 tunisians have joined jihadist groups, making the country one of the largest exporters of militants in the region. translation: the terrorists damage the image of tunisia and the world and harmed expats living abroad. our message is from the heart. it is a panic wave and you need to understand, tunisians are afraid but we will not stay silent. we are standing by our country. this was how anis amri met his end, shot dead in an exchange of fire with the police in the italian city of milan. one police officer was injured. he is now recovering in hospital. what began as a horrific attack here in germany has become an investigation that spans europe and beyond. the german officials want to know if amri had supporters, people who may have helped in plan the attack and his escape. as the city shuts down for christmas, the authorities are still working. so following the arrest in tunisia, other suspects now likely to be extradited to germany? we are in the capital of tunisia. we are in the capital of tunisiam is highly unlikely that they will be extradited. i spoke to an official here earlier asking if there was any request from the german authorities in that regard and he said so far there has been no request but in any case this is a matter that will be handled internally here with their own investigations. he also said that there is no hesitation on the pa rt that there is no hesitation on the part of tunisian to call operate fully with the german authorities. given the information that has been made available to us so far from the interior ministry it does not seem to suggest that the berlin attack was something that was necessarily plan from here but rather that anis amri tried to recruit his own nephew in recent months and succeeded in doing so all of the statements we have had so far are accurate. as well as two other people, are willing to him here as well. in other news:, temperatures at the north pole could be up to 20 degrees higher than average today in what scientists say is a record—breaking heatwave. an air temperature ofjust below freezing instead of the usual level of around —30 is preventing ice from forming. researchers say the unseasonably warm weather is a direct link to climate change. a train has crashed into two vehicles driving over tracks at a crossing in china. four people inside were injured and they are in a survey sta ble injured and they are in a survey stable condition. the crossing turned red before the collision took place but the vehicle kept driving because the barrier was still up. carrie fisher is in intensive care ina carrie fisher is in intensive care in a hospital in la after suffering a heart attack after a flight from london to los angeles. she is best known for her role as princess leia in the star wars films. she is 60 yea rs old in the star wars films. she is 60 years old and was flying back after finishing a tour to promote her new autobiography. rick parfitt, the guitarist for status quo has died in spain at the age of 68. he was being treated in hospitalfor a age of 68. he was being treated in hospital for a severe infection. age of 68. he was being treated in hospitalfor a severe infection. the musician who had a strong on stage partnership with the singer was still recovering from a heart attack he suffered earlier this summer. we look back at his life and career. i have gotten to where i wanted to go, you know, to become a pop star or a rock star. to fans, he was easy to spot. he was the man with blond hair and was responsible for some of the greatest riffs in rock ‘n‘ roll. 1972's piledriver was the beginning of a run of a0 hit albums. 57 top a0 singles. no other rock band comes close and it all began here. rick parfitt met francis rossi when he was a teenager. their first single was a bit of 1960s psychedelia. but their passion for something a bit more raw — a hit making rock ‘n‘ roll formula. all our records do sound the same because it is status quo. i am not trying to get out of a corner here. of course it is going to sound like us. as soon as i had the idea i couldn't think of anyone better to open this. # here we are, here we are, here we go. # here we go, rocking all over the world. and when it came to sex drugs and rock'n‘ roll, rick parfitt did it all. this riff arose after a huge dose of amphetamines. he told us he had a riff he wanted to do. we told him good night and left. we came back at 11:30 the following morning and rick was still there. he hadn't been home yet. nearly 12 hours he had been sitting