Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Five 20170503

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there is no punishment, there is no brexit bill, the financial settlement is only about settling the accounts. i'm nicholas owen. the other main stories on bbc news at 5. a 20 year old student is found guilty of planting a home—made bomb on a busy london underground tube train. ten years on from the disappearance of madeleine mccann — we return to praia da luz as british police say their investigation remains open. a big fall in profits at sainsbury‘s. the supermarket giant blames tough market conditions and a fall in the value of sterling. good afternoon — i'mjane hill at westminster on the day that the general election campaign officially got underway. theresa may has launched an attack on european officials accusing someone on european officials accusing someone to try to influence the outcome of the british general election by using threats. she said that talks would be tough and the position of the uk had been represented the standards of the european commission hardened. the prime minister returned to downing street after meeting with the queen and had strong words with watching referred to the bureaucrats of brussels saying some eu officials wa nted of brussels saying some eu officials wanted the talks to fail. it comes on the day that the chief negotiator of the eu want that the uk must honour its obligations as it leaves the eu and their departure would be complex and not pay less. a report in the financial times has suggested the uk could be asked to pay as much as 100 billion euros when it leaves the eu. 15 days after theresa may shocked westminster by calling a snap election, today it became a reality. just before three o'clock this afternoon she arrived at the palace to meet the queen to mark the dissolution of parliament. 0ur politicians are no longer mps and many are preparing to fight again for their seat. a lot earlier than they had expected. back in downing street the prime minister took many by surprise when she launched an attack on some in brussels following links accounts of a dinner at which eu officials found on a completely different wavelength. in the last few days we have seen just how tough these talks are likely to be. britain's negotiating position in europe has been misrepresented in the continental press. the european commission is negotiating stance has hardened. threats against britain have been issued by european politicians and officials. all of these acts have been deliberately timed to affect the result of the general election that will take place on the 8th ofjune. theresa may ‘s attack followed reports this morning suggesting the eu made a mad 100 billion euros from the uk before a deal can be done. acclaimed the conservatives dismissed. the numbers that had been bandied about in the press, 50, 100 million, we do not recognise and we had no indication of it. we will meet our international obligations and enter into negotiations in the best interests of both us and the european union. the 100 billion euros bill that the taxpayer in the uk would have to foot was not mentioned this morning by the eu negotiator. he is dead spells out the principal and did not put a number on. there's no punishment, no punishment, no brexit bill. the financial settlement is only about settling the accounts. michel barnier said there would have to be progress on the terms of divorce before any talks about the future and trade. and he had this morning. have created the illusion that brexit would have no material impact on our lives. 0r brexit would have no material impact on our lives. or that negotiations can be concluded quickly and painlessly. this is not the case. michel barnier has appealed to all sides to remain cool—headed. as they consider these eu negotiating guidelines which will structure of the brexit talks. four days the political temperature has been rising after a mix of the difficult meeting in downing street last week and with the uk general election now underway. campaigning on the nhs in bedford this morning jeremy corbyn said the government brexit strategy was wrong. theresa may and david davis is geared to open with megaphone diplomacy, threatening europe that we have will become some kind of tax haven on their shores. that's a pretty sensibly because we are leaving the eu but we have to have a good relationship with them in the future. also today the liberal democrats said the question of brexit bill proved twice second referendum on the final deal was needed. this is what will happen in the next two years, europe, i, our children will have a deal would have to live with for the next several decades and none of us will get a say. it will be stitched up by politicians in brussels and london. and you could also criticised theresa may at her approach to brexit despite her fighting talk this afternoon. i do not think anyone brussels midi believes theresa may is prepared to walk away without signing comprehensive deal and until she gets the message across and really m ea ns she gets the message across and really means it, i think millions of you could voters will be worried that we're going to be leaving on the worst possible terms. our exit from the eu will undoubtedly preoccupy whoever is chosen to lead this country after the election. parties are under pressure to explain what they would do differently as polling day approaches. 0ur political correspondent eleanor garnier is at downing street. she was listening to that statement by the prime minister. and very much giving a sense i think that in her mind this general election really is all about brexit. it is about the electorate making a decision as to who they want to play the key role in these negotiations. certainly brexit is the backdrop to this general election and theresa may continues to frame the whole election ad campaign around brexit. she certainly has at the empty with her speech out here in downing street an hour or so ago. pretty aggressive language, i think an unprecedented attack from theresa may on eu politicians and brussels bureaucrats accusing them of using threats. she said the negotiating position of the uk have been misrepresented in the continental press, she said some in europe do not want these talks to succeed. and she said the actions of the last few days were all designed to impact the results of the general election. so certainly a change in tone from theresa may and government does well because just this morning we heard from other members