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Hes been apologizing a lot lately. Some days ago, he said he was sorry for all the trouble hes caused spotify. Whats he saying now . Yeah, jim, joe ris quite a regretful man. He was apologizing for the Covid Misnation and this morning, he is posted on instagram, a lengthy apology addressing racial slurs he used years ago. Lets take a listen. Im making this video to talk about the most regretful and shameful thing that ive ever had to talk about publicly. Theres a video thats out thats a compilation of me saying the nword. Its a video thats made of clips taken out of context of me of 12 years of conversations on my podcast and its all smushed together and it looks [ bleep ] horrible. Even to me. Now, i know that to most people, theres no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that word. Never mind publicly on a podcast and i agree with that now. I havent said it in years. But for a long time, when i would bring that word up, like if it would come up in conversation, instead of saying the nword, i would just say the word. I never used it to be racist because im not racist, but whenever youre in a situation where you have to say im not racist, you [ bleep ] up and i clearly have [ bleep ] up. Yeah, there you go, jim. Rogan admitting he did mess up there. Whether people accept his apology, its too soon to tell. No question about it. Theres another video though from patriot takes, which we also want to play. Its a story joe rogan is telling of when he went to see as planet of the apes. Also highly offensive, disgusting comments here. Lets play it. And it says okay, take me to this one and the guy goes okay, is that in a good neighborhood . Oh, yeah. Guy barely speaks english. We get out and were giggling, were going to see planet of the apes. We walked into planet of the apes. We walked into africa, dude. We walked in the door and there was no way, people. Yeah, you take these two videos together, oliver. Joe rogan is just a racist. That is just it. Theres just no other way to describe it. Hes a racist who has used racist language for years. I mean, how does he deal with this . And how does spotify respond . Yeah, jim. Spotify is not commenting at all right now on this new matter for them. This new contiroversy. They commented on the Covid Misinformation and now theyre being under intense scrutiny again for him, this time with regards to these racial slurs reused years ago. That said, a source familiar with the matter told our colleague that the company has been talking to them about some of these slurs and these problems and his old podcast and that rogan chose to remove a lot of these podcasts where he used these slurs from the library. Fans noticed that about 70 episodes of his past episodes had been removed. Again, whether thats enough is too soon to tell. This is a controversy thats spiraling out of control. It started with Kneelneil Young removing his music. Artists are saying theyre taking their stuff off of spotify or pausing their work with the platform. Whether they end up se vering ties, we dont know. Its continued to grow and its all because of joe rogan and the 100 million they pay him to host his podcast on their platform. Incredible. I have to think in the days to come, youre going to see other recording artists, i suppose, who are going to say this material that they removed is just so appalling, so disgusting, so racist, that they dont want to have anything to do with spotify. Oliver, thanks so much. Thank you. Eight days away from the super bowl, but thats not why were talking about the nfl this week. The league is on defense against a Racial Discrimination lawsuit filed by Miami Dolphins former head coach, brian flores. He claims the New York Giants interviewed him for their vacant head coaching jocb, but he said it was a jam, allowing the giants to check a box. He also claims the Dolphins Owner wanted to pay him for losing games on purpose. Ross has denied this, but these allegations have entangled multiple people. Lets go to camilla in front of the Los Angeles Convention center where the super bowl experience is going on now. The lawsuit is forcing the nfl to respond, isnt it . It is, jim, and nfl commissioner Roger Goodell saying that the lack of black head coaches in the nfl is unacceptable. He says he understands the concerns that were expressed by flores and what flores said is that he just wants change and this may be, could be the beginning of that change because the commissioner is calling for a review of the policies. The diversity, equity and inclusion policies in the nfl. He said this would be outside experts coming in to talk to former coaches and former players and we found out about all of this through a memo that Roger Goodell sent to many of the executives and president of these clubs. Cnn obtained a copy. I want to read part of it. He says we have made significant efforts to promote diversity and adopted numerous policies and programs which have produced positive change in many areas, however, we must acknowledge particularly with respect to head coaches, the results have been unacceptable. The attorneys of brian flores responding saying the statement made by the commissioner is on the surface, a positive first step, but they suspect that this is more of a Public Relations ploy than a real commitment to change and i want to give you some background on all of this. Out of all of the nfl players, about 70 of them are black. But out of all the head