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Hello, people. I am jose andres. Boom spain is the land where i was born, and where my passion for cooking began. Oh, yeah. Spain leaps deep in my soul, and its food has me who i am, a chef who loves to feed the world. What you hear is the happiness of all the ingredients. Its true, i have more than 30 restaurants across the u. S. Hola. But i am also a humanitarian, Feeding Millions of people around the world. We did 600 hot meals. A good day. [all cheering] [jose andres] i moved to america three decades ago, and i raised my family here. And im taking my daughters, carlota. This is so good. Ines. Mmm. And lucia. Beautiful. All around my beloved home country. I want them to see it all, learn it all. Come on, ines. Chop, chop, chop. And taste it all, from the most simple iconic foods, tapas. Boom, boom. Gazpacho. Mmm. Paella. Oh, my gosh. To the more sophisticated and unique food of my homeland. This is the most amazing meal. [jose] to really get to know spain, you have to understand its food. This is a trip filled with adventures. Whoo . Traditions, celebrations, and of course. Mila. Lots of delicious food. [carlota andres] we really are eating our way through spain. Ah. Wow [jose] whoa barcelona from the rooftop take a look at this. Take a look at this. Pull it up there. [carlota] wow. [jose] tibidabo, sagrada familia, i love barcelona. [carlota] your city. [jose] its true. I move here from Northwest Spain when i was six years old. This is where i grew up and first fell in love with food. Its also where i went to Culinary School and learned how to cook. Now i am back with my two eldest daughters, who are free to join me this time. Dad, so basically, your career as a chef started in barcelona. My life as a person started in barcelona. That too. Tell me what you cook, tell me what you eat, and i will tell you who you are. Do you know who i am . Your dna is here. I began, i mean, cooking with my dad, with my mom, at home, not too far away from where we are here. I couldnt go to the fancy restaurants, but i could go to the tiny tapas places that a young boy like me could afford. Tapas, small Delicious Fishes to share with friends, are one of the reasons why people come to this amazing city. Situated on the sparkling mediterranean sea, the food of barcelona reflects its unique geography. A real mix of traditional and modern taste, a special blend of old and new, along with tapas, which has been a way of life around here for centuries, there is also catalonian Surf And Turf, the best seafood in the world, incredible pastries and delicious local dishes. In this city of almost 1. 6 million people, youll also find the very best restaurants serving creative dishes that change the way you think about food. Creativity very much is in every corner in this region, dali and picasso and gaudi who came up with this, and thats what youre gonna see through food and buildings. And art and culture. Lets go. [jose] lets go. I cannot wait. [carlota] what is the best way to eat our way around barcelona . [jose] this is the best way to eat around barcelona. In a motorbike, you can stop right, left, here, there, everywhere man, im hungry tapas, papa tapas. [jose] yes were gonna do tapas im hungry in america, i became famous for bringing spanishstyle tapas into my restaurants. In its most traditional form, its ham, cheese, sausage or tomato bread. In the old days, people put these openface sandwiches over their glass to keep the glass out. The name tapas actually comes from the spanish word, tapar, which means to cover. For busy workers, it was intended to be a quick, easy and inexpensive way to refuel. So, you know where im gonna take you now . To tapas 24, of my friend, carles abellan. Ah, we know him i love him because hes like a rocker. I mean, he was so lucky with girls when we were young. [girls laughing] [jose] this is tapas 24, a super popular place that serves amazing tapas, run by My Old Friend from cooking school, this handsome devil, michelin star chef, carles abellan. [speaking foreign language] [men laughing] [speaking foreign language] i met him in the school the first year the school opened. The first year we joined, and he was like, my older brother, like so many others. Yes. Yeah. [speaking foreign language] boom, boom, boom. And you dont want to know the stories. [carlota laughing] [jose] carles is now one of the most famous chefs in spain. He opened this place more like a neighborhood bar, as a tribute to traditional tapas, where he elevates familiar dishes with creativity and quality. Tapas obviously is the heart of the spanish cooking in more ways than one. Nobody will say that tapas is not a great medium to let every cook in spain and around the world to express themselves through what tapas are. Its small dishes, the people can share, that the kitchens can produce quickly and fast. Wow. Okay, im gonna say it. Im hungry. [speaking foreign language] [carlota] the menu was packed with local specialties. Its barcelona, so theres a ton of seafood, and, of course, dad wants it all. I want oysters, ah, and i want sipia, ah, and i want chipirones, ah, no, and i want also the mussels, the calamares, and, yeah, the amanida uh, yeah, you know one thing. Yeah. Everything. Everything. Everything. Yeah. Ambulance ambulance you know they say in spain . Rolando. In spain, we say, from here, we are gonna leave. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling. [jose] boom. Oh, my gosh. [jose] to get us rolling, carles is going to start us off with a bang. Boom. Boom, boom. [carlota] boom. [jose] la bomba la bomba this is so iconic. [carlota] i dont think ive ever seen this. [jose] this is baked flavor in a little package. The dish is a ball of seasoned ground beef with potato puree and spices, topped with a spicy garlic and tomato sauce. Wow oh, my god thats a bomba [all laughing] this is the bomb [laughing] [jose] of course it needs to be washed down with a glass of cold catalan cava, sparkling white wine. Thank you for having us. Salud. [jose] i want the girls to try another local favorite, a wonderful tapas called the bikini. Oh, my god. I mean, i wish everybody could taste this. [ines] this looks amazing. [carlota] its like a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, but with one very special ingredient, pureed truffles. Its then layered with thinly sliced ham, mozzarella cheese, and then toasted to gooey perfection. Amazing look at, look at, look at the cheese. [ines] whoa. The Cheese Melting inside. The cheese. Ah [carlota laughs] bikini. Finally, another tapas that is very much a spanish staple. [carles] la croquetas. Croquetas. [jose] croquetas. Pollastre rostit. So, take a look at this. Its warm, its crunchy, its light. Its like the croqueta has life chicken and iberico ham in a creamy Bechamel Sauce inside the cripsy, crunchy fritter. Here. For you. [carles speaking] [jose] if its served this small, or if its served to share. Thats a tapas. Ah. Carlota, we really are eating our way through spain. We really are. Its only the first stop in our food tour of catalonia, but were already realizing that tapas is a perfect reflection of dads philosophy on eating. [jose] tapas is me, i mean, i think i was part of the Dna Thousands of years ago, maybe tens of thousands, that created tapas. I think i am a molecule that came out of tapas. Why . Because i dont like to be in one place alone, i dont like to eat one thing alone, i like to go from place to place, eating many things, cold, hot, going into the kitchen, coming out, getting a sherry, getting a drink, getting a cava, just a celebration of life come on this celebration of life is the heartbeat of this city, an ageold tradition, that is giving new life each day and all night in the streets of barcelona, People Sharing Food and precious time with each other. You want really to understand life . Boom. Join me in the tapas revolution. Wake up, gotta go cmon, cmon. Gracie, cmon. Lets go guys, cmon mom, cmon mia [ Engine Revving ] my favorite color is. Because, its like a family thing [ Engine Revving ] made it mom leave running behind, behind. The new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. Does life beautifully. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. 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[ines] my stomach is rumbling. [jose] as a boy, anytime i had money in my pocket, i used to come here for breakfast. Hey Juanito Bayen [carlota] hello. [jose speaking foreign language] [Juanito Bayen laughing] [jose] its run by My Old Friend, juanito, who is very much a permanent fixture around here. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] wow. [juanito speaking foreign language] first, un Cafe Con Leche. [jose] i think he makes the best Cafe Con Leche in the world. Do you know why i love bar pinotxo, and juanito, especially . Hes always there making every coffee, serving every glass of cava, every tapa. [carlota] muchas gracias. Its like the ocean. Do you see how it moves . [jose] my girls have a sweet tooth, and of course, they are looking for something sugary to start their day. In barcelona, the obvious choice is the xuxo. [carlota] oh, the xuxo. And what is a xuxo . A croissant . [ines] carlota what . No [ines speaking foreign language] [jose] take a look. This is like, this amazing dough that is fried, filled up with cream. Not just any cream, Crema Catalana, almost like a sweet, velvety custard with sugar dusted on the crunchy outside. A good croissant is a great thing, lady, but a xuxo, a xuxo is for the gods. [ines] how is it, carlota . Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Your lips all sugary. Its so creamy and crunchy and sweet. The xuxo, oh, my gosh. The xuxos are the best thing in the world. Why are croissants everywhere in america . Why cant xuxos be everywhere in america . I think we should take xuxos to the u. S. [jose] okay, so these girls of mine are happy with coffee and a pastry, but i am from barcelona. This is my coffee, cava. And its never too early for a glass of sparkling wine or an authentic barcelona breakfast, and that means seafood. [juanito chuckles] [speaking foreign language] [carlota] dad, you do know that its 9am, right . [juan] we popped by juanitos nephew, jordi. So is this a typical barcelona breakfast . Or is this your typical. This is a typical pinotxo breakfast. A typical jose andres and pinotxo breakfast. You need to understand, all these things, you can buy them just right there in the market. Mmm. [carlota laughs] [jose] the General Store where jordi does all his shopping is, of course, la boqueria, the Beating Heart of barcelona. Its one of the most Famous Food Markets in the world. Officially opened in 1836, people have been selling and buying food here since the 13th century. I used to come here as a boy to explore and discover. I will wander around, visiting all these traders and vendors to smell and taste all kinds of new and different foods from all over the world. Okay, were gonna go after to see one of my friends, and hes gonna cook for us, quim. Quim hell cook anything, but he knows what i like the most is. [ines] Surf And Turf. [jose] you might think Surf And Turf began in america. Believe it or not, catalonians invented Surf And Turf. We call it mar i muntanya, sea and mountain. Look at where we are. Barcelona sits on the northeast coast of spain, right on the mediterranean sea, and is not far from the mountains. Those are the pyrenees. Fishermen would Trade Ingredients with farmers, and a Super Traditional catalonian dish was created. Sure, spain is known for paella, and when we go to valencia, well eat paella, but here in barcelona, my favorite dish is mar i muntanya. [men speaking foreign language] [jose] we saw people here that theyve been part of this market for generations. Traditions keep passing from father and mother to sons and daughters. History keeps moving forward through one ingredient, through one plate of food at a time. [ines] wow. [carlota] this is a big truffle. [ines] this is one of the biggest truffles ive ever seen. Can we take this one . [man] si. Ours. Hey, we need to buy the chicken oh. Oh we need to buy the chicken. Tell me what you eat, and i will tell you who you are. Well, my friend, today you are learning who i am. Okay, ladies. Follow me. We are off to my friend quims house for lunch. I cant wait for mar i muntanya. Hold on [speaking foreign language] hey here is where used to be my cooking school. Now its a restaurant, good restaurant, but my old school used to be right here. Oh, my god. You see . Thats where i began to study. I first came here to learn my way around the kitchen when i was just 15 years old. Is where my journey as a cook started, and where i met quim, and so many other good friends who went on to be top chefs. Were you a good student . I was the best student. I never graduated. I guess i learned how to cook, how to speak english, and i know a thing or two about accounting. Ah, english, still working on that. Still working on the english. What . [carlota] were about to visit two of those old friends from dads cooking school. Both quim marquez and Albert Raurich are well known chefs here in barcelona. And theyre hosting us at quims house. Hola. [jose] quim, quim, quim hows it going . Hola. [jose] albert [carlota speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [jose] we brought things we brought things [carlota speaking] [jose speaking foreign language] [quim marquez] oh. [Albert Raurich] nice. [jose] boom. Wait, but, so we have all these ingredients. What are we cooking . Mar i muntanya. Surf and turf. This is your typical mar i muntanya, pollastre amb gambes, chicken with mediterranean lobster. Youll find this catalan combination on menus across the region. After quickly cooking the lobsters in brandy, we sear the Chicken Pieces in the same pan using the juice of the lobsters, then we add onions and garlic and tomatoes, and let it simmer. Eventually, we put in some herbs, like thyme, rosemary, bay leaf and oregano. [jose] are you good there . Were phenomenal here. Were uh. We have three amazing chefs cooking for us. [men laugh] i mean, they are my assistants right now. [carlota] oh, im sure. [ines] i think its the other way around. Uhoh, hes running the eyes. [albert laughs] [jose] these guys are like brothers to me, and thanks to our passion for food, well always share a unique connection. We are joined by this Umbilical Cord that has never been cut. [quim] yeah. [jose] to the mother that brought us together, which is cooking. But dad told me that he rarely ever went to school. In the classroom, no. In