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And saying yes, it was them. Really hits close to home when its a tight knit community. There are no words. Mr. Bolton and the president made it clear he wants him nowhere near the witness stand. I think you have to for the sake of the office. Theres no doubt its jumbled and something that has to be sane thats harmful to donald trump. This is prior to the president s ongoing desire to stonewall the impeachment inquiry. Announcer this is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Always great to have you with us. Were following breaking news on the passenger jet that iran now admit os to having shot down. In the past hour, weve learned that iranian commander requested all flights to be grounded until tension has cooled off. But irans military said the Aviation Authority never followed through on that request. Our reporters are covering this story from around the globe. Were going to start with Cnns Fred Pleitgen in tehran. Tell us about the blaming that were hearing now, where you are. Reporter well, yeah, i mean, theres a lot of information thats coming out now, victor, from various iranian authorities. But first and foremost from the revolutionary guard corps which of course operates the air Defense System in this country. There was a press Conference Ahead of the revolution guard corps where he not only said he had requested for the airspace not to be closed but also no flights to be grounded. No flights being allowed to take off from civilian aircraft in the country. But the people authorized to make that request never followed through on that and thats why the airspace was still open. They also gave more information as to what happened that morning, when that plane was shot down. They said that they were expecting some sort of counterattack from the u. S. After obviously hitting that base that arwa was just at with ballistic missiles. They said that they were seeing things on their radar that led them to get to the highest form of alert that they have here had in this country. Basically, all of the air defenses were on a war footing as they put it. Then the Ukrainian Airlines came here the irgc facilities and was there mistaken for a Cruise Missile and then shot down. Mistakenly shot down, obviously. And the commander of that air defense battery tried to ask his superiors to give the go ahead. He couldnt reach them. They say he had ten seconds to make that decision. Ultimately made that decision to shoot that plane down. They said by wednesday, told the authorities that they had fired surfacetoair missiles. However, the military then started an internal investigation. So a civilian, people looking into that air crash, didnt know about the fact that the military had shot the airplane now. Now this information is coming out, as you can imagine, iranian politicians are issuing apologies. Theyre taken aback by this. The president Hassan Rouhani called this an unjustifiable mistake. Theres criticisms as the country is trying to get to grips with it at the same time issuing apologies internationally as well, guys. So much going on, fred pleitgen, thank you for walking us through it. Scott mclean is in kyiv. What are you hearing from the ukrainians. Reporter hey, victor, this airline, Ukraine Airlines said precious little over the past couple of days, they held a press conference initially and gone radio silence since until today. They came prepared to answer that fundamental question about why the aircraft decided to take off in the first place. They went through pains to explain this was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They even gave a slide show to explain that the plane had followed its appropriate flight path and nothing improper gudon. The only thing it was delayed to reduce the weight. The airline is calling on iran to accept full responsibility without reservation, saying that they should have closed the airport. And you mentioned earlier even the commander of the iranian arrerospace is saying that this flight did everything right. And he had asked the iranian authorities to close the airspace given the tensions and they had declined. My question to them, is why, given the failures of iranians authorities to warn any commercial aircraft of potential dangers or ukrainian authorities to do the same, why they should continue to trust the authorities in the first place, and not do their own research. Anyone paying attention at that time would have known just a few hours earlier there were Iranian Missile strikes at u. S. Targets into iraq. And clearly, tension has reached their peak. They said, look, they trust the international system. And theyre going to continue to. What they no longer trust is the iranian system, and thats why theyre not going to fly there for the time being. One other point to make, victor, and thats about compensation. This was asked several times by a lot of the local reporters, especial lly here that ukraine. They said the Ukrainian Government is, woulding with iran on some kind of a Compensation Scheme with the airline to support that. But they would not work on dolling out any type of compensation on their own. Some of this takes some time. Scott mclean there. Thank you so much. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been critical all week. Thats where we find paula newton right now. How are canadian officials, paula, responds to the latest news this morning . Reporter well, as soon as he saw the apology from iran. The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau put out a statement saying, look, he expects a full, transparent investigation, thats what the victims deserve. Thats what their families deserve. Christi, im here in front of a memorial here in toronto, there are memorials across the country. Ive heard a lot of anger from iranian canadians, they believe had canada and other countries not pushed so hard for this kind of evidence. The fact that trudeau actually went on the front foot on thursday to actually put the evidence in front of the world, they fear that iran would have never admitted to this. Theres a lot of anger here, right away, when they saw the facts on the ground, they did not say, look, were investigating, were going to see if theres a possibility. And its those denials that angers this community right now. At the same time that theyre trying to mourn. We know from canadian officials theyre trying to get to iran. That has not been easy. They havent had a lot of visas granted. These are loved ones here in canada, trying to repatriot and by bury their loved ones. As investigators move forward with their own investigators to to have a look at the black boxes, as scott was saying, in tehran, the Iranian Airline has a lot of questions. And those are questions. And the Prime Minister here underscoring that, look, this is a National Tragedy and canada wants in on this investigation, especially now that ire ran has admitted its responsible. Paula newton there in toronto, thank you. In a new interview, President Trump is defending the air strike that killed qassem soleimani. Kristin holmes is following the late latest. And reveals what he believes the iranian general was targeting, is that right . Thats right, christi, just to take a step back here, these remarks are coming at a time when the administration is facing an enormous amount of pressure from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to release whatever evidence the administration had to essentially take out the number two person in power in iran. All about the justification. What was the legal legal, constitutional justification here that led them to these u. S. Air strikes which, of course, we know had had a trickledown effect because of that. Now, weve heard so many conflicting stories. Weve heard National Security adviser say that the threat was imminent, immediate. Weve heard them say its not a matter of days or weeks over the unclarified time line here, so lots of confusion. And President Trump has added to that with the question of what exactly was the threat. On thursday, President Trump said that the threat was soleimani was going to blow up the embassy in baghdad. Then later on thursday, the president elaborated saying it wasnt just attacks on baghdad and that embassy, but it was also other embassies. And then he said this last night. Dont the American People have the right to know what specifically was targeted without revealing methods and sources . Well, i dont think so. But we will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in baghdad. So they have largescale attacks planned for other embassies, and if they were planned, why cant we reveal that to the American People . Wouldnt that help your case . Well, i can reveal, that i believe it would have been four embassies. So four other embassies. Thats the first time were hearing that number. Heres why a lot of lawmakers are scratching their heads. We know that some of President Trumps top advisers were on capitol hill earlier in the week, essentially giving a briefing as to why the strikes were necessary. Those Lawmakers Said they never heard anything about the embassy attacks, the four possible plots to take out the u. S. Embassies. So a lot of questions as to where exactly this came from. And if this is true, why they werent briefed from the Top Administration officials. Kristen holmes, thank you for keeping us updated. Appreciate it. President trump says he would move to block former National Security adviser john bolton from testifying in the impeachment trial. Were speaking with 2020 candidate Michael Bennet this morning about the president s threat and impending trial. And i dont know if youve opened the door yet, a morning run, or maybe let the dog out, theres a triple storm threat out there today. Were talking about conditions that could lead to power outages, already seeing some of those. And major damage for a good chunk of the country. Well give you the latest. Knowing youre on the right path isnt always easy. Thats why its important to be prepared for anything life brings. At fidelity, well help you build a clear plan for retirement. One that covers health care costs, taxes, and any other uncertainties while still giving you the flexibility to make changes to your plan as often as you need. 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Joining us now is senator Michael Bennet of colorado who serves on the Intelligence Committee and also 2020 candidate for president. Senator, welcome back. Thanks, victor, good to hear your voice. Lets start here. The president said he believes that soleimani was targeting four embassies. Were you told anything matching that specificity in the briefing that happened this week . Ive been told nothing matching that specificity in the briefings, not remotely. I would have thought if that were the truth, we would have heard that in the very first briefing that we had. And not only did we not hear it then, we have to wait until the president goes on fox news three or four days later for his latest justification. So, i doubt very much theres any intelligence that supports what the president is now saying. But if there is, its intelligence that only he has seen, and no one else in the federal government has seen. Do you believe him . I dont believe him. So you believe the president is lying in his justification to support yeah. The strike . Yeah, which is thought unusual for him. I mean, he he lies when it would be easier to tell the truth. And this is i hope this isnt one of those cases. But based on the intelligence that ive seen, theres absolutely nothing in there to justify what the president is now using three or four days after the attack to justify the attack. And why this matters is not that soleimani was a good or terrible person. He was a terrible person. And he did terrible damage to the united states. The question is, are the American