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That sanders and bloomberg have been trading attacks for days. Democracy means one person, one vote. Not bloomberg or anybody else spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to buy an election. Joining me now, cnns arlette saenz. Bloomberg here surging, trending up, it creates a new dynamic on the debate stage for sure. But also as we already have seen, creates a new dynamic on the campaign trail, what are you hearing . Yeah, kate. It certainly does. Michael bloomberg will be facing off against his democratic rivals for the first time on that debate stage. He really has largely avoided these one on one confrontations with any of his rivals, but thats going to be pretty unavoidable tomorrow night when bloomberg is one of six democrats to take the debate stage right here in las vegas. And many of his opponents are eager for him to appear on that debate stage as they want to try to make the contrasts with bloomberg. You see Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren could very easily go after him for the amount of money that he has been spending in this race. And joe biden is very eager for Michael Bloomberg to be up there and start to be tested in this democratic primary race. Biden says bloomberg hasnt gotten the amount of scrutiny that a candidate like the former Vice President has over the six months since hes been in the race. As we are learning that bloomberg will be taking that debate stage, were also getting a new snapshot of what this 2020 race looks like on the national scale. And right now Bernie Sanders is far and away leading the democratic pack. If you look at where he was in december in this poll, hes up nine points and he had the double digit lead over his closest rival, which is now Michael Bloomberg. Hes up 15 points. Thats an incredible amount since december and then joe biden has dropped a bit, about 9 points since those disappointing finishes in both iowa and new hampshire. And youll have to remember, Michael Bloomberg isnt even participating here in the nevada caucuses. He is focusing on the races ahead, in the super tuesday contests, but for all of these other candidates, they need to have some strong showings, particularly for joe biden, who is looking for a turn around right here in nevada. And hoping to propel him into more diverse states like south carolina, those super tuesday contests and were now four days out from the nevada caucuses with nevadaens here casting their decisions about the democratic primary nominee. Ryan, at the same time, this poll we just as arlette was talking about, shows sanders with a substantial lead nationally. What are you hearing from his campaign . The campaign would argue this is all according to plan, right . They knew from the very beginning that Bernie Sanders had very strong support within the Democratic Party and the energy and the enthusiasm in the Democratic Party comes from the progressive wing. And they anticipated from the beginning that once he started winning, that that would start to coalesce support within the Democratic Party and thats what you see happening here. Very close margin in iowa, they would argue he had the win with the most popular votes and then, of course, a clear win in new hampshire, once you start winning, people start getting behind your campaign and thats what you see born out in these National Poll results. The most important metric for the Sanders Campaign and the thing that dogged him from the very beginning is the belief by democratic primary voters he can beat donald trump. Youre starting to see a democratic primary voter start to believe he can win a head to head contest with trump and as a result his poll numbers, nationally, are starting to go up. Justice bloomberg is rolling out a ton of policy, like just this morning. A plan to rein in wall street. Reading over that Financial Plan from bloomberg this morning, kate, i think ive seen a lot of these proposals before. Wants to reinstate the Consumer Financial protection board, which is something that Elizabeth Warren helped to create back during the obama administration. The other thing he wants to do is put an excise tax on financial transactions, something that warren and sanders have suggested. Anytime anyone makes a wall street trade that would be taxed and that goes into a pile to help provide more protections for consumers across the board. Prevent wall street from running roughshod as they have in the past. One thing that bloomberg was particularly critical of in this plan that he rolled out this morning was the fact that the criminal government bailed out wall street during the financial crisis. And thats something that Bernie Sanders has hammered over and over again during his campaign. And it is interesting, kate, that this is the tact that bloomberg is taking. The biggest criticism that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have against Michael Bloomberg is the fact hes part of the billionaire class and that they are concerned that someone like him could throw hundreds of millions of his own dollars in a race like this and essentially buy the election. This is a contrast that Bernie Sanders in particular is welcoming. Hes been after the Bloomberg Campaign from the very beginning. And you can bet that this is a contrast that theyre going to try to make in a big way on the debate stage tomorrow night. It is something in terms of, while the Bloomberg Campaign strategy has been unconventional, and not yet tested, with success, in a big way, in a president ial race, of course, skipping all the early states and moving on to super tuesday, it is conventional rolling out policy positions right before debate. It is going to be interesting to hear that dynamic as youre laying out between Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and lets be honest, joe biden and Mike Bloomberg on the stage, because as we have seen evidence