of the government saying the last few days have been about a little bit of manoeuvring ahead of the formal talks getting underway. the brexit said reid david davis has said there would not be any megaphone diplomacy from the uk and the british government yetjust and the british government yetjust a few hours later we had theresa may out in downing street speaking to the country's news cameras, being beamed across europe as well expect, giving out some pretty harsh words. and punching back if you like to what she heard —— what she had been on the receiving end up in the last few days. a lot of this is about electioneering but those words she said just a few months ago cannot be unsaid, they will be out there once this general election is done. fascinating. in terms of the border campaign, she said towards the end i will be travelling to every corner of the uk, making my pitch. thus far there has been a sense that the election campaign has been pretty low— key. election campaign has been pretty low—key. do you get the sense that it could be a fairly tepid affair in many ways perhaps in comparison to previous election campaigns we have seen, or was that a phoney war and now it is officially underway today, things may change? now it is officially underway today, things may change ?|j now it is officially underway today, things may change? i think we will see a things may change? i think we will seea ramping things may change? i think we will see a ramping up in campaigning now that the formal period of the election has started. 0f that the formal period of the election has started. of course we have the local elections tomorrow. but after that we get the manifestos from the parties so we have more policy announcements to pick over andi policy announcements to pick over and i think many more visits by politicians up and down the country. interesting also to see reactions to that speech from theresa may in the light of the general election. nicola sturgeon from the snp saying the prime minister had tried to poison the atmosphere for partisan reasons. and the liberal democrats say theresa may was creating around for her own political needs. so while she tries to frame the election around brexit and the need for strong leader to take on those in brussels these negotiations, other political parties will be wanting to talk about other issues like the nhs, education. in fact i was out with jeremy corbyn like the nhs, education. in fact i was out withjeremy corbyn in bedford this morning where he was complaining about the nhs. so as we go forward now with just a few weeks until polling day things are going to ramp up as we see more politicians out and about up and down the country. thank you very much. labour says it would suspend the planned closures of hospital services across england — if it wins the general election. the party says a reform process aimed at treating more patients in the community has created "mistrust and confusion". but the conservatives say the nhs modernisation programme has been backed by senior doctors and nurses. our health editor hugh pym reports. there have been protests against some of the reform plans including this demonstration outside a hospital in 0xfordshire where campaigners say services are under threat. last year nhs england called on local health and council leaders to draw up plans forjoined—up care with the aim of treating more patients in their communities rather than in hospitals. these sustainability and transformation plans have now been published. they cover 44 areas of england. some involve hospital bed cuts with resources switched to community health. labour's jon ashworth today at a meeting with activists in west yorkshire, argues the process has been driven by financial pressures and has caused widespread concern and confusion. let's just halt them, let's just have a moratorium on them and step back and have a full review of them and when we reiew them let's involve the clinicians, but let's involve the people as well, the public, because so far they've been cut out of the decisions and we don't think that's fair. the conservatives said labour had previously backed the plans which were supported by senior doctors and nurses. the lib dems said the purpose of the process was good but the conservatives had starved the plans of the required funding. hugh pym, bbc news. let's talk about this a little bit more, though strong comments from theresa may about the process of brexit talks and her comments about some officials in europe simply not wanting the talks to succeed. kevin connko wanting the talks to succeed. kevin connolly is in brussels. what reaction are you starting to hear from everything that theresa may has been saying? very strong words of course from the prime minister. we will not get a push against them in quite the same terms quite so publicly in brussels i sense. but as the new eu source has told bbc in the new eu source has told bbc in the minutes after the prime minister spoke that they regard her views as pure fantasy. there is a slight hint they are inclined to see them as pa rt they are inclined to see them as part of the rough and tumble of electioneering but the point was made that both michel barnier the eu chief negotiator and jean—claude juncker the eu commission president have spoken whether positively about the prime minister this afternoon. so to look at what theresa may is talking about, you have to go a bit below the fairly emollient public words of people like michel barnier and look at what appears to be a list of pretty tough demands from the european side. and clearly that growing list, that is what theresa may is reacting to. is it worth also reflecting that this is still comparatively speaking quite early daysin comparatively speaking quite early days in this negotiating process and did we not always think that there would be those in brussels who would ta ke would be those in brussels who would take a tough line because they do not want other member states to follow the example of the uk. not want other member states to follow the example of the uki think that is absolutely right, the european commission is run by people who are true believers in the european project and think the uk has done something rather mad in brexit and would be keen to discourage others from leaving as well. that is part of the motivation i think behind the setting of tough european conditions for the brexit negotiations. but also of course there's a push from other member states who know that when the uk leads the eu budget