coaches, 28 of them currently employed, only one is black. There are two other nonblack minority head coaches, but those are the numbers that flores is pointing to. Now, it is also important to say that this week when all of this came out, jim, both the nfl and the three teams that are involved in this lawsuit denied the allegations. So thats also something that the attorneys are pointing to, jim. All right. Thank you very much. Lets turn to january 31st, 1988. Washington, 42, denver, 10. Doug williams became the first African American quarterback to win the super bowl. The mvp of the super bowl joins me now. Doug, great to see you. Doug williams, we should note he serves as Senior Adviser for the nfls newly named Washington Commanders, which has been a subject of a lot of conversation around d. C. This week. Doug, are you surprised . Lets talk about this last report we just heard about whats happening with the nfl and black coaches. Are you surprised when you look around 34 years later and theres one African American head coach out of 32 teams . Thanks, jim. Thanks for having me. You know, i came into this league in 1970. 44 years ago. I can remember standing on the Sideline Thinking about how many black coaches was on the other sideline. It was seldom you saw one. When you think about from 44 years ago, how many black coaches have been so much qualified. So many coaches, first of all, they say we dont have any in the pipeline. The pipeline is full. Jim caldwell, how can he not be coaching . How can you not be coaching . Todd bowles. Raheem morris. All these guys out there who deserve an opportunity to be coaching in the league. I dont know whos on the Diversity Committee in the national committee, but theyre not doing a great job. And you worked in nfl front offices, other football leagues, head coach for grambling state university. Did you ever feel like an nfl head coaches position was an avenue for you to pursue . You know what, i think i looked at it from the standpoint of whats the chances. Because since i played in the league 44 years, you know, ive looked at the scorecard for how many black coaches get opportunity to coach in the National Football league. This year, we have eight jobs thats been open and you know, i can be honest with you. Before anybody was hired, i said to myself you know, we got a chanceo get at least three, maybe four of these jobs that is open. And here we are now, possibility of being shut out. That in itself says a lot. I mean, you look at this league and you think you making progress. We not making progress. We make it in the Sales Department and we going to look better in the General Manager area, but when we talk about on the field and youve got 70 of the players playing this league. Its good to have something that look like them that they can say is in charge of something and thats not whats happening. Yeah. And as part of his lawsuit against the nfl, brian flores says the teams owner, steve ross, offered him money to lose games. The dolphins denied those allegations. But the fans, they think about if their team is performing poorly, theyre going to Tank Gam Games at the end of is the season to get a high draft pick. Have you ever been aware of this kind of invent vising going on . I know the seat that brian s sits in. What else he going to say . Aint nothing else left to say. Cant say i did that. Hes got to defend himself and say we didnt do that. But brian and coach jackson, theyve been in that seat and they can tell you more than i could because i havent been in that position. I want to switch gears to your team, the newly named Washington Commanders. In addition to being a legendary figure to a generation of washington fans and full disclosure, im a Washington Football Team or i guess Washington Commanders fan. Youre also a Senior Adviser with the team. And youve worked with the team in some capacity for the last eight years, but an important subject has come up. On thursday, well off the field in front of the House Oversight committee, former employees, cheerleaders from the Washington Commanders, Washington Football Team, detailed their accusations against the team owner, including asking staff to provide lewd video clips of cheerleaders without their knowledge as well as a new claim of unwanted sexual touching. Have you ever witnessed this type of behavior and whats the team doing about it . Let me say this. All that happened before i got here. Before 2014. So i wasnt privy to anything going on. Im just like you as far as watching and listening and hearing. As far as im concerned, i dont know about it because everything happened before i got there. But let me ask you this. Theres a bigger issue here. In a letter on friday, the committee sent a letter to nfl commissioner goodell requesting the rehlease of the full findins of the investigation that found Dan Schneider was responsible for the clubs intimidating culture. Youre a part of the organization now. You are a obviously a huge presence in the washington, d. C. Area. Do you support releasing these findings . I think that the most important thing is in the hand of the commission. And i think he has to be the one, i cant say dont release them. I cant say release them. I think this has to come straight from the nfls office and i think theyre ones that have to answer that question. I wanted to show our viewers this. I do have a Washington Football Team sweatshirt here that my mom gave me for christmas. Im a huge fan. As i said before, i grew up loving