Called the freshman building. And this is where Authorities Say at 2 19 in the afternoon about 20 minutes before the final bell, the gunman arrived by uber. And entered the east end of the building. Carrying an ar 15 assault style semiautomatic rifle. In a soft shell bag. And went into the stairwell. This is a three Story Building here with ten rooms per floor. They say he then emerged with the gun, possibly pulling that fire alarm. We have heard so much about. And began firing into four rooms there. Principally. And going back and forth. Up and down the hall firing into the rooms. Sometimes shots going straight through hitting the outside walls and windows. How much shooting was going on here we dont have a final count. We know we had multiple magazines. When you look at the video theres one section you can hear 22 shots in ten seconds. So a lot of shooting going on in the area. Then, he moved on. He went to the west end of the building. And up a different flight of stairs to the second floor. Police say he shot somebody else in another room. And from there to the third floor of the building. Where his tactics seemed to have changed. Their police say he dropped his backpack. The extra ammunition. The gun and fled down the west stairs. And he went out of the building. With all the other people trying to flee the violence. Racing across the campus blending in with everyone and wound up from walmart. Where he bought a drink. And he left there, kept moving further down. Went to a mcdonalds where he sat for a while. Around 3 01 p. M. 40 minutes into the whole thing. And took off walking once again and again about 40 minutes later or an hour and 20 minutes after it started, police finally saw him just walking down the sidewalk in a neighborhood. And officer went over and confronted him. And arrested him without incident. Tom foreman, thanks very much. Students today being students today. Many had phones and texted parents to let them know they were okay. Some tweeted what was happening when it was happening. Video as they evacuated the building. I want to show you some of that. She joins us now. Along with her sister. Who also goes to the school. Shes a senior. We should say her father is okay with them talking to us. First of all, how are you holding up . Im not sure. Actually. Its just very shocking. And it doesnt feel real. Doesnt seem real. It feels like a movie. When did you realize something terrible was happening . Well, everyone was talking about how we news. And so we were in my tv production room. There were computers everywhere and everybody looked it up. No one believed it until we saw videos of people on the floor. Like in a pile of blood. And then like when i saw it i didnt believe it. I thought it was fake. You hadnt heard any shots or anything of what was going on . I wiasnt in the building. I was pretty far. Im so thankful for that. But its still like affects me. Because it could have been anywhere in the school. As youre leaving, you had the presence of mind to record it. What was it like . Everyone was so quiet. It was unreal. Because i basically we had been the tv room. Im there all the time. And walking out and seeing the swat members and the military gear. And them having the gun ready to shoot. It didnt feel real. It was like why are they rear. Why are school. You had been in the school earlier that day. You had been in the school earlier that day. You had left, were you in communication with emly . We would text here and there throughout the day. In school, teachers and youre focusing on your work and they have no phone policy. The majority of the classes. Here and there. But. I didnt have a connection. It was in and out. When you heard what was happening and lets not seem real to you either. Its like how can it happen to it happen to anyone. How can it hit so close to home. Being this parkland and were very privileged and so thankful we live in the community and we feel safe. Other people dont have that. It really shows this can happen anywhere. Tragedy can strike anywhere. You knew this person who did this. Were not using their name. What do you know about them . Did you know when they were younger sfwl in middle school i had a class with the student. And communicated with him through the hall. And they werent very direct with people. Very secluded and kept to themselves. But just knowing that they you attend school with them. And grow up with them. And know they might be off. But you just maybe theyre finding themselves. You doent know what goes on behind closed doors. How difficult will it be going back to school . Its heart wrenching. It makes your heart physically hurt. Me and others you the families that lost people and friends. Its unbelievable. Going back to school is not what people are thinking about. If you are its unimaginable as to how you can mentally do that. Were you at the vigil . I went to both. 2 30. Did it help . It helped. It was more of like a community grouping together and let the emotions out. You hear people sobbing and on the floor weeping for the lost lives. And the fact that this happened. And tragedy struck so hardly in our school. Through Mass School Shooting. Its just so surreal to say the words. You hear it