is going to shrink. and who are determined to extra ct shrink. and who are determined to extract as much money as possible the uk to make up the shortfall before brexit is finalised. so i think you have a twin pronged push from the european side, partly from european commission, partly from member states worried about money. and i think the overall combination of those things create the kind of drumbeat of news we have seen in the last day or so to which the prime minister appears to be reacting. and what is the timetable at the moment, do we assume that some kind of talks will be going on behind the scenes while the uk is going through the process of the general election campaign, people at the top might be engaged elsewhere on the campaign trail but do we think that there are co nsta nt trail but do we think that there are constant negotiations going on behind the scenes? i think there might not be, the uk has held up a budget proposal within the european process arguing that the rules of not making controversial decisions during an election campaign make it impossible to give consent. so at the weekend there was quite a strong reaction to that from one senior figure on the european side, who said we will have that as well, we will have no technical talks until after the election is over. but if you said that aside i think the overall timetable remains pretty much where it was before the strong words of today, that is that when the election is settled and the uk has a new government then quite soon after that, probably in june, has a new government then quite soon after that, probably injune, you will see the first round of talks. what i can say now i think is there isa what i can say now i think is there is a clearer sense on either side of the thinking that they will be facing on the other side of the table and i think after theresa may, after her words and the pushback from brussels, you can expect the atmosphere to be that bit more sour and difficult. thank you for now. i will be back with more at 5:30pm. that is if we had not all blown away. back to nick in the studio. the headlines. theresa may has made an outspoken attack on european union officials and politicians accusing them of using threats to try to influence the outcome of the general election. an eu source has dismissed the claims as pure fa ntasy. dismissed the claims as pure fantasy. the eu chief negotiator denied planning to punish the uk for leaving. a 20—year—old student was found guilty of planting a home—made bomb ona guilty of planting a home—made bomb on a busy london underground tube train. the iaaf president sebastian coe says he will consider the proposal put forward by european athletics to raise all world records before 2005. because of insufficient doping controls in the past. paul roden —— paula radcliffe would lose her marathon record. britishjavelin champion goldie sayers says she leaves athletics feeling a deep sense of injustice after being denied a medal at the beijing games bya denied a medal at the beijing games by a drugs cheat. and fernando alonso has passed his indycar rookie test and is now going to be allowed to race at the indy 500 at the end of the month. a full update in the next 15 minutes or so. a student has been found guilty of planting a home—made bomb on a tube train in london. damon smith, who's 20, packed a rucksack with explosives, ball bearings and a timer which was set to go off within minutes at north greenwich station. june kelly reports. alone on an london underground platform damon smith is caught on cctv priming his device to explode on the tube. it's inside a rucksack and he has timed it to go off after 11am. surrounded by passengers, he feigns interest in his book. further down the line, he gets off, but he has abandoned the rucksack in the carriage and left its lethal contents to explode. the rucksack was eventually spotted. north greenwich station was evacuated. passengers frightened that as on 7/7 the underground system was once again a terrorist target. although parts of the device were viable, it failed to explode. if had it had detonated it would have endangered life. without a doubt it would have caused mass casualties and would have caused substantial damage to the underground system. he had an unhealthy interest in firearms and violence particularly mass shootings in america. although he was in possession of some is material we cannot prove his motivation or his ideology. damon smith was arrested close to london metropolitan university where he had just begun a degree course. in his bag was a copy of the koran. despite his interest in islam, he wasn't a muslim. i'm going to shoot my gun. described as fascinated by weapons, he had posted this video on the internet. this pistol fired blank rounds the he owned another one which fired ball—bearings as well as this knife. it has got a nine centimetre blade and a 11 centimetre grip. he posted also posted this picture of himself on facebook with a knuckle—duster. islamic state propaganda was found on devices at his home. he was said to have used an online al-qaeda bomb—making manual to help him construct his device. the explosive was contained in a thermos flask with a wall clock as the timer. he'd packed the device with ball—bearings to produce a shower of shrapnel when it blew up. written on a list of components were the words and "keep this a secret between me and allah". damon smith has asperger‘s syndrome. this was him talking about his academic achievements. i've got a distinction star in it. the jury was told that his intelligence was not impaired by his condition. his one—time best friend witnessed his developing interest in extremism. he was showing me videos of isis grabbing and knife and cutting off people's heads slowly and burning people in cages and drowning them this cages. it was don't this look fun? i was like, no, it doesn't, it looks a bit wrong actually, i don't agree with this sort of stuff. damon smith claimed he left the device as a prank, but the jury decided this wasn't a bomb hoax and that he did deliberately set out to attack the london underground system and the people travelling on it. let's go back to westminster. let's talk about some of the campaigning that has been going on today. we mention the response to the speech from theresa may from snp leader nicola sturgeon so we can head now to glasgow. katrina renton is there and has been on that particular part of the campaign trail today. you join me here in glasgow, notjust the beginning of the general election but the eve of