there, after too much speed the previous day. he married three times. of course he has a particular type of woman. blondes. and his health, even after recovering from surgery, he was smoking and drinking. recovering from surgery, he was smoking and drinkinglj recovering from surgery, he was smoking and drinking. i was smoking and drinking in hospital.m smoking and drinking. i was smoking and drinking in hospital. it was the rock ‘n‘ roll lifestyle. but when it came to turning rock into hit songs, he was one of the best. guitarist rick parfitt who has died aged 68. stay with us here on bbc news. still to come we meet the french oyster farmers using a novel solution to prevent thieves. we saw this enormous tidal wave approaching the beach, and people started to run, and suddenly it was complete chaos. united states troops have been trying to overthrow the dictatorship of general manuel noriega. the pentagon said the operation had been 90% successful, but it's failed in its principal objective, to capture general noriega and take him to the united states to face drugs charges. the hammer and sickle was hastily taken away. the russian flag was hoisted over what is now no longer the soviet union, but the commonwealth of independent states. day broke slowly over lockerbie, over the cockpit of the pan—am's maid of the seas, nose—down in the soft earth. you could see what happens when a plane eight storeys high, a football pitch wide, falls from 30,000 feet. christmas has returned to albania after a communist ban lasting more than 20 years. thousands went to midnight mass in the town of shkoder where there were anti—communist riots ten days ago. the headlines on bbc news: benjamin netanyahu orders a review of israel's contacts with the united nations, after a resolution demanded a halt to israeli settlement—building on occupied palestinian land. amid heightened security, with vans and trucks banned from entering the centre of rome, and a heavy police presence in streets leading to the vatican, pope francis has celebrated mass on christmas eve for thousands of worshippers gathered in saint peter's basilica. david willey has this report. the pope spoke of the plight of today's children. perhaps he was thinking of those in aleppo in syria, hiding underground to escape bombardment. all those sleeping rough on pavements, or laying on the bottom of a boat crammed with migrants crossing the mediterranean sea. translation: let us allow ourselves to be challenged by the children who are not given the chance at life. for those who cry because they are hungry, for those who do not have toys in their hands but instead, weapons. the day after the killing by the italian police of the suspected perpetrator of the berlin christmas market massacre, unprecedented security measures were in around the vatican. soldiers and police were stationed every 100 metres, and all passengers were required to pass through metal to set as before —— metal detectors before entering the basilica —— all visitors. the nigerian president muhammadu buhari says the army has captured a key base of the islamist militant group boko haram. he said the camp in the sambisa forest in the northeast of the country was taken two days ago. the president said the group now had nowhere to hide after being forced out of what he cold its last enclave. boko haram still stages suicide bombings in the northeast and in neighbouring niger and cameroon. despite the progress, bbc africa's editorjames copnall says the nigerian government still has some way to go before victory over boko haram is achieved. i think you have to recognise that this comes in a long line of strong state m e nts this comes in a long line of strong statements from president muhammadu buhari about boko haram. one year ago he told bbc that the war against the militant group was technically won, and yet, in that past year we have seen suicide bomb attacks, other attacks by boko haram. what is clear is that the militant group have lost some territory and do not control big towns. it seems now according to the president's statement that they may have lost their territory in the forest in the north—east of the country. the group's tactics have changed and they have become an organisation that uses more suicide attacks and sneak attacks, rather than holding onto territory. i think it would be premature to say that boko haram we re premature to say that boko haram were finished, they still operate in tunisia and other regional countries. it was also