People safer today by the actions of this impetus, nonstrategic and i would say weak president . And i would say that americans are not safer in the middle east or in the united states. Let me get your reaction to something that Iranian Foreign minister javad zarif tweeted out. He tweeted this in reference to the plane being shot down and iran accepting responsibility. In part he writes, human error at a time of crisis caused by u. S. Adventurism led to disaster. Whats your thought on that . I dont think the u. S. Bears any responsibility for that. The iranians should not have shot down that airplane, accidentally or not. Im glad they seem to be taking responsibility for it. They shouldnt be trying to push it off on the united states. And i hope that the families who have lost loved ones will receive some some compensation for what happened to them. So, this week, former National Security adviser john bolton said if subpoenaed he would testify in the Senate Impeachment trial. We heard from President Trump that he will likely invoke executive privilege. What should democrats do to try to still get the testimony from john bolton . Well, we got to keep fighting for it. And i hope i hope well succeed. I mean, bolton has said hell testify. I think there will be 51 votes in the senate to have bolton testify. That obviously will require more than just democrats some republicans as well. And its just an amazing thing. The inconsistency of this president , two weeks ago, he was saying he didnt care whether bolton testified because he said bolton didnt know anything about what was going on and now i apologize for jumping in. Weve got a bit of a delay here. Youre hearing me after. And im hearing you probably a little later. But are you saying youre confident you have 51 votes to get bolton to testify . And if the president invokes executive privilege, should democrats fight this out that court as we saw House Democrats were not willing to do . Well, first of all, im not confident of anything. Im not sure whats going to happen. I hope there will be 51 votes to get bolton to testify. If he wont testify, i think we should fight it out in court. You know, the president has made this ridiculous claim of executive privilege thats kept people who are obligated in my view, under the constitution to testify in congressional oversight hearing. He has you know, thumbing his nose, not just at congress, but at the American People who want to know the facts of what happened here. And thats why, over 70 of the American People say they want witnesses. They say they want documents in this trial. I do not think that donald trump is not going to be able to stonewall the democrats or the American People. Senator, lets turn to 2020, since your last conversation here on new day saturday you have launched your real day agenda, a long list of mostly domestic programs. 6 trillion price tag over a decade. One of the ways in which you say that youre going to pay for it by enacting comprehensive immigration reform. You were a member of the 2013 gang of eight, bipartisan senators who got at least legislation through the senate. And your estimate is that will save 400 billion. Let me ask you about that number. When senator Elizabeth Warren released her plan to may pour medicare for all back in november, you said thats not going to happen. She said shes going to pay for in part from the 4 billion from savings from comprehensive immigration reform. This is what other members of the gang of eight from 2013 said about her use of 400 billion from immigration reform. This from dick durbin, a democrat. There was a lot of money involved but we had it directed toward a certain purpose. Another senator, senator menendez. Getting that done and getting the savings are two different things. The question is if her numbers didnt work, why wouldnt the 400 billion work in your plan . I actually dont think its unre unreliable. We used 46 billion for pay for border security. And everybody including donald trump has forgotten about. And it would save the amount of money that i claimed in the plan that i proposed over a tenyear period. But the senators with that number. But the gang of eight say those numbers arent working. Republicans were less generous with their criticisms. But you hear from senator menendez, getting the savings and getting it done are two different things. Do you think that 400 billion is going to work in your plan when they didnt think it would work in hers . Yeah. No, i actually think its real. The big difference between Elizabeth Warrens plan and my plan is that my plan adds up to 6 trillion. Her plan adds up to 41 trillion which is almost all the money were going to spend over the next ten years anyway. And thats the whole point of the real deal. Its to show that we can have a progressive set of policies that add up to about 6 trillion. That we can pay for those policies. And theyre policies that we can run on in purple states and win the senator majority which is what we need to be doing instead of making a bunch of empty promises which i think is going to breed more cynicism among the American People. I stand by the number its go ahead, victor. Finally, senator, im running out of time here. Youve been in the race for eight months now. Iowa is a little more than three weeks away. New hampshire is exactly one month away. Campaign adviser told cnn, quote, for him, dthe do or die moment for everything is iowa. Weve got a new cnn poll out just in the last few hours, where youre facing less than a half percent choosing you as first choice. 