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Well see what happens. It could even be the 12th. Were talking to them now. Theyd very much like to do it. We want to do it. Well see what happens. A jarring whiplash reversal after abruptly cancelling talks with the north korea dictator. And when asked by a reporter if north korea was playing games, the president said this everybody plays games. Up know th you know that. You know that better than anybody. Were also following breaking news on the russia investigation. Michael cohen held a trump tower meeting with one of the Russian Oligarchs sanctioned by the u. S. Who has been questioned by the special counsel Robert Mueller. The meeting came during the transition to the white house. First, this north korean summit is just one deal in a long line of many that donald trump has walked away from. In fact it, is one of the main principles touted in the art of the deal. To quote him, know when to walk away from the table. Zach wolf is with me now in washington. Zach, what are some of the other high stakes deals trump has bailed on . Theres a big difference here. The north korea deal is his first kind of deal as president where hes got this principle and saying as a negotiating tactic, im ready to walk away. Look at some of the others he has walked away from. Theres the iran nuclear deal. He also said hed be willing to negotiate again with iran if they wanted to come to the table in the first days of his presidency, he walked away from the transpacific partnership, that huge trade deal with mostly asian countries. In that case a lot of these countries have gone ahead and made their own deal without the u. S. And theyre starting to work together. Theres the Paris Climate Accord that he walked away from just about one year ago and a couple of days. The u. S. Is one of the few countries in the world thats not a part of that Climate Change deal to deal with Climate Change at this point. And then there are the deals that from the Previous Administration that hes tried to walk away from but he hasnt really been able to yet. Theres daca, to help the children of undocumented immigrants, hes been trying to walk away from that one. The courts have stood in the way so far. And then theres obamacare, which the republicans are trying so hard to get out of and hes trying to instead essentially starve it. It seems like he wants this one to go ahead. Zach, thank you. Well have more on that coming up. Meantime, awkward details between the Homeland Security secretary nielsen and the president. The post said he soon came to regret nominating her and was overheard saying to john kelly nobody likes her as nielsen sat nearby. You know how upset the president is about the border and how he berated nielsen. Tell me what youve learned. Shes in a very difficult difference. Shes on task to deliver policy solutions on an issue this visceral anger about. The border numbers are going in the wrong number and he feels thats going against his core supporters. And hes taking it out on her . Thats right. Chief of staff john kelly wanted her there. She was kellys chief of staff when he was h. S. Secretary and she was his deputy in the white house. Its because of kelly that she is in that role. I think trump feels less obligated. Its not like someone he has personally selected. When you read deeper into your piece, you guys write about the night before trump delivered his first speech to congress. This was winter of 2017 when he got Jared Kushner and steve miller together. I want you to tell me how you all reported he was acting like he was a rally, making up hispanic names and making up crimes they would commit. Tell me about that. Reporter thats right. This was shortly after when he was preparing his first speech to congress, this is february of last year. He was talking to miller and kushner about what he would say on emigration and everyone was urging him to strike a softer tone and he was almost waxing nostalgic about what he used to do on the came papaign trail an played out a scene in which he would read the hispanic names of criminals who committed rape or murder and said that the crowd would roar. Its just a little window in the kind of passion that he thinks that his core supporters have for this issue, for that kind of rhetoric, and i think he was really missing it. Wow. Around that time you also report that Kirstjen Nielsen and kelly would sit there and joke about the border wall. Yes. We should keep in mind its one thing to promise these soaring things on immigration like closing the border or building a wall from one end of the from the Pacific Ocean to the gulf of mexico. But when youre in the position to actually have to do that, it looks a little different. With kelly and now secretary nielsen, these are people who are looking at kind of the practical limitations of doing some of this stuff and the president doesnt necessarily want to hear that. Last question. We know that secretary nielsen penned her own Resignation Letter not 15 days ago. Do you think shes functioning on borrowed time . I dont know that. I havent spoke to someone who is convinced that she actually wrote a letter. But i think she is on shaky footing. I think if the border arrest numbers continue to go in the direction the president doesnt want, that puts her in even more difficult spot. Nick miroff with the washington post, thank you so much. Good to be with you. Coming up, another trump tower meeting under scrutiny, this one involving new revelations with a Russian Oligarch who was recently sanctioned by the u. S. And had a secret meeting. And Harvey Weinstein is facing rape charges. His defense Team Offering this. Mr. Weinstein did not invent the casting couch in hollywood. One of his accusers joins me next. The powerful backing of american express. Dont live life without it. Anna and a little nervous. Into retirement. Ess. But not so much about what market volatility may do to their retirement savings. Thats because they have a shield annuity from Brighthouse Financial, which allows them to take advantage of Growth Opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So they can focus on new things like exotic snacks. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. With dell small businessout your Technology Advisors you get the oneonone partnership you need to grow your business. The dell vostro 15 laptop. Contact a dell advisor today. Hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . 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Film mogul Harvey Weinstein finally in handcuffs. He was relest ased on a 10 miln bond. He surrendered his passport and will wear a monitoring device as he waits for trial. His Attorney Says he will plead not guilty to all of the charges telling reporters today outside that courthouse that hollywood was partly to blame for the accusations against his client. Mr. Weinstein did not invent the casting couch in hollywood, and to the extent that there is bad behavior in that history, that is not what this is about. Bad behavior is not on trial in this case. Its only if you intentionally committed a criminal act, and mr. Weinstein vigorously denies that. Criminally weinstein allegations involving two women, but he has been accused of Sexual Misconduct by more than 50 women spanning two decades. My next guest is one of the first women to come forward publicly. Catherine, welcome back. Thank you, brooke. Your reaction to seeing this man in handcuffs in a courtroom. Its e motion al. But there is a lot of relief. I think so many women who i have met now who have suffered at the hands of Harvey Weinstein are collectively taking a huge sigh. I think were in shock. I dont know if any of us ever thought we would see the day. Its kind of a profound moment. A profound moment, another moment i want to play. Hes walking out of the courthouse. It looked to me like he was smiling on his way out. What do you think hes smiling about . You know, part of me thinks maybe it was nervous laughter. Could it really be that hes so delusional that he thinks that hes, you know, innocent . I dont think it could be but i dont know how far his delusions take him. I think hes very smug and disrespectful. You heard his lawyer outside the court, right, he maintains all of this Sexual Activity was con se consensual and said bad behavior isnt criminal behavior and that weinstein didnt invent the casting couch. To that you would say what . I dont believe that harvey thinks hes innocent truly. I dont think he could have been in the room with so many of those women, seeing them cry, seeing them beg and say no, theres no way he could not have known. Thats my opinion. Im talking from my only personal experience that he was terrifying people. No, he didnt invent the casting couch, but its time it ends. To your own personal experience, ca okatherine, youn aspiring actress, take us to the worst of it. I had trained and gone to acting school to meet and work with this luminary and that i was given scripts and that he wants to read with me and that it was a ruse and the most terrifying moment when he came out of the bathroom neighborhood and did naked and sort of did a dance with me about trying to make something about that. That was my most terrifying moment. Even they i left victorious, i still felt like in some way i had lost. You didnt and you stood up for yourself in all those years and months in the investigation. This is a profound moment for women like you. Today it was tweeted today Harvey Weinstein will take his first step on his inevitable descent to hell. And do you think he thought this day would come . No. No, he did not. Because the system was created to protect men like him. The system was created by men like him, and his accomplices to protect him. Its tragic that it takes over a honey women and that probably means like a thousand, lets be real. I mean, this man had hunting grounds all over the world and he had accomplices and a complicity machine. He was the cult leader of hollywood. There will always be sociopaths and predators like Harvey Weinstein but i find his complicity machine a lot more guilty. To her point about hunting ground, there were all the reports that weinstein had private investigators, spies to help him cover up, do you think that what happened today is the beginning of solving a larger problem . Does his arrest send a message to other people in hollywood who were complicit or stayed silent . I hope that it sends a message to people everywhere, predators everywhere, and i hope that it sends a message to his network of people that absolutely enabled him to keep his behavior going. I think shes right. And i think that if people dont see consequences, there wont be change. But it takes a lot of bystanders to turn their head and just not confront what was really happening. Theres no way that what he did did not involve a network of people that helped him do this for over two decades. Katherine kendall, your voice is powerful. Thank you for using it. Thank you very much. Coming up, why was a Russian Oligarch meeting with Michael Cohen at trump tower shortly after the president ial election . And why this meeting has the attention of special counsel Robert Muellers team. Well discuss that next. You might be missing something. Y healthy. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. It has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega3. 