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Of the philharmonic along the route, rostovminsk for halloween, the academic stage of the great straight rats from them, guest performers, abandoned corpses. Theatrical functionality from the led screen will give you matronly scenery rostov man shny will present hits that do not leave the National Poster today the criminal party to the opera busseler is the worst, no randot. Tomorrow we will evaluate the ballet spartacus in russian direction and choreography in the same way that ordai would have without athleticism for the new column. Skin friday promenade and choose your cultural route. And naprokantsy italian carnival under the dome of the beldyarsh circus, the presentation of a new show is already at the weekend at the yagubased, the program of one of the most viadummies is simply unique from the circus dynasty of brunotoni. Ortheists decorated the attraction for the glidot show with golden bengal tigers, the show will also be watched by tightrope walkers, acrobats on a trampoline, a show of royal poodles and clowns. This program was a success. She was a success for the simple reason that she is unusual here , unusual tricks are unusual. Oh, by the way, even the clown will be european italian. Yes, i saw him. Uh, at the first circus festival. Nikulinas magnificent work, the interactive is simply wonderful. Now, when he is a good trainer, the trick part is good, that means the program will be good. The second time i was here 5 years ago they prepared a new one number with new tricks. Uh, ours, especially with the number, is that it is held in a playful , cheerful form, the dogs perform tricks with casual fun. I have the warmest memories of the last tour. Eh, the fact is that the audience here is very warm, responsive to applause. I hope that this time it will be exactly the same. And maybe even better. Carnivals, these are joint projects of italy, russia and belarus, and so on , surprises and magic from here, will highly present the 12th poster, the bildevre. New show up to the third. This completes our release. Novinere, eena and insha, projects of the belteleradiocompany are available so selfpump tvr cropka by reception weekend. The history of your country is knowledge that gives the answer to three most important questions. Where are we from . Why are we who we are and how, based on our historical experience, we build our strategy for the future; you need to be attentive to the news that you consume, and try to avoid digital fast food. And if some news makes you overly emotional and wants to do something, most likely you are being manipulated. We no one has ever been threatened, a belarusian is a man of compromise , but for the time being, we dont want war, we all, yes, we want to preserve peace, and we will not allow anyone, with the help of weapons, political technology, or anything else, to tell us how to live the project . Tell me, dont be silent, dont miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. Hello, everything is clear about the project with you. With marina roman let s talk about complex things in simple language. Today we are talking about how belarusians abroad will change their passports, what will happen if this is not done in time, and why the functionality of our consulates went on september 5, alexander lukashenko, by his decree, prohibited the belarusian consulate from exchanging passports of our citizens who are abroad and now everyone who has gone abroad. After the expiration of the passport, one must return to belarus to exchange the document for a new Diplomatic Mission ; there will be no more heated discussions on the internet about this very question. But replacing passports is not the only procedure that will no longer be carried out by consulates abroad, for example, our diplomatic representative offices will no longer issue powers of attorney so that an immigrant can sell in his homeland, a house, an apartment or a car. To complete the transaction, the seller will need to appear in person or send someone there with a general power of attorney. Stino Property Management is in hand, and this power of attorney can be issued according to the new rules only in belarus. For example, belarus lives in italy and wants to sell an apartment, for example, in brest. Previously, he could come to the belarusian consulate with a passport and provide copies documents from a lawyer of a relative or friend who lives in belarus and directly at the consulate issue a general power of attorney for Property Management ; diplomats sent this power of attorney to our country and the authorized person on behalf of the emigrant could sell his property and then transfer the money to the former owner. Now to sell the apartment in your home country. Our emigrant must come from italy to this very conditional brest and personally deal with the transaction or entrust this to the person for whom he has issued a general power of attorney for territory of our country. As you understand, it is impossible to do this without arriving home; another change is impossible; emigrants often lose their diplomas, birth certificates , marriage, divorce, and without them they cannot get a job abroad, and bring the gardens of the school to get married and apply for benefits, so before belarus could go abroad come to the consulate and order a duplicate of the lost document, the diplomatic representative of the case for a request to belarus here the Civil Registry Office of the ministry of internal affairs or the university prepared a duplicate of the certificate or diploma and sent it to owners country of residence. Now the consulate will not do this for duplicates, you will also have to go to belarus ; there is an important change for those who are planning to start a family abroad ; many states require the bride or groom to register the marriage of a foreigner. Documentary proof that the person is single or unmarried in his home country. Previously, such confirmation could be ordered at the Diplomatic Mission. Now you will have to receive it in person in belarus. But there is a life hack you can register a marriage in the very consulate, then it will take upon itself to obtain a certificate stating that the newlywed is single and does not intend to start a harem , a message flashed online that belarusians for gra now will not be able to Register Family capital, this amount in belarusian rubles is equivalent to plus or minus 10,000 dollars, which the state simply puts it into the familys account when it becomes large, the money can be used when the third child turns 18 or earlier. The basis for discussion is supposedly new rules for registering Family Capital, for those living abroad, it was the fact that the clause on Family Capital was included in the new decree. Well, this is more of a written fixation of the already existing norms of the right to Register Family capital. Moreover, only families in which both parents and children live in belarus were allowed to use it ahead of schedule; this is one of the conditions for calculating the payment and it can only be issued upon personal appearance; residence in the country is confirmed by the presence of a valid passport with registration. If for some reason the family spends some time outside the country, but lives in it, parents will not have any problems in