10 , 1 of respondents. And 6 are actually considering, youve held more in the case. And the latest New Hampshire monmouth poll has you at 2 . What do you need to do differently in the final weeks to get into contention to win either the caucuses, or the primary . Yeah, i appreciate that. I mean, were making progress in the polling in New Hampshire. And i think we need to keep doing what were doing. Im engaged in doing 50 town halls. One right after the next, just like my friend john mccain used to do and some others have done. And theres a history of people catching on in the last couple of weeks. Thats what i need to do. I didnt get in the race as one of the better known candidates but i do think ive got a better set of plans. One of the two candidates who has won two swing elections. I know how to take on donald trump the way the other candidates just dont. This is not a laydown, victor, for sure. But our state, we cant afford to lose to this person again, donald trump. We never should have lost to him the last time. And if we lose to him again, its going to be shame on us. But more importantly than that, its going to be misery for the next generation of americans and people coming after that. I think we all have to do our part. Senator Michael Bennet, good to have you on new day. Thanks, victor, good to be here. Cnn is the place to be for the next democratic president ial debate in partnership with the des moines register. Its on tuesday, 9 00 p. M. Eastern, only on cnn. We have a cnn exclusive for you inside the Al Asad Air Base inside of iraq. That was the base hit with more than a dozen ballistic missiles. Our arwa damon is there. Beautiful dreamer wake unto me Beautiful Dreamer awake unto me theres a booking for every resolution. Book yours, at booking. Com theres a booking for every resolution. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ two years ago, my wife and i were over 50k in debt. Through sofis help refinancing we paid off all that debt. Now were debt free and visiting places like this. Thank you guys because the tempurbreeze™makes stransfers heat. Away from your body. 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The missile strikes on iraqi bases housing u. S. Troops. Now, the military says it was expecting a counterattack and mistook the commercial jet for a hostile target. And the future of u. S. Troops in iraq is in question this morning, after the iraqi Prime Minister asked secretary of state mike pompeo to start that process of withdrawal. State department dismissed is the request saying troops are crucial for the fight against isis. U. S. Troops are stationed at the Al Asad Air Base that was hit with more than a dozen ballistic missiles. And missiles hit areas of the base that were not occupied by troops. However, Cnn Senior International correspondent arwa damon was the first journalist to gain access to the base. She joins us now from there with more of her exclusively reporting. Reporter these used to be living quarters, this is where the troops would sleep. At least one of the areas. There is almost nothing left. Nothing that was salvageable, we were told. The crater itself impacted over here. And it was one of ten impacts that happened. Being here, its truly extraordinary how anyone managed to survive it. There were no casualties. When you look at the destruction and then hearing of the stories of the close calls of the her c heroics. What were now learning there was advance warning to a certain degree. They knew something was going to happen, they just didnt know what. At about at 11 00 p. M. At night, those that were able to go to their bunkers, went to the bunkers, but there are still troops out manning posts. But because of the security situation, they had to stay at. So people were beginning to take shelter in iran at around 11 00 p. M. And at 1 34, thats when the first impact happened. A lot of those who we are talking to are saying that it was unlike anything they had ever imagined. Of course, on the one hand, the training does kick in. But at the end of the day, this is a terrifying experience, a terrifying situation. Our thanks to arwa damon for that exclusive report from the al asad base. President trump, his Senate Impeachment trial could start this week. Will any witnesses be called to the stand . That is the big question, Everyone Wants to know. Well talk about it. Eetings, er. Now im running for me. Ive always dreamed of seeing the world. But im not chasing my dream anymore. I made a Financial Plan to live it. Every day. At Northwestern Mutual, our version of Financial Planning helps you live your dreams today. Find a Northwestern Mutual advisor at nm dot com. The first fdaapproved tremfya® can help adults helps you live your dreams today. With moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. In another study, the majority of tremfya® patients saw 90 clearer skin at 3 years. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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You cant be in the white house as president , future, im talking future president s, and have a security adviser, anybody having to do with security are you invobking executive privilege . Well, i think you have to for the sake of the office. Remember, john bolton said he would testify. Joining us politics and white house editor for axios. Margo, what is the reaction of the president saying for the sake of the office, this is why i would do this . Yeah, well, when President Trump talks about the continuity in office and how things should be done and always should be done, how the president says hell make his own rules, just a couple days ago, the president suggested he would not stop the senate. That would be a decision up to Mitch Mcconnell. So, looks like hes get something advice from his lawyers here. Hes been a little inconsistent in how he would approach this. I also would just say, everybody has kind of different irons in the fire here. Theres been a lot of legal disagreement about whether john boltons intention in doing this was to testify, or to prevent himself from testifying, by insta gaitii instigating the predictable result. And remember, john bolton has a book coming out, doesnt want to be accused pulling back during the impeachment process and then putting it all in the book. Democrats have argued for or against certain