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As the president s Conspiracy Theory completely falls apart, there was all kind of outrage that the president s chief of staff and lawyer showed up at the start of the meeting, which according to the white house, was only to say the president wants transparency. Moments ago a congressional source tells cnn something different, that they only left, kelly and this lawyer, after some inside the meeting said it wasnt appropriate for them to be there. Democrats and republicans in that meeting say nothing is new and nothing suggests the president s conspiracy is even remotely accurate. With me now is reporter shelby holiday and former prosecutor daniel goldman. I had guests yesterday who said if emmitt flood is part of the white house for the russian investigation, why is he sitting in on this meeting and now learning they were basically booted after some people expressed concern. And cnn is also saying that Sarah Huckabee sanders may not have told the whole truth when she addressed these questions. She said they just made some remarks off at the top and then they left. What cnn is reporting now that is just coming out, they stayed until they were asked to leave or told it was inappropriate to be there. Daniel can speak to the legal inappropriateness. But from a political and media perspective, none of it looks good to even show up at this meeting. And, secondly, why lie about it or give as you narrative you know is ultimately going to come out and be disprove i dont kn . W good question. Legally speaking, should they have been there . It is not appropriate for a white house lawyer representing the white house on a russia probe to be at a meeting discussing a confidential informant related to the russia probe. That a problem on many front. The other thing that i find very interesting about it is that even their explanation doesnt make any sense because and im talking less about the explanation as to why how long they were there, but if they were there to say that we just are advocating for transparency, thats not how criminal investigations work. Theyre not supposed to be transparent. A confidential informant is confidential for a reason. Its a little ironic for a president to be advocating for transparency now when of course he wants transparency for this investigation into him. He doesnt want transparency when it relates to his tax returns but he definitely wants transparency when theres a confidential informant giving evidence about his campaign. Theres also new questions about Michael Cohen. Cnn has learned the longtime trump fixer held a meeting with a Russian Oligarch at trump tower days before his inauguration. If his name vekselberg sounds familiar, in april hoove was sanctioned for his role in the u. S. For election interference. 30 minutes, first of all, is a lot of time. It sound maybe like not so much. Thats a long time to be talking about some stuff. One of the things that we do know from various news outlets is they were talking about improving relations with russia. This is a big thing prosecutors are looking at, was there some sort of quid quo pro with russia, help us win the lebs eln and well do some things to benefit russia and putin. Michael cohen also participated in pushing this peace plan, pitched as a ukrainian peace plan, controversial and would help russia at the end of the day. That is a big question. Was there any connection to that peace plan. Legally speaking how does that reflect on him . They were very close in time together. What is particularly interesting about this new vekselberg story is that a lot of the information has come from his cousin, who is the ceo of Columbus Nova which admitted it entered into a 1 Million Contract with Michael Cohen. Columbus nova is trying to distance itself from vekselberg, even though vekselberg is the largest client at a minimum and perhaps more, but you wonder why is Columbus Nova, an investment firm, putting 1 million with Michael Cohen, who is not an investor and is not a sophisticated investor that somebody like Columbus Nova would want and then you found out that Michael Cohen is meeting with vekselberg in ja t january of 2017, there are becoming more and more dots and im certain that Robert Mueller is working on connecting them. Lets go to your report that roger stone tried to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton from julian assange. He was always say im in communication with assange, he predicted the surprise, the damaging emails. And it looks like roger stone knew a lot about the hacked emails and also encouraged the release of these emails. This email we found from september because hes emailing his back channel and saying please ask assange for this certain particular information. If he has it, it would show that clinton botched an alleged peace deal in libya and it would look bad for Hillary Clinton. Roger stone was also trying to push the story to media outlets. Was he running an Opposition Research arm . Was he working in coordination with the campaign . The other thing that was really interesting about this is roger says of course everyones trying to get information from wikileaks, i did nothing wrong, but his back channel in responding said i asked assanges lawyer and this might come out in the next batch. That raises questions about what they knew about the batches, the content of the emails. Both men deny any wrong doing but it certainly looks like roger stone is trying to collude. Theres no evidence he got any of the information back. The other thing is he didnt turn this email into the Intelligence House Committee and democrat are saying your testimony was incomplete. Whether youre successful at collusion or you tried to collude, thats still right. Hes asking foreigners for help in digging up Opposition Research to help with a campaign, which is a violation of election law. And its not just that the testimony would be incomplete. It obstruction of justice to hide or fail to respond to subpoenas by a house committee. So roger stone, as many have suspected, including me for some time is increasingly in hot water and shelbys excellent reporting is revealing another aspect of it, but what did he know when and what was he doing behind the scenes to try to encourage the revelation of these emails from wikileaks, thats one thing and roger stone traditionally has a touchy relationship with the truth. So i think a lot of these things are going to come out in short order. Keep us posted on the next chapter of roger goode roger st. And whats going to come of this commemorative coin . Well talk to a coin collector about why people are totally geeking out on this coin. And how much of the gas price increases have to do with President Trump exiting the iran deal . Melatonin is the bodys own sleep ingredient. Only remfresh uses ionpowered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. Number one sleep doctor recommended remfreshyour nightly sleep companion. Available in the Natural Sleep section at walmart. The world is full of different hair. Thats why pantene, the worlds 1 conditioner brand, has conditioners for every hair type. From airlight foam for fine hair, to nourishing 3 minute miracle for thick and curly. And the moistureinfusing gold series collection. Giving more women great hair days every day. Pantene. Worlds number one. Conditioner brand. Wim really grateful that usaaq. Was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. 