on the news in different states. To say you went through a Mass School Shooting with casualties. It doesnt roll off the tongue. Im so glad that youre okay. And your family. Thank you very much for talking to us. We wish you the best. Theres so much ahead to talk about. Another student was one of the 17 who lost her life. Yesterday. Today her mother, made it a passion plea for action. My daughter was a beautiful young lady. Yesterday on valentines day i dropped her af at school and i said i love you. And a few hours later i get a call that theres a shooter at stone man douglas high school. I ran to get there. And i knew at that point she was gone. I felt it in my heart. How . How do we allow a gunman to come into the Childrens School . How do they get through a security . What security is there . Theres no medal detecter. The crazy person just walks into the school, knocks down a window of my childs door and starts shooting. Shooting her. And killing her president trump, you say what can you do . Stop the guns from getting into the childrens hands put metal detecter at every entrance. What can you do . You can do a lot this is not fair to our family. There are children going to school and have to get killed i just spent the last two hours putting the burial arrangements for my daughters funeral. Who is 14. President trump, please do something. Do something. Action we need it now. These kids need safety now i know you were able to speak with her. A little bit as well. Thats right. She was a freshman. 14 years old. She was in the big sister to two little brothers. To her loving parents she will forever remain their little girl. Their mother people know this kid was a problem. How do we let them go . Let them loose. The kids were joking saying they knew about this kid. He deserves the death penalty. He doesnt deserve to live. What would you like the president and congress to do . They need to get the crazy guns out of the kids hands. Get them off the street. They need to put medal detecters at every entrance. They need more security. What would you say to your beautiful daughter right now if you could talk to her . Im so sorry this happened to you. I would have taken the bullets for you. I would have protected you. Im sorry i wasnt there. I love you with all my heart. So does your dad. Loving daughter. Loyal friend. Will be laid to rest tomorrow morning. Its just so unimaginable city. Youre at the hospital. A number of victims are being treated there. I understand you have an update on them. Right the remaining injured victims are in two hospitals. This hospital in deer field beach, florida. In Broward County. Another nearby hospital. Three people from the hospital, four in the other. Total of zefb. Four people remain in critical condition. The other three are stable and good condition. That is encouraging news. We will tell you that as you may have heard yesterday. Two people died in the hospital. And in surgery. One was aaron fis. The assistant football coach. A Security Guard in the high school and died a hero. He protected children and got in front of them. Thats what led to his injuries which led to his death in the hospital. I appreciate that. Thanks for that. Coming up next a story of survival. A reunion. The teacher who made it possible and the terrible price he paid. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Your plaques are always there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Im ready. Tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks. Stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Before starting tremfya®, tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. Ask your doctor about tremfya®. Tremfya®, because you deserve to stay clearer. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for tremfya®. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. But now its our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohns disease. Studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. Of the 17 who lost their lives yesterday some died saiing others. One was football coach aaron feis. The other was teacher scott beagle who made it possible to do what a father takes for granted. But no one took for granted yesterday. He made it possible for a father to hug his daughter. The story now from our randi kaye. My teacher was holding the door. And i just me and six other kids were just kind of hiding by the desk. Reporter it was her last class of the day. Geography. When the gunfire began. Her teacher hustled her and others into the classroom for safety. Seconds later, he was dead. He opened the door for me. And he was on the floor. I heard the gunshot. I turned around and hefts on the floor. He was shaking at first and had no movement after that. Reporter immediately she started texting her dad. Who already heard about the shooting. And was trying frantically to get to the school. I was huddling in the class. Trying to be quiet. I texted a lot of people to let them know what was going and i love them. Reporter the shooter was right outside her classroom door. She sent this text to her dad. The man is so close to my class. My teacher is laying on the floor. Her dad responded. Okay. Be really quiet. What was that