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Biggest battleground surprises on the table this election day. When she starts to speak well take to there live. Again, Hillary Clinton campaigning in florida. Live there in a few minutes. And picking a new fled 39 days. Should a man who tweets about sex tapes at 5 00 in the morning be trusted with the nuclear code . Question two, related to question one. Momentum from the first debate. Is this tough tone for campaign rallies, or will donald trump bring it to the debate rematch . The American People have had it with years and decades of clinton corruption and scandals. Corruption and scandals. And impeachment for lying. Impeachment for lying. Remember that . Impeach. The clintons are the sordid past. We will be the very bright and clean future. And question three, will millennials be swayed by Hillary Clintons appeal to think again salve porting the libertarian or green party candidates. I think either donald trump or i will be the president of the United States. And so people have to look carefully in making their decision about who to vote for, because it will be either him or me, and i am going to do everything i can to make sure its me. With us today, reporting and insights, lisa lare of the Associated Press and pierre and Jackie Kucinich of the daily beast. Tom hanks taught, theres no crying in baseball, but apparently there is whining in politics. And then i had to put up, put up with the anchor and fight the anchor all the time on everything i said. What a rigged deal. Ill tell you, were in such a rigged it is terrible. Now that was thursday afternoon in New Hampshire when most of us were awake. Then, while most of us were sleeping, an overnight tweet storm that washington buzzing and every republican ive reached out to saying theyre embarrassed donald trump is there party leader. An attack on his own senior staff. Anytime you see a story about me or my campaign saying sources said do not believe it. There are no sources. There are just made up lies. Actually, sorry, mr. Trump, but there are sources. Everyone at this table with me today has them. Some of your paid staff. Others top advisers who tell us trump refused to take debate prep as seriously as they wanted him to. Waiving off the treaty to shut down the podium and at one time id told watch football. The republican angstll came in the 5 00 a. M. Hour when trump launched at Hillary Clinton when the one time Miss Universe he once called miss piggy and housekeeping. The candidate tweeting at 5 00 a. M. In the morning says clinton has bad judgment and suggests we all check out a sex tape. Thats twice. Thats wait to in about two minutes, were 39 days away from a president ial election and talking about a candidate who at 5 00 in the morning is texting about an alleged sex tape of this former Miss Universe who she said ed haid he called her piggy and housekeeping. Help me. Its sexualizing twitter, john. No. I think in all seriousness, it underscores a lot of Donald Trumps major weaknesses. Why this is so damaging for him. Not only does it highlight concerns about his temperament whashs what he said about the sex tape, her criminal record is not exactly true. Highlights the problem he has relating to the truth and also highlights his ability to shoot himself in the foot. You know, this has staid in the news not because Hillary Clinton talked about it, she hasnt mentioned today until the debate, but its dominated a week of news, five weeks out from the election, all because donald trump cant stop talking about it. Donald trump has a very difficult time letting go of perceived slights. He could easily sized this up, we could be talking about something else, did the same with the gold star family, the khan family after the convention. Could have ignored that attack but decided to engage. Could have done it with the mexicanamerican judge but decided to continue with that attack. It doesnt really matter her background, criminal background, if she has any ties donald trump is alleging, but he did criticize her weight, and he said that as early as tuesday right after the debate nap is the issue that the Clinton Campaign is exploiting and donald trump is keeping it alive continuing to talk about it. Take a step back. This is someone who wants to be the leader of the free world and there are a lot of things that go on, diplomatically, that he might not like, if he ends up as president , and he cant go on twit around start saying crazy things about a world leader. I mean, thats, ally or adversary. You cant do that its proof, remind viewers were waiting for Hillary Clinton to speak, to see if she responds to this in florida. She may not at this event, will maybe wait. Well take you there anyways campaigning in the final 39 days. Hillary clinton responded on twitter, put up a series of sweets among them saying is trump unhinged jaurd becoming more unhinged . What kind of man stays up all night to smear women with lies and conspiracy theories . Planted this at the end of the debate. She brought this to the debate. Donald trump at least continued the conversation without Hillary Clintons help a few days and now is