polls for the council elections. the first minister nicola sturgeon is with me. this has been a citadel for labour, glasgow council, for the past 37 yea rs. glasgow council, for the past 37 years. what you expect to happen tomorrow for the snp?” years. what you expect to happen tomorrow for the snp? i take nothing for granted but this is my own constituency, the south side of glasgow that for years was represented by labour and now has an snp memberof the represented by labour and now has an snp member of the scottish and westminster parliament. so we will be out tomorrow urging people to vote snp for a stronger local services right across the country. in glasgow it is about getting rid of generations of labour mismanagement but about —— it is about childcare, more affordable housing, supporting businesses and devolving power down to local communities across the country. that is our agenda and i hope people will vote for it tomorrow. you will have heard the speech made by theresa may this afternoon launching the formal start of this general election campaign. what is your reaction to her saying that european politicians have been making threats against the uk to try to influence the general election in the uk? i think your comments are deeply irresponsible and reckless. the uk needs the best possible deal with the eu, jobs and living standards, investment, are on the line and despite all the bravado we hear from the uk government their leverage in these negotiations is quite limited. so to have a prime minister for purely partisan reasons poisoning the atmosphere of these negotiations i think is against the national interests. and i think she's trying to make the eu the big bogeyman because she wants to distract attention from the tories and their appalling record on public services and austerity, the economy. where she continues to hide from voters. i think your comments today deal underlined the fact that to have a tory government in westminster without really strong opposition would be bad for every pa rt of opposition would be bad for every part of the uk. so there needs to be checked on the tories, strong opposition and in scotland that can only come from the snp. she serves she wants to reach a brexit deal and for the eu to succeed. do you think these comments make it then more difficult? by her comments she's making the process of negotiation more difficult and it appears almost wilfully purchased sabotaging the prospects of getting the best possible deal. i think many uk government ministers seem to be oblivious to the fact that the uk negotiating hand is not especially strong. so why poison the atmosphere of the talks before they get properly underway? because the case thatjobs and properly underway? because the case that jobs and living properly underway? because the case thatjobs and living standards depend on the best possible deal, so she is acting just as she did in calling the election, which was called for party reasons, with these comments today i think she is demonstrating she wants to fight the election on narrow partisan basis and not be in the in the address of the country overall. but the comments are wider, she also managed —— mention the european press misrepresenting the negotiating sta nce misrepresenting the negotiating stance of the uk. to say that an article in the german press could be intended to interfere with the uk election, it seems like pretty desperate stuff. i have watched theresa may over the last few days going into enclosed rooms, budding journalists on the outside and dodging the voters and clearly there is an attempt to avoid scrutiny and the wider issues in this election. perhaps not surprisingly she does not want people to be speaking about the tories and the doubling of debt, that the national health service in england has been called a humanitarian crisis, or the cuts to disability benefits, the bedroom tax, rate calls. she is desperate to keep attention away from these things and today we have seen her trying to make the eu the bogeyman to do that. but she is playing a dangerous game because by poisoning the atmosphere of these negotiations she risks getting a bad deal or no deal. and it is not necessarily theresa may or work colleagues that would pay the price but ordinary people across the uk injobs would pay the price but ordinary people across the uk in jobs and living standards. of course the general election now formally triggered and we look ahead to another map of election campaigning. thank you very much. of course not just a general election on the horizon, political parties up an out and about in the final day of campaigning for tomorrow's local elections. almost 5000 council seats are upforgrabs elections. almost 5000 council seats are up for grabs across england, wales and scotland, voters will have a chance to deliver their verdict on the main parties and of course it is not long before the general election next month. in a moment we take the political temperature from our political temperature from our political correspondent in scotland but first let's head to the latest on the picture in cardiff. there are 22 local authorities in wales, around 1200 seats and labour hold almost half of the number of council seats throughout wales. they had a huge win in 2012, going up by 200 seats. but they also have the most to lose. let's run through some of the targeted seats, or the key seats perhaps in this local election tomorrow. cardiff, the largest council by quite some distance. labour have a majority here and they're in control but they had some issues since 2012. they've had a change in leadership, there has been infighting in the party and they have, they will be facing a three pronged attack from plaid cymru, the tories and the lib dems. so this will be a key seat debated tomorrow in the elections. bridgend is another key area and of course that is the backyard of first minister ca rwyn is the backyard of first minister carwyn jones is the backyard of first minister carwynjones in the assembly. that is where theresa may chose to launch her election campaign a few weeks ago in wales. labour still hold the majority there but the tories are looking to make some gains. the independence in wales to have a number of councillors, over 300 across wales. they're in control in wrexham. ten labour councillors defected and went independent a couple of years ago and that council is now under the control of the independents. labourwill is now under the control of the independents. labour will be looking to regain that council but the other parties, the tourism plaid cymru, will be looking to make games there as well. and in carmarthenshire there is a classic battle between labour and plaid cymru, currently under plaid cymru and the control of independence but labour will be trying to make some gains. but the picture across wales according to the pundits is that labour will be expected to make some losses across wales. usjoin lorna gordon in scotland. us join lorna gordon in scotland. as you were saying all 32 authorities here being contested. 