People have been killed in a Suicide Car Bombing in the capital kabul. It happened during the morning rush hour in the west of the city. Heres a close up of the area you can see its close to the university and some government ministries. Its also home to many from the shia hazara community. The taliban have claimed responsibility. They said they were targeting intelligence officials on this bus. But afghan officials said the people on the bus were employees from the ministry of mines. Lets show you these pictures from the aftermath. 42 people were injured there are fears the number of casualties could rise. Heres what one person caught up in the blast described. Translation two cars were burning, you could see bodies scattered. Several shops were on fire. It was horrific, everyone was trying to run away, including women and people on their way to work. It comes less than two months after an even bigger attack in kabul that killed over 150 people. In fact, the United Nations says that in the last six months, more than 1,600 civilian deaths have been confirmed in afghanistan. This is clearly a conflict that hasnt been resolved, and its a complicated one. If you want background on whos involved, this is an article a colleague wrote back injanuary. World powers jostle in afghanistans new great game. One of the most important players there is the united states. But theres a difference in opinion among the administration there about how to proceed. Politico puts it Justin Rowlatt has been looking into this. The afghan army calls in air support to defend troops from a taliban attack. A Fighter Plane swoops into action. Protecting the troops on the ground. Do you have a visual on the building to the north . Night shot. By taking out enemy targets. Air support is crucial to modern warfare, as this american their Training Exercise shows. Its something the Afghan Military hasnt been capable of until very recently. This major is one of afghanistans first fully trained fighter pilots. The countrys first top gun. If you missed the target by two metres, you call it missed target. The Afghan Air Forces getting thousands of new Attack Helicopters as well. America and its nato allies plan two treble the number of aircraft over the next five years. Support makes all the difference in the world because it provides an asymmetric advantage over the enemy. In military terms, what that means is it is something you have that they dont have. So training the Afghan Military to have an airforce, when training the Afghan Military to have an air force, when the insurgents dont have any apples, provides enormous advantage for them. Dont have an air force. Providing new capabilities like air power is one of the key arguments the us military is making for increasing troop numbers. President trump is considering sending up to 4,000 more troops here. Nato allies will add a few thousand more, bringing the total number of foreign troops in afghanistan total number of foreign troops in afg ha nista n close to total number of foreign troops in afghanistan close to 20,000. But in 2010, there were around 130,000 foreign troops. And they couldnt defeat the taliban. There is nothing like thejob they do, absolutely incredible. President trump and his defence Secretaryjim Matias discussed afghanistan at the pentagon this week. Matias knows It Isa Pentagon this week. Matias knows it is a stalemate. Matiss. After 16 yea rs of is a stalemate. Matiss. After 16 years of war, the taliban controls 10 of the country and contests another third. Meanwhile, Islamic State and alqaeda are also active. So pull out and the insurgency will flourish, which is why the American Military has concluded that slowly strengthening Afghan Forces is the only real option. The hope is that eventually, they will be Strong Enough to force the taliban to the negotiating table. Its no victory, but its better than the alternative. The question now is whether President Trump agrees. You might remember last week we talked about protests in poland they were being held because the Polish Parliament had passed three controversialjudicial reforms that amongst other things, would have allowed members of parliament to pick supreme courtjudges. Now this man the polish president has vetoed two of them. Heres his reasoning. Translation poland needs to reform its justice system. I support that, absolutely, but i support wise reform, one that will ensure the system works well and increases the sense of justice in system works well and increases the Sense Ofjustice in the country. As president , ifeel this Sense Ofjustice in the country. As president , i feel this deeply in Sense Ofjustice in the country. As president , ifeel this deeply in my soul, so its my responsibility to say this reform does not increase the sense of security and justice in poland. Bear in mind the European Union had threatened poland with sanctions if the bills became law. Earlier i spoke to a journalist following the story in warsaw. I asked her what had pushed the president to do this. I think it was the massive protests all around poland which took place in the past few days that really pushed the president to veto the two bills out of the disputed