back at it again. Lets think about this a second. The debate took place monday, still talk about ms. Machado on friday. Hes doubled down so hard on this its just continued this, to fuel this narrative over a week. People could argue that, look, were not talking as much as Donald Trumps charity or foundation with the New Washington post story that came out about that, but in some ways, this story line is more damaging, why the Clinton Campaign knew to put this out because it furthers a narration about racism and sexism in the same thing a. New donald trump add, bringing it to first. First here at cnn. To his point, his Campaign Manager went on the view and asked if she reprimanded donald trump. She wants him to drive off of the rhetoric that could drive voters away, whether its a sexist question, massageny question, did you reprimand him and she said yes and then went on to say this. I dont think he gets credit for restraint. Its a virtue, its a president ial virtue. I dont think he gets credit for restraint and restraint is the a virtue. In fact, a president ial virtue. Is that what we saw at 3 20 and 5 30 a. M. This morning . He doesnt get it. Plenty president s have been vengeful, nixon had a revenge list, and lbj phone for twisting arms. His ability to shoot himself in the foot, hes vengeful in a way that hurts himself. Suburban women are one of the key demographics this election cycle, particularly those who may lean republican who may be convinced to vote for Hillary Clinton. Certainly what Clintons Campaign thinks. Hes not doing himself favors fat shaming american women. They clearly on the hill do not want him in this argument. Probably obvious. But they said, look, why not prosecute the case about the economy, about obama care and make that argument, change versus status quo that shes been there 30 years and has not done anything. Actually an effective line of attack he launched at the debate. Keep that message. That works. Why go down these rabbit holes. What does it it tells us a lot about trump and again, Hillary Clinton understand stood this from studying the republican debates, when you criticize certain things some things he deflects. Criticize him personally he tends to let it go. Guest at business acumen and things said in the past he carries them over cant let it go. Thats what they pick and him about. Kellyanne is the first Campaign Manager. The other two forced out, get someone who can control trump, give you a more disciplined trump, somebody whos not going to do these erratic things. We can be certain that donald trump controls donald trump, period. What does it say to republicans who, they were happy going into the debate. He was surging in polls going into the debate, and get to polling later. Hillary clinton clearly has momentum after the debate. What does it tell republicans . Latching on to a nominee in an Election Year . They bought this. This is who they decided he wanted as their nominee and plenty of instances in Donald Trumps past not only with Miss Universe, one the women promoted in the construction business, he used to say, hey, you look like you like your candy. Something donald trump has didnt throughout his career when it comes to women subordinates, this reemphasizes that and reminds women why theyre not sure about this man. And at a time the senate was actually starting to look better for republicans. You could look up and down the ballot. So many republicans actually showing a lot of separation from donald trump and like they might actually be able to hold on to the senate. Very different from where the landscape looked a month ago when Hillary Clinton had a might wider lead. Its hard. A certain threshold of six to eight points difference making it really hard to sort of win when your candidate is that far down. When the polls tightened, those republicans were feeling much better about controlling the senate. This kind of thing continues for days on end and if the polls separate again, youll see a lot of republicans again start to feel like the senate would be gone. Attention between the authentic donald trump, onscript and reading from a teleprompter. Reading from the teleprompter you saw the surge in the polls. Offscript, goes down rabbit holes. The race is clearly donald trump had momentum going into that first debate and clearly, well show you, Hillary Clinton has at least stopped that momentum, if you look at polling, a safe hunch shes building and has momentum towards the second one. Waiting for Hillary Clinton to sneak florida in a few minutes. Point i was interested in pshgs speaking to a close friend of donald trump speaks to him regularly. One of my worries, how he will react if perceived to have lost the debate to a woman. Uhhuh. Is that what were seeing . If youre a republican, youre certainly seeing donald trump cares about donald trump. This is about his peccadillos, his grudges, his business. This isnt about the republican party. I mean, i suppose its nominally about the country but it is about donald trump. I think if you are one of these senators running in a difficult seat that has to make you awfully, awfully nervous. Also the inside game versus the