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And well be looking at claims that labours tax and spending figures lack credibility. Also tonight President Trump denies that he shared highly sensitive Us Intelligence with the Russian Foreign minister. We had a very, very successful meeting with the Foreign Minister of russia. Our fight is against isis. The cost of living increased in april at the fastest rate in nearly four years, overtaking the rise in wages. Police say the search for the body of Keith Bennett will not end, despite the death of his killer, the moors murderer, ian brady. Ill be reporting from jordan, On A Remarkable Scientific Venture thats bringing together countries youd noshlly think of as enemies. And coming up in sportsday later in the hour on bbc news its a pivotal night in the premier league, as a race for a top four finish becomes a lot clearer. Good evening. With just over three weeks to polling day, labour has unveiled its manifesto. Jeremy corbyn said labour would build a Better Future for britain, ending government for the rich and the elite. The manifesto includes pledges costing some {48. 5 billion pounds to be paid for, in part, by increasing taxes on business and higher earners. Labour wants to nationalise the railways, the Water Companies in england and royal mail. The party wants to scrap University Tuition fees in england. It would reverse some of the cuts in Welfare Benefits and end the Public Sector pay freeze. And it would invest an extra £37 billion thats over five years. But labours opponents say the figures are not credible, as our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. Here it is labours proposed contract, with you. This would be his cabinet. This isJeremy Corbyns deal. Cheering and applause a massive moment for the man, who two years ago, was a total outsider. Im delighted to introduce to you, the Leader Of The Labour Party and our next prime minister, Jeremy Corbyn. A plan he believes the country needs. Whatever your age or situation, people are under pressure, struggling to make ends meet. Our manifesto is for you. Listing plenty of Crowd Pleasers here. Labour will scrap tuition fees, lifting the debt. Cheering and Applause Labour is guaranteeing the triple lock to protect pensioners incomes. Applause and, labour will take our railways back into Public Ownership and put passengers first. Applause more childcare, more cash for the nhs, too. Paid for by the richest 5 and taxes on business. With nearly £50 billion of extra spending, paid for by nearly £50 billion of tax. Were asking the better off and the big corporations to pay a little bit more. And, of course, to stop dodging their Tax Obligations in the first place. This is a programme of hope. The tory campaign, by contrast, is built on one word, fear. Applause for good orfor ill, you think its time to pay for your ideas, to tax more, to spend more, and to borrow more. Do you know what every other country in the world says, why does britain invest so little and pay itself so little, while it allows such grotesque levels of inequality to get worse . Lets turn it around and do it the other way. Do you think the public are going to go for something as radical as this . I think those earning over £80,000, paying a little bit more to pay for our Health Service and our childrens education, i think that theyll be positive and supportive of it. Fantastic manifesto. The manifesto that youve got there, laura, is full of really, really popular policies and i am fighting harder, as is every labour candidate, for a labour victory, for a Labour Government led byJeremy Corbyn. Do you really believe hes up to the job now . Jeremy corbyn is a leader whos had to fight to keep his job since he started but broadly the manifesto is built in his image. This is his radical offer, to you. The manifesto is the biggest hypothetical expansion of the state in many years. But how exactly would his ideas work . Why in this manifesto is there no scale, no Ballpark Figure for how much it might cost the public purse . How much are you prepared to borrow renationalise four Major Industries . Because we dont know what the share price will be at the time that we do it. As i said in the case of rail, there is a neutral cost on it. I believe in the case of water, the same would apply in exchange for the bond issue. 0n the other side of the equation, you havent promised to reverse all the tory welfare cuts. Now for some of your supporters, do you accept that might be quite disappointing . No, what ive said on the welfare cuts and cap issue is this that we have set aside £2 billion to deal with the worst effects of the benefit cap, which will help a lot. So you are not reversing the whole thing but you are making some. You will see a lot of changes on it but bear in mind weve had two weeks in order to prepare all of these policy issues because of the speed at which the election has been called. I accept the challenge. Weve produced, i think, a very well thought out and a very credible manifesto in a very short space of time. I think we deserve some credit for that actually but its all right. Well, itll be up to the voters. Indeed. I look forward to their decision. Theres never been a question that he can pull a crowd. Rapture down the road in huddersfield. Right, we have lift off. ButJeremy Corbyn has three weeks to be heard across the board. Politics is not just who can shout the loudest. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, bradford. Labour has said it will pay for its Spending Plans through a combination of extra borrowing and tax rises. At the same time, the manifesto commits the party to eliminating the deficit on day to day spending and to bringing down the amount of national debt, by 2022. 0ur Economics editor kamal ahmed has been looking in more detail at labours figures. Its labours big offer to the voter. An extra £25. 3 billion for education. Enough to build 1,000 schools. 7. 7 billion for the nhs, thats quite a few hospitals, and a £4 billion pay rise for the Public Sector. Add in other commitments on policing and the minimum wage and the grand total of new spending, £48. 6 billion. The Question Labour was asked today how to pay for its promises. The bulk will come from new business taxes. Corporation tax will be increased from 19 to 26 . Labour says that will raise nearly £20 billion, although forecasts are often wrong. There will be a new levy on firms that pay employees over £330,000. Labour says that will raise £1. 3 billion. Then there are personal taxes. Those earning above £80,000 will pay a tax rate of 45p in the pound. If you earn above that amount, you could be worse off by up to £400 a year. For those earning £123,000, the rate rises to 50p. For those on the highest incomes around £500,000 tax bills would increase by £23,000. Some are sceptical that labours numbers add up. In the end, raising tax does bring in more money and if you put all of labours tax plans together, that would raise quite a significant amount of money, not i think as much as theyre hoping because corporate, companies would change their behaviour, individuals would change their behaviour, but the scale of their behaviour, but the scale of the changes are so big there would be some money, for sure, coming in. Labour has also said it wants to borrow £25 billion a year more than the present government. That money, which will add to the national debt, will be spent on high speed railways, broadband, renewable energy. Will that injection of new money boost the economy . With Interest Rates so low, there is a Reality Opportunity to borrow at record low rates, which means you can pay it back and it also means the Bank Of England is not able it stimulate the economy, as we would hope it would do. Right now, invest of this kind to get the economy moving to build the roads and infrastructure we need is really welcome. It is a very different prospectus. More tax spand, less balance the books. Labour has also said it wants to renationalise Water Companies, the railways and the royal mail and costs are attached. If nothing else, the choice onjune 8th is certainly, now, a clear one. As weve heard, labour is promising to Renationalise Parts of four Key Industries rail, electricity, royal mail, and englands Water Companies, if it wins power. Water was privatised by Margaret Thatcher back in 1989 and since then, bills have risen by 40 above the rate of inflation. 0ur industry correspondent, john moylan, has been assessing what a return to Public Ownership would mean for the Water Industry. We all need water, but for busy households like this family near southampton, that comes at a price. Despite attempts to cut back, their annual water bill has doubled in the past three years. So labours plan to shake up the industry received a cautious welcome. Anything that can be done to bring the prices down of water, to make it a Service Rather than a for profit offering, then wed be for that. State ownership is nothing new. Take a shower in scotland or Northern Ireland and the water comes from a publicly owned firm. Turn on the tap in wales, and your water is from a not for profit company. But in england, the big water firms have been privately owned since the late 80s. Its these nine english water and Sewage Companies with their reservoirs, their treatment works and their Pumping Stations that labour now wants to bring back under Public Ownership. It says that these big regional firms will no longer be paying dividends to shareholders and that will help to reduce average Household Water bills by around £100 a year. Labour points to the rise in average Household Water bills since privatisation. Theyre up around 40 , although they have come down slightly in recent years. But would Public Ownership really make a difference . Theyre already regulated tightly by 0fwat. By the state, the government taking them back under full ownership, the control you get is pretty marginal compared to what you have at the moment. It will cost you tens of billions of pounds to do so. 0nce britains Great Industries were all state owned from the power sector, to the railways, to royal mail to water. The thatcher years pioneered