three judiciary bills. What would those bills have meant . Is this essentially all about the independence of the judiciary . Yes, exactly, those two bills that the president vetoed meant that, if passed, the Minister Of Justice would be able to retire all the previousjudges of the would be able to retire all the previous judges of the supreme court, just make the ones he liked stay, and appoint newjudges, so that would infringe upon. I mean that would infringe upon. I mean that would infringe upon. I mean that would threaten the division of powers. What has been the reaction to the president s action and how much of a surprise was it that he did this . It was a great surprise. I dont think even the protesters expected that the president would veto a ny expected that the president would veto any of the bills, so it was a positive reaction amongst those who protested and a 1 in the government camp, as the government seems to have not been expecting that either and a negative one. Have not been expecting that either and a negative one. The government itself has been reacting in the last hour or so. Yes, there have been to national addresses, one by the president and the second one by the president and the second one by the president and the second one by the Prime Minister. Whereas the president just by the Prime Minister. Whereas the president just reviewed by the Prime Minister. Whereas the president just reviewed what he said in the morning, vetoing the bills, the Prime Minister said that the president s decision is a bit of a setback but that she will continue the positive change. But it was really a vague statement as she couldnt propose any new steps and it was a bit of a surprise for her as well, i think. Thank you. Now, for sports fans out there, im sure youve not moved far from the tv or radio this weekend. Lets go straight to salford and catch up on whats been happening. Mark edwards is there. Mark, first of all, a remarkable golfing achievement for a not quite 24 year old. Yes, incredible and actually, he supped from the claretjug after becoming the open winner, Jordan Spieth and asked how it tasted, it was fantastic and no surprises there. The accolades were pouring in for the open champion, becoming just 12 player in to win three of golfs four majors. One accolade stands out from gary player, who calls him the best putter he has ever seen, quite an endorsement for the 23 year old, on the cusp of becoming 24. Jordan spieth saying he will enjoy his open victory more than anything he has achieved in court, as he played what he described as the best five shot back at the Rate Hole Stretch of his life. Having lost the lead, he went ona life. Having lost the lead, he went on a run of eagle, birdie, birdie before a par to win by three shots at royal birkdale. A phenomenal finish and im sure he will still be injoining the finish and im sure he will still be in joining the celebrations for some time. And another stunning swim for adam peaty. Another one. Yes, hejust doesnt lose when it comes to the big events. Another fantastic day in the pool events. Another fantastic day in the pool, two gold medals in the championships in budapest but adam peaty setting a World Championship record to successfully defend his 100 metres breast rug final. The olympic champion simply a cut above the rest of the field breaststroke final. The 22 year old 110w breaststroke final. The 22 year old now holds the top ten times in the world for the 100 metres breaststroke, phenomenal stuff from him. His list of accolades goes on and on, he hasnt lost a major championship race in three years over that distance and victory means he still holds the full set of titles, olympic, world, european and commonwealth champion, whilst ben prout took gold in the 50 metres butterfly and qualify fourth fastest in the semis, but putting in a majestic performance when it matters to record the biggest title of his career. So a good day in the pool. Mark edwards, thank you very much. Englands Women Cricketers have won the world cup beating india byjust nine runs thanks to a dramatic comeback at lords in london. Star performer was Anya Shrubsole who bowled 6 46 says she always dreamt but never thought she would play at lords Cricket Ground in a world cup final. I was here in 2001 watching my dad play in the international knockout, the club knockout, watching him play for bath and unfortunately they came out on the wrong side and i remember being here is a nine year old and wishing i was back here playing. Never in My Wildest Dreams did i think it would be a world cup final. Stay with us on outside source still to come. 7 journalists working for an Opposition Newspaper 17 journalists working for an Opposition Newspaper in turkey have gone on trial after nine months behind bars. Armchair critics of britains most powerful warship need to shut up for a while, according the defence secretary, sir michael fallon. Hes been on board hms Queen Elizabeth in the moray firth today, where she was undergoing sea trails. He argued that britains new Aircraft Carriers would be vital to the Nations Defence over the next 50 years. These are the first pictures of hms Queen Elizabeth on her sea trials. Four