Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20170710

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wimbledon classic. —— rafa nadal. welcome to outside source. the iraqi prime minister haider al abadi has declared victory over the islamic state group in iraq's second city most all. here he is speaking earlier. translation: our victory today is a victory against darkness, against brutality and against terrorism. and i declare from this place, i declare to the whole world the end, the failure and the collapse of the so—called caliphate. the terrorist state of daesh which was declared here in mosul three years ago has gone. our victory today was made possible by the iraqi people who sacrificed their lives to put an end to this evil entity which will end up in the dustbin of history. mosul‘s significant not just because it's iraq's second largest city. it's also where this man, the leader of is abu bakr al—baghdadi declared the group's so—called caliphate three years ago. the campaign to retake mosul began in october — you can see how the iraqi army gradually gained territory — areas in red show is control, and green is the iraqi army. but the end of the fighting doesn't mean the end of the suffering. more than 800,000 people have fled the fighting and the the un estimates it will cost at least $1 billion to restore things like clean water and electricity. our correspondentjonathan beale has been with the iraqi army as they advanced in mosul — he called in a few hours ago. even though prime minister abadi has declared complete victory against is, it doesn't certainly seem like it on the ground. there is plenty of evidence today that we have seen of an is presence but it is, as i say, much less intense than it has been in recent days. and of course prime minister abadi came here yesterday and his office indicated that he would declare victory. he said at the end of that day that victory was just around the corner — this is a formal declaration. but we've seen this in the past, where the iraqis tend to claim victory perhaps even when there are still pockets of resistance in places like fallujah as well. so i think we should treat it with caution, but there is no doubt that is is on its last legs in mosul, but certainly so are the civilians who have to rebuild this city and rebuild their lives. the bbc has also been talking to lieutenant general stephenj townsend. here is his reaction from baghdad. this is a brutal evil enemy. a very determined one. one of the things i learned is this fight is going to take longer than we anticipate. also that fighting in cities, i already knew this as a professional soldier, i already knew how difficult it was to fight in major urban areas, but i never saw fighting on this extended duration and scale. before. we are applying all those lessons to the fight that we are already engaged in, in the global capital of isis in syria. newsnight presenter rasha qandeel, for more on the story. probably the most difficult sense they started being formed in 2004 but the problem is it might not be the end of the organisation or the group as it is known for now because the way the group usually goes when it is surrounded, is going underground and reappearing somewhere else. it will probably be a third location we have not heard. the problem with this is they take civilians as human shields or they disguise as civilians on the way out of any city. this will be difficult and also now because it is surrounded by the iraqi forces, so that might be the announcement of tonight might mean the end of the eye s in mosul but it might not be the end of the organisation in iraq oi’ the end of the organisation in iraq or syria. this must make authorities in iraq and syria very nervous. yes. the problem with this is that has to bea the problem with this is that has to be a support by the coalition forces higher than it used to be before, the problem with this is the us is using something called a bubble carrier and this is different weapons, so carrier and this is different weapons, so the risk on the civilians will mount up much more thanit civilians will mount up much more than it was before, especially with the preparations. and the civilian toll in the battle for most was huge. yes, and even in the last week oi’ huge. yes, and even in the last week orso, huge. yes, and even in the last week or so, what we have been told by our correspondence is that when you trap a lot of people in a very small area the risk is higher and higher, and what has happened in the last week is one and a half kilometres up to two kilometres, square kilometres, and then going back to 800 and battle from street to street until we have reached the positive situation as called by the iraqi government. that does not mean they cannot reappear somewhere else, as happened last april. so the problem is there needs to be a post—battle in most soul to secure other places and to secure safe passages for civilians. and looking at the pictures of what state mosul is left m, pictures of what state mosul is left