the Washington Football Team and ill continue to support the commanders. But i have to ask you something, doug. As a fan and as a Family Member of superfans of the Washington Football Team, dont the fans deserve a new owner here in washington, d. C. . For years, people have just been so frustrated with Dan Schneider and the way that this team has been run. And i hate to put you on the spot because youre Doug Williams and you know, so many great memories watching Doug Williams play. But it seems to me that the team needs a new owner. What do you think and what do you say to fans who say that . Im not in position to say that, but i could say this. As far as whats on the field, i think that has to go through the people who pick the players. Its not Dan Schneider whos coaching them or what have you. Now from the other standpoint, i cant say, im not goingo sit here and say what we should or should not do because i do work for the organization and thats not appropriate for me to say at this time. I get that. But you hear it all the time. I hear it all the time. I mean, its hard not to hear it. Its out there. But you know, we just have to just bear and see what happens, what comes of this whole situation. But you know, im positive about what happens. The most important thing for me, you know, i try to stay out of stuff going on out there because thats bigger than me. Its before i got here. Im more concerned with the guys on the field. And before we go, i do want to ask you about a disturbing example of the overt racism that permeates our culture. Joe rogan is apologizing after videos have resurfaced of him using the nword multiple times on his podcast. The video is an edited compilation of different episodes. Lets play for our viewers who may have missed it. Ill get your comment on it. You know, the [ bleep ]. Saying the word [ bleep ]. Already said [ bleep ]. Just like [ bleep ]. Calling you a [ bleep ]. Boy that hes a [ bleep ]. Starting calling him [ bleep ]. There should be a word like [ bleep ] especially like the word [ bleep ] thats our [ bleep ]. He says guy [ bleep ] and then [ bleep ] starts says [ bleep ]. Couldnt say [ bleep ]. Doug, you were around so many young men who im sure listen to the podcast. And i have to ask you as somebody who made history in the nfl as the first black quarterback to win the super bowl and that is a source of pride here in washington, i will tell you. I have to wonder what you think of this podcaster who has so much sway over so many young men around the country. First of all, you know, i dont know how hes still on the radio. Number one. You know, he can apologize as much he wants, but you dont make those type of comments which he apologizes for. Its one thing if you do it once, but when you do it as many times as hes done it, thats who he is. When you hear him say it once, thats exactly who he is, man. And you cant sit here and feel sorry for his apology and for the people who do accept his apologies, shame on you. Well said, the great Doug Williams. Thank you so much for your time. Thanks for letting this fan put you on the spot about the team. And hopefully well see some winning for the commanders down the road. Well have to get used to that name. Thats what im waiting on, jim. Thanks for having me. Take care, doug. Appreciate it. Coming up, mike pence takes on his former boss telling the world, quote, President Trump is wrong about the power he had to overturn the election. So why now, why finally after 13 months . [ ] if you have diabetes, its important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. Try boost glucose control®. Its clinically shown to help manage Blood Sugar Levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. Try boost® today. Every business is on a journey. And along the ride, youll find many challenges. Your Dell Technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. So you can stop at nothing for your customers. When theyre sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. Wherever they rest protection nothing kills more viruses, including the covid19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. Lysol. 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Frankly, there is no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. Under the constitution, i had no right to change the outcome of our election. As usual, trump wanted to have a last word and as usual, it was full of falsehoods. Or lies. We should say. Quote, i was right and every knows it. Not true. If there is fraud or large scale regularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out. Not true. All lies. Stamp it, lies. The man is a broken record when it comes to breaking democracy. Im joined by bob mendez of new jersey. Chairman of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Senator, i do want to ask you about the situation, but first, what was your reaction when you saw what mike pence had to say . Well, i applaud former Vice President pence for saying what is the truth. He had no right. No power. Whatsoever. To not certify the election as per the will of the American People and the votes that were cast to the electors. Its plain and simple. It just goes to show how dangerous trump was and is today. Because you can only imagine if he runs again, what he will claim about whatever the results are of that election and if he were even to win such an election, whether he would ever leave from office voluntarily. This man is the, one of the biggest threats we have to o democracy