like for you . It wasnt easy. I was five miles away. All of a sudden i get a text from her. And i sort of lost it on the road. Reporter she texted her father, dad theres a shooting at school. Im scared. He left his car and started running towards the school. All of a sudden she said dad hes coming. And i stopped hearing from her. What did you think at that moment . I more or less felt like i lost her. And i really broke down. I stopped texting for a bit. I was praying and i cant text. And i went back and i was saying like whats going on . I was saying like, i dont think ill make it and stuff. And they got super worried. You did think you werent going to survive. I didnt think i was. Because of how close the shooter was and i heard him so clearly. Every time he yelled my heart was beating. It was really scary. Reporter an hour passed before her father knew his daughter was safe. It wasnt until he saw her walking out of the school. I saw her coming out and couldnt stop hugging her. For just the nightmare of a father getting this text from his daughter. It was so scary. At one point he actually got in touch with the Police Officers. That were on the scene. And he gave his phone to the Police Officer and they started texting with his daughter. The wifi had gone out. It was spotty. So they kept asking what room, what room. And he wasnt getting a message back. It was so frightening for her and the girls. Their teacher had gone down. He was in the door way. Theyre taught to barricade themselves in. Lock the classroom. And didnt know if they should risk their life and run to the door and pull the teacher inside. He hadnt moved. And possibly the shooter would see them. It was putting thepss at risk. The door was wide open. The shooter was right outside. For the children to see that. Just horrific. Broward county mayor he joins us. I spoke to you last night. I appreciate speaking to you again. You said something last night that struck me mind. Former teacher yourself. You talk about kids who lack connection. And the teachers try to help kids make connections. You do. Its kind of your job as a teacher. You see a kid you go to the cough tier ya and a kid eating by himself or playground kids by themselves. Part of being a good teacher and bring them in. Bring them into and find a buddy for them. Something they can have interest. You can bring them, bring people together. Thats what teachers do. So when you hear about this person and how do you reconcile . This is somebody who fell through the cracks . Yeah. Because there were video we have seen what we have heard. He had gone to a mental hemt clinic. He had sent things to people. We knew his we found out now in retro spect. His mom had passed away. Knowing those things you want the Community Resources to come to the kid. Theres a will the of things that communities have to offer. And we should be trying to, if we know a kid is in pain, is hurting. We have to find a way. And we do. We do it a lot. With foster care kids. There is stigma in the country about Mental Health issues and its a danger in a situation like this. You dontment to stigmatize people. Because the vast majority are not violent. And wont hurt other people. Instead of youre right. Instead of saying ill tell on the kid. We should be saying i want to care for this kid and make sure you get the best whatever help you need. Were not saying that. Were people are saying ill tell on him. Theyre not saying lets help. Are there resources . Who cant afford it. Absolutely. Yes, there are. This community has lots of resources. Im chair of the Children Services counsel. And we tax ourselves. In this county. To make sure we have all the resources for kids on all for all kind of things. Family strengthening, for kids who are taken away from their parents. Yet we have resources. One of the things that struck me being here today talking to young people, is the feeling so many of them have that they dont want this to just be yet another shooting and then the world keeps moving forward and everyone goes back and it happens again. They want something to change. People are talking about gun control. Whatever it is. They want to affect change. And that to me i havent heard that so quickly after a shooting in other places. These kids give me hope. I hear them talking, this is a special group of kids. This is Broward County kids. May do want to bring about change. And my hope is nobody else is listening to anybody. If these kids can get through that wall, and that would be great. They i think the kids will be progressive in their stance. I think they would say if a kid has mental hemt problems he shouldnt be buying a gun. Shouldnt be doing a lot of the things that are they know people should have background checks. They know there should be a waiting period. They know all of this. It was interesting a student on a short time ago, saying that while she wants to affect change she doesnt want people to speaking past each other and vilifying the other side. Nothing will get done if people who want gun control greater more gun control measures say to people who dont are killers and dont want to protect kids. Its easy to vilify your opponent. Isnt that a novel idea. Listen to each other. And