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� 80s and � 90s. Reactions to it being signed were largely positive. For the generation to come, it will be fantastic, one of the greatest things in our history, anyway. Some were not convinced. I dont think we will ever see peace. Itll take something different. I have come to dromore, a town in county down, roughly 20 minutes outside of belfast, and is home to around 6000 people. Its also where i grew up and went to school. I was born in 1998, the year the good friday agreement was signed here in Northern Ireland. It means i grew up after the troubles ended and didnt have to worry as much as maybe my parents did, for example, about getting caught up in the conflict happening here. Me and others like me born after it was signed are known as � peace babies� and im keen to find out where they think Northern Ireland could be in the next 25 years. Just across from where i am now is my old school, dromore high. Theres me chuckles. I left here in 2017, but its where i was first taught about the good friday agreement. Im meeting some students who are in their last years of school. The classrooms they study are the ones i used to sit in. The five of us sitting here right now were born in Northern Ireland after the good friday agreement was signed, so we are peace babies. What does that term mean to you, that term . I havent heard much about it but i suppose its something i take for granted. When i have been talking to my parents about the troubles, mum was saying the other day, she just brought up a story about how she had to go to an army checkpoint. I really did not think that that wouldve happened in her time. Ijust really, it took me by surprise. I was not thinking about it. It doesnt mean much because we are very ignorant to the pain and suffering that our parents or grandparents went through. As a generation, we will never understand that. I mean, im glad i have peace. I would not like to live the life that my parents said they had to live. When i say the term � troubles, what you think of straight away . Derry girls. Are you a big fan . Big fan. Even the army getting on board the bus, and theyre acting like its a normal thing. Derry girls is a Tv Series Set during the troubles in the 1990s and was filmed in derry. Whats going on . It looks at the conflict to the lens of five teenagers and aired on channel 4 for the first time in 2018. Its been praised by many in Northern Ireland for showing what it was like to grow up during the violence. Its been popular locally, as well as around the world. If you were to imagine getting the bus to school and the army stopped it and got on, would with that be normal for you . I certainly wouldnt be as unfazed as they were in the show. But yeah, i guess thats what it was back then. Like, we never worry about violence. We dont get on a school bus and fear of our lives like people did. I think it is very separate from us than it is for them. It does just seem completely different world is what they are describing, compared to what we have now. Do you think Northern Ireland will exist in 25 years . To be quite honest, if there is even the smallest sliver of a possibility that, if a United Ireland happened, just this unrest and hatred for the other side would be put down, it would be so much better to live in a society where you dont have to live in constant fear of saying youre from the wrong side when youre in the wrong place. Is that something that you think still exist, like, do you fear to say whether you are a catholic or protestant in certain areas . Like, ive heard of friends of mine going to certain places and saying that they are catholic when theyre protestant or protestant when they are catholic, because they felt they would be under threat if they said otherwise, just because people in the environment they were in, and i think it is still a thing that people do still feel under threat in certain areas. Ive never been afraid to say im protestant. Thats my religion, thats what i believe. And im never been afraid, because what are they going to do about it . And i think that its all about appreciating someone else is different from you and their ideals and ideas may be different from you but that doesnt mean you cant be friends, that doesnt mean you cant work beside them, that doesnt mean you cant train beside them, because the reality of Northern Ireland is everywhere you go, you are going to be with someone whos a different religion than you, who has different ideas from you and thats what you have to accept and move on from. Do you think people in the Republic Of Ireland and in england, scotland and wales know enough about Northern Ireland and the complexities of what it can mean to live here . I dont think any other country, other than us living here right now, can ever understand the complexities of being a citizen in this country, but they are taught everything about what either side stood for, what they fought for. They have never experienced what it is like to live in a country where you probably will fear to say what you believe in. Luckily, ive also never had to experience that because i was born well after the good friday agreement. The good friday agreement, or the belfast agreement, was a deal to help bring an end to 30 years of the troubles in Northern Ireland. It involves Northern Irelands political parties, as well as the british and irish governments. Negotiations took several years and ended on good friday, the 10th of april, 1998 eight months before i was born. The agreement focused on areas such as culture and civil rights, as well as justice and policing. The deal caused controversy, too, as it meant prisoners in jail for Violent Crimes linked to the troubles were released early. Politicians agreed three main areas. The first thing they agreed was to set up a parliament to deal with local issues. This would be the Northern Ireland assembly. Secondly, they set up a council to develop cooperation on areas like farming and health that would benefit both Northern Ireland and the Republic Of Ireland. The third thing they set up was a British Irish Council to promote the relationship between britain and ireland. Also in the deal was dual british and irish citizenship for those who wanted it, a return to peacetime security arrangements, and the removal of security installations. All illegal paramilitary groups also had to destroy their weapons. I hereby give notice. A referendum was held on both sides of the border with the agreement being accepted by an overall majority. Yes 71. 