Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180423 19:00:00

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you think? >> i thought it was a heart attack, i thought somebody had a heart attack. i thought somebody had a heart atta attack. >> i can't do this. i'm feeling really sick. >> can you tell us when you saw him stop, what happened? >> oh, man. i stopped, he was going, he was going on i was shaking, i couldn't deal with this, he kept going people were getting hit, one after the other. >> i saw people getting hit one by one. >> where did you see him climb the sidewalk? >> right on the sidewalk. >> where did he get on the sidewalk? >> he started from around here. it's the first one, started over there.
oh, my god, wow! i can't do this any more, i'm sorry. >> thank you so much for that. ali was about 100 meters away. >> this is incredibly difficult to listen to these different eyewitnesss, describe what has amounted to a gruesome scene in toronto. careening down the sidewalk. we're going to come back to this in a moment. that waffle house suspect is in custody. they're about to brief the press on how they got him. >> at 1:07 this afternoon, travis reinking was taken into custody in a wooded area near here by members of the police department specialized investigations division narcotics unit. he was taken to the south precinct where he requested a lawyer and refused to make a
statement. reinking has been taken to general hospital to be checked out and will be taken to the nashville jail where he will be booked on four counts of criminal homicide. the apprehension team consisted of members from the police department specialized investigations divisions, narcotics unit. almost all of those persons are under cover, their supervisor is lieutenant carlos laura, laura was at the apprehension scene, he'll describe to you what happened, after lieutenant laura speaks, we'll hear from the mayor and chief anderson, and take your questions after everyone has spoken. lieutenant laura? >> good afternoon. i want to start off by saying, great job by everyone. all the different units and agencies that assisted. this all began today, we had our narcotics unit working, doing, finding any calls on suspected identification of this person
dispatcher megan barr, were contacting me directly. and our steam was in charge of investigating any of these sightings. we had a call for 5,000 mountain springs drive, and what the call was, there was a person who was matching the description of the suspect, going through a construction site into the wooded area. our detectives, all three of our units, the narcotics unit all responded to the scene. when they got to the scene, there were several workers from the tva that were pointing to us saying, the person went through the woods, the detectives as well as the sergeants all went up to the wooded area and saw a pathway in the woods. they started to walk the path and as they went through the wooded area, they spread out
some went one direction, some went another. as he was walking forward, the suspect turned around and detective williams saw his face and realized that is the suspect we were looking for. he drew down on the suspect. the suspect proned out, he told him to get on the ground. he did immediately. other detectives came and assisted, put him into custody. at that point detectives went and cut off -- he had a backpack on. the description we received was a maroon shirt, dark jeans and a backpack. once he was in custody, the detectives cut the backpack off of him. they saw a silver weapon with ammunition, a flashlight and a holster on his person.
he had a wallet, with a colorado i.d. with his information on there, which is how we were able to identify him. >> mayor bradley? >> good afternoon. first i'd like to say thanks to the community to the citizens of nashville, a tip from the community is what led to the arrest today and are their being vigilant was an important part of what happened today. >> i'd like to thank the metropolitan police department and chief anderson for all their work over the last 36 hours, they've been relentless in searching for the shooter. and the conditions have been quite bad for the last 36 hours, it was tough work, and i want to thank them personally on behalf of all the citizens of nashville that they did. yesterday was a horrible day for the city of nashville.
it brought home a real tragedy to this community. today is the day where we can start to move on as the community. i hope, but i hope everybody will share a commitment that i have to help the families who have lost their loved ones and who are still suffering in the hospital right now. we're going to ahave to gather around them and lift them up over the coming weeks. obviously a tragedy put an end to part of it today. and we need to move on as a community and do what we can to curb this violence in the future. >> chief steve anderson. >> certainly this apprehension was the result of team work. throughout the metropolitan nashville police department. almost all of our components were involved, s.w.a.t. team, canine flight, on and on. we had the majority of our
detectives out here in undercover cars. it's a team work effort in terms of our support from our federal and state partners. we had the team of state troopers out here. the fbi had an enormous amount of resources, they started several teams from washington to assist us in this search. the atf and the secret service likewise. and it's a community effort, this would not have been accomplished without the cooperation of the community, and it was a citizen's tip that led to this apprehension. and the businesses that have supported us bringing food out here to feed the officers who were out there in the rain, cold and dark. so i applaud everybody that's been involved. and again, it was a team effort that made this possible. >> mr. gavin or commissioner,
assistants special agent in charge, matt espinshade from the fbi. >> i'd just like to thank all the entities involved for this. it was great team work, i'm glad we came to a quick resolution, there's a challenge we have in front of us, that is to not forget the victims we take very seriously, our victim witness services. those will come into effect at this point. providing counseling services to those who were hurt and the families who live on. so thank you for your time. >> david perky, commissioner of safety and homeland security for the state of tennessee. i was telling the chief before we walked up here, justice is relentless when it involves the partnerships that we have on the
federal, state and local level. i understand what it takes to for justice to prevail. you have seen that today. congratulations to all of our partners, this is a good day. thank you. >> special agent in charge from the atf? >> law enforcement partners came together, we were determined to be relentless, to bring this young man to justice, we worked well today, and today is a day we can heel as a community. thank you for your support. >> questions, please say who you want to ask the question of. >>. >> let's go back to the moment of capture. >> did he have anything to say?