weeks ago, she sailed for the first time from forsyth. For the first time from rosyth. They are Testing Everything from radar all the way through to power and propulsion. There have been teething problems. What has been described as a minor issue with a propeller has already been fixed. The captain is confident she is a ship for the future. You have to see this Aircraft Carrier as notjust a ship, she is a sea base from which you can mount a range of operations, whether that is bombing targets offshore, through to humanitarian assistance or disaster relief. All the way through to bespoke smaller scale operations against people like is and terrorism. Hms Queen Elizabeth is designed to project power. She is the largest warship ever built for the royal navy and you can see from the scale of this that she is sending out a message to the rest of the world. But what is that message . Russia, whose carrier sailed through the English Channel last year, has described hms Queen Elizabeth is a Queen Elizabeth as a convenient, large maritime target. Big decks and fast jets on our back. Jets are now back. Meeting the crew, the defence secretary hit back. That is carrier envy. We are one of only four countries in the World Building New Aircraft Carriers. The united states, china, india and ourselves. We are building two of them. These are Aircraft Carriers, they will help defend our country, they will help keep the peace around the world and without an Aircraft Carrier, the coalition would not have made the progress that has been made in defeating daesh terrorism in iraq. Its notjust technology being trialled. This ship is the size of a small town so catering is being tested as well. At the moment we are catering for about a thousand people per meal time. We need to look at how we can effectively achieve that with the time constraints we have got. Critics of the Carrier Programme argue theyre too expensive and absorbing too many resources. That is not an argument the government or the crew of ship accept. You are watching outside source live from the bbc newsroom. The top story. The parents of the terminally ill british baby Charlie Gard Have abandoned their legal battle to take him to america the treatment. They made their decision after seeing the latest brain scans of their 11 month old son. Now, talks between britain and the us on a possible post brexit trade deal have begun. Eu rules mean the uk cannot sign a trade deal until it has left the block, so they are sketching out the details of what a future Special Relationship may look like. Here is the Uks International trade secretary. Britain and america are united by language, culture, history, security and, of course, commerce history, security and, of course, commerce and trade. It is perhaps borchert is that we are also the first and fifth largest economies in the world. So the economic value of out the world. So the economic value of our bond cannot be overstated. Us companies are investing in the uk, seeing a familiar environment built on economic fundamentals which allows businesses to flourish. They are attracted by our low tax, low regulation economy, universities which sits alongside their american counterparts in all global top ten lists, highly skilled and educated workforce , lists, highly skilled and educated workforce, a Cutting Edge Research environment and the ability to operate in the perfect time zone for global trading. These fundamentals will not change. And the uk will always be open for business. But some economists say the uk would have to pay the price to get a deal. They warn it may have to water down some of its current standards on gm foods or laws governing how Financial Services Companies Operate in the uk. So, brexit has been the dominant story in the uk ever since last years Referendum Decision to leave the European Union. And while the process of departing has begun, such are the complexities, some are still asking whether the uk will actually leave. Working with the bbc Reality Check team, ros atkins asks is brexit inevitable . Bear with me, everyone. Whether you wa nt bear with me, everyone. Whether you want britain to leave the eu or not, lets consider if brexit is inevitable. Yes, the brexit talks have begun but sincejune, the shock election result, its a question some people are asking. Im beginning to think you know that brexit may never happen. Of of course the door remains open, until the brexit negotiations come to an end. The german Finance Minister said,. And nigel farage is worried. Well, i have to say that the mood music since the general election has been alarming. All of which has left quite a few people asking, is this definitely on . In some cases, this may be that Wishful Thinking of those who wish to remain but there are also brexit supporters who worry that the Referendum Result will not be seen through. Theresa may said the Snap Election was called to deliver stability, but that didnt happen and the political volatility that followed has fuelled interest in our question. So im going to break this down into the law, the politics and the practicalities. These three will make or break brexit. First, the law. As you know, in a referendum in 