12 . Im now on my way to dublin, crossing the border into the Republic Of Ireland. Its about a 2 hour drive and im on my way to speak to some of the relatives of one of the people responsible for giving so many hope back in 1998. We in the stlp concluded many years ago that we couldnt lay the basis for agreement against a background of violence or disorder. That is why we entered into the process of dialogue to do everything in our power to bring peace to our streets. 0llie, explain to me who your granddad is. Ah, well, my granddad isjohn hume. He was a politician in Northern Ireland. He worked during the troubles and worked during the Peace Process and on the good friday agreement, and he sort of helped bring the two sides together. Well, i guess how i knew him, he was always in the house i in donegal and hed l always be sat in the theres, like, an armchair. In the sitting room and hed always be sat there and hed i always have the crossword out. He loved petit filous. The yoghurts . Yeah, the yoghurts, yeah i think my granny had to hide all, like, the chocolates and sweets and yoghurts and basically anything i with sugar in it cos i hed hunt them down youd go in, hed be in his armchair and hed have fallen asleep watching the tv. And if you go to change the channel, hed be, like, i was watching that yeah, and hed always ask for his dessert before his dinner i always remember that. Before his dinner . Before his dinner and he wasjust i dont think i really realised, cos i was quite young, i dont think i really realised how important he really was to the country until he died and he was on the news for, like, five days straight. Iwas, like, oh, my god like, i have no idea because he was reallyjust granddad. What do you know about the good friday agreement as well . I guess i know what it meant and that kind of what it like sort of the ideas it brought in to Northern Ireland about peace and everyone getting along and all thatl kind of thing. But, yeah. How important do you think it is . I think its really important, yeah, definitely. Well, it kind of cements the fact that people dontjust want to keep on fighting in this day~ they want change, and people were looking for change, and, like, i think its a sign i that, like, if people wanted it then, its a thing that we should stand by now. How do you feel about what your granddad did 25 years ago . I honestly think its pretty good because, like, id be in school and id be, like, just in history or whatever, and you would be looking through the textbook and there would just be, like, photographs of him and talking about him, and its, like, wow, he really did something important. Whats the legacy like for you, 0llie . Some of my friends were over here the other day and they saw, like, the photo with bill clinton and the nobel prize, and they think its crazy. Like, some of them were sending photos of it to their parents. And they were saying, 0h, is this not weird, having it in your house . To me, itsjust my granddad. 100 miles back up the road is belfast, Northern Irelands capital city. During the troubles, it was the scene of many brutal attacks and killings but also, is where some talks were held and the good friday agreement signed. Today, its a modern city, attracting tourists from All Over The World who want to learn about its past and the Peace Process. But in some areas of the city, like here in west belfast, where walls that separate the two sides of the Community Tower over houses and, in some cases, run through peoples back gardens peace isnt something thats a certainty. Siren wails. Shouting. Just two years ago, riots broke out by the peace line at lanark way. Police officers were attacked, petrol bombs thrown and a bus was set on fire. Police said paramilitary organisations were likely to have been involved. Its a different picture to where i am now the Lyric Theatre across the city where ive come to meet some young actors rehearsing for their next big production. But all loyal catholics have my protection. All the ancient fathers baptised the very young. Baptism in the scriptures is for adults who come to jesus by their free will. Hello, guys all hiya sorry for interrupting. Aaron, youre telling me youre from the shankill area, ballysilla n. Thats an area that, i suppose, is quite famous, known for being, like, a unionist loyalist area. Well, tell me a bit about what its like growing up there. I was always quite insulated from, like, the sort of conflict, i guess like, my parents kind of kept it out. Like, i didnt really even know catholics were a thing until i was about 10. And i remember my dad trying to explain it to me and just not having a clue about what he talking about. Those areas are quite underfunded or deprived in some areas. I think theyve been left behind a bit in some of the regeneration thats gone on post good friday agreement. Would you describe peace as fragile in, you know, maybe the area that you grew up in . I think so. I think especially the last couple of years, especially i think post brexit has sort of started to put an awful lot i