0ne you were saying all 32 authorities here being contested. one of the key battle grounds will be here in glasgow, the question being will labour hold on to power in a city where it used to be said you would weigh the votes rather than count them. they have had overall control of the city chambers here since 1980 for but you know, since the last local election, a lot has changed. this was a city that voted yes in the independence referendum, every constituency seat at the last weapons of mass destruction election, every constituency seat at the last holyrood election went into the last holyrood election went into the snp. the snp dominant nationally, will be hoping to repeat that success at a local level. the system of voting here in scotland is single transferable vote. it's a complicated system of prop natural reputation, and as to the issues local issues are playing out on the doorstep, every party is campaigning on local issues but in an increasingly binary world of scottish politics, one of the main issuesis scottish politics, one of the main issues is that question of another independence referendum. the liberal democrats say they want to be local champion, the greens are fielding a record number of candidates, the scottish conservatives are explicitly campaigning on the issue of another referendum. they are hoping to make big gains and labour once dominant are calling for a protest vote against both the conservatives, and the snp. thank you lorna in glasgow. well elections will be held in 3a council areas across england. there are eight mayoral election, i including in the west midlands. from 0xford, our political editor to the south of england is peter henley. yes, in the shire counties of the south of england, it is just like in scotland, one party dominates but it's the conservatives here. they are huge authorities running the school, roads, people care about their potholes of course, but they tend to elect conservatives to run what they see as efficient large budget. this time it is different. the cuts have meant that conservatives have been some of the loudest critics of central government. in west sussex all the head teachers have threatened to take, to send their pupils home from school on one day because they are so short of money and class room sizes have grown so large. parents have had to volunteer to clean to i lets, have had to volunteer to clean toilets, they are paying for art in classrooms and adult supplies in classrooms and adult social care is the other big bill, and we have seen controversy over that in surrey where they wanted to put up the council tax by 15 pence until arrangements were made. but still black holes in a lot of the big councils in the south, everyone in 0xfordshire david cameron, when help was prime minister and david cameron's mum. co—plaining about the closure of children's centres there. theresa may has arrested some of that by allowing them to spend more. it isa that by allowing them to spend more. it is a short—term funding, she has talked about longer term solution for the councils is and the funding of social care but she said it will be in the manifestos. that is no good to councillors outcampaigning. they haven't seen that yet. the same about fairer funding for rural schools again a promise in the ma nifesto, schools again a promise in the manifesto, the conservatives haven't seen that. having having said that these elections were last fought four years ago and it is probably ukip and the liberal democrats that will be watching closely, ukip did very well last time they became the official opposition in west sussex with tense councillor, the liberal democrat also hope to continue their progress back from where they were four years ago. peter, thank you. let us hear as well from our midlands political editor patrick burns in birmingham. we have got two important but separate sets of elections both going on at the same time. first of all, one of those metro mayoral elections you mentioned earlier on, there are six candidates for what is a novel departure in this devolved combined authority here, set up by the government as part of this great project to devolve powerer i from whitehall and westminster, down to local decision makers and there are six candidates, but in this area which has traditionally been seen as essentially a labour area, is was and always will be, the polls an we know they have their moments of unreliability, they may not be entirely reliability but they suggest we have a knife—edge contest lining up between the conservative candidate, andy street, the former boss of the john lewis candidate, andy street, the former boss of thejohn lewis department store chain and sean simon, former labourmp, store chain and sean simon, former labour mp, former government minister under gordon brown, now a labour mep. and at the moment, the polls suggest they are nip and tuck, which would call into play importance of second preference vote. key election issues during the course of the captain, all six in a wide—ranging debate have ranged over the general traffic gridlock, what to do about that, how to unblock it, should you take the m6 toll motorway into public ownership? should you adopt a more holistic approach to maybe reviving disused railways? that is one of the key themes of andy street's conservative campaign, whereas the certainly the come nest for the labour party want to see public control over that toll motorway. now, the turn out and there are fears that there will be a low turn out because there is an active debate about whether this mayor is desirable or not, fears in some quarters it could be under 20%, not helped by the fact that there are no council elections on the same day. how ever, outside that metropolitan area we have five shire counties going to the poll, all conservative controlled with majority administrations apart from warwickshire, the challenge will be can they become a majority administration. interesting for the liberal democrat, they rise to ride the tide of the brexit bans 