that i have not seen such a threat in some time. And why do you think none of your republican colleagues are publicly backing up mike pence . Were just not really hearing any of that one day after he made these comments. You know, the Republican Party that i have spent most of my public career working with, which was fiscally responsible, socially moderate, is not the party of today. Thatsot the Republican Party today. This is the party of trump. And they are, i believe, that they are fearful at the end of the day of the ability that he might have in a primary context to affect their elections. Because no rational person could ever take the position that in fact mike pence had the power to not certify the election. Or as the Republican National Committee Just put out that the events of january 6th were somehow peaceful protests. It is beyond even in washington context, beyond you know, wildest possibilities of a Major National Political Party taking the positions its taking and having its members ak by es. Lets talk about ukraine and russia. Some of the first u. S. Troops have arrived in poland. This as we learn about an apparent russian plan to depict a staged attack intended to justify an invasion of ukraine. This is not what deescalation looks like, i suppose. Has anything changed in your stance about how you see this being resolved . Should there be this kind of build up were seeing . Might that provoke things in the direction of conflict . Jim, theres only one aggressor here and thats putin. Theres no other aggressor. Ukraine did nothing to have 150,000 forces lined up along its border. To send you know, strategic bombers into belarus that can carry a nuclear weapon. To go ahead and have Cyber Attacks upon the Ukrainian Government. To have efforts to undermine the Ukrainian Government and have in essence an internal coup. These false flag operations are pretexts for putin to try to create a set of circumstances that somehow justifies his action instead of seeing it for what it is. The malign actions of someone who want to change the map of europe by force and thats what we cannot have. Nothing we are going to do, whether it with on the mother of all sanctions, sending troops to bolster our nato allies in the region, thats not going to be provoking putin. Putin will make a decision based on what he wants to accomplish and either he will find a pathway off conflict and towards maybe some of the Security Concerns that he wants and potential guarantees to a diplomatic process or he will ultimately have a devastating economy as a result of his actions and a lot of russias sons sent back dead to russia. Thats his choice before us. Senator, just to follow up on that. Just to make sure im Crystal Clear on this. You do believe what the administration has been saying in terms of russia potentially planning or maybe planning to stage some sort of false flag operation in order to justify an attack on ukraine. You do put stock into that sbel je intelligence and information coming from the administration. Absolutely. Weve already seen the british previously out putin on a previous false flag operation. The administration was right to declassify and put this out there. The more we can deny putin any potential reason even though that reason may be a false one, a pretextual one, the better off ukraine is in terms of staving off an invasion. So this is not a creation or a fantasy. That is putin at his best in terms of trying to create circumstances to justify his act actions. We saw that in crimea. He is the aggressor and im amazed that xi in china joined h him because basically if russia invades, youll have in essence blessed the invasion. I dont know if china wants to be on that side of history. Certainly not during the olympics in beijing right now. You would think that the olympics is a totally different message. Thank for your time. Coming up, Exclusive Cnn reporting that seems to have established what one congressman has been notoriously reluctant to pin down on. Exactly when did jim jordan speak with form r President Trump on january 6th. F brain pe. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. Zerocommission trades for online u. S. Stocks and etfs. And a commitment to get you the best price on every trade, which saved investors over 1. 5 billion last year. Thats decision tech. Only from fidelity. doorbell rings Family Chattering [announcer] meatitation, a sense of calm that comes from being transported to your umami place. On time, lowest price, or well make it right. Grubhub. Chickachicka reporting on january 6th and a phone call between republican congressman, jim jordan and then President Trump. Sources te us the House Select Committee has records showing trump and jordan spoke on the phone for ten minutes on the morning of january 6th. That afternoon, jordan took to the house floor to object to the certification of the 2020 Election Results and protrump supporters attacked the capitol. Im joined by john dean, cnn contributor and former white House Counsel for president nixon. Jordan has defied the committees request to cooperate with the investigation. Now this comes to light. What do you make of it . Well, its seem to me the committee knows more about his memory than he does. Hes been very fuzzy on when asked by reporters as to the sequence it calls. Hes admitted talking to trump. Not much beyond great confusion in his mind. And we now know that trump allies in congress were Lobbying Pence in the white house ahead of january 6th. Heres