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The parents of a Santa Fe High School shooting victim have filed a lawsuit against the parents of the accused gunman. The parents of Christopher Jake stone say the suspects parents were negligent by not properly securing their weapons that were used in last weeks attack that left ten people dead. Dan goldman is back here with me, former federal prosecutor. Remember the story and the fact that this father of the gunman had his weapons, purchased them legal lily but yet they fell in the hands of his child that then carried out the senseless violence at the school. Could parents be held civilly liable . This is a negligence theory and the answer is yes. If the parents should have taken greater care to make sure that their guns that were lawfully foe ses possessed for them do not fall into other peoples hands who then do damage such as the shooter, that is a recognizable theory of liability. Do you think this could have legs, the parents of this child who against the shooters parents . I think the legal theer ory legs. I wouldnt be surprised if we see lawsuits against the gun manufacturers. Thats how all the tobacco litigation, it was sort of the same idea and there are significant differences between the gun manufacturers and the tobacco manufacturers, but our country is really based on civil litigation. Thats what it makes people take protective measure so they dont risk liability. And if were not going to pass gun control laws, this is another way that private citizens can try to rein in some of the rampant shootings and some of the rampant distribution of guns. Dan, thank you. In texas, my hero, that is what the husband of a teacher is calling the Police Officer who saved his wifes life. Flo ann rice was substitute teaching when the shooter opened fire. She was hit multiple times. She was able to call her husband, scott, who rushed to the school. When he got there, he could see his wife lying outside the building but officers were engaged with a gun fight with the shooter. Last night at a meeting with texas officials, this husband choked back tears as he described how officer johnny banda saved flos wife. Flo was shot from behind by a coward. She managed to reach in her purse, grab her cell phone and crawl out to safety and call me. The officer said to her are you alive . And she opened her eyes. He reaches down, picks her up and told her put your arms around my neck. Flo had been shot many times in both legs, breaking her left femur in half. The officer ran the whole way in a matter of seconds, the bullets were flying. To me, where he placed her in the passenger seat im glad to say that we believe flo will make a total recovery. Im here to honor that officer. I recommended him to the governor for an accommodation. He received one today. And here he is, officer banda, my hero. 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Thats because they have a shield annuity from Brighthouse Financial, which allows them to take advantage of Growth Opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So theyre less concerned with market volatility and can focus more on the things theyre passionate about. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. Just in to cnn, hes one of the most heavily guarded members of the president s cabinet. Cnn is learning how much it costs to guard epa chief scott pruitt, who requires 19 guards around the clock. Rene, how much . The cost of protecting the head of the epa scott pruitt for the past year, 3. 5 million. That is according to documents that the agency released just this afternoon. Pruitts security costs are far higher and in some cases even double the security costs for administrators in previous eight years. About 2. 7 million in salaries were talking about for that team of 19 agents, and then the agency also on top of that spent more than 750,000 in travel costs for pruitts security detail, including those overseas trips, as well as trips home to oklahoma, even Family Vacations to places like disneyland and events like the rose bowl. These newly released numbers contradict this tweet from the president back in april. We have it there on the screen. It says while security spending was somewhat more than his predecessor, scott pruitt has received Death Threats because of his bold actions at the epa. But we see now, brooke, that the spending want, quote, somewhat more. It far exceeds his predecessors, this as the administration continues to propose drastic cuts to the agencys budget. I will say we reached out to the epa. They did provide these numbers and they also said in a statement that scott pruitt has faced an unprecedented amount of Death Threats against him. To provide transparency, the epa says they will post the cost of his security detail and pro actively release these numbers on a quarterly basis. It is worth pointing out, though, questions have been raised about how credible those threats were and were they simply just freedom of speech . Back to you. Rene, thank you. To this commemorative coin now, made to mark President Trumps now cancelled summit with north korea leader kim jong un has already been discounted. Its the deal of the day and can be yours for just 19. 95. That about 20 off the original price. But the colorful coin with President Trump and kim jong un facing each other may be rising in popularity. When visiting the site, you often get the browser measure saying server too busy. Former spokesman Adam Blickstein saying along with the breakup letter, trump also sent kim half of the peace summit coin imploring him to wear it around his neck until theyre reunited, in love. Its a pleasure to have you in. Are you geeking out over this coin . Are collectors geeking out . Collectors are totally geeking out. Ive seen it come up on coin message boards. There are discussions about what would this piece be worth . It went from 24. 