>> i was not at the location. i was getting information relayed. miscommunication at one point opinion from what i understand as soon as the detectives saw him, there was really no communication other than -- the detective drawing down on him and he got on the ground and proned out and was taken into custody. >> did he try to resist in. >> not at all, sir. >> did he make any statement? >> not that i know, sir. >> i wasn't there, i cannot say. i have not received any news or any word that he made any statements at all. >> that location is about two miles away, would you say? >> do you have any idea how he spent the last 36 hours? >> a lot of that information is information i can't answer, because we don't know. we believe that he's possibly stayed in that same area, but again 5,000 mountain springs is not far from here. it's behind where he lived.
>> he was able to get some material, was he not? >> yes, when he was caught, he had a maroon shirt, dark jeans and a black backpack with a semiautomatic weapon, flashlight, holster and some 45 cal ammunition, and that's all we have at this point. [ inaudible ] >> i'm sorry? >> originally there were two guns that were reported missing yesterday, one of the guns you found on him. where is the fourth gun located? >> i have no idea. the silver kimbra which was missing was on his person, any other weapons, i'm not the person that would have that information unfortunately. >> a reminder --
>> yes, sir. >> how much time passed from the time -- [ inaudible ] >> as soon as the dispatcher much i wasn't sure -- simmons contacted me on the phone. and our detectives assisted on another location. we pulled them due to the fact that this location was behind an elementary school. we wanted to make sure it was a priority. we pulled some of our detectives, three of our sergeants and all of our detectives went to that point. 10 minutes tops between the time we received it and guys were dispatched out there. >> how concerned are you, that travis reinking was able to slip through the cracks.
>> are you stating from the time yesterday of the shooting or now? >> how concerned are you that he has a past mental health history, and has had many run ins with law enforcement and the fbi? >> i can tell you from our perspective, after the incident at the white house and the assessment that happened in the springfield office that every federal resource was brought to bear, and that we were able to effectively neutralize what we felt was the threat at the time by ensuring that he did not have the ability to purchase or own weapons. and that those weapons were taken. >> how was he able to get that gun back? >> that i'd have to refer you to the illinois state police or the sheriff's office in illinois. >> we are investigating all the possibilities to any groups, right now we have no information to provide on that. >> i can't make that assessment,
it's a tragic thing. he was not able to possess or own those weapons, so on its face, yes. >> has his father given a reason for why? >> i haven't heard that? >> are there any gun laws that the father may have violate zmd. >> i would refer that over to atf. >> all right. is it possible that his father could be subject to gun laws. could his father have violated gun laws. >> it is possible, if you transfer weapons to a person that is knowingly prohibited. that could be a violation of federal law. >> is the father -- do you know why i gave him the guns? >> i can't sneak to that at this point. >> is he under investigation? >> all federal partners are looking at him. >> co face charges?
>> he potentially could, yes, sir. zbrm his guns were taken away, should he have had weapons? >> he should not have had weapons, correct. in tennessee. >>. >> he was legally stripped of his ability to purchase or possess weapons? >> that goes back to the fbi they control the nix system, not the atf. >> do you have an idea how this man was able to survive and escape infraction. what do you think he was able to do? >> i don't know. we don't have that information, i wasn't involved in a lot of the planning, and a lot of the search, i had a specific job. there's a lot of things that we have to take into account that i don't know of, all i know is that when we caught him, he was at 5,000 mountain springs in that area. there's a good chance he had
been there since this occurred. that's information i just can't give you. >> what is -- >> i was not able to be over there, but he looked like, again, he looked like he was tired, from what i was told. >> would he give up? >> had you also sent -- >> that specific area in those woods, i don't believe, at least during the time i was working and our guys were there, we didn't check that area that i know of, i know that today was the first time we had that call to that wooded area. behind that construction site. >> that's where he lived, right? >>. >> you want to refer to the other investigators involved. that's something i wasn't involved in, so -- >> you didn't necessarily canvas the area where he was apprehended, but that is the area right behind his compartment complex. are there any concerns to the residents there.