privatisation, selling state owned assets to boost investment and efficiency. Critics pointed to huge profits and shareholder payouts too. Now labour wants to see State Ownership returned to the railways, energy and the water sector. Sir ian byatt regulated the Water Industry for a decade after it was sold off. And to the water customer. He still backs private ownership but believes changes are needed. The dividends, i believe, are too high. I believe that the prices are too high and that the regulator should be pushing prices down. The industry says its invested £130 billion over the years to deliver better services, but unpicking decades of privatisation to deliver labours great vision wont be easy. John moylan, bbc news. As we heard, Jeremy Corbyn said labours manifesto was a programme of hope for britain, representing a step change in british politics. But what do voters make of the emphasis on a bigger role for the state and higher taxation for business and higher earners . 0ur deputy Political Editor john pienaar has talking to voters in bradford. No time to waste, enough selfies, time for team corbyn to spread the word. Is this manifesto a vote winner, an election winner . Yes, it is. Its proved to be extremely popular, even when it was leaked, it was popular. Now theyve seen more detail, its even more popular. Is it a winner, what do you think . Of course, its a winner. Were going to save the nhs, were going to reverse the cuts to schools. 23 days, one purpose for these Shadow Ministers now. Hit the road. Just a shortjog from labours big launch, in this Bradford Gym Club its clear labour has ground to cover. Labour underJeremy Corbyn, what do you think . I quite like his policies, but i dont think theyre doable. What do you think . I agree, i dont think theyre doable. Why not . I just dont think they are. This is where the elections being decided, here where Millions Of Us make up our minds before june 8. Not many, maybe not enough of us, comb through detailed policy. But voters will decide should the state own and do more of what we need . Can the country afford it . Can we . And who do we trust . Labour has a lot of popular policies. But the party has a lot of people to persuade. Just ask around. My names natalie. What do you do . Im a personal trainer. Ive just set up my own business. Look, today, were talking about taxes on businesses, as well as better off people. What do you think about the idea of putting more tax on businesses, so weve got more money for services . I think its ok for the Bigger Companies that can handle that. Smaller companies and new companies that are just starting out, obviously they need space and room to grow. Have you decided who to vote for . No, not yet. Im still weighing it up. Youre a Police Officer . Lam. Im going to ask you, what do you think about the labour idea, Jeremy Corbyns promise to tax the better off more . Absolutely agree with it. Seems that the rich are getting richer and the poor are just where they are. Its getting harder and harder for the poor to obviously find jobs and provide a living for their loved ones. Do you agree with adam . No. Why not . Because im in the higher tax bracket and i pay a lot of tax as it is. I dont think its fair for people whos doing well, making all the money to get taxed even more. Are you being selfish, because our services are short of money, we need more money. Im sure they could do cutbacks on other things. Labours challenge under Jeremy Corbyn is to convince the unconvinced, to ditch the Centre Ground policies that helped tony blair conquer Middle Britain and win three times and win his way. It doesnt look easy, thats because its hard, very hard. John piennar, bbc news, bradford. Live to bradford and our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg. Can we talk about the nature of the choice that labour has offered voters today . Well manifesto moments are times in a campaign when voters sometimes think it is now im going to listen. What they would have heard from Jeremy Corbyn was a very clear choice, a very clear distinction between him and what the tories are putting on the table. His zist tories are putting on the table. His 21st century brand of old labour, more tax, more spending and more borrowing, but to spend on the things in this country that he believes voters need and that voters really wa nt. Believes voters need and that voters really want. The question of course is how many people will believe him when he makes that offer . How many people women find that appealing when it is a real departure from the direction the labour party has been in when it is a departure from the consensus of the fabled centre some call it in politics for some time. Now in his view, the irritations and anger and anxiety of britain in 2017 do mean that voters are right and ready for something that sounds very different. And he said to me when he goes around the place he is encouraged and enthused by the crowds. But there is a gamble of course, crowds on the campaign stump dont necessarily translate into votes a nd dont necessarily translate into