1a councillors, will they concentrate support and make a difference there is this the key this thing this will establish the mood music going into june 8th. thank you very much. patrick burns in birmingham. we will talk more about that election campaign, the one forjune 8th in the next few minutes, we will pause now, we will catch up with the weather with nick. nick i can tell you what is it do, it is november. you have the most appalling luck jayne. it was cloudy and windy now it is has started raining. the sun has been shining, 20 degrees in western scotland. nine or ten in the cloudy parts of east anglia, holding on the showers overnight. it will be chilliest overnight, where it stays clear or clear spell, particularly into scotland. a bit more cloud round, but still the chance for an isolated pocket of frost going into the morning. and then tomorrow we keep a lot of cloud across england and wales, especially the further south you are. one or two passing showers. further north you are, northern england and scotland and northern ireland, good sunny spells again. maybe not as warm as it has been today. the breeze off the sea holding temperatures down, high teens for a few spots in the west and then looking ahead to friday, maybe a shower in the south, good sunny spells round, a breezier day, in fact sunny spells round, a breezier day, infacta sunny spells round, a breezier day, in fact a gusty wind and still that temperature contrast. this is bbc news at 5 — the headlines. theresa may has accused european politicians of making "threats" against britain to try to influence the general election. the prime minister was speaking outside downing street after meeting the queen. labour say theresa may is playing party games with brexit. scotland's first minister described her comments as deeply irresponsible. over in brussels the european commission's chief brexit negotiator has denied demanding a "blank cheque" from britain. but michel barnier said the uk‘s accounts must be settled. a student has been found guilty of planting a home—made bomb on a tube train in london. 20—year—old damon smith packed a rucksack with explosives, set to go off within minutes at north greenwich station. sainsbury‘s has warned of challenging trading conditions as it posted an 8% fall in annual profits. the chain's chief executive said the supermarket will try not to pass on price increases to customers. cast a shadow on the resort. however, a decade later in spite of extensive inquiries there have been no firm leads and the investigation remains open. jon kay reports now. ten years. ten years since everything changed here. a little girl vanished on a holiday with her parents. it's unbelievable that nothing, there's been nothing. you know, nobody‘s found anything. they haven't found the child, they haven't found anything. jenny murat remembers it like it was yesterday. she only lives a few yards from the block where madeleine disappeared. back then she set up a stall outside, appealing for information. she never imagined that the case would still be unsolved a decade on. this comes into my mind every day. every single day. everything you look at and you see all around you is... it connects somehow to the fact that a poor little girl disappeared. there are still so many theories. i noticed her there and she kind of looked as if she was trying to hide. i do remember that she was wearing a plum coloured top. for the first time, jenny has also told us about a car she saw that night speeding towards the mccann's apartment, heading the wrong way down a one—way street. itwas a... one of the small cars, like a rental car, the normal everyday sort of rental car. were you able to see the driver? i saw the driver. i was beside the driver. we just looked at each other and i think he had a very british look about him. please give our little girl back. she repeats her plea in portuguese ten years of unprecedented publicity. appeals, but no answers. it's had a huge impact on my personality... jenny murat‘s son robert was the first to be named a suspect in the case. a decade on, his name may have been cleared, but he still cannot bear to look online. the internet is full of theories. i'd like to know the truth. not theories. i just want to know why that was the case. it didn't only lead to me being destroyed, it led to my whole family being destroyed and affected by those allegations. it was completely untrue. and you are adamant that you were not there that night? 100%. ten years ago this was just another sleepy village. now it is the place where madeleine disappeared. panorama will be on bbc one at 9pm this evening. now back to jane. let us take a few minutes to talk to two mps, who have in fact decided that they have had enough. sir eric pickles, formerly a conservative secretary of state for communities and local government, and labour's gisela stuart. when theresa may has been so strong talking about brexit and the eu and so on, a quick thought from both of you, is this campaign, that you don't have to worry about quite so much now, is it a brexit election. it is an election about leadership, and about whether or not you want a coalition of chaos, to coin a phrase but ultimately this is the biggest deal outside this side of the second world war. it's a massive piece of negotiation and essentially the british people will decide who do wow wa nt british people will decide who do wow want at the table is this do you wa nt teresa wow want at the table is this do you want teresa orjeremy. that is the that is the choice facing british voters. it a choice of what policies we have ta ken voters. it a choice of what policies we have taken back control over, where we will change eu law and it is important you have a strong opposition, so, you know, where ever you have, if have a labour mp, stick with them. you see... everybody though you are going.