outside game. The inside game actually works. This is inside politics. Thats point. The Clinton Campaign set up this elab prit trap for donald trump at debate. Five or six of these lines, so much so had an ad created already and cut once she mentioned that name, boom it would be out there. Trump seemed surprised. Where did you get that information from . I think that he went into the debate thinking as sam clovis said, one of his supporters in iowa, saying, you know, i think theyll be an image difference between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. A lot of people will see hes a big guy. He could play tight end for the patriots or the jets or something. And youre going to see Hillary Clinton look not so strong and her stamina. Ready to see Hillary Clinton speaking in florida . Ready for that . No . Not yet. Okay. Still monitoring. Students and young people it is wonderful to be with you and i want to thank eileen for her introduction. Okay. Hillary clinton speaking there. In florida. Shes saying hello. Greeting the dignitaries in the crowd. Well take a quick break and what we come back, take to you that and our debate. Stay with us. You tell your Insurance Company they made a mistake. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. The guy says they didnt make the mistake. You made the mistake. I beg your pardon . 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Everything you need to know about Hillary Clinton, sometimes referred to as crooked hillary, can be understood with a simple but very important phrase follow the money. She and her financial backers will say anything, do anything, lie about anything to keep their grip on power. Thats his view of secretary clinton. Well talk about it in a minute. First, straight down to florida and Hillary Clinton speaking live to an event. I bet many of you have been part of it. Maybe youve taught kids to read. Right . Or cleaned up your local park. Or the beach. Maybe youve organized a cancer walk, or youve run a food drive. Whatever it is, chances are youve done something to serve your community, and by extension, your country. How many of you, just think back over your lives, how many of you have performed some kind of service . Of some sort for your community, for other people the reason i know you have is because tens and tens of millions of americans do some kind of volunteering in your hometowns every single year. It is one of the best things about the American People. We are doers. You know, we dont just shrug our shoulders when we see something that needs fixing. We dont get resigned, apathetic or blame other people and turn on each other to find scapegoats, we roll up our sleeves. We get to work. To try to make things better in our neighborhood, our community, our city, our state and our country. That has been our story. The american story. Since the beginning of our nation, and it is still going strong today. Thats Hillary Clinton speaking to an event in fort pierce florida. Dont forget florida. Dont forget florida. Biggest battleground state still have had a tossup. New polls show Hillary Clinton ahead. Donald trump ahead breyei prior first debate. Cant follow your money. Look at the washington post, yet another story from the Trump Foundation saying it never required certification to solicit money for charities. She trying to turn it back on him. Release nor taxes, be more transparent. Can she make a case . There are questions why the clintons took foreign money from countries that dont support womens rights, questions about gave meeting to people. Its out there publicly. Can you make the case effectively when we keep hearing about his Business Practices and will press in number two as she did in debate one, lets see your taxes . Hes a flawed merger. Theres a lot of ammo to use against the clintons, mentioned some of them. This follow the money line is smart and can be effective, because it does speak to a lot of things people dont like about the clintons and their politics and their secretive and giving special access to donors, things that are good political lines of attack, but not releasing your tax returns opens up a brand new attack against him. The questions about the Trump Foundation. More questions about his Business Practices, how hes treated women and things that he says, too that distract from that argument like the fight with the latino beauty queen. Can he stay on message . Thats another question. Part of the problem when you have a political neophyte who runs for office. The clintons have been vetted and every rock basically overturned with them over the past 40 years. Hillary clinton the last 25 years or so. Two persistent story lines about Hillary Clinton in this campaign, about the emails and about the foundation. Both played into a narrative of a lack of transparency, and thats really affected her hon effort and trustworthy numbers. Right . When you look at donald trump, there are so many stones that, and places to overturn and to mill, that thats whats in a very Short Campaign after the conventions. Youve seen a lot of digging into his background, to the foundation, to his charity. Things that you didnt know