theyre right. What she is saying is listen, and shes exactly right. Were so polarized. Know one is listening to really common sense basic ideas. That most americans actually agree with. They agree with background checks and waiting periods. They agree with people have mental situations. They agree. Lets hold off on letting somebody buy a gun. Forget i dont think anybody thinks we should be having ar 15s anywhere. You were at the vigil. Whatd you hear from people tonight . I was listening to the people up there. I was way in the back. It was hard to hear. But you hear youre hearing people say so close to home. And saying its our home. This isnt close to home it is home. And it changes the way you look at some of the things because it brings it quickly in to perspective. I remember i talked about this. In aurora colorado. There was a vigil. And a person read the name of each person that had been killed and the crowd chanted we will remember. And thats stuck in my mind. And in talking to people here, the kids particularly, they all are saying we will never forget this. This is changed their trajectory in one way or another of our lives. Of our interest of what we can achieve. In the sad part is this becomes your memory of high school. Which is unfortunate. Incredibly sad. Thats not the memory you want. Hopefully they can bring in another memory. A memory of change. If they can bring that, thats a good memory. I appreciate it. The latest on the investigation. Updates on the time line we know of what happened here. More than 24 hours ago. grunting today is your day. Crush it. Angies boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. Boom we began the hour with a time line of what happened here yesterday. Well show you more on the investigation itself. Joining us is even perez. More about the shooter at this point. What have you learned . We often say this after these type of shootings. And this one is no different. Theres a picture emerging o of a young man whose life was unraveling. And there was so many signs that so many people could have seen. Its only coming together from the Mental Illness issue to were told now by police that there were 39 calls to they answered at this home after 2010. Theres a picture of some of the calls they made. They range from mentally ill person, to a call for a child elderly abuse. Domestic disturbance. Repeatedly police were called to the home. And were getting a picture of obviously a very troubled home. His mother dies in november of 2017. And according to investigators it appears thats when everything simply goes south for this young man. And we still dont know exactly why he decided to kaur out this shooting. At this school yesterday. We know that he had previously attended it and at some point perhaps was kicked out. That might explain it. Investigators are trying to put together the picture of what happened. This afternoon the sheriff gave an update time line of what they now believe happened yesterday. Can you explain what he said . Yeah. We now know that he arrived in an uber at 2 19. And one of the first calls that came in was there was somebody dressed in black. And started shooting. It turns out he was wearing a maroon shirt. Remarkable thing that happens over the course of an hour and 20 minutes or so. Is that the police are actually able to arrest him. He enters the school, he goes on all three floors of the building. And shoots people. 17 people of course are killed. At 3 01 somehow he has managed to escape. Along with a students who were fleeing for their lives. He goes to a walmart. Buys a drink. Goes to mcdonalds and sits there for a while. It wasnt until about 3 41 that he is walking calmly down a residential street. A Police Officer from a nearby town pulls over and arrests him. All right. We appreciate the details. With us again tonight. Im wondering i guess you can talk and try to figure out the motive. Nothing will make sense of why the person did this. It wont change anything. It wont help the next time. How does one prevent Something Like this from happening again . Its obviously multiprong effort. Theres a gun component. A School Security component. A Mental Health component. When you look at this and a parent says thousand we stop this from happening at the school down the road . I dont know if you can stop it. 100 . In terms of saying it never happens again. There are lessons you learn along the way. Theres information you gain. Every time you go through one of these there will be a debriefing among Law Enforcement. And others. Where the gaps, what are things that can happen in order to close the gaps. So its less likely to have someone in a similar situation commit the sim kind of crime. You cant guarantee 100 it wont happen again. We have talked about this a lot. That Law Enforcement has learned an awful lot since columbine. They changed tactics completely. We saw the result of that here. The first units on the scene go in immediately and deal with the wounded and get everybody out. What more, though, can change . What more can get better . We were Walking Around the location. And talking to parents. They were so the praise for the Quick Response and the heroism of the Police Officers that