in, it is notjust the physical rebuilding it is the psychological impact on the people who are left and prospects for getting back and carrying on living peacefully. and prospects for getting back and carrying on living peacefullym and prospects for getting back and carrying on living peacefully. it is the full package. the problem is for the full package. the problem is for the iraqi government but also for the iraqi government but also for the coalition is there generations to come that are going to be affected by what they have seen in the last since 2004 and hugely since 2014 since the islamic state have announced seizing a lot of cities, most will is one of them. this is going to be having a huge impact on the psychology of those children and of course on the direct death toll of course on the direct death toll of civilians. the silk road was an ancient trade route between china and europe — the world's first global superhighway. china is spending almost a trillion dollars on recreating that route for the modern era. the new silk road would consist of a maritime route starting in china which winds its way past indonesia, india, sri lanka and africa, ending in europe. at the same time, the project also involves a land based network, snaking west through central asia and russia. our china editor carrie gracie has been looking into this — here's her report. they call them the ships of the desert. for centuries the camel trains of the silk road dominated trade between china and the west. now china wants to recreate the silk road. this time by train. when he started here 34 years ago china sold the world next to nothing. now he is a foot soldierfor a the world next to nothing. now he is a foot soldier for a trading superpower. i asked a foot soldier for a trading superpower. iasked how a foot soldier for a trading superpower. i asked how that had changed him. translation: we are under a lot of pressure. expectations are high but there is also a lot of hope. we need there is also a lot of hope. we need the train to develop faster and better. the pressure is coming from the top. not led by merchants, but bya the top. not led by merchants, but by a president. chinese emperors once claimed to rule all under heaven. with the united states no longer leading on trade, president xi has seized his chance. he calls his vision the belt and road. china's vision is so vast it may be decades before we can tell whether it isa decades before we can tell whether it is a worthy successor to the ancient silk road. but what we can say is that no other country offering a big idea right now this is the most ambitious bid to shape our century. already china shapes our century. already china shapes our material lives. this market, one of the biggest in the world. but selling abroad and building at home is no longer enough to keep this giant economy growing. now it plans to build a broad two. a win—win for all, says china. but when the talking is done chinese traders drive a hard bargain. the world buying much more from them than the other way around. red tape can make importing a nightmare. the government can change the law at any time so there is no real concrete law. it's a very grey area at the moment. if the government made it a little clearer on how to go about it, it would be a bit easier. but the new silk road is china solving china's problems. money and muscle heading west on a journey across three continents. bidding to redraw the map and command the century. most of that report came from the east coast of china — but carrie is going to be travelling the length of the new silk road over the next few days. today she's in dunhuang, in the west of china. it kind of sees itself as the power that in the days of the old camel routes was the dominant power in asia, and it wants to get back to that position. that, it feels, is its natural role and, in fact, as the world's biggest trader, in a way this is a dominant position globally for itself, economically. so it's kind of saying president trump is retreating to a certain extent from us leadership of the world economy, retreating from trade pacts, retreating from a free—trade agenda even. and this is china saying we are going to be the champions of that, we are going to be the champions of globalisation. we are also the champions, of course, of climate change. so they are basically saying, we are the responsible leaders. and that message is questioned by others, by india for example, byjapan, they see this as a push for a chinese sphere of influence. i think at the moment it is very much unclear exactly how effective this enormous project is going to be. it is ambitious for sure, which is a hallmark of president xi — he has seized his moment, he is an assertive leader, he is pushing this hard — but we haven't seen commercial china come in yet behind it. it is very much a state driven agenda at the moment, and i think that is very much also what feeds the concern of china's neighbours that it is not going to be like the ancient silk road that of course grew organically — merchants trading amongst themselves, private enterprise. this is something that is very much driven by china's state objectives. and outside haque source. we'll be live in new york because tobacco giant philip morris has been ordered to pay millions of dollars in legal fees after unsuccessfully suing the australian government. metropolitan police now say they believe around 255 people managed to escape the fire at grenfell tower last month. the current estimate of the dead and missing remains at around 80. those of us involved in this investigation and the wider police operation can't help but have an emotional attachment to this case and we are absolutely determined, to do everything we possibly can. the fire, the truly tragic fire at g re nfell tower fire, the truly tragic fire at grenfell tower should never have happened. it is ourjob as the police to investigate it. we will go where the evidence takes us. we will look at all available fences within the criminal law. and if we identify evidence that an individual or an organisation has committed a criminal offence we will do what we can to bring those people or those organisations to justice. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story is? iraq's prime minister has declared victory over the islamic state group in the city of mosul. the battle for mosul has taken almost nine months, killed thousands of civilians and displaced more than 920,000 others. other stories being reported on around the bbc right now, the high court hearing the uk has ruled the british government's sale of arms to saudi arabia is legal after it reviewed secret evidence. the court rejected claims the government was acting illegally by not suspending weapons sales to the kingdom which is fighting a war in yemen. south korea has released what it says is the first known footage of women forced to work as sex slaves for japanese soldiers during world war ii. known as comfort women, activists estimate 200,000 were forced into brothels forjapan‘s military. and among the most read stories on our website the british government has released a video giving advice to travellers on what to do if your hotel is attacked by terrorists. it uses the run, highs, tell safety message. this week marks the first anniversary for theresa may as per minister. on tuesday she is expected to say we may not agree on everything but through debate and discussion ideas can be clarified and improved and a better way forward found. this is one take from politics saying she is reaching out to labourfor politics saying she is reaching out to labour for brexit help after election losses. let's go to alex forsyth. how much of a change of tone and style is this?” forsyth. how much of a change of tone and style is this? i think it is an acknowledgement from the prime minister about the new political reality. she called a general election hoping to get more conservative mps in the house of commons but she ended up losing her majority. so what we're hearing now isa majority. so what we're hearing now is a recognition that in order to get anything done she will need to rely on her own mps but also support from other parties as well. so this is something of an appeal to labour, which the labour party has given short shrift to. jeremy corbyn said today do you want to read the labour election manifesto for some policy ideas? i don't think we will see any political opponents hoping to shore up political opponents hoping to shore up theresa may any time soon. but what her allies say is this is a sensible, mature approach to government because in order to get big issues through like social care, they are going to have to work together. they will hope that appeals to some people on both sides of the house of commons, but getting it done in reality will not be easy. this is so different to wear theresa may thought she would be when she called the election. undoubtedly. the reason she called it was in her own words to strengthen her hand, particularly going into the brexit talks which have already started. she hoped she would not have to worry about lots of fights in parliament when she was entering into tricky negotiations with the eu. but in fact she has ended up in a completely different position now where she will rely on every single mp's where she will rely on every single mp‘s vote within her own party to get things done. and we know on the huge issue of brexit there are very divided views within the conservative party alone, so herjob rather than becoming easier as a consequence of the election, has become much harder. and we are expecting her to say tomorrow, those words about reaching out, is a signal she recognises now she will have to compromise on some issues if she wants to get the business of running the country on a day—to—day basis anywhere near done. let's play you something the australian prime ministers said today. he has been visiting theresa may in london. we recognise that as britain moves to completing its exit from the european union we stand ready to enter intoa european union