Congressman Matt Gaetz describing the meetings. I remember my last meeting with mike pence. It was before january 6th. It was in the white house. We were there talking not about insurrection and overthrowing the government, but about the substantive arguments that we believed would prevail in debate much like Peter Navarro has laid out on this program and also the arguments that we thought would be persuasive to State Legislatures who were looking for a signal to take more aggressive action to not maintain the fiction of elections that were not run fairly. And i knew then that he was not going to show a great deal of boldness before the congress. We looked for arguments and evidence. We showed them videos. We were in the cabinet room meeting with mike pence in the days leading up to january 6th and i left quite disappointed that he was not motivated by our argument. Seems to me we have to get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th, but the days leading up to it are important if not more important because you had this Pressure Campaign on the Vice President. They were also pressuring pence. Before january 6th. The committee has not ruled out calling him in to testify. Do you think he should come forward and offer that testimony . I do. I think everybody has an obligation. I think matt gaetz should be in there. I think the former Vice President should be in there. He could explain a lot that his staff, which is apparently cooperating with the committee, cannot. They really cant get to his precise state of mind. They cant get to all of what was changed between he and trump. They werent privy to it. So yes, i think he should be a witness and i think his speech didnt go far at all. He just said what everybody knew. He said im not a total toady. Im going to stand up and say the former president is wrong in saying i had the authority, but he didnt say i think the election was fair and square and lets just get on with business. Yeah. That is, i mean i think that sums it up perfectly. Pence is essentially saying the accurate part out loud. Well see if he has anything more to say about it. Trump has said a couple of times that he would consider pardons or go ahead and pardon people convicted of the capitol riots. I would absolutely because some of them are being treated very unfairly. Yeah, i would absolutely give them a pardon if things dont work out fairly. What do you think, john . Is this Witness Tampering . Sure sounds like it. Boy, it sounds like it to me. You know, under the obstruction statute, you dont have to actually succeed in obstructs an endeavor to do so and this sounds an awful lot like an endeavor to me where hes telling witnesses dont cooperate. If i get reelected, ive got your back. Bet on me. So you know, as i say, if the Justice Department isnt tracking this stuff, i dont know what our Justice Department is for. No kidding. According to sources inside the investigation, some of the White House Trump documents given to the house committee, this is incredible. Again, under the category of shocking not surprising. Some of these documents were apparently torn up and taped back together. Trump was of course known to tear up documents while he was president. Did hearing that give you a nixon watergate flashback . People tearing up documents . It flashed on the 18 and a half minute gap that many think Richard Nixon was responsible for. I dont think he was that good with machines, frankly. He could have done it. Yes, this shows a guilty mind. Somebody who is president had to have been briefed about president ial records that he had to keep them and hes destroying documents. His staff fortunately is putting them back together. But it suggests that perhaps there may be evidence that was destroyed. Successfully destroyed. Well, indeed. I think a lot of evidence is going to come up missing. We understand that a lot of things that were supposed to be in the records never got there. So that hasnt been sorted out yet. And jim, its not a very strong law. The president ial records act. There are no criminal sanctions for it. Its just expected that somebody at that level of service or a president , theyll do what the law guides them to do. Its a relatively new law. It started post watergate, but i think theres going to be discovered Open Defiance by the Trump Presidency of that law. Yeah. Talk about a law that was not designed for the trump administration. That would be it. John dean, thanks very much as always. Appreciate it. Thank you, jim. Coming up, call it a real life game of thrones. Queen elizabeth just made a major announcement about a member of the royal family. Mucinex lasts 12 hours, so im good. Now move kim, no mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. Well, well, well. Look at you. You mastered the master bath. You created your own style. And you yes, you turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. So when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced Tear Production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®. Which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. Restasis® helps increase your eyes natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by Inflammation Due to chronic dry eye. Restasis® did not increase Tear Production in patients using antiinflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. 