2016, the uk voted to leave. This wasnt legally binding, because parliament is sovereign in the uk. Thats why, earlier this year, parliament gave its support. The ayes have it. The ayes have it. To undo that, another parliamentary vote would be necessary, but no party are suggesting that. From the eu side of things, the uk had to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and has done that, so the process of exiting has begun. The law matters in the x process but it doesnt matter as much as politics. British politics has been tumble dried by brexit, parties pulled this way and that and emerged tangled up, disorientated, hot and bothered. Brexit, trump and macron have taught us brexit, trump and macron have taught us that predicting politics is a precarious undertaking, so who knows what comes next . But there are two major things which could, in theory, stop brexit. Another general election is one. As all parties say they respect the result of the referendum, brexit looks highly likely whatever the result. Even the greens and the liberal democrats, two parties that want to stay in the eu, are both careful to stress they respect last years eu, are both careful to stress they respect last yea rs vote. Eu, are both careful to stress they respect last years vote. Vince cable, the lib dem leader, is not saying brexit shouldnt happen, just that it might not happen. These two parties also advocate our next scenario. A second referendum on the terms of the brexit deal. But even in the very unlikely event that one was called, we dont know which way that would go. So technically, it is possible that the politics of brexit could change and that it could be stopped and that the eu shows every sign of being open to that, i would be putting any money on that outcome. Lastly, there is the timescale. Many doubt all of this can be done in the two year period set by the eu. Concern about timescale exists because there are certainly elements of this relationship that need untangling and resetting. These arejust relationship that need untangling and resetting. These are just some of the areas that have to be resolved. Even the brexit secretary david davis has accepted that some transitional arrangements may be needed. Brexiteers argued this is a surmountable challenge, but it is a Question Mark against the process and the odds being offered at british bookmakers on a delayed exeter are reasonably high. There is another factor emerging. The chancellor Philip Hammond said this recently. When the british people voted last june, recently. When the british people voted lastjune, they did not vote to become poorer or less secure. The Complexity Brexit is such that there are those who argue the economic implications for are ominous if it makes a clean break from the implications for are ominous if it makes a clean breakfrom the eu. So to allay these concerns, brexit could roll out over a number of yea rs could roll out over a number of years to lessen those risks. It could come with a sudden departure. And the longer we wait for all of this to complete, the more time there is for politics to change. That is the law, the politics and the practicalities. Technically speaking, brexit isnt inevitable but its extremely likely to happen. And more from the Reality Check on the website. Seventeen journalists and directors from a prominent Opposition Paper in turkey have gone on trial on charges of supporting terrorism. The defendants all work for the secular publication the cumhuriyet and have already spent almost nine months behind bars. The cumhuriyet and have already spent almost nine months behind bars. If found guilty, they could face up to 43 years in jail. Today, press Freedom Campaigners and staff from the newspaper marched through the streets of istanbul and released balloons outside the courthouse in support of their colleagues. Its reported that turkey has morejournalists injail than any other country. Selin girit is in istanbul and sent this report. Journalists giving a Press Statement after newspapers premises. Not a usual site elsewhere an unusual sight elsewhere, but in turkey, cumhuriyet has become the news itself. 17 of its employees facing trial on charges of terrorism, facing sentences of 43 years in jail. A dozen are behind bars, most of the jailed for almost nine months. I cant touch him, i cant hug him and when we talk over the phone behind the glass and when the hour is finished, theyjust cut away. All i can say is this is a political case, they are just there for being journalists, copying their jobs. Doing theirjobs. Press freedom say turkey is currently the country with the biggest of imprisoned journalists, with 150 facing trial. The government contradicts that figure. Speaking to the bbc earlier this month, president erdogan says there are only two Jail Journalists president erdogan says there are only two jailjournalists in the country. Turkey has marked the First Anniversary of the coup attempt ten days ago. The failing of the plot was hailed as a triumph of democracy, but to critics, that they was actually the beginning of a massive crackdown, with over 50,000 people arrested since then. This is the biggest courthouse in turkey and