votes and remember not so long ago in 2015, ed miliband made a few tiptoes to the left of where labour had been and he lost that election. Jeremy corbyn is making a much bigger step in the same direction. It isa bigger step in the same direction. It is a gamble as to whether or not the voters of middle england are ready for the policies he believes will be popular. And if you needed a reminder of how big the challenge that he may face will be, one of his biggest supporters, len mccluskey, the boss of the unite union said it would be extraordinary if labour was able to do it. Thank you. In wales, plaid cymru has launched its manifesto, telling voters that wales badly needs a strong voice during the Brexit Process to protect welsh industry and agriculture. The party leader, leanne wood, said she wanted to ensure that wales could continue to trade with europe without costly barriers. Policies include scrapping business rates, creating a publicly owned bank and retaining the triple lock on pensions. President trump has been accused of sharing classified information with the russians during a meeting in the Oval Office Last week. The white house has responded by saying it was wholly appropriate for the president to share information about the threat from the Islamic State group with the Russian Foreign minister and ambassador. But both republicans and democrats have expressed concern that secret material was shared with moscow, said to be highly sensitive intelligence provided by one of americas allies. Lets join our North America editor jon sopel in washington. This has been another bumpy 24 hours for the white house with mixed m essa 9 es for the white house with mixed messages and seemingly a new chapter openedin messages and seemingly a new chapter opened in the russia saga. Tonight it is being reported that the source of the delicate intelligence was the israelis, although no confirmation of that. But this weekend the president will fly to the middle east and he wont be the first president that hopes that a major overseas trip will divert attention from his problems at home. This meeting with the Russian Foreign minister and ambassador was already controversial enough, coming a day after the sacking of the fbi director, who had been investigating the trump campaigns links to moscow. Now its being claimed that during the meeting, the president shared the most highly classified information with his guests, so sensitive that americas allies, like britain, knew nothing about it. As the white house once again scrambled to put out the fire, the National Security advisor last night emerged to say the story was nonsense. At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the president did not disclose any Military Operations that were not already publicly known. I was in the room, it didnt happen. But then on twitter this morning, from the president , a different story. Yes, it did and so what. He wrote so once again, the general was sent out to face the guns and explain the change of story. What the president discussed with the Foreign Minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom hes engaged. And the president was sticking to generalities today. We had a very, very successful meeting with the Foreign Minister of russia. 0ur fight is against isis, as general mcmaster said, i thought he said and i know he feels that we had actually a great meeting. 0n capitol hill, the only reaction has been fury from democrats, and from republicans willing to talk, a certain exasperation and weariness. I think we could do with a little less drama from the white house on a lot of things, so that we can focus on our agenda. Another influential republican said the white house seemed to be in a downward spiral. The president is frustrated, but its hard to see whats going to change. The abnormal is becoming normal. John sopel, bbc news, washington. The rate of inflation rose last month to its highest since september 2013. The office for National Statistics says prices, as measured by the Consumer Price index, were 2. 7 higher in april than the year before. It means the cost of living is now rising faster than wages. 0ur Economics correspondent andy verity is here. For proof that people visiting the shops are feeling this . If you go to the shops, you are probably used to the shops, you are probably used to the odd surprise, the price of fish is up by 8 . Books are up 7 . The energy to heat the shop you go up by 6 and if you take the bus there is a rise in 10 . Some prices are going down. Is to and games and petrol. But on average prices rose by 2. 7 . You compare that with the average pay rise, which was only at the last count 2. 