personally processing payments. The new decree applies to all belarusians who are abroad, no matter for a walk. They went there to work or live, and if with those who are in a foreign land for a short time and have no plans to stay, there are no questions , and they will not come home anyway, then for those who live there, nuances have appeared in belarus; people who go abroad for permanent residence are issued passports , special series of pp, in order to receive such a passport, a citizen must constantly to live in another country, permanent residence is considered to be staying there for at least 90 days a year, if this condition is met, a belarusian can take documents that confirm that he has housing in a new place or official work is removed from the registration register in belarus, that is, cancel his registration to obtain a permission for permanent residence abroad from the ministry of internal affairs for permanent residence abroad, a passport of the pp series and to register with the belarusian consulate of another country, no one prevents us from doing this; consular registration abroad costs approximately 127,000 belarusians. The changes for them are that previously they could apply for permission to live abroad, receive or replace a pp series passport themselves at the ministry of internal affairs or through the consulate. Now the application must be submitted to the authorities of the ministry of internal affairs or to the main Consular Department of the ministry of Foreign Affairs only. Having arrived in belarus , the pp consulate will not change or issue passports and forward the permit to reside abroad from our ministry of internal affairs, as well as all other passports, departing belarusians will change according to the same scheme, that those living in the country in the departments of citizenship of emigration according to according to the law, adult citizens will not help the place of registration themselves without an intermediary for sending documents in the form of a consulate, relatives and friends with powers of attorney. May receive a passport. Only the parents receive the document personally for the children; by the way, the diplomatic representation is so they did not issue very many passports, if the ministry of internal affairs in the country issues from 700,000 to millions a year, then the consulate is only about 8,000. The consulate will continue to certify the will, various consents and refusals to certify copies of documents and extracts from they confirm that the person is alive and is in a certain place, a full list of procedures that diplomats will carry out, and henceforth there is the text of that very decree number 278, it is in the Public Domain and anyone can read it. It also describes why the consulate will no longer do anything, several of which are the need to relieve depression and relieve them of the obligation to endlessly send documents to the world. In the last few years, the pandemic has been experiencing changes , relocation sanctions or easier relocation of some Companies Desire to change jobs or simply the curiosity and passion of young people to try their luck in other countries, provoked migration on the continent, the load on the consulate has increased, we have discovered such a phenomenon as cyber fraud and in this difficult period, documents that make it wiser to give in person to protect the rights and property of citizens in hand, and to introduce accounting in the departments that issue documents, there is one more point and it is disingenuous to remain silent about it. Some belarusians who left the country after 2020. Fed up with life abroad with with a reduced set of rights and really want to go home, but do not go because of the tail of offenses or the imposed fear of having to show up for a passport. This is an opportunity for them to make sure in a real situation that they are expected at home, that many people make mistakes, but only at home our mistakes are always taken on by those who decide that they are building a life in a foreign land. Its more of a print. What is the pleasure of continuing the work of the commission to consider appeals from citizens of belarus who are abroad from people who know or think that they have violated the law and are afraid punishment can be written to the commission via a telegram bot or by email , the appeal will be considered and they will inform you whether there is an offense or not, this and the opportunities have already been taken advantage of. 600 people, some understand that all their fears were dictated by mania, persecution and guilt, and return home; others learn that they have become involved in criminal cases. But, surprisingly, even such answers do not restrain the desire to return ; belarusians come ready to answer for their actions according to the law to live peacefully at home and dont sweat from the thought that your passport will expire soon. If you do not change it in time, an expired passport will not do anything very bad, but also very good at the same time. Passport this identification document and proof of citizenship. An expired document loses its legal status, and its owner can no longer perform legally significant actions; do not pick up the parcel; do not issue paid services do not register the sim card. If something happens to the owner of such a passport , he will be provided with emergency medical assistance, and then doctors, together with the ministry of internal affairs, will establish identity. And in order to continue treatment, the patient will have to issue a passport, but he will be punished for an expired passport. We dont like it. Although there is a punishment, it is provided for in article 2433 of the administrative code. The third part of this article states that living without identification documents or with invalid documents is punishable by a fine of up to 4 basic units. Now it is 148 rubles. But in practice, fines for late payments are no longer imposed on how keep in mind, if your passport is valid, and you live abroad, you can go to the consulate and get a certificate of return there; this is a sheet that says who you are and indicates that you can proceed to belarus; you will be allowed through at the border; no fines will be charged for overstaying passport and sent to get a new one. Realize that a passport is not just kept in your pocket, its a shield that hides its owner from lifes troubles, demonstrating to the whole world behind this person there is a country to remove the noodles from your ears about the possibility of creating a surrogate passport in belarus outside its borders, chatting and moving bags are fundamentally different things, for a passport to really provide protection and privileges there must be real states behind it. Well, be proud of your belarusian passport. This is a sign of belonging to a strong independent country, and it is definitely worth coming home for it. Personally, i am marina karamany, what should a belarusian emigrant do with an expired passport . We figured it out, okay. See you later. We propaganda tell them on tv about the horrors of war that the peaceful sky above your head is the highest value. For us in our country, compared to the rest of the world , there is virtually no crime involving firearms. Each

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