>> i was not personally, and noon of my unit was involved that i know of. i know there were several units and agencies involved in assisting. i know that at one point we were hearing that every apartment complex out here doors were being knocked on and areas were being searched. i know again, that area, when this tip came, in as soon as it came in, we responded to make sure we were able to verify if the tip was accurate or not. >> are you confident he was acting alone? >> i don't have that information, again, you're going to have to refer to somebody else. >> did he run from -- >> were they able to -- how far back was he? did he try running? >> from what i was told, from the detectives that apprehended him, he did not try to run, as soon as the detective saw him, he pulled out his weapon and told him to get on the ground. he got on the ground, proned out. other detectives went helped cuff him, search him, they found in his back pocket, his i.d. and they cut off his backpack and
found the weapon in there. >> last question. >> it appears that law enforcement is pulling out bags of evidence. can you talk about at all, what they are gathering? >> i don't know. that is something you may want to refer to, mr. aaron. >> we'll talk about that when the article searches are done in the woods. let me say, this air, as you all know was the subject of extensive searching yesterday. that's where the last sighting was around 8:30 sunday morning. there were police dogs, officers, that area was widely searched on yesterday. how long he had been there, where -- you know, the report from the citizen initially yesterday was, he was shirtless, today he's wearing a red shirt. we have a myriad of questions for him. as i said at the beginning, when he arrives at the south precinct asked for a lawyer and refused
to answer any questions. thank you all. >> all right, so we wanted to hear that entire thing as we're getting a little more information as far as how police, fbi, atf ultimately came together, and it sounds like it was police apprehending the man who is now accuse d of four counts of homicide. came from a call within the community. a tip let them to this wooded area, right around where the suspect lives. and also all kinds of questions with regard to why he had guns in the first place, given his incident in the past with the white house. and the fact that authorityies took his guns away and the man shouldn't have had a single gun. is his father possibly in trouble? you heard the atf agent say yes.
matthew, let me start with you, when you heard the details of how this call came in, they go to this construction site, they go on this path in the woods and find him, he's got this backpack, he has a weapon, and he's clothed, what are your questions after hearing those details. >> i mean, the questions i wonder, where he came from, how did he get there, was he there at the time. he said they searched this area extensively yesterday, they didn't find him, all of a sudden he's there today. did somebody help him get there? how did he get there, that is the biggest question on my mind. what was the motive for why he did this from the very beginning. that's what i want to know, how did he get there, and the fact that we do know he didn't resist at all, he gave up, so i i mean, that fell in line with it, bottom line, it's -- where was he yesterday? was he in this area and we just
overlooked him? >> art, to you on the second point on the guns, there had been in this young man's past, the incident at the white house, where he had been arrested. his guns were taken away, he couldn't purchase guns, we talk about incidents like this, where all the right steps were followed. and yet i presume the guns were somehow handed over to his father who handed them over to him and we know how the rest of the story plays out. should his father be in trouble? >> yeah, and i think they're going to have to sort this out in illinois and tennessee. we heard the agents assessment of that more than likely he will be in trouble. it's again federal law to transfer firearms to an individual who's not supposed to have them, in this particular case, his right to possess firearms in illinois was revoked, and i'm fairly sure he didn't have the right to possess firearms in tennessee, although
possession of long weapons, long rifles is not a violation of the law, but the handgun probably is. so it sounds like he got back to his apartment, we had the sighting at 8:30 in the morning, he probably packed that backpack, took the last handgun that he had, maybe stuffed the red shirt in the backpack along with a flashlight and headed out to the woods. and that's the sighting we have. the big question is, where did he but his head down for the evening if that was searches so heavily. >> we're going to talk to the brother of one of the victims. i want to make sure we focus on those lives lost. let me pivot to the ear breaking story out of toronto. where we now know that police have been questioning the driver behind the wheel of this white
van, who basically mooed people down for as long as a mile. this is north of toronto, right around 1:30 their time. details as far as the extent of the injuries, we heard groos open details from some of these eyewitnesss. jason carol i know has been working the story for us. hearing these eyewitnesss detail the bodies, the pieces of bodies, the speed at which this van was traveling before -- how did the van stop? >> yeah, yeah. >> how did the driver stop? >> it's chilling to hear from these eyewitness accounts. one witness saying he saw people going down one by one. another saying he saw multiple bodies on the ground. another witness describing it as pandemonium broke loose, he said as he saw the van hit a man who was simply walking through the intersection. the van did come to a stop about a mile from where this all