in the polls, bloomberg polls from biden support. Right. I think youre exactly right about that, kate. The big question here is what were seeing from Michael Bloomberg, something that can stand the test of time, we have seen different members of the moderate wing of the Democratic Party spike, you saw it with Pete Buttigieg, with amy klobuchar, now it seems to be bloombergs time in the sun. The question is can that sustain for a long time because the one thing that has been remarkable consistent is the amount of support that Bernie Sanders has within the Democratic Party. It is now bloombergs opportunity to to see if he can hold on to it and the final test will come tomorrow night. All records get tested once they show up on the debate stage. Great to see you, thank you. Joining me now is democratic congresswoman dina titus from nevada, she endorsed former Vice President biden back in november. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me. Lets start there, Mike Bloomberg qualifying for tomorrows debate. Biden said he is looking forward to debating Mike Bloomberg. Where do you think biden wants to focus . Im glad hes going to be on the stage. He has a lot to answer for hes the latest shiny object. He has to answer to stop and frisk, answer to all the support hes given republicans, some allegations about the way he ran the company there is a lot to talk about. I believe the other candidates will take it to him. Someone else they called a shiny object a while back was Pete Buttigieg and we saw where that ended up. Recent polls suggest that bloomberg is polling voters from joe biden. Does having bloomberg on the stage make joe bidens job harder tomorrow in. I believe having him on the stage will give people a closer look at who he is and what he stands for. You can run positive madison avenue ads all over the country with a whole lot of money, what he has done, but he hasnt really passed the test and this will be a good way to do it. The Vice President is doing great here in nevada. He was strong in our big dinner we had the other night. Got a standing ovation at a town hall. Hes ready for this debate stage and i think youll see that against bloomberg and the other candidates. Congresswoman, lets talk about this latest poll, Bernie Sanders, well ahead of the field with 31 support nationally. And im struck by leading in National Polling is something that joe biden used to defend his frontrunner status. When he wasnt leading in early states. Do you concede now that Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner . I dont concede that because thats a National Poll and this is not a National Primary you got to win state by state. We have seen that in previous president ial elections. Joe biden is going to come strong out of nevada, because this is a state where the Broad Coalition of voters that he puts together. Africanamericans, hispanics, Asian Pacific islanders, seniors, retirees here and strong union support. Hell be ready for south carolina, his strength as well and go strong into super tues y tuesday. A man asked joe biden a pretty direct question. Let me play it for you and for viewers, it is joe bidens retelli retelling of the question to the audience because the man didnt have a mic on. He complimented me highly and then said what is wrong with your campaign . Thats a great question. It is a legitimate question. If someone asks you the same today about the biden campaign, what would you tell them, congresswoman . We didnt expect to win in iowa or new hampshire. Those arent our constituencies. There has been a little shakeup. But you dont want somebody who reacts like donald trump does tweet by tweet and changes his mind every day. You want a steady hand on the tiller. So we made a few adjustments, were strong here in nevada. Some people have come out from the other states to back up our field team. I feel like it is going well now. Do you consider a second place a win for nevada for joe biden . If theyre all clumped at the top and hes up there in that top, i certainly do. You said yesterday that you think it will be a record year in terms of turnout for the nevada caucuses. But you also said last week that you had some worries about the caucuses after iowa. Are you confident in the integrity of the process in nevada . I use that terminology specifically because that is what the biden campaigns big criticism was after iowa. Well, i was concerned about it a few weeks ago because it has got to be transparent. We got to deliver, all eyes are on us, we want to be number one, not number three. We learned from iowa. There have been two meetings with the party and the different campaigns to put any of their fears to rest. We have now done away with the app like they used in iowa. We had long lines, nobody is really leaving or complaining and some cases were just using paper and pencil, the oldfashioned way. And well have three days or so to count those early votes. This is the first time we had early vote in a caucus. But people in nevada like voting early, 65 of people do in any general election. So if it takes a little bit longer to count it, to be sure that it is legitimate, and has credibility and accountability, i think it is worth it. But youre confident things will go well . I am confident. Ive been out at the early polling places and there is a little grousing because sometimes it is a long line. You have to stand there an hour and a half or so. But there is so much at stake and they know it is worth it because they have to get rid of this president. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Cnn hosts five Democratic Candidates in a series of town halls ahead of the nevada caucuses. Watch three tonight, starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Two more thursday starting at 8 00 as well right here on cnn. Coming up, with so many questions about how and when the coronavirus can be spread, chinas taking some extraordinary measures including burning cash. Well have much more on that. And were standing by for a possible development in the roger stone case. The judge in the case holding an unusual Conference Call ahead of sentencing. Were going to take you live to the courthouse. In one week. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs fastest retinol formula works so fast. It takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Making wrinkles look so last week. Rapid wrinkle repair® pair with retinol oil for 2 times the wrinkle fighting power. Neutrogena® applebees new irresistabowls now starting at 7. 99. 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What are you learning . Reporter well, kate, lets first just talk a bit more about the diamond princess. You mentioned more cases aboard that ship. This is an extraordinary statistic. Of all of the cases that we know of so far outside mainland china, more than half of them are on that cruise ship. So the American Government brought more than 300 u. S. Citizens back here over the weekend, arriving late sunday, early monday morning as you mentioned, some of those people we discovered had tested positive before leaving japan. So 13 of those people, ten people who tested positive and three spouses were brought here to omaha. They were said by authorities to be higher risk. We spoke to one of them, carl goodman, a 66yearold from santa clarita, california, he was in remarkably chipper spirits when we spoke to him considering these people have already been in quarantine aboard that ship since february 3rd. He said he began to feel pretty bad on the plane, he was taken to an isolation part of the plane he said was screened off with big plastic sheets. He is now here in isolation. All 13 people are being kept in separate rooms. So carl and his wife jerry are being kept apart, theyre spe speaking via facetime. Carl says hes been tended to by two nurses and a doctor who are wearing full hazmat suits. So they will be here for at least the next two weeks. As you mentioned, they have been given another test, we havent got the results back yet from that to confirm or disprove that they have the virus. But that is something we hope to get today or tomorrow. But theyre going to be here for some time. Kate . And, nick, of all the passengers that came back, some were taken to air force base in california, others to an air force base in texas. Why specifically omaha for these passengers . Well, because this is the site of one of the only socalled decontamination units in the country. So that is something that was designed 15 years ago to deal with victims of bioterror attacks or people suffering from contagious terrible diseases like this one. So there is a specialist staff here of nurses and this. They have also treated a number of ebola patients here. So they were also given the nod a few days ago that some patients might be coming here. So they were ready, they were prepared, they in fact say they are very glad these people are here because this is the best place for them, for them to be observed and cared for. So thats going to be the next couple of weeks we could see more people getting moved to this unit here in omaha as more people are evacuated frommentio of others are at other bases, 14 day quarantine until theyre free to go. Thank god for all the specialists there in omaha. I spoke to another passenger, one of she was her name is sarah, at one of the air force bases showing no symptoms and hasnt tested positive for anything. She was in chipper spirits and she said, hearing welcome home and welcome back, this time, even though shes traveled a lot, meant something completely different and so much more this time in touching back down on u. S. Soil. Have that sense among those passengers and a long road ahead for them. Good to see you. Thanks so much. Coming up, new developments in the roger stone case. Live to the courthouse where the judge just held an unusual Conference Call. What came out of it . What does it mean for stone and his case . Emu doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. When youyou spend lessfair, and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com this just in to cnn, the judge in the roger stone case and lawyers for both sides have just wrapped up a Conference Call. And this call was ordered by the judge after to say the very least a chaotic week that saw the president , the attorney general, intervene in the case and also saw the four prosecutor on the case resign from the case in protest. Lets go to the latest as stone was scheduled to be sentenced in just two days. Sara murray is outside the court in d. C. With much more. Is the sentencing for stone going to proceed as planned . Reporter yes, judge jackson says full speed ahead, roger stone is going to be sentenced on thursday. Stones attorneys on this call had pressed the judge to delay the sentencing until she makes a decision on their motion asking for a new trial. That motion is still under seal, so we dont know exactly what the grounds are stone has for asking for a new trial. The judge said, look, i see no law that says i have to wait until after i rule on this motion to sentence you. Full speed ahead on thursday, forward with the sentencing. She did say she would delay the execution of the sentencing until they resolve this matter of a new trial, so even if stone is sentenced on thursday to jail time, it doesnt sound like hell go behind bars immediately, kate. And did the judge address the controversy surrounding all of this, bill barrs intervention in a politically sensitive case . Reporter she did not even make a mention of this controversy that has been roiling the justice department. This intervention by bill barr that caused the four prosecutors to resign and be replaced by two new prosecutors who are on this call today. Amy Berman Jackson made no mention of it. It seemed like she wanted to try to staff above the fray and just deal