striking that president muhammadu buhari referred to us efforts to get the release of the tobruk girls, the schoolgirls who were taken to make use ago. around 200 are believed to still be in control and under captivity i boko haram —— chibook. he did not say they had taken them back from control into camp. it was assumed they had been captured. the invitation would be that they don't know exactly where these chibook goals are and that boko haram are still in places in nigeri. the nigerian government are saying that this is a major step forward however. —— nigeria. throughout the year we've brought you many accounts of syrians who were caught up in the horrors of war. but for one young girl severely injured by the conflict, there's hope of a better year ahead. fatima alba kour‘s just undergone life changing surgery in germany. the bbc‘s rickin majithia has been following her story. fatima albakour fatima alba kour is fatima albakour is a child of war. at three years old, she is too young to understand why her country would turn their guns on each other, but not too young to bear their skulls. she was seven—month—old when a fire crippled her legs and vocal chords. 60% of her body was burned. her father went from hospital to hospital, pleading with doctors to save her life. translation: one of the hospitals suggested giving her a lethal injection. they said her burns were too severe and she would be disabled her whole life. now when i look at her, i thank god she is alive. she makes us feel happyjust by seeing her. a renowned german surgeon heard her. a renowned german surgeon heard her story and decided that it could have a happy ending. the professor was instrumental in bringing her and herfamily to was instrumental in bringing her and her family to germany. she was instrumental in bringing her and herfamily to germany. she is now being treated at a university hospital. it is a huge challenge to operate on a child that is very underweight. she has the weight of a one—year—old child. but we can't wait much longer, because she will be wanting to have it as soon as possible. doctors here have decades of experience, but even for them, this is not an everyday operation. the surgeons are conducting several procedures today. they want to heal some of the scars on her face and test to see if they can help her hairgrow test to see if they can help her hair grow back. the main aim is to help her walk again. they are correcting a position of her foot and using steel pins to keep it in place. if it goes well, they hope she will be able to start walking after three months. three hours later, the operation is finished. doctors say it will be sometime before they can determine its success. before they can determine its success. it is not only the mechanics that are corrected now, but it is also the psychology of being able to stand on her feet, but it is also the psychology of being able to stand on herfeet, to climb and to use the feet and to start walking. so we don't know yet. for now, fatima's wounds have been reopened. her mother hopes the tears are worth it. we will walk together, god willing, and i hope she will be in the best condition. she has suffered so much as a child. fatima will remain in hospitalfor many weeks. she will receive physiotherapy and psychological support. doctors owed to operate again in the new year —— hope. there will be more pain ahead but the worst is now behind her. you can see more on that story on our website. you may have heard of the terms sheep—rustling, and cattle—rustling — but how about oyster rustling? in france every year, as the festive season gets under way — oyster—farms on the coast are increasingly the target of thieves, trying to cash in on the lucrative christmas market. but help is at hand, thanks to a new secret electronic oyster that acts as a tracking device if it's moved. hugh schofield reports from brittany. every year at christmas time, the french shell out millions of euros on seafood. every year here, the shop does a thriving trade. there is a downside to the booming oyster beds, as demand goes up, so do prices and so does the temptation for oyster poaching. oyster rustling is no laughing matter at all. every year, tons of oysters are stolen by unscrupulous operators. oyster gorillas have to spend a fortune of there own on security, night—time patrols and so on. at this nearby town, where there is a high—tech hub, they may have another answer. scientists have devised a kind of spy scientists have devised a kind of spy