showed up. And to your point, at the tactical level, we have figured out ways to you cant prevent all of them. To diminish the damage thats done. Its not the tactical level anymore. Its the strategic level. That involves a political component, can we put the words gun and control in the same sentence without people dashing off to the corners. And looking at this from our new normal. This school did from i have looked at and seen everything right. They had a School Resource officer on duty. A single Point Security entry to come in. They practice active shooter drills. In his 28 years. He had never seen a school which was so had practiced so much. For exactly this. So in tune. That probably saved countless lives. Were lucky. It could have been much worse. The flip side is some people say they did all the drills and yet 17 people are still dead. Are the protocols enough . Obviously theyre not enough. I believe many situations the same thing i believe in government. If you walk in my office with a problem i dont want to hear things are tough, i want a specific solution. Let me give you one example among several i would offer. Talk about School Resource officers. My guess is they do not have the expertise especially if theres one or two in a school size of 3,000 people to deal with someone with this level of mental instability and violence. You look at major cities. Los angeles would be one. With gang intervention programs. Should there be intervention programs of kids at risk for violence . Someone at school can refer them. And has a relationship with Law Enforcement. So there can be parallel conversation on that referral. About whether that person should be registered in the gun registry. Theres a specific solution. What are intervention programs that the federal govlt can support states onto refer kids like this so were not talking about this at the age of 19. Youre at 15 and 16 when the cops are getting called to his house and getting expelled. Why is it okay, can an 18 or 19 yearold not get a handgun until theyre 21 by law. But get an ar 15 like weapon . The dimfference is conceal blt. Its longer and has a longer barrel. A pistol can be secreted easier. When the shooter took the uber to to the school. He carried it in a soft case. Which a professional would have looked at and triggered us. A guy walked into bank in summer wearing a raincoat and a hat. Something is up. Somebody gets out at a school with what look ts like a rifle case. The bell and whistles would have gone on. In this instance there wasnt time or somebody didnt recognize it. If single point of entry. That is the thing for so long people talk about. The schools are too open. This had a single point of entry. I guess the question is how is he able to get through . It wasnt guarded or someone let him in. Those are the things that theyll look at and try to figure out how it happened. My understanding it happened right at the end of the school day. And maybe people starting to leave. Saying the school day is over. I dont know the answer to that. Those are the kind of questions that have to be answered. It will be a benefit to other schools and other locations when it comes to security. How much coordination is there between federal, state, and local officials before Something Like this happens. If someone flags a person to the local police, do they bring it to the attention of fbi . Or vice versa. This has to be a local problem. You have fbi agents. I dont remember how many. My recollection when i was there 12, 13,000 agents. Dealing with white collar crime. Terrorism, organized crime. You cannot deal with millions of kids across the country. The fbi is not a Mental Health institution. This is a question for states and those states have a simple problem to solve. Talk to teachers, and talk to Police Officers. And ask them if you have to intervene with a kid like this and dont have the tools, what tools do you think you could use. One other simple question. Forget about armed guards and forget about single point of entry. This country is incredibly unanalytic. Go to canada and say what do you do to stop this . We have more armed guards in schools. Just ask people who do this better. I dont understand it. Isnt the answer access to guns . If thats the question youre raising. Isnt that the difference between us and other countries. Thats exactly right. Their weapon thats exactly right. We take an emotional approach. Im afraid somebody will take my gun and i cant resolve it. Im an analyst. If you look at numbers numbers on Mental Health in other countries are comparable to us. We dont have a bigger problem. Its a weapon. A black and white number. I cant give you another answer because if you look at number theres only one that pops out. Yeah. Taking out politics thats the difficult. The emotional Text Messages that were being sent. Students sent in school unsure if they would make it out. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Your plaques are always there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Im ready. Tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks. Stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Before starting tremfya®, tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. Ask your doctor about tremfya®. Tremfya®, because you deserve to stay clearer. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for tremfya®. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Returning to hay memo here yesterday. Students were able to text loved ones. A wofrd caution. This report includes a short video from inside a classroom during the shooting. It is disturbing to watch. Jason carol has the story. Reporter students and faculty had little time to react. Those who escaped the initial on slot of gunfire ran for cover and reached out to loved ones. Caitlyn was at work yesterday when her younger sister, hannah. Tested in a panic. Theres a shooter on campus i am not joking. Call 911 please. Hannah, what . Are you serious . Run. Im not joking. They just shot through the wall. Someone in many i class is injured. Im not joking call mom and dad. The next message was to her parents. In case she didnt make it. Im so scared. Tell them i love them so much. I know, youre going to be fine. She texted about a wounded classmate. They got shot. Like eight minutes ago when the shooting started. It happened in a first floor classroom. Hannah survived. And so did a jr. Who was grazed by a bullet. While hiding in the same classroom. This morning they received a terrible news about their injured classmate. Unfortunately she didnt make it. Some who survived hid behind chairs in the auditorium. Or in closets. Many tried to keep as quiet as possible. All while texting emergency messages. Theres a shooting at school, im fine. But im terrified. Please call police. Thats the frightening message she received from her daughter. A sophomore. Tell them someone is hurt on the third floor. We can hear him crying. And praying. I love you. Everything is going to be okay. Where are you now . Im hiding. What floor, baby . Third floor. It was 20, 30 minutes i lost contact with her. And those 20, 30 minutes i lost it. I was hysterical. Her daughter survived. She like so many from the school will carry the pain of what happened. A student tweeted, wishing yesterday was some type of sick dream. Im sick to my stomach. I pray for guidance. Then she wrote, i want my friends back. One of the most difficult things in all of this is of course what to say to children. The parents these days know kids do drills in school to teach them what to do and how to move in an event of a shooter. Assistant secretary for Homeland Security and now a at harvard. I know yo spent a lot of time thinking about this. And youre a parent yourself. How do you explain the unexplicable to kids . Answering the question of why it happened. Dont do the impossible. Some things are unexplainable. Whatever crisis we learned over the years sort of three major things. One is dont your kids. They know whats going on. Instead of talking to they will, listen. Ask not directed questions like are your friend talking about this . Did the teachers talk about that . Elicit their response rather than giving them yours. And the sektd thing thats key is we have learned in crisis that resilient kids come from resilient parents. You want to show moving forward that your youre prepared for whats happening. And you have a grip on the situation. Yelling at the tv is not a good idea. And the third is the most important. Which youre seeing the students in florida doing. Which this fear of can lead to action. Get your kids to write their congressmen or woman. And senator or intern. Gun issues and antigun issues. Get them engaged. This is a way to turn this inexplicable. Into action. Its really interesting. We have been seeing that a lot here on the ground. Certainly from all the situations like this. I have been at i have never seen so many kids who at this stage are already talking about change that they want to try to enact. And essentially empowering themselves. Thats right. I cant explain it. I dont know enough about this jurisdiction and the politics or anything else. But it is remarkable. It has something to do with social media. The images you were showing before. We were in the classroom with them. We werent obviously seeing it. And its just that sort of connectivity were seeing with this tragedy. Actually can be used to affect change. Kids arent stupid. They get it. They get the inexplicable aspect. One of their peers who couldnt everyone buy beer was able to buy a weapon that killed them quickly. And so them, they are g galvanized. We failed them as parents in termsover the society that exists. They are looking to themselves for the solution. Just from a security standpoint. Theyre trying to stop the next shooting like this. Or another shooting like this. Being talked about a lot today. Whether its gun control or Mental Health. Flagging warning signs. School safety. Its for you i assume its not just one of those things. Its a entincombination of all. All of the above. The white house on the political side review it as buy nar. Its that we wont get our vulnerabilityings down to zero. You try to minimize the risk. Yes we want Emergency Management and yes, lets not just talk about gun control, but ask why a society that has assault weapons like this is having the violence that no other country has. These are solutions