journalists come here very often, either because they are on trial themselves or because they gather here in solidarity to support their jailed colleagues. The previous editor in chief of cumhuriyet read daily is one of those facing trial this week. He was accused of espionage but was released on bail. He now lives in exile in germany. Journalists and Press Freedom activists all over the world will be watching cumhuriyets trial closely. Many think the outcome of this case could be indicative of the root turkey is willing to take in the near future. And we will be back at the same time tomorrow, goodbye. Hello, there. If you are going to be heading off on your Summer Holidays in the next few days, the first thing i will say is dont blame the messenger. Before we get onto the outlook, we will have a quick look back on mondays contrast. 15 degrees in london, in the cloud and even a bit of rain around. Compare that with 25 degrees in the south West Of Scotland around glasgow in the sunshine, a taste of summer here, probably the warmest day of the week. The cloud certainly made a huge difference across the uk, much cloudier skies for Eastern Parts of england but a decent data many of us on tuesday. Looking further back in the atlantic, this area of cloud will bring some rain on wednesday. So make the most of tuesday, it should be a decent date the most part and it will break the cloud up in eastern england, the breeze will lessen and showers move away and many places are dry with sunny spells. One or two Rogue Showers in the south west and scotland, where temperatures wont be as high as monday would with some sunshine in eastern england, it should be feeling quite a bit warmer. But, lurking out in the west and dominating the scene as we head into wednesday, a big, deepening area of low pressure. Pressure dropping, the Weather Fronts driven from the atlantic towards the uk and wednesday will start wet and windy for many western areas. Maybe some early sunshine in the east but it wont last, It Cloud Server and the rain arrives. Its quite unusual to have such a broad area of rain across the whole country at this time of the year, so quite a few hours of rainfall of us and then eventually as the rain starts to shift the way, we get sunshine and perhaps a late boost in those temperatures as well. The last of the rain does clear from eastern areas during the evening as the weather front moves through but weve still got a big deep area of low pressure very close to the north west of the uk. Around it, some very strong winds, gales are likely in the north west and closer to the low, we will find some showers or longer spells of rain. Head towards the south east, it may well be dry, some sunshine but it will be windy and disappointing temperatures. Low pressure still around on thursday but its beginning to feel, so pressure is rising across the low, which means the winds would be a strong to end the winds would be a strong to end the week. Still blustery but not as windy and probably not as many showers either, particularly in scotla nd showers either, particularly in scotland and northern ireland. Again, the south east could stay dry with highs of 21 or 22 very best. For many others, quite a bit cool. Lets head into the start of the weekend and low pressure to the north of scotland but this time, more low north of scotland but this time, more low pressure north of scotland but this time, more low pressure around, spinning to the south and that will be heading right the way across the uk at this stage. This is how saturday looks, more rain coming up from the south west, strengthening winds and temperatures probably 22 degrees again towards the south east of the uk. Looking further afield into next week, low pressure to begin with, it tends to fade away but the jet strea m tends to fade away but the jet stream from the atlantic is in this sort of position and within that sort of position and within that sort of position and within that sort of position, we pick up areas of low pressure and unfortunately push them right the way across the uk, so that means well into next week it is basically going to stay very, very changeable. There will be warm sunshine at times but the spells of rain, accompanied by some rather strong winds and temperatures a maximum of 17 in the north, 22 in the south east, so rather cool for this time of the year. Goodbye. Tonight at 10 the parents of the terminally ill baby charlie gard abandon their legal fight to get him experimental treatment in the us. Their lawyer said it was too late for the therapy to work for charlie his doctors here had argued it would never have helped him. As their court case ended, his parents paid tearful tribute to their little son. Were now going to spend our last precious moments with our son charlie, who unfortunately wont make his first birthday in just under two weeks time. Great ormond street hospital, where charlie is on life support, spoke of the respect they had for the agony, desolation and bravery of his parents decision. Also tonight. Donald trumps son in law and adviser defends his conduct after giving evidence about links with russia

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