in the sea. this bivalve has vowels of the electronic kind. it sits with the real oysters, and if they are unexpectedly taken off in they are unexpectedly taken off in the back of a truck, it sets off an alarm. they are all the electronics with the motion detector, the battery and a gps processor. if there is a movement, the processor is awakened and it sends the gps position to your mobile phone. it can stand in the water for one or two years, no problem. very low power consumption. be indistinguishable from the rest of the oysters, it will not be seen by the oysters, it will not be seen by the poacher. here, they fear night—time raids. it wouldn't take more than an hour were to lift the tons of oysters that are here, especially if they know what they are doing. oddly enough, they believe the culprits are mainly of a oyster growers. she says the problem is that orders are made very early in the year. but later, some growers realise they can't fulfil their orders and easier solution is to steal oysters from their neighbours —— other. there is a small amount of petty theft, but that is a side issue. petty thieves cannot make off with five tons. there is one downside, somewhere in here there is a secret sleeper, made not of oyster flesh pot of resin and circuit boards. who is going to crunch into bat at their christmas lunch? —— that. president obama has delivered his last christmas message from the white house. sitting alongside his wife michelle he said it had been an honour to serve as america's president. merry christmas, everybody. one of the best parts of the holiday season is spending time with obese people in your life. and for me, that is getting some help from my best friend for our annual weekly address. given how our first weekly address. given how our first weekly address went, i realised barak needed all the help he could get. this is our first addressed and we... laughter stopped! you have got to stop it! yet it together, you're going to have to pull it together —— get. celebrating the holidays in the white house over the past eight years has been a true privilege. we have been able to welcome over half a million deaths, our outstanding pastry chefs have baked over 2000 holiday cookies and barak has treated the american people to countless bad jokes. they are great jokes. that is not funny. a few got a frosty reception. merry christmas, everybody. and we wish you and your familya everybody. and we wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2017. banks, and god bless. sri lanka has unveiled what it claims as the world's biggest ever artificial christmas tree. the steel and wire structure erected in the capital colombo is seventy—three metres tall, covered with a million painted pine cones and hundreds of thousands of lights. the organisers said they wanted the tree to promote religious harmony. the current record holder is the chinese city of guangzhou, which erected a fifty—five metre tall tree—like tower last year. if you want to get in touch with us here at bbc world news, you can do so on social media. and i'm @karinbbc on twitter. you can also find us on facebook. good morning, and merry christmas to you. now, if the snow was on your wish list, you might be disappointed with this. an incredibly mild christmas day, breezy with some rain in the story. the reason being, all tied into this area of low pressure which is on its way. going to dominate across the northern uk on boxing day. ahead of it, weather fronts straddling the country, producing a lot of crowd. —— cloud. dragging mild air across the country. from the word go, temperatures likely to be in double figures across central and southern areas. there is only one place for temperatures to go, they continue to climb. cloud with outbreaks of drizzle, persistent rain moving through scotland and northern ireland. why the afternoon, a scattering of showers. still could be potentially quite mild, 14— 15 degrees is not out of the question in sheltered parts of eastern scotland. a band of persistent rain sinking south and east, ahead of it, across northern wales we could see midteens. the cloud thick enough for perhaps the odd spot of drizzle. will it be a record—breaking christmas day, perhaps not. we need to see 15.6 degrees to equal the record, and that has happened on two occasions. it will be a pretty mild story for all. as we move through christmas day evening, more persistent rain will push steadily south and east. that is yet to clear away, and that is when we will see