|j with them. you see... everybody though you are going. i am still, you know, i still want a strong labour representation. we could... we could continue in that vain, for the next ten minutes but i do want, you have. co—especially because you are not part of this campaign now, is that little, is this change, here we are, we are spending all day talking about the official stairt of of2 campaign, talking about the official stairt of of 2 campaign, what do you do for the next few weeks? is that it? no, you look, it feels straightly strange but you still have a responsibility for the constituents, you have the look after your staff, you have the look after your staff, you still care about your party and you still care about your party and you know, i decided not to stand against in 2015, so it came a bit earlier. then i had planned for, but you know, i earlier. then i had planned for, but you know, lam earlier. then i had planned for, but you know, i am firm earlier. then i had planned for, but you know, lam firm minded it was the right thing to do you had to make a swift decision others who said they were going to go, then said they were going to go, then saidi said they were going to go, then said i will go next time. said they were going to go, then said i will go next timelj said they were going to go, then said i will go next time. i thought 20 years was quite enough. idid 25! 20 years was quite enough. i did 25! but there comes a time when there was no possibility of a dignified exit. i was going to tell my staff, my constituents that next yeari my staff, my constituents that next year i was going to stand down. you come to view there are too many people who stay on for maybe another parliament, and it has to end some time. it is best to go when people say why are you going rather than what is that dodering old fool going? why are you going? because i have done 25 year, i have just gone 65. i have a chance to do something else and i feelic would like to do something else. have each of you have plans you want to pursue? no i decided i would start thinking about it in 2018. i don't know, but there comes a point when you say silt the next generation, we need to have new people coming in. for me we are going to build a new holocaust centre across the road. i will be devoting my time to that. ijust feel that, you know, being outside the commons i can probably do more, as post holocaust envoy than i could being in the commons. do you remember the thing that has, perhaps the achievement that has brought you the achievement that has brought you the greatest pleasure in your time in parliament? do you feel you are walking out with head held high? you can think of moments where something positive has happened 1234 you can feel good hinges and bad thing, i will never for feel good hinges and bad thing, i will neverfor get my feel good hinges and bad thing, i will never for get my first question as secretary of state, it was a wonderful experience, i prepared a lot but as soon as i got there, i put my hands on the box, theyjust, it was a wonderful feeling, i thought this is the coolest experience of my life. cool experience of my life. cool. you thought parliament was cool cool. you thought parliament was cool. that in itself. it is great to bea cool. that in itself. it is great to be a minister in the blair government but in terms of the labour party, the one vote i rememberwas labour party, the one vote i remember was introducing the national minimum wage, we stayed all through the night. the vote was 8.00 the following morning, we piled in and the merchants of gloom were proved wrong. i am proud we did it. so how do you each spend the night ofjune 8th. do you want david dimbleby or say i don't need to see it. i am looking forward being able to watch an election night. when you are a candidate you are in the count. you don't say anything. will watch. i will watch twitter, the whole thing. i will enjoy every single minute. well, enjoy, and i am surely be talking to both of you with all the other projects you have going on. enjoy it for now. thank you, go and find some shelter. shelter. thank you very much. back to the campaign proper as it were, the labour leader jeremy corbyn has given his reaction to those comments in fact by the prime minister, that we touched on there, that statement she made outside number ten, round about 4.00 after she had been to see the queen. let us see his react should be. we will negotiation a brexit that works for all, for the many not the few. we won't threaten europe on the way into brexit, and above all, in this election campaign we will put forward a proposal and a plan for britain, which is about dealing with inequality and injustice, insuring a proper health service, properly funded education service, proper social care and a housing policy that ensures everyone gets somewhere to live. the point theresa may made was you are not capable of delivering that. she said you were a risk to the country if you were leading brexit negotiations the risk to this country who sets up megaphone diplomacy, that threatens to walk away from those talks if they don't go their way, our view is, you work with people, you don't threaten at the start, you start with the idea and the aim and the intention of reaching an agreement, of tariff free trade access to europe and protection of very important workers consumer and environmental rights that we have in this country. so jeremy corbyn with his reaction in the last few minutes. as the official campaign gets under way the conservatives have been trying to shift the election debate as well, or earlier today they were on the the economy. claiming that families will face a tax and debt bombshell, if labour wins the election. the tories say there is a £45 billion gap between what labour is promising to spend and what it would raise in rev view. philip hammond warned of the impact a labour government could have on the economy. testify as the document we are publishing this morning shows his economic policies are a recipe for chaos, instability, uncertainty and insecurity. britain simply cannot take the risk ofjeremy corbyn in downing street unleashing economic chaos on the country. just when we need strong and stable leadership for our economy and country over the next crucial five years as we negotiate our exit from the eu and chart a new course in the years beyond, jeremy corbyn offers a chaotic and high—risk gamble. labour's shadow chancellor, john mcdonnell, dismissed the claim as "lies" — and said labour's plans were fully costed. pack of lies. it's an absolute pack of lies. i don't know why the bbc or the media are giving it any room whatsoever, it's an absolute pack of lies. i'll give you an example. they have included £35 billion worth of investment money, capital expenditure. they don't seem to know the difference between capital and revenue. all you include in your day—to—day spending on capital expenditure is the interest rates. so it's completely ludicrous, then they have invented figures, in terms of commitments that we have given, which we haven't, and then where we have given commitments, they haven't even identified where we have already said that funding will come from. it's a