started, still trying to get details in terms of specifically how that happened, who was responsible for that. just to recap. north of downtown tran toe, that's when this white van jumped the curb and started mowing down pedestrians who were walking on the sidewalk. obviously at this point trying to get more information about the cause. canada's prime minister weighing in on this saying more to learn, more to say in the coming hours. electron toy's mayor has released a statement saying my thoughts are with those affected by this incident. and the front line responders were working to help those injured at just about 3:30. just a few minutes from now, the security minister is going to be holding a press conference, where we should be getting more information, more details, at this point the driver who is in
custody. he was wearing all black, has not been identified, clearly. investigators have a lot of questions for him. >> let me back up for a minute. we were hearing one of the eyewitnesss reporting hearing sounds of gunshots. can you speak to what was -- was it a shootout at all between this driver and police to get the van to stop? what more do we know about that? >> we're waiting for more of those details. certainly some eyewitnesss on the ground. they have reported in a, we're waiting to get official word from the toronto pd, there was some sort of confrontation between the toronto p.d. and this suspect. brooke? >> one of the eyewitnesss reported seeing a stroller flying up in the air. do we have any idea from police how many people have been injured? >> initially there may have been as many as 8 to 10 people
injured. one eyewitness said he saw a number of people giving cpr on the ground. the same witness also reported four bodies he could identify. police came out and sid they needed more time to confirm the number of injuries on the ground after initially saying 8 to 10 people. >> as soon as we get more information, we'll get you back on tv. in the meantime, let's -- i said a second ago, we wanted to honor the lives of those lost. we have kila desilva. i wanted to thank both of you for coming on and my sincerist condolences for the loss of your brother. >> thank you. >> much appreciated. >> if i could begin with you, beatty.
you were at waffle house, we have been reporting the last hour that this man has been caught and is in custody, and faces four criminal counts of homicide. what are you thinking? >> it's just -- it's just all -- i'm still processing it in my head opinion i'm relieved -- my mom is happy that he's caught, so i'm not -- it's a sense of relief, but at the same time, i'm still getting it all processed in my head. >> how are you doing, how is your mom doing? >> we're holding up, we're having a lot of family support, a lot of support from everyone, we're just trying to stay as strong as possible, with the whole situation. and trying to not let his name be in vain. >> you have your cousin there to help you out and give you strength.
>> if i can continue the conversation with you beatty. not only did you lose your brother, you were there at the waffle house. can you tell me what you remember seeing? >> i didn't really see too much, you know, just -- just heard gunshots and we just ran. and hid for cover. and i just know i kept hearing the shots get closer and closer to where i was at. so that was really most of it, what happened, until we stopped hearing the sounds. and then i came and ran looking for my brother, and he -- i couldn't find him. so then i finally and then when i went to the end where we
parked at, i seen him inside still. i ran back in to him and his girlfriend. they were both right there, conscious talking to me. you know. the police said he had -- was shot in the arm. and parmetics said he was shot in the arm at the time. we thought everything was going to be okay, because he was shot in the arm, and she was shot in the leg. and then -- yeah, i didn't think he was going to pass. >> it's crazy the tragedy that i was made aware of that sunday morning. and beginning when all the details started to unravel, and understanding that, you know, my cousin was there, and could have been impacted by that event as well. so special thanks to james shaw, who was able to wrestle out that weapon from the individual, because i could have got a call that morning that two of my cousins was dead. that morning and we come from a
caribbean background, so the way we were raised with our cousins, it's not like a cousin relationship, this is my brother. my brother was also lost in that senseless act of terrorism. and it's sad. we're definitely greatly appreciative of the love and support we've gotten from friends and family. those who are concerned about, we'll continue to take on more and more support, because it's definitely a tough pill for our family to swallow. >> i am grad you said that, that your cousins are your brothers and you could have lost your other cousin, your other brother, can both of you take a moment and tell me about akila? >> i mean, i'll start. but if you can find one person who was an enemy or had anything ill to say about akila, i will call that person a hater, to be
exact. he didn't make any enemies, he was loved by so many. most importantly for me, because the last conversation that we had with one another was about his artwork. he was a musician. i wouldn't just classify him as a musician, i would class phi him as an artist. he was a lyrical artist, a visual artist, he had so many good works and products to release to the world. and it's so sad that, you know, an act that i can't even begin to comprehend cut that short. i say cut that short, i don't know if that's the truth, hopefully this -- the platform that he has now, that the world can truly see how great of an artist he was. and the talent of -- such a talented sole that we lost. sunday morning.