the strongest winds on the back area of low pressure. storm connor could produce some disruptive gusts particularly across the north. an ample warning. going to be a windy day on boxing day. if you are going to be out and about to try to walk off some of the indulgence, again, quite cloudy, with outbreaks of showery, drizzly rain to the south and squally showers to the far north and squally showers to the far north and west. as we move away from boxing day, we will start to see a change. from tuesday, high pressure builds. waiting the story down nicely. that could bring a new set of problems, fog could be an issue. once it lists, it will be noticeably cooler across the country with a little more fun in the afternoon. —— sun. hello. the latest headlines from bbc news. the minister of israel has called for a re—evaluation of its contact with the united nations. these comments come after the united nations security council condemned the israeli settlement programme unoccupied palestinian land. donald trump says he intends to dissolve his charitable foundation they remained under fang investigation. the move is aimed at avoiding even the appearance of a conflict of interest. tunisian authorities say they have uncovered what they call a terror cell linked to anis amri, the manager about the berlin attack. the sellers said to consist of three individuals, one of them was the nephew of anis amri. and the guitarist rick parfitt has died in hospital in spain. he was 68 and had suffered a heart attack in october. this year the queen celebrated her 90th birthday. we look

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Hello , Rick Parfitt , Prime Minister , Age , Israeli , 68 , Resolution , Ties , End , Land , United Nations , Security Council , Israeli Settlement Building On , United States , Co M Es , Donald Trump , Translation , Yesterday Pa Rt Decision , Position , Practice , Inauguration , Has , People , Part , President Elect , Swansong , Old World , American , Obama , Commitment , Afterjimmy Carter , Contrast , Conditions , Agreement , Palestinians , Passing , Ambush , Middle East , Correspondent , 2011 , Settlements , Reason , Un Security Council Resolution , Mood , Nativity Church , Case , Action , Flag , Courts , Law , Factions , Violation , Ra Nt , Officials , Terms , Eastjerusalem , Middle East War , West Bank , West Ba Nk , 1967 , 600000 , Ally , Power , Twitter , Course , Support , Office , Things , 20 , January 20 , Investigation , Foundation , Move , Presidency , Attorney General , Conflict Of Interest , Trump Foundation , New York , Media , Impropriety , It , Statement , Tunisia , President , Politician , Donation , Security Forces , Scrutiny , Elect , Republican , Anis Amri , One , Market , Cell , Truck , Berlin , Members , Three , 12 , Attack , Man , Police , Nephew , In The Name Of , Berlin Christmas Market , Islamic State , 24 , 1 , Authorities , Tunisian , Picture , Extremist Connections , Video , Lorry , Europe , Crowded Street , Amri , Network , Sister , Son , Him , Money , Germany , Hundreds , Spain , Extremist , Others , Links , Custody , Spanish , Two , Streets , Extremism , Museum , Jihadist Groups , 5500 , Country , World , Terrorists , Message , Heart , Region , Exporters , Militants , Expats , Image , Panic Wave , University Hospital , Fire , Police Officer , City , Exchange , Milan , German , Supporters , Plan , Beyond , Escape , Arrest , Capital , Official , Tunisiam , Suspects , Matter , Request , Investigations , Regard , Hesitation , Information , Rt , Interior Ministry , Pa , Something , Temperatures , Statements , News , North Pole , Scientists , Air Temperature , Heatwave , Ice , Level , Researchers , 0 , Crossing , Condition , Link , Weather , Tracks , Vehicles , Injured , Train , Climate Change , China , Survey Sta Ble , Four , Carrie Fisher , Place , Heart Attack , Intensive Care , Vehicle , Red , Barrier , Driving , Collision , Flight , London , La , Star Wars Films , Role , Autobiography , Tour , The Star Wars Films , Princess Leia , 60 , Musician , Infection , On Stage Partnership , Singer , Hospitalfor , Status Quo , Life , Career , Summer , Pop Star Or A Rock , Some , Riffs In Rock N Roll 1972 S Piledriver , Hair , Singles , Fans , Beginning , Run , Hit Albums , 1972 , 57 , Rock Band , Single , Bit , Teenager , Francis Rossi , Psychedelia , Passion , Hit Making Rock N Roll Formula , 1960 , Records , Corner , Idea , Anyone , Rocking All Over The World , Riff , Dose , Amphetamines , Sex Drugs And Rock N Roll , Left , 