witnesses. Republicans have played this different ways. You can read a lot of tea leaves and completely diverging views of how it is going to be. But the question is is there going to be witness testimony and mcconnell has not answered that question. We dont know what the intentions are of bolton. But we also dont know what hes going to say. Some people think hes going to get up there and Say Something disastrous for the president. At the same time, hes seen as somebody who was very loyal. He could get up there and support the president , yes . Thats absolutely true. This is purely hypothetical. I think to some extent, it depends on what hes asked. But the real question is even if john bolton thought that the ukraine process was a drug deal, as we learned from other people that he said at the time, it doesnt mean that he believes its an Impeachable Offense for the president. And ultimately, thats the ultimate political question, here, that is on trial in the political context. My guess is well never find out. But if im wrong, we will cover it with rapped attention. Absolutely. Michael, people wonder about the necessity of executive privilege. A lot of people think isnt that reserved for times when National Security could be at risk, is that applicable here . The executive privilege is an important thing because it allows to some protection when the have the president talks to his or her advisers. It is a necessary thing. And i think its a little bit of a farce. And this may be the first time that the president in his term is worried about sort of protecting the office of presidency. Essentially, it exists for a reason. He has used it, though, as sort of a cloak to obstruct his behavior by blocking witnesses and then claiming they should come out. And blocking documents by agencies for congressional subpoenas and effectively thumbing his nose at the political branches of government. Hes used it for that and thats nature what its meant for. Its meant to have a discussion of risk and reality of protections on the ground. I know the expectation is that the senate is going to begin an impeachment trial next week. And certainly, these articles are going to be transferred there. But nancy pelosi, Speaker Pelosi has said she believes there has been a benefit to holding on to these articles. Sure. Of impeachment. Which is something shes been criticized for as well. Do you see anyplace where this holding of the articles have favored the democrats . I think so. And i think its really favored the American People more than anything else because its allowed new information to come out. We saw since the passage of the initial articles that there was new information coming out, new emails, sort detailing the withholding of aid and the timing of that sequence when that occurred, thats important. Its also a chance for people like Susan Collins and romney and murkowski and other senators that we dont to make decisions that would ultimately be until favor of witnesses. And letting them hear from home whether or not their constituents want to hear about that. Margaret, your thoughts as well, he just mentioned romney and murkowski and Susan Collins. And even those who have questioned some of the processes here, they have said, lets move on with this. I mean, how solid is Mitch Mcconnell moving into this stage . Well, theres two questions. And one is nancy pelosi able to get the outcomes that she said she wanted by delaying the articles of impeachment, going over to the senate. And the other question is, was she able to extract for political benefit or change the discussion or the way American Voters perceive it. I think the answer to the first question appears to be no. It looks like the articles will go over there without having that leverage, where republican senators suddenly got on board with democrats and, you know, forced john bolton to testify. But to the second question, an impeachment is ultimately a political tool. The question is did nancy pelosi get anything out of this process . And the answer is, yes, were still talking about impeachment three weeks later. And the president has not yet been able to take that victory lap saying hes been completely exonerated. So democrats and nancy pelosi feel they did get something out of this, but now it looks like the process will move forward next week. Well see what happens, margaret, michael, so grateful for both of you. Thank you. Still ahead, breaking news. Another aftershock in puerto rico. Well speak with a reporter there. People running outside of homes, theyre running out of hotels as well. Well get you the latest. Lactos so you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. mom vo we got a subaru to give him some ato reconnect and be together. And once we did that, we realized his greatest adventure is just beginning. vo welcome to the most adventurous outback ever. The allnew subaru outback. Go where love takes you. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Breaking news. The u. S. Geological survey reports a preliminary 6. 0 aftershock this morning off the coast of puerto rico. This latest aftershock is happening agency t ing as the i been rattled by a series of them. Leaving a lot of people without power, theyre sleeping outdoor, jutted becau just because theyre afraid the buildings are going to collapse on them. Maria, thank you so much, were glad youre okay. We understand you felt the quake this morning. Help us understand what the shock was like . Reporter yeah, it was a pretty strong aftershock. It was a 6. 0, remember, the one that caused all of that damage that toppled homes and caused destruction was a 6. 