>> can you tell me a little bit about your brother and also, his girlfriend's in the hospital, how is she doing. >> she's well, she had surgery earlier this morning, we've spoken to her since, we're going to see her at the hospital. she's not well, she's in pain, and traumatized about the whole situation. kkila and she were together every day. i know it's bothering her, so we're going to go up there and support her. but he was just -- he was a good guy, man, you know he was my younger brother. like six years apart. i respected him and looked up to him in so many ways, certain things i was like, he was real smart, humble, compassionate, loving, you know, real smart,
you know, real quick thinker, fast learner, anything you put him to, he's competitive about it and real big on trying to get the mission done, so, you know, it's just -- know that he's never been in nothing, or got in any trouble. just randomly, we're having a conversation in the car about our future and to think that was probably going to be one of our last conversations. it's unreal right now, i'm trying to process everything. like my cousin was saying, we want to keep his name and memory, because i know that's what he would want. he would want us to push it, and to just keep his name alive. and he was talented. i just hope that -- it just sucks that lose not leer to see
it, but, you know we want to keep his name alive, and his music going, and his artwork going. just let the world see we lost someone real talented. >> i appreciate you all, it is senseless, but let's say his name again, akilah dasilva. thank you, our best to his girlfriend who's in the hospital, and just our prayers, thank you both so much. >> thank you. >> from one senseless tragedy to another. unknown number of people have been injured. gruesome accounts of the scene, you are looking at right there, as this white van jumped up on a curb and was mowing down innocent pedestrians late lunch hour there. we are getting more and more eyewitness sound to describe what it is they saw, what they
endured. here's another example. >> six people were on the drive and -- >> underground. >> you see one person right at the corner at young and finch with an orange tarp, and some of the other articles of clothing around that person, and tell me what your thoughts are when you saw this happened. what did you do? >> when i saw this happen, i waited for a signal and i went over and called 911, i asked for an ambulance and i'm just shocked, i was with my friend. and this is ridiculous. if it was an accident. then you would have stopped or -- the person went through the sidewalk. and he didn't stop, and it's just shocking. >> i know you said you were standing right here at this
corner. >> around here. >> and you saw the person make a left turn here on to young? >> i'm not sure from which side he came, i saw him making a curve. >> did you get a look at the driver? >> no, not the driver, oath the car. >> and can you tell me, you went over, called 911, what did you do next? >> i was -- i kept on calling 911 for around 5 minutes, and then i gave my information and stayed by the side. and i was waiting for an ambulance. and then later on, police officers asked me to get into the ttc vehicle. and then i was asked to tell them, give a statement about what i saw, what witnesses i made. >> did you try to help any of the people on the curb. >> when i was there, there were already people trying to make help.
already people doing cpr. at the moment i was shocked, ien kotd do anything to help. but i did try to make call to 911. i wish i could have done more. >> how are you feeling right now, seeing all the police, the ambulance the person lying there. >> still shocking. it doesn't feel reeling, like i saw a person die right in front of my eyes and i don't know what to say, really. >> can you tell me the ages, what you think the ages were, and who the victims were? >> to me, the victims looked young, not teenagers, but around 20s to 30s. they were young people. that's -- even more sad like -- they didn't live their lifelong. and i heard many people died at
a young age. you know. just trying to -- a lot of young people. they tried to reach for their dreams. they go to university and college. but, you know. >> when you saw the person doing cpr or other people helping, did you stay and wait for the p paramedics for the ambulance to get there? >> i did stay right beside the people, the victims. and i kept on calling 911. yes, i kept on waiting for the paramedics. were people screaming, were they running away? >> in the beginning i saw people screaming for help they were asking for help. a lady was asking if anyone knew cpr. she kept on doing it.
it was quite terrifying. >> as we're hearing more and more accounts of what happened there in toronto, i want to play more video for you of what happened. this is video of the shootout. how the whole thing ended between police and the driver of this van, who is in police custody. we cannot independently verify here that this person you're about to see was the driver of the van that plowed all these people over, but this is what ctv is showing. [ siren ] >> get down. get down.
[ siren ] >> go on, get down. >> get down. [ inaudible ] >> i don't care. get down. >> get down! get down! >> what street is this? >> all right, so there's the video, i have josh campbell and
matthew fog law enforcement, just walk us through what it is. josh campbell, first to you, you saw the guy dressed in black, had been described as the driver, this is from ctv and their video. what did you see, especially as far as the police were concerned and what they did. >> that was dramatic, sitting there watching that video, i ca officer was probably a lot more patient than some would have been. some departments have the escalation of force, others if there's an imminent threat of danger to that officer or others, they can go straight to engaging the target. here it looks as was trying to give a little more time to give commands. and we saw the subject eventually comply. that's dramatic sitting there watching that video. coming from a by stander there opinion. >> with this driver standing there with the gun, firing at the officer, and i'm assuming
that that video shot, we -- i'm talking to the control room, do we know, was the video shot by another police officer in a nearby patrol car? we're not sure. i was curious. matthew, what did you think of that? >> i agree with josh, that was just amazing. but i don't think he was firing, we would have heard those gunshots. it did appear he was -- he kept thrusting his hand forward, like he had a gun, like he wanted to fire, i was shocked the officer didn't fire back at that point in time. you certainly -- our rules of engagement say, we could have engauged him with gunfire a long time before that. the bottom line is it, it was amazing to watch how many times that officer told him, get on the ground, he wouldn't comply, he waited and kept doing other things and finally he complied and laid on the ground, the officer went over singly, which i would have thought the officer would have waited for more backup, went over and handcuffed him and got him secured. that was amazing. >> i can tell you also.