with the merits of the case at hand, without weighing into any of the broader controversy that is playing out in the backdrop here. Yeah, and still lingers. Sara, thank you so much for bringing us the breaking news. Appreciate it. Here with me now, cnn legal analyst jennifer rogers, one of the now more than 2,000 former doj officials to sign on to the letter calling on bill barr to resign over his intervention in this case. Jennifer, what were hearing from sara and from the call, what do you make of the call . Not surprised that the judge didnt delve into the controversy with respect to what is going on at doj. Her job is to sentence roger stone and she said not surprisingly she will go ahead and do that on thursday. There is no reason to delay for the new trial motion, already a threemonth delay built in when the bureau of prisons decides where he will be designated and so on. She can decide on all of that while that process is going on and not delay the sentence any further. And the judge, you say it is not surprising she didnt weigh into it and it is full steam ahead. No way that judge Berman Jackson isnt aware of what has been going on outside the courtroom, and on the president s twitter feed even. What does it mean to you that she seemed to, as sara said, staying above the fray, she seems to be at the moment ignoring the outside issues . Is that a message . I think it is the message she is going to do her job. Her job is to sentence him. She will be potentially persuaded by the partys position on sentencing, but she sat through the trial and therefore now knows more about it than the current prosecutors on the case. So she is not really relying on the parties to tell her what to do, she is going to make that sentence up in her own mind. She doesnt have to kind of get embroiled in all of that. She knows what shes going to do, im sure already shell listen to the partys arguments. I think it is smart of her not to mention it, let the executive branch deal with their own problems and shell do her job. Noteworthy, two new prosecutors on the case, they have resigned from the case in protest after all. So now in addition to the letter that you signed on to, there is an association of federal judges, theyre also holding with usa today describing it as an emergency meeting to discuss the same thing, this controversy. And around this case, and the way it is described as growing concerns among members and a quote unquote deepening crisis involving the department and bill barr. And there is, yes, a lot of unprecedenteds that have happened. But this is a lot from 2,000 former doj officials signing on to this letter, that is not only a statement to barr, but also to other employees currently at doj and then this association of judges. It is a lot. What youre seeing is people who are apolitical who are independent officials, right, not political people, very concerned about where this is going, and people who wanted to kind of wait and see how things played out. A year ago i signed on to a letter with a thousand former doj employees complaining about how bill barr treated the Mueller Report and how misleading he was in that context. Now we have seen a series of events that take us much further than that. Were seeing essentially political activity in prosecutions and not just about one persons sentence. What roger stone gets. It is about where theyre going from here, what is doj going to investigate. The president is on twitter calling for political opponents to be thrown in jail. Is that where bill barr is going . That concerns a lot of people. There is a real question now, bill barr sat down in order to kind of do some damage control into the department for an interview last week, he said very, very directly, the tweets make it impossible for me to do my job. And then the president is continuing to do the same thing this morning in a series of tweets, attacking and in tweets and retweets, quoting people, attacking the case, attacking anything related to the mueller investigation. And i think there is a very real question not just what bill barr did, but as youre saying, what bill barr does now as it continues. And, you know, many people think including me that what hes really concerned about is this all being out in the public, being so obvious. Hes working behind the scenes setting up u. S. Attorneys to evaluate political cases. Pushing john durham to try to find some credence to, you know, the myths around crowd strike and russia investigation. All of these politically charged activities of the department of justice, it looks like bill barr wants those to be on the downlow and the president yelling about them on twitter gets everybody riled up and concerned and it seems like thats actually what bill barr is complaining about. Let me ask you, back to this kind of emergency meeting that will be happening with the association of federal judges, what do you think could come out of this meeting . It is a group of judges that has 1100 members on the federal bench. Well, what is really inter t interesting about that is unlike the letter i signed, these are are active judges, current judges, not former judges. That said, they dont really have any power to do anything per se. What it would be was perhaps they would make a Statement Like the letter we signed and it just, you know, shows their grave concern about what is going on, talks about the principles of justice and integrity under the law. They must have been getting a lot of concern from judges around the country about this and well have to see where they go from here. Good to see you, jennifer. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Were just four days away from the nevada caucuses. And Democratic Party officials there, theyre feeling the pressure after the chaos in iowa, can nevada guarantee a dramafree caucus . Well be right back. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Hello, i saw you move in, and i wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood with some homemade biscuits oh, thats so nice and a little tip, geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. Hmm cookies uhh, biscuits. Mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there . Oh its my mums secret recipe. You can tell me. Its a secret. Is it cinnamon . Its my mums secret recipe. Call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. Ill come back for the plate. Were five days from the nevada caucuses, but already more than 25,000 democrats in the state have voted. Early turnout that the state party is celebrating. But there are also some real concerns. Sources tell cnn that some of the campaigns have complained to the state departmentic party theyre not getting enough information including how many of the early ballots have been deemed invalid and why. Joining me now is molly forgi, the Communications Director for the nevada state Democratic Party. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me, kate. Of course. One Campaign Source tells cnn you all held a call with the campaigns last night. What are the concerns from the campaigns about the early voting ballots . Well, thats right. We maintained a very high level of communication with campaigns and we know right now our number one priority is getting this right. Protecting the integrity of this process, making sure that every democrat has the opportunity to turn out and their voices are heard on september excuse me, february 22nd, this saturday, and you know were excited to host a successful caucus. We have heard from sources that the campaigns have been floating concerns about what not getting enough information. How much ballots have been deemed invalid, the early ballots . You know, there is really a small percentage of folks that have experienced that and what i can tell you is that we made sure our volunteers are educated on the process, they know how to deliver the instructions to participants and we feel very confident in that. Like you mentioned, we have a lot of participants turning out over these past three days, today included, and, you know, on saturday, majority of participants were new to the process and caucused before. We feel good going into caucus day and feel good about the turnout we have seen so far. Can you give a number . I know thats something the campaigns were interested in, percentage or how many of the ballots have so far been deemed invalid . You know, i dont have an exact number for you right now that is something we are providing to campaigns. If someones ballot is deemed invalid, will they be notified so they have a chance to show up and caucus this weekend . Thats right. Thats why were providing their names to campaigns to make sure that outreach happens. It is up to the campaigns to reach out to specific voters . To their supporters, thats right, yeah. If they want to see a list of folks who have turned out, they know they dont need to reach out to them ahead of caucus day and they know who they do need to reach out to. We provide them with a list of the data of folks who participated so they know how to structure their outreach and make sure theyre reaching every voter and every supporter and make sure their folks come out on saturday. But they dont contact a voter and say, miss smith, you didnt sign this, so your early ballot is invalid. Thats right. Were making sure they know how to complete their ballots, how to sign their ballots and thats important to us and thats our priority right now. So this early voting started this weekend. And it is wrapping up. Are all of earl ballots going to be counted before the caucuses as this weekend . No. Theyre actually going to be counted at their home precincts along as if they were participating alongside them. So that data will be provided to precinct chairs on caucus day. And that way theyll be able to be realigned and counted just alongside their neighbors. Some people waited more than three hours, more than a three hour wait in to vote early. How are you all addressing that for this weekend . Well, overall, were excited to see that folks are turning out, theyre taking advantage of this opportunity. Thats why we added an extra layer of flexibility in this process, offering four days of in person early voting, something ill mention, caucus date has never done before, doing for the first time, we allowed folks to participate at any location within the county theyre registered. Four days to do so. And they can go to caucus to find their next nearest location and make sure they turn out before caucus day unless they want to participate on saturday. But to address the long wait times that folks have seen in early voting, are you increasing volunteers, is there nor staff, is there something that are you addressing that or should people expect to wait that long . Absolutely. Thats right. We are addressing that and thats why we have deployed extra volunteers as needed in Constant Contact with site leads, were making sure they have the support, the supplies, the resources they needed and making sure that if there is a long line at one particular site, were informing those folks where they can go, their next nearest location and make sure they make their voice heard. Cnn heard from precinct captains, some precinct captains that there were nervous about this weekend, because they didnt feel they were fully prepared despite there have been hours and hours of training. They were nervous about this weekend and how to handle it. What do you say to them . Thats right. From the beginning, we developed a very robust training program, one that is encouraged every Single Community to turn out, making sure we have bilingual trainings, training materials in all three languages, english, spanish and we made sure our folks understood, the foundational knowledge of running a caucus. If theyre new to the process or veteran volunteer, like you mentioned, were