the kitchen. In the kitchen. Always. He would come down to look for me in the kitchen. Hey, the kitchen is calling you many times. [all laughing] [jose] we are going to put ines to work making the picada. Its a traditional catalan burst of flavor that well add to the dish at the end. There is garlic, almonds, peppers, and a little bit of chocolate in ours. Everything is mashed, becomes like a total puree. And when everything is finished, this will go at the end to bring everything together. At the same time that adds new flavor, also gives body to the sauce. Super traditional, sauce of sauces. [speaking foreign language] okay, not too much. Not too much. You know whats happening here . What is happening here is happiness. What you hear there is happening, its the happiness of all the ingredients saying, chup, chup, chup. Im so happy. Chup, chup, chup. I am happy. [albert laughs] its true, eh . Its true. Thats whats happening. No more wine [laughing] [girls laugh] [jose] okay lets eat [carlota] we are very lucky. Very lucky people. [jose] freestyle. [ines] that looks delicious. My god. [quim] wow. First mud or muntanya . This is the conundrum of life, and the answer can only be found on your own by you. Youre getting too deep, so. [albert laughs] listen to the chicken. So mine is telling me but way you dont eat the chicken is with the fingers. What do you think this is . Kentucky Fried Chicken . [men laughing] [laughing] [ines] but its so good [jose] a traditional dish invented by local fishermen and farmers that we still love and enjoy today. I mean, theres no better way to start a visit to catalonia, visit to barcelona. Eh, i love you guys. [laughing] me too. Whoo. Alive with delicious mexican flavors. Delimex. Find us in the frozen aisle. The thought of getting screened for colon cancer made me queasy. But now ive found a way thats right for me. Feels more easy. My doc and i agreed. I pick the time. Todays a good day. I screened with cologuard and did it my way cologuard is a oneofa kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way polly pratts wore many hats. They came from past jobs in fact. Every time she experienced something new, her stack of hats grew. 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[jose] to really understand how spanish cooking has evolved and how its influenced food around the world, you need to go back to where the revolution began, back to where i got my first big break, el bulli. [carlota] when was the last time that you were at el bulli . Eleven years ago, and it seems was yesterday. It closed in 2011 and is now a museum. For a long time, el bulli was considered the very best restaurant in the world. It got 2 million reservation requests each year, and had a 12 month waiting list. El bulli was run by a true genius of cooking, ferran adria, who was widely considered to be the best chef on the planet. Ferran adria was given the command of this restaurant, el bulli, and this guy, 23, 24, began rethinking creativity, what food could be. This my mentor, hes my mentor, hes one of my best friends. [carlota] wow. [jose] take a look welcome to el bulli, people. Wow here is like coming home, and i cannot come to spain and, uh, and not come home. Ferran . [ines] hola, ferran. [jose] hey [ines] at long last, the man, the myth, the legend. [ferran] [jose] ferran was put in charge of the kitchen here in 1987, and very quickly, el bulli became the epicenter of a culinary earthquake that shook the world. People would describe it, oh, this chef doing the strange things with food. Well, those strange things were pushing the boundaries of cooking. And nothing being the same never again. He pioneered new techniques like creating foams or spherification, Turning Liquids into spheres like eggs. Ingenious, crazy things people had never seen before. This was a big bang. The Big Bang Of Creativity in cooking, and the restaurants and chefs and people around the world began dreaming of what was possible in cooking. As a person, as a cook, i was shaped into who i became here. [ines] theres still a Working Kitchen here, so ferran can feed his guests. [jose] okay, family. Wow mmm [ines] for dad, sitting around this Table Eating Lunch together brings back amazing, but also poignant memories. [jose] good, no . [ines] after three happy, crazy years, he quit el bulli suddenly in 1990 after having a slight misunderstanding with ferran. You need to understand, im a young cook, he is, like, ferran hes like god. Hes upset with me. Three days later. Im in new york, and i call him, ferran. [speaking spanish] im not gonna come back to work. He be, like, why . Like, because im in new york in new york . Hes like, really . Ferran, do you remember that story . [ines] whether dad quit or got fired, who really knows . But either way, it was the major Turning Point in his life. If you hadnt gotten in a fight with ferran, we and lucia wouldve never been here. [jose] i mean. [carlota] you wouldnt have that mom, you wouldnt have that mom. [jose] the creativity that happened between your mom and i wouldve never happened. [chuckling] and so you would never happen. Yeah. 