4. There was a lot of worry here. I was at the hotel, our crew was here, starting our day. And the floor started shaking and the windows and doors of the hotel were rattling, swaying in and out, back and forth. At that moment, people just started running outside of the hotel. Were talking about tourists an also the workers that were there get. There was a little bit of a panic. It lasted, i would say, about 10 to 15 seconds, but it was definitely the strongest aftershock that we had felt since we had been here. Im telling you, just to tell you, this is has been a constant for the people of puerto rico since about december 28th, constant aftershocks of, you know, of varying degrees of magnitude. But they have been felt throughout the island. And that is why, the anxiety and the fear and just the emotional state of people here so affected. Because its something that they have been dealing with now for weeks. All right, Maria Santana there in ponce, puerto rico. Lets bring in allison chinchar. Allison, kind of map it out for us. And draw the Bigger Picture that weve scenes since december 28th. Yeah, its called a swarm. When you get a series of those quakes, its called a swarm since december 28th. Pretty much the nonstoping shaking of the ground. Puerto rico sits on a series of tectonic plates. All of those dots that you see there, the yellow and the orange one and the red ones, indicate each individual quake that weve had. Now, the red one, thats the one that we just had this morning. The 6. 0 at a depth of 10 kilometers which is about six miles. That is very shallow in geological terms. It may not sound like it, but it is. The closer to the surface the more violent the shaking can be felt. That it sounds like, at least in that particular region, that was the case. People were feeling that as they were getting up starting their day. Allison chinchar, thanks for jumping in on the breaking news out of puerto rico. Still to come, new sex crime charges filed against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. Now charges in this trial in new york, as it begins, the wild week ahead. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Well make sure you can cover the essentials, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when you have a retirement partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Heres wishing you the bluest sky jury selection in the Harvey Weinstein trial began this week. Hes on trial for laemallege raping a woman in 2015. Sexual assaulting a woman in 2006. Now, shes facing charges in l. A. Creator of the me too campaign is watching this very closely. She is with us right now. Thank you for being back with us. Thank you. When you watch this, i want to put up a tweet that you had tweeted out earlier this week. I believe it was a retweet that you wrote or you tweeted at least 100 silence breakers who bravely came forward to report Harvey Weinsteins sexual misconduct, being him brought to justice, were in awe of their bravery and full of gratitude. I really dont want people to conflate this case with the movement. People call it an indictment of how the movement moves forward. We have to remember this is a singular case and its also a miracle for someone like Harvey Weinstein to see the inside of a courtroom. So its important for him to be account only and for the survives to see their squeaking up meant something. Whether he comes out of this a free man or goes to jail, we still have movement and thousands of millions of survivors to support. So whats important is that hes held accountable. But the outcome of the trial is not the outcome of the movement. Such a good point. His lead lawyer is a woman, she specializes in sex cases. She said my Biggest Issue is that notion that because women make a claim that it must be true. This notion that corroboration is and under the system of justice to be questioned and crocsened. That doesnt mean were horrible people. But i have a right to do my job. How do you balance supporting a claim waiting with the Legal Process to come full circle because shes right, you have to have that process move through freely without blinding believing somebody . I think somebody people who come forward on Sexual Violence are not believed at all. When we say believe survivors, that means investigate the claim, take it seriously, treat it with the respect that its due. And we want to see people, these things investigated. We want to see the criminal process happen, if thats the choice of the survivor. As not saying that anybody that comes forward and says this happens that its absolutely true, but dont shut a person down and dismiss it before you investigate. I think people conflate that. And say any woman who says this you have to believe her and throw the person in jail. Thats not what anybody is saying. They just need to investigate it. Need to be heard. Need to be heard. Tarana burke, we appreciate your voice. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Weve got more news straight ahead. Of course, the breaking news that iran has now accepted responsibility for shooting down the Ukraine Airline flight 752. Killing all 176 people on board. Were hearing from the ukrainians, were hearing also from the canadians as they call for full and complete investigation. Our reporters are stretched across the world getting the latest information. Were also watching puerto rico with this aftershock, and we just heard from our reporter on the ground there. Youre going to hear more from her, about what theyre experiencing agency she tas shet it being terrifying. Smerconish is with you next. Im Michael Smerconish in philadelphia. President ial candidate Pete Buttigieg is being hammered for seemingly blaming President Trump for the downing of Ukraine International flight 752 that killed all 176 on board. Iran just admitted that it mistakenly shot down the plane on wednesday january 8th, just hours after iran fired more than a dozen missiles at u. S. Forces in iraq. Five days after u. S. Drones took out general qassem soleimani. The missiles fired into iraq were sent in the middle of the night about 2 00 a. M. Local time. Plane was shot down after it took off from tehran at 6 12 a. M. Buttigieg tweeted this,

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