dont know if was a couple of months or a year ago, i cant remember, there was all that trouble in lanark way and there was a bus stolen and everything else, and i remember being there that night and the the riot or whatever you want to call it, there was the old boys at the back sending the young lads at the front forward, do you know what i mean . So, i think especially over the last couple of years, i think theres a perception among a lot of people in sort of the areas im from that the peace hasnt necessarily benefited them. So, where could the next 25 years, then, take Northern Irelands creative and Arts Industries . We have a burgeoning film and tv industry here. Like, across the world, its almost synonymous now with Northern Ireland. The last five years, you couldnt open a Finance Magazine or a Tech Magazine that didnt tell you the place to open a start up because of the whatever, the low land rates or whatever, is belfast. Its a tech hub of europe, etc, etc, etc. None of that would have been possible pre the good friday agreement because none of nobody wouldve wanted to come here and set up a business where somebody could just blow it to pieces. Its its not a Good Business decision. Like, its simply not. And thats why the good friday agreement is so important because you can interpret it in so many different ways as well, in terms of a historical document, a cultural document but its also an economic document in that it has helped us gain some semblance of peace here and a ceasefire which has allowed places to open businesses and, ultimately, do better for our country. So, how does your immediate family and yourfriends and that react whenever you told them you wanted to pursue a career in the arts . My immediate family were all very supportive cos they used to come see my shows and stuff when i was a kid, and they were all very supportive of it, but, i mean, i worked for 1. 5 years in the shankill, and a couple of years back there, and sometimes people would ask, what are you up to . And you tell them and theyd kind of be like, oh, what . Whats that . And i think in some, like, loyalist communities, the arts is seen as quite a feminine thing because theres sort of a more traditional style of masculinity in places like that. What more can be done . I think policy changes. People need to start voting based on actual policy and notjust. Im going to vote for the most unionist people i can, im going to vote for the most nationalist people i can to get| the most unionist people out| or to get the most nationalist people out, cos that is not constructive for anyone,. Cos then its just always sinn fein dup, and nothings changing because everyoneis too scared. We just need to make it. Like, obviously, i dont. I dont have the answer. Like, i am just a 19 year old girl, but they need to. They need to find some other way to structure it. Weve come to londonderry, or derry� , Northern Irelands second city, with a population of about 110,000 people. Were on peace bridge right now, and peace is something weve talked a lot about, but im now keen to hear what other issues are on young peoples minds here. My first stop is the guildhall to meet bethany who works for a womens organisation, and in her spare time, supports those having abortions. Its really hard for me to approach the 25th anniversary with this celebratory tone. I mean, there are a lot of issues to address within the north right now were in a cost of living crisis, were in a healthcare crisis, people here still dont have full access to abortion, as was promised when decriminalisation came in in 2019. I really think we have to look at all those social justice issues, so we have to look at, you know, proper healthcare institutions, you know, we also have the worst nhs Waiting Lists across the uk, we need to look at the Mental Health crisis here, you know, weve lost more lives to suicide than we did in the troubles, we need to look at, you know, diversity, the changing demographics, you know, ending violence against women and girls, champion relationships and sex education, doing that work on the ground to make sure that everyone here can not only survive, but thrive and live healthy, fulfilled lives. I mean, surely thats what peace is all about. So, those changes that youve said youd like to see happen how do they happen . I mean, i think its difficult when youre in a place that has just complete political stalemate. We need a democratic voice here. So i think, you know, people are starting to look at amending the agreement. You know, i think we need some sort of political voice here. Whether thats done through stormont or other means, and i think its natural for people to start looking at alternatives when it comes to things like that as well. Just outside the guildhall and across the street is the peace flame garden, and its where i meet donall. Like the rest of the uk, people are struggling financially. Like, the price of gas has gone up, the price of petrol bounces around, people are struggling to make ends meet. Like, for example, im on a salary, like, i make a full time wage in myjob as a union officer, but i still pick up shifts on the side at my local, i still pull pints on the weekend. Part of that is because i enjoy it, but part of that, as well, trying to make ends meet, trying to cover my rent. What would your hopes be for where Northern Ireland could be in, say, maybe 25 years time . Id love for us to be in a position where we have a political system that represents our entire society, something that builds on the framework that was laid out by the good friday agreement 25 years ago to a point where we have a fair system where everybody feels theyre represented and where everybody� s views are represented. Its going to take a lot of work to get there. I dont think were there yet, i think