we stand ready to enter into a free—trade agreement with the united kingdom as soon as the uk is able to do so. so once that brexit has been achieved, then we look forward to speedily concluding a free—trade agreement with australia and as we said i think we were the first on the phone to offer our support and assistance. and of course as the australian premier mr was saying, and of course as the australian premier mrwas saying, mrs and of course as the australian premier mr was saying, mrs may can't agree any trade deals until britain has left the european union. and today senior members of the eu parliament warned mrs may they might block any final deal. the parliament's brexit coordinator wrote a letter to newspapers including the guardian, basically saying the rights britain is offering eu nationals in the uk are not good enough. let's go back to alex forsyth. firstly, what don't like they like about what's on offer? what we are hearing is that they are prepared to flex their muscles and they are saying this key issue of the of eu citizens currently in the uk, they say it is a damp squib because it does not resolve a ny a damp squib because it does not resolve any uncertainty. they want com plete resolve any uncertainty. they want complete rights as people have now and what the uk government has offered is is a settled status to eu citizens. there are still some questions over what that means were family members and who it will apply to. i think what we are seeing is how contentious this brexit process will be. we have had very positive optimistic words from australia's prime minister and similar from president trump when he said america wa nted president trump when he said america wanted to get on with the trade deal, but before they can get to that theresa may and british government have a whole host of issues to pick through, notjust when it comes to the european parliament and the fact they are threatening to derail the process if it does not go the way they want, but as we have already talked about, the british parliament as well, they have a lot of clout now and there are have a lot of clout now and there a re lots of have a lot of clout now and there are lots of different views on how the negotiations should proceed. so we are at early stages but we are just starting to see how complicated it will be. just seeing what has come out of the offer to eu nationals already, the tone of this all looks farfrom nationals already, the tone of this all looks far from cordial. and this was one of the issues we were told from the uk government perspective they had hoped they could reach some pretty easy consensus on with the eu. this was one of the things both the eu negotiators and the uk government had said they wanted to resolve quickly. they did not want it to become a hugely contentious issue. on both sides there is a recognition that this involves people and uk citizens in the eu, we're already cracks appearing. there may still be an early resolution but when it comes to the much bigger questions about the uk's financial settlement with the uk's financial settlement with the eu, future trade relationships, that will be hard again. thank you. the tobacco giant philip morris has been ordered to pay millions of dollars in legal fees after u nsuccessfully dollars in legal fees after unsuccessfully suing the australian government over its plain packaging law. in 2012 australia legislated that led cigarettes must be sold in unappealing packages with graphic health warnings. the court of arbitration has not so far published the amount philip morris must pay. let's go over to new york. what was the original case about? you have a giant international tobacco company arguing that essentially this law restricted its rights to use its own trademarks in a way that they say it was unfair. the court dismissed the claim and here we are with philip morris being ordered to pay the government's legal costs. the question is how much. that has not been disclosed, but certainly in australia there are reports saying the figure may be as much as 38 million us dollars. i was on philip morris's website and they say they do not support the marketing of tobacco products to anyone who is not an adult, but the position of a broader base ban against advertising, they are not in favour. and you can do this playing out of their strategy and their approach in australia. and do we think philip morris will be able to appeal?