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And nowhere is that spirit of innovation more evident than at this barcelona restaurant, disfrutar, where the el bulli legacy lives on. [speaking spanish] [jose] ranked number five in the worlds fifty best restaurants with two michelin stars, this is where astonishing food is presented like art work on your plate. Its run by three top chefs who all honed their skills at el bulli. These three guys here are like the three musketeers. They are one for all and all for one, and let me tell you, these three brains working together should be illegal. [speaking spanish] [ines] disfrutar means to enjoy, so, we head downstairs to a special room for seats at the chefs table to enjoy some of their latest creations to the wine cellar [eduard xatruch] and now we arrive in the special place. [jose] wow we book a unique dining experience. You can, too, but youll have to splash out, and there is only one table like this. This is not cheap eats, my friends, but it will change your life forever. I feel like were in a magical place. Youre gonna have the best meal of your life, im telling you. First, we are treated to a tray of smaller snacks full of different flavors and textures. One with tapioca and curry, one with gorgonzola cheese, another, a delicate crispy sphere of parmesan and pesto. Whoa [jose] you see how crunchy . This is life and its full of flavor. So good. This is like tapitas, but creative tapitas. Nextlevel tapas are just the beginning. What follows is unbelievable. First, a sort of pizza, but totally reinvented. This is paper that is edible. Its from japan and its made with potato. [jose] ten thin layers of the paper are stacked, and then baked almost like a puff pastry then topped with creamy burrata cheese, fresh truffles and olive oil. Oh, my god this is incredible. [jose] thats followed by a hot brioche filled with cold caviar and fresh cream. This is nutty [carlota] mmm its unbelievable howd they do this . They form one half of the dough ball using a special bit of equipment known as a siphon then they spoon in the caviar and cream and then quickly deep fry the whole thing so its hot on the outside and still cold in the middle. If you come here. The only thing you need to do is give yourself to the restaurant. Enjoy the moment, and every bite will be pure pleasure. Why . Because you can keep traveling around the world and you will never find a bite of food like these bites we had today. Well go with another step. [jose] what follows is extraordinary. I am almost speechless. Plate after plate of ingenious Delicious Creations [carlota] wow [jose] crispy egg yolks, Crunchy Mushroom leaves all deconstructed and transformed in the way of ferran and el bulli. But you understand how beautiful this is . The presentation. I feel like im in a forest. [carlota] me, too. [carlota] but were not done yet. Theyve got desert for us, and, of course, its something extraordinary. A secret table in a secret room [indistinct] [ines] inside the table are hidden boxes filled with all kinds of goodies and sweet treats. [jose] cotton candy flowers, rose petals with raspberry marshmallows, pine nut, cookies, chocolate bonbons, Raspberry Shortbreads called polvorones and Almond Meringues topped with Tarred Japanese jusu paste. Ecstasy [carlota] i am in awe. This is art. [ines] carlota, this is immersive art. [jose] this table is really alive ive seen crazy things in my life. Crazy amazing things. You think that you saw everything, and im amazed that here, once again, im above surprised of how creative, but, more important, how good everything is. I mean, is this not the best ending to a meal . This is one of the most amazing meals. [ines] one of the most creative meals. If you dont eat it, i will. [jose] in the land of gaudi and Salvador Dali where passion and creativity thrive, the artists at Disfrutar Paint and sculpt and dazzle us with food. [applauding] [jose] bravo bravo thank you, guys. [conversing in spanish] [ines] okay, so weve had traditional catalonian food and sampled the very best in highend bistronomy. Now were off to a place that sweetly mixes the two. Were here [jose] weve found it escriba pastry shop escriba is where old meets new, and where food becomes art. Its a Family Business now run by my friend, christian escriba, a fourthgeneration pastry chef. Hes sort of like the willy wonka of barcelona. Wow take a look at how many amazing cakes [ines] i want this one and this one. [jose] and this one a cheeseburger [laughing] [carlota] the sweet burger [jose] the sweet burger [ines] wait, it looks so real, doesnt it . [jose] im telling you, only