that we can get to easily if we look at all of them in their totality. Appreciate your time tonight. Next a look at what lawmakers are saying in a conversation with the author of the book, columbine, the book. About another high school shooting. Well be right back. Im walkin wow nshine im walking on sunshine wow applebees handcrafted burgers. Any burger just 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Having had a day to absorb what happened here, prominent politicians talked not what to do about guns, but Mental Health. Heres some of what they had to say. As you know, Mental Health is often a big problem underlying these tragedies. That may be the case based on early reporting. How do we make sure when a parent send their child to school and in florida they know they will be safe. How do we make sure individuals with Mental Illness do not touch a gun. It seems to be common for almost all the shootings. That is the mental state of the people doing it. I think effective enforcement of gun laws focusing on criminals and mentally ill people. Joining us now is dave cullen, the author of columbine, the High School Massacre and how it changed things and what actually happened in columbine. This is a component of a lot of Mass Shootings and reportedly with this shooting as well. Its only part of the prevention and i come back to the fact that one doesnt want to stigmatize people with a Mental Health issue. Im a huge proponent of doing something about Mental Health, but narrowing that to teen depression and whats the word . Teen depression or surveying for it. Thats such a deflection. If you are going to do something about Mental Health, great. Its been 19 years. Where is the plan . Where are the bills . How come you havent done anything . It sounds like a big deflection to me. What they want to avoid is a window of outrage opportunity where anything about guns is going to happen in the first week or two and its going to get steam rolling by then and if they keep deflecting and change the subject, they are going to win by the outrage dropping. I dont know this time. I dont know that these deflection politicians, they may have met their match with these kids. I have been amazed for the last 24 hours these kids are having none of that. They are calling the politicians and reacting ask saying after this ridiculous speech, consoler in chief speech trump gave, patronizing thing where he said things like we are here for you. Whatever you need. Whatever we can do. Except for anything. Kids have an amazing bullshit did you tenthors. They know when you are just patting them and saying you are going to be okay. What the hell . Thats not what they need. They want the leaders to step up and do something. Go ahead, sorry. I remember in columbine you were talking about a rally that took place after columbine where politicians came and talked to kids and said everything is going to be okay, but the principal got up and said kind of a much more factbased thing and the kids responded to that. The morning after, 10 00 a. M. At the light of the world church where they could house everybody. There were about 20 different officials and they went one after the other and i was sitting in the back thinking honestly thinking i have no idea what to these kids and im glad im not up there. I dont know what to say, but i knew these people were not saying it. The kids were politely applauding, but like okay. Frank deangeles got up and told them the truth. He said the opposite. He said this is going to be really rough. We are going to have a hard time. This is not going to be easy. I dont have all the answers, but i will figure it out with you and we will get through it together. He brought them up. Io bullshit. Telling them the truth and they love that. They went wild. Here was an adult leveling with them. It was the first huge one so we didnt know what to do. Now we know what to do and they are not ready to hear its going to be okay. What is the plan . Its two decades. Where is the plan . It is amazing and i said this now multiple times, i have not been on a shooting like this where so many of the kid who is lived through it are saying enough is enough. We top the do something. We dont want to just be another statistic and we dont want our town known for this. We want to be the agency of change. If there is hope, it may be in that. I appreciate you being on. Thanks very much. Thanks for watching 360. We will be on from 9 00 to 11 and 8 00 to 10 00 tomorrow night. Don lemon picks up coverage on cnn. This is cnn tonight. Thoughts and prayers. You heard a lot of people offering thoughts and prayers for people who lost their lives. Students and teachers shot to death by a 19yearold who had been expelled. The 19yearold who had absolutely no business having a gun. None whatsoever. We should all know better by now than to offer empty words about thoughts and prayers. I dont want you to misunderstand me at all. Heart felt sympathy and prayers are powerful and we need them from time to time, but they need to turn into action and we need to do it now. We cant waste one more day waiting for a shooter to go in end the lives of more innocent

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