doing trainings around the clock, thats going to happen every day up until caucus day. Were offering one on one training, in person trainings, hands on, via webinar, you name it, were doing it t. The number one thing is getting the process right and making sure were protecting the integrity of this process and that our precincts have the support they need to execute a successful caucus on saturday. Absolutely. Can you assure folks that the caucuses will that the caucus will go without a hitch on saturday . Yes, were feeling very confident. We had our heads down, working around the clock the last three weeks and we feel very good, very confident. We know well have the most accessible and transparent caucus in nevada history. Will you be able to report a result by the end of the night . That could sound like a ridiculous question but after iowa it is not so ridiculous. Sure, absolutely. Like i said, our number one priority is getting the process right, making sure results are accurate, thats our number one priority and we know, we understand Everyone Wants to know the outcome of the nevada caucus because we play a crucial role in this primary as the first diverse state to make its voice heard. Thats our priority right now. As we as was learned and highlighted following iowa, communication on the night of the caucuses is definitely at a premium and very important. So your job your job in the next five days very crucial one. Molly, thank you for coming in. Thanks so much. Coming up, a grisly new measure of how bad the Opioid Crisis has become. One county in ohio may need to open another morgue to handle the influx of dead bodies. Well be back. Consider this. Happening right now in ohio, cnns chief the bodies. The biggest county population in the state of ohio. What is happening there . Weve been talking about these Drug Overdose deaths in many places around country, but as you mentioned, kate, ohio has been predisposed to this. These overdose deaths, they dont come in a steady stream, they come in tragic clusters and it immediately overwhelms. It happens in hospitals, and as you mentioned, even the morgues. Its not worth it. Theres nothing out there in those streets that are worth it. The streets Miguel Hernandez is describing is in ohio. This county has also been known for overdose deaths, so staggering in numbers that county officials may have to bring in a temporary morgue just to store the bodies. This facility is a small facility, so its been hard. County coroner, dr. Ortiz, took to facebook to share the news that in less than a week and a half, they saw 28 overdose deaths. Ten of these occurred on the same day. According to dr. Ortiz, they most likely died from fentanyl, a highly potent synthetic opioid, more than ten times more potent than opioid. Drug users suddenly have no idea what theyre getting. A game of russian roulette, pretty much. You. N dont know when that bull is going to hit if you play the game. Hes seen this happen before in Franklin County and its far from the only place. Its also hard to reconcile whats happening here with the recent headlines about opioids. In january officials announced that Drug Overdose deaths were down in from 2014, reducing the overall numbers. That is the first time in 29 years, nearly three decades. Another program around the country has made a differece. Reigning in opioids and increasing the overdose reducing drug. At the same time, drug deaths like opioids called fentanyl have actually increased 10 from 2017 to 2018. During that same time in ohio, fentanyl played a part in nearly threequarters of the overdose deaths. We have more techs that work with the physicians doing the autopsies and these guys dont take lunch. One thing i want to point out, kate, as well, for more than three years Life Expectancy dropped in the united states. Most common causes, premature death, overdoses, suicide, liver failure due to alcoholism. Were seeing some good news here, but we have to address this underlying concern as well if we really want to solve the problem. Because its far, far, far from being solved. Sanjay, thanks for shining a light on it. I really appreciate it. Up next, eyes nhes not on ballot but he will be on the debate stage in nevada. What will be the impact of Mike Bloomberg making his debate debut tomorrow night . How we worship, or who we love. And the 2020 census is how that great promise is kept. Because this is the count that informs where hundreds of billions in funding will go each year for things like education, healthcare, and programs that touch us all. Shape your future. Start here. Learn more at 2020census. Gov gimme two minutes. Eligible for medicare. 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Great for staying with the one you know. Or finding. Somebody new, like a specialist. There are no networks and no referrals needed. None. And when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. So, if youre in another state visiting the grandkids, stay awhile. Enjoy. And know that youll still be able to see any doctor who accepts medicare patients. So call unitedhealthcare today. They are committed to being there for you. Tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. A Medicare Supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. You know, the pizza slice. It allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients. And these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Whew call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. Welcome to inside politi politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your day with us. A new face on the 2020 debate stage. Mike bloomberg qualifies for a showdown in nevada, a test for his ability to mix it up and for those being burned out by his staggering spending. The vermont senator leading big in a new National Poll and he hopes for nevada this weekend to cement him as the dem

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