christian will come up with Something Like that. [ines] its a delicious chocolate cake. Oh, my god [ines]. That looks exactly like a cheeseburger. Christian tio [christian in spanish] [jose] christians family has run this place since 1906. [speaking spanish] [jose] 116 years. Wow [jose] this is where art and good food and good sweets and good candy become one. If i had a soso day, i will come here and i will be full of happiness. But there is one pastry here that both locals and tourists love, Crema Catalana. [laughing] hes like a happy Mad Scientist turned pastry chef. Crema catalana is so traditional. Its like a creme brulee only much better of course. Crema catalana has been always eaten like this, take a look. This is milk, sugar. [christian escriba]. Cinnamon, lemon peel and a little bit of corn starch to give it body. Thats it. Boom easy. [jose] christians going to show us how he applies the finishing touch to his famous Crema Catalana. [carlota] so much sugar oh, my god take a look how is it. [carlota] wow [jose] holy smoke [laughing] thats Crema Catalana whoa [chuckling] [jose] okay [laughing] okay wow now the sugar has caramelized on the top. This creamy treat with a thin layer of Crunchy Caramel on top is the official dessert of catalonia. [carlota] mmm crispy and then so smooth. This is tradition. [escriba in spanish] bunuelos like fried durums. Tiny, small. Like a ball and they fill it up. And its crunchy and its crispy and inside is the cream and you eat it like popcorn. If you have twelve, youre done. [speaking spanish] [jose] were creating yes, bunuelos usually have the cream inside, but until now they have never been caramelized on top. [escriba in spanish] [carlota] you just got a dessert named after you. [ines] being the pastrys namesake, i think i should give it a try. Okay, dont burn the pastry shop, its been here 106 years, okay . Ohhh whoa and stop oh, my god [laughing] [jose] number one made by the great christian escriba, number two made by ines andres. Weve just invented something extraordinary that is awesome. I guess in barcelona you just never stop. You can put this on your resume. Boom you created these next to the great, the only, the one, christian escriba. Wake up, gotta go cmon, cmon. Gracie, cmon. Lets go guys, cmon mom, cmon mia [ Engine Revving ] my favorite color is. Because, its like a family thing [ Engine Revving ] made it mom leave running behind, behind. The new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. Does life beautifully. sometimes, all the tenacity and grit in the world. Cant overcome the boundaries we face. so Morgan Stanley is partnering with the Womens Tennis Association to remove them. because this game is for everyone. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. 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Dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. Get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Ask your specialist about dupixent. [jose] we are on the road again its the last day of our trip through catalonia. [carlota] watch out oh, my god [wheels screeching] whoo yeah . And our last chance to get in touch with the soul of this region. Weve left barcelona and are heading southwest into wine country and rural catalonia. [carlota] what part of catalonia are we in . So, here we are now in Vilafranca Del Penedes. And you know what Vilafranca Del Penedes is . No. It is the capital of cava. [chuckling] we like cava. [jose] everyone likes cava, but there are other things that made the catalonian culture so unique. We have our own language, our own flag, our own local dishes, and our very own customs. Some a bit more unusual than others. I still remember being a young boy first time i saw them. People supporting each other and creating this human tower. [carlota] its a human tower . Its a human tower. [drumming and trumpeting] [jose] all across spain, people keep centuriesold traditions alive. When we visit andalucia, we learn about flamenco dancing, but here in crazy catalonia, we are creating human towers. Communities come together to accomplish an amazing feat, climbing up each other to see who can build the perfect high tower. Its not usually just for fun. This is a serious competition usually between rival clubs and towns. [applauding] [jose] in the main square of historic vilafranca, the partys already started, people its a special celebration honoring woman, music, marching, people drinking cava, and theyre Building Castles out of people. [jose in spanish] [meritxell marti] hello hi [carlota] were meeting up with meritxell marti, the local english teacher who runs whats called a colla, a club that performs human castles. Its like a second family. We meet here at least two, three times a week for training. Two, three times a week. For training. This is very serious. [speaking spanish] its like a soccer team. Many players