carry over hillary clinton. he lost those and virginia is a state that used to be very republican, right, you remember george w. bush winning those suburban areas back in 2000 but that state has changed completely. and what i'll just add to that point, if you look at how the popular vote went in the state house of virginia last night, that went for the democrats by nine points. that's the same as it was in 2017 and the year following that. what you see in the house of representatives you saw the democrats carrying the u.s. house of representatives by nine points. that could be a tell-tale sign. >> absolutely. we're going to be watching it. ryan nobles joins us now on the ground there. you've been covering this race in virginia. tell us what you are hearing from republicans and democrats in response. >> to harry's point about the energy and enthusiasm of democratic voters in virginia, this is what they call an off off-year election in virginia politics. no statewide candidates, no federal races. these were state house races and