advertising around our search reuuests? ~ , requests? absolutely, you said market results _ requests? absolutely, you said market results represent - requests? absolutely, you said market results represent that, | market results represent that, surge, 32% year on year in their core business which is their core business which is the google ads revenue. i think also an interesting take on it has been a huge surge with retail investment, schindler the google chief business officer mentioned retail was the larger contribute to this year result which is interesting in think restrictions have been easing, certainly to this time a year ago, online retailers still marching forward, driving the ad revenue for alphabet as a company. ad revenue for alphabet as a company-— ad revenue for alphabet as a com an . �* , , company. it's quite interesting there was _ company. it's quite interesting there was real _ company. it's quite interesting there was real concern - company. it's quite interesting there was real concern about l there was real concern about google and how much money it can make in the future when apple changed its privacy settings. apple users are more protected terms of targeted advertising, and google last week actually bowed to some privacy complaints elsewhere as well, these are becoming more and apparent aren't they. privacy complaints, how we are