i totally agree, this tells me, that we're now at a different stage. when these types of incidents happen, is this an accident or something that was done on purpose. >> a lot of times we don't know, unless you get corroborating video or you're able to conduct a video with the subject to determine the motive. >> to me, as a former law enforcement officer seeing this, it's beyond clear this wasn't around accident. you don't have someone that engages in a typical traffic accident and gets out and points a weapon at officers. this takes it to a different level. >> stand by for me, we're getting more sound from eyewitnesss in toronto. roll it. >> i was coming down on young and finch, and all i saw was right here -- >> i seen a white van with red coloring on it, all i saw was he smashed into someone over there. and then -- >> it's okay. >> start again. start again.
then i seen him go ahead, i thought he had a heart attack or something. and i was trying to catch up and see what happened. i saw this guy. he's going 70, 80 clicks, he's hitting people one by one going down. oh, man, it was a nightmare. i seen that, i seen a lady with her leg, oh, man, it was a gruesome scene, it's really bad out there, i couldn't believe what i seen, man everybody, all these people on the streets, getting hit one by one. post office box getting crumbled up on people, one person got dragged on, the blood is all over. i'm so shaking, i'm still dying from this, i can't believe this is happening. this is unbelievable. >> incredibly gruesome scene there, along the sidewalk in northern toronto, just north of downtown. you heard him say 70 to 80 clicks, that's roughly 35 to 40
miles an hour according to police, he ran people over for as long as a mile. think about that. for as long as a mile, he's on that sidewalk, running innocent people over with me now, josh campbell is still with me. do we want to go to josh guys? >> all right, christian alee i understand you're with me in toronto, tell me what you saw? >> i'm in toronto and north york, i guess i happened upon the scene a couple minutes after it happened. and and it first started, i guess a gentleman that was unconscious at the side of the road on the northbound. and then i figured, well, you know, it was a terrible accident. there's some debris from the car. i kept going up, and about a block over, two blocks over, i saw another gentleman unconscious in the middle of the
road, and a police officer leaning over and holding his neck. and then i saw a lady who looked like she passed away, she was face down in the con creed, a lot of fluid coming out of her head. i figured something terrible has happened. probably 20 seconds after that, came upon a crowd of about 30 people, probably five people on the ground, bleeding. some pedestrians performing cpr on a couple of the folks. there's a bus parked at the side, so my first thought was that there was probably an incident on a bus. it was about a mile, i think. just saw one police car where i guess the incident started. and the one other policemen
treating the man on the side of the road. everyone was pretty much dazed and bewildered. >> we keep hearing precisely what you're details. bodies injured. mangled. we know this man is in police custody. you said something like you saw a police officer holding a man's neck. can you go back to that? describe that more. >> yeah, so i was passing -- as we were passing by, it was i guess -- in the middle of the road, it looked like the guy might have been crossing the road and somebody hit him with a vehicle, and he was conscious, but i saw the police leaning over him trying to brace his neck looking down, like kneeling down on one knee talking to him. shortly after that is when i saw the body on the sidewalk. which i'm pretty sure she didn't
make it. >> we've been looking at some of these photos, your girlfriend was taking some of these still did you see the van in motion at all or did you come upon the scene after the fact? >> just after the fact. i didn't actually see the van, but i did see one police car speeding down southbound on the road. but there were no other emergency response vehicles. i didn't hear any sirens from an ambulance or fire truck or any other police. so i would say for the entire distance there was probably two police vehicles that i saw. >> christian, i'm so sorry that you had to see this and we're waiting to get more information from police to try to understand. any time something happens, could it be an accident or
something much worse. it seems to be looking the latter. i appreciate you picking up the phone and calling me from toronto as we try to understand what happened and why. josh campbell and art roderick are both with me. and art, i heard from josh but we played the video from c tv showing the shootout between the officer and preum sablly this driver and we can't independently verify that. and did you see the video and what was your assessment? >> i did. while i saw that video right afterwards i received some information from sources that was a cell phone he had in his >> the driver's hand. >> right. so this looks like it could have been possibly a suicide by cop scenario and law enforcement obviously did see the cell phone and did not return fire knowing that it wasn't a handgun. this is information i'm just getting in now over text.