all in different positions working toward a common goal, and today the andres family is going to suit up and be part of the team. [ines] do we look good . [marti] you look excellent you need one more thing, you need the. When you climb all over the the other. , you have to put your foot over here. [carlota] ah [marti] it helps you go up. Ah, so this become like an edge. [marti] yes. You feel it tight . [carlota] its very tight. I cant breathe [marti laughing] i think i lost, like, 20 pounds. [marti laughing] because this puts your belly in so much. I am not nervous. [ines] you are, you are a little nervous. [jose] no, im not nervous. [ines] its the first time for all of us. [carlota] they told us that were gonna do it now. I dont think im gonna do it. Why not . I dont know. Youre gonna do it, you can do it. Do it youre gonna do it. [speaking spanish] [ines] were going to be the second level of a mini tower. Dads gonna help form the base, but carlota and i, were going up. [speaking spanish] [trumpets playing] [ines] this is incredible. Viva [applauding] [jose] i like when they push me, but i love when they push themselves. [jose in spanish] to see that they did it and they did it together and they succeed even, it shows you that anybody. If they dream it, if they believe in themselves, can make anything happen. That was incredible. Im still kind of shaking, im not gonna lie. That was the first of the firsts. Go us [jose] after these astounding feats of courage, its time to relax and refuel. The Community Gathers for a supertraditional feast known as a calcotada. They are barbecuing calcots, delicious Spring Onions that are like smaller, softer leaks. [ines] oh, calcot [jose] theres calcots everywhere everywhere in catalonia they eat calcots in season. In early spring, when the calcots are harvested, this humble vegetable is enjoyed by people everywhere. In highend restaurants, at the small village festivals, and in peoples backyards all across the region. We are heading off to my friend Pepe Raventos place. He owns a worldclass vineyard near here, and hes invited us to his house for a family calcotada. [carlota] were here i want some calcots and some cava. I think were in the right place. Take a look at this winery. I mean, this is no winery, this is their home. A huge farmhouse and more than 200 acres of vineyards has been in his family for more than 500 years. [speaking spanish] [ines] hola [jose] do you need help . Do you need help . This is my kind of barbecue, people on one grill, sausages and lamb chops. Oh, my god, it is so good this is quality control, people. This is not eating, this is quality control. And on the other grill, the star attraction, calcots okay, the calots you see, outside is like ashes. You see, now you almost know they are ready. In the moment they began crying. Its one moment that the onion, the calcot, it kind of opens up. [ines] they cry . [jose] they cry. [ines] i dont see them crying. They are crying because you are almost burning them. [ines] okay, but show me. And theyre crying. Look look here. [ines] oh. You cook them to burn them . Who in their normal mind makes something look so dark and so inedible. Well, people that know. [carlota] at last time to eat. At a calcot barbecue, everyone stands around the table because theres definitely a trick to eating them. You grab the inner leaves of the calcot. Exactly. You told me that. The inner, the inner, thats the word. You grab the bottom, and you smash it with your fingers. [Pepe Raventos] exactly. Look at, ahhh [raventos] and now that its smoking hot. [jose] you dip it in the you know, i never thought i would like onion this much. [jose] take a look around this table. What do you see . [carlota] family. [jose] family. [ines] family, friends. [jose] friends. [ines] for sure. People that they are proud of who they are. Of where the place they live. Longer tables, my friends. Yeah . Cheers to that. Man, this is gonna be a fun trip around spain. Hey, family [speaking spanish] woohoo i feel like you bringing us. To the place that you grew up in, weve seen where you really have come from, and the people that have formed you to who you are now. Obviously, its very important where youre born. But if you ask me, its even more important where you grew up. These things, this food, the language, the people, the air, thats who i am, in a way, thats who you are. [ines] look how pretty, im loving this. I think we missed the sunset, though. [jose] can i tell you one thing . I dont think we missed the sunset, you know why . Because the sunset every day, every moment, every minute is within us. Boom. [ines] there he goes again. That was terrible [jose] this wasnt so bad. [carlota] so, dad, where are you taking us next . [jose] im gonna take you to the land of gazpacho and flamenco. [carlota] andalucia . Cool

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