pack of lies. the director of the institute for fiscal studies, pauljohnson joins me from the bbc newsroom. when the voters hear one side saying it is lies and the other not, it is difficult for anyone to unpick it, i suppose it is about people like you, pauljohnson, working out simply whether the maths add up, whether one party is promising to raise enough revenue it can spend that money in another area. well, we will wait and see to see what is in the ma nifestos. wait and see to see what is in the manifestos. it is clear already though, there is a very big difference between the two main party, the labour party have said not only they would be happy to borrow to invest, but also they would be, they are looking to invest an awful lot more than is currently being spent on capital and infrastructure projects so, so that looks to us they would be willing to borrow 7 o 0 billion or more, more than the conservative party. if they are will willing to borrow that much and the degree of tax rises they are likely to need maybe more limited, thousand they have 0ussama assaidi capital gains tax would rise under them. at the top level there is is a big choice here. yes, so for a voter it is about do you feel comfortable, do you want tax rises, to fund public service or whatever that tax money will be spend on, that is the key debate. i suppose we look at the co re key debate. i suppose we look at the core rate of income tax, but perhaps we forget that you can raise taxes in many other ways and you can secrete possibilities of money in or areas? yes, in the end it's the tax burden that matters. it sounds like corporation tax is paid by corporation tax is paid by corporation but in the end it has to be paid by customers or employees or shareholders, that is people who have money in pensions and so son on, so there is no victimless tax, if taxes go up, someone ends up paying, there is an issue about the level of tax, we will find out more in the labour party manifesto about the details of additional places, but it is also a question about borrowing, there is no doubt the level of borrowing would be higher than under the conservatives but on the flip sigh vied you get more money spent on social security, public services or building roads, ra i lwa ys public services or building roads, railways and so on. is good to talk to you, we will speak to you when we have the manifestos as you suggest. and you can find out lots more about the local elections and the general election campaign, on our website — that's all the constant up—to—date coverage there. and that is all from westminster, for today. plenty more to come in the coming weeks. for now, i will hand you back to nick. thank you very much. the supermarket giant sainsbury‘s says its profits have fallen by more than 8% in the past year, as it warns of a "challenging" trading market and unpredictability in the value of the pound, caused by brexit. the supermarket chain says it is trying not to pass on the increases to customers by putting up prices. our business correspondent, emma simpson, reports. sainsbury‘s, these days there's more than the traditional deals. last year, it bought argos, delivering a big boost to earnings. it is doing well with sales up by more than 4.1% for the year but sainsbury‘s sales were down by 0.6% and so too were overall profits. it has been an incredible year where we have seen lots and lots of changes and i expect the next year will show many of the similar characteristics. as i say, ourjob is to make sure we do all we can to mitigate pressures on our customers. profits are down because we have seen pressures in our prices but we have also given our colleagues a 4% pay rise during the course of the year. it has been a challenging year for all supermarkets, especially due to the fall in the pound. that's meant a big increase in the cost of getting our groceries onto the shelves. supermarkets say they are doing the best to keep the lid on price rises but ourfood bills are on the up. what we are already seeing is shopping prices increasing for goods and services that we buy every week and that is tricky for supermarkets to pass on to us. when they do we just go and shop somewhere else. the last time there was loads of price increases we stopped shopping in the main supermarkets and started shopping at discounters. over the last couple of years, the big four retailers have worked hard to win those shoppers back and do not want to lose them now. sainsbury‘s reckon these argos stores will help. it has already got 59 of them in its main supermarkets and are rolling out several hundred more, a business that has taken a big change in direction to try to attract more shoppers. now the weather with nick. the day ended on a wet note at westminster but elsewhere there has been lovely sunshine. northern ireland, scotland, parts of northern england and wales, but from the cloud into east anglia and south—east england in particular, we have seen rain and shower, a chance of that continuing on and off and a few spots overnight. with the cloud to the south many of us will stay dry. it will be coolest overnight in the countryside, in scotland a chance for the odd pocket of frost going into the morning, and a bit more cloud in scotland tomorrow, compared with today, but still sunny spells and for northern ireland and england a dry day, parts of england and wales to the south there will be more cloud round, a chance for the odd shower but many of us staying dry. the arrows indicate a brisk east or north eastly wind. that will peg the temperatures back on the north sea coast. a few spots in the western sunshine getting into the high teens but that not quite as warm as it was today. a windy day on friday. the odd shower in this south but most places dry with variable cloud and sunny spells. tonight at six: a blistering attack on brussels from theresa may on the day parliament is officially dissolved. she accused eu politicians of hardening their positions and said some in brussels did not want brexit talks to succeed. threats against britain have been issued by european politicians and officials. all of these acts have been deliberately timed to affect the result of the general election that will take place on 8thjune. we won't threaten europe on the way into brexit, and above all in this election campaign, we'll put forward a proposal and a plan for britain. her comments followed a warning from the eu's top negotiator — you're wrong if you think brexit is going to be painless.

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