>> because you see on the left side of the screen walking our viewers through that the police officer on the right side of the patrol car and the driver on the left side wearing all black with his arm out in shooting position but your sources are telling you it wasn't a gun which makes sense because you and matthew were saying earlier, you didn't hear the gunshots. so there you go. it was a cell phone. >> and that makes sense and obviously we have two things. first of which, you don't see the officer returning fire so you could identify that as a cell phone that would make sense. and he was removing himself from a tactical position of cover which he could have used that patrol vehicle there for -- if it was a weapon. so that does make sense as we gather information that they didn't think his life was in danger -- >> let's listen to this. >> whatever measures they recommend -- thank you very much: >> we're going to pull away from that. a different officials you heard from the prime minister a little
while ago weighing in. josh you were talking about a position of cover. you were making a point? >> so law enforcement officers, if you were in a dangerous situation you're going to look for some type of cover or concealment and if you have a threat in front of you, the patrol car would serve as the barrier if you felt you were in danger. so as we get the information from art, it does make sense if the officer doesn't feel like he was in danger and did notice a cell phone there is no need for him to find cover behind the vehicle. we see him going in and affect the arrest. >> what about the fact that the guy does drop and allow police to handcuff him. >> at some point, the jig is up. you have officers there surrounding you and as i see that video, you see him thrusting out his arms over and over and if trying to affect suicide by cop, that is one way to do it, to set the officers up to believe they are in danger and fire on him. we didn't see that happen here thankfully. but at some point he has to realize, when you have a number of officers surrounding, there is no way to get away and if he doesn't have a weapon, he
couldn't cause any more deadly action, at some point he's just -- the jig is up. >> got it. and so what now. art, we talked about this a little while ago for people just tuning in, they've got him alive in custody. he has run over who knows how many people. we don't know yet the fatalities and injuries for a mile. what are they asking and looking for? >> i think one of the first things they'll probably do is hopefully this individual will cooperate and provide them a statement. but they have to eliminate or actually confirm whether this is a terror attack, a mental health issue or just some random crime. to travel that long and hit that many people, there is got to be something really going on in this video-- in this individual head that he's committed to and the key part is pulling all of the private security video along that stretch of road to determine where this rampage
actually started. when you listen to the gut-wrenching witness testimony, it is absolutely horrendous and look at the damage done to the vehicle. the front end is practically smashed in and you see dents along the side. it is a pretty horrific scene there. and we still haven't got a casualty counter and injury count yet. >> it's hard -- you don't want to think about how this happened and the bodies along the way. and we have been getting these different gruesome accounts from eyewitnesses. here is yet another one. >> can't really describe him. the cops had everything blocked off but i think he was a darker color, i would say middle eastern. >> do you know age? what did he look like? >> no, i don't. the cops blocked off pretty fast. about 20 cop cars so they wanted to block everyone off so no one could see. it sounds like -- he trying to pull something out of his pocket or trying to commit suicide or
something. >> could you hear what he said? >> no. it was too -- everyone was screaming and everyone around me. there was a huge crowd so i was just trying to get into the crowd and seeing what was going on. so i didn't get to hear exactly what he said at all. >> can you tell me about the scene there. a large crowd. what were they saying? >> there was a lot of crowd and people were crying and some people were freaking out. myself i was shaken up because i was just -- i can't believe this is happening in toronto. it's insane. it is such a safe city. i can't believe it. i can't -- >> when you look behind you, you see police and paramedics, you see that person lying on the sidewalk, what are yu -- what are your thoughts? >> i'm in shock. i'm scared. what if this happens again. what will the city do. and i'm also proud to see the people come together and as a community and help people out. because i saw people giving cpr to one of the people and it is nice to see and the shock of it.