2 and you can see that wages are not keeping up with prices. Now we will have a further update tomorrow. We have had this before, it looks familiar, the big squeeze on Living Standards between 2011 and 2014. That relaxed for two and a half years. But now it has tightened again. It is because the Bank Of England doesnt think that wages are going up to beat inflation that it wages are going up to beat Inflation Thatitis wages are going up to beat inflation that it is not ready about inflation becoming permanent. So no big rises in Interest Rates any time soon. Thank you. Nine years after it was rescued by the state during the financial crisis, Lloyd Banking Group is returning to private ownership. The government has sold its remaining shares in lloyds, ending one of the biggest bail outs of the crisis. At one point, 43 of the company was state owned. The Re Privatisation of lloyds is expected to be officially announced tomorrow. Greater Manchester Police say the death of the moors murderer, ian brady, wont stop them looking for the remains of 12 year old Keith Bennett the only one of his victims whose body was never found. Brady and his partner myra hindley abducted keith in 1964 and refused to say where he was buried. Brady was jailed in 1966 for the murder of three children and later admitted to another two killings. He died yesterday at the age of 79. 0ur correspondent Judith Moritz reports. His name will always be notorious, his face the image of evil ian brady, the moors murderer. He took children and tortured them and brought their bodies high up to the hills above manchester. 0n the desolate moors, the police spent years searching for their remains. Bradys accomplice was his girlfriend, myra hindley. She died 15 years ago. Bradys death closes a chapter of criminal history. Five children died at their hands. The youngest, lesley ann downey, was just 10 years old. Her family are still grieving. I remember when i sat on the stairs in hattersley and me mum had to go to identify lesley. She come through the door and. Shejust nodded. You know, it still gets me now. At their trial, the pair were met with publicjeers. Sentenced to life, brady was at first taken to prison, but in 1985, he was transferred to ashworth, a high security hospital. From there, he wrote letters. In one he claimed to feel remorse. But he showed no sympathy to the family of 12 year old Keith Bennett, whose remains were never located. It consumed the life of his mother, winnie, who died without knowing where he lay. The police say that virtually every week someone gets in Touch Purporting to be able to lead them to keith, but theyre not actively searching the moors at the moment. They say though that they will never close the case and ian bradys death doesnt change that. Yesterday, knowing his death was imminent, brady called his solicitor to see him. I dont think there was anything he really knew or had any information that would assist in the location of Keith Bennetts body. Did brady say anything which would give the families of the victims any comfort . No. Today a coroner said that bradys ashes must not be scattered across these moors. Bad enough that he had taken his saddleworth secret to the grave, controlling and cruel to the last. Judith moritz, bbc news. A man who was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder a female Police Officer outside the Libyan Embassy in london in 1984 has been told he wont face charges. Scotland yard said key material in the case of pc Yvonne Fletcher couldnt be used in Court On Grounds of National Security. More on the Election Campaign and one of the key Battle Grounds in next months vote is london, which accounts for more than 10 of all members of parliament and contains more than a dozen closely co ntested marginal constituencies. The city because of its rapid Economic Growth and complex social problems in some areas presents politicians with a unique set of challenges, as our Chief Correspondent gavin hewitt reports. London a fast charging, global city. A place apart from the rest of the uk. Even the politics are different, registering some of the strongest support for remaining in the eu. But running through london is a faultline between those living well off the Global Economy and those left behind. Take housing. London average house price is coming in at 475,000, thats twice the uk average. Lucian cook from the Property Group savills sees a great divide. If you look at whats happened in london, its dislocated itself from the rest of the uk for a prolonged period. That means london faces a series of housing challenges that are more acute than the rest of the uk. Its about building enough housing stock. If you look at london, particularly in the lower tiers of the market, we are not building nearly enough housing stock. Along the river, a new development where half the flats are foreign owned. It is a city of extraordinary wealth, with Public Sector workers squeezed over places to live. Amina works in the nhs as a paediatric nurse. She lives with her four children in a one bedroomed flat in south london. You do get demotivated sometimes, you get angry, you get frustrated, because obviously having to work 12 hours and then coming home and not to even have your, you know, a space to rest from the shift, even some of my colleagues that do, sort of nurses, midwives, they cant really afford to live and work in london at the same time. Londons Public Sector has many similar stories

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