already about him, and has required more vetting making it really hard for him to continue to persist on the one story ayn about her foundation. From a tactical standpoint he makes this argument in a unified way pretty late. He didnt make it at the debate. Hillary clinton spend millions and millions of dollars all summer hammering for all of his weaknesses, unfit to lead, bad temperament. That image is deeply ingrained where the battleground state voters are and what they think of him. He hasnt done the same with her. Barely onair this summer and cant match donations anywhere where shes come and made arguments about the foundations, emails, crony capitalism, hasnt made them in a thematic way until now and were under 40 days away. Thank you for the segue. See if they brings them up. Blaming the moderator. Initially said lester holt did a great job, now after the reviews blaming the moderator. You say what did you have for lunch . Lets talk about emails. A good politicians knows how to change the subject. His staff is mad at him saying he needs to prepare better. Real sources. Trust me. To your point, not on the air much. Watched his ads going into the debate, momentum, reaganesque positive ads. A brand new donald trump ad that goes into the National Cable mix later today, likely rotated into battleground states as well. A much harsher ad. Why arent i 50 points ahead you might ask . Maybe because the director of the fbi said you lied about your emails. It was classified emails. Maybe because your policies allowed isis and terrorism to spread. Or maybe its because you call americans deplorable. You could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Its a tough, tough, negative ads r ad that gets to the criticizing trumps voters calling them deplorable pap quote Hillary Clinton wishes she could take back. Talking about the emails . The key, having trump able to keep that message, stay on that message and hammer that message, because you mentioned at the debate, he actually brought up talked about the emails and started talking about i think his tax returns. And kept on bringing it back to himself, because he felt the need to defend himself instead of going after her. With iies, he said he blew it up to the extent youve been dealing with isis your entire adult career. Exaggeration took over. If they can get him disciplined to repeat what that ad said, i mean, maybe less trouble on their hands. You made a good point about him having to go back and defend himself. Feeling he had to do that on every issue. He doesnt need to. He can drop the issues, go back on the offensive and attack Hillary Clinton. Look at way hillary dealt with the email question when it came up at the debate. She said that, im sorry. I shouldnt have done it, and wanted to move on. Much different than the way she dealt with it earlier, when she got into a long explanation, this email marked this way, that email marked that way and looked like she was basically trying to hide something and beal underscored what james comey said, she dealt with this in an extremely careless way. Said im sorry and wanted to go back on the offensive. Donald trump needs to learn from Hillary Clinton when she dealt with her own controversies. Watching that ad. A clinton supporter may not listen to a word of it. A wellconstructed ad. Who are they going for . Honest and trustworthy, you look at independents, shouldnt say independents ar swing group. Theyre republicans. Mitt romney won independents in 2012, but theyre looking at persuadable voters potentially that kind of ad. Continuously talking about whether Alicia Machado or any other issues that more play to your campaigns base of support, theres no need for that. Donald trump, for example, a pugh poll, aware of Donald Trumps deficiencies, arrogant, egotistical. His supporters are with him because of animosity towards Hillary Clinton. A small group of potentially persuadable voters shifting things in some battleground states and trying with that ad at least to go after a vulnerability of hers. Can you tell from a Campaign Goes from positive to nor negative, they need to change the direction of the race. See what happens. And is gary johnson even getting enough support to qualify for the debates . Why, then is he getting Hillary Clintons attention . Hey whats up, peyt . You know ive got directv nfl sunday ticket i get every game, every sunday. All in hd. Yeah. I know that. So you want to come over . Ill make nachos. I cant right now, man. Im playing. Alright. Ill pencil you in for tuesday. Get nfl sunday ticket only on directv. And watch Live Football anywhere. Switch today and get 100 reward card. Thats a good thing, eligible for medicare . 