30 , 11 , He Hadn T , Times , Home , Type , Woman , Drinking , Surgery , Hospital M Smoking , Blondes , Health , Best , Hit Songs , Rock , Rock N Roll Lifestyle , Bbc News , Thieves , Solution , Oyster Farmers , Beach , Stay , Novel , French , Tidal Wave , Operation , Pentagon , General Noriega , Chaos , Troops , Dictatorship , 90 , Objective , Drugs Charges , Sickle , Hammer , Commonwealth Of Independent States , Soviet Union , Russian , Merry Christmas , Football Pitch Wide , Maid Of The Seas , Feet , Lockerbie , Cockpit , Ban , Albania , Earth , Storeys High , 30000 , Eight , Thousands , Midnight Mass , Town , Headlines , Riots , Shkoder , Ten , Review , Settle Me Nt , Contacts , Halt , Benjamin Netanyahu , Security , Presence , Trucks , Centre , Vans , Pope Francis , Vatican , Rome , Celebrated Mass On Christmas Eve , Children , Pope , Worshippers , Report , Plight , David Willey , Saint Peter S Basilica , Bombardment , Boat , Bottom , Migrants , Pavements , Syria , Mediterranean Sea , In Aleppo , Sleeping Rough , Who , Cry , Chance , Weapons , Hands , Perpetrator , Killing , Toys , Berlin Christmas Market Massacre , Italian , Passengers , Metal , Security Measures , Soldiers , 100 , Boko Haram , Muhammadu Buhari , Basilica , Camp , Visitors , Army , Base , Northeast , Nigerian , Sambisa Forest , Government , Way , Suicide Bombings , Niger , Progress , Enclave , Nowhere , Cameroon , Africa , Editorjames Copnall , War , Line , State , Victory , Attacks , Territory , Group , Suicide Bomb Attacks , Tactics , Suicide Attacks , Towns , Forest , Organisation , Countries , Chibook , Control , Schoolgirls , Release , Efforts , Captivity , Use , Tobruk Girls , 200 , Places , Invitation , Goals , Nigeri , Control Into Camp , Accounts , Step , Syrians , Fatima Alba Kour , Story , Rickin Majithia , Hope , Conflict , Girl , Horrors , Child , Each Other , Skulls , Guns , Seven , Hospital , Doctors , Hospitals , Father , Legs , Body , Pleading , Surgeon , Injection , Feel , God , Herfamily , Family , Professor , Ending , Challenge , Weight , Surgeons , Experience , Face , Scars , Test , Pins , Aim , Foot , Psychology , Success , Mechanics , Walking , Wounds , Herfeet , Mother , Tears , God Willing , Physiotherapy , Pain , Oyster Rustling , Worst , Website , Cattle Rustling , Terms Sheep Rustling , Help , Thanks , Season , Secret Electronic Oyster , Hand , Coast , Acts , Tracking Device , Target , France , Hugh Schofield , Euros , Millions , Seafood , Trade , Shop , Brittany , Shell Out , Oysters , Tons , Downside , Demand , Temptation , Prices , Oyster Poaching , Oyster Beds , Fortune , Operators , Hub , Patrols , Answer , Oyster Gorillas , Kind , Spy Scientists , Bivalve , Sea , Spy , Vowels , Processor , Movement , Gps Processor , Gps Position , Electronics , Back , Motion Detector , Alarm , Battery , Rest , No Problem , Mobile Phone , Water , Power Consumption , Poacher , Raids , It Wouldn T , Orders , Growers , Problem , Oyster Growers , Culprits , Amount , Side Issue , Neighbours , Petty Theft , Petty , Five , Sleeper , Somewhere , Circuit Boards , Oyster Flesh Pot , Resin , Bat , Michelle , Honour , White House , Address , Everybody , Parts , Holiday Season , Best Friend , Addressed , Laughter , Pastry Chefs , Holidays , Privilege , Deaths , A Million , 2000 , Jokes , Cookies , Barak , Reception , Sri Lanka , Banks , Familya , God Bless , 2017 , Structure , Steel , Pine Cones , Lights , Artificial Christmas Tree , Seventy Three , City Of Guangzhou , Organisers , Tree , Social Media , Record Holder , Harmony , Touch , Bbc World News , Tower Last , Chinese , Fifty Five , Facebook , Arinbbc , Pressure , Area , Rain , Wish List , Snow , Cloud , Lot , Boxing Day , Weather Fronts , Crowd , Northern Uk , Areas , Figures , The Word Go , Showers , Drizzle , Outbreaks , Scattering , Question , Eastern Scotland , Northern Ireland , 14 , 15 , East , Midteens , Wales , Odd Spot , Persistent Rain Sinking South , Band , Record , Occasions , 15 6 , All , Back Area , Winds , Steadily South And East , Gusts , North , Warning , Storm Connor , Indulgence , Drizzly Rain , Showery , Change , Problems , Fog , Issue , It Lists , High Pressure , Set , Minister , Afternoon , Fun , Sun , Re Evaluation , Comments , Contact , Israeli Settlement , Appearance , Fang Investigation , Individuals , Terror Cell , Sellers , Kinesio , Vote , Stories , Interest , Conflicts , Relationship , Burly , Men , Settlement Building , Queen , Birthday ,

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