>> we'll pull away. let me add something else. this is one of the things where we have to be so precise in investigations such as these when we don't know a lot of information but i could report officially according to an incident brief of what happened in toronto, it is believed to be a deliberate running over of all of these people down that highway road in toronto. and i still have josh and art with me. before we bring them back in, we have one more video i want to play for both of you to show you another advantage point of that arrest with the presumed driver. >> you could see josh, first to you, and i'm not sure what they are standing in front of. if this is a shopping mall or
what, but you see him on the patrol car getting cuffed. >> that is right. and here as you see an arrest taking place, it looks like mid block around buildings. at this point there is no place for the subject to go and it is a matter of time before they get him in custody and now they are doing what they call the high risk search to see if he has any weapons and do a full search before they take him fully into custody down to the police station to begin that interview and try to determine that motive. what is interesting here, is that as we look at the incidents in the past, it hasn't been that normal that we take someone into custody. that we're able to do that interview. because in so many cases we've seen either the perpetrator takes his own life or engaged by lawmaker and suckoms to whatever wounds he has. which to state the obvious makes it more difficult to determine the motive. here assuming he cooperates and does answer questions from police, hopefully that will speed things up to determine why he did what he did.
and lastly, maybe mental health issues but what was the end game or his plan? as tough as this is to say and as art was mentioning the damage to the front of the vehicle, we have to keep in mind that it appears as though that vehicle was immobilized because he was running over people which is a heartbreaking thing to say, but what was the end game and how far did he think he would get and ultimately think he would die by suicide by cop or get away? >> people, children, one eyewitness described a stroller flug up into the air. just awful hearing about this for the last hour this afternoon. art roderick and i have 30 more seconds. your thoughts to close us out. >> regardless of what the motive is, they want to find out, was there anybody else that knew that he would do this attack? and i think that is going to be the key here. we still don't know what the motivation was. again was it mental health or a possible terror attack. but they've got to locate other people that knew about

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Entities , Point , Witness , Victim , Services , Counseling Services , Effect , Justice , Tennessee , Partnerships , Commissioner , Homeland Security , Safety , David Perky , Level , Special Agent , Congratulations , Man , Law Enforcement Partners , Well Today , Anything , Capture , Lets Go , Location , Opinion , Him , Communication , Miscommunication , Sir , Detective Drawing , Lot , Idea , Word , Statements , Answer , News , Two , Yes , Semiautomatic Weapon , Material , 45 , Inaudible , Guns , Weapons , Wasn Ta Gun , Silver Kimbra Which , Reminder , Dispatcher , Simmons , Wasnt Sure , Fact , Phone , Elementary School , Guys , Priority , 10 , Cracks , Law Enforcement , Run , Shooting , Ins , Mental Health History , Assessment , Incident , Office , Resource , Perspective , White House , Bear , Springfield , Threat , Ability , Gun Back , Illinois State Police , Possibilities , Illinois , Groups , Sheriff , Father , Thing , Gun Laws , Haven T , Reason , Subject , Fzmd , Law , Violation , Investigation , Charges , Co , Zbrm , Unix System , I Dont Know , Infraction , Things , Chance , Account , Planning , Mountain Springs , Time , Investigators , Something , Concerns , Residents , Canvas , Compartment Complex , Wasnt Involved In , Areas , Unit , Apartment , Doors , Detective Saw , Somebody Else , Shouldn T , Back Pocket , Last Question , Bags , Evidence , Air , Searches , In The Woods , Know , Article , Gathering , Aaron , Sighting , Sunday Morning , Report , Police Dogs , Searching Yesterday , 30 , 8 , Red Shirt , Myriad , Right , Homicide , D , Place , Lives , Kinds , Regard , Trouble , Agent , Authorityies , Matthew , Details , Path In The Woods , Motive , Mind , Question , Bottom Line , Line , Art , Purchase Guns , Couldn T , Incidents , Steps , The Rest Of Story , Agents Assessment , Individual , Firearms , Case , Handgun , Rifles , Possession , Brother , The Big Question Is , Evening , Head , Driver , Story , White Van , Ear , Wheel , People , Injuries , North , Extent , Van , Bodies , Speed , Pieces , Jason , Eyewitness Accounts , Ivan Stop , Stop , Intersection , Van Hit A , Pandemonium Broke Loose , Downtown Tran Toe , Pedestrians , Curb , Mowing , Cause , Thoughts , Prime Minister , Front Line , Responders , Canada , Electron Toy , Security Minister , Press Conference , 3 , Gunshots , Black , Reporting Hearing , Shootout , Stroller , Pd , Brooke Baldwin , Confrontation , Sort , Cpr , Number , Eyewitness , Tv , Sid , Let S , Both , Lost , Akila Desilva , Condolences , Loss , Beatty , Sense , Mom , Mom Doing , Family Support , Relief , Cousin , Situation , Name , Strength , Vain , Conversation , Shots , Sounds , Ran , The End , Girlfriend , Arm , Talking , Parmetics , Everything , Leg , Event , Cousins , James Shaw , Way , Background , Cousin Relationship , Sad , Senseless Act Of Terrorism , Family , Friends , Love , Pill , About , Brothers , Grad , Makila , Enemy , Persona Hater , Artwork , Musician , Many , Enemies , Artist , World , Works 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