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A very important part of the electorate and critical part of the Obama Coalition and Hillary Clinton is struggling. Back in 2012, 23point advantage. P. E. President obama over mitt romney. And a bloomberg poll, Hillary Clinton has only a 10point advantage over donald trump. A problem keeping the Hillary Clinton coalition together. Look at this. More damning for clinton look tat this way. Bring in thirdparty candidates. Only a fourpoint edge over donald trump among Younger Voters because of gary johnson and jill stein. Taking away support from Hillary Clinton. Campaigning against trump. Gary johnson and jill stein arent making the debates, but Hillary Clinton is talking about a vote for johnson is a vote for trump. Hoping johnsons support fades and he keeps saying things that arent necessarily demonstrating his qualifications to be president. Name a foreign leader you respect . I guess im having an aleppo moment in the former president of mexico. Im giving you the whole world. Anybody in the world you like. Anybody. Pick any leader. The former president of mexico. Which one . Im having a brain having a brain freeze. Any one. Whos your favorite leader . You respect . Terrific. Any foreign leader. Merkel. Okay, fine. Save yourself. Cant argue with that. On the right there is billwebill welle who said angela merkel, chancellor of germany. What is aleppo . Cant name a world leader . Its embarrassing. Hes running for president of the United States. You get a thing called the white house. You are the commander in chief of the american military. You were have to work with western leaders, asian leaders. To many its disqualifying and several newspapers because they dont like trump or clinton are still endorsing him. The Chicago Tribune as recently as today, and yet he could cost Hillary Clinton the election. Well, yeah. I mean, between him and jill stein, theyre pulling about onefifth of the electorate, pretty high for a thirdparty candidate and something that concerns the democrats and Clinton Campaign and why you see in the past couple of days not only Hillary Clinton making the case you dont want to throw away your vote on a gary johnson, also president obama, michelle obama. Theyre trying to bang this message, and gary johnson is helping them out. Bernie sanders as well. Bernie sanders and Elizabeth Warren making that case as well. Two candidates, millennials, probably wish they were up there instead i wonder how much it will affect him among the millennial voters . The aleppo gaffe happen add few weeks ago and hes gone up in the polls in a lot of these battleground states. That arguably is worse than not naming a world leader you can support given how bad the situation is with the Syrian Refugees pipe not entirely sure thats the case but very interesting that, how the democrats are increasingly going after gary johnson, barack obama making that case and the steve harvey show. A sitting president of the United States saying a vote for him is a vote for trump is extraordinary. Theyre protest candidates, protest votes where a lot of people are parking themselves. All that animus towards Hillary Clinton coming to moderate republicans and Younger Voters who dont remember the 90s, dont have the same goodwill towards the clintons maybe someone in the older generation of democrats do. I think that not exactly sold that Bernie Sanders is going to be the ticket that pushes all of these folks to Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of them for a lot of them he was sort of a body snatcher. You know . Like they were able to park with him to get their protest message out and now that hes out there and not the one running, then theyre not quite in his camp as much anymore. You dont hear him making a strong positive case for Hillary Clinton. You hear him talking a lot about how its not good to vote for donald trump. But in part this underscores how few votes there are available for Hillary Clinton to pull over. Right. The Clinton Campaign believes trump has a ceiling and a floor. Hes not going to fall below that floor. They are looking at 10, 11 of the electorate to move over. A few undecideds, a few republicanleaning independents, you said before and a lot of folks voting for gary johnson. Thats why theyre targeting that. If you look how close florida was in the obama romney race, the bush gore race, closer. Look how close some of these states are, absolutely critical she keep these voters. The conspiracy theory, some republicans say governor weld, Gary Johnsons Vice President ial running mate does not want to be part of a thact elects donald trump president. Sat down and listen here, poses the question. I think its doubtful. A hypothetical. Lets see how the debates play out. You know . Theres water between here and there and ive given my word to a lot of people including gary johnson that were going to give this our best shot and running the table and take the whole thing. Hello. She asked him, is it possible you would drop out, if you saw that happening . Its doubtful. A hypothetical. Lets see how the debates play out. Not an absolutely not. Exactly. Shermanesque. There is opening there. You know, essentially giving a tryout to Hillary Clinton to, and to gary johnson, frankly. Like he cant keep saying things that are embarrassing to his running mate. And still on the ballot in a lot of these states if they drop out late. That protest vote may not care whether or not they have officially dropped out or not. And actually the kind of republican that has been coming out for Hillary Clinton pap moderate state. Exactly fits the profile. So maybe well see an endorsement. I think ticket might do better among republicans. Not sure if the young people were on top. Aremember him a prosecutor before a governor. Left a wide gap for, well see how it goes. Everybody sit tight. Donald trump had momentum heading into the first debate. Its clear the tide of the lace chang race has changed. A much more favorable map heading into round map. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. 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Macing dixon poll shows clinton with a lead, narrow, but in the lead. And go to the electoral map. Hillary clinton is fave forward win if she can hold the light blue states. The ones that lean democratic. New hampshire was one of those states nap poll is good news. Michigan was one. That poll, good news. Donald trumps in michigan today. Match an world where Hillary Clinton wins nevada and florida, where those polls come out today. Theres no way, if that happens, absolutely no way, donald trump can win the presidency. If she can hold those stakes. Challenge the week before the second debate and out of it, try and sustain that momentum. My opponent believes in what i call a strongman approach. And heres what he said he said, i alone can fix it. I alone . Well, weve learned that, thats his way. One person getting supreme power and exercising it ruthlessly. Thats why he admires dictators like Vladimir Putin so much. Its interesting. She in florida on this day on these new polls come out. Take those away, the math, just impossible for donald trump. The challenge, sustain this. Weve had a race, unpredictable race thats gone back and forth. Mitt romney won the first debate against president obama four years ago, a bounce out of that. We all know what happened in the end. A good debate for clinton, momentum in the polls now have to keep it up. Clearly the debate stopped the bleeding. She had a lousy three weeks. He was on the upswing, he was taking the lead. Projections had him winning the presidency, some of the polls held. Now its reversed. As weve said no knockout blow per se in that first debate. Nothing that will probably elect her president , but there was enough to prevent trump from moving further ahead in this race from running away with it, from separating himself from Hillary Clinton. Thats heartening for the clinton camp. Yes, keep that up. Have the Vice President ial debate coming up. How does that change the dynamic . Mike pence is much more on message than donald trump. Does that change the dynamic as well . A lot more to go in the race. He still has to cross a competency threshold for a lot of people. Look at his poll numbers. In the highest 42 , and certainly he has what looks like a potential ceiling if he cant reach out and get more people, and i think the real issue for him is that issue of competence, issue of temperament. If hes going to consistently comeck to messages that play to his base, hes never be able to cross that thresholds. And a stage mechanics matter. Early voting now. I was with Hillary Clinton this week in iowa where her aides were taking people from the rally right to the polls to cast their inperson early votes. You know, early reviews on which parties are requesting for ballots have been fairly mixed across the country, but little question that Hillary Clintons campaign has the mechanism, has the operation to drive their people out. The goal is, of course, to get your less reliable voters to the polls early. On election day you only have to focus on getting the really reliable voters to the polls, but theyll have a pretty good sense of where things stand in a lot of states. Its great. Thats a great point. Republicans say theyve made up ground and will prove democrats wrong. Well see. It is mixed so far, but president obama lost both times on election day. 2008 and 2012, votes cast, lost both times. Won it in the early voting. Padded those stakes. Look deep boo the polls, Hillary Clinton struggles among the White Working Class. Not new. After the debate solidifies nonwhites, moved up college educatesed whites. Trump has to take that back and has surrogates. Bill clintons doing a bus tour across northern florida. Who live theres . White, working class voters. More northern florida, near the georgia, alabama, across the border. Its the south, if you will. Were in the chess phase. Campaign. You have to say because she has so many surrogates, maybe a slight advantage for clinton . Yes. Yes, for sure. She can have the president , michelle obama, joe biden, bill clinton and Hillary Clinton and plus tim kaine six people out on the campaign trail at all times in six states. Look at the screen. See this. The jared ford president ial see him in the library in grand rapids, michigan. Donald trump in the oval office, the replica. The president ial museum, get to them, get to them. George w. Bush has a Great Oval Office in texas. Been to that one in grand rapids. Im sorry. I interrupted you. Ive lost my train of thought, john. Talking about the chess phase of the campaign. One place where donald trump doesnt have much infrastructure still is ohio, yet he is winning ohio right now. It always