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You can also unlock short videos, stepbystep guides, and other easytouse tools designed for people just getting started. Plus, Investment Professionals are on standby 24 7 if you ever have a question. Its the smarter way to start investing. Were following major breaking royal news. Queen elizabeth Just Announced her wishes for camilla. Max, what are you learning . Its a real surprise. Camilla, Prince Charles second wife. These titles were destined for diana. So currently, camilla is princess of wales. She doesnt use that title because it was dianas. When charles and camilla got married, they said she would be known as perrincess consort whe charles becomes king. Hes also been pushing for the idea that camilla would be queen one day. A huge statement from the queen saying shes giving out her blessing. Weve also just heard from Camilla Offices that they feel touched by this. Its a very moving statement as far as their concern. Its an acknowledgment, really, i think that Prince Charles feels that when hes king, he wants camilla crowned as queen alongside him and that the public is probably ready for that. So a big moment for british history and werent really expecting this to come and its a real statement of intent. And max, the queen is marking a milestone of her own. Yes. 70 years on the throne. That will be marked tomorrow. She is the first british monarch to mark a platinum jubilee. There will be big celebrations this summer, but nothing from her tomorrow. She always spends it privately because it also marks the moment when her father died and she became queen. But we have this statement which really speaks to what she wants to come out of this day, which is looking ahead to future monarchy, she very much sees camilla as part of that. So were talking an the future of the monarchy and shes giving her blessing to charles and camilla. Shes in the statement she put out, asking for the public to support that as well. On her behalf. And obviously shes very revered and its a powerful statement from her. All right. Max foster. We just saw a cake that was presented to the queen there. That was one heck of a cake there. Thanks so much for that. There it is right there. I just wish i could get a slice of that cake. That would be something else. All right, max, thanks very much. Our congrats to the queen. Coming up, the Washington Football Team getting a new name and nickname that has some seeing red. Jeanne moos explains next. Be a. This magic moment but heinz knows theres plenty of magic in all that chaos. So different and so new was like any other. Introducing the allnew gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. Into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. 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Welcome change. doorbell ringing bustling Office Sounds [announcer] eggzilaration, when the cheesiest Guilty Pleasure breakfast sandwich starts your day on just the right note. On time, lowest price, or well make it right. chickachicka grubhub. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. The Washington Football Team unveiled the new name this week, and you didnt really think everyone was just going to love it, did you . This is washington. Nobody agrees on anything. And jeanne moose has more. Reporter when the washington football revealed its new name, it was done commandingly. We are the commanders. We are the commanders. Its the Washington Commanders. Commanders. Appreciate it. Commanders. But fist bumps turned to eye rolls as the commanders got their first nickname. The washington comemys. The nations capitol. Actually, its burgundy and gold, not red. But that didnt stop people from making the same joke. Hail to the comemys with the teams owner getting a communist makeover. Trying to decide which hat i should wear for the games complete with a selection of Russian Military head wear. New commanders merchandise competed with symbolic sickles. New official slo slogan, takecommand was challenged. Please, let their hash tag be going commando. Their home stadium, the comode. The actual commander in chief, owner of a german puppy named commander was quick to tweet. I suppose theres room for two commanders in this town. And president bidens granddaughter wondered does the team need a new mascot . When it comes to football, theres a new cold war. Its the comemys. Versus the commanders. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. I just want them to win. Theres an old saying if you want a friend in washington, get a dog. Last week i put that to the test when i rescued duke. There he is. Hes the sweet puppy in these pictures. He came into my life with the help of the best friends pet adoption organizations. His mother was one of 18 dogs found abandoned in a foreclosed home in arkansas. He was homeless. Thankfully the others have found homes with foster families and duke came home to me. I cant wait for the many adventures that duke and i will have together. He was not driving the picture in that one car. If you want to help another fourlegged companion find a home, visimy friends at bestfriends. Org. Ill bring in duke sometime, hold him up for the camera if they let me. In the meantime, pamela brown will be here live after a quick break. Wow, look at all those whatd you find . Lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan . Oh my goodness. This whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. Making your way in The World Today takes everything youve got taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldnt you like to get away . 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