were on the road there, but what we have now, our Current Power sharing system has some wrinkles that really need to be ironed out desperately. The final person im meeting on my tour of derry is student ellie jo at one of the citys newest tourist hot spots, the derry girls mural. So, ellie jo, you are a real life derry girl. Weve got obviously the tv derry girls there, but you are a true born and bred derry girl. Yeah, born in derry, love it. What other issues are young people in Northern Ireland concerned about at the minute . We have no opportunity here. We have a cap on the numbers of students who can attend our local universities, which i think is just abysmal. That we would actually rather them to go somewhere else. And they dont come back after that. So im seeing my friends leave year after year, and i think, in general, how do we build a Sense Of Community from that . If we already have our own internal issues, we keep leaving. Whos going to be left to rebuild things here . Northern irelands been without an executive now for over a year. Its not the first time this has happened. What impact does that have on you and your friends and other young people . Im only 18 years of age. I actually dont really know a functional stormont. We only had it there for about two, three years before it actually broke down once again. I think when i actually look at politics, what Political Leadership have i seen, what actual politics have i seen . And its all been very disappointing. Like, i actually dont understand. Where do you think Northern Ireland could get to in the next 25 years . John hume and other Peace Builders were once in a lifetime. John hume and those Peace Builders at their peak wasnt in my lifetime, so we do have that new opportunity. I think politicians need to realise that. Nobody is looking for another john hume, but i want somebody of that magnitude that can build people together and kind of create a movement that can better us all, and thats something in the next 25 years we could aim for. But just days after speaking to bethany, donall and ellie jo in derry, and 25 years to the day since the agreement was signed, these were the scenes in the city. People hiding their faces took part in an illegal republican parade, which soon turned violent, with petrol bombs being thrown at a police van. Tensions are flaring up again with republican and loyalist paramilitary groups, notjust in derry. But for the young people ive been speaking to, theres still positivity, optimism and hope around their future on what the next 25 years could bring. Hello there. Weve started this week off on a pretty warm note. In fact, many parts of the uk saw the warmest day of the year so far on monday. However, over the next few days, those temperatures will be coming down as we pick up a chilly easterly breeze. And there could even be a bit of rain in places by the end of the week. Now, High Pressure dominates the scene over the next few days, sitting across scandinavia, bringing this easterly breeze. But more icy bars on the chart mean that easterly wind picks up and well start to see these Weather Fronts rolling in off the near continent, bringing outbreaks of rain, particularly for england and wales, whereas further north it should tend to stay largely dry. Now for tuesday morning, well start off with a bit of low cloud mist, but that should tend to burn away. Many places will see a sunny day, but well see Thicker Cloud For Southern and southeastern areas. And the breeze will be stronger, noticeably cooler, i think, across the board, but certainly down north sea coast. Thats because the Sea Temperatures are pretty low at this time of year, seven or eight degrees. So it will feel cool immediately on the north sea coast, head further inland and again, were close to the mid teens, some of the highest temperatures for western scotland, up to the high teens there. So as we move out of tuesday day through the night, well start to see further low clouds and mist the rolling in off the north sea once again, especially for england and wales, eastern scotland, clearer skies further west. So its here where we could see temperatures dip close to freezing two, three degrees. Generally for most, were between four and seven celsius. A little change as we head into wednesday. Again, weve got High Pressure dominating the scene. Its going to be another windy day, strong easterly winds, so feeling cool again along the north sea coast and well see Thicker Cloud At Times Rolling in across england and wales. Clusters of showers affecting the south of england, certainly the south west, perhaps in towards south wales. But most places will be dry, get a chilly feel to things towards the east, further west where around the low to mid teens celsius. And then as we move throughout thursday into friday, we start to see more Weather Fronts pushing in some of these Weather Fronts, bringing more prolonged rain at times to england and wales on friday. And again, its going to be quite cool with a strong east the breeze so temperatures dipping away as we head towards the end of the week into the weekend. And theres a greater chance of many of us, certainly england and wales, seeing some wetter weather. Live from washington. This is bbc news, welcome to viewers on pbs in america two men are arrested in new york for allegedly operating a Chinese Secret Police station. Fighting in sudan continues despite the uns call for a ceasefire. And one of president putins most vocal critics is sentenced to 25 years injail. Here in the us, prosecutors have arrested two men in new york for allegedly operating a Chinese Secret Police station in manhattans chinatown neighbourhood. 61 year old lu jianwang, pictured on the right and 59 year old chenjinping, pictured

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