pains me were not talking about ohio. Because i love to talk about ohio. Im from there. Thats one place were seeing a weird thing play out, where hillary might have a better ground game but trump now because of the White Working Class demographics. Increasingly your destiny in american politics. Ohio is older and whiter and holding on. Sit tight. Up next what do political insiders think . A peek at their notebooks, next. Lets head around the inside politics table, ask for a peek into their notebooks. Lisa . Bernie sanders is back. The vermont senator made his first appearance, or second appearance, with Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail this week. They met up in New Hampshire where they talked about college debt, trying to win those all, so important millennials. Sanders and clinton aides say this is the first of many appearances hes going to make on her behalf in the next five weeks. In part about the young voters but also the thirdparty voters. The Clinton Campaign believes he can be a powerful asset trying to get those people to move back to hillary. But an awfully weird situation. The countrys most prominent independent argues against independence. But, look, this is the its a donald trump election and seen a lot of strange bedfellow. This is another one. Listen to me now, not the last 30 years of my life. You brought up numbers where the polls are, what the path is. The friday before the debate, i found kind of an interesting thing. Looking through the numbers in our battleground map and noticed if you give donald trump, he was slightly ahead in florida, ohio, nevada and iowa, before the debate. You were suddenly, you had him at 251. Not enough. Remember, florida and ohio, no the there. Hes not quite. 19 short. Within striking distance in North Carolina. 15. In striking distance in New Hampshire. Gives you 269269 tie. A very real potential possibility, and if you give him the one electoral vote in maine which splits out its votes by electorate, his path, 270278 268. Tells you how narrow his path is. We wanted a contested convention. Didnt get that. Make an electoral tie. Big donors nervous about donald trump starting to spend that money down ticket. Republican outside groups starting to spend a lot of money in these Key Senate Races. The republican super pac close to Mitch Mcconnell reserving 21 million to spend in six Key Senate Races in the fall and the coke network, including americans for prosperity, preem pa freedom party, concerned vets, planning to spend more. 200 million on senate races and in some house races as well. Clearly aiming to take back, keep the republican majority and democrats are definitely nervous about it. If only we owned a local television station in a local battleground state. Im keeping an eye on women in these polls. Donald trump in the last set of polls looked like he was making inroads in suburban, colorado, women didnt necessarily like Hillary Clinton and looking for another option. How much is that going to be gone after the last week, after the last debate and how much pickup is mike pence going to have to do and donald trump at the next debate to maybe move those numbers again . Hillary clinton will likely win women. Nibble around the everies, could help them. Close adding a bit talk of a possible tie. Spend most of the next 39 days talking about the big galgattle, florida, pennsylvania, and New Hampshire is a great example. Donald trump there yesterday. Hillary clinton the day before that. The late ef evidence, Hillary Clinton has the lead there at the moment and her campaign is determined to do what it takes to keep it that way. Just noted, four electoral votes. Why do they care . Running a razor thin race scenarios in tabletop sessions more often than not see New Hampshire as a mustwin for trump. Clinton priority one big a bigger prize like florida or North Carolina cutting off trumps back to 270. Preparing for the worst case scenarioss in those, top clinton aides are a big believer, New Hampshires four could prove the difference and will keep getting attention and resources. Thanks for watching inside politics today. See you back here tomorrow. Wolf picks up the coverage right after a quick break. Polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. si . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo hello. Im wolf blitzer. 1 00 p. M. Here in washington. Wherever youre watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. We start with the u. S. President ial election. There are just under 39 days to go until election day, and today donald trump is focusing his attention on michigan. A Campaign Event there this afternoon and just moments ago he paid a visit to the gerald ford president ial me seim in grand rapids, stopping in the replica of the oval office. Stopping in there. For Hillary Clinton, the day is devoted to florida. Another important swing state. She just wrapped up a Campaign Event in fort pierce where she called for greater commitment to service and organizations like the peace corps. Also were counting down to the next debate in the president ial races in four

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