|j morris will be able to appeal?” think we will have to wait and see whether they want to try and push this case further. they already brought it, lost, will they want to walk away or double down? we will have to wait and see. but again, this is a case where we have seen in the past international corporations win against governments full stop that has not been the case here. india now and a campaign against the goods and services tax and feminine hygiene products is gathering steam. it is argued that the text should be waived. access to hygiene: product isa waived. access to hygiene: product is a problem. and cost is a big issue too. as a result, tens of thousands of girls drop out of school every year when they start the periods. now in a seemingly women friendly move the government has made bangles bendy ‘s and other things tax—free. but many believe these are considered essential products for women then so should sanitary pads. but they are being taxed at 12% instead, a decision the government defence. if we reduce the tax on sanitary pads it shouldn't be the multinational companies don't pass it on to customers and instead make profits. these big companies have huge profit margins and so to make sanitary pads more affordable this should take a step forward. the government says cheaper sanitary pads made by small co—operatives will not be taxed. for campaigners, it is not about who makes the products but that the state treats them as a luxury rather than a necessity. stay with us on outside source. we will have the latest on donald trump's sun admitting he met a russian lawyer who promised him damaging information about hillary clinton. if you are heading to southern europe and the mediterranean the heat is set to build again and it is a hot story across the middle east. as it is in the south—west united states. but here there are massive consequences. wildfires raging, burning everything in its power. those storms could do with a bit of quenching rain and whilst on a satellite imagery it looks like storm clouds are forming, they are proving rather ineffective. many of them particularly further south across the us are what we call dry thunderstorms. this is where the thunder crowds rise into the air, rain falls but under the cloud is a layout of dry air. the rate eva porates layout of dry air. the rate evaporates before it reaches the ground and what reaches the ground is lightning strikes, and those can set off further wildfires. it stays very hot in the region. vegas and phoenix above the 40 mark. it has cooled off a little along the californian coast but still very hot inland and very dry. the heat is building through the us. we could see denver hit 35 celsius during tuesday afternoon. we have also seen wildfires across parts of canada but for poets of that there is a little bit of rain. in the middle east the temperature chart looks red heart and no mistake, temperatures still remain well above where they should be for the time of year. we have seen be for the time of year. we have seen record—breaking temperatures over the last few weeks. again we we re over the last few weeks. again we were above 50 celsius in western iran on tuesday. close to that into you wait and even in dubai it has been unusually hot. let's take you to europe. just notice on the cloud picture some pretty angry looking clouds in northern france. some certainly hit paris on sunday evening around a months worth of rainfall fell in the space of two hours, flooding roads, deluges heading into the metro system as well. it caused all sorts of transport chaos. that moved eastwards. and there will be storms elsewhere in europe. the big story across the north is how much crueller it is. breezes coming from the atlantic. the temperature is no higher than the low 20s for the majority. that is a big difference to the mediterranean. those heading there are already there, not only under blue skies but lifting temperatures. 33 on tuesday in madrid. it stays cool in paris and berlin and here in the uk there is more coming up in half an hour. hello. top story from iraq. the prime minister blair has declared victory over islamic state in mosul. the army has been trying to retake the city for nine months. in washington, president trump's son has said that he set a russian lawyer who promised to reveal damaging material about hillary clinton. that is a continued search into alleged russian meddling in the us election. thejudge into alleged russian meddling in the us election. the judge overseeing a case of a male baby says he will need very good evidence to change his mind and in sport though it has

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Hello , Silk Road , China S , Election , Meddling , Southern Europe , Russian , Officials , Dollar Rail , Case , Judge , Sport , Editor , Special Reports , Series , Classic , Wimbledon , Rafa Nadal , Group , Prime Minister , Victory , Haider Al Abadi , State , All , Iraq , Islamic , Second City , World , The End , Caliphate , Place , Collapse , Translation , Terrorism , Darkness , Brutality , People , End , Terrorist State , Lives , Entity , Daesh , History , Dustbin , Three , City , Mosul , Leader , Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi , Red Show , Control , Campaign , Iraqi Army , Green , Fighting Doesn T , Fighting , Things , Un , Electricity , Water , Suffering , Correspondentjonathan Beale , 800000 , Billion , 1 Billion , Presence , Ground , Evidence , He , Course , Office , Places , Declaration , Corner , Resistance , Pockets , Iraqis , Fallujah , Civilians , Doubt , Legs , Caution , Bbc , Stephenj Townsend , Reaction , One , Fight , Enemy , Evil , Baghdad , Soldier , Cities , Urban Areas , In , Newsnight Presenter , Scale , Lessons , Capital , Syria , Isis , Rasha Qandeel , Problem , Story , More , Sense , 2004 , Way , Organisation , Reappearing , Somewhere Else , Location , Forces , Human Shields , Yes , Eye S , Announcement , Authorities , Iraq Oi , Something , Coalition , Us , Support , Bubble Carrier , Weapons , Risk , Most , Carrier , Toll , Battle , Preparations , Thanit , Lot , Area , Correspondence , Oi , Orso , Kilometres , Battle From Street To , Square Kilometres , 800 , Two , Iraqi Government , Somewhere , Situation , Post Battle , Impact , Pictures , State Mosul , Passages , Soul , British Government , Package , Prospects , Generations , Living Peacefullym , Last , 2014 , Will , Children , Psychology , Death Toll , Trade Route , Route , The World , Global Superhighway , Project , Route Starting , Land , Carrie Gracie , Ending , Network , Snaking West , India , Central Asia , Sri Lanka , Indonesia , Africa , Russia , Report , Camel , Ships , Desert , Trade , West , Train , Trains , Foot Soldier , Trading Superpower , Nothing , 34 , Pressure , Hope , Expectations , Iasked , Donald Trump , Merchants , Top , Bya , Emperors , President Xi , Vision , Road , Chance , Heaven , Belt , Big Idea , It Isa , Country Offering , Successor , Bid , Biggest , Market , Building , Traders , Talking , Win , Home , Economy Growing , Red Tape , Hard Bargain , Law , Lost , Bit , Nightmare , Clearer , Problems , Muscle , Continents , Map , Journey , Money , Bidding , Power , It Kind , Carrie , Length , East Coast , Dunhuang , Position , Fact , Trader , Routes , Role , Asia , Agenda , Champions , China , Leadership , Kind , Extent , The World Economy , Trade Pacts , Leaders , Others , Message , Globalisation , Example , Push , Climate Change , Byjapan , Sphere Of Influence , Hallmark , Sure , We Haven T , Neighbours , Concern , Trading , Enterprise , State Objectives , Haque Source , Fees , Millions , Philip Morris , Tobacco Giant , New York , Government , Australian , Police , 255 , Fire , Estimate , Remains , Grenfell Tower , 80 , Everything , Tragic Fire At G Re Nfell Tower , Police Operation , Investigation , Attachment , Criminal Law , Fences , Individual , Organisations , Source , Offence , Newsroom , Justice , Lead , Thousands , Battle For Mosul , Nine , Uk , High Court , Stories , Sale , Arms , Saudi Arabia , 920000 , Court , South Korea , War In Yemen , Weapons Sales , Kingdom , Women , Forjapan , Soldiers , Footage , Comfort Women , Sex Slaves , Activists , Brothels , World War Ii , Japanese , 200000 , Website , Terrorists , Hotel , Run , Highs , Video Giving Advice , Safety Message , Theresa May , Anniversary , Debate , On Tuesday , Politics , Ideas , Let S Go , Discussion , Losses , Help , Brexit , Alex Forsyth , Tone , Change , Style , Reality , Mps , Acknowledgement , House Of Commons , Forsyth , Recognition , Majority , Order , Parties , Labour , Appeal , Anything , Opponents , Labour Party , Labour Election Manifesto , Policy Ideas , Shrift , Jeremy Corbyn , Issues , Approach , Sensible , Allies , Social Care , Appeals , Sides , Words , European Parliament , Talks , Lots , Negotiations , Reason , Fights , Hand , Issue , Eu , Mp , Single , Conservative Party , Vote , Views , Consequence , Signal , Ministers , Business , Basis , Anywhere , Country , London , Free Trade Agreement , Exit , First , Assistance , Phone , May , Premier , Saying , Members , Trade Deals , Mrwas , Nationals , Rights Britain , Deal , Newspapers , Letter , Guardian , Brexit Coordinator , Citizens , Hearing , Enough , Muscles , Firstly , What Don T , Squib , Uncertainty , Rights , Status , Com Plete , Questions , Family Members , Brexit Process , Host , Notjust , America Wa Nted , Clout , Process , British Parliament , Looks , Offer , Perspective , Cordial , Negotiators , Consensus , Settlement , Resolution , Future Trade Relationships , Packaging , Packages , Led Cigarettes , Court Of Arbitration , Health Warnings , Nsuccessfully , Australia Legislated , 2012 , Giant International Tobacco Company , Amount , Claim , Trademarks , Question , Costs , Being , Marketing , Figure , 38 Million , 38 Million Us Dollars , Tobacco Products , Adult , Playing , Base Ban , Advertising , Anyone , Strategy , Favour , J Morris , Stop , Governments , Corporations , Tax , Feminine Hygiene Products , Text , Goods , Services , Steam , Hygiene , Tens Of Thousands , Access , Product , Cost , Girls , School , Result , Product Isa , Many , Friendly , Bangles Bendy , Products , Defence , Decision , Sanitary Pads , 12 , It Shouldn T , Pads , Step , Companies , Customers , Profit Margins , Profits , Multinational Companies Don T , Campaigners , Co Operatives , Luxury , Necessity , Stay , Latest , Sun , Lawyer , Hillary Clinton , Information , Heat , Wildfires , Storms , Mediterranean , Consequences , The Middle East , Storm Clouds , Quenching Rain , South , Thunderstorms , Satellite Imagery , Rain , Rate , Dry Air , Layout , Cloud , Lightning Strikes 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