95 to deal of the day, 19. 95. Then the web site crash once the summit got cancelled. I think there were only 250 made. How much would they be worth . Theres two different versions of the coin. The one you have shown on the screen is actually not the one for sale on the web site interestingly enough. Sneaky. The difference is the one available on sale for 19. 95 is a broader version produced for the general public. Thats not the one you want. Not the one you want that theres only 250 of. And they have not released so the withone you want is the 250 limited release. How much do you think . It remains to be seen. The interesting thing is they say the summit is cancelled but we heard just today from trump that thats still on the table. A lot of this is speculative at this point. Ive been with members of the military and they give you one of these coins when you visit an aircraft carrier, this is a challenge coin started in the early 2000s when president es going ov president s go overseas on trips. This is issued by the Defense Information Agency and their job is to keep the white house informed about anything affecting their travel. Many coins have been made but never one like this. One was in 2007 when george w. Bush made a surprise visit to a military base in iraq. He was given a challenge coin, however, it didnt have a rebel leader on it. You brought something . Yes, i brought a prop for us today. This is another challenge coin, the same size and shape, similar coloring, just like wed expect this one to be. Are you going to try to get your hand on this . Very difficult. Sara miller, good luck getting your hands on one. Just in, the Conspiracy Theory the president has been pushing on an fbi spy falling apart. After a sevenmonth investigation, today harvvey weinstein in handcuffs. Were now learning about the books weinstein was seen carry under his arms into the courtroom. Back in a moment. Gain botanicals laundry detergent. Bring the smell of nature wherever you are. Prepare for your demise, do your worst, doctor. I will. But first, a little presentation. Hijacking earths Geothermal Energy supply. Phase 1. Choosing the right drill bit. As long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. With expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. Is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. Sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. [park announcer] all military members stand and be recognized. Sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. I support the Affordable Care act, and voted against all trumps attempts to repeal it. But we need to do more. I believe in universal health care. In a Public Health option to compete with private insurance companies. And expanding medicare to everyone over 55. And i believe medicare must be empowered to negotiate the price of drugs. California values senator Dianne Feinstein it was a year marked by seismic shifts in social politics. 50 years have passed since the events of 1968 changed america forever. This sunday cnns new twonight original series event of 1968 explores the milestones and icon of that specific year. Heres a look at the space drive in 1968 and the connections to a new space race kicking off today. Two, one and zero. Liftoff. Nor weanother week, another by a private company. 2018 is shaping up as a banner year for space technology. And some political leaders are all but declaring a new space race is on. Were getting very big in space, both militarily and for other reasons and we are seriously thinking of the space wars. Reporter however, the notion of space based military weapons both defensive and offensive are not new. It was a major idea during the cold war, too, especially in 1968. Weve got it, weve got it. Health insurance whthats wh humans deeper into space than ever before, for astronauts to speak from the heavens. This set the stage for historic moon landings and years of Technical Innovations that touch every part of american life, communications, computers, consumer electronics, weather and climate monitoring and, yes, military operations. The classic film 2001, a space odyssey premiered in 1968 spurring a deep curiosity about space. Just as right now a flurry of films and tv shows are reawakening interest in space exploration. What about how we make your astronaut nickname howard buzz horowitz. You cant do buzz. Its taken. Buzz light year is not real. Add Chinas Mission and rockets and the technological ambitions of several other countries, too, and you have the modern space race, bigger, faster, bolder but similar to one that rolled toward the finish line in 1968. Tom foreman, cnn, washington. Please tune in tonight for cnns original series event 1968, it airs this sunday and monday at 9 p. M. Eastern only here on cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Youre watching cnn. Thanks so much for being with me. We begin this hour with whiplash, President Trump saying the cancelled summit with kim jong un may still happen. Were going to see what happens. Were talking to them now. It was a very nice statement they put out. Well see what happens. It could even be the 12th. Were talking to them now. They very much want to do it. Wed like to do it. Were going to see what happens. A jarring reversal just 24 hours after abruptly cancelling his talks with the north korean dictator, President Trump say they go could still meet on that same date, june 12th, that date he had cancelled. When asked by a reporter if north korea is playing games, heres what trump said. Everybody plays games. You know that. Up know that better than anybody. To the white house we go and our Senior Correspondent there pamela brown. Pamela, you know, the response from north korea, that is what has surprised so many experts. Can you just walk us through what has transpired over the last 24 hours. Reporter it surprised a lot of experts. Clearly the president liked the statement from north korea calling it a warm and productive

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